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Big Dick

D’Amcico’s Corner Lounge was as full as it ever got on a Thursday afternoon. Pete D’Amico, owner and bartender, was in his usual spot, behind the bar talking with Lou Abitante. Lou was in his usual spot, end stool farthest from the door, beer in hand and words pouring out of his mouth. The only other person in the joint was an older gentleman, impeccably dressed, seated on the stool nearest the door. He sipped cognac while staring intently out of the front window towards the street.

“Ask him!” urged Lou. “Go ahead, Pete, ask him!” The “him” Lou referred to was the well-dressed man who was so obviously out of place in such a seedy gin mill.

Pete shook his head. “Lou, I tol’ you a hunnerd times I don’t bother my customers.”

“But, Pete,” Lou pleaded, “Look at him! This ain’t his neighborhood! An’ he’s here every Thursday, same time, same stool, starin’ out the frickin’ window for the last six weeks! What is he, a cop on stakeout? Jus’ ask him is all I’m sayin’. If you don’t I will.”

“Sit right there and shut up!” Pete said. “Leave the guy alone, he ain’t hurtin’ nobody. He wants to look out the window, let him. It’s none of my business”. Still, Pete had to admit to himself that he was curious. The guy didn’t fit in here, he never talked except to order his drink, he always showed up by 5:05 PM and he always left by 6. And he always stared out the window.

Lou drained his beer and stood up. “I’m gonna ask him!” and he strode towards the man at the end of the bar. Pete tried to grab his collar and stop him but Lou was moving too fast. Pete scurried along the bar parallel to Lou.

“Hey, pal!” Lou called out when he was two steps away from the man. As he sat down beside the stranger Lou tapped his shoulder and continued, “Hey, pal, lemme ask you somethin’.”

Pete caught up with Lou and spoke to his other customer. “Hey, listen, I’m sorry, sir, I tried to stop him from botherin’ you. You want I should throw him out?”

The well-dressed man never turned his head but kept staring outside. “No, no please do not inconvenience yourself. Indeed, I have been expecting an inquiry from you gentlemen for some time. You desire to ascetain the reason why I frequent this establishment each week. May I ask you please to move here to my right side so that I may answer your question as I watch the street? I would be very appreciative.”

He talks like a dictionary, thought Pete, as he and Lou exchanged puzzled looks. “Sure, pal, we’ll move,” said Pete as he and Lou moved around to the man’s right side.

The stranger looked to be about fifty, maybe a little younger. Handsome guy, expensive suit, camel hair topcoat, silk tie, gray hair perfectly combed. He spoke in soft, measured tones, his voice a little hesitant as he told his story.

“You see, gentlemen, nothing like this has ever happened to me before and I…oh my, please excuse me gentlemen, won’t you join me in a drink?”

Pete hastily poured a cognac and two beers. “Thanks, pal” said Lou.

“You the last of us izle are welcome. I really am embarrassed to tell you this, it is not at all the kind of thing one gentleman divulges to another, yet I feel that I shall burst if I do not tell someone! This tale of mine, well, it falls somewhat under the heading of boasting, don’t you see?”

Lou, the tavern savant, chimed in with “Hey, no problem, bub! Guys boast in here all the time, don’t they, Pete?”

Pete just rolled his eyes and stayed quiet. The stranger kept his eye on the street, never turned his head at all as he told his story.

“Well, regardless of the behavior of others I am not in the habit of bruiting about such tales as this.” He sipped his drink and continued.

“This happened to me on Thursday, December the 15th of last year, at just about this time of day. I was returning home after doing some Christmas shopping. I had a large bag in each hand and a package under each arm, very difficult to walk when so burdened, I’m sure you will understand. Well, I made my way onto the subway; it was crowded, of course. When I got onto the train I had to stand as every seat was taken. Oh, it was very inconvenient, but what could I do? The train moved off and I waited patiently for my stop.

“At the next station a most beautiful woman stepped into the car. She was stunning, simply stunning. Large brown eyes that arrested my attention immediately. She wore a fur hat that must have cost her…oh, excuse me, I’ll pass over that. Carrying on, she had high heeled boots snuggly wrapped around her shapely calves, a knee length skirt, brown in hue, a white cashmere sweater and a knee length fur coat draped over her shoulders. She held a pair of very fine kid gloves. I guessed her age at no more than forty-two. Her face was fine and proud, not a wrinkle to be found. She used only the smallest amount of make-up. Blond hair done just right. Oh, she was lovely!

“Our eyes met as she stepped aboard the car. I thought I detected a slight smile play across her lips. She was also forced to stand, as there were still no available seats and the car was very crowded. The train began to move and she turned away from me. I was so mesmerized at her beauty that I continued to stare at her. Well, I ask you, have you not ever stared at a lovely woman?”

Lou and Pete, nodded, each fully absorbed by the stranger’s tale.

“So you comprehend my emotions at that time. She turned her face towards me and noticed me staring. I was a little embarrassed and started to turn away, but then I saw that she was walking towards me! She was threading her way through the crowd of people and coming towards me! As she stepped up to me she began to raise her right hand as if to offer to shake hands with me by way of introduction, when suddenly the train lurched violently, the lights went out and the train stopped.”

He paused briefly as if to collect his thoughts, his eyes never leaving the lying life of adults izle the window.

“Now, gentlemen this is the point I wish to accentuate. I am telling you the truth. Not a single bit of my story is fabricated, you have my word on it! So, let me go on.

“She was extending her hand to me when the train lurched to a halt. The sudden stop threw her off balance and she fell forward into me, not very heavily, her shoulder contacted my chest, her hat brushed my face and her outstretched hand came into contact with my, er, groin, as it were. Now, now, now, gentlemen I am perfectly serious about this. I am certain that she did not mean to contact me there in such a manner; it was a mere accident that she came to touch my private parts. If I had buttoned my topcoat none of this would have happened, but I had opened the coat because I had felt a trifle warm. Be that as it may, there I was on the subway, laden with bags and packages, in the dark, with a woman’s hand on my privates. Not a situation that arises every day, you may agree.

“Now, again gentlemen, let me be perfectly honest. I am not lightly gifted in the things that make a man a man, if you follow me. I do not say this to brag, merely to flesh out the story. Oh, my, that was a bad joke wasn’t it, flesh out? Er, ahem, I digress. So, there we were, she standing right up against me in a crowd of people with her hand on my person. I expected her to step away and apologize. Instead, she made a low noise in her throat, sort of a startled chuckle, sounded like ‘woof!’, and pressed her hand more firmly against me as she look into my eyes and smiled. ‘How do you do?’, she said.

“I should mention that as my coat was open and she had her fur draped over her shoulders, no one looking at us could tell that she had her hand where it was. Each garment contributed to a certain degree of security, that and the fact that we were in semi-darkness. I must admit to being a bit shocked by her behavior. We’d never been introduced, we were in a public conveyance, yet here she was fondling me as if I were a frat boy at homecoming! I didn’t wish to make a scene, and to be quite honest gentlemen, I was enjoying it!”

“Who wouldn’t?” asked Lou, and Pete shushed him into silence.

“Yes, as you say, my friend” and the stranger continued his story. “Anyway, the emergency lights were on, but they are so dim as to be almost useless. We stood there in the dark, everyone silently considering this and that, as she continued to grope me. Her smile became quite broad and a devilish light played in her eyes. I merely smiled back, I think I muttered ‘Pleased to make your aquaintance’ by way of a greeting, don’t you see. Then she advanced our relationship to the next level, so to speak.

The stranger sipped his cognac and swallowed hard. “She unzipped my trousers, reached in and liberated my penis from my boxers! I swear it happened just as I say, she neither asked my permission the passage izle nor paused to receive my encouragement, she just took matters in hand herself! That was a deliberate attempt at humor, I must admit. Took matters in hand? No, not very humorous, I do apologize. Well, imagine my reaction! A beautiful woman was masturbating me in a crowded subway car! I didn’t know what to do!”

“I know what I’d do!” ejaculated Lou, and Pete hit him.

“I mean to say,” the man continued, “This was most extraordinary. What could I do? I must admit to feeling a very pleasant sensation. Her touch was light and teasing, she let her fingers play around the glans in a terribly evocative manner. It was all I could do to stand straight and maintain my composure. She continued teasing the tip while her other hand cupped my testes and fondled them. All the while she just stared at me, mocking me with her eyes as she groped and stroked. A voice blared out over the loudspeaker informing us that there was trouble in the system and we would be moving as soon as it was fixed. She whispered very softly, so that only I could hear, ‘That gives me time to do this properly’ and she began stroking me.

“She was a woman of grace, beauty and talent, I must say. She manipulated me in ways that I never thought of myself. Varying her pace, first slowly then quickly, she pleasured me as we stood there in the gloom of the broken down subway train. I had to maintain my appearance of calm when all I wanted to do was shout encouragement to this ministering angel. She brought me to the edge and then slowed her rhythm, letting me fall back from the precipice, only to fondle me back to it yet again. She was quite good.

“After many minutes had passed the lights flickered and came back to full brightness. The train started to move again; one or two passengers gave a cheer. She, my lovely hand maiden, looked at me and pouted. ‘Oh, so soon? Well, let’s finish you off’ and she showed me one of her gloves (I mentioned they were kid gloves, didn’t I?). Then she slid the glove over my member! My manhood was inside her glove, encased in the soft fur lining, and she was stroking fit to beat the band. I felt myself surging to the brink, I bit my lip and tried to think of baseball players, but it was no use. She made me finish into her glove, right there in the subway, dozens of people around us, and I never made a sound that humans could hear. When I had emptied myself she took the glove off of me, tucked me back in, buttoned my coat and smiled. ‘Merry Christmas!’ she said, and as the train stopped and the doors opened she stepped off the car and onto the platform.

“Now, gentlemen, this is the most extraordinary bit of all. As I watched her walk away down the platform she turned back and smiled at me once more. Then, as the train moved off, she waved to me and put her gloves on her hands!”

All was silent within D’Amico’s. Lou and Pete stood with mouths open, unable to speak. Lou gulped once, then drained his beer. “I gotta go to the bathroom…” Lou muttered as he slid of f of his stool.

“So here I sit, gentlemen, in silent hope that I will one day find her again. For you see, she exited the subway at the stop just outside this window, and I live in weekly anticipation that this Thursday she will emerge from that stop once again….”

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