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Jenny floated through the party, taking in the sights at Natalie’s new place. Word around the campus was that Marcus and Natalie threw the best parties in town. She and Natalie had been friends since high school, though they hadn’t had a chance to talk much in the past year when Natalie moved away for college. When she heard that Jenny had finally gotten into the same college and moved into town she sent out an invite right away.

Jenny had decided to go with her usual ‘clubbing’ look for the party, nice tight capris and a handkerchief tank top with her long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. The outfit never failed to help her strike up conversations with new people. There were quite a few new people too. With a house this big, Natalie could afford to invite just about everyone she knew. She spotted a few people she knew from her classes here and there, and she noticed more than a few guys enjoying the view provided by her tight pants as she sashayed by. None really sparked her interest though. Many of the rooms were dark save for assorted blinking lights, which more than a few seemed to have used to their advantage to find good make-out spots. Couples in secluded spots tried to look like they were just having simple conversation as they sneakily nipped at each other’s necks and slipped fingers under each other’s clothing. She made a note to maybe come back here if she found someone fun on the dance floor.

Finally she found her way into the house’s biggest dance room, complete with the disco balls and multicolored lights and whatnot. Gracefully she made her way onto the floor, letting the rhythm carry her. She always loved dancing because it allowed her to just cut loose and forget about all the stress of the average day. She drifted elegantly through the crowd, her hips gyrating sensually to the smooth tempo. She caught some shy guy watching her movement with interest, who sheepishly turned away when she winked at him. Too bad, his loss. The next to catch her eye was a pretty good dancer. Not amazing to look at, but not bad either. Sadly, his girlfriend soon stepped in and flicked his ear in annoyance to get his attention, after which he went back to dancing with her and probably tried to fabricate some silly excuse. Jenny chuckled softly and rejoined the flow of the music.

Suddenly a pair of strong but gentle hands appeared on her hips, causing her to gasp in surprise. Whoever he was, he was a very good dancer. He instantly matched her rhythm, his body just barely touching hers as he grooved with her. She grinned and leaned into him a little to feel him better and reached up to let her fingers play across his neck. His breath was warm on her neck and she leaned her head back a bit, getting a whiff of his cologne. The effect nearly took her knees out from under her, but his hand swiftly moved to her midriff to help her stay up. She found herself purring softly, enjoying the feel of his hand on her bare skin.

He nuzzled her gently as they danced, his clean-shaven skin gliding smoothly along her neck and heightening her arousal. She answered him by playfully nibbling at his neck. His hand moved slowly back and forth along her belly, fingertips just barely sneaking under her top without exploring farther north. She eased herself in just a little bit closer to him to encourage him and felt his growing bulge pressing against her tush. She bit her lip to keep from moaning out loud.

All too soon the thumping beats faded away, but a nice slow song followed shortly after. She grinned and turned around in his arms to stand face to face, casually slipping her arms around his neck, and he smiled back and placed his hands at the small of her back to hold her close.

He matched her movements as perfectly as before, gently swaying this way and that. Even though they were slowing down her heart was still speeding up. She leaned in close and rested her head on his shoulder, partially to catch her breath and partially to nuzzle his neck and get another whiff of that wonderful cologne. She purred again for him as he smoothed his hands up and down her bare back and playfully nibbled his neck in return. Her stiff nipples gave her little waves of pleasure each time they rubbed against him. She made a mental note to thank Natalie later for inviting her, and him. They nuzzled each other as they danced, her hands exploring his firm shoulders as his fingers slowly wandered up her side and traced along her collarbone. He gazed into her eyes as he brushed his finger up the nape of her neck, and she found herself closing her eyes and slowly leaning in to meet his lips. She just barely felt the tip of his tongue brush against her lips before he pulled back teasingly. His hand playfully glided down her arm to take her hand his and he brought it to his lips to kiss it softly before disappearing into the crowd.

“Jenny! Hey Jenny!”

“Nat!” Natalie weaved through the crowd to envelop her friend in a big hug, and then the two quickly moved on out to a slightly quieter room to catch up on things. casino oyna She passed Jenny a drink and got one for herself as they flopped down onto a couch in a nearby room. Natalie crossed her legs as she sat down, sipping at her drink as they exchanged stories of the past year. Jenny noticed that her friend didn’t dress quite so conservatively as she had a year ago. For the longest time she had been a simple jeans & t-shirt gal. Tonight she was dressed in a dangerously short skirt and a blouse that she had tied up under her breasts, displaying them rather prominently. They reminisced for quite awhile, bringing each other up to date on all the things that had happened over the past dozen months. Jenny was particularly anxious to hear about this mysterious Marcus that her best friend was so crazy about, asking all sorts of questions.

“I went through quite a few frogs before I met my prince. I guess most of them came after me cause they thought a quiet little girl like me would be easy to control.” She sipped her drink thoughtfully. “But Marcus was different. He kept me safe and gave me freedom at the same time.” She laughed a little at that. “That doesn’t make any sense does it?”

“Kinda,” she agreed with a giggle. “He sounds like a really nice guy.”

“Mmhmm. He showed me so many things. And he encourages me to experiment with new ideas too,” she added with a wink. Jenny’s eyes strayed a little as Natalie casually leaned on the back of the couch, giving her a rather extensive view of her friend’s cleavage. Her breasts strained against the tightly tied blouse, and the thin material did nothing to hide the twin protrusions of her nipples. “You like ‘em?”

“Wha?” She belatedly realized she was staring and couldn’t help but grin sheepishly.

Natalie smiled back. “All natural, babe.” She gave her breast a light squeeze as if to prove the point. “I’ve filled out nicely in the past few months. Don’t worry though, you’ve still got the biggest tits on campus.” They both giggled at that.

Jenny finished off her drink and set it aside. “So when do I get to meet this Marcus of yours?”

Natalie grinned. “You already did.” Jenny gave her a blank look of confusion. “On the dance floor.” Just then her dance partner from before sauntered up behind the couch, casually giving Natalie a quick greeting kiss.

“That was… oh I’m sorry, I didn’t…” She tried to stammer out an apology but Natalie waved it off with a laugh.

“No need to apologize. Marcus and I are very open with our relationship. He was just making sure my favorite guest had fun. Looks like you did too,” she added with a wink. To punctuate the statement she casually reached over and gave her friend’s stiff nipple a little pinch through her top, eliciting a surprised squeal from her. Before she could ask where that came from, Natalie got up and motioned for Jenny to follow. “Hey, wanna see my hot tub?”

“I could, but I didn’t bring a bathing suit.”

“S’ok, you can use one of mine. Would you get things ready for us Marcus?”

“Sure thing.” He made Natalie giggle with a hug and a nibble on her neck.

Marcus headed off to get the hot tub going as the girls made their way upstairs to Natalie’s room. Rummaging through a dresser drawer, she procured a black string bikini for herself and a blue one for her friend. They were terribly skimpy little things, even by Jenny’s standards. The top would barely cover more than her nipples, and the bottom had that sexy French cut that seemed to be so popular these days.

Jenny took the bikini and turned away to get changed, as well as to hide a slight blush. Natalie certainly had changed in just one short year. She seemed more mature now, not the shy little thing that had hung around her in high school. She seemed to have grown up physically as well. She couldn’t help but steal a glance at the way Natalie’s breasts bounced as she freed them from her shirt. She unsnapped her skirt and set it aside, then bent over nice and low as she slid her thong panties off. Jenny would have to ask her later what gym she had been visiting to get a tush like that. Her legs were great too. She was almost disappointed when Natalie put on the bikini, though it left little to the imagination. Whoa now. What was all that about? She and Natalie had always been close, but not like that (despite the numerous rumors to the contrary). She did admire Natalie’s good looks. But in a ‘I’d like to look like that’ kinda way. Right?

She jumped back to reality when she felt Natalie tap her on the shoulder. “Hey, you gonna change or just watch?” She chuckled at her own joke as Jenny sheepishly refocused on getting changed. Swiftly she undid the ties on her top and slipped her capris off, wondering if Natalie was watching her too. She switched her panties for bikini bottoms, and then made a futile attempt at getting the top on.

“Hm. I can never seem to tie these things right.”

“Lemme help ya then.” Jenny gasped softly as Natalie’s hands casually smoothed up her back to get the canlı casino top tie in place, then caressed down to the lower one. Then she stepped in close to her friend, slipping her arms around Jenny’s waist to embrace her from behind. Jenny found herself blushing again as her friend’s soft breasts pressed into her back. She stayed that way maybe a little longer than needed, the two of them checking out Jenny’s new look in the mirror, their cheeks touching slightly. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear Natalie had just sniffed her. “Perfect,” she said with a mischievous grin. She then took Jenny’s hand and led her out. “C’mon, this is gonna be fun!”

Many eyes and whispers followed them as they made their way out to the hot tub, no doubt making various entertaining assumptions about to bikini-clad girls sneaking off somewhere hand in hand. They met up with Marcus as they stepped out onto the patio, already set to go in swim shorts. He looked even better now that she got to see him in a good light, especially with that toned body. “Hey.” He greeted Natalie with a warm hug and a passionate kiss, casually sliding his hand down to give her tush a playful squeeze. She purred softly as they rubbed noses, and then turned their attention back to Jenny, who sheepishly glanced away as she realized she was staring again.

Natalie casually slipped her arm around Marcus’ broad shoulders. “Hey baby. Everything ready?”

“You bet.” Marcus grinned and took Jenny’s hand in his to give it a familiar kiss. He seemed to enjoy making her squirm. She kinda liked it. “Shall we?”

They made their way outside to the hot tub, which was secluded away to give a nice view of the nearby waterfront while also keeping those in the hot tub out of view of those in the house. Natalie sat on the side and gracefully swung her legs over to slip into the water. Marcus simply stepped in and offered Jenny a hand climbing over the side. She took it with a smile, giggling as he sat her down in between himself and Natalie. The girls’ breasts bobbed nicely on the bubbly waters. “I always like to come here after a long night of dancing,” said Natalie. “Feels real good on my legs.”

Jenny nodded and sighed softly, enjoying the feel of the bubbles traversing her skin. She stretched her arms and leaned back, resting her hands behind her head and maybe semi-intentionally giving Marcus a nice view of her cleavage. He scooted a little closer to her and casually leaned on the side of the hot tub. They exchanged smiles at the development. “This is a really nice place you’ve got here, Nat,” said Jenny.

Natalie grinned mischievously as she slid over closer to her, letting their thighs lightly brush together. “Yep. I especially like the extra features.” Jenny mused about what that might mean, and off-handedly pondered Marcus’ special features. Just how open was their relationship?

Then she squeaked in surprise as she heard the click and felt Marcus handcuff her wrists behind her head to the side of the hot tub. “What are you-“

Natalie pressed a finger to Jenny’s lips and quietly shushed her. “It’s okay, sweetie. We’re not gonna do anything you don’t want. And I can tell there’s something you want very badly now.”

Jenny hissed softly as she felt Marcus’ fingers casually trace circles up her inner thigh. She wanted more of that real bad right now, but she was embarrassed at the thought of it all happening right in front of her best friend. Let alone the dozens of partygoers only a few yards away. “W-what if someone walks in on us?”

“Don’t worry,” said Marcus as he reached up to caress her cheek, “I’ve got friends making sure we won’t be disturbed, and the loud music will make sure nobody gets suspicious if we start getting noisy.” Natalie giggled knowingly. “We’ve been planning this for awhile,” he said with a nod to Natalie.

Natalie leaned in and idly drew circles on Jenny’s swiftly hardening nipple through the thin material of her top as she spoke, causing her to squirm visibly. Part of her wanted to wriggle away, but part of her wanted more. “See, Marcus has been wanting to try a three-way for awhile. He even said I could pick the girl. Isn’t he sweet?” She grinned and Jenny grinned weakly back. All this teasing was making it hard for her to think. Her lips moved wordlessly as she stumbled to find some excuse to get out of this while her body distracted her with excuses to stay. Natalie laughed softly at her friend’s indecision. “Maybe you’d like to start off with something more familiar.”

Jenny quivered with anticipation as Marcus traced his fingertip along her jaw to her chin. She was used to being the one in control, wearing the skimpy outfits and making guys’ heads turn. Now she was at the mercy of her best friend and her sexy boyfriend, and she had to admit she was extremely turned on. Her breasts rose and fell quickly with her anxious breathing. She smiled to herself thinking of how sexy she must look right now, nipples erect, her position thrusting her breasts out invitingly. She closed kaçak casino her eyes and parted her lips slightly, anxious for Marcus to finish what he started on the dance floor. The few seconds before his lips touched hers seemed like an eternity.

She let herself go, moaning into the kiss and delicately lapping at his tongue as it slipped between her lips. Her hands reflexively strained at the cuffs, begging to touch him. He slowly walked his fingers down her neck and across her collarbone, then lightly traced down and back up her cleavage. She lightly closed her lips around his tongue and sucked on it gently, swirling her tongue all around it. Absently she felt Natalie’s hand smooth along her shoulder to the back of her neck and swiftly open the top tie. She then brought her hand down and around to get the second tie and pulled the bikini top off, tossing it aside somewhere and leaving Jenny’s breasts bare. She almost moved to cover herself before remembering it would be a futile gesture. Marcus’ tongue dueling with hers was almost too good for her to care anyway.

Marcus broke the kiss to let Jenny catch her breath, and she found she actually was breathing raggedly from the excitement. She glanced between her two friends with a big grin, still nervous but no longer at all interested in leaving. “So Jenny, Nat tells me you have really sensitive nipples.” Casually he circled her nipple with his fingertips and gave it a little twist, laughing softly as she squeaked in response. “Oh this is gonna be fun.”

“Mmm, definitely.” Natalie leaned in and cupped Jenny’s firm breast in her hand, teasingly running her thumb back and forth over the nipple and watching her body jump. Jenny’s first thought was to respond to Natalie with a kiss, but something stopped her. Should she? Why shouldn’t she? Marcus’ soft lips tapped light kisses up and down her neck as she tried to make her decision. Natalie smiled seductively, knowing exactly what was going on in her friend’s head, and leaned in to nibble her earlobe as she whispered softly. “It’s okay. I know you want to.” Their eyes met as Natalie leaned in so close that their lips brushed together as she spoke. “Kiss me.” Society instinct wore away quickly under natural instinct, especially with Marcus’ lips on her collarbone and fingers teasing her nipple to keep her aroused. She wanted him between her legs right now so bad. She gasped as Marcus gave her nipple a light pinch. She was so horny she had to do something. So she closed her eyes and slowly leaned in to kiss her best friend.

The taste was so different than kissing a boy. Her lips were softer and her kiss was less insistent, more casual. She felt Natalie’s small tongue flitting lightly against her lips, not penetrating but just saying hi. She answered by parting her lips slightly to lap at Natalie’s tongue with her own. Jenny almost broke the kiss as another moan of pleasure was released, partially from Marcus’ tongue gliding up and down her cleavage while he gently squeezed her breasts in his strong hands, and partially from the sudden appearance of Natalie’s hand tenderly stroking the front of Jenny’s bikini bottoms. She almost pulled away from the hand, but then gave in and arched her body to press herself against it.

The stimulation soon became too much. She broke the kiss as her head fell back and her body stiffened, the familiar feeling building between her legs. All too soon, however, their hands and mouths left her body. She strained against her bonds to try to press into their gentle touches again, or at least to touch herself and bring herself over the edge, but to no avail. She whimpered softly with desire as they sat back grinning at her.

Marcus casually reached out to caress Jenny’s cheek and she nuzzled against his hand affectionately, eager for his touch. “Poor baby,” giggled Natalie, “you’re so horny you’re gonna explode aren’t you?”

“You’re having a lot of fun with this yourself I see,” added Marcus with a grin. Jenny watched on as Marcus and Natalie kissed passionately, tongues dueling hungrily as his hand slipped under Natalie’s bikini top to fondle her breast and her hand disappeared under the water, brushing against Jenny’s thigh on the way to give Marcus’ throbbing erection a friendly stroke. Jenny moaned softly just from watching it. She strained against her bonds again, wanting to feel them, wanting to touch them, wanting to do something.

Natalie smirked at Jenny as they broke their kiss. “Our guest of honor seems to feel left out.” She and Marcus then leaned in to join her in a three-way kiss, three tongues lustfully gliding all over each other. Jenny moaned loudly, partially wondering if the music really would drown out their noise but not really giving a damn. A pair of hands, one masculine and one feminine, appeared on her thighs and slowly traveled upward. She continued to nibble at the twin tongues and used what leverage she had to raise her hips as the hands slowly slipped her bikini bottoms off. Then she cried out in ecstasy as something warm and bubbly began to very lightly vibrate against her pussy like a hundred little tongues, throwing her head back as her whole body arched. “Gotta love creatively placed bubble jets.” Jenny whimpered in agreement.

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