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Laura is a good girl. She comes from a good family. She goes to school and does well, not the best, but she is at the top. She does sport, mostly gymnastics and she love it and is training hard. She has good friends, and she is popular. She goes to church with her parents every Sunday. She does all the right things. She says all the right things and has all the right values and opinions.

Having a boyfriend is out of the question. Her parents were of the firm belief sex was something you should do after you have gotten married. Schools teach only abstinence.

Her friends were of the same belief and shares the same values. Usually, she met her friends at the mall when they are not at school. She lives within walking distance of the mall, so it is convenient for her. She has the perfect life.

But she is not only good. She has a dark side that she hides from everybody. Since she was about fourteen, she has been having this peculiar itch and dirty thoughts. She struggles with them and often she succumbs, and she masturbates. She was supposed to be a good girl and it was such a conflict having these strong feelings. Often, she feels guilty about her own emotions. Everybody was expecting her to be good and it created such a conflict inside her.

When she was sixteen, she found a dildo in the trash in a public bathroom. It was old, dirty and it looked like someone had been chewing on the bottom part of it. She had never seen one before, but she recognized what it was. She got a burning hot feeling between her legs when she picked it up. She hid it in her bag and took it home. Late at night, she cleaned it in the bathroom. Even later the same night she broke her hymen with it. She hid it in her room, feeling guilty but fulfilled at the same time. Sometimes she brought it out when her hands were not enough to bring herself off.

Now she was eighteen. She was curious about sex but everyone around her was sheltering her. She could use her phone to go on the net, but her parents sometimes checked her phone. She was scared they would discover that she searches for porn and stuff on the net. She had seen some and it always made her feel bothered. She would masturbate several times while replaying in her mind what she had seen.

Laura had increasing difficulty keeping her emotions in check. She had even started masturbating outside of the sanctuary of her bedroom. She would masturbate in public bathrooms and fitting rooms in shops, and it always made her feel so hot. It turned her on when she heard people outside. She was so bad having two fingers knuckle deep in her pussy and rubbing herself with the other hand. She had a recurring fantasy that someone would discover her while masturbating. The person would realize how lewd she was and degrades her for being so perverted. She was a good girl but deep down she was a filthy slut. She was so hot and bothered but at the same time, everyone expected her to be good. She was constantly haunted by these conflicting emotions. The conflict turns into resentment and then hate. She came to hate all expectations on her to be a good girl. The more her emotions were pushing on her, the more she came to hate it was not acceptable for her to act upon them. She felt she was developing a secret life of feelings and wishes.

One day a friend showed her a film on her phone of an old guy having sex with a young girl. The guy had been around fifty and looked poorly kept and had a potbelly. The girl was about their age and beautiful. Her friend was completely grossed out. Laura got the familiar burning feeling while watching the scene on the small screen. She often fantasized about sex. But, with her limited experience, she had never imagined that you could do it with someone as old and ugly. It was a burning hot revelation. Somehow, she managed to look convincingly disgusted when she watched the short video. Most of all she wanted to take her friend’s phone. She wanted to watch it over and over while she imagined she was doing all the disgusting things with the old fat guy. She already knew that later she would bring out the dildo to make it extra special.

The same afternoon she fucked herself to orgasm twice with the worn dildo. Both times she was so excited she was trembling. Still, she did not manage to put out the burning itch inside her and wanted more. With her sheltered life, she had never imagined you could do something as kinky as have sex with an ugly old man.

She felt she needed to do something kinky and daring. She got an idea, and she rinsed her throbbing pussy and put on fresh panties. She wrapped the dildo in a T-shirt and stuck it inside her handbag and left for the shopping mall. Her heart was beating hard in her chest as she crossed the distance between her home and the mall. Never in her life had she been so daring. The dildo felt heavy in her bag. But at the same time as her mind filled with a burning need of doing something bad. She could not stand sakarya seks hikayeleri being Ms. Perfect all the time and conforming to everybody’s expectations.

Often, she sees an old homeless guy when she walks to the mall. She has met him so many times that he recognizes her and sometimes waves when she passes.

She thinks he is gross but harmless. His clothes are rags, and he was so dirty and unkempt it was impossible to tell how old he was. He could be anywhere between 40 and 60 years old. There are two storage buildings at the end of the parking lot. She knows he sleeps behind a couple of dumpsters in the narrow space between the two buildings.

Once in the mall, she took her time browsing around and then went into a clothes store. She had been in that one several times before. She selected a dress with care. It was short and sexy. It was nothing she could wear in public. She went to the fitting room. It was small and closed only with a curtain. Her stomach quaked with suppressed excitement as she peeled off her top and skirt. She took off her bra also. She liked the feeling of being without a bra. Her breasts were large, but firm enough so they did not need support. She put on the dress. She looked hot in it. Her nipples were so hard they ached, but it hardly showed she was braless under the sexy dress. With trembling hands, she took the dildo from her handbag. She watched herself in the mirror as she hiked up the skirt, revealing her panties. She pulled the crotch of her panties to the side. In the mirror, she could see how it looked when she sank the dildo inside her pussy.

She pushed it in deep while at the same time straining to hear what was happening outside the fitting room. She was so wet her whole crotch felt like a slippery mess. Her heart was beating hard. She was trembling from the perverse sight of the ugly old dildo disappearing into her pussy. She worked it in and out at a slow pace. There were muffled sounds of voices and movement outside the closed curtain. She bit her lip not to moan. She was close, and it was going to be strong. She pushed in the dildo as far as it could go. Then she pulled the gusset of her panties over the end to prevent it from slipping out of her pussy. She let go of the dress, so it fell and covered her crotch.

She was feeling hot all over. Looking at herself in the mirror she could not tell she had a dildo in her pussy. She could open the curtain. No one who could see her would be able to guess how kinky and perverse she was. She was bad but she wished she could be as bad as the girl in the film who fucked an ugly old guy. She wondered how it would feel to fuck someone so ugly. She treasured her ugly dildo. It could give relief to all her pent-up frustration and desires.

Lifting the dress again she looked at the butt end of the dildo making a tent in her panties. She let her hand slip down inside her panties and began caressing her clit. She watched herself masturbating in the mirror until she came. It was a slow thigh-shaking earthmover of an orgasm.

It took a long while for her to collect herself and then change back into her clothes. She felt completely content. She had not had such a good orgasm in ages. She still felt bad and decided to skip her bra. She was going straight home so it would not be any danger if someone saw her. The dildo and bra ended up in her bag and on legs still trembling she exited the fitting room.

She felt tingly all over and completely satisfied. She walked through the mall towards the exit. She was feeling the heat building up again even if she had been having a fantastic orgasm. No one could guess how bad she had been only minutes earlier in the changing room. She hated everybody’s expectations on her to always be a good girl and fit into the narrow acceptable norm. It felt so good to secretly break them. It felt liberating. She was conscious of being without a bra and her nipples were so hard they ached. Her crotch was a humid furnace and she had to change panties again when she got home. She knew she had to masturbate more before the day was over.

Crossing the parking lot, she saw the familiar homeless guy. He was standing close by the storage buildings as usual. No one was around but she was not worried. She had passed him countless times and knew he was harmless. Sometimes he nodded at her in recognition, but he had never approached her or tried to talk to her. Their eyes met but then he looked down at her chest. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment when she realized he saw that she was without a bra.

It struck Laura that he was a dirty old man, and she was a hot teenager like in the film she had seen. The feeling of embarrassment sank like a stone down to her loins and blossomed into heat. She almost missed a step as she saw him with completely different eyes. He was an old man, and she was a young girl. Her mind grew numb, not wanting to believe what her womb wanted her to do. Somehow, she managed to walk past him and continue towards home. Her hand went into her handbag and gripped her dildo hard. She needed it as soon as she got home. She felt the eyes of the homeless guy on her back.

Weeks passed and she could not shake the idea that had taken root in her mind. She had never imagined something as kinky as a young girl like her having sex with an old ugly man. She wanted to experience something dirty. Far dirtier than her worn dildo. She could not shake the strong wish she had gotten. She knew a dirty old man. The homeless man by the mall. She could not imagine anyone more disgusting than him and it made her feel so hot. It was wrong in so many ways. But her pussy started throbbing every time she fantasized about him. The best was that no one would ever believe him if he said something about her. Not that she had ever seen him together with someone else. He was old and filthy, and she was not particularly afraid of him. The idea was wrong in every conceivable way. It made her hot every time and her heartbeat hard.

Laura could almost not believe it herself. The filthy old homeless guy became her masturbation fantasy. Usually, she fantasized about all kinds of things. Now she only replayed in her mind the film she had seen with an old guy and a young girl. She imagined herself and the homeless guy having sex in the same way. She was more excited and coming stronger than ever. After every time she felt ashamed and wondered what was wrong with her. A good girl was not supposed to have these kinds of thoughts. But at the same time, she felt empowered. She felt she rebelled against the hateful social rules that confined her.

She saw him a couple of times when she went to the mall. One time he nodded to her in recognition. Getting to the mall she realized her pussy was throbbing. She had to go to the bathroom and masturbate to calm down. She sat a long time reproaching herself afterward. She was feeling guilty for having the feelings she had.

The following time when she met him on the way to the mall, he did not do anything. She could not get him out of her head. She felt tense and bothered and when it was time to go home again, she went into the bathroom and removed her bra. She looked at herself in the mirror for a long time. It was not too obvious she was without a bra but if you looked closer you could tell.

She could not believe she intended to expose herself to an old homeless guy.

Her heart was beating hard with excitement as she walked across the parking lot. Her high heels sounded loud in her ears. She was looking hot, and she knew it. She had a faint tremble in the pit of her stomach and her pussy felt like a hot mess. She felt like a complete slut and pervert. Getting closer to where the homeless guy usually hung around, she did not see him. Her excitement turned into bewilderment as she realized he was not there. She had not expected he could be gone and felt confused and disappointed. She even checked between the dumpsters where he usually slept but he was not there. The place was empty except for a bunch of dirty sheets of cardboard scattered on the ground.

She felt confused about her feelings when she got home. In the evening in bed, she masturbated and imagined he had been there, and she had flashed her boobs for him. It was so wrong imagining doing something like that. It felt so … daring. It was the only word she had.

Two weeks later he was there again when she was on her way to the mall. Already going inside the mall, she had made up her mind she was taking off her bra again. She met a couple of friends, but she felt distracted. She could not take her mind off the homeless guy. He was the only thing she could think of when she finally said goodbye to her friends. She made sure they did not see when she went into the bathroom near the entrance. Her hands were trembling as she undid her blouse and removed her bra. Her pussy throbbed when she watched herself in the mirror. Her blouse was loose-fitting, and it did not show too well she was without a bra. Last time she had been having a tight top and it had been more obvious. She pulled up her blouse from her skirt. Then she undid the lowest buttons and tied a knot with the two bottom corners of her blouse. The knot rested above her navel, so her tight midriff was on display. She looked at the result in the mirror. It did not make it more obvious she was without a bra, but she looked sexy. She pushed her skirt lower down on her hips so more of her midriff came on display. Her pussy throbbed when she looked at her slutty reflection. The homeless guy was going to see her like this.

Her heart was beating hard in anticipation as she walked across the parking lot. It made a leap in her chest when she saw he was standing at his usual place. Her womb quaked in anticipation of exposing her body to the unwashed older homeless guy. Scanning the surroundings to make sure no one was around she made a decision. The last time had been a failure and she wanted to make the most of this time. The old guy was looking in another direction and had not seen her. She undid the buttons on her blouse, so it was only the knot keeping the two halves together. She felt both scared and hot at the same time. She has full C-cup boobs, and she was immensely proud of them. They were perfectly round, sitting high on her chest. They were firm but so heavy she had to use two sports bras to hold them in place when she did sports.

He heard her high heels on the asphalt and turned around and she could tell he recognized her. He nodded at her, and she stopped and nodded back. His eyes went from her face to her chest and widened when he saw she was without a bra. Her heart was beating hard, and her mouth was dry. She wanted to run but instead, she stood still. The dirty old guy was about fifteen feet from her, and his wrinkled face turned into a smile when he stared at her chest. She had never seen his teeth before, and they were stained dark yellow, and he was missing a couple.

Laura twisted towards him. She kept her hips in the direction she was going but turned her shoulders facing him. She felt how the blouse opened. One half was drawn tight over one boob and the other boob peeking out through the opening. Her nipples were rock hard, and her pussy throbbed as she exposed herself. He gasped and his eyes widened even more as he stared at her lewdly displayed chest. A few seconds passed and his eyes flickered up to her face like he wanted to check if she was running away or not. Then his gaze riveted to her chest. Laura felt time slow down to a grinding halt. She felt unreal and far from her normal self. She let one hand caress up over her flat stomach and cupped her boob on display. The homeless guy made a groan deep down in his throat. He was mezmerised by her lewd display. Shamelessly he began rubbing his crotch on top of his cock. Laura pinched her rock-hard nipple. There was a strong pleasure signal traveling straight down into her engorged clit.

They stood like that facing each other for 10 or 15 seconds. To Laura, it felt like an eternity. The guy was rubbing his cock through his pants and Laura was so excited she was trembling. She felt a rush of power. She was making an old man almost blow a fuse by exposing herself to him. She felt he was under her power. His strong reaction boosted her confidence. She parted her blouse, exposing her breast completely. The guy groaned and almost doubled over. He did not show any shame rubbing himself while devouring her with his eyes.

Laura heard a car behind her, and it was getting closer. The last thing she wanted was for someone to see her flashing an old homeless guy. She closed her blouse and began walking again. The guy made a whimpering sound when the show was over. Laura was briefly afraid he was going to do something stupid. However, he did not call out to her or try to follow her as she continued walking towards home on shaky legs.

She felt lightheaded when she came home. She had never done anything so remotely kinky in her whole life. She was so bad. She went straight to her room and took out her dildo from its hiding place. She shed her panties and fell on her back on her bed. She spread her thighs and pushed in the dildo. She was so wet and ready it went in all the way on the first push. She closed her eyes and imagined how the homeless guy was baring his cock and was pushing it inside her. She slipped her free hand inside her blouse and caressed her boobs. She had shown them to the homeless guy. She had never done that to anyone before. She had a boyfriend about a year ago. Besides making out had she let him touch her boobs over a thick sweater. But no more than that even if he wanted more.

Every day she masturbated dreaming of the homeless guy. He was perfect. No one would ever know what she did with him. He was a nobody. Her repeated diminishing thoughts about him became a litany in her mind. It was strengthening her belief.

One day she passed him on her way to the mall. She saw him recognize her. The desire for her was plain on his face but he made no move to get closer to her. She felt the heat between her legs and her nipples became rock hard. No one would ever find out if she ducked between his dumpsters where he slept. She could strip off her top and bra so he could admire her boobs. She did not feel afraid of him, only excitement.

She met some friends in the mall and the plan was that after the mall they were going to a restaurant later. One of her friends was driving. She could not get the image of the homeless guy staring lustfully at her out of her head. She wanted to cancel so she could walk home again and meet the homeless guy. Her imagination was running wild. She could take off her bra in the bathroom so she could pull up her top, so he saw her boobs. She could also take off her panties and pull up her skirt, so he saw her pussy. She felt hot and bothered. No one would ever know and the idea of flashing the homeless guy made her so hot.

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