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I couldn’t believe this was happening. I mean, I knew it was happening somewhere to some people, but I never would have believed it was happening to me. You see, I am somewhat conservative. Not morally conservative because I really don’t have much in the way of morals. But I am socially conservative, maybe even bashful. I had a few dates in college but those dates didn’t go very far. And since college, I have had four somewhat uneventful years. I have been on a number of dates, only three of which had graduated into sex, and none of those experiences were repeated. And then there was tonight.

I knew the second I entered the door that I was going to get lucky tonight. As soon as I walked into Brian’s house, I heard a woman moaning off to my right. I turned my head and she was leaning against the door jam, her head thrown back in pleasure and her tits being mauled by some guy I didn’t know. He had her costume pulled up and her boobs were totally exposed to the entire room. And they were world-class tits. I think I was almost shocked that she wasn’t embarrassed by her exposure, until I saw what was going on in the rest of the room. I could almost smell the arousal in the room and I was immediately turned on. My dick got hard in record time, although it stopped short of full hardness. My eyes moved from one couple to the next, enjoying the scenes that the room offered.

Let me back up a bit so you can appreciate how fortunate I was to be here in the middle of this Halloween Orgy.

Almost two months ago, I was at my favorite sports bar for a college football afternoon. Brian Simpson was well known among my friends but I couldn’t really call him a friend of mine. I had met him several times here, where I always hoped to get lucky in my choice of teams as well as a possible hookup. One thing I noticed this day was the fact that both Brian and I were cheering for the Tennessee Volunteers, while most of the customers there were cheering for other teams.

Like all good sports bars, there were a dozen TVs tuned to several games that day, and Brian and I were both sitting in front of the same TV cheering for the Volunteers. We won that day and Brian and I came away as friends. And we had similar experiences over the next few weeks, allowing us to become even closer. So when he invited several of the guys to his house for his Halloween Party, he looked at me and included me in his invitation. I was surprised and actually excited to be included, especially because Brian’s parties were famous for lots of booze, lots of women, and lots of sex. And looking around me tonight, I could see that his reputation was well-earned.

I glanced again at the woman leaning against the doorway just two feet from me, and took some time to enjoy the show. She was of medium height and quite beautiful, with dark flowing hair that hung forward over her shoulder and completely hid her right boob. She was wearing something that might have been a pirate’s costume, except that the top half of it was missing. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that her top was on the floor at her feet. And the guy that was mauling her left tit casually gathered her hair and threw it over her shoulder, baring her right tit to his hands and his lips. She moaned loudly as she reached down to grab his obviously hard cock through his football pants. I moaned as I realized just how beautiful her body was.

Seconds later, I saw the guy slide his right hand down the front of her pirate skirt. It took no time at all and I could tell he was playing with her pussy. She started moaning almost non-stop, indicating he was doing a great job stimulating her pussy. I heard a loud groan and realized it came from me. The beautiful pirate woman opened her eyes and saw me watching her. She smiled at me and then closed her eyes again, tipping her head back in obvious enjoyment.

After watching the entertainment put on by that couple for several more seconds, I looked past them to the room beyond.

It appeared to be the living room of a really nice house. And all the furniture there was in use by people engaged in some form of sexual activities. Four couples were simply making out, with the women showing their naked tits and the men mauling those tits. There was another couple with the woman on her knees in front of the guy as she gave him a sloppy blow job. The expression on his face suggested he was about to cum as the woman picked up the pace. Another woman was laying on the low coffee table and a man was kneeling between her knees licking her pussy like it was his last meal.

I paused for a moment to watch him because I truly love eating pussy. I love how women taste. I love licking and sucking their lips. And I love the sounds that most women make when someone is going down on them. I moaned, realizing that it had been too long since I had engaged in those pleasures. And way over in the corner, a guy had a woman bent over the arm of a couch as he banged the hell out of a beautiful blonde from behind.

I stood there for a moment, trying hard to breathe almanbahis as I looked around. Obviously, I had missed a lot by being late to this party. Then I tore my attention away from what was going on in front of me so I could scope out what was happening in the rest of the house. I walked down the short hall into what seemed like a combination family room and kitchen and I heard Brian call out my name.

“Kerry! Glad you could make it. Come in and grab something to drink. There is someone here I want you to meet.” I looked over at him and grinned, seeing him motion to the kitchen. I took the several steps necessary to see three large coolers on his counters. Lifting the lid off the first one, I saw a couple dozen beers, several of which were my favored Amberbock. I grabbed one and twisted off the top, and walked over to Brian to see who it was he wanted me to meet. I figured she had to be as much a loser as I was if she needed an introduction, and then I saw who was standing next to him.

She was beautiful. I mean, simply beautiful. She had long black hair that hung in soft curls to the small of her back. She had dark eyes that sparkled as if she had a really good joke just clamoring to be told. Her face was slightly oval with cheekbones that barely stood out and a strong jaw. And her lips were perfect, just begging to be kissed.

I was nearly stunned. It was simply not conceivable that she needed to be introduced to anyone — I expected that guys would be swarming around her as they introduced themselves to her, hoping to get lucky. And she was wearing a princess costume that showed lots of beautiful cleavage. The dress was long with a slit up the right leg all the way to her hip, suggesting she wore a thong or no panties at all. The tiara on top of her head couldn’t outshine the soft white skin that was displayed on her chest. I stared so hard I almost missed being introduced to her.

“Kerry, I want you to meet my cousin, Nicole Anderson. She is visiting my sister for a few days and I somehow convinced her to show up at my Halloween Party, in spite of my sister’s advice.

“Nicole, meet Kerry Heaton. I don’t know him that well, but I know he is a Tennessee Volunteers fan so that makes him good people. Take it easy on her, Kerry. She is almost as bashful as you are.” Brian laughed at his comment while both Nicole and I winced. I saw her reaction to his description and I reached out and took her hand and pulled her away a few feet as I apologized for him.

“I am sorry for his comment, Nicole. People tend to think that those of us who are not as outrageous as they are must be bashful.” Her face brightened up at my words.

“I know, right? They can be so outgoing that some might call them obnoxious, yet they think of everyone not like them as bashful.” We chuckled for a moment and then I added to her comment.

“Yes, Brian can be rather outspoken, but that results in him knowing enough people that he can throw outrageous parties like this one.” I motioned around us at the many people who attended this party in costume. And I noticed her expression as both of us watched a woman unbuttoning her blouse so a guy could get better access to her boobs. The question in my mind must have shown on my face because she laughed and leaned close to me to speak in my ear.

“Yes, his sister warned me against showing up here. She said Brian’s parties are too wild for me to attend. I told her that my life had been too boring for too long, and that some excitement sounded too good to pass up. I hope I didn’t make the wrong decision.” She peered deep into my eyes as if looking for an answer. I hesitated for just a moment and then replied.

“I am not sure how much excitement I can offer you, but I can promise that you won’t be bored.” I smiled at her, trying to appear friendly while not looking like the predator I suddenly felt like. She smiled up into my eyes as if saying yes to my promise. Then she looked down at the beer in my hand.

“Do you think Brian might have some wine around here? I feel like wine instead of beer tonight.” My face lit up, knowing I had the right answer to her question. I reached down and took her hand again.

“If you follow me, I know where he keeps his wine selection.” And I led her out the back door and into the garage. There, I pulled open the door to a refrigerator and showed her more than a dozen bottles of wine.

“At parties like this, he moves the wine out here and the beer in there. What do you feel like; red or white?” I paused, waiting for her response. And she reached in to turn several bottles so she could see their labels. Noticing they were all white wines of various vintages, she pushed the door closed and turned to some bottles on the counter. Taking one of the bottles, she held it up to me.

“Do you think this is okay?” I saw that it was a Burgundy by Chateau St. Michelle and I was impressed.

“Excellent choice. Chateau St. Michelle is probably my favorite winery, and this burgundy is light and fruity, unusual for a Burgundy.” almanbahis giriş I paused long enough to reach on top of the refrigerator and retrieve a bottle opener. I started to lead her back inside the house but she stopped me.

“Actually, it is a little noisy inside. Can we maybe enjoy some wine outside where it is a little more quiet?” She looked up into my eyes, where I saw something in her expression that I couldn’t read. I gave her a warm smile and answered her.

“I know just the place to enjoy some wine. But you will have to settle for coffee cups instead of wine glasses.” She returned my warm smile and slowly nodded. I reached into a cupboard next to the fridge and pulled out a couple of brown ceramic mugs, handing them to her. Then I took the bottle and the opener and led her back out the door and into the large back yard. It was cool out here, but still unusually warm for this time of year. Walking over to a beautiful gazebo, I waived my hand at a carved white bench.

“Your throne, M’Lady.” I smiled again and bowed at the waist, pulling a girlish giggle from her. She sat down on the bench and placed the two mugs on the low table in front of the bench. I tried hard to ignore the large amount of cleavage she flashed as she bent over the low table, so I focused on the bottle as I opened it and poured some wine into each of the cups.

“We should let the wine breathe for a couple of minutes.” Nicole was quick to respond.

“What does that mean? I have heard that said so often and I always wondered what it meant.” Nicole glanced at me, her face showing her question. I smiled at her and answered.

“Truthfully, most people who say that have no idea what it means. And they usually have no idea why you let red wines breathe but you simply drink white and blush wines.

“You see, what makes a wine turn red also produces strong flavors and aromas. The strongest flavors usually results from tannins and other volatile aromas, which produce something of a bite. Exposing the wine to the air for a few minutes allows those strong aromas and flavors to evaporate, emphasizing the fruity flavors and oaky aromas. Simply put, exposing most red wines to oxygen makes the wine taste smoother.” I paused, having run out of my wine knowledge, hoping she wouldn’t ask any questions. When she finally spoke, I had no idea how to respond.

“Besides, it will give us more time to avoid the fun and games in there. Obviously, my cousin was right about Brian’s parties.” She gave me a wry smile, apparently chagrined and maybe even embarrassed by what was happening inside the house. I wasn’t sure what I should say but I knew I should say something.

“Yes, Brian’s parties have a reputation for lots of sex. And if that is not what you are into, then it might be best to stay home.” Almost immediately I regretted my words, hoping that she would not take them as a judgment against her. But a quick glance at Nicole showed only a soft smile.

“Oh, I have nothing against sex. But tonight, I feel like something more quiet; more intimate and less public.” And she raised her eyes to mine, a soft and warm expression in those eyes. My heart skipped a beat and I wasn’t sure what to say, so I just returned her smile and kept my mouth shut. And the next thing I knew, she reached up behind my head and slowly pulled me into a kiss. It started out soft and warm and she released a quiet moan. The kiss must have lasted no more than ten seconds, but it seemed much longer than that. Then Nicole pulled back and giggled like a teenager.

“I was letting the wine breathe, but maybe I should let you breathe, too.” I had no idea what to say, so I just opened my mouth and let something blurt out.

“When a beautiful Princess kisses me, I always forget to breathe.” I hesitated until I saw Nicole smile warmly at me again.

“And that, Sweet Prince, was exactly the right thing to say.” And she pulled me into another kiss, this one much longer and filled with a gentle passion. We kissed for several more minutes without involving our hands. As much as I loved kissing her, I was concerned that doing anything more might ruin the moment. Nicole, on the other hand, allowed her hands to wander all over my chest and back, including several trips to the back of my neck. I couldn’t help it — I moaned several times, showing how much she turned me on. And after several minutes of kissing, she pulled back and gave me the widest smile I have ever seen.

“Sweet Prince, you are the best kisser I have ever met. Thank you for your kisses and your restraint. It allowed us to enjoy kissing to a much greater extent than my experience has offered. After about two seconds of kissing, most men go straight for the boobs.” Nicole gave me a sheepish look as she smiled at me again.

“Brian said I was bashful but that isn’t true. I am simply old-fashioned enough that I try to save sex for the right time with the right man. And that combination has not happened very many times.

“Guys today expect a blowjob when they buy you a almanbahis yeni giriş drink, and they expect sex when they buy you a meal. So they usually don’t ask you out for a second date if you don’t live up to their expectations. The result is a reputation for being frigid or bashful.” I could see something approaching agony in her eyes. After a few seconds, she continued.

“Do you think the wine has breathed enough?” I chuckled quietly at her question.

“If it has been watching us, it hasn’t breathed in several minutes.” I hesitated for a second until she burst out laughing. After several seconds, she smiled up at me.

“Honestly, I didn’t breathe very much, either.” And Nicole took another sip of her wine.

“Hey, this is really good wine.” I nodded and responded.

“Then I guess we are lucky that there are four more bottles of it on the counter.” She laughed quietly at my comment.

“If we drink all that wine, I will lose all self-control and then anything could happen. Maybe I would rape you several times.” I grinned at her comment.

“Sorry, Princess, but it can’t be rape if I cooperated.” We peered deep into each other’s eyes for several seconds. Then Nicole put her cup back on the low table and stood up. Reaching behind her back, she slowly unzipped her gown. When she shrugged her shoulders, her gown dropped to the grass at her feet. She stepped out of it and let the moonlight illuminate her body.

In front of me stood an absolutely beautiful woman with a perfect body, wrapped in lacy white underwear that was nearly transparent. Her bra allowed her boobs to push up and almost out of the cups, while the transparent lace let me see the dark pigment of her areolae and the even darker pigment of her nipples. And the nearly transparent lace of her panties let me see the dark patch of hair hiding inside. Without intending it, I groaned loudly.

But I couldn’t move!

I wanted to reach out and touch her. Hell, I wanted to throw her on the ground and bang the hell out of her. But I couldn’t move and I couldn’t speak. I have no idea what was wrong, but I was suddenly made of stone. There was silence in Brian’s back yard for at least five seconds until Nicole broke the silence.

“Now see, that’s what I am talking about. I always pick the wrong guy. Either he turns out to be a jerk or he turns out to be gay.” And she burst into tears as she sat down hard enough to actually move the bench an inch or so. I was suddenly unfrozen.

“Oh, no, Nicole. You didn’t pick the wrong guy. You simply picked a guy who went into shock when the most beautiful and the most classy woman in the world chose him! Nicole, you are so beautiful and so sexy that even if I was gay, I would instantly have converted.” And I pulled her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug that lasted a full minute. Her sobs began to slow. A few more seconds and they subsided totally. The two of us sat on the bench in silence for a few seconds.

“That is a partial explanation for why I froze a moment ago. But if I were honest, I froze because you are the sexiest woman I have ever seen.” I paused again, not sure of what more to say. Nicole’s face slowly morphed into a teasing smile.

“So, after the wining and dining and romancing, it is not unusual for you to be faced with a woman tearing off her clothes and crawling into your lap.” She stated it as if it was a fact and not a question, and I wondered for a flash if this was a test. I grinned at her.

“I give you my word that nothing like this has ever happened to me. And I give you my word that I regret my self-control tonight. And I give you my word that I have never had a woman stand in front of me and take off her clothes without warning. Do you think that maybe you could stay for a while, maybe until my heart starts beating again?” And my grin expanded into a warm and loving smile. We locked eyes for a second and Nicole slowly reached for her cup of wine. Finally, she asked a question, her voice so quiet I barely heard her.

“So, you really think I am beautiful?” Her question was shrouded in self-doubt and uncertainty.

“Totally!” My response showed conviction.

“And you really think I am sexy?”

“Nicole you are so sexy I can barely control myself!” My response showed even more conviction. She finally looked at me.

“Then why do it? Why control yourself? I mean, I practically stripped for you and then threw myself at you, and you are trying to resist. Why?” The tears returned and now my eyes became wet. I had to think for a moment before I could come up with an answer.

“It would seem that my views on the issue might be causing some sort of misunderstanding between us. So please let me explain.

“I am a little slow and conservative when it comes to relationships. I am totally into romance, complete with flowers and opening doors and standing when the woman gets up to ‘powder her nose.’ I see cuddling and kissing as a wonderful and enjoyable experience, and not just a way to get her into the bedroom. I have never had a one-night stand and never will. I believe great sex is a result of a great relationship, and I love great sex too much to settle for quick sex.” I paused to discern the expression on her face, which proved to be impossible. Nicole smiled and spoke softly.

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