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First time I volunteer to go bareIt was back in late middle school early high school. I was doing a summer course at a different city school. One day I get out of the shower and my locker was cleared out. Someone told me that it was put out in the hall. With a towel that barely stayed tucked I went to look out and didn’t see anything. One of the guys who were left came out as I did and said there’s a towel bin down the hall. So I got the guts to walk down there to look, I left the door a bit open to stay unlatched so I could get back in. I heard people in the halls above. I went to look at the end of the hall closes to me and look and didn’t see the bin. I even peeked up the few steps and didn’t see it there either. I here people coming my way so I ducked in by the classroom as people up in the near by section walked by and didn’t even look.I then heard doors shutting inside the class room and then one down the hall, I started to panic and then felt the door move I ran for the closes door which was the one from the locker room. In my panic run my towel dropped but I kept running. As I went to grab the other door it was pulled shut and locked. So I turned and went to get my towel and other students were coming down the step towards the class. My only other choice was to try the other end of the hall which was a do or die because there wasn’t any place to hide in. So I darted down the hallway to the long flight of stairs and went up to look. I thought I saw the bin but couldn’t get far enough to see for sure, so I slowly made my way up to the upper level to see. There was a very open hallway and I could be seen ordu escort running if someone came. Time past I finally got to the bin and it was empty. I heard people coming from that open hall way so I went the opposite way to only hear others in the room talking and I stuck by without being seen. I saw another bin in the entrance area to back of the school. There would be no hiding there so I waited to see if anyone was down there and finally went for it. Half way down I heard others coming up so I went back up. As I ran by the commons areas I saw that people were in there and they said did you just see that? So I kept going back toward the long steps but people were in the open hall and those in the Commons I heard were coming to. Full panic was set in, stuck nude in a hall in a school wasn’t good. I saw an open empty locker and jumped in a shut it enough not to latch it. I watched as they went by and heard them talking about a streaker and etc. Long time went by before I got out. I ran as fast as I could to the bin only to find my stuff wasn’t int there, so I went back to the locker room only to find the door was shut. So I went back to the bin and grab something to cover up with and 2 students walked out of the class room and saw me. I darted back to the locker room door to hide in hopes I wasn’t seen. I heard one student yell there’s a naked guy down here and told the other to go through the lockers so I ran for the steps. I heard others on the upper level ask what’s going on and and the person who saw part of me told them there’s a naked guy in here. Pinned there I was running out of options fast ordu escort bayan they asked my name and I didn’t answer. I did my best on staying out of view. I finally made a run for that open hallway and kept running until I didn’t hear anyone. I gathered my thought and realised I got myself stuck in the middle of the school fullly naked. So I moved my way to the less popular area of the school. Hour went by and it was late. I walked down a dead hall and saw people coming this way, so I went into a near by door. Door closed and it was pitch black in there. I couldn’t even see my hands. Tried every door but they were locked Even the one I came in with. Bit went by and others came in, I made noise by accident and was caught. No one could see, when asked what I was doing. Not sure why but told them it was a prank and if I didn’t get caught by them by a certain time I won money. I was looking for a good hiding spot. They told me a good spot and said what do we get if we tell them where you’re at. I told please don’t. I’d do whatever they wanted. Still not able to see anything they said we’ll hid you but let’s make sure you don’t go anywhere until we check to see if they are gone. I thought it wasn’t too bad it’s dark they can’t see me so I said ok. So there’s a rope wall here climb up and grab the poles to the right and climb out on there. No one will look there, when I did that the person I followed said to make sure you don’t leave here. My hands were tied to pole, and they said they’d be right back. Hands apart I waited and waited. I thought to myself I wish I didn’t tell my mom that I was staying escort ordu at a friend’s. Time went on and I was getting tired and sore. So I went to move around and slipped, for a sec I thought the fall was going to break something till the rope that was tied to each of my hands stopped me. Unable to swing enough to get my feet on to something I was stuck there hanging. What seemed ages they finally came back and said you lied there’s no one here, I told that I slipped and was hanging here, their reply was good. You know around here we don’t take to being lied and promise something and not getting what is owed. So give us your shoes or else, told em that someone took them already. At this point I asked what I had to do to get them to untie me and let me go. They said let’s find a light switch I told don’t make it more fun not seeing, as they lowered me they said they heard about a streaker earlier and then ran into people whom might have seen it. They told me that there a reward if he is found. So we thought about you , we let you down you strip to your underwear and we tell them we found you. That’s when I told em the truth but not before they promised not to tell anyone and I’d be in their debt. They agreed and I told em that I was that guy they were looking for. Told them I’d take their punishment if they don’t say anything. So they agreed. They said double the reward and we’ll leave clothes for you by the locker room. Bring the money on Monday or else. I told em I will you know it’s me or not. They said by this. Grab a foot tied that and grab the other then I felt them take each away from me and then the poles I was already tied to raised back upp pulling me till stretching. You give up we leave you here. They each took turns slapping and whipping me a before untied me and left. The clothes were there waiting and I went home in the dark.

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