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Perfect Ass

I lived alone for a couple of years taking my knickers and wrapping them round my cock and masturbating into them and then storing them in my drawers. I was getting over-run with knickers and one day I decided to have a clear out. I had put weight on through the years and sometimes I liked to go out wearing the knickers even though they were crusty with cumm. Some of them were getting too tight and had begun to dig into my waistline and made my balls and cocks feel very uncomfortable. I opened my drawers and poured the knickers onto my bed. It took me most of the day to go through the drawers and sort out what was good and wearable.

When I was finished I looked at the two piles and was very disappointed yet excited. The wearable pile was a lot smaller than the unwearable pile but some of my most favourite knickers were now in the unwearable pile. I had a decision to make but I was strong and threw away all the unwearable knickers so that I was left with about twenty pairs of knickers that I could comfortably wear. I decided to wash them all and start all over again. As each pair went into the washing machine I remembered every time that I had masturbated into them. I watched them go round and round in the machine and the memories faded. It was time to make new memories.

The next day I got dressed and drove into town. I went to the bank and drew out several hundreds of pounds out of my savings account and set off to do some shopping. I went into several shops and perused the knickers that were on offer but nothing seemed to really take my fancy. I decided to go a bit more up market and started looking in the Boutiques around town and made a few purchases that I thought would look good wrapped around my cock as I masturbated into them.

I decided after a couple of hours to stop and have a bite to eat and a cup of coffee. This gave me half an hours rest and then I went shopping again. I went down all the little arcades and made a few more purchases and I thought that I was nearly done for the day when I found a Boutique that I had not seen before. I looked in the window and saw that it dealt exclusively in what looked like high end lingerie. My mouth began to salivate at the thought of entering the shop and having a look around. I opened the door and an old fashioned bell rang. I began to peruse the lines of lingerie and found some very nice stuff.

Suddenly there was a voice behind me.

“Can I help you Sir?” A female voice said.

I turned round and was faced with a good looking middle aged woman and there was something familiar about her.

I was not embarrassed about my fetish so I said.

“Yes madam I hope that you can. I am looking for some knickers that I can wear and that I can also masturbate into and I only like to buy the best and your goods look like they are made of the finest silk.”

“I am sure we can be of assistance to you Sir.” She said.

I looked at her. There was definitely something familiar about her. I did not know it but I was staring at her and was brought back to reality when she said.

“Is everything okay Sir? You look like you have seen a ghost.”

“I am sorry but you look familiar to me. May I ask you your name?”

“My name is Susan Sir.” She said.

Susan – I mulled the name over and over in my head and then the light bulb went on. This was Susan. The Susan. Martin’s Susan. The Susan who had taught me all about sex and who had taken my virginity and developed my fetish for knickers. I stuttered to speak and out came almost in a shout.

“Susan it is me Roger. Do you remember me?

I watched as Susan eyed me up and then she said.

“Not little Roger who used to live with me and Martin?”

“Yes that Roger.” I said.

“Oh my God haven’t you turned into a fine looking man.” She said.

“You are not looking so bad yourself Susan.” I responded.

I watched her take her hands and place them on her breasts and say.

“These are not as firm as they used to be.” She said.

I could not help himself. I looked at her breasts and it brought back the memory of that first time when she had dropped her dressing gown to the floor and shown me her breasts. I found myself getting an erection and I wanted to see those breasts again.

“May I ask you a question?” Said Susan.

“Of course you can Susan.” I replied.

“Did I develop this fetish of yours?” She asked.

I stood for a moment and then I said.

“Yes Susan you did and I have to say that I am glad that you did. It has brought me so much pleasure through the years.”

“Well Roger you need to know this as well. I set this Boutique up because of you. I realised the effect that lingerie could have on people and I was determined to be the best. People do not mind what they pay for good quality goods so I am doing okay for myself. I also realised that there was a special market that people did not want to talk about. Come with me Roger.”

Susan walked away and I followed her behind a curtain. Inside was karabağlar escort another selection of lingerie but these were different. They were of an unusual design. She picked up a pair of knickers off the rack and handed them to me. I took them and looked at them. They were completely different to anything else that I had seen. They were made of the finest silk and yet they had a sheath to them. I began to smile as I realised what they were for.

“Put them on for me Roger.” She said.

“Here Susan?” I asked.

“Yes Roger I want you to put them on in the shop. I am going to close up the shop for the day. It is almost closing time anyway.” Susan said.

With that Susan turned and walked out from behind the curtain and went to close up the shop. In the meantime I began to take off my clothes. By the time that Susan returned I was naked except for the knickers that had been given to me. Susan looked at me and said.

“Good looking body still I see even if you have put a bit of weight on. What are you in knickers standard size?”

“I buy a size 14 but they are a little bit loose.”

“Look at the size of those knickers that I have given to you.” Susan said.

I pulled the back of the waistband forward and it said size13. They fitted so snugly and highlighted the contours of my cock and balls.

“That is what I do. I make lingerie specific to the person rather have people buy them off the line.”

“See that chair over there Roger?”

I looked round and saw a full back leather chair. It was covered in white stains.

“Yes Susan.” I said.

“Go and sit in it please.” She said.

I did as I was told and walked across the shop and sat down on the seat. Susan looked at me and said.

“Do you remember how we used to masturbate? Would you like to do it now?”

“Yes Susan I remember how we used to masturbate. It is what fills my thoughts every time I take my cock in my hands and have a wank.”

“Shall we do it now?” She said.

“I would love that Susan” I replied.

I watched as she walked towards me. She went round the back of me and pulled out another chair and sat down on it. She slipped her knickers off and passed them to me.

“Smell them Roger.” She said.

I took the knickers off of her and placed them to my nose and inhaled her aroma.

“I have had quite a few clients today so they should be nice and smelly.”

They certainly did smell and they just made me harder and I was ready to cumm. Susan reached across and gripped my balls.

“Oh no you don’t.” She said.

It was like the good old days. Susan used to grab my balls when she wanted to stop me from cumming and it was happening again.

“Now let’s masturbate together like we used to” She said.

I took hold of my cock in its sheath and began to masturbate. I looked across at Susan. She had her legs over the arms of the chair and had undone her blouse. As I stroked my cock she reached into her bra which fitted her perfectly and brought out her left breast. She picked it up and put it to her mouth. She began to suck on the nipple and then she moved her right hand down to her pussy. She found her clit and began to masturbate it. She rubbed it slowly at first and then she began to rub it harder and faster. She was writhing in the chair and I was wanking my cock as hard and as fast as I could to match her. Together we were wanking and together we were back in the old days. All too soon I felt the cumm begin to rise to the head of my cock and then it just spurted out.

I looked across expecting to see her disappointed look but she had begun to cumm as well. She bucking and writhing in the chair and then she squirted her cumm juice into the air. I jumped off the chair and caught some of it in my mouth. It tasted amazing. I drank it all down. I watched as she began to relax and then she opened her eyes and looked at me with a smile on her face. She composed herself but did not change her position at all and said to me.

“Would you like to go to dinner?”

“I would love to go to dinner with you.” I said.

“Let’s get dressed and we can go to a little Bistro that I know. It has quiet booths and I want to chat to you.”

I watched as she climbed off the chair and made herself look decent again. I got dressed and left her to get a few things together. I waited by the counter of the shop. Susan came from behind the counter carrying a few bags. I picked up mine and we set off for the Bistro. It took us about five minutes to get there and Susan ordered a table for two and specifically requested a booth at the back of the Bistro.

We were shown to a booth where no-one else could see us and that seemed to suit Susan. We ordered a round of drinks and waited for them to arrive. As we waited we made some small talk and then the waiter appeared with drinks and asked if we would be eating. Susan told him we would be but that we had some business to take care of first. I listened intrigued karaburun escort at what she was saying. What was the business she wanted to talk about?

Susan turned to me and asked me.

“So how has your life been Roger?”

For the next fifteen minutes I sat and drank my beer and told her all that had happened in my life. All over a pair of knickers I joked. I looked at Susan and she looked so sad.

“What is the matter?” I asked.

“It is all my fault.” She said.

“I introduced you to knickers. You were so naïve and I thought it would be a good education and look I have given you one hell of a fetish.”

I reached across and took hold of her hand and I said.

“You have also made one hell of a lover. That is something no woman has ever complained about. I can make any woman cumm and give them the night of their lives.”

Susan looked at me and said.

“Go on then make me cumm.”

I looked her in the face and saw that she was being serious. It was a challenge and I was prepared to take up the challenge.

I took her hands in mine and kissed each finger individually. As I did she began to relax back in the booth.

“Mmm that feels good.” She said.

I kissed my way up her arms and got to her shoulder and then to her neck. She let out a moan and I knew that I had got her. I kissed her neck and shoulders for a good five minutes and watched as her hands moved to her breasts. She began to massage them through the material of her blouse. Gently I moved her hands away and whispered in her ear.

“Let me.”

Susan sighed in relief. She could just relax and enjoy what I was doing to her. I continued to kiss her neck but I managed to use my right hand to undo a couple of buttons on her blouse. I put my hand inside and scooped one of her breasts out of the bra that she was wearing. It felt wonderful to hold these breasts again. It had been too long and we should never have drifted apart. I massaged the flesh and then I took hold of the nipple and rolled it tenderly between my finger and my thumb.

As I rolled the nipple it became hard and erect and I stopped kissing her and bent down to kiss her nipple. I took the nipple into my mouth and suckled on it as she had taught me to all those years ago. It felt like I was home again. She tasted absolutely divine and I secretly hoped that this was the start of the rekindling of our affair and not just a one off couple of hours. I kissed her neck and massaged her breasts and noticed that her hand had begun to move down her body until it reached the hem of the skirt that she was wearing.

I stopped playing with the breast and nipple and moved my hand until it was on top of hers and whispered in her ear.

“Let me do that Susan.”

I gently removed her hand and placed it on her breasts so that she could take over from where I had left off. I moved my hand under the hem of her skirt and felt the sheer material of the stockings that I suspected she was wearing. I ran my hand up her leg and onto the fleshy part of her thigh. She had indeed got stockings on and I loved that fact. I was not keen on tights at all. I traced my hands over the flesh of her thigh and felt her shiver.

I did this for a couple of minutes and then I ran my hand across the front of her knickers. I could feel a little dampness there and knew that I had got her aroused. I loved the fact that I could still attract her after all these years. She had given me a good grounding in life. I ran my hands across to her other thigh and did the same thing although she had tried to trap my hand on the crotch of her knickers.

For a couple of minutes I caressed that thigh and then I moved my hand back to her knickers. I ran a nail along the contour of her pussy and she began to pant a little. I looked up and she had got the breast that I had given in her mouth and was suckling on the nipple. She looked down at me and smiled and silently whispered.

“You did it Roger you made me cumm but I do not want you to stop. I want you to make me cumm again. I want the big one to explode out of me so that people look and wonder what is going on.”

I listened to her words and went back to what I had being doing. I cupped her pussy and it felt so hot and moist in my hand. I managed to get her to lift her buttocks up off the seat of the booth. I pushed her skirt up and managed to pull her knickers down. I slipped them down to her knees. I would take them off at the next stage of my plan.

I ran my hand across her now naked pussy and was pleased to feel that she was completely naked and oh so smooth. I loved a woman to be clean shaven. I ran my fingers over her lips and she reached down with her hand and directed me to her clit. I popped it out of its hood and began to rub it. I started nice and slowly but gradually I increased my pace and rubbed a little. She began to buck against my finger and soon she had her second orgasm.

I watched as she sank back in the booth and karşıyaka escort tried to relax but I was not finished yet. I had one more thing I wanted to do. I looked around the Bistro and saw that no-one was looking at us. I climbed off my seat and got down on my knees. I parted her legs a little so that I could see her naked pussy and then I pulled her knickers down and off her legs and handed them to her. She took them from me and placed them on the seat next to her.

I began to kiss my way up her legs. I made sure that I did both legs. I did not want to miss out on one part of her body. I managed to control my own pleasure although I did have an erection it could wait. There would be time for that later if I was as good as my word. I managed to kiss my way all the way up her legs until I got to her pussy. I kissed the outer lips of her pussy and then I took my fingers and parted them.

I looked at her inner soul. She was so pink and she had juices bubbling inside of her. I had to taste those juices even if they took her over the edge. She just sat there and allowed me to do what I wanted to her pussy. She had closed her eyes and I wondered where her mind had gone. I hoped it was bringing back memories of yester year.

I stuck out my tongue and tasted her for the first time in over twenty years but the taste was just as I remembered it. She had a honey taste to her nectar and I could not wait to taste more of her. I stuck my tongue and pulled some of the juices out of her and swallowed them down. I was in sexual heaven and I began to tongue fuck her wanting to taste more and more of her juices. I could not get enough of her.

Susan reached down and held my head against her pussy and also clamped me there with her thighs. I was being smothered and I was loving it. Her thighs were bigger than the olden days and a lot more muscled. She must work out these days. I thought. She held me there as I licked her pussy out and soon she began to buck against my face. She grabbed hold of the table and just squirted her cumm into and over my mouth. She could not stop herself cumming and I was trapped and had to take it all. Not that I was complaining.

Eventually she calmed down and looked down at me. She parted her thighs so that I could look up at her. She smiled at me covered in her love juice and then she said.

“Okay you win the bet. You can still make me cumm and you can do that again anytime that you want.”

Just the sound of those words made me smile inside. It indicated that today was more than just a one off. I climbed off of the floor and she said.

“Let me clean that face of yours.”

With that she began to kiss me and then she licked my cheeks and cleansed me of all her juices. As she kissed me her hand reached over and touched my groin and when she had finished kissing me she said.

“We shall take care of that another time.” With that she straightened herself up and summoned the waiter over and gave him the order for us. She did not ask me what I wanted. Fortunately for me she ordered something that I liked and I sat there and drank my beer happy at what I had done.

The food arrived after another twenty minutes as did two bottles of the finest Chianti. We ate our food and drank the wine and soon we were finished eating and both were a little tipsy. I turned to Susan and said.

“So tell me about your life. Are you still with Martin?”

I watched as Susan laughed out loud. She laughed so much she began to cry. She managed to compose herself and then she began to talk to me.

“After you left Roger things were never quite the same. You gave me the love that Martin never did. He was only ever interested in his own sexual needs. He did not know the meaning of foreplay and he certainly did not know the meaning of hygiene. He would come into the bedroom reeking of sweat, beer and cigs and strip off his clothes and then he would just force his cock into me. He would kiss me and I would cringe and then he would cumm and roll over and go to sleep and I would be back to masturbating again.”

“Then you came into the house. I thought at first you were just one of Martin’s mates and I thought you would be a waste of space just like him. Obviously as I got to know you I found that not to be the case. You were nothing but a naïve young man who had been looking to get away from home and when we talked and you told me all about your life I felt I had a duty to bring you into the lime light. Boy was I to learn a few things.”

“That day you caught me wanking I sought of planned it. I heard you walking down the hallway and let out the scream and hoped that you might be intrigued enough to come in and make sure I was alright and sure enough you did and I when I saw you run out I knew that I had the opportunity to teach you a few things. That first time together I just decided to show you how to wank and do not ask me where I got the knickers idea from I do not know but I am glad I did- but we will come back to that.”

“I looked at you as you watched me wank intensely and then I watched as I showed you how to wank that glorious cock of yours and the fact that it was wrapped in my knickers just got me so horny that I had to be fucked by you. It was one of the best fucks that I had ever had because you were so serious and you genuinely looked like you loved me.”

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