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I had been married for 19 years. Not a particularly happy marriage, nor a very fulfilling one in many ways especially when it came to bedroom activities. I still live in the farm house here in Wales where I grew up. The house has changed little since I was a girl. Often when I think back to happier times I stand in what is now a utility room off the kitchen. When I was a girl it was the bedroom I shared with my younger sister. It was also the room where one summer’s night a young man from a neighbouring farm climbed in through the open window at my invitation, and we had a night of wonderfully rewarding, youthful passionate sex on the floor as the bed made so much noise we would have woken the whole valley! But that was then, and as I say happier days (and nights)!

My husband has never really got the hang of good, mutually rewarding sex. We care for each other, we are more like good friends than husband and wife. The rewards of a regular and fulfilling sex life never really took off with us. This causes a confusion of emotions in me. I feel that even though our sex life is sadly lacking the humph and power that it should, we are still married. I often find myself craving the pleasures that good sex can bring. This in turn causes resentment sometimes.

We have never been away on holiday together. Leaving the farm has never been an option as far as my husband is concerned. For this reason I have been away on holidays with my life long best friend, Gwen. She used to live on the neighbouring farm and we went through school together. She went off to Cardiff at the age of 19 to train as a nurse, I to a London university. I came back after university to the farm. A big mistake, but as we are told, we make our bed and must lie on it.

Gwen suggested one year that we went to Spain for our holiday. My first reaction was not favourable. The thought of high-rise hotels and crowded beaches was not grabbing my interest to say the least. She told me of an area in the south of Spain called the Cabo de Gata. An area of quiet beaches, small hotels and lots of warm sunshine and coastal walks. The photographs in the books she gave me painted an idyllic picture, as did my own research. So I agreed and we booked our flights, car hire and hotel. This was not without the usual heated discussions between myself and my husband. He simply could not see why I needed to get away from the farm. The farm had become his entire world. A world that he loved and I found too suppressing. We would eventually come to the decision that we always did. I would go.

As the time for our holiday came closer I was looking more and more forward to it. Choosing the books I would take to read, buying guide books and maps, and packing clothes were all tasks I enjoyed as the excitement built. Eventually the big day came. I drove to the airport, parked and met up with Gwen. Her husband had driven her there and was waiting with her until I arrived. We all greeted each other and as Gwen’s husband gave her a final kiss and a hug he said “Well, have a good time you two, don’t drink too much!”. He was a very caring man who was very devoted to Gwen, as indeed she was to him. “Ho! And don’t forget to give my regards to Carol and Miguel.”

As we walked into the terminal building I asked Gwen about Carol and Miguel. I knew that Carol was a friend of Gwen’s who she went through nurse training with. She had met a Spaniard (Miguel) and after marrying they moved to Madrid. Gwen rather sheepishly told me that we had been invited to go to Madrid for a couple of days to stay with them during our two week holiday. I was a little peeved at this as I hardly knew Carol and did not know Miguel at all. However, I put it to the back of my mind, too excited about the journey. Then came the waiting, waiting, waiting for our flight to be called so we could board the plane. This for me was the hateful part of flying. So I went to the bookshop to look for yet another book. I had plenty already with me, I was just really filling in time. I browsed through the books, picking up and putting down those that did not interest me. There was one however, that did make me consider a random purchase. It was described on the back cover as a racy, raunchy and erotic story of passion and desire. Certainly not my usual reading. But I thought what the heck! I’m on holiday! And I could do with some excitement in that vein even if it was only fiction.

At last we were called to our gate for the flight. As we sat on the plane Gwen asked me if I was ok about going on a short trip to Madrid. I pointed out to her that it was a very long drive up to Madrid from where we were staying. As Gwen never would drive a left-hand drive car, it would mean that I would have to do all the driving. Plus I didn’t really know them, but I was happy for her to go, maybe on the train or an internal flight. We agreed that I would take her to the railway station and pick her up again a couple of days later and I would stay behind. Although we often went Escort bayan away together, it was not unusual for us to go off to do different things. But normally only during the day, not to spend days apart. But we were both comfortable with what we had decided to do.

While Gwen went to collect our cases I went over to the car hire desk and sorted out our transport. I loved driving, especially in unfamiliar foreign countries. It was all part of the adventure of being on holiday and away from the normal world that I inhabited.

By now we were both in full holiday mood, like a pair of teenagers let loose on the world and out to have a good time together. The journey was easy enough, no getting lost, Gwen was a good navigator. We were staying in a small hotel in a town called San Jose on the Cabo de Gata. The hotel was very nice, small but comfortable, and the little town was perfect. It was obviously a place where Spaniards went for a holiday.

After checking in we went for a walk of discovery around the town, examined the wide beach that was certainly not crowded although obviously well used. As we sat outside a bar having our first glass of wine we talked about what we wanted to do, where we wanted to go and what we wanted to see. The receptionist at the hotel had given Gwen details of trains that went to Madrid. She had telephoned Carol and Miguel, and she had arranged to go and see them in a few days. In the mean time we were going to get some sun on our poor white, Welsh bodies. As the hotel had no swimming pool, this meant using the beach. No problem there! The trip to Madrid for Gwen was now second place to our thoughts of laying on a beach reading, having nice lunches and returning to the beach for more sun and sea, and maybe some sangria, ok definitely some sangria! As we sat there drinking our wine, Gwen picked up the menu from the table. We were fortunate that it was not only in Spanish but also English. It was decided that we would return here for dinner as it had so many nice sounding things on the menu.

The next day after breakfast we hit the beach. It was still not crowded, but was obviously one frequented by families as well as small groups of young women and the odd group of young men. Despite this it was quiet enough. Gwen and I lay on our loungers reading, chatting and simply revelling in the Spanish sun’s warmth on our skin instead of the weak, milky sunshine of home. Home! It already seemed a million miles away. Later we went back to the same bar we had had dinner in the night before. We were welcomed warmly by the same waiter who had served us previously. After lunch we returned, somewhat replete of wine, to the beach, where we spent the afternoon swimming, laughing and talking until it was time to go back to the hotel.

As I entered my room I took off the sarong that was covering my swimsuit. I noticed in the mirror that I was already starting to get tanned by the sun. I never went red, just a bronzy brown. This was, I knew the only thing that Gwen hated me for! I took off my swimsuit and looking at myself, now naked in the mirror, took stock of my body. I’m not in bad shape I thought, no signs of saggy boobs or anything else, no stretch marks (I have never had children, so have avoided the perils of pregnancy), and what I thought of as generally a firm, trim body. All the farm work must have an up side after all! I also noticed the tan lines starting to show. It would eventually make me look like I was wearing a creamy white swim suit, such a shame. I took a long luxuriant shower and washed the saltiness of the sea from my hair. As I let the warmth of the water flow over me I gently massaged the shower gel to a lather over my skin. Such a delightful feeling. We had no shower at home just the old bath that my Da had installed.

Wrapped in towels I dried and brushed my hair and then lay on the bed to read until it was time to meet up with Gwen and go out for dinner. I picked up the book I had bought at the airport. It was proving to be a vey racy book indeed. The heroine leaping from one erotic romp in bed with a fit, muscled rampant man to another. Certainly not great literature, and not destined for any prizes. The story did however, begin to fan the almost extinct embers of my unattended to sexual desires. As I read I found myself unwrapping my body from the towels, and as the passage of the book became more raunchy I let my fingertips slowly begin to trace the outline of my labia and run through my sparse pubic hair. I often did this at home. My husband and I had had separate bedrooms for quite some time. This gave me the opportunity for self pleasuring, the only pleasuring I got! At home I had secretly hidden away a vibrator. This device was what kept me sane. It allowed me to explore my fantasies and give me at least some sexual satisfaction. I loved the sensations I got by teasing my clitoris with its vibrating tip, sometimes working myself nearly to an orgasm before gently easing it inside myself, Bayan Escort letting it rest there purring away as I brought myself to a climax by using my fingertips on my clitty. Sadly I had not packed my pleasure toy. Too unsure of what airport security would have made of it. I lay there on my hotel bed, reading an outrageously improbable sexual adventure, whilst teasing myself with my fingertips. Gradually I began to feel the warmth of an orgasm beginning to develop inside me. Maybe not such a bad story after all.

A few days later I was dropping Gwen off at the railway station for her trip to Madrid. She was going to telephone me at the hotel to let me know when to pick her up again. So, there I was. Foot loose and fancy free. What to do now? The lazy days of sunshine on the beach were so appealing, and my tan was coming on very well. But I decided to wander around the town by the station. This soon proved to be a bit dull so I drove back to San Jose. I wandered over to the beach to settle down to an afternoon there. While I was putting on more sun oil I thought about going topless in order to get a more all-over tan. There were several young women there who had done this, so I would not be the only one. I did however, shy away from the idea. But the idea grew and developed until I realised what I really wanted to do was to peel off my swimsuit completely and sunbathe naked! Definitely not the thing to do here on this family beach. So I just lay and read and snoozed, and dreamed of feeling the freedom of being naked in this wonderful Spanish sunshine. I later returned to the hotel and went through my now routine of showering and self pleasuring.

Later I went back to the bar where Gwen and I had been every night for dinner so far. Instead of sitting at a table outside as we had done, I went inside and sat at the bar. The waiter (Carlos, as he had introduced himself to us) was as welcoming as he always was.

“You are alone tonight? Where is your friend?” he asked.

“She is away visiting her friends in Madrid for a couple of days, Carlos. So it’s just me.”

It appeared that Carlos in addition to waiting at the tables was also the barman. He was probably in his late twenties, fairly tall with that dark hair and even darker eyes that was so characteristic of Spanish people.

“Do you get many British people coming here? I only ask because your English is really very good.” I said to him while he was pouring my second glass of wine.

“Not many English come here, a few, not very many. But I worked in London for six years before I came here.”

London! My second home for the years I was at university. We talked about where we had lived, where we had gone, the things we did there in London. It was so nice to talk about London again and be reminded of my happy years there as a student. The conversation being interrupted often by him having to serve customers at the bar and at the tables. By now I was on my third glass. I asked Carlos what he would recommend for my dinner. He suggested that I had a few tapas instead of a meal as this would give me a taste of many different things. Good idea I thought. Over the next hour or so, he provided me with lots of tasty treats, good conversation and more wine. I have to admit I was certainly a bit tipsy.

I began to think about what I would do the next day. Again I thought about going topless or better yet, in the buff.

“Carlos, as much as I love the beach here, it’s a bit busy. Is there another one nearby that is more quiet?” I asked him.

“Oh yes, there are plenty, not very big beaches, and not so easy to get to. But they are quiet. You won’t be able to get drinks and food at them though.”

“They sound perfect. How do I get to them?”

“What do you want to do? Swim? Walk?”

I giggled slightly and flushed a little saying “Sunbathe, you know….. topless”.

He grinned and said “But you can do that here in San Jose, you don’t have to go anywhere else. And you can come here for your lunch!”

“No, not here, it’s too public. I’d feel very awkward about it.”

“OK, drive out of town about 6 or 7 km, you will see a pull-in on the right with wooden rails along the edge. Park there and follow the path down to the beach. It’s quite a long walk, so not many people go there, they are too lazy!”

I made sure of the directions, and resolved to go there in the morning.

“Anyway, such an attractive lady should not feel awkward about such things.” He said as he walked off to serve another customer. Through my slightly fuzzy brain I wondered if that was the beginning of a chat up? Was it? Nah!

I paid my bill, thanked Carlos for his advice about the food and the beach and slowly teetered my way back to the hotel and bed.

The next morning, after breakfast I set off to find my beach. I had no trouble finding it. I parked in the lay-by and then walked for about 5 or 10 minutes down the path to find a lovely sandy cove where Escort the sea gently lapped at the shore. I had noticed only one other car as I parked. There was a couple already there. They were right down at one end of the beach, about 300 yards away. I could see even at this distance that they were sunbathing in the nude. So I walked to the opposite end of the beach, far enough away to ease my concerns and far enough to ensure the privacy of us all. I spread out my towels, unpacked my books and sun oil. I then took out my swim suit and began to undress. I was about to put on my swim suit, but then looked around and realised that I was far enough away from the couple at the other end not to have to bother with it. So I put it back in my bag. I sat on my towels and applied my sun oil. I lay back just revelling in the feeling of being naked on the beach. I then began to read my book.

About an hour later I walked down to the sea and paddled my feet in the gentle swell. The other couple were swimming. I walked further into the sea, feeling the water on my warm skin, still revelling in my nakedness. I swam for about 10 minutes or so. Enjoying the sense of freedom that my nakedness was giving me. I walked back to my towels and lay there drying off in the warmth of the sun. I again began to read. I then noticed out of the corner of my eye someone walking along the beach very close to me. I looked around to see Carlos just a few feet away. Oh hell, no! I thought, looking around for my bag to get my swim suit. But too late he was there. I sat up and gingerly tried to cover my modesty with my book covering my nether regions and crossing my arm over my naked breasts.

“Hola! So, you found the place ok then Tessa?” he greeted me.

“Yes thank you Carlos, no problem at all.”

“Good. Do you mind if I sit here for just a moment, before I go and find a place for myself?”

How could I say no? I was enjoying my privacy, but felt I could not refuse as he had been kind enough to guide me here.

“No, of course not. Do sit down.”

Carlos put his towel down a few feet away, and placed his bag beside it. He was wearing a tee shirt and brightly coloured shorts. Before he sat down he took off his tee shirt. I really could not help but notice that he was very dark skinned, and had a covering of thick dark hair over his chest. I did avert my glances as he pulled the tee shirt over his head. He then began to pull down his shorts. Oh my God! No! I thought. Just as a thick dark pubic bush started to appear over the waistband of his shorts he said,

“Oh, excuse me, sorry. But do you mind if I errrrr……”

It was after all a public beach. I had no right to say no. And I could always move making some excuse or other.

“No, no you carry on.”

“Thank you, I won’t disturb you for long, I’ll go and find a place on my own.”

He turned away from me and carried on pulling down his shorts. I could not help but take a peek at him as he did so. He had a very pert bottom, firm and round. No tan lines there I noticed. Still with his back to me he folded his shorts and tee shirt and put them in his bag. He then turned around and I fixed my gaze on the shoreline. He sat down on his towel cross-legged.

“So, how do you like this beach? Quiet enough for you I think as you have not bothered with your costume.” He said with a smile.

“Yes, it’s wonderful here.”

“Do you like to sunbathe like this at home?”

“No. Never. I have never done this before. Anyway, it’s too cold back home.”

“I love the beach, it’s what I missed the most when I lived in London.”

“Yes, I’m sure you must have.” I said, feeling very self-conscious. That in its self was a strange thing, back in my student days there had been several men who had seen me naked, I hadn’t exactly been a nun! Carlos put his legs out in front of him and leaned back on his hands. I found myself unable to resist a slight sideways look at him. His arms and chest had shiny dark hair covering his dark skin, which in turn covered what looked like firm but not overdeveloped muscles. I could not resist letting my eyes very briefly run down the rest of his body. He had very muscular thighs and calves. All-in-all he looked very trim and fit. As his legs were crossed in front of him I was unable to see what was between them. Not that I was looking, at least that is what I told myself.

“Tell me, Tessa, what did you do at university?”

I told him about my studies which just made him smile.

“No, I meant what did you DO! Where did you live? Did you go out much? That sort of thing. You never know we may have been at the same place at the same time.”

Now that did make me smile. The poor man must be under some illusion that we were of a similar age, bless him. I reeled off a potted history of my few years in London.

“And what about now? What do you do?”

I explained that I lived on the farm where I was born and grew up. I recounted to him the life of a hill-farmer out in rural Wales.

“What about you, are you from San Jose?”

He told me of his early life in Almeria, about his family there. How he left Spain to go to London to escape from the rather poor life he lead there.

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