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Prelude — The “PG-rated” version of this story was posted recently under the title, “A Friend In Need” if you’re interested in comparing it to this one. Spoiler Alert: If you’re a fan of hard-core graphic porn, this R-rated story probably isn’t for you. Comments are appreciated.

With sincerest apologies to Ernest Hemingway fans – it was supposed to be the best day of her life, but it quickly became one of her worst. Jessica was suddenly alone, single and pathetic, just two hours removed from what she THOUGHT was going to be a marriage proposal over dinner. How could she have been so clueless? More than two years invested in a monogamous relationship with Jason – the man of her dreams – and now look at her!

Her “perfect” ex-boyfriend did his best to remove her total lack of self-confidence when they first started dating. What did he see in her, she wondered back then? He was THE catch, the only man who ever really paid attention to her, who saw her for her inner beauty, and he almost had her convinced that she could deserve a man like him. They quickly became inseparable. Not only was he handsome, but he was a kind, patient and considerate partner in bed, and when she finally lowered her inhibitions, she had become a willing student. It took only a moment for the build-up to come crashing down as he ripped the band-aid off before they even set foot in the restaurant.

Now, staring into the mirror in her tiny apartment, she once again saw herself as she really was — a frumpy, nerdy, quirky obsessive-compulsive woman with no social skills and little if any sex appeal. She never fathomed that outsiders saw a very different person. In reality, she possessed physical beauty of which she was totally unaware. A natural brunette, her complexion was just dark enough to have people wondering if she was from Spanish or perhaps Greek bloodlines. Depending on the way the light shone, her hair appeared to have natural auburn and copper shading that many women would die for.

At 5’4, she possessed an athletic, curvy body with full hips rising to a thin waist, accentuated with small but perky breasts. Her best physical attribute was undoubtedly her gorgeous big brown eyes, with her full lips a distant second. Although she never had braces, her teeth were almost perfectly straight and nearly pure white — no doubt one of the few benefits of her prior bouts with OCD.

Despite her appearance, she rarely dressed to impress, preferring old jeans and long-sleeved t-shirts or pullovers to anything more stylish. If she wasn’t in jeans, she was in a seemingly endless rotation of leggings. Her wardrobe consisted of perhaps twenty pair, all identical black Danskins. Today was an exception. Assuming that she was about to become engaged, she decided to skip the leggings or jeans. She agonized over her myriad of choices, finally selecting a navy blue skirt and a floral-print blouse after opting out of a black dress, reasoning that most women in the restaurant would be in something similar.

Now, back home and forgetting her OCD, she incrementally shed her clothing as soon as she entered her apartment, leaving it in a trail to her small bedroom. The skirt was discarded in the tiny living room along with her nylons, while the blouse made it as far as the hallway. The underwire bra was the last to go, and was tossed just outside of her bedroom.

Entering her room, she looked down at her sheer panties, which barely contained a freshly trimmed dark mound. Both the panties and matching bra were rare excessive purchases made just for this special occasion and to cap off what she thought would be a celebratory sexual romp afterward. For a split-second, she considered ripping the panties off and replacing them with her androgynous boy shorts, but – remembering the steep price tag – she decided to spare them, at least for tonight. She pulled her old comfy sweats from the dresser drawer and grabbed her “Time to Wine Down” t-shirt, putting both on before dropping onto her bed in tears.

Sliding under her comforter, she hugged her pillow and curled into the fetal position, closing her eyes but struggling to sleep as her head spun. At thirty-three, she thought she was FINALLY done searching for THE one. Now she couldn’t bear the thought of seeing another man in any capacity. Wiping her mascara-smeared eyes, she heard the faint sound of a text message coming from somewhere under the covers. Ignoring it for a few minutes, curiosity got the best of her, and she fumbled under the comforter for the iPhone.

“Well? When’s the big day?”

Karen, her best friend and co-worker at the diner, was almost more excited than Jess when she learned that tonight may be the night. Her text only served to fuel the tears, and Jess deleted it before sobbing uncontrollably in her pillow.

A few minutes later, she received another text.

“Details, pleeeaaassseeee!”

As she lay on the bed, the phone rang. Prying her left eye opened, she saw that it was Karen once again, this time calling rather than hd porno emailing. Sniffling, she ignored it. Minutes later, another text:

“Jess — Where are you?”

“I’m worried about you — I’ll be right over.”

Oh God, thought Jess, suddenly regretting that she gave Karen an apartment key long ago. Again she buried her head under her pillows, realizing that she wouldn’t have time to compose herself before Karen’s visit, and knowing that there was no way to avoid her.

Pulling herself out of bed, she dragged herself into the bathroom, hurriedly removing what little makeup remained. Her hair was a mess, and rather than wasting time dealing with it, she opted instead for a ponytail. Grabbing a black Nike cap, she pulled her ponytail through it and prepared to look in the mirror.

She wasn’t at all surprised by the hideous creature who looked back at her through swollen red eyes. In sweats with old elastic that was stretched so far that they only stayed up with help from her wide hips, she looked more like someone preparing to stand in line at a soup kitchen than one who — hours before — was floating on cloud nine in the vestibule of a four star restaurant. Wiping her eyes, she heard the loud knock at the door and knew it was going to be a long night.

Slowly moving from the bathroom, she said half-heartedly, “Ok, I’m coming.”

She heard the key in the lock, but opened the door to face Karen.

“Oh my God, what in the world happened to you?”

“Long story, but, but …. ” Jess broke down as she tried to tell her friend.

Karen wrapped her arms around Jess as she whispered, “It’s ok, it’s ok. Let’s get you over to the couch. Deep breaths, ok?”

Jess nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks as Karen led her to the couch and plopped down beside her. Rubbing her back, Karen just sat quietly, knowing already what had taken place and realizing that there was nothing she could say to ease the pain. She now regretted bringing the two-liter bottle of chardonnay that was meant as an engagement celebration, and she hoped that Jess didn’t see the gift bag next to the door.

Despite very different upbringings, Jess and Karen were two peas in a pod, and often were mistaken for sisters. Karen was an inch or two shorter and possibly ten pounds heavier than Jess, but other than that, they were almost mirror images of each other. Personality-wise, Karen was the easygoing one, while Jess tended to obsess over the most trivial things. Although she was by no means a slut, Karen’s sexual history was quite checkered when compared to Jess’s, and she made no apologies for “playing the field.”

Karen often gravitated toward the bad boys, and only by sheer luck managed to survive into her early thirties without unplanned pregnancies or stds. One-night stands were really “no big deal” to her, while the thought of such a thing mortified Jess. Although Karen considered herself to be heterosexual, during weak moments alone, her fantasies sometimes briefly crossed over into other areas, and — she had to admit to herself – the climaxes resulting from those thoughts were usually more intense than her more “vanilla” fantasies. Despite that, she was sure that she would never go “there” in real life. After all, her sexual fantasies were just harmless fun, known only to her, and not to be shared.

One night over a bit too much wine, Karen and Jess compared notes on their sexual past. Karen couldn’t begin to guess how many partners she had (maybe thirtyish?), while Jess embarrassedly admitted to having had only two. Despite these differences, they were the closest of friends, non-judgmental and supportive of each other in good times and bad.

Now, sitting quietly together in Jess’s apartment, Karen did her best to quietly comfort her best friend, offering to make her hot tea, and bringing her favorite blanket. Jess resisted the tea and – against Karen’s better judgment — requested a glass of wine.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Jess?”

“I don’t care — it’s not like I’m going to be driving anywhere,” Jess sniffled.

“I guess that’s true. Just one glass though, ok?”

“Yeah, whatever, MOM” Jess commented, with the emphasis on “MOM.”

Ignoring the snarky comment, Karen grabbed plastic cups and poured the wine, handing a cup to Jess as she slid under the warm blanket. After a few minutes of silence and several sips of wine, Karen asked, “Wanna talk about it?”

“No, not really.”

“Ok,” Karen said quietly, sipping more wine.

Reaching for the remote, she clicked on the TV, flipping through the channels for something light to break the mood, and carefully avoiding anything resembling romantic comedies. As she scanned the channels, Jess slowly rose from the couch, set her empty cup on the coffee table and wandered toward the bathroom.

Concerned, Karen kept a close eye on her, noticing the loose waistband of Jess’s sweats, which – with every shaky step – caused the pants to drop even lower. Jess unconsciously pulled sex izle them up as she walked, but not before several inches of her sheer panties and full butt were visible to Karen. Feeling sorry for her friend, she tried to dismiss the scene from her mind, but flashed back for a second to one of her past private fantasies. It’s just the wine, she told herself, again flipping through the channels. In Jess’s absence, Karen blushed as she tried to suppress the thought — no, the desire. Against her better judgement, she refilled her own cup, not bothering to do the same for Jess.

While alone under the blanket, Karen thought back to Jason and the many red flags that appeared early on in the relationship. Of course, Jess was head over heels in love, so Karen’s early subtle warnings went unheeded. Karen spent several sleepless nights earlier in the year, agonizing over an inappropriate advance made by Jason during a small gathering of friends in Karen’s townhouse.

After reluctantly agreeing to a second shot of tequila when the other guests were out of earshot, Jason leaned in and confided, “You know Jess talks about you sometimes when I’m inside her.” Karen just blushed and pushed him away.

She initially blamed it on alcohol and tried to dismiss it, but there were enough touches and flirtatious comments made when Jason was totally sober, that she finally had to threaten him to make him stop. Still, she couldn’t help but occasionally think back to his comment and wondered if there was any truth to it.

His parting comment to her was, “It’s too bad. I bet you would have been a real slut in the sack.”

Now, sitting with a slight buzz and watching her best friend’s pain, she realized that she should have spoken up back then.

Karen settled on an episode of “Friends,” which seemed to perk Jess up a bit when she returned from the bathroom and got back under the blanket next to Karen. Looking down at her empty cup, she sighed and reached out to pour herself another. Both ponytailed friends sat together quietly — two nearly identical bookends on the couch – with the only discernable difference being Karen’s attire – navy leggings and a pullover rather than sweats and t-shirt.

“He’s such a f____’ing dick,” Jess finally muttered.

“Well, he IS a guy, so that goes without saying,” Karen replied quietly, pouring them both more wine.

Watching the episode, Jess said tearfully, “He said we were soulmates. He was my ‘Ross’ and I was his ‘Rachel.’ And I believed him. What a f___ing liar! I swear, I’ll never trust another man again….”

“Well,” Karen said quietly, “Never is a pretty long time. I’m sure there is someone out there for both of us.”

Karen wrapped her arms around her best friend and gave her a lingering hug under the blanket. “It’s ok, it’s ok,” she whispered. They remained like that, huddled together through the episode, until it was Karen’s turn to use the bathroom. Unwrapping herself from her friend, she picked herself up and headed for the room, focused on steadying herself as she realized that she may have had just a little too much wine.

When she returned, Jess was under the comforter, sprawled across the couch on her stomach, as the next episode came on. Looking down, Karen noticed that Jess’s sweatpants were now lying in a bunch on the floor. Hesitating for a second or two, she took a deep breath and squeezed back under the blanket from the far corner of the sofa. She smiled as she said, “Hey, don’t hog the couch,” while bending Jess’s lower legs upward to shift under them before placing them back across her lap. Jess sniffled while watching the episode and Karen did her best to comfort her, gently stroking her friend’s hair with one hand while resting her left hand on Jess’s bare calves under the cover. Jess scooted down a bit to get more comfortable, ending up with her midsection over her friend’s lap. With this movement, Karen did her best to control her breathing as she felt her heart suddenly racing.

“I have to pee again but I really don’t want to get up,” Jess murmured minutes later.

Giving Jess a gentle smack on her butt before squeezing a cheek playfully, Karen prodded her, “Get up before you have an accident on me!”

Reluctantly, Jess rose and clumsily walked to the bathroom, giggling. Relieved at hearing the laughter, Karen tried not to watch her as she staggered through the room. Impulsively, Karen filled both of their cups, emptying the last of the wine as Jess returned. Now in just the sheer panties, fuzzy socks and t-shirt, Karen couldn’t help but admire her friend, hoping Jess didn’t notice her gaze as she drank in the view for a split-second.

Biting her lip, Karen took a sip while Jess dropped back down across her lap, assuming the same position.

Looking up at Karen, Jess said, “No more spanking, ok?”

They both giggled, and Karen feigned a hard slap before resting it gently on Jess’s butt without thinking.

Karen blushed, then went along with the kidding, “No? You didn’t like that?” She altyazılı porn gently rubbed Jess’s full round ass through the panties as she asked, groggy now from the wine.

“Well, I didn’t say THAT!” kidded Jess, squirming slightly against Karen’s leg. They continued to watch TV, and as Karen allowed her hand to rest lightly on Jess’s butt she felt a hint of tingling down below. Thinking better of it, she removed her hand and dropped it to rest on the back of Jess’s knee.

“Awe,” Jess sighed without realizing it. Ignoring her, Karen continued to watch the show.

Jess said quietly, “So, between Ross, Chandler and Joey, which one would you pick?”

“It depends.”

“On what,” Jess asked.

“On whether I want to laugh and be entertained or get fucked,” Karen said, matter-of-factly.

Jess snorted, “You’re so bad!”

“It would definitely be Chandler if I wanted to be entertained, but I think Ross would be an animal in bed,” she continued. “How about you, Jess?”

“I dunno. Joey reminds me too much of Jason, so I would be tempted to castrate him,” she giggled while sniffling. “The way I feel about men right now, if I had to choose it would probably be Rachel.”

Both laughed nervously, followed by an awkward silence, as Karen continued to lightly run her hand along Jess’s bare knee and hamstring.

Jess struggled to turn onto her side, now looking up at Karen. As she did, Karen’s hand naturally shifted to Jess’s warm thigh, where it stayed. “Don’t you think Rachel is pretty?”

“EVERYONE thinks Rachel is pretty,” replied Karen after a long pause, smiling down at her friend.

“I’m so glad you came over. Stay with me tonight?”

Angling herself to give Jess a long hug, Karen said quietly, “Of course I will stay, as long as you want.”

Jess looked into her eyes and Karen was relieved to see a slight smile come across Jess’s tear-stained face as they hugged under the blanket. Face to face, lying on the couch, their bodies were pressed against each other’s. Karen felt a rush of heat, and although she was relieved that her leggings offered a safe barrier between her bare legs and Jess’s, deep down she regretted that she still had them on.

Turning back on her other side, Jess realized that maybe she could get through the pain, as her best friend wrapped her arms around her from behind, comforting her, whispering, “It’s going to be ok.”

In this position, Karen feared that Jess would feel her racing heart, but as she held on tightly to her friend, she heard Jess’s breathing increase as well. On screen, the episode ended, while the Rembrandts sang, “I’ll be there for you… ’cause you’re there for me too.” Hearing that, Karen eased her hold on Jess, knowing that it was wrong to “want” her friend, especially in Jess’ vulnerable state. Despite her surprising physical desire, she needed to be strong for both of them.

As she loosened her hug, Jess’ hand reached to hold Karen’s hand in place. The movement forced Karen’s hand slightly upward, barely grazing Jess’ small breast through the t-shirt. In harmony, both let out a feint moan at the moment of the errant touch. Karen realized that her chest was still pressed lightly against Jess’s back, and although she admittedly loved the feeling, she knew that she couldn’t continue, so she gently, reluctantly eased back.

Against her better judgement, they rested quietly together under the blanket. Minutes later, Karen heard Jess’ breathing drift into a rhythmic pattern and realized that her friend was now asleep. Karen’s right arm remained trapped under her, with Jess’s left hand still gently cupping Karen’s right hand just under Jess’ left breast. As much as she tried to shake it from her mind, Karen agonized over her desire to just cup her friend’s small breast, now that she was so agonizingly close.

Despite that, she struggled to keep control. Her mind conjured up a scene from Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart,” when the narrator/murderer described spending hours inching his way toward his victim, so as not to wake him. Like the narrator, and almost against her own will, Karen’s hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it performed a similar exercise, moving perhaps a millimeter at a time.

At just the moment she was about to finally touch the soft flesh, Jess shifted again in her deep sleep, moving from her right side onto her tummy and unconsciously pressing Karen’s hand tightly against her breast under her. Now Karen had no choice but to enjoy the sensation. Karen suppressed a moan as she felt her friend lovingly. It was hard to describe the touch, which was familiar, yet different from her own breast. She caught her breath as she felt Jess’ nipple begin to stiffen to her touch. Although she was unable to move her hand, she couldn’t remember a more erotic sensation.

She could only hope that Jess wouldn’t remember as her conscience again wrestled with control. She slowly attempted to withdraw her hand from under Jess without waking her. As she did so, her hand grazed Jess’ right breast and she hesitated just enough to cup it before continuing to slide her hand and ultimately her arm from under Jess. Now free, she felt a combination of relief and guilt at having felt up her best friend without her knowing.

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