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Friday Afternoon Part 2Part 2Norma’s StoryAfter his mother had gone, Bobby sat motionless on the toilet, headthrown back, his eyes closed and his entire being reeling from theexperience. First, having suffered the humiliation of being caughtmasturbating by his mother, but then having his mother boldlyencourage him to do it in front of her while she looked on notthree feet away and even took off her blouse and bra and let himlook at her bare breasts and huge dark nipples while he did it. Hestill couldn’t believe that he had actually had an orgasm right infront of his own mother as she watched; he really did jack offwhile she watched and had the most powerful cum of his life as shegoaded him on by talking sexy and even playing with her enormousnipples. It amazed him that she appeared to not only enjoy theexperience, but actually seemed to be turned on by it. It was justtotally incredible and beyond comprehension to his young mind.Finally he roused himself, got cleaned up and went to his room where hedropped exhausted onto his bed and immediately fell into a deep,dreamless sleep. He awoke sometime later hearing his mother calling himto dinner. When he looked at the clock it showed right at six oclock.He’d been asleep for two whole hours! And then the memory of hisexperience came thundering back to him and he wondered whether he couldgo down and face his mother over the dinner table. As the memory washedover him he began to feel a mixture of shame, guilt and embarrassment atwhat had happened. But he also felt a growing sense of erotic excitementas the vision of his mother sitting across from him on the edge of thebathtub, watching him intently as he had frigged his rigid cock whileshe fondled her own breasts flooded before his mind’s eye. It was like adream, but so intense that he didn’t doubt for a second that it hadreally happened.Summoning up all his courage he left his bedroom and headed downstairsnot knowing what to expect from his mother but also excited at thesame time. When he reached the dining room, dinner was already onthe table and he immediately saw with a sense of disappointmentthat his father was seated at the table. Then his mother came infrom the kitchen carrying a hot plate of vegetables and she lookedat him. “Maybe I did dream all this,” he thought to himself. Normasmiled gently at Bobby as if nothing out of the ordinary had everhappened. It was a warm smile, but nothing unusual and it made himbegin to doubt his sanity. He thought she ought to at least givesome hint of what had passed between them but no, there was no signthat things had changed.They ate dinner just like always. Following dinner Bobby helped hismother with the dishes, but she still gave no clue of anythingdifferent.As it worked out, the weekend was taken up with a number of differentactivities and he never got any time alone with his mother. On hisSaturday night date with his more-or-less steady girlfriend, Ariel,he was distracted to the point that she mentioned that he seemedpreoccupied and asked what the matter was. When he replied rathershortly that there wasn’t anything wrong, she stated that she wasa bit surprised that he wasn’t his usual agressive self and wonderedwhether something in their relationship had changed. It was truethough; after his experience with his mother, he couldn’t imaginedoing anything with Ariel – even if she consented, fat chance! -which would come anywhere close to approximating the feelings hehad right then for his mother.Bobby had slept well that Friday night, but beginning on Saturdayhe developed a state of hypersexual arousal that no amount ofmasturbation could relieve. During the day he had had to bringhimself off three times as he relived the previous afternoon’sexperience. During his date all he could think of was his mother.When the work week began on Monday things had not changed. He stillthought constantly of Norma and what had happened and began towonder if it would ever develop any further. He sure wanted it to,but his mother gave no indication whatsoever of acknowledging thepast Escort Bayan event and nothing further seemed imminent. He couldn’t getout of his mind that at one point his mother had seemed particularlyturned on while watching him play with himself and had even toldhim that she too masturbated and had promised (did she actuallypromise??) that maybe one day she would let him watch her do it.Or was it really just a dream after all. Each time he came hefantasized what it would be like to squirt all that cum onto hismother’s tits. He wondered if the time would ever come when shewould let him sperm all over her breasts that way. And each timefollowing his orgasm he would be overcome with shame at what hismind conjured up and vow to forget the whole matter (his motherseemed to have done so) and to never again jack off while thinkingabout her. It was no use, of course. In only a matter of hours hewas back at it again and again and again.At one point during the middle of the week he had taken out hissex magazines, but as he leafed through one of them he noticed thatthey no longer held the appeal they had had in the past. The lifelesspictures just didn’t seem to do a thing for him anymore. What hereally wanted, desired, was another encounter with his mother. Hewanted it badly, but felt that if it were going to happen it wouldhave to be initiated by her. He just didn’t have the nerve to bringup the subject. Nor did he have the opportunity then.When Friday rolled around again, he returned home from school hopingto find his mother alone. Today there had been basketball practiceand it wasn’t until four oclock that he got home, but, to hisimmense disappointment, she wasn’t there. He had hoped beyond hopethat they could take up where they had left off the previous week.Deflated, he went to his room when the phone rang. He raced tothe phone in the hallway hoping it was Norma, but it wasn’t. Itwas Ariel instead wanting to know what time he was coming over fortheir date that evening.Meanwhile, Norma had spent the entire week mulling over the incidentwith her son. Originally, she had meant only to discuss the issueof sex with him since his father would have not part of it. Shesimply had wanted to find out where he was and reasure him. Butsomething had happened when she accidentally and untintentionallycaught him masturbating that had awoken something deep and long-hiddeninside her. When she had opened the door to the bathroom she hadbeen caught unawares and she was immediately astonished at the sizeof her son’s erect penis. She hadn’t imagined that it could be sobig. That was the beginning for her.A couple of seconds later when the surprise had passed it dawnedon her that her son was right in the middle of a masturbationsession and, feeling guilty for having interrupted, she backedaway. Even today, she couldn’t figure out what came over her asshe started down the hall away from the bathroom, but she felt thetime was right to have that discussion with Bobby. When she reenteredthe bathroom and began talking to him and looking at him she wasovercome with a lust she hadn’t felt in years. She could onlysurmise that it must have lain dormant for ages, probably sinceher college days when she had been very sexually active – with bothmen and women.As she had sat down on the edge of the tub and looked over at herson the thing she most wanted at that moment was to see him cum.She had an overpowering desire to watch him jack his oh-so-largepenis to an orgasm; she could feel her whole cunt begin to swellwith her rising arousal at the thought. So she embarked on themission of saying and doing whatever was necessary to get thataccomplished. As the discussion progressed and he seemed reluctant,naturally, to comply with her desires she wondered if it were withinher power to excite him to the point where he would be compliant.It hadn’t occured to her just then that he might find her sexuallyarousing, but she knew that she possessed a single physical attributethat had made all of her previous sex partners Bayan escort mad with lust; andthat was her fantastic nipples.So she steered the conversation in that direction, trying to gethim to talk about what turned him on. It was gratifying when headmitted that breasts were the major focus of his libido and thatalthough she couldn’t compare in the overall size department shewas sure that he would be adequately aroused by her huge darknipples. When by chance he admitted to having fantasized about herwhile masturbating she knew it was all over but for the shooting.It was fortuitous that he had that girlie magazine there. It wasa natural lead-in that occured to her spontaneously. She was upand gone like a shot to get the pictures that her next door neighborand best friend Caroline had taken of her some time back. The reactionshe expected was forthcoming when she finally let him look at thepictures of her. She knew then by the lust written all over hisface and his swollen cock that he was hooked. At that point shewas inflamed herself and was just barely holding herself in check.There was no doubt in her mind that she could never allow thesituation to go so far between them that they wound up fucking,but she felt somewhat less guilty in the knowledge that maybe itwould be OK for both of them to get off if there weren’t any actualcontact between them. She wanted badly to get the situation to thepoint where it would seem logical for her to masturbate herselfright there along with him. She even hinted at it by telling himthat she too masturbated and that she might just let him watch herjack off sometime. “Wow, did I really say that to him,” she thought.But luck just wasn’t with her. Deep down inside, she wanted toexhibit herself to Bobby, to have him admire her body and therebyconfirm her desirability. Because of this she went the extra stepand instead of just allowing him to look at the pictures of hershe had offered to bare her breasts for him right there to look atwhile he jacked off. It would then seem just natural if she tookoff the rest of her clothes which would allow her to begin masturbatingherself, as she so badly wanted to do, without the situation seemingcontrived. Sadly enough the sight of her naked tits was just toomuch for Bobby and he had blown his magnificent load almostimmediately; the sensory overload had just been too much for hisyoung mind.At that point some sense of sanity had intruded upon her and sherealized that the situation was at a good breaking point. She knew, too,that she needed to consider very carefully where she was going, what shereally wanted and what the risks were. So she broke the situation offright then feeling that it would be no problem to resume it when thetime was right.Nonetheless, she was very aware of the squishy feeling between herlegs as she departed the bathroom and headed for her bedroom. Thetemptation was great to just fling herself on the bed and jerk her hotthrobbing cunt to an intense orgasm. But she decided to wait. Forwhat, she wasn’t sure, but she just wanted to wait.Now for the problem of her husband. Jake was an asshole and forwhatever reason she felt absolutely no guilt where he was concerned.He liked having his continuing affairs with the girls at the officeand on the road; he spent about half his working time on the roadservicing accounts (and probably a lot more, for that matter). Forthe last few years their sex life had been non-existent becausehis diddling on the outside left little room for her. As thisdeveloped she had considered initiating her own affairs, but decidedit might just make what was a tolerable situation intolerable. Nosense in ruining what was otherwise a very decent life. Instead,she confided in her best friend from next door, Caroline (who washaving her own marital problems), and was very pleasantly surprisedto discover something that she hadn’t had even an inkling of. Themutual sharing eventually led to the disclosure on Caroline’s partthat she had, for a long time now, had a very Escort strong desire forNorma, but hadn’t revealed it for fear of losing her friendship.Norma then shocked her with her own recounting of the numerouslesbian affairs she had had in college and made it very clear toCaroline that she was more than willing have sex with her if that iswhat she desired.It was the best of all possible worlds. They were both blissful asthey sat naked side by side later that afternoon sipping cocktailsfollowing a long drawn out session of mutual deep tongue kissing, nipplesucking and frenching each others cunts to a number of orgasms.Norma was indeed delighted at Caroline’s obvious obsession with herbig nipples and loved hearing her say over and over, “God, Norma, Ican’t believe how big your nipples are, they’re so fucking sexy! I justcan’t get enough of them!” They both agreed that everyone was comingout a winner. Norma wouldn’t have to start something with anotherman which might destroy her marriage. Caroline was now realizing alongtime fantasy about her close neighbor and Jake would be leftin peace to do his thing.From then on, Norma made herself available to Caroline for her pleasureat regular intervals when their mutual situations allowed. This wasusually once or twice a month and the experiences were alwaysgratifying. Caroline was a skilled lover and never left Normaunsatisfied. If it continued this way forever Norma would be perfectlyhappy.At one point when Norma was going to take a vacation for a fewdays, Caroline had expressed that she would miss Norma terribly.Somehow the idea came about that they would take some photos ofNorma – just for fun – so that she would have something to masturbateto while Norma was gone. And they did it one evening in Norma’sbedroom while both their husbands and families where off somewhereelse. It had been great fun, especially since it was the first timethat Norma had ever had an experience masturbating with a largedildo stuck firmly up her hungry cunt. When they developedthe photos they both had a set of prints; they even turned Norma on so much that she had once masturbated while looking at thepictures of herself!On Wednesday following that fateful Friday afternoon, Norma hadbecome so horny that she was almost beside herself. She needed tocome badly just to relieve the incredible tension that built upfantasizing about her son, but for some unknown reason she justdidn’t want to jerk herself off. She was tempted to throw cautionto the winds and just get her son by himself and do whatever shewanted. But common sense prevailed and instead she went next doorto see her friend Caroline, much to the other woman’s delight. Thesex between the women that evening was short (out of necessity lestthey arouse suspicions) but intense. Caroline couldn’t believe theardor with which Norma tongued her off while simultaneously fingerfucking her asshole with one hand and masturbating herself withthe other, all at the same time. In the mellow come-down followingtheir simultaneous orgasm Norma had been sorely tempted to tellCaroline all about Bobby and ask her advice, but she restrainedherself.But this was a different deal now, her being involved with Bobby.She didn’t much care whether Jake found out about Caroline or not;she could always counter that with his own indiscretions. He mightnot take so kindly, however, to having his son being sexuallyinvolved with his mother. So she would have to find a way to keepthis whole thing secret. In so doing she might have overreactedand became over cautious to the point of torturing her son. Shewas well aware of this, but felt the caution was justified. Shepromised herself that she would talk to Bobby the first real chanceshe got.And she wondered how her son was taking all of this after a week’stime. She had a good idea that it was constantly on his mind becausehe was always looking at her and giving her these long soulful lookswhich she couldn’t return.But she would make it right for him at the first opportunity. Thephone call from Jake this Friday afternoon telling her there wasan emergency meeting this weekend at the New York headquarters(yeah, sure!) was just such an opportunity. That meant he wouldn’tbe home all weekend and there would be plenty of chance for herand Bobby to discuss what had happened and whatever . . .

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