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Sadie’s nose twitched.

A beautiful, familiar smell. Not the same, but close. It snapped up all of her attention instantly, her brain flooded with memories of molten pleasure, something she had spent the last few month chasing relentlessly.

She shifted in her seat. The words of the boring, vapid man opposite her glazing past as her mind drifted. He muttering something about money…?

She tried to refocus, blinking rapidly and turning her icy gaze back onto the smaller man. Her chair creaked again, struggling under her plump, strong figure. He seemed nervous.

“I hope you enjoy the five course meal, it was prepared by eight star, prize winning chefs whom I personally-”

That smell.

It hit her again, but wasn’t coming from the restaurant. There were no amount of skilled chefs that could produce that aroma. But it was faint and slightly different to before.

It wasn’t Moltezz, she was sure, but maybe another of her kind?

Be fair, this place, this man, wasn’t her style. Her intoxicating week with the molten mistress had left her desperately hungry for more but nothing had come even close to filling that void. It wasn’t his fault that he was desperately boring, slathered in cheap deodorant and more interested in showing off his money than bringing any form of personality to the table, the urge to leave was rising within her.

More one chance. She thought to herself, taking a deep breath and staring down at him once more.

“So, how do you plan to woo me, Eric?” Sadie asked bluntly, interrupting him as he began to yap about something else trivial.

“-Uh, I uh, I thought I’d uhm… maybe we could go gift shopping?” He stumbled, his forehead suddenly becoming quite shiny.

“Really…?” Sadie sighed, her shoulders slumping. “You’re sat opposite an eight foot tall dragoness with breasts larger than your body and you think taking me to by an expensive watch will make my eyes flutter and fall in love with you?”

“That usually works, yes.” He stated blankly, reaching for his wallet. “I’ll just give you money for sex, if you want?”

Sadie stood from the table, shunting it forwards as she did so, the restaurant falling into a shocked silence as her chair squeaked across the floor.

The offer didn’t offend her. The lack of personality did, he could have at least fucking smiled. This wasn’t a man, it was a sack of money trying to fuck things. And to top it off, he wasn’t even hot.

The aroma graced her nose again. Fuck this place, she thought. She needed to find its source. Just the chance of another night with a corrupted Czarite was worth ditching this place.

She hurried away, hearing the shocked croaking from the man behind her as her heavy feet clunked out of the restaurant and back onto the stations main floor.

This place was Mercury Mall, a delightfully populated and densely rich space station orbiting a moon of solid crystal, giving a brilliant, vibrant multi-coloured view from its many lavish floors of glass and metal. This place was beautifully elegant and had a warm amber glow through most of it, lit by back panels and artistic lighting displays, easy on the eyes and calming on the mood.

Sadie stood out like a titan here, dressed in black leather and latex, against her glistening white skin, the dragoness was a tower of breast, leather and curves. Her twisting outfit was matched by icy eyes and striking black make-up on her face, she had a stare of a super villain, demanding of attention and utterly unignorable.

She followed her nose, boots clacking loudly on the tiled floor as the muttering of the restaurant faded away, craning her neck left and right to get a good idea of where the creature could be.

No one else seemed to be picking up on it, it was no surprise to her though, her nose was acutely sensitive to their kind now.

Her hunt took her through the entire station, from deck to deck, past the clubs and restaurants, past the view decks and clothes shops, they were no where to be seen! Her frustration began to build as her desire grew but the station kept its secrets.

Her eyes bolted open, finally, the smell intensified. Just by a little. It seemed to be coming from the very lowest deck… This deck had the cheaper shops and fast food joints in, with no view of the crystal moon, more reserved for service areas and utilities, as well as supplies and deliveries.

Odd. She thought. I’d have imagined a corrupted Czarite would be top floor, not sulking around the bottom.

She took the elevator down, the warm amber glow replaced with harsher, white down-lighting. The elegance of the previous floors exchanged for textured metal and white tiles. It was quite the tone change, but the smell got stronger. There were noticeably less people down here but something warm graced her senses.

A delightful laugh. Someone was belly laughing so hard they sounded like they were going to be sick.

She followed the noise to one of the nearby burger places, turning the corner Tekirdağ Escort to reveal not one, but two corrupted Czarites.

They were sat at one of the silver tables, both glassy eyed and trying to eat despite laughing. One of them was shorter than the other, human sized, with curving devil horns on her crown of carapace, she was a fiery red with short, chaotic jelly dreads which faded from blood red to fire yellow that barely tickled her shoulders. Her friend was much taller, with imposing ram-like curling horns of carapace on her crown, beautiful lilac dreads that reached all the way down to her hips and dark turquoise skin, she wore thick muscle across all of her limbs, visible even through her loose clothing and if she wasn’t laughing so heartily, you might have assumed she was the dark, brooding and dangerous type. Both were dressed casually in a hoodie and jeans, a substantial departure from Moltezz’s latex and chains.

“Mynx! For stars sake, the G’s are hard, not soft. Its pronounced ‘Gor-may Bur-gers’, not ‘Jour-met Bur-jers’” The taller one laughed, wiping her eyes.

“How was I supposed to know that?” The smaller one giggled. “Oh-oh-oh! I have a challenge! You gotta swap hard and soft pronounce-iminations for the rest of the night!” She slapped a hand on the table, signifying the challenge had started.

“Night…? Ni-Ght? Wait, that’s silent- OH NO, MYNX, NO!” She broke into an infectious laugh again, her head falling onto the table. A series of laughs broke out amongst the staff in the background who had been doing their damnedest to resist until this point.

“Ohhhh, who’s that? Hello!” The now identified Mynx called out, peeping out from behind the muscular figure of her taller friend. “Would you like a burjer with us?”

“Mynx! You can’t just ask random people that!” Her taller friend immediately blushed upon seeing Sadie, fanning her face frantically.

“Mhmm. Don’t mind if I do, JorJeous.” Sadie winked, joining in on the two’s challenge.

“AHA! I like this one!” Mynx vibrated in her seat, patting the empty bench next to her. “What’s your name hot stuff, want a burjer?”

Sadie placed her substantial rear down, the bench creaking under her weight. It might have been awkward sitting next to the total strangers, but the disarming nature of Mynx made Sadie feel like the two had been friends for years.

“Sadie. Lovely to meet you both. What brings you to mercury mall?” The dragoness played it cool but felt the hunger deep within her. She wanted them both, badly.

“I’m Mynx, this is Fergi!” Mynx chirped, wearing a cheeky grin, scooching over slightly so that her thighs were just touching Sadie’s. “She gets super shy around new people, so don’t think she’s being rude if she’s quiet. We’re just chilling with the Enigma folks on leave!”

“Enigma? Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. You made friends with Enigma?”

“Hell yeah we did. We got our own room on their cruiser!” Mynx eyes narrowed and she licked her lips, raising her eyebrows suggestively. “Wanna see it?”

“OH-MY-GOD! MYNX! WE’VE JUST MET HER!” Fergi cried out, her face going bright red, hiding behind her muscular forearms.

“Its OK, Fergi. I know what this dragoness wants.” Mynx laid her hand onto Sadie’s thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze, feeling its soft skin. “You don’t gotta be shy, Sadie! I know why you’re here!”

Before Fergi imploded from embarrassment, Sadie laughed and stroked Mynx’s hand.

“I am… very pleased you cut to the chase…” Sadie inhaled through her nostrils deeply and looked towards Fergi, who cast a shy but curious look back.

“Nonsense, I’m horny as balls! So are you! I can smell it!” Mynx laughed, nuzzling against Sadie’s arm. “Wanna have some fun then? HEY BENNY, CAN YOU WRAP THESE BURJERS UP FOR LATER? JOTTA BANG THIS HOT ASS DRAJON FIRST!” Mynx yelled, standing from the bench, two small bumps suddenly appearing through her top.

The staff cackled madly and Sadie’s teeth peaked out from behind her lips as a wicked grin creased her face. Mynx’s forwardness was greatly appreciated, the hunger within her was agonising, months she had been waiting for this and finally, she was minutes away… Her curiosity peaked, she wanted to know what these two were packing and what their plans were, they were very different to Moltezz. Moltezz was a smouldering dominatrix who owned every step of ground she walked on. These two were… just people? She could never picture Moltezz acting like Mynx but Mynx was a right little charmer in her own way, she had eyes that could melt ice and a disarming personality that made you feel right at home. Fergi seemed a little more enigmatic at this point though, revealing little about herself so far.

The trio stood and left the diner, heading towards the docks, they linked arms together, Mynx eagerly and Fergi slowly at first, Sadie felt the impressive muscles of Fergi’s arms squeeze up against her, whilst Mynx’s felt like they were vibrating with excitement. The walk Tekirdağ Escort Bayan through the station flew by, accompanied by Mynx’s cheeky giggles and Sadie’s low purrs and in no time at all, they reached the Enigma cruiser through the docks.

They strode through no less than three security bulkheads before the final one parted and revealed a very cushy apartment-like deck, with an expansive living room directly ahead and what looked like a bedroom to the right, visible just behind a thick smoked glass door.

“Awh hell yeah! Ohhhh we’re gonna have so much sex and food!” Mynx giggled again, taking Sadie by the hand and charging towards the bedroom, snatching a handful of berries from a fruit bowl nearby as she rushed across the room.

“N-no drink or…?” Fergi stumbled as the three marched directly into their sleeping quarters.

“NO DRINK! I’M HORNY!” Mynx cackled, tearing at her clothes.

The bedroom was a lavish affair, with a gigantic plush looking bed in the middle of the room and several sleek wardrobes dotted around its walls and a massive TV screen just opposite the bed itself.

As Mynx eagerly threw her clothes off, Sadie turned around to see Fergi standing at the door, rubbing her arm awkwardly and staring at the floor.

“Hey, you OK? You know its cool, right?” Sadie approached the larger Czarite. “I get that you and Mynx are a bit different in terms of pace but you don’t need to be shy. I’m not scared of you, you’re not scared of me, what’s there to be afraid of?” Sadie’s words were followed with a sly wink and she reached out towards Fergi’s hands.

Shyly, the alien reached back and found her fingers gently clasped by the dragoness, who raised them to her maw and ever so sweetly planted kisses on the back of her fingers. Fergi’s hair raised on the back of her head and the two locked eyes.

Slowly, Sadie began to lick the alien’s digits and popped one into her maw, sucking on it and curling her tongue around it, her super soft lips sliding up and down the fingers length sensually. Fergi’s face turned a bright red once again and a bulge suddenly formed at her crotch, pressing tightly against her jeans.

“Awh, Fergs!” Mynx called out, suddenly appearing next to her blue friend, topless and grinning. Mynx had a lovely pair of bright red boobs on her, perky and fun sized, but lacking in scale compared to the top heavy dragoness and even her blue friend, who now had two sharp points poking at her hoodie from within. “Did you like having your fingers sucked on, Fergi? Tell you what Sadie, you work your magic on that and I’ll warm her up, she’s a monster once she gets going but just needs a little… encouragement.”

Mynx half climbed up Fergi’s towering physique and slipped a hand into her top, grabbing a handful of her still hidden tit and brought her face close to the giants neck. As she did so, Sadie came a little closer, pulling Fergi’s arm close to her chest and pulling another finger into her mouth, sucking on two of them together.

“You want to rut her, Fergs? Look at that ass, she’s a walking fuck doll, Fergi.” Mynx whispered, her lips just nibbling the very edge of Fergi’s gorgeous pristine turquoise neck.

“I-I want…” She stumbled out, her face still bright red but her body solid and firm, the bulge in her nethers continuing to grow.

Both Sadie and Mynx clung to her words, watching her eagerly.

“I want those.” Her pointed at Sadie’s absurd chest that the dragoness’s outfit was barely able to contain.

Sadie cackled hungrily and yanked at her zipper, revealing a seemingly endless amount of beautifully supple white cleavage. She was suddenly charged off her feet by the two aliens and thrown onto the bed, landing neatly on her back and the aliens pounced on her chest, pulling at her outfit until they finally freed her gigantic tits, a soft erect coal black nipple was squared centre on each one and Sadie’s eyes rolled back as she felt a warm mouth land on each one, the two hungry aliens brought each teat into their maws and half sucked, half snogged the mountain of breast that laid before them.

The dragoness felt pings of pleasure and a glorious warmth in her chest as her nipples were expertly worked on, her own nethers were damp and aching for attention as a breathy gasp escaped her mouth.

“If you eat me out, I’ll let you do anything to me…” Sadie moaned, her hands massaging her own breasts as the duo continued to lick and slurp at her nipples, groping handfuls of super soft tit with glee.

Mynx pulled her face up with a loud pop as her mouth came off and grinned with her wet, plump lips.

“Ohh, that sounds wonderful, what do you say, Fergi? Shall we warm this bitch up and get her ready for you?”

Fergi nodded and pulled off, allowing Sadie to raise her hips up. She balanced on the small of her back and spread her legs into the air. As she did so,the aliens eagerly removed her clothes, pulling her leggings off and exposing the rest of her Escort Tekirdağ supple white body, her soft, thick white thighs, gorgeous, plump pussy and kissable, neat asshole.

Mynx straddled the dragoness’s torso, sitting on her tits and dived her face straight into Sadie’s slightly dripping pussy, whilst Fergi straddled her tail and pulled the girls thick butt-cheeks apart, pushing her lips onto Sadie’s pristine pucker, the sudden double team caused Sadie to gasp loudly and focus on keeping her hips exactly where they were, as the pair got to work on making the dragoness their pet.

Mynx pressed her garnet lips against Sadie’s button clit and sucked on it harshly, using her soft fingers to massage the dragoness’s pussy folds, kneading them like dough, whilst Fergi moaned into the girls backdoor, slowly pushing her tongue in and keeping her arms locked around the girls ass and legs, desperate to keep her pedestal of ass in the air.

“Oh fuck- fuck- you just- keep doing that-”

The aliens continued their double assault, Mynx clamping her mouth onto Sadie’s pussy now and pushing her tongue deep into the girl, whilst Fergi pulled herself against the dragoness’s massive asscheeks and and made love to her pucker.

Sadie’s stomach quivered and she felt a surge of desperate pleasure through her, her thighs clamped around Mynx’s face, locking her in place as she cried out, her hands digging into the bedsheets as the pleased moan of Mynx tickled her further. She rode the orgasm out, pleasure panging through her limps and intensifying in her asshole until it finally faded, sighing in satisfaction as it died down, but this was just the start.

“That was fucking brilliant… wanna show me what you can do now?” Sadie laughed, her voice coy and enticing.

“I think Fergi should get first dibs, don’t you, Fergs?” Mynx rolled off and pushed Sadie over, guiding the dragoness onto her front and settling her into a doggy-style position, with her substantial, shapely white ass now sitting eagerly in front of Fergi, dripping with red and blue saliva.

“Look at that, Fergs! She’s got ass for days! Wanna cum in it?” Mynx asked bruntly, winking at her friend

Mynx stripped her friend as Sadie gently swayed her dump-truck of as ass slowly side to side, humming with excitement as Fergi revealed her muscular, powerful figure. She was a busty thing too, with two massive blue tits sitting above her eight-pack of abs, smaller than Sadie’s but still huge in their own right, but her meat was a cute thing, beautifully sized and thick from tip to base. Not as overwhelmingly huge as Moltezz’s was, but appropriate, juicy looking and most importantly, standing to attention already, oozing with lube goo and ready for action.

“Oh she wants you so bad, Sadie. She’s already pre’ing.” Mynx kneeled next to the dragoness, facing towards Fergi and rubbed her hands over the dragoness’s buttcheeks, licking her lips and slowly parting the girls cheeks so she could see them properly. “Whats it gonna be, Fergs? Ass or pussy?”

Without wasting another second, Fergi kneeled behind Sadie and pressed the tip of her dick against the girls pucker, the thick meat slowly stretching Sadie’s ass out as she pushed each inch into her in a slow, satisfying push. Mynx gripped the dragoness’s asscheeks and held them apart, squeezing her butt and staring at the insertion, transfixed as she watched her best friends dick disappear with a breathy moan from both her and Sadie.

“Fuuuuck, that was hot.” Mynx licked her lips, still watching closely and prying Sadie’s ass cheeks open. “Fuck her, Fergs, dump your nuts into her ass. I wanna see her belly swell.” She panted, glued to the action as the wet plapping of Fergi’s hips reaching Sadie’s ass started to ring out rhythmically.

Fergi grunted loudly and gripped onto Sadie’s hips, locking her in place and began to pump her meat in and out of her, watching the girls asshole grip her dick tightly and try to milk her of her seed. Her nuts swung under her as her rhythm started, gently slapping against Sadie’s dripping pussy as they rocked back and forth.

The dragoness rolled her eyes back and huffed into the sheets, feeling rolling pleasure ripple through her butt and back, the goo building around her ass was making the fucking deliciously smooth and Fergi had a beautifully sized dick, large enough to stretch her out, long enough to satisfy but not oversized.

The clap of skin on skin filled the room as the alien rutted the dragoness’s ass with strength and speed, whilst Mynx spread the girls cheeks wide and watched with complete glee, her own bulge now begging to be released, but she stayed put, eager to see Fergi’s seed spill from between those giant white ass cheeks.

“How many rounds you got in you, Fergs? This just the start?” Mynx asked, spitting onto the meat below her.

Fergi grunted back in agreement, transfixed by the curvaceous bitch on her bed, watching her fingers dig into Sadie’s curvy hips with delight.

“I love watching you fuck, Fergs.” Mynx hummed, now bouncing slightly in motion with the wet, hard slapping below her. The image of that blue, wet dick driving in and out of Sadie’s tight pucker, slowly dripping thick goo over her legs and pussy, was driving Mynx’s horny brain crazy.

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