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A friend of mine is a New England Patriots fan. So is his neighbor Todd. Last season they had a party for the Patriots game versus the Chiefs. I’m a Chiefs fan. They invited me over for their party. The Patriots were the home team, but the Chiefs were having a good season.

“Good to see you, please come in in!” Todd said as he greeted me at the door.

“You ready to lose?” I joked with him. I wore a Chiefs jersey and I knew I was entering an environment with all Patriots fans. I planned to have fun with it.

“Nice jersey!” Todd said.

About six couples showed up. I had met Todd and his wife Laura a few times. They had lived next door to my friend Mark and his wife Tina for a long time. I met the other couples for the first time. All of them were Patriots fans.

“Jason, you are outnumbered today!” Tina joked.

“It’s okay. I’m good with it.” I replied.

Everyone was drinking. The game was exciting. The couples were all in their thirties or early forties.

“Jason, sorry bud, but the Chiefs are losing today!” Todd told me at the end of the first quarter. The Patriots were up seven to three.

“There’s a long ways to go in this one. I’m not worried, the Chiefs will win!” I told him.

“No way.” Todd shot back at me. The others were all encouraging him to stand up for their team. After all, they were up early in the game and playing well.

“Watch and see!” I said.

“I’ll keep watching, but what I’ll see is the Chiefs losing.” Todd stated.

“I don’t think so, but keep on talking if it makes you feel better.” I told him.

“Jason, you want to put some money on it?” My friend Mark asked.

“I don’t want to take your money Mark.” I said.

“How about five hundred dollars?” Mark asked.

“Whatever, do you even have five hundred?” I joked.

“Well, not on me, but of course I have it.” Mark said. I knew Mark made a good amount of money so I wasn’t really worried about it.

“So do we have a bet?” Mark asked.

“Sure, we are on. Five hundred it is. Winner takes the money.” I told him.

“I want in on this too.” Todd said.

“You want five hundred too?” I asked.

“Unless losing one thousand is too much for you?” Todd joked.

“Ha, that’s nothing. I’m game for much more if either of you want to go more.” I said.

“Mark is fine at five hundred!” Tina quickly answered.

“I understand Tina, you have shopping needs. We don’t want to cut into your shopping money!” I joked.

“I’m not scared to go more.” Todd said. “I believe in my Patriots and I’m not scared to back it up!”

“Okay, name an amount.” I said.

“Let’s move that five hundred to five thousand!” Todd said.

“Oh shit! That’s a big jump!” I said in a shocked voice.

“Todd, that’s stupid. Too much.” Mark told him.

“The Patriots are winning. I feel it.” Todd told Mark. “If you all are smart you would get in on this free money.”

The other couples laughed it off and all declined on getting in on any bets.

“Okay then, we have a bet!” I told Todd.

“What is going on in here?” Laura asked as she entered the room. She has been in the kitchen and missed the conversation.

I watched Laura’s facial expression turn to shock and then anger as the group told her of Todd’s bet. You could clearly see that she was not happy with what had happened.

“Todd, can I speak with you privately please.” Laura said.

“Not now, the second quarter is about to start.” Todd said somewhat brushing her off.

“Now please.” Laura said again.

“Fine.” Todd said.

They left the room for a few moment. We could all hear them arguing in the other room.

“Todd, we don’t have to do the bet.” I told him as they returned to the room.

“No, a bet it a bet. We are on.” Todd said.

“Okay, but just remember, when the game is over, I gave you a chance to back out.” I told him.

The Chiefs has a great second quarter and led the game at halftime by the score of twenty to seven. Todd and Laura had another talk at halftime. She was clearly upset with him.

The Patriots made a run in the second half. Todd started the trash talking back up as the game got closer. It was a twenty three to sixteen lead for the Chiefs and the Patriots had the ball.

“Brady is going to win this for us! I bet you are the one regretting that bet now!” Todd told me.

“Well, I was actually feeling bad and was going to let you out of the bet, but since you are so confident, I’m holding you too it.” I said.

“When the Patriots win, I’m holding you to it!” Todd said.

Laura sat on the coach too worried too even enjoy the game. The only reason I even considered letting him out of the bet was because I felt bad for her. She is a very attractive woman. She was wearing a Patriots shirt a black leggings. She looked sporty and cute. The leggings showed off her ass and I couldn’t help but sneak some looks.

“Sorry Laura. I was trying to let you two out of the bet.” I told her.

“I know. I can tell. Gazipaşa Escort Todd will have to deal with a very upset wife if he loses this stupid bet.” Laura said.

“Fuck!” Todd yelled as Brady threw an interception.

The room went silent for a few moments. The game was over and the Chiefs won.

“Jason, I’ll pay you tomorrow.” Mark said.

We all mingled for a while. The party wrapped up and we all left.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle asking for the money. It was awkward when we were all leaving. Todd and Laura had a nice home, but something told me they probably didn’t just have five thousand laying around to just throw away. I left and didn’t mention anymore about the money or the bet.

“Can we talk?” Was a text I received the next day. It was from Laura.

I agreed to meet them at their house that evening. When I arrived, Laura was dressed differently. She had on a little skirt and heels. I had never seen her dressed up. In fact, it was the first time I had seen her in something other than leggings or yoga pants.

“I’ll get right to the point, we don’t have five thousand dollars.” Laura said.

“Okay.” I replied.

“Todd is very sorry about the bet. He was drinking and the emotions got the best of him.” Laura said. I could tell that she was very much in charge at this point. Todd was mostly looking down and not even speaking.

“I understand. So I have just one question. Todd, if you had won the bet, would you have made me pay up?” I asked.

“I guess I would have.” Todd answered honestly.

“Todd, stop talking.” Laura said as she was frustrated at his answer.

“Okay, so we are all in agreement. Had I lost you would have expected me to pay up. You lost and you don’t have the money. You are now asking how to settle this. Does that sound accurate?” I asked.

“Yes. We are asking if there is anything else or another way we can work this out. We just don’t have that kind of money at this time.” Laura said.

“What are you thinking?” I said.

“I don’t know. Is there anything you need? Todd is an excellent handyman. He can do repair work on your home or something like that.” Laura said.

“I don’t need any work done. I mean, I really can’t think of anything.” I said.

“There has to be something. Anything, you name it. Todd will agree to it and will work every weekend that he needs to make it up. Maybe even yard work.” Laura said.

“Well, it’s wintertime. So I don’t need that. So how much of the five thousand can you give me now?” I asked.

“Maybe twenty five hundred. But that includes the money we set aside for Christmas as well.” Laura answered.

“Well, that’s great, I can’t take your kids Christmas money and all your savings. I’m not that cruel.” I said.

“We know we are in a bad spot. Is there anything you need or could use instead of the money? It is Christmas time, maybe you can find it in your heart to work something different out.” Laura asked.

I could tell Laura was emotional. I had the feeling she dressed up to impress me in hopes I might find her attractiveness a reason to go easy on them. She seemed so mad at Todd. I could tell he was in the dog house over all this. I couldn’t stop looking at Laura’s legs either. I will admit, if their plan was to have her dress up to make me consider going easier, it was working.

“Well, now that you mention it, there is something.” I said.

“Anything, you name it!” Laura said.

“Like you said, it’s Christmas time. I have an office Christmas party on Saturday I must attend. I don’t have a date.” I said.

“Okay, so what are you asking?” Laura replied.

“Well, I need a date.” I said.

“With my wife?” Todd blurted out looking not happy about the request.

“Todd, please, no talking. I’m handling this.” Laura told him.

“Taking you on a date is not something you are doing.” Todd said.

“Todd, you got us into this, so let me handle it now.” Laura said.

“Hey, you asked, I’m just making a suggestion.” I said.

“Okay, so you want me to be your date for your office Christmas party?” Laura asked.

“Yes. I work all the time. I’m single and I need a date.” I said.

“What else?” Laura asked.

“What the fuck, you are considering this?” Todd blurted out.

“Todd, shut up!” Laura quickly told him.

“How about Todd also power washes my deck and siding this weekend?” I said.

“I meant what else as on the date, but yes, Todd will be happy to power wash your deck and siding.” Laura said.

“Well, I don’t want people at my work thinking I invited my sister or something out as my date. So you would have to play the part.” I said.

“Play the part?” Laura asked.

“You know, dress up, do everything you would do on a normal date.” I said.

“Play the part, let me think.” Laura said looking over at Todd.

Todd and Laura stepped a few feet away and were discussing. I couldn’t hear every word but I did pick up on Laura mentioning how Todd Gazipaşa Escort Bayan likes to show her off. Todd mentioned he did like her dressing sexy but wasn’t sure about an actual date. Laura reminded him of all the times she wore sexy clothing and guys would check her out and how he seemed to like it. Laura told him it was time to put up or shut up. I got the feeling Todd liked other men checking out his wife but now that Laura was taking it to another level, he wasn’t sure about it. Todd reluctantly agreed.

“Okay, we have a deal.” Laura said. “What time do I need to be there Saturday?”

“I’ll pick you up at seven. And by the way, it’s a nicer event, not tux or anything like that, but still semi-formal.” I said.

“I will make it work.” Laura said.

I picked Laura up at seven that next Saturday. She greeted me at the door wearing a long black tight dress with a very high slit going up one of her thighs. She had on a pair of black high heels. I was blown away by how much she dressed up.

Todd came by my house that day and spent the entire day working. He was still at my house working and putting things away. He didn’t know how Laura was dressed for the evening. I think Laura liked it that way and as a way to get back at him. He called multiple times asking her how she was dressed. The event was at a hotel banquet room.

“Thanks for doing this.” I told Laura.

“No, thank you for working with us and allowing us to do this instead of the money.” Laura said.

“I will admit, I didn’t think you would get all this dressed up for this evening.” I told her.

“Well thank you. It was the least I could do. Todd is not going to be happy when he finds out how much I spent on this dress and these heels. I wanted to look good fit tonight, so I splurged. It’s still so much less when compared to what I would have spent if we would have paid up though.” she said.

“Well, you look amazing! I almost feel bad at how amazing I think you look considering your another mans wife.” I said.

“I told myself I would enjoy the evening. Todd needs to learn his lesson on these things. When I get home tonight and he sees me in this dress, he will flip out!” Laura said. “I just hope he learns his lesson.”

“I’m glad we did this!” I said.

“Please, treat me like you would any other date. A deal is a deal. I’m good with it and Todd will learn his lesson.” Laurs said.

“Okay, let’s go dance!” I said.

I took Laura out on the dance floor. It was fun, we both had drinks. The music was a little to loud to talk. During the first song, Laura bumped me slightly with her body. She was turning around and her hip bumped my inner hip. I also got very close to her. I could smell her hair. She smelled so good. The second song started we were dancing face to face but getting closer. Laura was holding eye contact.

“I love this song!” Laura yelled in my ear getting even closer.

I put my hand out on her hip as we danced. For a few seconds I left it on her hip. Laura turned and my hand stayed on her body. My fingers felt across her lower back and upper part of her ass as she turned away from me.

I put both hands on Laura’s hips and she backed closer to me. Our bodies were touching and I could feel her ass pressing against me. Laura reached down and squeezed the side of my thighs letting me know she wanted to be that close. My face was on her neck. My hand reached around her waist pulling her closer and harder against my body. Her ass was firmly pressing up against my cock which was getting harder and harder by the second. I couldn’t help myself, I kissed he neck as we were dancing.

After the kiss, Laura quickly turned around. I was afraid I had crossed the line. We were face to face and she grabbed behind my neck and pulled me in for a kiss on the lips. We made out for an entire song. Our bodies rubbing against each other’s.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Laura told me after she lead me off the dance floor.

“I’m sorry, it’s my fault. You are married. We just went to far. It was a mistake.” I told her.

“Well I liked our mistake.” Laura said holding my hand.

I was shocked at her reaction. I was so turned on. I liked what she was saying.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked.

“Yes. Oh, I got us a room!” She said

“Really?” I said shocked.

“Yep!” She said.

Laura took my hand as led me up to her room. I guess she had gotten it that afternoon. On the elevator ride up her phone had been ringing.

“It’s Todd. He won’t stop calling. I need to answer it.” Laura said.

I sat on the edge of the bed. Laura called Todd back.

“What do you want?” Laura asked taking to Todd on the phone.

I couldn’t hear what Todd was saying, but Laura was in charge of the conversation. He seemed very concerned about how she was dressed for our date.

“Fine, FaceTime me and you can see for yourself!” Laura said and hung up.

“Hello honey!” Laura answered sarcastically. She had Todd on FaceTime so Escort Gazipaşa they could see each other. Laura walked to the other side of the hotel room while talking.

“I have on this new black dress.” Laura said as she lowered her phone to show Todd her dress.

“And how much did you spend on that?” Todd asked.

“Not five thousand!” Laura replied.

“I guess that’s fair.” Todd said.

“Oh, and here are the new heels. Now, they were expensive!” Laura said lowering the phone down. She pushed her leg out of the slit in her dress showing off her legs in her heels.

“Where are you?” Todd asked.

“Oh, I had to use the rest room so we went to Jason’s room for a quick break. It also has more privacy than the rest room down stairs.” Laura answered.

“What the fuck, Jason got a room?” He said. “Is he there with you now?”

“Yes.” Laura answered showing the phone so he could see me.

“Jason, what year fuck man? You got a room and are trying to put the moves on my wife. Fuck you man!” Todd said.

“Whoa, hold on. I got the room but it is for me. She just needed to use the rest room.” I answered.

“That’s bullshit!” Todd yelled.

“Man, you are the one who got yourself into this mess with your bet.” I yelled back. “Be a little smarter in your bets next time!”

“Todd, you need to calm down. You agreed to this. I hope you learn your lesson and these bets.” Laura told him.

“This is bullshit. You know, I should have won that bet. You got lucky.” Todd yelled.

“Todd, stop yelling. I don’t think you are learning your lesson in this.” Laura said. “You need to learn there are consequences for your actions.”

“Honey, the guy got lucky. Now he has you in a hotel room. He is the one who needs to be taught a lesson.” Todd said.

“Honey, you are not getting the point at all. You got us into this with your stupid bet.” Laura said getting even more frustrated with him.

“You need to come home now!” Todd told Laura.

“Okay, I’ll come home.” Laura said after a deep breath and a pause.

“I’ll come pick you up.” Todd said. “Meet me out front.”

“Okay Todd. I’ll come home right now, but first let’s make a bet. Okay?” Laura said.

“What? A bet?” Todd asked.

“Yes, a bet.” She replied.

“Okay, what?” He said.

“Since you haven’t learned your lesson, I’ll give you a bet. If I win, I stay on have fun as I want to, if you win, you pick me up. Deal?” Laura said.

“Sure. What’s the bet?” He asked.

Laura handed me the phone and asked me to show her as she told him the bet.

“Okay, I’m going to ask you one question. If you get it right, you win. If you get it wrong, I win.” Laura said.

“Okay, ask.” Todd said.

“My question is, am I wearing any panties?” Laura asked.

“What the fuck kind of question is that? You better be wearing panties. Seriously, what is your question?” Todd asked.

“That’s my question. It’s an easy yes or no answer. What is your answer?” Laura asked.

“My answer is that you better be wearing panties.” Todd said.

“Well Todd, you lost. I am not wearing any.” Laura answered.

“You are lying.” Todd said. “I’m coming to get you.”

“Nope, not lying.” Laura said. “I’ll show you.”

“What? With Jason right there?” Todd asked.

“A bet it a bet, right honey?” She answered.

Laura stared right into the camera. She stood with one leg out of the slit in her dress. She took her hand and slowly lifted her dress. My cock got harder and harder the further up her dress went. She never paused as she lifted her dress all the way up to reveal her smoothly shaved pussy and no panties.

“Sorry honey. You lost another bet!” Laura said as she walked over and took the phone from me and hung up.

“Where were we?” She said to me.

“Umm, are you sure you want to be doing this?” I asked.

“Well, I’m going to tell him nothing happened and it was all to teach him a lesson. I’ll give you two choices right now. You can drive me home or you can fuck me hard and then drive me home. If you fuck me, you just have to promise not to tell.” Laura said.

Laura didn’t wait on me to answer. She unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. She stood in front of me wearing nothing but some expensive five inch black high heels.

I quickly started undressing.

“I thought that would be your answer.” Laura said.

Laura climbed into top of me. She lowered her pussy down on my hard cock. She rode me for about five minutes. We kissed and made out the enter time.

“I want you to fuck me hard. Make me yours.” Laura said.

I smacked her ass and then tossed her on the bed. She was on all fours and I climbed behind her. I slammed my dick deep inside her as she hit face down against the bed. Her knees were lifting off the bed with each hard pound.

I smack the back of her ass again. “Your mine tonight! Beg me to fuck you harder!” I told her.

“Oh myyyyy gooood, fuck me harder!” Laura yelled.

I reached down and grabbed the back of Laura’s hair and pulled her head back up.

“Mmmmm oh god. Your so fucking deep inside me! It feels so fucking good! Don’t stop!” Laura yelled.

I kept pounding away at her pussy from behind her.

“Ohhhhhhh fuuuckk…I’m cuming!” Laura yelled. “Oh god, oh god!”

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