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Kathryn, Kim and Jacqui are all 20 years old. They are students at Bristol University and they share a flat in the Cotham area of the city.

Kathryn is a brunette with a tall athletic figure. She has a tanned outdoor complexion and enjoys a range of sporting activities. She is very good looking with flashing brown eyes and a bright smile. Her body is full and shapely with large but good shaped breasts, a beautiful pear shaped bottom, and lusciously sexy legs. She is the most outgoing of the three girls. She loves to party; dancing and singing, and, of course, she loves sex. Kathryn will regularly bring a guy back home from a night out and she can be heard moaning and encouraging him to fuck her. I guess you could say she is the sluttiest of the three young women.

Kim is a contrast to Kathryn in every way. She is small and petite. Dark haired, but with a pale, pretty complexion. Her figure is slight but still curvaceous, with beautifully pert breasts. She is quiet, studious and serious. She is also very organised and takes responsibility for many of the household management tasks. She doesn’t appear to date but talks about her serious boyfriend back home.

Jacqui is Scottish, and like her fellow countrywomen, can seem serious and dour on first impressions. However, Jacqui loves music and dancing and has a very droll sense of humour. She is blonde and has perfect model legs and bottom, and very small boobs. She often feels that they are made to look even smaller as a result of her swimmer’s shoulders. Jacqui has a regular boyfriend who is a frequent visitor to the flat. They have great sex together. Jacqui is very adventurous and encourages Dan to try new things. Nevertheless she is quieter and much less obvious than Kathryn.

It is near the end of the Spring term and the girls decide to make a special meal and have a girls’ night-in on the final weekend before going home for the holiday. Kim does the shopping for the meal and she and Jacqui do almost all of the cooking, while Kathryn pours the wine and keeps them entertained with funny stories. Her contribution to the food is to make some banana splits, which she has arranged to look like willys. The bananas are placed in the middle of the plate with two halves of pear at the bottom, one either side, and a cherry at the other end. She then places a dollop of cream by the cherry and declares that to be the cum! All three laugh hard at this.

The meal is good and Kathryn keeps the wine flowing so that all three are quite tipsy by the time the bananas come out again. Kathryn makes a great play of imitating doing a blowjob with hers, and the other two can hardly eat theirs from laughing. After the food they settle down on the sofa to watch a chick flick movie. They sit with Kim in the middle and Kathryn on her right and Jacqui on her left. They hardly pay much attention to the film, however, and chatter constantly all the way through.

They are all feeling quite warm and cosy and are soon leaning-in together and talking quite animatedly about relationships. Kathryn is telling stories about which guys were good in bed and which not. Jacqui is, uncharacteristically, forthcoming about her relationship but still manages not to be too graphic. But she does admit to her favourite type of sex being oral, and that Dan is very good at it. Kim doesn’t volunteer much, which prompts Kathryn to ask her outright ‘So when did you lose your virginity then?’

Kim pretends to be shocked and says ‘I can’t tell you that.’

‘Well I lost mine when I was 16 and one day,’ admits Kathryn

‘Why does that not surprise us,’ laughs Jacqui.

‘What about you, then? All those dark nights in Scotland, you had to be doing something.’

‘I had a very full and cultured life, I’ll have you know.’

‘Oh so Danny boy was your first, was he?’

‘No he wasn’t! If you must know. I was 17 and a half. His name was William and we only split-up when I came to University. There now you know.’

‘So. Little miss prim. That just leaves you to confess now.’ Kathryn chides Kim mockingly.

‘Ok,’ then rapidly, ‘My first time with a boy was just last year.’

‘When? While you’ve been living here?’

‘No. Before I left home. I did it with my boyfriend because I didn’t want to come to university as a virgin.’

‘Just the one time?’ asks Jacqui.

‘Well, only a few times really. He wasn’t very good and didn’t last long, so I…’

‘Didn’t you cum?’ Kathryn demands.

‘No. I told you. He was..’

‘Rubbish if you ask me, love. I’d demand a re-match. Or better still, let me fix you up with one of the rugby lads.’

‘No he was really sweet and kind. And I suppose nervous.’

Oh you’re lovely. The guys must adore you,’ Kathryn leans over to kiss Kim lightly on her forehead. ‘Ok, so what is the maddest sex you’ve had?’ she continues. ‘Come on then, Scotchy, confess!’

Jacqui volunteers that she had sex with William on a train. ‘We went into the loo and I sat on the small counter and he .. well you know. It was really exciting. I’m sure the people sitting near us knew Mavikent Escort when we came back. Funny thing is it was a Virgin train.’ They all laugh at this.

‘I had two guys at once,’ Kathryn admits.

‘What!?’ the other two exclaim together.

‘It was after the May Ball in first year. I didn’t really have a proper date. I’d just gone in a group of friends. And, well these two guys had been chatting me up all night. It was great. I danced with both of them and flirted with them. I’d snogged both of them on the dance floor. But by the end of the evening I couldn’t make up my mind who I fancied most. They both walked me home and they came in for coffee. The girl I shared with was away overnight. I just thought “Bollox to it. Why not?”

‘What happened?’ Kim and Jacqui asked again in unison.

‘Well, we were on the sofa. They were either side of me. We were talking one minute and then I was kissing one of them the next. When we stopped I just turned to the other and kissed him.’

‘They didn’t mind…’ asked Kim incredulously.

‘Far from it, love. I think they could see the possibilities and they were up for it. Literally.’ She giggled. ‘We kissed and it got a bit steamy. You know, wandering hands. Mainly on my boobs. They seemed fascinated by those. I suppose the ball gown was rather low cut and I was showing a lot of de-colletage, as they say.’ She giggles.

‘Anyway, they started to kiss down my neck and onto my breast. That was it. I was sold. I love that. Next thing I know I’m feeling their cocks through their trousers, and they were both big boys. Once I did that they saw a green light, I suppose, and soon had my boobs out and my dress up and feeling all around my thighs and fanny. One of them had managed to unzip himself and had his willy out and I just leaned over to give him a blowjob. I hadn’t meant it to lead to what happened next but, well, the other guy arranged himself behind me and then I had one in each end. It was lovely.’

‘Oh you slut,’ teases Jacqui, ‘what happened next, tell us all.’

‘Well we did that for a bit then I turned round and they changed ends,’ laughs ‘and continued like that until they came.’

‘Was that it then?’ asked Kim.

‘Was it hell! I hadn’t cum so I told them to strip and follow me into the shower. We cleaned –up and I took them into my bedroom and we started again. But this time I made them take turns giving me oral pleasure. God it was great. I must have cum fifty times. The next morning they made me breakfast in bed and I thanked them by sucking them off again. That was really sexy. Sitting up in bed with a dick either side. Oh gawd. I‘ve just remembered what I did. I must have been mad.’

‘What?’ in unison again.

‘Oh no. Oh shit..’

‘What? Tell us!’

‘Oh. I told them that whoever came last could keep my panties’

‘No way’

‘I know, what a silly bag. Oh shit, I’d forgotten that part. Oh well, anyway, that’s my confession, what about you?’

‘Well you know I have nothing to confess,’ this from Kim, ‘You probably did it more times that night than I have altogether.’

‘Aw sweetheart,’ Kathryn hugs her ‘Let aunty Kathryn get you a nice boy who’ll fuck your brains out.’ They all squeal with laughter at this.

‘What else,’ Kathryn thinks aloud. ‘Oh I know. Who’s kissed another girl?’

‘No way. Not my thing at all.’ Says Jacqui emphatically.

‘I have.’ Kathryn states ‘Just to get guys’ attention, you understand?’

Kathryn and Jacqui look at Kim who seems suddenly embarrassed. ‘What are you looking so coy about little miss?’ says Kathryn, ‘I think we’re on to something here, Scotchy,’ she says to Jacqui. ‘Maybe a dark-horse after all. Hmmm? Confess or be punished,’ she starts to tickle Kim.

‘Ok, ok…’ laughing, ‘I may have kissed a girl.’

‘Really! Tell all,’ more tickles.

‘Stop, stop,’ Kim squeals with laughter. ‘I .. I can’t say it.’

Kathryn attacks again.

‘Ok, ok. Ok. Promise you won’t be weird or anything.’

‘My God, this is going to be big,’ teases Kathryn.

‘See. That’s what I mean. You’re going…’

‘Ok. Sorry. Go on. Pleease. I promise to be good.’

‘Me too,’ adds Jacqui.

‘Ok. Right. Well, I, emmm, at school I had a girlfriend. You know a proper girlfriend,’ she says with emphasis on the last word.

‘Shit,’ from Kathryn. ‘Sorry. Go on.’

‘You know I was at an all-girls’ private school. Well it’s true what you hear about those places. I was, well all the girls had to do for a sixth former.’

‘What do you mean do for,’ asks Jacqui.

‘Just what I was thinking,’ adds Kathryn.

‘No it’s quite innocent. It just means that you have to run errands for them and be a bit of a dogsbody. It’s a school tradition. Except in my case the girl I was maiding – that’s what we called it – sort of took advantage.’

Kathryn, ‘Wow.. go on’

‘Well, when I was in her room, which was quite normal for maiding duties, she just sort of came on to me.’

‘You didn’t fight her, or tell someone,’ asked Jacqui.

‘No. Mavikent Escort Bayan Well, you see, I sort of liked her. She was very beautiful and clever. And I suppose I had a sort of crush on her. So when she kissed me I didn’t resist. Anyway we started seeing each other properly. Just kissing and then some touching and other stuff.’

‘What other stuff?’

‘You know fingers and things.’

‘Did you. You know, go down on her or her on you?’ asks Kathryn.


‘Which?’ this from Jacqui.



‘You know. She did it to me and so I did it to her.’

‘But wasn’t it disgusting?’ asks Jacqui.

‘No. It’s really nice.’

‘So does your boyfriend know you’re a lezzie?’ this from Kathryn.

Kim looks wide eyed at Kathryn and says ‘What boyfriend?’

‘You said..’

‘I said I had a boyfriend at home. The operative word being had. Didn’t say I had one now.’ Peals of laughter at this from all three.

‘You sneaky cow,’ says Jacqui ‘So are you still queer?’

‘Lesbian, if you please.’ Kim gives Jacqui a friendly slap on the wrist. ‘And, yes, I am a full-on little dyke,’ Sniggers.

‘Well not full on. I mean you’re not seeing anyone… shit, are you?’ Kathryn asks.

‘Maybe. I’m not telling.’

‘Fuck you’re not,’ Kathryn attacks her again.

Giggling hysterically Kim confesses that she has a girlfriend.

‘Who?’ both asked together.

‘Well it’s someone from College. Actually, one of my tutors. Please don’t repeat this,’ the others nod agreement ‘It’s my tutor Rhona. You know the red haired one. Well we sort of got together at the end of first year and, well it’s still going. She’s really nice and…’

‘But when do you see her? You’re never out.’

‘I am sometimes, anyway it’s mostly afternoons.’


‘No. At her flat. But she did stay here once.’ The other girls react. Kim adds quickly ‘Remember last term? When you two went home on a Thursday and I stayed the weekend. Well, Rhona came round and stayed too.’

‘So you shagged a woman, here in our flat, in your bed..’

‘And yours’

‘What!? No fucking way. You dirty cow. I…’

‘Only kidding.

‘But I bet you did shag her in other places in the flat, didn’t you?’ asks Jacqui.

‘I suppose so’

‘Where? Tell us!’

‘Well here, on this sofa. And in the bathroom. But mostly my room.’

‘How many times did you do it?’

‘Lots. Well you know how it is.’

‘I don’t think we do. Tell us. I mean its not like you can take her from behind over the breakfast table, is it?’

‘No. She did that to me,’ Kim giggles ‘It was lovely.’

‘Christ. You are a dark horse all right. And I thought you were little miss prim.’

‘Just goes to show then,’ pouts Kim.

‘Fuck. Watch your back, honey,’ Kathryn says to Jacqui teasingly.

‘It’s not your back I’m interested in, love,’ Kim teases, blowing a kiss to Jacqui.

‘I’ve just realised,’ Jacqui blurts out ‘you’ve seen me naked, every time we’ve been to step class, in the shower after.’

‘I know. It’s great.’ Responds Kim, raising her eyebrows.

‘So that’s what you two get up to at that gym, is it?’ taunts Kathryn ‘Would you like a room?’

‘I’d love to,’ Kim confesses looking into Jacqui’s eyes.

‘God. You little freak. Do you really want to shag me?’

‘Of course, you’re lovely.’

‘Jesus. Are you serious?’

‘Hey! What about me?’ Kathryn is feeling left out ‘I’m a sexy bitch, baby’ she impersonates Austin Powers and cups her boobs up to Kim’s face.

‘We know you are. We hear you having your brains humped out regularly,’ retorts Kim.

‘Oooh. Get her. Jealous are you babe. You want a piece of me? Hmmm? You want this fine womanly body?’ Then as Austin Powers again ‘Tell me, do I make you horny, baby? Hmm? Do I?’

‘Yes, actually. You do.’ This kind of hangs in the air a moment. The tension is palpable.

‘So. What do we do now? Kiss or something?’

‘I guess so.’ Kim moves slowly towards Kathryn but just as their lips are about to touch.

‘Wait,’ Kathryn reaches over to the only lamp in the room that is on and turns it off. Now in darkness there is nothing but the quiet sounds of their movement and the occasional breathy giggle. ‘Where are you?’ Kathryn whispers.

‘Here’ Kim responds. Reaching up to touch the side of Kathryn’s face.

Kathryn feels the soft touch to her face like a little electric shock. She is going to kiss this girl and, then, who knows what? Kim is thinking that at last she gets to snog this sexy feisty woman she has lusted after for months. She has lain awake at night playing with herself, listening to the sounds of Kathryn having sex, wondering what it must be like to possess this firebrand. And Jacqui too, Kim has fantasised about her. But what will she do? She has already indicated that she is not into girls.

Kim feels Kathryn’s hot breath on her cheek. Their lips touch then press together in the first contact of the kiss. Escort Mavikent Instinctively Kim gently pinches Kathryn’s lip with hers. They draw apart momentarily then press back together again. This time their lips are parted and their tongues probe as far as each other’s lips. Then they come into contact and Kim feels Kathryn’s tongue sliding into her mouth, past her lips and teeth and onto her waiting tongue. The kiss is hot and soft and very sensual. Kim moans involuntarily and Kathryn responds with slightly more pressure and her hands come up to cup Kim’s face and her fingers slide back into her hair. She pulls Kim to her and they both feel the heat of passion rising in this their first kiss.

Eventually they part and their breath comes hard as they plant little butterfly kisses all over one another’s face. Kathryn whispers ‘Nice.’

‘I know,’ Kim breathes back, and they are kissing again. Kathryn moves to straddle the smaller girl’s lap and leans over her as they kiss. Kim’s arms encircle Kathryn’s waist and smooth up her back to her shoulders. She feels Kathryn’s boobs pressing into her and this excites an emboldens her so that her hands slide down, down past the waist of Kathryn’s jeans and onto her firm round bum.

‘Dirty girl,’ Kathryn scolds in a breathy whisper.

Kim responds by pulling her against herself and kissing her neck. This excites Kathryn and she is soon moaning and squirming on Kim’s lap. Kim kisses down into the open neck of Kathryn’s blouse and breathes in her perfume. Slowly she reaches up to unbutton the blouse. One button at a time. Kathryn’s full boobs are soon exposed, spilling out of her white bra. Kim is kissing all over them and leaving little snail-trails of saliva that cool in the air and excite Kathryn more and more. She leans back and allows Kim better access to her boobs and reaching back she unclasps the bra which Kim pushes up to expose her nipples. Kim immediately licks and sucks each in turn. Gently pinching them with her lips so that they respond and harden.

‘Oh, babe, that’s so nice. Don’t stop,’ Kathryn urges.

‘No chance. I want to do everything to you,’ Kim promises.

‘Ok. Do what you want,’ Kathryn breathes in a slightly croaky gasp.

Kim returns to kiss and suck Kathryn’s boobs and her fingers trace light circles on the skin of her sides and under her boobs. Kathryn shivers at these tickling strokes and shrugs-off her blouse and the bra. She now sits astride her friend naked from the waist up. Kim is playing soft hot tunes with her lips and tongue on Kathryn’s nipples. Kim is fascinated by the larger girl’s full pert breasts. The nipples too are long and thick and the feel of them in her mouth excites her.

Suddenly a door bangs shut and makes both lovers jump. Jacqui has obviously departed and left them to it. The sound was her bedroom door being slammed.

‘Christ. Now we’re in trouble,’ sniggers Kathryn.

‘Do you think we should go to her?’ asks Kim.

‘Yes,’ neither girl moves ‘Later. After.’


‘You have to make me cum first.’ Kathryn declares.

‘Your room or mine then?’

‘Yours.’ With that Kathryn wriggles off Kim and stands holding out a hand feeling for Kim’s. They clasp hands and Kathryn pulls Kim to her feet. They kiss briefly and stagger towards the hall and Kim’s bedroom. Once there, Kim turns on a small dim light and turns to face Kathryn. They kiss again and as they part Kathryn hugs her tightly and says ‘Make me squeal you lovely little lezzy.’

They fall on the bed and scramble to strip each other. Kim unbuttons Kathryn’s jeans and Kathryn rolls over to pull them off. Meanwhile Kim pulls her top off over her head and releases her bra. When her boobs emerge Kathryn pushes her down on her back and kisses the apple-sized tits until the small, pale nipples are erect and pointing to the ceiling. Kim moans in pleasure and at the same time undoes the belt of her jeans. She raises her bum and slides the trousers off and kicks them away. Both girls are now in just panties and socks. They alternately kiss and suckle each other’s boobs while rolling around on the bed. Their passions rise and soon they are writhing together, humping each other’s thighs with their inflamed pussies. ‘Touch my pussy, please, babe,’ Kathryn begs.

Kim nods and reaches down in-between them to feel between her new lover’s legs for the first time. She finds the waistband of the panties and moves her fingers down to the crotch. Immediately she can feel the heat of Kathryn’s pussy as well as the wetness of her panties. Her fingers press the moist cotton against her clit and Kathryn gasps and jerks away. ‘Fuck. I’m so hot,’ she says through kisses.

Kim pushes her onto her back and pulls the panties off her up-raised legs. As Kathryn lowers her legs again, she spread them, exposing her burning pussy to the cool air and to Kim’s gaze. She can see the fine mat of hair and it is obvious that Kathryn must trim her pubes. The scent of the arousal reaches her nose and Kim is drawn down like a fish being reeled in. She settles between Kathryn’s thighs and inspects the gorgeous sex before her. The labia are fine and smooth and glisten with juice. Kim lightly kisses her lover’s thighs one at a time. Side to side. Zeroing-in on the goal. The hot honey pot of pleasure. She knows the first touch will be electric and so she is savouring it, teasing Kathryn.

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