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For your next masturbatin sessionBoston Toy Party (Ff mf Mf toys group) The week passed in a blink of an eye. I’d spent most of the day Thursday cooking a weekend’s worth of meals for Ramon and my stepbrothers, taping notes to the casserole dishes with times and temperatures for heating them in the oven. The laundry was done, I’d mopped the floors and cleaned the bathrooms, and I went to sleep that night feeling like Cinderella, waiting for her fairy godmother to take her to the ball in her silver Mercedes. Julia picked me up early so we’d arrive before noon. She had a 2 o’clock meeting downtown, and this would give us time to check into the hotel and have lunch. I threw my overnight bag in the back seat and climbed in next to her, leaning over to give her a kiss. “Excited, dear?” “Yes, very,” I replied. Julia put the car in gear and we headed for the highway. It was a long drive, but it wasn’t boring. We talked the whole way, about everything and nothing. I learned a lot about Julia, that she was born in London and her parents shipped her over to the U.S. in 1940 because of the Blitz, how she’d lost her accent in boarding school, her college years at Radcliffe and the Sorbonne. She met her husband while she was at Yale, working on her doctorate in French literature. She married and never finished her thesis, having moved to Boston with her new husband instead. “You never had c***dren?” I asked. “Sadly, no. We went to a score of doctors and specialists, but it seems that I am ‘barren’, as they once called it.” “I’m sorry,” I said, reaching out for her hand. “No need to be,” she said, “My husband was wonderful. This was grounds for divorce back then, but he said he’d made a vow ‘in sickness and in health’. We’d meant to adopt someday, but he worked such long hours and I was always so busy with this charity or that foundation.” I was about to say something, but the city appeared when we crested a hill, taking the words from my mouth. “It’s a lovely view, isn’t it?” she said. “Beautiful.” “We’ll be there soon enough.” It was well past rush hour, and we were there in no time at all. Julia pulled up in front of the Ritz-Carlton and the doorman took our bags from the back seat, loading them on a tall brass trolley and taking them into the lobby. Another man in a white shirt and black bow tie parked the car for us. We walked into the lobby and Julia steered me towards the front desk. A few minutes later we were in our room. The bellhop brought in our bags and graciously accepted Julia’s tip, bowing crisply before shutting the door behind him. “It’s beautiful,” I said, looking over the room. There was a marvelous view of the city with the Public Garden and the Commons spread out below. Julia came up behind me and kissed my neck as I looked out the window. “Yes, it is,” she said. “Come, let’s take some lunch. There’s a wonderful cafe that I’m sure you’ll love.” We dined outside at a sidewalk cafe a block away from the hotel and then took a taxi downtown to the law firm that served as legal counsel for one of the charitable foundations that Julia served as a trustee. I waited in the reception area while she disappeared down a long walnut-paneled corridor, accompanied by a secretary. There was a panoramic view of the city, and I watched the sailboats on the Charles while I waited. Julia returned a few minutes later and we took a taxi back to the hotel so she could change from her charcoal-gray suit into something a bit more summery, a pale yellow dress and a broad-brimmed straw hat. “Let’s go shopping,” she said. We worked our way down Newbury Street, stopping at every store and boutique. Even though I’d brought clothes for the whole weekend, Julia insisted on buying me three new outfits, shoes, lingerie, and even a sequined clutch purse, though I had nothing to put in it except my house keys and my diaphragm. Laden with bags, we had to take a taxi back to the hotel. “Thank you, Julia,” I said, as I unwrapped my new clothes and accessories. I was holding an ivory silk chemise to my face, holding the cool, smooth fabric against my cheek. Julia embraced me from behind and kissed the top of my head. “We have a couple of hours to relax, then we’re having dinner at the Cabots’,” Julia said, stepping out of her dress. “Shall we have a bottle of wine sent up and take a nice hot bubble bath?” The bathtub was big enough for both of us, and I sat between her legs, her erect nipples rubbing against my back as she fondled my soapy breasts. Her hands roamed lower, finding my sex and teasing my clitty. I squirmed and moaned between her legs as she brought me to a climax in the warm, frothy bathwater. I wanted to return the favor, but we had to get dressed for dinner. Julia helped me into my first garter belt, a lacy black number that matched the bra and panty set she’d bought me that day, showing me how to attach the garter tabs to the tops of the stockings. I slipped into my first pair of heels, walking a bit unsteadily at first. I had just zipped up my new black cocktail dress when Julia reached into her suitcase and produced a small blue velvet box. “My late husband gave me these when we were still dating. I’d like you to have them,” she said, opening the box and pulling out a pearl choker. Inside the box were matching pearl earrings. “Julia, I…I couldn’t,” I stammered. “They’re too nice.” “You deserve them, then,” she said, clasping the choker around my neck and helping me put on the earrings. She stood behind me as I looked in the full-length mirror. She wore a simple black sheath dress and a single strand of pearls. “They’re beautiful. Thank you, Julia.” “You’re beautiful,” she said, brushing my hair back and kissing me on the neck. “Thank you,” I repeated, turning around and kissing her on the lips. “Careful,” she laughed, “we mustn’t smear our lipstick. Come, let’s not keep the Cabots waiting.” I wish I could say that dinner was exciting, but for the most part it was pretty tedious. The Cabots were a blueblood couple in their nineties, ensconced in a Beacon Hill manse that could have doubled as a mausoleum. Julia introduced me as her niece for propriety’s sake, and we sat down to a nine-course meal, attended by manservants and maids in formal uniforms. As I picked at the main course, something that had once been a small bird I supposed, I tried to picture Ramon, Del, and Paco in this situation. At that very moment, they were eating dinner, beef stew with rice and beans that I had prepared for them during the week. Del would have made some snide remark about the fact that there were four forks, two knives, and three spoons at each placesetting. Paco would have eaten the main course with his hands. Ramon would have belched loudly and poured himself some more wine. Wine. Maybe I looked older than thirteen in my cocktail dress, pearls, and makeup. Maybe it didn’t matter that I was thirteen. The Cabots’ servants kept filling my glass either way. I felt giddy and light-headed, even though I’d drunk rum with Ramon before. It was a good thing that the Cabots never addressed me directly; I would have tripped over my tongue. Throughout dinner I just swilled my wine and looked at the paintings that lined the room. Coffee was served after dinner, and I began to sober up a bit. Mr. Cabot retired to another room to smoke a cigar, while Mrs. Cabot took Julia into the “sitting room”, whatever that was, to show off some expensive work of art she’d recently acquired. I suppose I should have followed, but I needed another cup of coffee of I was going to be able to walk the four long blocks back to the Ritz. Out of nowhere, a servant appeared with a carafe to refill my cup. Julia returned, along with the Cabots, and we bid farewell the them and their mausoleum. I held Julia’s hand to steady myself as we negotiated the brick sidewalks on the way back to the hotel. Back in our room, Julia helped me out of my dress and I flopped down on my bed. “You had a bit much to drink, my dear,” she said, slipping out of her dress and sitting on the edge of the bed. Like me, she wore a black lace bra and panty set, with a matching garter belt holding up her stockings. “I’m sorry, Julia.” I felt ashamed. I’d disappointed her. “Don’t be, dear,” she said, leaning down to kiss me on the lips. “The Cabots are so dreadfully boring. I did the same thing when I was a newlywed and attended my first dinner there. But you held your wine well.” She kissed me on the forehead. “You’re not angry?” “On the contrary,” she said, “I’m proud of you. You didn’t end up swinging from the chandelier like I did.” “Let’s make love,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around her and nibbling on her earlobe. “Let me have a glass of wine or two first. I think I need to catch up with you,” she said, laughing. Julia poured me a glass, too, but I had to promise to sip this one. I caught a glimpse of our reflections in the full-length mirror on the wall, two women in black lingerie and heels, sipping wine in a room in the Ritz. I felt as if I was crossing a threshold into the secret world of adults. “You look lovely in black lace,” Julia said, embracing me as we gazed at our reflection. “I wish I looked as lovely as you,” I said. There was something about the way Julia walked, the way she carried herself, the way she entered a room that I envied. Noble. That was the word. Queen Julia. I wanted to be her princess. There was nothing particularly noble about what we did next. But it was satisfying all the same. We slow danced to the music of the traffic that rose from the streets below and floated in through the open windows. Taking off our bras, we swayed together, breast-to-breast, sharing brief kisses that were like pearls on a string. Soon enough, we were both in bed, our discarded panties laying next to us, but still wearing our garter belts and stockings. There was something about the way our legs felt when they touched, how the sheer black material gave us both a slippery second skin. As I curled up between Julia’s legs, my tender nipples slid across the insides of her stocking-clad thighs, sending a small shiver up my spine. My lips lingered on the exposed part of her thighs, above her hosiery, before homing in on her sex. I d****d her legs over my shoulders as I began to pleasure her, gently nipping at her labia with my teeth. I parted her delicate flower with my tongue, probing her depths and tasting her sweet nectar before moving up to tease her pearl from its hiding place. Julia’s hips began their own slow dance as my tongue gently lashed her, and she began to give her passion a voice. Her quiet sighs became a persistent moan, reaching a crescendo when she came. I felt her thighs tense and relax, her hips speed up and slow down, and then she was still. The dance was over. “Oh, Annie,” she whispered, taking my hand in hers and gently pulling me on top of her. “Julia…,” was all I could say before we kissed. I wanted to say more, to pledge my undying love, but I was afraid it would break the spell, chase the magic feeling away. I could only hope that her heart knew what my lips could not speak. Then it was her turn to make me sing. I lay on my back as she teased my nipples, lightly grazing them with her teeth just as I had done with her petals. I began to squirm with anticipation as her kisses moved down my body, feeling a fire in my loins that only she could put out. She cupped my bottom in her hands and brought my sex up to her mouth, drinking from my chalice as if it contained some magic elixir. She began with small, delicate sips, shallow dips of the tongue and soft nibbles. I began to feel as if I was floating above the bed upon a cushion of air. Julia’s hands roamed freely over my body, caressing my thighs, tracing the curve of my hips, the swell of my breasts, her fingertips leaving a tingling wake behind them. Her tempo increased almost imperceptibly, her tongue cantering and then galloping over my swollen button. It hit me like the waves that crashed against the rocky shore near Coopersport, without warning, no gentle build-up, just an orgasm that turned my vision a deep, dark red with silver sparkles. My breasts heaved, my stomach rippled, my thighs pressed tight against her shoulders, but she didn’t let up for a second. Just as one wave follows another, it hit me a second time, making my hips shudder in her hands as I pressed my sex against her ravishing tongue. I barely had time to catch my breath when my third climax arrived, less intense than the first two, but hard enough to nearly bring tears to my eyes. I reached down and took her hand, signaling that I’d had enough, more than enough. Julia scooted up to lie next to me, cradling me in her arms as we kissed. I could taste myself on her full, red lips. “I saw stars, Julia.” A tear rolled down my cheek. She said nothing, simply kissing the single tear that lingered on my face. Her own eyes were glistening in the darkness, reflecting the city lights that shined through the windows. Like stars. Just like stars. Between the wine and our lovemaking, I was too tired to move. Julia unsnapped my garters and rolled the stockings down my legs, kissing the newly exposed skin every few inches. I wanted to do the same for her, but I couldn’t find the strength to move. I watched her as she sat on the edge of the bed and slowly took off her hosiery, almost a strip tease. We’d never slept together, really slept. I’d nearly fallen asleep in her arms before, but this was the first time we were spending the night together. Julia held me in her arms, gently rocking me to sleep, her breasts my pillow. I closed my eyes, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. I felt like a princess. * * * I woke up before her, force of habit, I guess. Julia lay next to me, and I watched her sleep for a while. Even asleep, she had a regal bearing, a queen in repose. Watching her breasts rise and fall with her breathing, I had a sudden urge to touch them. Gently, I grazed a nipple with my fingertip, watching it stiffen and the areola crinkle. I leaned over and kissed it, slowly circling it with my tongue. Julia seemed to stir, her thighs parting a few inches, but she didn’t wake up. Emboldened, I slowly positioned myself over her and licked her other nipple, gently teasing it into tumescence. As long as her rate of breathing didn’t increase, I’d know she was still asleep. I flitted between her nipples like a bee collecting nectar, pausing between them to see if she’d was still slumbering. Her legs drifted apart, almost inviting me to taste her. Instead of kissing her thighs, I pursed my lips and caressed her skin with my breath. When I reached her cleft, I paused for a moment to listen to her breathing. Satisfied that she was still asleep, I extended my tongue and slowly began to part her labia. Julia stirred again and murmured something I couldn’t make out, but didn’t wake up. I felt so mischievous as I teased her sex, gently tonguing her pearly clit and softly blowing on it as it emerged from its lair. Looking up at her to see if she had awakened yet, I saw a smile forming on her face and the same slow rise and fall of her breasts. I wondered what she was dreaming about as I pleasured her with small, delicate movements of my tongue. Suddenly her thighs closed around me. I looked up and saw her eyes open, a confused expression momentarily crossing her face. Then she smiled again. “Oh, Annie. You naughty, naughty girl,” she said. “Sorry, Julia. I didn’t mean to wake you,” I said. “Don’t be sorry, dear. What a wonderful way to start the day,” she said, reaching down to caress my cheek and smiling. “Now, don’t leave me hanging. Finish what you’ve started.” I gave her a smile and returned to her glistening sex, ravishing her with my lips and tongue. Now that she was awake there was no need to be careful or subtle. I probed her depths with my fingers as I lashed her clit, making her squirm with delight on the bed we shared. She let out a piercing cry and arched her back when she came, pressing her sex against my mouth as I sucked and fingered her, coming again when I probed her bottom with a slick finger. She sat up in bed and leaned over to kiss the lips that had just given her pleasure, her tongue seeking mine. “Come, let’s shower and we’ll have room service send up breakfast,” she said. “We have a long day ahead of us.” I bounded out of bed after her, following her swaying hips into the bathroom. We soaped each other up, our hands lingering over breasts, hips, and bottoms, our thighs intertwined as we let the warm water wash over us. Julia held me from behind, her soapy hands roaming over my young body, finding the secret place between my legs. Her slick fingers manipulated my sex, bringing me to a climax in the humid air of the shower. My knees weakened, and I almost fell over, but she held me up as she kissed my neck and nibbled my earlobes. We kissed again before rinsing off and drying each other with the soft hotel towels. A taxi took us across town, past the ball field and through a park, stopping at a museum that had once been a rich woman’s mansion. Julia paid the driver and we stepped out, dressed in our summer finery. We spent the morning strolling through the museum. Julia seemed to know the name of every artist without looking at the small white cards next to each painting. She held my hand as she talked about the Renaissance and Impressionism, perspective and proportion, brushes and palette knives, and the artists and the interesting lives they lived. There were so many beautiful things that my head started to swim. We took lunch in the courtyard, a string quartet playing in the background, before walking a few short blocks to another, bigger museum. This one had more than just paintings and sculptures; there were old musical instruments, suits of armor, clothing, and even whole rooms from European castles and Colonial houses. It fascinated me to see how people used to live, the rich ones anyway. It was late afternoon when we left the museum. Julia flagged down a cab and we stepped inside. “Where are we going now?” I asked. “I thought we’d do a bit more shopping,” she said. Instead of taking us back the street with all the expensive boutiques, the taxi took us into a funky neighborhood, with old brick row houses lining a broad avenue. Julia directed the driver to a particular address, and he pulled up to the sidewalk in front of a row house that had a dark storefront in the basement level. “What is this place?” I asked as we stood on the sidewalk. “It’s a surprise,” Julia said, taking my hand and leading me down the short flight of stairs to the store. There was no sign on the facade, just dark tinted glass. Julia rang the doorbell and a young girl answered, opening the door to let us in. She wore a short black dress, black fishnet stockings, black combat boots, and a spiked collar around her neck. All the black eye makeup she wore reminded me of that “Addams Family” television show. “Julia Harrington to see Shelly, dear,” Julia said. “Yes, ma’am,” the girl said, leading us from the foyer and into a large, well-lit room. My eyes went wide when I saw what it held. There were long display counters lining both sides of the room, filled with some things I recognized, like vibrators, dildos, and even handcuffs, and many things I didn’t recognize or even imagine how they were used. There were shelves containing books, films, and tapes, racks of clothing, and at the far end of the room, a three-way mirror like the boutiques had and a couple of small curtained dressing rooms. An older woman appeared, not quite Julia’s age, tall and shapely with raven-black hair styled into a short page boy haircut. The girl in black followed her, standing quietly as the older woman greeted us. “Mrs. Harrington, it’s so good to see you again,” she said. “Thank you, Shelly. This is Annie,” Julia said. “What a charming young lady,” Shelly said, extending her hand. She wore a long red silk robe, loosely tied. “Thank you,” I said, exchanging a soft handshake. “What can we show you, Mrs. Harrington?” Shelly said. “Surprise us,” Julia replied. “Why don’t you come back to our private fitting room,” Shelly said. “I have some items you might find interesting. Margaret, fetch some tea for our guests.” We followed Shelly down a hallway to a small room behind the dressing alcoves. There were two leather recliners and a small table between them. The only other piece of furniture was a straight-backed chair that faced the recliners. Shelly handed us two red silk kimonos and departed. “Julia, what is this place?” I asked as we undressed. “A toy store,” she replied. “Does this make you uncomfortable? We could leave if you’d like.” “No, no. I’d like to stay. It’s just…weird, that’s all.” When I saw Julia remove her bra and panties, I did the same, wrapping the kimono around me just as Margaret entered the room with two cups of tea on a black lacquered tray. She placed it on the small table and began to hang our dresses and undergarments up on a pair of hooks near the doorway while we sipped our tea. “These are pretty,” Margaret said, holding up my panties, a delicate white lace pair that Julia had bought me the day before. When she spoke, I realized that she was even younger than I was, maybe not even twelve. Shelly returned with a stack of boxes, some plain, some decorated with Chinese characters. Margaret removed the lacquered tray and Shelly placed the boxes on the table, selecting the top one and opening it. “This one just arrived yesterday,” Shelly said, removing a long pink vibrator from the box. It was remarkably life-like, with thick veins and a fat, knobby head. It could have been modeled after Bahçelievler Escort Ramon’s cock, except it lacked a foreskin. “Care to try it?” Shelly said, handing the device to Julia. “We’re shopping for Annie today,” Julia replied, taking a sip of her tea. “We have some smaller items if you’d like,” Shelly said, smiling and handing me the vibrator. “No, this is fine,” I said. The outer skin was amazingly soft and lifelike, and it seemed to warm up in my hand. When I twisted the base it began to softly hum. Twisting it further made it vibrate harder, so hard that I very nearly dropped it. “It has a variable speed control,” Shelly said. “Go ahead. Try it.” I looked at it for a second and brought the tip to my lips, moistening the fat knob with my tongue before opening my kimono and placing it at my moist slit. Shelly pulled a lever on the side of the chair and it flattened out into something almost bed-like. I glanced at Julia; she smiled and nodded her approval. Julia and Shelly watched as I pushed the vibrator into my pussy, working it in and out with shallow strokes until nearly half of it was inside me. I twisted the knob on the base until I found a speed I liked, fucking myself with the big pink toy and feeling the vibrations coursing through my body. I could have come right then, but I knew there were more toys waiting. It glistened with my juices as I pulled it out. “Like that one?” Shelly asked, pulling a box of alcohol wipes from the small table and cleaning my juices from the toy. “Yes, very much,” I replied. “Good, let’s put it aside, then,” she said, putting the big pink vibrator back in the box. She selected another package from the stack and opened it, pulling out another long, veiny phallus. “This is a unique item, straight from Japan,” she said, twisting the base to activate it. Not only did it vibrate, but ripples began to form along the length of the shaft, making the veins bulge and contract. She handed it to me, still purring, and it felt like a live a****l in my hand. The first vibrator had made me wet down there, so I slid this one inside me without licking it. “Oooh…it’s so weird,” I said, feeling it ripple inside me, massaging the walls of my pussy. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it just didn’t do anything for me. I pulled it out and handed it back to Shelly. “Not your cup of tea?” she said. “Not everyone likes that one. An acquired taste, I guess. Margaret loves it, though.” “Makes me come for hours,” Margaret said, smiling. I tried to picture this young girl, her pussy plugged with the big, rippling vibrator, her thighs quivering as she came. It was an image that made me tingle down there. “This is another special from Japan,” Shelly said, holding up another vibrator, this one with a pair of life-like testicles hanging from the base. “You fill it up here, and then when you squeeze these…” She cupped the balls in her hand and closed her fingers around them, giving them a gentle squeeze. A thick white liquid spurted from the tip and oozed down the shaft. I reached out and caught a drop on my finger; it looked like the real thing. “It’s a special non-toxic, water-based fluid,” Shelly said. I tasted it. It was sweet, like cake frosting. “Not as bitter as the real thing,” she said, “and you can substitute water or glycerin if you’d like.” “Do you have a strap-on like that?” I asked. “Not in stock, but we can do a special order if you’d like.” I glanced over at Julia, and she smiled and took my hand, giving it a little squeeze. “I think we’d like that,” she said. “Wonderful,” Shelly said. “It usually takes two to four weeks.” “Do you like anal play?” Margaret asked me. “Excuse me?” I said. I’d heard her, but there was something unreal about hearing those words delivered in her squeaky little girl voice. “Anal play,” she repeated, “You know, putting things in your bottom.” “Um, yes. Yes, I do,” I said. “We have some lovely anal specialties,” Shelly said, opening another box. Inside was a long, thin wand with a ball at the end. The shaft was segmented like an earthworm. She flicked a switch at the base and it came to life, purring in her hand. “Margaret? Why don’t you hop on that chair, dear.” Margaret kneeled on the chair, facing away from us, and leaned over the back as Shelly lifted her young assistant’s dress and pulled down her fishnet tights. Underneath, Margaret wore a pair of white cotton panties with a cartoon character pattern printed on them. Shelly pulled these down over Margaret’s pale thighs. “For reasons of hygiene, we don’t demonstrate our anal items on customers,” Shelly said, squeezing a clear lubricant on the probe. “Margaret took an enema after lunch, so there shouldn’t be a mess.” Shelly placed the tip of the probe against the Margaret’s anus, making her giggle and squirm. “I’m sorry, Maggie. Is that too cold?” “No, it tickles,” she replied. Shelly reached under the girl’s belly and fingered her hairless slit, making the girl sigh and rock her thin hips back against the probe. The ball end disappeared inside her ass, and when half of the shaft was inside her, Shelly flicked the switch. “How’s that, dear?” “Mmmm…so good,” Margaret replied, thrusting her bottom back and forth as Shelly guided the probe deeper. The girl seemed about to come when Shelly withdrew the probe and cleaned it off with an alcohol wipe. Margaret exhaled a little sigh of disappointment. “Would you like to show them the beads, Margaret?” The girl looked up at Shelly and nodded eagerly. “Beads?” I asked. “Very popular with some of our male clientele, but that doesn’t mean women can’t enjoy them, too,” Shelly said, opening another box and producing a string of twelve plastic beads, each about a half an inch in diameter, and strung about an inch apart. It reminded me of a plastic toy necklace I had when I was six. “Margaret loves the beads, don’t you,” she said, lovingly caressing the little girl’s bottom. Margaret nodded and looked back at me with a smile. Shelly began to insert the beads in Margaret’s bottom, one at a time. At the end of the string was a plastic loop, and it dangled from Margaret’s bottom like a tampon string. Shelly took the rippling vibrator and placed the tip against Margaret’s hairless cunny. The girl tried to spread her legs wider, but her panties and tights held her thighs together. Despite this, Shelly pressed the vibrator into Margaret’s tight slit and switched it on, making the young girl moan with pleasure. She let the rippling motion of the vibrator work its magic in Margaret’s pussy and slipped her finger through the loop at the end of the string of beads. “You can pop them out one or two at a time,” she said, tugging on the string, “or you can pull them all out when you’re on the verge of a climax. Margaret likes it both ways.” Shelly demonstrated this by popping first one bead, then two, then a third. Each time a bead appeared, Margaret moaned louder and squirmed harder against the vibrator inside her. When the girl seemed about to come, Shelly pulled the rest of the beads out with a quick flick of her wrist, making Margaret convulse with pleasure over the back of the chair. Margaret had barely had a chance to catch her breath when the store’s doorbell rang. She pulled the vibrator from her puffy lips, climbed off of the chair, and pulled her panties and tights back up. “Throw these in the sink first, Margaret,” Shelly said, handing her the beads that had just been in the young girl’s bottom. “Yes, ma’am,” Margaret said, smiling and curtseying for us before leaving the room. “What a charming young lady,” Julia said. “Isn’t she, Annie?” Julia reached for my hand and squeezed it, as if to assuage any nascent jealousy. “She’s lovely,” I said, “but she’d be prettier without all that makeup.” This elicited a chuckle from both Julia and Shelly. “It’s the style these days, I suppose,” Shelly said, shrugging her shoulders. “What’s a mother to do?” Shelly showed us a few more items, including an antique vibrator that fit over the back of the wrist with elastic straps and turned the whole hand into a sex toy, and a sample of a new line of translucent silicon jelly dildos that quickly warmed up to body temperature. Shelly excused herself and left to attend to her other customers and a minute later Margaret returned with a pair of warm washcloths on the lacquered tray. We freshened up before getting dressed while Margaret stacked the boxes on the tray and left. “Tell me the truth, Annie,” Julia said, doing the clasp on my bra. “Wouldn’t you love to have a little sister like Margaret?” “The truth?” I said, turning to face Julia. “Yes, the truth.” “I wish you were my mother,” I said. Julia’s lower lip quivered for a moment and then her lips sought mine, her arms wrapping me, holding me, loving me. “Oh, Annie,” she said. “What I wouldn’t give to have a daughter like you.” We held each other for a while before getting dressed and leaving the private room. Emerging from the hallway behind the dressing alcoves, we saw Margaret on her knees, affixing a leather band around the erect penis of a burly man with his pants around his ankles. Another man, younger and thinner, stood by and watched. Shelly was behind the counter, an assortment of leather straps spread out before her. She saw us emerge from the back hallway and came out from behind the counter. “Have you decided, then?” she asked. “Annie? What would you like?” Julia asked. I didn’t answer immediately because I was fascinated with the sight of the big man’s erect penis and the way it jutted out from his crotch while Margaret adjusted a strap that squeezed his shaved scrotum. “Annie?” Julia snapped me from my reverie. “Sorry,” I said, trying not to stare at the man’s large penis. I chose one of the life-like vibrators, the anal probe, and a silicon jelly dildo. Julia wanted one of the antique back-of-the-hand vibrators, the anal beads, and the squirting strap-on. The last item was a special order; Shelly would ship it to Julia’s house in Maine when it arrived. While Julia paid for our purchases, I kept stealing peeks at the two men with Margaret. She’d adjusted the straps to the burly customer’s satisfaction and stood by while the thinner man knelt in front of his friend’s crotch and examined the straps closely. Then he did something unexpected: he leaned in and took his friend’s cock in his mouth and started sucking. My jaw dropped in amazement. Margaret noticed my dumbfounded expression, smiling and winking at me. “Thank you, Mrs. Harrington,” Shelly said, handing Julia a shopping bag and a receipt. The bag bore the logo of a chain of upscale department stores. “Come, Annie,” Julia said, taking my hand and leading me towards the door. We passed the two men, oblivious to our presence, and Margaret walked us to the door, unlocking and opening it for us. “Bye, Annie,” Margaret said. “Have fun with your new toys.” She reached for my hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “Bye, Margaret,” I said, somewhat flustered. She winked again before closing and locking the door behind us. We walked up the steps to the sidewalk and Julia flagged down a cab. A few minutes later we were back at the hotel. “What’s on your mind, dear? You’ve been awfully quiet since we left Shelly’s,” Julia said, hanging up her dress in the closet. She sat next to me on the bed and put her arm around me. “That was so weird,” I said. “Shelly and Margaret, those two guys…” “That’s life in the big city, Annie,” Julia said. “Surely you must have seen gay men in Florida, right?” “Yeah, but…” I remembered that night with Del, under the covers with a porn magazine and his flashlight, when he explained what a “maricon” was. He barely understood it himself. And the gay men I’d seen at the beach never did more than hold hands. Even that was a daring act in public. “Remember this, Annie: the heart doesn’t care about rich or poor, thin or fat, or male or female. Follow your heart, Annie.” Julia placed her hand on the bodice of my dress and kissed me on the cheek. I turned to her and sought her lips with mine. “Let’s try out our new toys,” I whispered. “Yes, let’s,” she said, kissing me again and helping me out of my dress. Maybe it was because we hadn’t come at Shelly’s. Maybe it was the sight of that man sucking the other man’s harnessed cock. Maybe it was the touch of Julia’s hand on my breast, the antique vibrator strapped to her wrist. Whatever the reason, as soon as her vibrating palm cupped my tits I nearly jumped out of my skin. By the time her hand was between my legs, I was reduced to a quivering mass of jelly, trembling and shaking beneath her as she made me come over and over again. Julia switched off the vibrator and held me while I caught my breath, her soft lips planting kisses on my breasts, my neck, the tip of my nose. Then it was my turn. I strapped the device on the back of my hand and switched it on. It hummed loudly and made my whole arm vibrate. Julia lay on her back and I knelt over her and gently touched her breasts. She gasped as I fondled her, arching her back and closing her eyes. She clutched the pillow behind her head as I worked my way down her body, lingering over her mons and dipping a finger in her moist pussy. When I touched her clitoris she went stiff as a board, lifting her bottom off the bed before falling back down, her hips pressing her sex against my hand. I ran my vibrating fingers back and forth over her vagina, holding her quivering thighs in my lap. I made her come once, then twice, then a third time before she reached for my hand, pulling it away from her dripping pussy. When I turned off the vibrator, my whole arm felt tingly, like it had fallen asleep. “That was divine,” she whispered, her voice hoarse from her cries of pleasure. “Did it make you feel that good, too?” “Yes, it was intense,” I said, snuggling up next to her. “Let’s rest for a while, then we’ll get ready for dinner,” she said. “Another dinner party?” I asked, remembering the tedium of the previous night at the Cabots’. “I think you’ll find tonight to be a bit more interesting.” We showered together, forgoing the usual soapy sex play. That antique vibrator had wrung all of the sexual tension from our bodies. Well, not all of it; I felt that tingly feeling down below when I kissed Julia and our soapy breasts pressed together. She squeezed my ass and broke off the kiss. “Save something for after dinner,” she said. We dried off and got dressed. Julia wore a clingy black sheath dress that flattered her slim figure. I wore one of the outfits she’d bought me the day before, a cherry red dress with a tight, shirred bodice and a flouncy skirt. As we walked through the lobby, I felt everyone’s eyes on us. Even the doorman wore a goofy smile as he flagged down a cab for us. The taxi took us to a suburb about twenty minutes away, a neighborhood of large houses, wide green lawns, and tall shady trees that arched over the streets. We pulled into the circular driveway of a big white house with four tall columns flanking the doorway. Julia paid the driver and he drove off as we walked up to the double doors. There was a polished brass doorbell. A woman in a skimpy maid’s uniform answered the door and ushered us inside. She led us through a series of spacious, luxurious rooms and out to the back yard. There were a couple of dozen impeccably dressed people gathered there next to a long swimming pool, sipping drinks and holding small plates of hors d’oeuvres, talking and laughing in groups of two, three, four, and more. A tall blonde woman in a slinky blue dress detached herself from a small group and walked over to us. She and Julia hugged and exchanged kisses. “Helen, this is Anne. Annie, this is my dearest friend, Helen,” Julia said. I noticed that she didn’t bother introducing me as her niece. Helen took my hand and gave it a little squeeze. “What a lovely dress, Anne. Come, let’s get you a drink.” There was a bar set up along one side of the large brick patio, attended by a young man in a white waistcoat and black bow tie. He mixed a scotch and water for Julia and a Coke on ice for me. I didn’t want to get tipsy like the night before, at least not right away. While Julia and Helen exchanged small talk and pleasantries, I looked around for someone my own age. For the most part, everyone seemed to be at least in their thirties or forties, with a few people around Julia’s age. Then I noticed a young man sitting alone at a table by the pool, sipping a bottle of beer. He was blond, tanned, and looking deliciously handsome in a white dinner jacket and red bow tie. I took a deep breath, gathered my courage, and made my way through the crowd to his table. He noticed me approaching and stood up from his seat. “Hi, I’m Annie. You look bored,” I said, extending my hand. “Brad,” he said, taking my hand. “Nice to meet you.” “You live here?” I asked. “Yeah. How’d you guess?” “You look like you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have to be,” I said. “Well, it’ll get more interesting later,” he said, smiling. “What do you mean?” I asked. He saw my puzzled expression and smiled again, a coy smile this time. “If you don’t know, I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise,” he replied. “Hey, wanna smoke a joint?” I nodded and followed him into the house. I glanced over at Julia and saw that she was holding Helen’s hand while the other woman whispered something in Julia’s ear that made her giggle and blush. When Julia saw me follow Brad into the house, she smiled and winked. Brad’s room was on the second floor, at the end of a long, carpeted hallway. His room overlooked the back yard, and the sounds of conversation and ice clinking in glasses filtered through the window. I sat down on the edge of his bed while he dug through a desk drawer, pulling out a rolled-up plastic baggie and a packet of rolling papers. I looked around his room while he sat down next to me, an album cover in his lap, cleaning the seeds out and rolling a joint. Along with the bed, desk, and a dresser, there was a guitar and amp in one corner of the room and posters for bands I’d never heard of on the walls. A large stereo and television dominated one wall of the room. “So, you live in Boston?” he asked, twisting the rolling paper between his fingers. “No. Maine. Julia’s my neighbor.” Brad has some cocaine, too. They snort 4 lines , and they began to masturbate together.”Oh, right. Julia. She and my mom go way back.” Brad lit the joint and took a deep pull before passing it to me. He rolled two more joints and slipped them into his shirt pocket. “So, you’re her new lover?” he asked. The bluntness of the question made me cough up the smoke. I reached for my soda, taking a big gulp before answering. “How did you know?” I asked, passing the joint back to him. “Just a guess. Julia likes them young and pretty. Like you.” He took another drag on the joint and passed it back to me. “Too bad my sister’s not here. She’s in France right now. I think you’d like her. She was with Julia when she was your age.” The pot was making my head swim. I tried to imagine Julia with another girl. I couldn’t. I got up and walked over to the window and spotted her with Helen. They were holding each other around the waist and Helen was resting her head on Julia’s shoulder. “So, do you like guys, too?” Brad asked, walking over to the window and coming up behind me. I turned and faced him. “Yes, I do,” I said, letting him kiss me. His hands were on my waist, drawing me closer. I could feel his erection growing in his trousers. Brad was a good kisser, but nothing like Julia. “Great,” he said, breaking off the kiss. “Let’s finish this and head downstairs. Dinner will be served soon.” He relit the joint and we smoked it before leaving his room. I ducked into one of the bathrooms to fix my lipstick. I was glad I had brought my diaphragm; the woman at the clinic in Florida made me promise to bring it everywhere. “It won’t do you any good sitting on your dresser,” she said. I smiled at those prophetic words as I pulled down my panties and put my foot on the edge of the big marble bathtub, folding the latex disk and slipping it inside me. I pulled my panties back up and washed my hands before rejoining the party. The bartender served me a glass of white wine without any question. I sipped it slowly, mindful that the joint I’d smoked with Brad would make it go to my head quickly. I caught Julia’s eye and she came over. “Pace yourself, darling,” she said, clinking her glass against mine. “Julia?” “Yes, dear?” “What kind of party is this?” Julia smiled and held me by the waist. “It’s a gathering of people who enjoy each others’ company,” she said, patiently. “You mean…?” “Yes. Does that bother you, Annie? I don’t want you doing anything you’re uncomfortable with. We could leave if you’d like.” “No, no. I want to stay,” I said, my gaze falling on Brad, who was talking with a red-haired woman his mother’s age. The woman leaned in and kissed him, her hand reaching inside his dinner jacket to rest on his hip. Julia saw me watching Brad kiss the older woman. “He’s a handsome young man,” she said. “You’d make a lovely couple.” I laughed nervously and blushed. Julia hugged me and kissed my cheek. “Enjoy yourself tonight,” she whispered in my ear. “You’re the youngest, prettiest girl here, the belle of the ball.” Julia opened her cunt, and aks for some cocaine for her pussy liops. A great idea.”Thank you, Julia,” I said, turning to kiss her on the lips, a long, slow kiss. Afterwards, I noticed that Helen was watching us. She smiled and winked at me, exactly as Julia had earlier. And then dinner was served. People filtered inside, heading for the big formal dining room. Bahçelievler Escort Bayan Just as at the Cabots’ house, there were servants waiting on us, and an array of knives, forks, and spoons at each placesetting. I was seated next to Brad, and he wasted no time in finding my thigh with his hand. Julia was seated on the other side of me, and I reached out for her hand. Brad’s father was seated at the end of the table, a handsome man with graying temples. His name was Brad, too, though everyone addressed him as “Bradley”. Across from us was a couple in their thirties, Steve and Monica. They were both attorneys, both rich, both beautiful. Looking at Monica’s long black hair, I felt self-conscious, out of place among all these rich, perfect-looking people. Dinner was a broiled filet of sole and grilled vegetables instead of the dried-out game birds that the Cabots had served. The conversation, however, was just as incomprehensible, as if everyone was speaking in a foreign language. “What are they talking about?” I whispered to Julia. “Money,” she said. “It’s always about money.” “Oh.” Brad must have seen my bored and bewildered expression and he leaned over to whisper in my ear. “Don’t worry. Dinner never lasts very long. Then the fun begins.” He squeezed my thigh and we held hands under the table. Brad was right: dinner went by quickly. The servants cleared away the plates and served coffee and liqueurs, cigars were lit, a joint was passed around the table. The cigar smoke reminded me of Ramon’s family, portly men in guyabera shirts puffing fat cigars and drinking rum in our Florida living room. What a different world. I wondered what Del and Paco were doing right now. Probably watching television with Ramon, a ball game or something. I wondered what they would think if they could see me, I wondered if I could tell them about this. They really didn’t know the full extent of my relationship with Julia. I wondered if they’d understand. People began to get up from the table, wandering out of the dining room and back to the patio where a crowd gathered around the bar. I walked out with Brad, still holding his hand. “Time for the freak show,” he said, chuckling. As I waited while he went to get me a glass of wine, I saw Helen and Julia slow dancing on the patio. Helen’s dress was unzipped and Julia’s hand rested on her tanned back. When they kissed, I felt a tingling feeling in my stomach, part jealousy, part arousal. I knew how those soft lips felt against my own. Brad returned with my drink, and we stood on the fringe of the crowd, his hand resting in the small of my back as we watched the gathering. As I sipped my wine, I watched Monica shrug off her little black dress and drop to her knees in front of Brad’s father, fishing his long, tanned cock out of his trousers and guiding it to her lips. Her husband knelt behind her and freed her breasts from her lacy black bra, kneading them while she sucked Bradley’s cock. There was a splash from the direction of the pool; a few people had taken off all their clothes and were skinnydipping. A forty-ish woman clung to the edge of the pool while a younger man penetrated her from behind. Her ample breasts pressed against the side of the pool as he banged her. A woman approached us, blonde and petite, in her mid-thirties, and wearing a slinky pastel yellow dress. She smiled as she looked me up and down. “Who’s your pretty friend, Brad?” she said. “Laura, this is Anne. She’s Julia’s friend.” “Pleasure to meet you, Anne,” she said, extending her hand and giving it a quick squeeze. I squeezed back, thinking that this was some sort of secret handshake these people had. Squeeze if you’re interested. I was interested. In the privacy of this big back yard, people were forming couples and threesomes, and the first moans of pleasure could be heard. “Are you two busy?” Laura asked. I glanced at Brad. “Not yet,” he replied. “Good! I have a bet going with my husband,” Laura said. “A bet?” I said. Laura leaned over to me. “I bet my husband that you were wearing red panties under that pretty dress. He bet that you were wearing virginal white cotton, but I know better,” she whispered. “How much did you bet?” I asked. “Two thousand dollars,” she said. “Come, I could use a new dress or two. You too, Brad.” I took her hand as she led us across the patio to where an handsome man was standing. He looked to be the same age as his wife, but with the same graying temples as Brad’s father. He put out his hand, giving me the secret squeeze as Laura introduced us. I squeezed back, getting a smile in return. “Anne, this is my husband Rob. Rob, this is Anne,” Laura said. Apparently he already knew Brad, giving the younger man a playful punch in the shoulder. “Let’s go inside, away from the crowd,” he said. Brad and I followed Rob and Laura back into the house. On the way, I exchanged my nearly empty wine glass for a full one from a maid holding a tray. She was wearing an abbreviated uniform, lacy petticoats peeking out from her hem, her legs clad in fishnets, the bodice of her uniform accentuating her cleavage. She was young, with a dark complexion, big brown eyes and thick black hair like one of Ramon’s sisters. She smiled as she took my glass, and I thought she’d have squeezed my hand if she wasn’t holding the tray of glasses. We entered the living room, a large space with a fireplace at one end and two huge leather couches in the middle. Two women lay on one of the couches, kissing and fondling each others’ breasts. Brad and Rob took off their jackets, folding them over the back of the couch before taking a seat. Laura guided me over to stand in front of them. “Ready to lose some money, dear?” Laura asked her husband. He smiled and took a sip from his glass, some kind of amber liquid on ice. I felt Laura unzip the back of my dress and rest her hand on my skin, lightly grazing me with her long nails and sending chills up my spine. “Relax, Annie. We’re all friends here,” Laura said, feeling me shiver. She gently kissed my cheek. I reached up for the bodice of my dress and slowly pulled it down, revealing my red strapless bra. “Aha!” Laura said. “Pay up, dear.” “Hey, we said panties, not bra,” he protested. “Double or nothing?” she said. “Deal,” he replied. Laura caressed my back as I slowly pulled my dress down towards my waist. First my red garter belt appeared and finally my lacy red panties. I let the dress fall to the floor and stepped out of it, smiling inwardly as Brad looked me over, a hungry expression on his face. “Pay up, dear,” Laura said, tugging on the waistband of my panties and letting them snap against my hips. “I’ll write you a check later,” Rob said, reaching into his pocket. “In the meantime, here’s a little something for you.” He peeled off four bills from a thick wad of cash and tucked them into my garter belt. I looked down: they were hundred dollar bills. “I can’t…” I started to say. Laura silenced me with a kiss. “Take the money, Annie,” she said. “That’s just pocket change for him. Buy yourself some more pretty lingerie, okay?” “Who wants to do a line?” Rob asked, pulling a small silver case from his pocket. Even the two women kissing on the other couch stopped what they were doing and looked up. Laura turned around so I could unzip her dress. Underneath her pale yellow dress she wore a bra and panties of the same pastel hue. She sat me down on the couch next to her husband. “Candy? Kathy? Care to join us?” she said to the two women. As Rob opened his case and emptied the contents of a vial on the glass coffee table, the two women got up from the couch and sat on the carpet next to the table. Introductions were made, hands shaken and squeezed. Candace was a blonde like Laura, roughly the same age, but voluptuous instead of petite. Katherine was a slender woman with raven black hair, slightly older, with creamy skin that bore only a hint of makeup. There was something striking about her, a chiseled nose, a delicate chin, and deep blue eyes that seemed to look right through you. The two women sat across from us, their hands intertwined. “May I?” Laura said, her hand on the clasp of my bra. I nodded, letting her remove it. “Lovely,” she said, reaching over to cup my small breasts. “Aren’t they beautiful, Rob?” He looked up from the pile of white powder he was chopping with a shiny silver blade. “Wonderful,” he said, looking over before returning to the white powder. While he separated the pile into a series of lines, Laura played with my breasts and leaned down to kiss my stiff nipples. I looked over at Brad, who sat on the other side of Rob. He smiled back at me and reached across the back of the couch for my hand. Laura’s lips felt great, but I wished they were Brad’s lips instead. “Honey? You go first,” Rob said, handing Laura a rolled-up $100 bill. As she leaned over the coffee table, he held her hair back behind her head. “Thanks, dear,” she said. Holding the bill to her nose, she placed the other end next to one of the lines and loudly snorted it. She chased it with a sip of wine and handed the bill to me. “Annie?” I took the bill and gathered my hair back, snorting a line just as she had. Suddenly, it seemed like the room got brighter, the music louder. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I felt a numbness spread from my nose to the back of my throat. My eyes started to water and I reached for my wineglass. “Good stuff,” Rob said, taking the bill from me and snorting a line. He handed it to Brad and he did the same, passing it to Kathy when he was done. Candy and Kathy held each others’ hair as they did their lines. Candy passed the bill back to Rob. “Next round’s on Annie,” he said. “But I don’t have any…” “That’s not what he means, silly,” Laura said. “Here, scoot around sideways.” She tugged at my legs, pulling them into her lap and laying me down so my back rested on Rob’s thighs and my head ended up in Brad’s lap. “Hold still, sweetie,” Rob said, scooping up some of the white powder with a credit card and dumping it between my breasts. “This round’s on you. Literally.” As Rob divided the lines with the card, Brad leaned over to kiss me. I could feel his cock growing in his trousers, pressing against the back of my head. I wanted to press my head against it, but Rob was holding me still as he formed the cocaine into lines between my titties. Laura was the first to lean over and inhale a line from my breast. She licked the remainder and gave my nipple a quick suck before passing the bill to Rob. He cupped one of my breasts in his hand as he leaned over to snort. Brad went next, licking one of my nipples afterwards, just as Laura had done. Then Candy and Kathy came over. Candy went first, and instead of giving me a quick lick, she leaned over and kissed me. Then Katherine did her line, kissing me just as Candy had, only deeper and longer, her deep blue eyes lingering on my face afterwards. “We didn’t forget you, Annie,” Rob said, separating a line of coke from the pile on the coffee table. It was twice as long as the ones he’d cut before, and it took me two tries to snort it all. My eyes didn’t water as much as before, but I had this feeling of exhilaration, like I could have jumped on my bike and pedaled fifty miles, just like that. “Let’s get these off,” Laura said, tugging at my red panties. I stood there in front of everyone as she pulled them down over my thighs, but my self-consciousness was gone. I felt ecstatic to be with these beautiful people, beautiful people who found me to be attractive. “Ooh, she’s hairless,” Candy said. “She’s shaved like you,” Kathy said. I turned around and noticed that Rob had unzipped his trousers, and his half-hard cock was exposed. Laura sat me down on the couch and gently guided my hand to his crotch. I took his cock in my hand, feeling it grow between my fingers. “Go ahead, Annie,” Laura urged. I lowered my head in his lap and guided his stiffening cock into my mouth. I felt Laura’s hands between my legs, curious fingers seeking my sex, probing my wetness and finding my clit. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Candy and Kathy return to the couch where they had been kissing, undoing their bras and peeling off their panties, and laying head to toe, their heads wedged between each other’s thighs. I reached past Rob for Brad, not wanting him to feel left out, and found his hand in his lap. He guided it to his young cock, and I began to stroke it while I sucked Rob’s cock. I suddenly realized that both of them were circumcised. I’d seen pictures of circumcised cocks before, but I’d never seen one in person. Now I was sucking one and stroking another. I wondered how they would feel inside me. I found out soon enough. Rob lifted me off his cock and stood up to remove his shirt and trousers while Laura fingered my moist snatch. Then he sat down on the couch and Laura helped me straddle his lap, even guiding her husband’s cock inside me. I settled down on his hardness and felt it stretch me inside, the fat ridge of flesh on his cockhead pressing against the walls of my cunt. As I began to move up and down on his hard cock, there was no foreskin moving up and down inside me, just the delicious feeling of his veiny shaft rubbing the walls of my cunny. He pulled me closer and began to suckle my breasts, his hands cupping my bottom and urging me to fuck him faster. Brad stood up and got undressed, walking behind the couch and offering his cock for me to suck. I leaned over Rob’s shoulder and took Brad’s young tool in my mouth, hungrily sucking it while I bounced up and down in Rob’s lap. Laura caressed my back while I fucked her husband, then she called Brad over. I felt a twinge of disappointment when he pulled his hard cock out of my mouth and came over to Laura, who was leaning over the back of the couch, presenting her ass to Brad. She reached back and guided him into her pussy, starting to moan almost immediately as the young man began to briskly pound her from behind. I was beginning to enjoy the feeling of this man’s cock inside me, someone I’d just met, someone who had tucked a few hundred dollars in my garter belt, plied me with cocaine, and was now fucking me on a couch next to his wife, who had a teenager’s cock buried in her snatch. I felt my climax start to rise, starting in my thighs and creeping up my belly. I felt sexy, like the women in those magazines I used to read with Luci and my brothers, back when we still thought those photos were real and not just models posing for the camera. I bounced faster in Rob’s lap, seeking my release. He squeezed my ass, guiding it up and down, impaling me with his rock-hard tool. I cupped my breasts together, pinching my nipples with my fingers, the sensation of pain and pleasure mixing and triggering my orgasm. I clenched myself around Rob’s tool, hoping to make him come, wanting to feel his sperm splashing against the walls of my cunt. He just squeezed my ass harder, urging me on to a faster pace while I writhed in his lap. “It takes me a while to come after a couple of lines,” he said. “Why don’t I drive for a while?” He helped me off of his lap and I kneeled on the couch, leaning against the back next to Laura. I was just about to lean over and kiss her when Rob speared me from behind, making me gasp with pleasure. “Feels wonderful, doesn’t it?” Laura said, leaning over for that kiss while Brad kept pumping her from behind. “I’m lucky to have a stud like Rob for a husband.” “Yes…oh, yes,” I gasped, feeling his fat cockhead touch me in places no one had, not even Ramon. When Rob leaned over my back and began to rub my swollen clit, I lost it again, holding on to the back of the couch for dear life as another orgasm took control of my body, making me shake and spasm. Behind us, I could hear Candy and Kathy, their moans muffled by each other’s sex. Laura was about to have her second orgasm and neither Brad nor Rob seemed like they were about to come. I wondered how long they could keep it up. “Fill her up, Rob,” Laura cooed. “Fill her with your cum so I can lick it out of her yummy little slit.” “She’s tight, hon. Tight like that slutty little babysitter,” he said, his teeth clenched. His cock slammed into me faster and harder, nearly knocking the wind out of me. I felt his big balls hitting my ass with each stroke. “How’s my pussy, Brad? Tight enough for you?” Laura asked the young man fucking her. “Just fine, ma’am,” he said. “What a polite young man you are,” Laura said. “Now, fill me with your spunk.” Brad leaned over her back, his hands reaching for her tits, his hips a blur as he pounded Laura’s pussy. Just then I felt Rob’s cock start to twitch inside me, feeling him grow harder and bigger, his cockhead flaring like a cobra’s hood. He gripped my hips and gave one last deep thrust and I felt him flooding me with his cum, hot spurts of his love juice filling my pussy. It wasn’t until Rob pulled out of me that I realized it was Kathy kneeling behind him and tonguing his ass that had made him finally come. Candace was kneeling behind Brad doing the same thing, making the young man grunt and spurt his hot load in Laura’s dripping snatch. Kathy saw me wrinkle my nose at that; I could finger someone’s ass, but I couldn’t imagine licking it. “Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it,” she said, seeing my expression of mild disgust. “Besides, we want some more lines.” Rob laughed at this and presented his cock, dripping with his cum and my juices, to Kathy, who cleaned it off with her tongue. “Mmmm…you taste really good, Annie.” Just as she promised, Laura laid me down on the couch and began to clean her husband’s semen from my pussy while Rob cut some more lines. Her tongue probed me, her hands groped me, and she drank from my slit, leaving me wanting more. We did another round of lines and then Brad pulled a joint from his shirt pocket, lighting it up and passing it around. “Chaser,” he said. I was about to pull him down into my lap when Kathy sat down on the couch next to me. “So, you’re here with Julia?” she said. I nodded. “Well, we have something in common. I used to spend weekends at her place in Maine when I was your age,” she said. “She was good friends with my aunt. We had such good times in her garden.” Kathy put her arm around me and looked at me with those blue eyes. I forgot all about Brad. “Your eyes…” I started to say, mesmerized by her gaze. She leaned in and kissed me, her lips as soft as clouds. “I wish I had pretty green ones like yours,” she said. “Maybe someday they’ll invent some contact lenses that…” “No, don’t. They’re beautiful,” I said. I could have stared into them for hours. “Aw, you’re so sweet. Lay back for me, angel. I want to taste you.” I let her have her way with me, gently laying me back on the couch while she ravished my sex with her tongue, her blue eyes looking up at me, holding me in her spell. What Laura had started, Katherine finished, drinking Rob’s sperm and my juices, making my body convulse with pleasure as I came again and again. When she had finished, she leaned over me and kissed me, her face moist with my fluids. “I’ve got to find Candy. Maybe I’ll see you again. Take care of Julia for me. She’s still close to my heart.” She kissed me again and walked off. I called after her, wanting to make her come, too. But she was gone. Brad was gone, too. Only Rob and Laura were left in the living room and they were busy coupling on the floor, oblivious to my presence. I found my panties stuffed between cushions in the couch, slipping them through my garter belt and snorting a quick line before leaving them to their pleasure. There was a half of a joint on the coffee table and I grabbed it and went looking for Brad. “Need a light for that?” I heard a voice behind me as I walked through the kitchen. It was Brad’s father. “Yes, please,” I said. He grabbed a pack of kitchen matches and lit one. We passed the joint back and forth. I took a sip of his drink: scotch on ice. It took the edge off of the cocaine and relaxed me. “I saw you with Brad earlier,” he said. “He’s cute,” I said, suppressing a giggle. I wanted to find him and fuck him silly. “Yes, I guess he is,” he said. “So are you.” “Thank you,” I said, passing the joint to him. “Would you mind?” he said, taking a pull from the joint and placing it on the kitchen counter. I knew what he wanted from the look in his eyes, and I smiled and nodded, letting him hoist me up on to the counter and kiss me. I ran my fingers through his graying hair as he hoisted my legs over his shoulders and kissed me on my sex, his tongue probing me, seeking out my clit and teasing it. He pleasured me almost as well as Julia, as his tongue darted about, finding all my most sensitive places, and making me come on the kitchen counter. I wanted to return the favor, to take his cock in my mouth and make him spurt his seed, but he kissed me and squeezed my hand and walked away before I could thank him. I picked up what was left of the joint and resumed my search. The back yard was a sea of naked, writhing bodies. Couples, threesomes, and moresomes squirming on cushions on the patio, on the lush grass, in the pool. It seemed as if there was twice as many people as had been seated at dinner. The waiters and waitresses looked on amused, and a few of them had been drawn into the action. The young Hispanic maid I’d seen earlier was kneeling next to the pool as two men penetrated her from both ends, making her squirm with pleasure. “Scotch, please,” I said to the bartender. He was young, early twenties perhaps, with a thick mane of black hair that was slicked back with some sort of gel or mousse. Escort Bahçelievler “Neat, water, soda, or on the rocks?” he said. “Ice, please.” “On the rocks,” he said, filling a glass with ice and scotch and handing it to me. I took one of the bills from my garter belt and handed it to him as a tip. “Miss? This is a hundred dollar bill!” I just smiled at him and walked away, sipping my drink, looking for a familiar face in the tangle of bodies around the pool. A woman with long gray hair was surrounded by men; she had a cock in each orifice and two more in her hands. I edged closer to the writhing mass of flesh, wondering if Julia was at the center. It wasn’t. I couldn’t find Julia anywhere, but Brad emerged from the pool. He’d been fucking someone, an older woman his mother’s age. His cock glistened with pool water and her juices as he dried himself off with a towel and found his shirt. “Let’s go to my room,” he said, taking my hand and leading me back into the house. Alone in his room, sitting on his bed, he pulled the last joint from his shirt pocket and lit it, taking a drag and handing it to me. I inhaled the smoke and washed it down with a sip of my drink. “What do you think? About all this, I mean,” he said. He sucked on a bottle of beer between hits. “I really don’t know what to think,” I said. “This is so strange.” “Yeah, I know,” he said. “So many different people.” “I thought sex was something shared by people in love,” I said, taking another hit from the joint and passing it to him. “But all these people…” I told him about our afternoon in Shelly’s shop. “Wow, what a trip,” he said. His cock stirred in his lap, barely hidden by his shirt. He leaned over and kissed me. “You’re really cute,” I said. I thought I’d blush when I said that, but I didn’t. Instead, I pushed him back on his bed and took his cock in my mouth, ravishing it with my tongue. He was a bit bigger than Del, and almost as thick, even without a foreskin. When he was hard I straddled his hips and guided him inside me. He reached up to cup my breasts and I leaned down, seeking his lips with mine, my hips moving against his, his young cock filling my sex. We fucked slowly, passing the joint back and forth while we did it. The cocaine had worn off and the pot took over, and instead of a thousand different thoughts per second rushing through my mind, there was just the feeling of skin on skin, hip bone against hip bone, cock and pussy and lips and tongues and hands. Brad’s young cock wormed inside me as I rode him, my hips thrusting against his. I merely moaned when I came instead of my usual cry of pleasure; the evening’s activities had taken their toll, dulling my senses a bit. Brad’s hips rose and fell as he filled me with his sperm. Afterwards we lay together, connected, exchanging gentle kisses. There was a knock on the door and it opened. Julia and Helen, both half-dressed, bra and panties and stockings. Helen knelt by the bed and gave her son a tender kiss as Julia caressed my back. “Ready to go, dear?” she said. “They look so lovely together,” Helen said. “You’re welcome to come visit us in Maine,” Julia said, her hand around Helen’s waist. As they kissed, I climbed off of Brad, his softening cock slipping out of me. I pulled my panties from my garter belt and slipped them on, pulling them tightly against my crotch to catch his oozing cum. “He’d like that,” Helen said, giving Julia a kiss as passionate and deep as the one she’d given her son. “Would you like that, Annie?” Julia said. “Yes,” I replied, leaning down to give Brad a quick kiss. I drained the rest of my drink before following Julia from the room. We found my clothes where I had left them, in the living room. Rob and Laura were nowhere to be found, nor were Kathy and Candy. I put on my bra and slipped on my dress, taking the three remaining $100 bills from my garter belt and slipping them in my purse. There was a rolled up bill on the coffee table and a half of a line of coke. While Julia went to say goodbye to Brad’s father, I snorted the line. As the cab took us back to our hotel, I leaned my head on Julia’s shoulder, her arm around me. Despite that last line of coke, I was exhausted. I had to lean on Julia when we emerged from the cab and walked into the hotel. It was late and the lobby was deserted. She helped me get undressed, hanging up my dress for me, taking off my stockings and undies, helping me remove my makeup and wash my face. “Drink some water, dear,” she said. “Otherwise you’ll feel awful in the morning.” She watched while I downed two full glasses of ice water and took an aspirin, and showed me how to use the bidet to clean myself, something I’d never done before. Then she half-carried me to bed and got undressed. “Did you have fun tonight?” she asked me, climbing into bed next to me. “Yes,” I said, “but it was so strange.” “How so?” “Everyone was so…it seemed like…it seemed like everyone was so intent on having fun that it became like work.” “Yes, that happens sometimes, especially with the younger crowd,” Julia said, “younger” in this case referring to the couples in their thirties, not Brad and I. “It’s not always like that?” “No,” she said. “Only the larger gatherings, like tonight.” As we lay together in bed, Julia told me how it all started years before. She and her late husband and Helen and Brad decided to switch partners one night. It became a regular thing, and instead of going off to separate bedrooms, the four of them began to share the same bed. The circle widened as other couples and single women became involved. Then it became a circuit, a gathering at a different house each weekend. Even after Julia’s husband passed away, she was still welcome to attend, making an appearance about once each month. I tried to process what I had seen tonight. In light of what Julia had told me, I realized that the sex and pleasure were secondary to the social aspect. The same way Ramon’s family gatherings were centered around rum and cigars and big casseroles of food, baseball on the television and salsa music on the radio, these people had sex, d**gs, alcohol, and more sex. It seemed so shallow until I remembered what my relationship with Ramon, Del, and Paco was like before I started to sleep with them. Sure, I loved them, but was there really any difference? “Julia?” “Yes, Annie?” “There’s something I should tell you.” “Can it wait until morning?” she said. She was tired, too. “Yes, I guess.” “Good night, dear.” She kissed me and pulled me closer. “Good night, Julia.” My body was drained of energy, but my brain was still awake. I replayed the events of the day in my mind until I fell asleep. * * * I had a bizarre dream that night. I was back at Bradley and Helen’s house, laying spread-eagle on a padded table in the living room, my arms and legs bound with silken sashes, surrounded by a crowd of people. Brad was on top of me, his hard cock pumping in and out of my pussy, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. When he erupted inside me, everyone applauded. He pulled out of me and rotated the table so that all could see the semen oozing out of my slit. Then it was Del on top of me, fucking me, filling me with his seed, another round of applause when he finished. Then Brad’s father, his big cock stretching my sex as he entered me, then Ramon, his fat cock feeling even larger than usual. Rob followed, inhaling a line of coke from between my breasts as he pounded my twat. Then the bartender. Then one of the men I’d seen in the pool. I looked past him and saw a line of men formed behind them, all of them waiting their turn, waiting to fuck me, waiting to fill me with their seed. “Where’s Paco?” I cried out. Then I realized that I didn’t have my diaphragm in me, and I began to worry that I’d get pregnant and I wouldn’t know who the father was with all these men spurting their cum inside me. “Don’t worry, dear,” Julia said, stroking my hair as another man climbed on top of me, his throbbing cock disappearing between my legs. “We’ll take care of it.” I didn’t know what she meant by that, and I wanted to ask her, but after the man came and climbed off me, Helen stepped forward and lowered her face to my sex, drinking from the river of semen that flowed from my pussy. Then she stepped aside and Julia took over, her tongue scooping the sperm into her mouth, her hands on my breasts, her eyes looking into mine. And then I woke up and felt a tongue inside me and hands on my breasts. I looked down into Julia’s eyes, and she stopped licking me and smiled. “I loved the way you woke me yesterday, Annie. Shall I continue?” I smiled and nodded, closing my eyes and losing myself in the pleasure she was giving me, letting the dream I’d had dissipate like a wisp of smoke. I felt a bit sore down there from the night before, but Julia’s tongue soothed me, aroused me, and finally, brought me to a climax. I wanted to return the favor but she stopped me with a kiss. “We slept a bit late this morning,” she said. “If we hurry, we can catch brunch and come back to the room for a bit of pleasure before checkout time.” We kissed again, took a quick shower, and got dressed, heading down to the hotel’s dining room where brunch was served. A little over an hour later, we were back in our room, undressed and on the bed, the toys we’d bought the day before s**ttered around us. I had my face buried between Julia’s legs, teasing her clit with my tongue as I penetrated her bottom with the anal probe. She writhed with pleasure as I lashed her clit and turned the probe on its highest setting, slowly pushing the probe in and out until she came. After she’d caught her breath, Julia had me lay face down on the bed, my ass propped up with a couple of pillows, while she inserted the anal beads in my bottom. Strapping the antique vibrator to the back of her hand, she massaged my pussy, homing in on my clit with her vibrating fingers. Every time she’d pop a bead out of my ass, I’d moan and squirm, and just as I was about to come, she quickly pulled the rest out of me, making me scream and grind my hips, pressing my sex against her fingers as I climaxed. I felt something wet between my ass cheeks and realized that she was tonguing me back there. The nastiness of what she was doing made me come again, and when I imagined myself licking her back there I came a third time. “What was it you were going to tell me last night?” she asked as we were laying together. “Oh, nothing,” I said. Last night it seemed like a good idea to tell her about me and Ramon and my brothers, but now I wasn’t so sure. “You can tell me, Annie.” “Well…” I wasn’t sure what she’d think of me. I knew I could trust her with our secret, but I desperately wanted her respect. “Is it about last night?” she asked. “No. It’s about my family. My stepbrothers and my papi and I…” This was all I had to say. I could see it in her eyes, a knowing expression. I felt my eyes well up and a tear formed, slowly rolling down my cheek “For how long?” she asked. “Since I was ten with my brothers. We just started fooling around. With Ramon, after my mother died. I wanted to see him happy again.” “I thought I sensed something between you and Del. He’s the older one, right?” She kissed me on the cheek where the tear had left a wet trail. “Yes,” I replied. “Is this a bad thing?” “Do you think it’s a bad thing?” She stroked my hair. “No. I love them very much.” “And they love you?” “Yes, of course.” “And it gives you pleasure?” she said. “Yes.” She kissed me again, letting me draw my own conclusions. I turned in her arms to face her. “You don’t think any less of me?” “Quite the contrary,” she said, placing her hand on my breast. “You’re a young girl with a big heart, filled with love for everyone in your world. Don’t hoard it, don’t let it go to waste. Give your love and it will come back in many ways.” “Julia, I…” She cut me off with a kiss. “I know, dear. I know.” I felt as if an enormous weight had been lifted from me. I felt as if I could have flown over the city on gossamer wings of joy. I felt closer to Julia than I’d ever felt to anyone since my mother’s passing. As I lay in her arms, my head laying against her breast, her heartbeat thrumming in my ear, I wanted to preserve this moment forever, to make time stop and spend the rest of my life in her arms. Unfortunately, I couldn’t stop the clock. Checkout time loomed, and we had to get dressed and pack, a long drive home ahead of us. The bellhop brought our bags to the lobby and the valet brought Julia’s car around. As she returned the room key to the front desk, the concierge approached us with a bouquet of red roses. “Anne?” he asked. “That’s me,” I replied. “These arrived for you just now,” he said, handing me the flowers. “Thank you,” I said. Julia handed him a tip, and he bowed slightly and turned on his heel. “They’re lovely, dear,” Julia said. “Is there a card?” I found a small handwritten note between the stems. “Thinking of you,” it read. “It’s from Brad,” I said. “What a well-mannered young man,” she said. “Come, they’ve brought the car around.” I floated out of the lobby, my feet barely touching the ground. No one had ever given me flowers before. I held them on my lap the whole way home, sniffing their sweet fragrance every ten miles or so. We pulled into the driveway of my house and Julia helped me bring my things inside. Del and Paco were watching television in the living room. Ramon was down at the docks, doing maintenance on the fishing boat. I greeted my brothers with hugs and kisses as Julia looked on, and then I walked her out to the car. “Don’t forget to put those flowers in water,” she said, kissing me on the cheek. “Thank you, Julia,” I said, returning her kiss with one on the lips. “Thank you so much for this weekend.” “You’re welcome, Annie. I’ve got to go back in a couple of weeks,” she said. “I’d love for you to join me again.” We kissed again, and I watched her drive off before going back into the house. After three days in the lap of luxury, it seemed so dreary and worn. I brought my new clothes upstairs to my room, carefully hanging up my new dresses and putting my new toys away in my bedside table, and then changing into shorts and a t-shirt. I went back downstairs to the kitchen to put dinner in the oven before joining Del and Paco on the couch. There was a ball game on the television. “So, how was Boston?” Del asked. “Wonderful,” I replied, reaching out for his hand. Paco snuggled up to me, leaning his head on my shoulder. “We missed you,” he said. “Yeah,” Del added. “Papi did too.” “That’s sweet,” I said, kissing Del and then Paco on the cheek. I heard a key in the front door lock; it was Ramon. He gave me a big hug and a kiss before flopping down on one of the living room chairs, exhausted from working on the boat. “You have fun in Boston?” he asked. I told him about the museums and shopping, leaving out the visit to the sex toy store and the orgy in my account. I didn’t want to risk making Ramon jealous. I wanted to be able to go there again with Julia in a couple of weeks. After dinner I slipped on the ivory silk chemise Julia had bought me and went into Ramon’s bedroom. He was waiting for me on the bed, dressed only in his boxers. I climbed into bed next to him and we kissed, a faint trace of rum on his lips. “The boys missed you,” he said. “And you?” “I did, too.” I kissed him again and tugged on his shorts. He lifted his ass up from the bed so I could pull them down before curling up between his legs and taking his fat cock in my mouth, feeling it grow between my lips. After all the strange penises I’d seen the night before, Ramon’s thick tool seemed familiar, comforting. As soon as he was hard enough, I climbed on top of him, lifting the hem of my chemise and guiding him inside me. He held me gently as I rode his stiff prick, pulling the chemise over my head so he could plant tender kisses on my breasts. I missed the way he held my hips in his strong hands, guiding me up and down on his cock, my ass bouncing against his thighs with each stroke. There were some big cocks at that party, but none could match Papi’s thickness, filling my hungry pussy and grinding against my swollen clit. His hands cupped my ass, urging me to fuck him faster, bringing us closer to our release. That familiar feeling began to take hold of me, starting at my clit and radiating outward through my thighs and belly, making my toes curl and my nipples stiffen and crinkle. I closed my eyes and savored this feeling, trying to tighten my pussy muscles around my papi’s hard cock. My orgasm began with a flushed feeling in my face and a tightness in my belly, the tension inside me building until it snapped like a watch spring. I collapsed against Ramon’s chest, holding him close as I shuddered on top of him, my thighs clamping against his. He held me to his chest, moving his hips when I could no longer move mine, pushing his cock deep inside of me with each stroke. I felt his cock twitch inside of me and heard him let out a soft groan. There was a flood of warmth inside me as he filled me with his hot cream, his hips slowing and finally coming to rest beneath me. “You really did miss me,” I said, reaching down to feel the river of cum that leaked from my pussy. I rested my head on his chest, feeling loved as he kissed me and stroked my hair. “Your brothers missed you too, you know,” he whispered. I kissed him again and pulled myself off his cock, letting more of his cream leak from my messy snatch and run down my thigh. I grabbed his boxers and held them between my legs to stop the flow. “I’ll be back,” I said, kissing him again. I picked up my chemise from the bed and left his bedroom, holding his cummy boxers between my legs. “We need a bidet,” I thought to myself, heading to the bathroom. I cleaned myself as best as I could, leaving the sticky boxers in the hamper. Then I walked up to the third floor, to Del’s bedroom. He was sitting on his bed, reading a comic book. I grabbed him by the hand and led him to Paco’s room. Paco happened to be looking at a porn magazine; his cock was out as if he was about to jerk off. “Put that down,” I said. “I’ve got something better for you.” I took my brothers down to my bedroom and helped them get undressed. Del laid down on his back atop my bed, already erect, and I climbed on top of him, just as I had done with his father only a few minutes before, feeling his young cock easily slip inside sloppy pussy. “Paco, get the lotion from my dresser,” I said. He happily complied, lubing up his stiffy and climbing into bed behind me. “Slow down, Annie,” he whispered, his hands on my bottom, trying to steady my moving hips long enough to pierce my bottom with his pole. “Sorry, Paquito. Try it now,” I said, pausing my humping long enough for him to enter my tight bottom. He pushed inside me, letting out a satisfied sigh when his cockhead passed through the tight ring of muscle. Del liked to set the pace when we did this, holding my hips while Paco had his hands on my waist, barely moving as my ass moved up and down on his cock. Del’s hips moved against mine, and I could feel their poles pressing together inside me, separated by a thin wall of flesh. What I liked most of all was the feeling of being sandwiched between them, feeling their skin against mine, their muscles flexing and relaxing, their hearts beating against me, within me. I savored the feeling of these two young men, eager to please me, eager to take their pleasure within me, their smooth hard cocks piercing my tender holes. I closed my eyes and thought how lucky I was to have them. My mind began to wander as I lay between them. I wondered if they had ever fooled around with each other, trying to imagine them laying side-by-side in bed, stroking each other’s hard cock. I tried to picture Paco on his knees, taking Del’s organ in his mouth, like the two men in the sex shop. I knew it would have never crossed their minds; even at their age they had a well-developed sense of machismo. But the mental image served to arouse me even more, and in my mind’s eye I could see Del’s hard cock pressing against Paco’s little asshole, impaling his younger brother on his erection. It was a potent trigger, and the pleasure welled up within me again, making me moan and buck and squirm between my brothers’ pumping cocks as I came. I began to bear down on the two rigid members inside me, seeking the extra friction that came from tightening myself around their tools. As was usually the case, Paco came first, his cock plunging into me again and again and spurting a warm jet of cum in my ass. His movements slowed, and he lingered inside me for a minute before slipping out of me, kissing me tenderly on the back and heading to the bathroom to wash himself off. That left me and Del, our hips grinding against each other, making my bed squeak as we fucked. Our lips met and melted together, our tongues meeting halfway, his hands roaming over my body. I broke off the kiss to let out a gasp, feeling another climax coming on. Del’s lips found my breast, and he suckled me as I came, his teeth lightly grazing my stiff nipple, his hands on my ass, urging me to hump him faster. I felt his cock stiffen and twitch inside me, and he lifted his hips off of the bed, burying himself in my hungry snatch as he flooded me with his sperm. He fell back to the bed with a sigh, caressing my back as I lay on top of him. We lay like that for a while, until his cock softened and slipped out of me. I rolled off of him, reaching for a towel to blot the river of spunk that flowed from my cunny and ass. Del kissed me and went back to his room. When the flow of cum subsided, I put on an old pair of cotton panties and returned to Ramon’s bedroom. He was asleep already, so I climbed into bed next to him and watched him for a while before falling asleep next to him. * * * (c) 2002 Anais Ninja [email protected]

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