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I was a typical twenty-year old girl on an early June Saturday morning. I was in my bed masturbating.

My new stepmother, Ginger, rapped on my door and came in. I managed to mostly cover up but I knew I had most of a tit out and that she could likely tell I had a hand on my pussy.

She asked me if I would be coming down for breakfast and I said “No” in a somewhat irritated fashion. She began to retreat wordlessly but stopped and looked at me. In a flash of understanding she smiled and said, “Sorry,” then retreated.

Ginger was Dads third wife and was eight years older than me. I had hated the last one and was not all that fond of Mom but this one was making an effort to be my friend. I decided I needed to treat her better and resumed masturbating.

She and I wore the same sizes and had similar tastes. Neither of us had breasts to show off but we showed off what we had anyway. She was not taken aback when I told her I was a lesbian. Mom and wife number two had been scandalized.

After I got my orgasm I dressed and hurried to the kitchen. I found Ginger drinking coffee at the breakfast table. She gave me a smile and said, “Your breakfast is in the oven.”

I smiled back, got my food out and sat to eat next to her. “Where is Dad?”

“On his way to the airport. The honchos at the home office in Chicago called him for a meeting this afternoon. He should be back tomorrow morning”.

“Is he in trouble?”

“Unlikely. He is their fair-haired guy. He thinks they are going to approve his expansion proposal. What made you think he might be in trouble?”

“Well, for the second time in three years he married his executive assistant. That is a bit counter to the company’s reputed family values.”

“His last wife Irene was disliked by many more than just you and me. She convinced your father that he had made her pregnant but by the time he understood it was a lie they were married. A year later when she did become pregnant the vasectomy that he got before they married made it obvious it was not his baby and he divorced her.

She is now in a paternity battle with her counterpart at our biggest competitor. He is married, so far. They have also accused each other of company espionage. She will come out of this OK unfortunately. Both companies want it to go away and there will be a settlement.”

“She will never get another top job,” I said.

“No, but she will get a job at some small out of the way company. She will have it better than she deserves. People like her always do.”

“I am sad to hear that. How did you and Dad hook up?”

I was Irene’s assistant for six months and did all the work for her and she took all the credit. Your Dad knew that and named me as Irene’s replacement. I accepted the promotion even knowing your Dad seduced everyone that would allow him to do so. I wanted him from the start but refused to accept his advances. We did not fuck until the honeymoon two years later.

The company suggested that I be replaced as his assistant because of the way his marriage to Irene had turned out. The honchos knew that I was nowhere near like her but it was a carrot to the stockholders. That is why I am again a teacher. I do love your father.”

“I did not know all of that about Irene. I did not know you made him wait. I do know he loves showing you off.”

“He is crazy doing that. Showing off a small tit, freckled faced, wild haired redhead is counterproductive. He should keep me seven steps behind him.”

As she said that it occurred to me that I was the dirty blonde version of Ginger. Somehow that made me feel better.

She continued, “Irene was a tall, beautiful blonde with nice tits, perfect for him to show off.”

I said, “Yes, they did look good together but look how that turned out.”

I put my dishes up then walked to her and kissed Ginger’s cheek. She seemed to be very surprised and very pleased. It was the first kiss I had given her.

“Third time seems to be the charm,” I said as I left the kitchen.

As I got dressed to go to class I wondered if I had dropped my defenses against her too soon. Too late to do anything about it though, she was already my favorite Mom.

I taught my gymnastics class that Saturday morning and prepared to do my usual bumming around at the mall and look for pussy, but by the time I left the gym’s parking lot I had changed my mind and drove home. It was eerily quiet in the house but Ginger’s car was there so I was sure she was home.

As I walked past the entry to the den I saw her on the loveseat watching TV. She was naked and masturbating while watching one of my lesbian porn movies. She had obviously not expected me back until late in the afternoon, that had been my pattern.

I got there as she was plunging into a big orgasm and did not hear or see me so I stayed by the entry behind her and watched.

The first thing I noticed was that she masturbated with vigor and had big cums. I also noted that her cums came one after another like cars on a fright train.

“Dad must love that,” I thought.

After casino oyna the orgasm finished with her she kept playing with her pussy and tits as she concentrated on the movie. She wanted more.

I knew the movie well and knew that in five minutes the best sex scene in it would begin so I went to my room, got naked, and quickly returned to the entry. I was suddenly horny too.

Ginger had resumed masturbating with purpose. I began to masturbate with purpose. I did not last long and stopped after just one orgasm. Ginger was on her umpteenth.

I returned to my room, got dressed, and then snuck out the door. I could hear that she had rewound the movie back to the climatic scene.

I drove around for a while then called her on my cell phone. I told her that the mall was boring and asked if she would like to join me for lunch. She sounded somewhat out of breath, which surprised me; the movie should have been over by then.

She did say she would be ready by the time I got home from the mall. I did not tell her I was half way there but she was ready when I opened the door.

I was a college senior at our local university and many of my friends would be working the place I drove us to, “The Petals.” It had good food, a college crowd of students and professors and a hint of lesbianism in the air; most of the wait staff was lesbian or bi like the owner.

Ginger and I were greeted warmly by a girl whose pussy I had feasted on and were shown to our table by a girl that had semi-regularly feasted on me, Marissa. She was very curious about Ginger so I introduced her as my new Mom. I put my arm around Gingers waist and as I did her elbow clamped down on my arm, holding it in place. She quickly put her arm around my waist so I clamped down on her arm too.

During our over an hour lunch a whole stream of friends came over to meet her. All seemed to be happy for me even though none said so. We both got some hugs on the way out.

Marissa’s hug was as sensual as you can do in a crowded restaurant. She lined our tits up and pressed hers to mine, our bodies were in full contact when she kissed my cheek. She gave Ginger the exact same hug.

As we walked out Ginger giggled and quipped, “It feels great to be wanted.”

I laughed and said, “Yes it does.”

As I drove away I asked Ginger if she needed to do something that afternoon. She said “No” so I drove us to a miniature golf course.

“I love this place and the people here, especially the one who is the ticket seller on weekends. Her name is Nikki with two K’s. Her family is Russian. She is my best friend and most frequent lover although we are not in a relationship. I will ask her to give you her number by the way; she always knows where I am. A warning before we start, I kill at mini-golf. Prepare to be destroyed.”

Ginger laughed and said that, “We will see who gets destroyed. I have skills too.”

Apparently my friends at the restaurant had called Nikki because after my kiss on the lips she gave Ginger a kiss on the cheek. The crowd did not allow us time to talk so Ginger and I set out to annihilate each other.

Ginger said, “Nikki is gorgeous. Strawberry blonde hair, blue/green eyes, and what looked like yummy breasts. I wish I looked like that. How long have you two known each other?”

“All our lives. We met here when we were both celebrating our fourth birthdays. For the next ten years we celebrated them here. Dad divorced Mom and both basically forgot my birthday but her mother would come and get me and had a cake and presents for me. Her parents divorced, our friends scattered, but Nikki and I are here for every one of our birthdays. She is eight hours and twenty-seven minutes older than me and will remind me of that often.”

“Do you think you will end up as life partners?”

“Yes, maybe. I don’t know. Why do you ask?”

“Because it was obvious that you love each other madly.”

I thought about it for a minute and admitted to myself Ginger was right. “Well, maybe after we are teachers,” I said.

We were on our way to hole number ten when we realized we had not scored the previous three. We began to lie to each other on the amazingness of our shots during those holes as we walked into a tunnel. Suddenly Nikki jumped at me from the shadows and gave me a deep loving kiss. Before she ran away she gave Ginger a big kiss on the lips, then vanished.

“She does that every time I am here. We started kissing in this tunnel when we were five. Other than her mother you are the first person she has kissed after she has kissed me.”

“I am honored, and turned on,” she said with a giggle.

“You are horrendous!” I said and gave her a big kiss right on the lips. She seemed to enjoy that one too.

We talked all the way to the end and not once kept score. As we went past Nikki on the way out Ginger and I stuck our tongues out at her.

“OK. Tonight,” she said.

We laughed all the way to the car. I don’t think either of us was fully aware that we were holding hands until we walked towards opposite car doors.

As soon canlı casino as we were on our way I put my hand out for her and she intertwined our fingers together.

“How come I had not met Nikki before?” she asked.

“She has felt very unwanted in my house because my mother and number two thought she had perverted me. Dad pretends to dislike her too although Nikki is a favorite kid. He does wish we were not sex partners.”

“They will both learn better soon,” Ginger said.

I wondered what she meant by that.

We had just gotten home when her cell phone rang. “Hi baby. Are you on your way back?”

The rest of the conversation was one sided and I could tell it was not good news. I gave her some privacy and went to the kitchen for a coke. I got a Dr. Pepper for Ginger.

She joined me in the den as I looked around for the remote.

“What are you looking for, the remote?”

I nodded yes and she said, “I somehow ended up taking it to the bedroom with me. I’ll go get it.”

I smiled assuming her orgasms had gotten her a bit frazzled but said nothing. I decided to get more comfortable and left the den with her. I returned wearing only a t-shirt. That was my usual way of dressing except I had decided to skip the panties, I never wore a bra. Ginger was also wearing a t-shirt, no bra but she was wearing panties. She was telling bye to Dad as she sat with me.

Ginger gave me the remote and said; “Well it will be just you and me for at least a week. Your father is on his way to London to charm what may become the company’s biggest client. The company treasurer is going with him. Her name is Nora. Do you know her?”

“Yes, she was here at our branch before. Nice lady. She is British so she is going home.”

“How well do she and your father get along?”

“Well, they have fucked if that’s what you are asking. They had a fling after Mom left us. I was grateful to her for bringing Dad out of the doldrums. She is mostly a lesbian and has a partner so I doubt they will reconnect. However, although not very likely anything is possible.”

“That would have been a good time for you to lie to me. Why didn’t you?”

“I decided you needed to know. I respect you. Dad does too and he knows you are the best thing that has ever happened to him. If he does stray it will not be because he does not love you. It will be because he is a horny old man. You have to decide whether you are going to let it slide or not. Either way you will have me.”

I gave her a soft, loving kiss. She returned it as given.

She gave me a small smile and turned towards the TV. We held hands most of the time.

After watching the tail end of a movie I helped Ginger fix the doorbell. She had a wide variety of skills. She had recharged the Freon in the A/C, changed the belt on the washer and a few other things that Irene or Mom would have certainly called for a repairman.

We talked about my plans for that evening and she suggested that since we were going to a club Nikki should spend the night with me.

I called Nikki and told her and she seemed to be very, very pleased, especially when I told her it was Ginger’s suggestion. I remembered her big kiss to Ginger that afternoon and became suspicious.

Nikki came over at about seven. She had an overnight bag and her “Come fuck me” outfit on a hanger. She went straight to my bedroom then joined us in the den. She was wearing only a T-shirt that was lifted in the front by her tits high enough for Ginger to see a clean-shaven pussy. I got my usual kiss and grope then she gave Ginger a tongue diving kiss. Ginger did not object, in fact she thanked Nikki.

“Any time and as often as you want.” Nikki said and kissed her again.

As soon as that kiss ended Ginger got up and mumbled something about dinner. Before Ginger was past the entryway Nikki took off her t-shirt, sat on my lap and aimed her tits at my face. I was as always grateful for that.

Nikki and I were naked but just watching TV when Ginger came back to tell us that dinner was ready. She acknowledged our nudity with a smile that said, “It’s OK to come eat naked.” Nikki and I decided to accept the privilege.

Dinner was great and Nikki and I talked about our plans. Ginger had heard of the lesbian club we were going to that night which surprised me. Nikki asked her to come with us but she just laughed and shook her head no.

“Tell me,” Ginger asked. “If one of you gets lucky tonight how do you handle it?”

“We share. We are good sandwich makers.”

“If she does not want a threesome then what?”

“We say thank you and find someone who does. We do look for couples that want to play first. Single girls that want to be a sandwich filling normally come to us.”

“Where do you go?”

“Parking lot most of the time. Their apartment sometimes.”

“Naked girls in a parking lot are asking for trouble.”

“Nikki drives an SUV with heavily tinted windows. You cannot see into the back even with a flashlight. There is female security in the parking area. She was our first conquest.”

“Still kaçak casino it is dangerous. Bring her or them here tonight if they don’t have a place. While your father is away feel free to do that. I will stay out of your way.”

Nikki and I shouted and overwhelmed her with kisses. Nikki may have taken advantage with Ginger’s tits and ass but there was no complaint.

We soon were showering and prepping ourselves. Before we went out Nikki and I presented ourselves to Ginger and got big seals of approval. We kissed her back and out we went.

Before we got halfway to the club Nikki decided that her conquest for the night was going to be Ginger. She asked me what were her chances of success and I said eighty percent or better. I pointed out that every advance she had made to Ginger had been gladly accepted.

I also related what I had seen Ginger do that morning and as soon as I had finished my story she turned the car around and headed for home.

“I don’t know about this, she is my step-mom.”

“You fucked my Mom.”

“You gave me to her as a Christmas present and she fucked me.”

“You have not stopped fucking her.”

She had me there and in fact the last pussy I had that was not Nikki’s was her Mom.

“Anyway you have known my Mom all your life and you have known Ginger just six months so you do not have to fuck Ginger”

That made no sense at all to me but decided to allow her wish. “OK. Go to her first then come to my bed and take care of me.”


We found Ginger in the den naked and masturbating to the same DVD she had watched that morning. Nikki just rushed to her, took her hand off her pussy and dove in. Ginger groaned and allowed Nikki to have all of her.

I undressed Nikki then went to my room. I undressed too but I knew I was too horny to get in bed so I went to the kitchen and poured myself a big glass of wine. I did notice that although the movie was still playing they were no longer in the den. I left it on thinking they would return and continued to my room. I went to my stash of DVD’s with the intention of watching one on the computer.

My favorite DVD was in the stash. Ginger had her own copy.

I put it in the disk drive and fast-forwarded to my favorite scene. I tried not to attack my pussy because I knew Nikki would but I could not help myself. I was on the third replay of the scene when Nikki came in and devoured my pussy.

I exploded into flames and several moments later I heard a moan from Ginger’s bedroom. The moan was Nikki’s.

After sending me to heaven-and/or-hell she had returned to Ginger. I wondered for how long I had been out.

A few minutes later Nikki staggered into my room and straddled my head. I bit her pussy lips and punctured her clit with my tongue. Nikki burst into a long drawn out moan and turned to jelly. Her body flowed down over mine until her big tits swallowed my not so big tits and we fell asleep. Sometime later Ginger must have come in and turned off my bed lamp. I know neither Nikki nor I had done so

The next morning I awoke when Ginger said, “Breakfast will be ready in five minutes. Lets hustle.”

She slurped one of Nikki’s tits into her mouth then went out the door. Nikki and I managed to pee and brush our teeth and made it to the kitchen just as the naked Ginger was setting down the plates. I was somewhat awed to note the three of us were naked in the kitchen. I loved it.

Before we sat Ginger gave Nikki a long deep kiss while pressing her tits on hers. My kiss was shorter in duration but our respective nipples were making out all through it.

I was nursing my coffee when Ginger asked Nikki if she was working that day.

“Yes at ten.”

“It is nine fifteen,” Ginger said.

“I know. My uniform is here. One quick shower and I will be ready to go.”

“Then lets get in the shower,” Ginger said.

I did not follow them and stayed in the kitchen drinking a second cup of coffee. About twenty minutes later Nikki came to me in uniform, took my hand and urged me to stand up. She then gave me the most loving kiss I had ever gotten. She looked into my eyes and said, “I love you. We are partners.”

She kissed me again and walked to the door. I followed her and gave her a soft kiss and said, “I love you. We are partners.”

As I watched her go to her car she looked at me and said, “You are standing at the door naked for the world to see,”

“Do you like what you see?”


“Then I will stay here until you can’t see me.”

She allowed a soft sob to escape her lips, ran to me and devoured me with her lips, then ran back to her car and was quickly gone.

I went back to the kitchen and joined a freshly showered and still naked Ginger. We refreshed our coffees and sat at the table.

She said, “We need to always sit as we are now. I am left-handed and you are right-handed so we can do this while we drink and eat.”

What we were doing was holding hands.

“How much of a lesbian have you been,” I asked.

“I am I guess bi-sexual. I was engaged to a guy once but he broke it off when I defended my family’s sexual preferences. Most of my extended family is bisexual. In fact I cannot think of one woman in three layers of family that has not eaten pussy.

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