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INTRO. This series started as a ‘one off,’ but it seems to have grown. It gathered pace with both next door neighbours becoming part of my education. Now Sophie and her mother join the story.

Please read Parts One and Two to get, at least, a sense of the background.


“I’m quite jealous, and you know it!”

Debbie’s mock anger didn’t fool me, as she placed her hand in the middle of my chest, and forcibly pushed me backwards.

Regaining my balance I resisted, and grabbed her wrists. Of course, her face broke into a smile.

“Maureen was a lucky lady yesterday, she told me all about it, unfortunately Keith is about to take me out today otherwise you might be getting more attention from me! Anyway the other reason I came round was to invite you for Saturday lunchtime drinks tomorrow. I’m going to invite your mum, and you can come too, it’s a bit of a spontaneous thing, to celebrate twenty years of moving in here.”

I must have looked a bit dubious.

She went on, “It’s ok, no one is going to ‘say anything,’ Maureen and I will be on our best behaviour, and the men will be warned too. Just thought you might want to come along.”

“I’ll see,” I replied, still slightly reticent, “thanks anyway, I probably will come.”

“I’ll phone your mum this evening, it’s only a few folk from around here, the people we all know well.”

“Ok, I’ll tell her anyway,” I replied, and got the expected kiss from her.

“Mmmmmmm, I’d love to have you here and now,” she growled when she finally released me and turned for the door. “Next week… we must meet then.”

I watched her walk back down the path, her ass moving beneath her dress, and her high heels clicking on the paving stones. Even that one kiss had hardened my cock, and I wondered if the Saturday lunchtime get together could be negotiated without mum suspecting anything.

“I’ll probably go,” mum said, “she’s invited you too, but do you really want to make ‘polite conversation’ with a bunch of neighbours?”

Mum’s reaction didn’t sound too keen after Debbie’s phone call, even though she’d accepted.

“I’m not sure who else will be there, Maureen and David from the other side, and probably that couple with the weird daughter at number three.”

Mum’s ‘conservative’ reaction was typical.

“She’s not weird, she just dyes her hair and has a few piercings, she’s an art student so they all do that!”

Mum chuckled, “Well you can talk to her… if she’s there.”

I knew Sophie from school, she was a bit older, and had left two years before me. Even though she looked extreme, she’d been quite friendly whenever we’d chatted. I found it difficult not to stare at all those rings and bars that punctured her skin, and the tattoos that were visible on her arms I wasn’t sure about, however, she’d certainly spent a lot of money on looking how she did.

When it got to 11.30am on Saturday morning, mum, who was making herself up like it was the Oscars said, “Are you coming then? If you are you’d better get dressed!”

“I am dressed, and yes, I am coming.”

“Like that? have you even shaved?”

When I grunted, mum knew not to push it any further. I thought I looked ok in jeans and t-shirt.

We watched to see if others were arriving before we went next door ourselves. Debbie greeted us both, asking how mum was, and how work was, and an almost dismissive, “Hi Ed,” towards me.

I separated from mum, and immediately was approached by Maureen who beckoned David over to say hello. Of course I knew David from our football chat, but I was nervous about his reaction to me screwing his wife.

Maureen went to get a drink, and David looked around to see if we could be overheard.

“It’s all ok, Ed, Debbie, Keith and us are all discreet about… you know what. Both girls have enjoyed your ‘company,’ now, and me and Keith are both ok about it.”

However odd the situation was, he could see the relief in my face, and no more was said. Maureen returned and I wandered out into the kitchen.

To my surprise Sophie was there with her mum, Hazel. When Hazel saw me she looked relieved to offload her ‘bored’ daughter, and said, “Ed’s here now, you two’ll have a lot more in common than us ‘old’uns,’ I’ll leave you to it.”

I looked at Sophie, and she looked at me, and we both smiled.

“Hi Ed, I was wishing I hadn’t come, I didn’t realise you might be here.”

“Debbie told me you’d probably be here, it was the only reason I came actually,” I lied.

Sophie laughed, “Have I got an admirer, fuck, that’s a first!”

She rather misread the intention of my remark, although she was rather attractive in an unusual way.

Sophie was heavily made up with mascara, and lipstick, along with pink hair. She had a bar through one eyebrow, several ear piercings, and a tongue stud.

Dressed in black leggings, Doc Martin boots, and a loose fitting top, it didn’t hide her curvy body underneath.

“Erm, I meant someone of my age to Yeşilköy escort bayan talk to!”

“Ohhhh Ed, you’ve shattered my illusion, I thought you were lusting after me.”

When she saw my rather shocked expression she laughed. The way she talked, without any inhibitions, soon became clear.

“We could have at least fucked each other if we got bored.”

“Jesus Sophie, I don’t know if you’re joking, but your mum’s only in the next room.”

I was blushing, Sophie was laughing out loud when Keith came into the kitchen.

“I wondered if you two would get together, don’t get him into trouble Sophie, he’s only a young lad!”

The sarcasm was exaggerated.

“Just help yourself to any drinks, feel free to wander around, I mean the garden, if you want to get away from us grown ups.”

Both of us nodded, and as he went back out into the lounge Sophie turned to me.

“You know Debbie and him have a pretty open relationship?”

I was blushing slightly, and replied, “Yes, I sort of did.”

Sophie picked up on something in the way that I’d said it.

“You answered that like you know as much as me, how did you know, does your mum know? My god, is she fucking him?”

“Noooo, at least I don’t think so… nooooo, I’m sure she’s not.”

“Then how do you know?”

Her eyes seemed to bore into me, and then her face lit up, “Shit! You’ve been fucking Debbie?”

“Quiet… not so loud!”

“Oh my god, come outside, I want to know more, here let’s go out here.”

Sophie opened the kitchen door into the garden, and I followed her onto the patio, and over to the edge of the lawn.

“Fuck, now tell me, you’ve had her?”

She knew the answer, and I didn’t want her to get the impression of me bragging when I told her about Maureen as well.

“Fucking hell Ed, I thought I was bad, but you’re just as bad as me!”

I felt awkward for a moment, then wondered about her calling herself ‘bad.’

“What do you mean about being worse than you?”

“I’ve been fucking Keith for over a year, at least when I’ve been home from art school.”

My mouth must have dropped open, “God Sophie, this whole thing gets bigger and bigger, how did that happen, how did it start?”

“Long story… you really want to know the gory details, you won’t let it get back to anyone?”

“No, of course not, I’m trying to keep it all quiet too.”

“Here let’s sit on that bench over there.”

We wandered over to a garden bench at the side of a rose arch.

“The whole thing with Keith sort of liberated me. If I told you I lost my virginity early on at school and felt guilty about sex for years, you probably wouldn’t believe it. Anyway, my first year at art school involved photography and video. I knew both Keith and David were into it, they’ve got stuff on YouTube. So I asked Keith for help and during the few weeks of him helping me out, he let on about the four of them ‘doing stuff,’ and videoing it.”

“Did you see any if it, I saw some of his stuff by accident.” I wanted Sophie to know that I’d seen some of it by chance, and I told her about my work on their laptop.

“You didn’t see me did you?”

“Are you on them… you’re not are you?” Nothing surprised me now.

Sophie smiled, “I made two with him, I wasn’t sure if he kept them. Anyway you’ve guessed, one thing led to another, and we’ve fucked on and off ever since.”

“Do the others, Maureen and David know… and Debbie?”

She looked a bit guilty.

“I fucked David as well, actually a threesome with Keith, and yes, my mum found out too… eventually. She wasn’t too pleased, but that was because she’d fucked both of them too.”

“Jesus! Please don’t tell me anymore, is this whole street fucking everyone else?”

I couldn’t believe it, but kept listening to Sophie.

“So that’s it, I’m completely relaxed about my behaviour now, I can pick and choose who and what I do.”

I sat for a moment gathering my thoughts, wondering about all those people in the house and which ones were involved with each other.

“You’re deep in thought?” Sophie asked smiling, “Do I intimidate you?”

It seemed an odd question, but then I saw the expression on her face.

“A bit, I’m still finding it difficult to ‘read’ women. It’s a bit of a nightmare these days, with not doing the right thing.”

“What you mean is you have to wait for them to take the lead, or give you an obvious sign.”

“I guess so, yes that’s what I mean.”

All of a sudden she giggled mischievously, “Come with me,”

I didn’t say a thing as she stood up, she took me by the hand, and led me through the rose arch. On the other side was a low stone wall.

“Here’s my sign!” she said looking into my eyes and reaching for the belt on my jeans. “DO NOT make a fuss.”

As if I would, or could, because in seconds she’d unbuckled the belt, unzipped me, and was tugging my jeans and boxers down to just above my knees. I was backed up against the wall as she sank down to her knees, Escort Yeşilyurt and took my cock in her mouth.

“Fuck Sophie, not out here,” I was panicking, so she stopped briefly.

“No it’s not a fuck, it’s a blow job,” and then chuckled, and took me back in her mouth.

I heard myself groan as I rapidly stiffened. It didn’t take long for me to become erect, but then I felt something different, and remembered my fascination with her tongue stud. Very swiftly I knew it’s attraction.

Sophie’s mouth began to suck just the head, and while she did that, her tongue flicked under the glans, with the stud rubbing my most sensitive part. All self control disappeared.

“Oh god Sophie, I’m sorry, I’m gonna cum… god… you…….”

I half clutched her pink hair as she tipped me over the edge, ejaculating into her mouth, and her swallowing every drop of my spunk.

“Oh god, oh god,” I kept repeating until I’d stopped jerking.

She lifted her head, and stood up.

“You’d better pull your jeans up, I can hear someone coming and it’s not you this time!”

She burst out laughing as I was fastening my belt, and we heard Keith and a female voice the other side of the arch.

As we walked back through the arch together I saw that it was Sophie’s mum.

“I wondered where you two had gone,” she must have seen my flustered face, and added, “Sophie, I told you to behave.”

Keith laughed out loud realising what might have been going on.

Both Sophie and I escaped. Her with her satisfaction of our daring interlude, and me feeling I’d let myself down with such a brief lack of control.

“Don’t feel bad about it,” Sophie said, the stud does that to a lot of men, “I just caught you unawares. Do you wanna fuck me properly?”

She said it casually just as we made our way across the patio to go back inside. A couple who were chatting, and who I vaguely knew from up the road, pricked up their ears, and looked knowingly at each other.

“Shushhhh,” I said to Sophie, “you don’t care do you?”

“No, I’m out to shock when I’m in this mood, tell you what, give me your number, I’ll let you know when mum is out on Monday and you can come over.”

If this was an invitation to fuck her it wasn’t very subtle, but I was learning that she was ‘up front’ about a lot of things. I tried to change the direction of the conversation, but once we’d swapped numbers David interrupted us, and took Sophie away.

“I’ll text you,” she said as she was led away to the kitchen.

“Having a good time?”

Over my shoulder the voice was Debbie’s, and she was smiling knowingly.

“Sophie’s a bit of a handful isn’t she? You gonna fuck her?”

Debbie was talking quietly, and I was beginning to wonder how many others at this gathering were holding similar clandestine conversations.

“Don’t you start, why can’t someone here talk about something else?”

We both chuckled, but Debbie continued.

“When can I see you again, you wanna come to me on Monday?”

“To be honest I don’t know what’s happening next week, I think mum has a few days off. Can I text you once I know?”

“Hmmmmm, is that a brush off?” she asked, with a hurt face.

“No, it’s the truth, promise I will.”

I went to get myself another beer, and when I wandered back into the lounge, mum was talking to Hazel and Keith. I got the impression I’d butted into a slightly explicit conversation, because mum was blushing, and there was that moment of silence before someone changed the subject.

“I’ve invited your mum to our fancy dress party next Saturday, but she’s being shy, will you persuade her?”

Hazel chipped in, “She needs to get out more, I know how she feels, it takes a leap of faith to let your hair down.”

Before I could say anything mum had replied, “Perhaps when Ed has gone off to uni, I might.”

“What do you think Ed, can you persuade her?” Hazel looked at me, adding, “it was Sophie who told me I had to live my life a bit more, so I did!”

“Mum’s got to decide for herself,” I replied, “she often tells me how daring she was in her student days. It was meant to be a warning to me I think!”

Both Keith and Hazel laughed out loud.

When we got back home, mum was quite tipsy, she’d drunk a lot, and asked me, “Do you really think I ought to go to this fancy dress party? I’ve heard rumours about Keith and David’s parties?”

“What do you mean, rumours?” I knew exactly what she was alluding to.

“Well, they…” mum was feeling awkward, even though she’d lost some of her inhibition.

“Well, they get out of hand.”

“You mean, they’re swingers?”

“Yes!” she replied, glad that I’d said the word, but still embarrassed by it.

“So, if they are, you don’t have to get involved, but if you do, you can have a good time.”

She looked shocked.

“ED!.. for god’s sake, what on earth, do you think I’m like that?”

“I wouldn’t think the worse of you if you were,” I was obviously saying something that was shocking Zeytinburnu escort in the extreme.

With a snort of disgust she got up, and went upstairs to get changed out of her dress. When she returned, in her dressing gown, it was as though the entire conversation was history. She appeared sober, and began talking about how we ought to go out shopping that week for stuff for uni.

Imagine my surprise when on Sunday, as she was putting some clothes in the washing machine, she casually said, “What do you think I could go as… to this fancy dress party?”

I didn’t register my shock, or react at all, I just replied, “Oh, maybe get some ideas online, do you want me to have a look?”

“Would you, I don’t want to look out of place.”

“You won’t do that, it’s a fancy dress party, the clue is in the title!”

I went into the lounge rather surprised at mums total change of attitude. Looking through some fancy dress outfit sites I tried to get some ideas.

“Funny or sexy?” I shouted out, and mum came into the room with her doubtful face on.

“Not too sexy, and I don’t think I could do a funny one.”

“Ok, here’s a couple of ideas, how about as Sharon Stone or a ‘Bond Girl’?”

Mum laughed.

“You could wear a leather catsuit and go as Pussy Galore, or go in a white dress with no knickers on as Sharon Stone!”

“Stop it, I’ll just go in one of my dresses, but get one of those masks of someone famous. I’ll go to that store in town that does those celebrity masks.”

“Ok, if you feel comfortable with that.”

I knew the hiding behind a mask would probably give her more confidence.

No more was discussed until she came back later in the week with her new identity, however I was going to bed that Sunday evening with the promise of seeing Sophie next day.

When morning arrived mum had gone to work by the time I was in the shower, and as I got dressed a message came though from Sophie.

‘If you want to come over feel free. It’s ok now if you want.’

I texted back that I’d be there in fifteen minutes. I really didn’t know what to expect, but as she greeted me at the front door I was a little surprised to see her without her usual heavy make up.

Sophie was wearing a black kaftan type long dress, but still had her abundance of piercings visible.

“Come upstairs, we can use my room, I want to sketch you.”

This was something different, and I felt flattered.

“You want to draw me? There’s nothing special about me?”

She half turned and said with a smile, “I always sketch the guys who fuck me!”

My mouth went dry, I was gobsmacked, shocked at the suggestion, and shocked at the brazen way she’d said it.

Entering her room was another shock. I was stepping from orthodox suburban decor at the top of the stairs, and into a room, with no apparent windows, black painted walls, and lit with a red eerie glow from three lamps in different parts of the room.

The bed was huge, taking up three quarters of the room, dark sheets, and on one side there was a long dressing table, with a mirror and various items of jewellery, and other assorted adornments hanging from hooks.

As well there was a rather pleasant aroma of joss sticks pervading the whole room. They were smouldering on a small table in one corner.

“Sit up there, against the headboard, I’ll switch a spotlight on,” Sophie gestured for me to get onto the bed and flicked a switch on the wall. Immediately I was in a flood of white light, directed on my upper body, as I leaned back against the faux leather headboard.

“Like this?” I said in a rather nervous voice. Sophie was in charge now, and I was waiting for the next instruction.

“Yes, like that, in fact, take your t-shirt off, I can see the shape of your shoulders then.”

Sophie had taken a large sketch book from the dressing table and a couple of pencils, and sat herself down on the bottom of the bed, with her legs tucked under her.

“Now stay still, I won’t be that long, I just want to get a basic idea.”

I was motionless anyway, but I was allowing my eyes to move around the room. Wherever I looked I saw something different, something out of the ordinary for a ‘girls’ bedroom.

Hanging amongst the many necklaces and jewellery, on a hook by the dressing table, were a pair of handcuffs. Also on the dressing table were some leather straps, and poking out from under a scarf was what appeared to be a vibrator.

The walls were covered with popular art, impressions of monsters, lurid pictures of bloody battles from video games, and finally a series of paper sketches of people, of mainly men, which were stuck with gum to the very top of the wall, all in a row above the dressing table mirror.

I knew straightaway that those were the ‘ones’ that Sophie had ‘fucked.’ Was I to join them? It certainly looked like it.

“Stop moving!” Sophie’s voice wasn’t exactly threatening, but she wanted to get the sketch done, and could see me trying to take in everything in the room.

At one point she reached for her phone and after she’d taken three or four photos of me, she turned on some background music that came from two speakers on the wall.

“I’m nearly done,” she eventually murmured, then you can relax. I just have to work on the final version tonight, and I’ll show you it when I’ve finished.”

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