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I would be the Young Sissy…My 21st birthday…my first day as a man, as a true lord of the Manor…myfirst day as a Master. I was so nervous I threw up my lunch. Not verymanly, I know, but just the thought of having my very own sissy to playwith had me teetering between the giddy excitement of a k** right about toopen the biggest present under the tree, and the stark terror of officiallybeing a man in my step-father’s eyes…how could I measure up to him? Ifelt destined to disappoint him…and I didn’t even know why I cared somuch. He isn’t my real father…he’s isn’t really my step-father when Ithink about it. He’s only been married to my mother for a year, so I wasalready a full grown man when I met him…well, not according to him. Butthat was all going to change today…the door to the study seemedespecially heavy as I pulled it open and stepped in to meet my fate…I should have felt at ease in the study, after all, it was still the houseI grew up in, and as an heir to a vast fortune and a name with anunquestionable pedigree, no door was closed to me. I was deniednothing…not until HE came along. Darren Harrow, my step-father, had verydifferent ideas than my mother on what “privileges” I should beallowed. That’s what he called them…privileges. Up until then, Iconsidered them part and parcel of my birthright. It was so frustrating tohave the door to the study closed to me…to have every door in the houseother than my own and the common areas closed to me. Especially after mymother was checked into a “wellness clinic” for “exhaustion”. I guess whenyou’re rich enough you don’t get put away for pill addiction, you just takea permanent vacation. And with her gone, my step-father wasted no time infilling the house with his living trophies.It had become something of a secret fad to take beautiful young men andturn them into even more beautiful young women. Of course, they had to keeptheir most telling trait, or what use would it be to have a sissy withouther shameful secret nestled in her panties as a permanent reminder ofeverything she gave up for a taste of the sweet life. I’d longed for myvery own sissy for years, it was the first thing my mother ever deniedme…I was beside myself with frustration…how dare she?! I was ByronTempleton III I had fucking Roman Numerals after my name and she wastelling me I couldn’t have a sissy?!I have to admit, as much as I loved mommy, I was glad to see her go once Isaw the exotic creatures that took her place. But this too was only asource of frustration, as Darren had very different ideas than I did onwhat was mine and what was his. Apparently everything my mother owned washis, and all I had was his name. I considered that a very poorbargain…mine was much better than his, but he isn’t the sort of man youargue with. So I stood by in tantalized frustration watching as his twoolder sons, Darius and Dirk, treated the sissies as their own personalchattel. My only consolation was that Dale, the youngest son, was given thesame restrictions as me. And I’d show that arrogant little brat who thereal man was once I paraded my new sissy around the mansion while he wasstuck jerking off for another two years.So when I stepped through the door to the study, I wasn’t just entering aroom, I was stepping into a whole new world…a new life…maybe even a newme. I noticed my step-father first, and since the room was littered withthe sexiest sissies money could buy, that is saying something. But he’s thekind of man that commands your attention. His eyes are the first thing younotice, intense, blazing…with passion or madness I’m still not sure…butonce he has you in his gaze, you can’t escape. His body seems sculpted tocontain such a powerful fire, a strong, brooding brow…a Roman nose, asatyr’s smile, and a chiseled jaw that seemed perpetually cocked so that hecould look down on you from his impressive six feet. His body was just asawe inspiring, every immaculately tailored suit seemed barely able tocontain barely able to contain his frame. Even pushing 50, he exuded theraw a****l magnetism of a man half his age, his perfectly coiffed hairblazing like a fire with a few specks of ashen gray. So I wasn’t surprisedwhen my gaze turned to him first, looking for the nod of approval to beginselecting my sissy, just as I wasn’t surprised to see his eyes travelshortly across my meager five feet of soft slim features and find mewanting. But I swore today was the day that I would prove myself to him andin doing so, to me as well. Of course, before I found myself withering inhis gaze the first time, or squirming under the cruel smirks of mystep-brothers, I never felt the need to prove anything…but now it was allI thought about.So when I saw the three angels standing in the middle of the room, I knew Ihad to pick wisely. A sissy says so much about a man. Looking at the middlec***d, Dirk, I saw a voluptuous Latina named Lola curled in his lap,sucking lazily on his fingers. Lola had breasts like ripe cantalopes and anass that you could set a beer on. I know because it was one of Dirk’sfavorite party tricks. Dirk had inherited his father’s frame, and chiseledgood looks, but not the brightness in his eyes. No his where dull andclouded, either with lust or rage, the two emotions he seemed capableof. His sissy was as simple and obvious as he was. And I knew I had to bemore than that. I could never be as powerful as Dirk, so I would have to bewiser. That’s part of being a man too I figured…Looking at Darius chilled my blood, his sissy, Cunt, said more about himthan I ever wanted to know. He took a Master’s right to brand or pierce asissy’s body anyway he sees fit to an art form. Her entire body covered inpiercings and intricate barbed wire pattern tattoos trailing to her mosttender flesh from her shaved head down to her shaved namesake. One look atthe lovingly named Cunt, would tell you all you needed to know aboutDarius. He didn’t inherit the strength his younger brother did, but hestill cut an intimidating figure, standing at least six inches taller thanhis father, with taught solid muscle covering his swimmer’s build. Hisfeatures were more angular, sharp like a blade, and his eyes seemed tostare right through you…you didn’t have to look at his sissy to know hewas completely without mercy.I didn’t have his capability to inflect horror upon the flesh of aninnocent sissy, but I hoped I could show my strength in dominating onewithout the need for v******e. So when I looked over the remaining three, Ilooked for one with a spark of vitality left, a little wildness I couldrein in. Some wild game I could bag and claim as my trophy…On the right was Bambi, a doe eyed blond bombshell dressed in taffeta andlace, a living porcelain doll with flawless skin, perfectly plump Clara Bowlips, a kissably cute button nose, and lashes that seemed to wave you over,perpetually fluttering over brilliant blue eyes…She looked like she could be mischievous, maybe even bratty, but I couldtell it would only be a pretext to beg for a bare bottom spanking. No,breaking this doll would have been too easy…The sissy on the left was Sakura, an exotic ladyboy imported from Japan,her sloe eyes always down cast, her ivory smooth cheeks always threateningto break out in a blush, her slender nose leading your eyes to her soft,tiny mouth. I imagined swallowing it in mine, ripping off her schooluniform and ravaging her petite, but pleasingly proportioned frame. Butthat would be even easier than breaking Bambi. Sakura was a fragileblossom, I was almost afraid to stare too intently, worried she mightshatter under the weight of my gaze. No, I needed someone stronger, someonelike Isabella.Standing proudly in the middle of the room, Isabella virtually dared you totame her. A dark haired Italian with face of a Botticelli and body of atigress. She was at least half a foot taller than me, with soft supple skinonly just concealing the taut muscles underneath like snakes hiding undersilk sheets. A perfect hourglass shape telling me I’d be spending all mytime with her…her eyes blazing almost as brightly as my step-father’s,her full haughty lips wearing a similar smirk. I didn’t understand how akept sissy could be so cocky…until I looked down and saw what she kept inher black silk panties. Even soft she was bigger than me…no wonder shewalked around in black lingerie while her sissyters hid their shame underskirts. I looked at her and knew she was more woman than I’d ever dreamedof…and maybe more man. I had to break her. My finger trembling, I pointedher out to my step-father, who almost seemed begrudgingly impressed with mychoice.As usual, his booming voice made me flinch, which was hardly the reaction Iwanted to have to his announcement “Byron has chosen a slave. Let allpresent acknowledged that Isabella now belongs to Byron, for so long as heshall have her. Every inch of her body belongs to him, and only he maydecide how it shall be used. Anyone that touches his slave withoutpermission will have to answer to me. Is it so agreed?”A jarring “YES!” explodes from the crowd in unison, and I jumped a littlebefore I collected myself and walked up to my step-father. My hands shookas I reached for the collar that would claim my prize. “Comport yourself,Byron. You are a man now. Act like one.” His words steeled my resolve, witha staggering amount of effort, I managed to still my nerves and look himright in the eyes as I took my collar. It was beautiful…jewel encrusted,it caught the light magically, forming a halo around Isabella’s neck as Ireached up to clasp it in place, sealing her fate as my slave…and as itturns out, sealing my fate as her master.There was perfunctory applause as I led her out of the room, firstattaching a leash to the golden ring on her collar, and then pulling herout the door. Every step I felt a firm little tug. As if she was telling methat I couldn’t budge her if she didn’t allow it. I pushed the thought outof my mind. I was in charge here. I fucking OWNED her…and I planned onproving it all night long. The walk to my room was a long, torturousone. My anxious excitement seeming to swell inside me with every step. Fora second, I thought I might throw up again, but the sight of Dale’s boyishface scrunched up in a jealous pout calmed me down some. He was the runt ofthe litter, about my height, maybe a little taller, but slender as areed. I tossed him a friendly shit eating grin, knowing he wouldn’t daretalk down to me again after this. With a spring of confidence propelling meforward with each step, I finally reached my door. This was it…no turningback…I had to prove I was just as much a man as this new family that hadstolen my birthright.I opened the door for Isabella and waited impatiently for her to stepinside. She just stared at he haughtily, as if she was just barelysupressing laughter. “wuh wuh cough Why aren’t you going inside? You are myslave. You have to do what I say.” Even after my sputtering start, I’dhoped to sound authorative, commanding. Instead I ended up soundingplaintive and petulant, but Isabella responded as if she didn’t notice.”Forgive me, young Master, but a sissy is not permitted to enter the roombefore a man. However, if you so order, I will dutifully breach this customfor you.” Her formal tone belied her bemusement at my ignorance.I felt blood rush to my face at dizzying speed, managing to bluster, “Iknew that. I was just testing you!” I stormed inside and yanked on herleash with all my might, feeling it go taut in my hand, almost pulling meback. Then I felt it go slack as she decided to step forward. I stoodspeechless as I stared at her, my mouth slack as I tried to imagine ascenario in which I could tame her. Nothing came to mind, so I decided towing it and hope for the best, closing the door behind us and locking ittight. Locking her in with me…or was I locking myself in with her? It wasall so confusing. I’d always considered myself powerful, because I couldget anything I wanted just by asking for it…but now, face to face withdesire itself…I felt powerless. She was so beautiful, so confident, sowild…I knew I had to make the first move…but I didn’t know what itshould be…finally I couldn’t stand the tension any longer. I reached up,taking her head in my hands, and pulled her forcefully down into apassionate kiss.Or at least, I tried too…I ended up pulling her nose down into my eye,making me stumble back onto the floor, hearing her musical laughter fillthe room. It sounded like a champagne toast amongst the demons in Hell. Iwas crestfallen, humiliated, and when crossed over to the room and sat onmy bed, her legs spread wide to reveal her silk encased hardness, I wasstrangely hungry.”Well, young Master, it appears we have a bit of a problem. It appears youhave a perfectly good sissy, and you don’t know what to do with her. Ormaybe, you know exactly what you want to do with her…” she stood up, thenbent over to pull off her panties, slowly, one smooth curvaceous leg at atime, her breasts hanging perilously low, threatening to spill out of herbra any moment. She sat back, down her cock standing proudly atattention. It had to be at least seven inches, twice the size of mine. I’dalways tried to tell myself I was “almost average” but looking at thiscurvaceous concubine with a cock that dwarfed mine, I knew the truth…”Strip” she said flatly. It wasn’t a request. A blush caressed my cheeks asI found myself obeying her without question. I tried to composemyself. After all, I did have to take my clothes off to fuck her…so itwasn’t really like I was letting her boss me around…or so I toldmyself. But when she saw me naked, her laughter cut down any teeteringbravado I had left…”Oh my…isn’t that the cutest little thing? Now I know why you pickedme. You wanted to see what a real cock looked like, didn’t you? Ormaybe…what it TASTES like?” She began openly stroking her cock with onehand while holding her panties up in the other, a precious pearl of precumformed on her cockhead. I licked my lips involuntarily, only noticing itwhen I heard her cruel playful laughter. I buried my face in my hands,wishing I was dead. How could things have gone so terribly wrong? I justwanted to prove I was a real man…and I was proving was that I wasn’t asmanly as my sissy slave…”Oh no need to blush. I’m a kept sissy, your private plaything. You don’thave to pretend to be a man around me. You can be the delicate little fawnyou were born to be. And with a sissy, you never have to feelashamed. Unless, being degraded by your big dick sissy slave was what youhave in mind…” I hear a whimper escape my parted lips, and cup my hand tomy mouth to stifle it, but it’s too late…”Ooh looks like I hit the bullseye there. Is that it, would you like me tohit your “bullseye”, young Master? Or do you prefer young Mistress?” Isquirmed on the floor, feeling smaller and more vulnerable than I ever hadbefore. I couldn’t understand it…I didn’t want these things…I wantedto be manly, strong…not the soft little fawn I looked like…but when shetalked to me like that, I felt something melt inside me, something sweetand sticky and oh so wet…it was like she was putting these ideas in myhead, branding them onto my brain, so that they seemed like something I’dwanted all along, but just couldn’t admit…”Tell you what? Why don’t I show you how to put on your makeup so you cansee how beautiful you really are? And then you can smear your lipstick allover my cock. And if you don’t fill my panties with your sissy squirts,I’ll even show you how to fuck a sissy so you can feel all tough andbutch,”Every word dripped into my ear like poisoned honey, so sweet, so deadly…Iwanted to say no…even Hell no…but all I could manage was “buh buhnuh…” And that didn’t seem to convince her of my manliness…”But I warn you. If you spill so much as a drop of your dirty boi creaminside my silken soft panties, I’ll give you the spanking a pampered bratlike you has been pining for all your life. And then I’ll teach you how toget fucked like a sissy.” This was too much…I couldn’t let her fuckme…I was the man…the Master. I told myself to walk over there and slapthe smile off her face, but when I heard her say…”Ohh the crawling is anice touch.” I knew I was lost…Suddenly I was staring up at her, her cock looming before me like someprofane monument, a monument surrounded by the hills and valleys ofParadise…her balls so smooth and hairless, everything about her seemedsoft and inviting, from her long, luscious legs, her torso danced like avelvet python, her breasts swayed hypnotically…every inch of her soft anddemure, but hiding a strength that made me tremble and quiver and kneel…A stinging pain brought tear to my eyes and I hear a loud thunderclap. “Badsissy! I told you make up first, cock second.” I realized with a cringethat my sissy had just slapped the smile off of MY face and that up until asecond ago, I had been absent mindedly stroking her cock…I felt soemasculated…so I didn’t see the point in fighting it as she led me overto my full length mirror and sat me in a chair. “Close your eyes, I wantyou to see yourself for the first time, but only when I’m finished.”Her voice had a surprising tenderness to it now, so I meekly accepted hercommands, trusting I was in good hands. It seemed like an eternity that myface was teased and tantalized, caressed and covered, my mind imaginingwhat I might look like. Certainly I would look ridiculous, I toldmyself. Sure, I was short for a man, and I never could seem to grow much inthe way of facial hair, but I was still a man. My features weren’t thatfeminine, were they? My light blonde hair might make my down body hair seemnonexistent…but it was there…surely I’d look silly in her clothing,like a boy playing dress up. God, how I wished to look ridiculous…”Youcan open your eyes now, precious…”A half choked sob fell from my painted lips, pouty bee-stung lips, nowfetchingly glossy and pink. My cherubic cheeks blushing so brightly thatthe rouge was almost unnecessary. My sea blue eyes wide and wet andsuddenly covered in come hither lashes. My scruffy Devil may care hair cutnow resembling a cutesy tom boy look, only accentuating what was already soobviously feminine to begin with. Soft, strong hands pulled me up, holdingme as I stared in stunned silence as she beckoned me to slip into her softpanties, the silk stirring my already throbbing erection, the lace rubbingmaddeningly against the top of my diminutive member. I felt so inadequatestanding next to her, and for reasons that were far more frightening. Ifound my ass almost filled her panties up, and instead of being horrifiedto learn I had a bubble butt, I was worried she’s notice I didn’t measureup to her curves. When he bra cups hung empty against my chest, I couldn’thelp feel insecure about my chest…worse still, what started as curiousinspection turned into me pawing myself as I panted in front of themirror…”That’s enough of that, sissy. If you want to get off over how pretty youlook, do it on your own time. I want to see those pretty pink lips droolingall over my cock, not all over your chin.” I meekly nodded, embarrassedthat I made myself drool and yet also confusingly proud. She pushed lightlybut firmly on my shoulders, and I knew what was expected of me. I loweredto my knees, her cock brushing up against my cheek. A slight hint of muskmixing with her intoxicatingly sweet perfume, making me dizzy and hungryand horny…”It’s not a puppy, so don’t just cuddle with it. Suck it!””I…I…I don’t know how…” I stammered shamefully, both because I can’tplease her and because I’m trying to be a good little cocksucker in thefirst place. But before I can reconsider, she slaps her cock aside my facemaking me yelp in surprise…”It’s not cocket science! Sigh…little rich bitch hasn’t ever had to worka day in her life. I guess it’s no surprise you aren’t good atanything. Fine, forget it. Just take all of this off and I’ll jerk you offor something…Master.” I couldn’t believe it…I really was a failure ateverything…not good enough to be a man…or a sissy. Well, I didn’t seemuch hope in proving myself as a man from this position, and since I wasdressed for the part, I dove down to her feet, kissing and suckling hertoes, desperate to prove myself as a sissy at least…”Please, Mistress! I beg you! Please teach me! I promise to listen and I’lldo whatever you say!” I looked up hopefully, my fear momentarilyoverwhelming any fleeting feelings of dignity or self worth. And the answerI saw practically dripping from her lustful look of condescension made itall seem worthwhile.”Very well. Since you asked so nicely. You can start by giving it a softkiss on the head and thanking me for letting you suck my beautiful cock…”I stare at it for a second, my mouth watering at the sight of it. I didn’tknow what to think, did this make me gay? It couldn’t, not when it wasattached to such a vision of femininity. But I couldn’t deny the allure ofit…and I had to know…I closed my eyes and placed a gentle kiss on her cock head. I was surprisedat how smooth it was, almost spongy, not nearly as hard as the rootappeared to be. It felt so warm and virile against my lips, and before Icould even think about it, my tongue darted out of my mouth to slurp of thepearl of precum I’d been coveting for what felt like an eternity. Shetasted of an almost pungent saltiness, like some rare cheese or otherexotic delicacy. I wondered what was in it that made my heart race and myhead swim. I felt almost drunk, but also keyed up beyond belief…it waslike I discovered the perfect d**g…”Thamph youph!” I mumbled around hercock as I took her head in my mouth and began nursing like a greedy babe,eager for more drops of her nutty nectar.I whimpered as she pulled me off her cock by the hair, my tongue thrust outfor just one more lick. I looked up at her pleadingly, wondering why shewouldn’t let me have my treat…”I didn’t tell you to suck it yet,sissy. You have to romance it first. I should punish you for this, but Ilike your enthusiasm, so I’ll let you off with a warning. You are not to somuch as breathe on my cock without permission, is that clear?”I felt so humiliated…but what could I do? Even if she was my sissy, Icouldn’t exactly order her to let me suck her cock…it just didn’t feelright on my tongue. But her cock sure did…and at that moment, I wouldhave said anything to feel it again….”Yes, Mistress! Anything you say!””Mmm…Mistress…I like that. Very well, First off, show my adorablelittle balls some love and suckle one and then the other. Then take yourtongue and run it from base to head. Then you may give it another kiss…”I didn’t wait a heartbeat before nuzzling my face between her soft thighs,feeling them hug my face tighter as I took her left ball in my mouth first,sucking it as I ran my tongue slavishly around it trying to taste everyinch, to suck up every bit of sweet salty musk…”nnh That’s not bad, buttry rolling your tongue a little slower…that’s better, now work it aroundmy testsissycles in a sloooow circle…ah Good…now the other one…” Ilistened intently to every word, wanting to be the perfect cocksucker forher. I wasn’t sure why I needed her approval so badly, but I knew that itwas the first time I had to struggle for anything, and I didn’t want tofail. I could feel her cum surging in her sissy sack, I sucked harder, asif I hoped I could drain it right from the source…”ooh Okay, enough ofthat. Now give my cock a tongue bath…”I ran my tongue across her scrotum, then up against that comely crevicewhere her cock met her balls. I slooooowly ran my tongue across the bottomof her prick, savoring every sizzling inch, forcing myself to go slow, tofollow instructions when all I wanted was to devour the delicacy that kepttantalizing me with it’s robust flavor. When I finally reached her cock, Iwas rewarded with another drop of her pre-perfection, lapping it up in apassionate french kiss, barely managing to pull myself off so that I couldreceive my next instructions. “What do I do next, Mistress?””Sigh…do I have to explain every little thing to you? Alright, you stupidlittle sissy. See this here?” She rubbed her cock across my lips drawing asickly moan, “This is a cock. And this…” she forced her cock past my softlips pushing a wet whimper back into my mouth, “is your cock hole. Thecock…” she pulled her cock out of my mouth, and rubbed it on my lips,bringing me to the verge of tears, “goes in the cock hole…” she pushed inagain and I let out a contented sigh as I began sucking her spongy mushroomhead in earnest. Until…”And the wetter the cock is, the easier it willslide in and out of the cock hole…” she pulled out one more time, thistime slapping my cheek with an embarrassing wet smack. “So slobber all overmy cock, you spoiled princess punk ass!”I squirmed under her cruel insults, but it only made me more desperate toplease her. I ran my tongue up and down her cock, swooning at the taste andtexture, falling in love with every vein that throbbed against my tongue,my lips clamped tightly to her flesh giving her horny wet hickeys, hopingany moment she would say…”Hmmph. Well I guess that will have to do.” Wellthat wasn’t exactly what I hoped she’d say, but it was close enough. Andwhen she leaned down bringing her lips kissably close to mine, my wildesthopes were exceeded. I just knew lips would taste even better than hercock…and that was saying something. So when she told me to open my mouth,I closed my eyes and waited for my first kiss ever…”Ptuii” a thick, wet glop of spit hit my tongue and slid down my throatbefore I could even process what happened. Isabella’s less than romanticexplanation “Lube.” left me reeling. She really was treating me likenothing more than a cockhole. Me, once an heir to a massive fortune, a manno one ever dared say no to, now having his throat lubed by his ownpersonal sissy. So why did it feel like the spit sizzled against my brain?Whirring a mile a minute and ready to blow, I was far too stimulated tomake sense of the sensations, much less why they felt so good. And when shesaid “Now suck my cock, you fucking sissy bitch.” I ceased thinking alltogether…At first all I could do was fit as much of it in my mouth as possible andsuck as hard as I could, running my tongue along every scrumptious inch Icould reach. But I realized that she was expecting more than a sloppysuck. I slowed down, moving my head in a corkscrew motion on her cock as Iran my tongue across the head, flicking her pee hole to get at the gooeygoodness dripping off of it. I heard a slight moan and felt prouder than Iever had in my life. I moved my tongue below her cock, undulating itagainst her throbbing member as I took her deeper inside me. And when Iheard a full blown whimper, I could have died of happiness. I was startingto work up a good rhythm, enjoying the many ways I could bring her pleasureand draw out her imminent eruption.I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror out of the corner of my eye. Alittle flat chested, but breathtakingly beautiful, and with my skin shiningwith a sheen of sweat and reddened with a fetching flush, I looked asfuckable as any cocksucking succubus I ever dreamed up. I felt oddlyconfident and self assured…that is until she grunted, “Deeper…NNH takeit all.”I was afraid she would want that…and I was sure I’d mess it up. I had theworst gag reflex. I don’t know what caused it, but even the slightesttickle in my throat made it lurch…but I had to try. I focused all of myattention to her blazing eyes, hoping to borrow the strength in them. Ifelt her push against the back of my throat, and for a second I felt herhardness slide past my tonsils…then I sputtered and coughed and squelchedobscenely…”Christ…it was barely even in. Spoiled little shit. You finally get meall horned up with a passable blow job, and then you can’t even finish meoff with your tight throat. Oh God…are you going to cry now? Don’t youknow there’s nothing more annoying than a crying sissy?”It’s funny, up until that moment, I really was going to cry. Weep even,baby girl bawls were going to tear through my frail frame leaving me ashaking, sobbing, snotty mess. But instead, I pulled myself together enoughto say. “No, Mistress. I can do it. See! It’s all lubed up now.” I cooed,pointing out the sticky strands of snot and spittle coating her cock afterI gagged all over it. I didn’t know how, and I was almost certain it wouldkill me, but I had to try…I gave her beautiful prick a long lingering kiss…for luck, and then Ipushed it past my throat, past every natural urge in my body, past everyinstinct I ever had as a man, past every fear and insecurity and doubt Iever had…and once I got it about halfway down my throat, reality kickedin and I gagged even worse than before. My entire body seized up inparalytic terror…painted tears streamed down my face, and I was sure Iwas going to die a miserable failure until I heard “nnh Yessss sssoootight!”A shotgun blast of sissy spunk coated my battered throat, calming meimmediately as some infantile instinct kicked in and I milked the rest ofher cum from her cock with my throat. Through the tears, she shimmered,looking like a living angel, the Goddess of Love. I could feel her orgasmrocket through me, making every loving inch of me shiver and spasm inresponse. I thought for a second that my throat actually came, and as shepulled out and the oxygen returned to my brain I remembered that it was hercum sliding down my throat, filling me up, pooling in my mouth…It tasted so much better than the pre-confection, richer and stronger andfilled with the ecstatic joy of her release. I think I purred a little whenshe wiped the last of it on my cheek. It felt like a perfect kiss, hot, wetand lingering long after it’s over. I stared up blissed out, blank andstill buzzing from the filthy fucked up excitement of it all. She finallybroke my reverie, “C minus. Too eager, to obvious, and too shallow. But Ican see potential in you. If you pay attention, I can teach you to be aworld class cocksucker.” I shifted uncomfortably in a mix of shame andpride. Both in only barely making my marks, and in wanting to in the firstplace. As my cock high faded, all the shame and self recrimination startedto come crashing down on me. I had just sucked a cock! And I fucking lovedit! That made me a cocksucker…as in forever. How was I ever going to looka man in the face ever again? I was wrestling between never doing this everagain and cursing myself for licking my lips to get one lasttaste. Finally, Isabella broke through my cloud of confusion, lifting myheads to hers, and giving me a soft kiss on the lips.I felt that same spark hit my lips when her cock spread them wide, shortingout my self loathing for a moment and leaving me open mouthed, lost in hereyes. I could have sworn I even saw gentleness in them for a moment whenshe said…”Now, are you ready to learn how to fuck a s*s-” and then thegentleness was vaporized in a white hot blaze…”What the fuck?! Did youcum in my panties?”I was about to protest, but before I could protest my innocence, shedragged me across the room by my hair, and through the pain and fear, Inoticed the stickiness between my legs and felt my gut lurch…We finally reached a chair across the room. She let go of my hair longenough to sit down, and the white hot needles stabbing at my scalp let upfor a moment. I looked up at her tearfully, hopeful for a sign ofreprieve…but she just looked at me expectantly. “Well, what are youwaiting for? Stand up and take those soiled panties off. It’s time for yourspanking.” I couldn’t believe my ears…it all seemed so unreal. How hadthings gone so wrong so fast? Couldn’t I put a stop to this? Even if I wasa cocksucker, I was still a man. I was still her master, technicallyanyway…wasn’t I?But I didn’t feel like her Master…and I didn’t feel like a man. I feltlike a naughty little boy…and that was being generous…Maybe it wasbecause she was so unflinching, maybe it was because she looked soravishing when she was furious, or maybe it was just because I had neverhad a spanking in my life…and I really was due for one. Whatever thereason, I bent over her lap meekly, my ass totally exposed…my heartracing a mile a minute, my cock threatening to stir against her soft creamyskin…I shuddered and pushed the image out of my mind, not wanting to makemore trouble for myself.”Now, there’s nothing more annoying than a sissy that can’t control herselfwhen she’s being spanked and screams and sobs…but since this is yourfirst time, I’ll let you cheat. Here, put this in your mouth…” She handedme my cum stained panties, and with every ounce of me screaming not to, Iput it in my mouth. The taste wasn’t as exciting now…it tasted like shameand failure.I flinched when I felt her hand on my back, which drew a little giggle fromher. “A little advice, sweety” she said stroking my ass, making me squirmagainst her hand…”try not to anticipate the blow too much. If you don’tthink about…” THWACK!!!I heard my muffled cry before I felt it, a thunderclap of pain striking mysoft sensitive skin. Before I could process this unique and novel sensationof agony, another blow came crashing down. THWACK!!! I bit down on mycreamy panties, swallowing a scream sideways. I tried to fight back tearsas I feel the throbbing start to sink in from my skin down to my verycore…I couldn’t imagine enduring another “I know it’s your first time, sowe’ll make it an easy ten…”I’d never faced such a daunting task, but something told me that if I hadto, that it was important…it didn’t matter that it didn’t make sense, orthat I didn’t really have a choice in the matter anyway. At that moment,all I cared about was taking my spanking like a man. THWACK!!! THWACK!!!THWACK!!!Agony is just a word, nothing, nothing in my 21 years of pampered privilegehad come close to preparing me for pain on this nature. It was an epiphanyof torment. If a spanking hurt this much…what would it feel like if shereally decided to hurt me? I realized that I would be powerless to stop herif she did…and somehow, that realization felt freeing somehow. If I wasso weak as to be completely outmatched by a sissy, why fight back at all?Why struggle to be a real man when it was so clearly impossible. Why nottry to strive for a goal I might actually achieve? I knew that if only Icould endure the rest of the spankings, I would have atoned for mytransgressions, and I would have proven myself to Isabella…THWACK!!! THWACK!!! THWACK!!!THWACK!!! Hell rained down a fiery vengeanceon my poor innocent ass. I sucked on my panties like a babe, finding somecomfort in the creamy taste. I writhed against Isabella’s legs, trying tofeel some softness, hoping it would dampen the pain that seemed brandedpermanently into my flesh. I could barely breathe…there wasn’t anuntouched inch on my tortured tushy. It looked and felt like an overripetomato ready to burst. I didn’t know how I could survive another strike…Ijust knew I HAD to…THWACK!!!It exploded before my eyes, a constellation of brilliant colors dancedbefore me as my mind seized from trying to process the overwhelming rush ofsensations flooding it. I felt detached from myself, as if it where someoneelse writhing on the lap of their sissy slave, begging her for forgiveness,promising to be good from now on…It was only when I felt her soft hands rubbing lotion onto my cheeks that Istarted to become aware of my surroundings again. Every nerve was raw andfrazzled, making the slightest contact send shivers throughout my body. Icouldn’t fathom why it felt so good. Was it the adrenaline and endorphinspumping in my veins in response to my torment? Or was it merely the joyousrelief that it was over? Maybe I was just proud to have taken mypunishment. Whatever it was, I noticed with a blush how hard I was againsther soft legs, and then she noticed too, saying, “Ooh it looks like someoneneeded that spanking more than she new? Have you been waiting for a bigstrong mommy to make you behave?”Of course I wasn’t. The very idea was ridiculous…until I heard herwhisper it into my ear…and then it seemed so obvious. So…right. Itdidn’t even occur to me to object when she slid a well lubed finger up myvirgin asshole…”EEP!” a mousy little squeal managed to work its way past my now cleanpanties much to the delight of my ‘mommy’. “Tee hee that’s so cuuuuute. Mylittle gurl loves having her pussy fingered does she? She could have beenfucking me right now, but instead she was such a naughty slut she couldn’teven give a blowjob with out squirting. Or maybe, she wanted to getspanked…maybe she wanted to get FUCKED…is that it pretty gurl, do youwant to get fucked?”As she teased me with her sing song voice, she did even worse with herfinger, sliding it inside me, moving it around causing sharp pangs to biteinto me as she strecthed my virgin hole. I wanted to tell her to stop, thatI didn’t like this, but then she found a spot inside me that hit that samespark her cock had hit on my lips, only inside me this time, and much muchstronger. Was she right? Did I love it? “NooOOoOooOOOhhhh!””Heh heh Well I’ll take that as a yes. And if you love one finger, imaginehow TWO will feel?” Another finger slid inside me, sending an almostwelcome stab of pain. I wanted it to hurt, I’d rather it was agonizing thanthe shamefully confusing jolts of pleasure. It should have hurt, nothingwas supposed to slide up my ass. I was a man, and I was glad that this feltso unnatural, so wrong…but that was until her fingers found that spotagain, and doubled the voltage racing to my brain, tickling every inch ofmy writhing body all the way up to my brain, overloading it, rewiring it,until her fingers felt so right…”Pleasssse muh muh muh more!” the words fell half formed from my lips,along with my damp panties. I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t want to wantit…but I needed it…she was touching something inside me that I neverknew existed…something I knew shouldn’t exist, something that filled mewith roiling waves of hot shame. But the more she tickled and teased it,the more my asshole started to transform into the pussy she kept callingit. Every nerve came alive, ignoring the pain and drowning the shame in anocean of boiling bliss. It was so confusing, the only way to escape theshame and doubt was to allow myself to get fucked…to beg for it…to doanything to feel more…”Well since you asked so nicely…” she added a third finger, laughed as Ibucked my hips back to get her deeper inside me, to feel her fuck mefaster, harder…wincing past the pain and reveling in the chemicalcocktail that took me higher and higher the more I hurt myself to get atthe ooey gooey goodness buried inside me. In a way, the spanking hadhelped, it had stripped me bare, beating down my inhibitions andsqueamishness and preparing me for the pain of penetration, planting thepervasive seed that if I accepted my punishment, something beautiful wouldhappen. I felt like my trust was vindicated when she managed to write fourof her skilled little fingers inside me, opening me up, readying me for themain course…and then I felt the profound emptiness of an unfilled assholewhen she pulled her fingers out and waited for me to beg. I must have heldout all of three seconds…”Pluh pluh pleaaasssse…I want your cuh cuh cock!” I struggled to spit outevery word, a sloppy stuttering mess, begging to get fucked. So beaten downand horned up that the degrading depravity of it only turned me on evenmore. She smiled as she peeled me off her lap dragging me back over to themirror and pushing me down to my knees. She was going to make me watchmyself lose my virginity…I closed my eyes to block out the image of thecum splattered sissy, make up ruined, face flush and panting like a bitchin heat, but one glimpse was enough to forever burn the image on mybrain…”Open your eyes, slut. I don’t want you to miss a second of this.” Shegrabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked it excruciatingly hard, forcing myeyes wide open so I could watch as she rubbed her cock up and down my asscrack, so I could see my ass as it wriggled hungrily against it, so I couldsee the face of pure lust and total submission as I surrendered my assholeto her cock. The pain was worse than the spanking…it was punishing mefrom the inside, where I was much more tender and vulnerable. But herfingers had loosened me up…and once I stopped fighting it, she slid inslowly but without resistance, my pussy wet and ready from her magicfingers. I moaned as she slid further and further into me, never imaginingI could take this much inside me. Inch by inch, she opened me up, reshapingmy body to fit her cock. All massive seven inches, and at least an inch orso thick. I guess that doesn’t seem so big in retrospect, but it was a damnsight bigger than mine, and to my inexperienced hole, it felt MASSIVE.So when I finally felt her soft hips caressing my sore cheeks, I felt asurge of relief and pride like I’d never experienced before. Starting withthat special spot inside me, traveling up my spine, melting it as theelectricty coursed up my body, kissing me all over, finally it reached thepuddle of bubbling gleeful goo that had replaced my brain, sending back thesignal throughout by body in the form of a euphoric birdlike wail, settingmy lungs ablaze and traveling to my quivering limbs, dropping me face downon the floor as my body flopped like a dying fish, finally it reached myclit, which blossomed into a flower of paradise, it’s nectar coating mylegs in spurt after hot hedonistic spurt.”Oh my, I haven’t even started fucking you and you already came. Hee hee Ithink I’m going to like being your slave…” she finished her taunts bypulling out slowly, every vein and contour of her cock fucking me inreverse, my pussy clamping down possessively to feel it tighter, harderagainst me. She must have taken this as her cue, because she thrust backinto me, making me wail again, a scream that must have pierced the Heavensand made the angels jealous of my hallelujah fuck high…my earlier orgasmstretched out to one long continuous throb, the pulse of her cock radiatingthroughout by body, turning it into a sensitive overstimulated clit fromthe inside out. I was incoherent, giddy, seeing myself for the first timein the mirror and wishing I could fuck the depraved slut staring back at mewith glazed eyes and her mouth agape, drooling all over herself like thelittle a****l she was…I realized it was me in the few flashes of sanity Ihad, but that just made me want to fuck her harder…I was going insane, my mind, body and soul fucked on a level I had neverdreamed possible. I was sputtering nonsense. “Please, fuck me harder,Mommy. I’ll be a good girl, just please spank me with your cock,Mistress. Yessss! Mistress! Mommy! Mommy Mistress MommEEEEEEEE!” My MommyMistress laughed at my gibberish and pulled me off her cock, giggling as Isobbed for her to put it back in. I cooed like a babe when she sat down andmotioned me to sit in her lap, penetrating myself on her cock while sheenveloped me in her silky strong arms…I felt so close to her like this, she was inside me, filling me with herlove, but also around me, smothering me in her softness. She kissed myneck, my ears, and finally, when I turned my head to moan appreciatively,full on my open lips. She shoved her tongue down my eager mouth, my owntongue sliding against her as she penetrated my mouth again and again, evenas her cock plowed wet sticky spasm after hot throbbing burstinside. Eventually I couldn’t take anymore. It was more of a seizure thanan orgasm at this point, a true love heart attack, a stroke of luck, as Iheard my chest pounding harder and harder, my heart threatening toburst..finally it did, erupting from my clit in a clear stringy explosion,dying and being reborn with every breath as my pussy milked every last dropof her cum from her cock. I collapsed back into her arms, feeling braindead and beautiful and praying I could hold on to the feeling as long aspossible. But even as I tried to drift off into merciful u*********sness inher arms, I heard the pounding louder than ever. Only I realized I wasmistaken before. It wasn’t my heart…IT WAS THE DOOR!”I SAID LET…ME…IN!” CRASH!!!The door splintered as it was hurled open…my step-father’s massive framecharged into the room, no doubt curious as to why he heard two sissiesmoaning in my room instead of one. He stood there, his wide shouldersshaking with rage, his face a death mask of hateful disgust. Waiting for meto say something, anything to explain why I was made up like a sissy,sitting on my sissy’s cock, coated in her cum…”I…I…I fell?” Somehow, I don’t think it was very convincing…There I was, still impaled on a shemale’s cock, one belonging to what wassupposed to be my sissy slave, wearing her bra, her cum on my cheek alongwith my post-fuck smeared make-up, and my cum running down the full lengthmirror. “I fell” wasn’t the best explanation for what happened, but it wasall I could think of with my step-father’s hulking frame looming over me. Iknew I was fucked…well more fucked than already, but I still hoped forsome miracle to save me.”You…fell? I’m not even going to begin to catalog the many reasons thatis the most insultingly stupid lie I have ever heard. I’ll give you onemore chance to tell me the truth, and then I’ll ask Isabella. And, Byron,you had better believe she will tell me the truth, so lie at your ownperil.I didn’t know what to tell him. I was so ashamed, every doubt andreservation I had before my mind seemed to shut down came screaming back atme. I just wanted to crawl in a hole and hide from his contemptuous eyesforever. But I knew I couldn’t hide from those blazing eyes, they’d scorchthe earth to find me, and when they did…I shuddered to think of thecountless ways he could hurt me, and my entire shameful story came spillingout…I tried to explain it in a way that didn’t paint me as a natural bornsissy, tried to explain that all I wanted to do was to prove I was a realman, but it’s hard to do when explaining how your personal sissy slutseduced you, sissied you up. mouth fucked you, spanked you, fingered you,and fucked the cum out of you. What I finally managed to stammer out as afinal flimsy explanation was “I’m sorry…she’s just so much moreexperienced than me. I shouldn’t have let her trick me…but I swear, noneof this was my idea and I never would have done any of it if she hadn’tgotten me so mixed up.”As excuses go, it was pretty pathetic, and it didn’t exactly make me acandidate for man of the year, but at least it didn’t paint me as thesissiest sissy that ever sissied, and I hoped that might be enough. Even Icould believe it if I tried hard enough. All that was left to do was waitand see if this immovable mass of malice would accept it. “Well, Isabella,is this true? Was this your doing?”She had already slipped out of me and crawled over to his feet, curled uparound his legs like a kitten. I wondered where this submissiveness waswhen I needed it most, but mostly I wondered if she’d sell me out to saveher own downy soft skin…”Yes, Master. I seduced the confused littlevirgin, and it was sooooo easy. I know it was bad, but please forgive me,Master. He’s just so cuuuuute.”I heaved a sigh of relief that quickly turned into a horrified gasp as mystep-father savagely kicked Isabella in the stomach, knocking the breathout of her and making her curl up into a tight little ball of pain. I triedto say something, to beg him to stop, to tell him it wasn’t really herfault, anything to stop him from hurting her. But I couldn’tbreathe. Finally I saw her stirring again, looking up at him with a manicsmile, her eyes glazed over with lust…”Thank you for punishing thisworthless slave, Master. Please, hurt me some more…I deserve to bepunished.”It was so strange…this was the same sissy that had me completely twistedaround her little finger…and then shoved it up my ass. But around Darren,she seemed to get off on being slapped around and put in her place. Is thatwhy she teased and toyed with me? Was she just fucking with me to get me topush back? I started looking at her in a whole new light, and from theperspective she wasn’t quite so cute. Maybe it was just easier to blame herthan to accept what I let her do to me, but anger felt so much better thanguilt, so I nursed on it like a baby…”Hmm…Normally I’d have both of you in stocks for a week with a fuckmachine pounding your ass the entire time. But perhaps you have a point,Byron. Isabella was just being Isabella, and maybe I could have done moreto prepare you for the world of Men. So I’ll let this pass this one timeand we shall never speak of it again. But I warn you Byron, by marriage orblood, I will have no sissy carry my name. Do you understand?” His rageseemed to have tempered, but that just left him rigid as cast steel. It wasall I could do to nod without shivering.”Good, because you know I don’t like to repeat myself. Now, I want you topay close attention, because I am about to teach you how to keep your sissyin line.” His tone iwas just as calm as if he were talking about changingthe oil, and with the same casual authority, he pulls Isabella up by herhair until she has to stand on her tippy toes to avoid being lifted intothe air by her thick luxurious locks. He pulled her into a savage kiss,practically swallowing her mouth with his. There was no affection to it, noromance, he was merely claiming her mouth as his own personal hole. And forher part, she seemed all too willing to surrender it, her eyes rolling backin her head as she passively accepted him r****g her mouth…I heard a pathetic little yelp as he dropped her to the ground, saw hercrumpled on the floor looking up at him with slavish devotion. I knew Icouldn’t toss her around like Darren could, she was taller than me andeverything. But as I saw her running her tongue over his wingtips, suckingon the tips, her eyes glued to his the entire time, I knew I wanted to makeher do the same to me. I wanted to make her pay…and I wasn’t going tomiss a single second of this hands on demonstration on exactly how to doit…”You’re sucking the wrong tip, bitch.” He pulls her up by her hair again,twisting it in his hand so that she can’t budge with out losing a fistfulof hair right from her sensitive scalp. With her lips right at the top ofhis pants, he says, “your smart mouth got you into this trouble, let’s seeif it’s smart enough to get you out.” I stared in perplexed nervousnesswondering how she could possibly free his cock just using her mouth. Ialmost started feeling sorry for her, I know she probably would have beengiggling if our roles were reversed, but I just get squeamish when I seesomeone in pain. Maybe because I can’t help but imagine what it would feellike. I held my breath, hoping for a miracle…”The fuck…” I closed my hand over my mouth, not wanting to interupt withanother outburst. But I could barely contain myself. She was using herteeth to bite the slack of his belt and moving her head ever so slightly towork it out a little bit at a time. I couldn’t stifle a gasp as she finallygot it loose, but my step-father seemed unimpressed…”Today would be nice.” he said with a yawn. I couldn’t believe it, this wasthe hottest, most submissive human pet trick I’d ever seen, and he wastreating it like it was chore to watch. Again I felt sorry for her againstmy better judgment, hoping he’d acknowledge her skill as she bit down onhis pant’s button and worked it through the eyelet by tilting her head. Buthe just looked at her with frustrated boredom. Finally she took the zipperin her teeth, whimpering as she tried to move her head down just a littlefurther, just far enough to free his cock, but he wouldn’t give her aninch…or twelve as the case may be.She looked up in desperation, surrendering her pride once more as shebegged, “Please, Master, please move my stupid whore head down so I can getto your cock. I’m too weak and pathetic to do it on my own.” She had thelook of one who had to deliver this speech many times before. I wonderedhow she still kept the fire in her eyes when my step-father doused herflame with his callous games. I was remembering why I hated him, why Ifeared him…why I’d do anything to prove myself to him. And when I saw himmove her head down with the zipper in her teeth as casual as if he werejust unzipping his pants, I understood the hopeless frustration Isabellamust have been feeling at that moment…When she finally manage to unzip him, his cock sprang forth like a wildb**st. I couldn’t believe it…I never knew they could come that big…thatthick…I don’t know how he could get a hard on that size and not pass outfrom the loss of blood flow to his brain. Hell…I felt lightheaded justlooking at it. She seemed to be in a daze to, her mouth open so wide itlooked like her jaw had come unhinged. And then with out a moment’s notice,he crammed it in her throat, burying at least six inches down her gullet inone ravaging thrust.I held my hand to my throat, remembering how rough a few inches had felt,unable to stop myself from imagining what it would be like in herplace…She gagged on his cock, even her well practiced throat unable totake his full length dry. ‘Luckily’, her spit seemed to make the secondthrust a little easier, she managed to get two thirds of his massive memberbefore choking helplessly. This time he held her in place until her faceturned red, her eyes rolling back in her head…he snapped her out of itwith a hard cockslap to her face, and I couldn’t help but imagine myselfmoaning as I drooled all over myself just like she did…I shuddered as Irealized what I was imagining, and tried to force it from my mind…Instead I tried to imagine myself as my step-father, now managing to bottomout in her throat, and then yank her off me by her hair, holding her justout of reach as she tried to get back on it, the veins in her neck lookinglike they would burst any minute…and then slamming her right back ontoit. Before long it was a sloppy blur of spit and hair bobbing back andforth on his prick. But try as I might, I couldn’t see myself doing that toanyone, even to the sissy that used and abused me. And even if I couldmanage to keep her in line long enough to force her to suck my cock, evenif I ignored how much stronger she was than me, what would be the point? Isforcing three and a half inches of hard meat really that demeaning?Honestly I think it would just make her laugh…But she wasn’t laughing at Darren, she was too drunk off her ownhumiliation. I didn’t get it…even though I was the same way with her. Whywould anyone want to be treated that way? To be used like a cock sleeve? Tohear my step-father call me “A cock sucking sissy bitch, a cunt mouthwhore, that’s it, fuck hole, get ready for my seed.” I mean…call herthat…I got a little caught up in the moment. And when he finally pulledher off and exploded in her face, coating her with a thick layer of whitemucousy shame, I had to bite my lower lip to prevent from whimpering alongwith her.My step-father looked right at me, but it felt more like he was lookinginside me, judging me silently. I opened my mouth to say something in mydefense, but I didn’t even know what I had been accused of. Either waynothing came out but a raspy breath. After an eternity of crushing silence,he said. “So you see how you are supposed to get a blowjob from asissy. First and foremost, they should be the ones with a face full ofcum. And that’s just the warm up…”Isabella was hungrily sucking his balls as he gave me his lesson onMaster/sissy etiquette. She was clearly trying to get him hard again assoon as possible, but I didn’t see how that could be. If I sprayed thatmuch cum, I’d be dry for a week. Even with all the squirting I’d donetoday, it wasn’t half of his giant load. But to my everlasting horror, hiscock managed to rise in defiance of gravity and all that isholy. Apparently, I was the only one surprised, as Isabella didn’t blinkbefore turning around and hiking her ass in the air, wiggling itinvitingly…I imagined how lucky I would feel to be in his shoes rightnow, to see someone as beautiful and confident as Isabella offering herselfto me so completely like that.I guess he didn’t feel so lucky, as he kicked her hard in the ass, sendingher in a tumbled heap onto the floor, just barely managing to keep wet,jagged sobs at bay. “Undress me, you vapid cunt.” I would have killed himif he did that to me…well, I would have wanted to. But Isabella justlooked up totally apologetic and wasted no time pulling his clothes off andneatly folding them before setting them aside. I guess it’s easier to feelguilty than angry after all, especially if the man you’d feel angry atcould snuff you out like a candle. If anything, that impotent rage wouldonly make me angrier at myself for being too weak to stop him. No, I’d muchrather convince myself I was wrong and work tirelessly to make it up tohim…if I was her I mean.When he was completely nude, I couldn’t help but notice his physique. Hehad the body of a man half his age, if that man had a great fucking bodyanyway. He was tall and wide, but virtually every inch of it was covered intaut, bulging muscle. The only exception was a little looseness here andthere, as time couldn’t be beaten down entirely. If anything, these minorimperfections merely added to his appeal, as it gave him a kind of augustauthority of a elder statesman. He had nothing to prove, he had alreadyforgotten more conquests than I ever dreamed of having. Every littledetail, from the wry wrinkles around the corner of his eyes, to the saltpeppered in his lush mane of chest hair, all of it painted the portrait ofa living legend. Not that I notice those kinds of things, but when itstared me in the face, I just called it like I saw it.He lifted her into the air like she was weightless, and I realized with ablush that he could lift me even easier. She squealed with girlish glee atthe gravity defying rush of total helplessness. And then he shattered herillusion, showing her the full weight of gravity as he let her sink downonto his cock, moaning incoherently all the way until she nestled at theroot. Her arms were flung around his neck, her legs wrapped around hiships. She had more Real Man inside her ass than I had inside of my entirebody, and of the two of them, it only made sense to put myself in herplace. After all, I’d never been balls deep inside a sissy, but I had feltmy asshole stretch and surrender to a superior cock, enduring the pain,then ignoring it, and finally worshiping it, knowing it brought theexquisite explosions of pleasure along with it.But this…this was a cock of a whole different breed. This was no sissycock like I had been so impressed with earlier, this was a Real Man’s cock,and I just knew it would kill me if I ever tried to slide up and down it ina furious flurry of whimpers, moans, and wet smacking the way Isabellawas. Not that she had any choice, the way my step-father manhandled her,she was little more than a cum-rag doll for him to play with. But eventhough she was being used with no regard to her comfort or pleasure, Icould tell she wouldn’t give it up for the world. Maybe it was because shehad no choice in the matter. If she really had just held me down and ****dme, would I feel so stomach churningly guilty about it as I did right then?Or would I feel freed from all guilt and responsibility by the powerfularms of my step-father. Using me so savagely, forcing me to love it,enslaving me in his embrace, freeing me from reason and dignity andmanhood, making me a thing, not even a sissy really, just a long continuousscreaming orgasm. My head was swimming, I couldn’t stop ‘sympathizing’ withher, but I knew I had to try. I had to think about fucking herinstead. “Ha, I can see you like this, boy. Alright, come over here and geta closer look. I want you to see her face when she offers her soul to me.”He put her on the ground and flipped her over unceremoniously. He liftedher ass in the air and spread her legs as far as they would go. He didn’teven have to tell her to hold her ass cheeks apart. I saw her now gapinghole and wondered if I could survive feeling that empty. And when I gotdown on my knees in front of her and he began fucking her in earnest onceagain, I wondered if I could ever survive being that full. Even anexperienced sissy like Isabella looked like she had trouble taking it. In away, I suppose she didn’t survive. Her eyes went totally blank, her mouthstarted dribbling gibberish, and I could see the soul get fucked out of herbody. She was just a fuck husk now, and there wasn’t even enough left ofher to tell me how much she obviously loved it. That was the part thatscared me the most. What happens after you die? That’s the easy part, it’scoming back to life that’s scary. It’s like bringing back demons from Hellclinging to you, corrupting me, damning me forever to see the world througha bitch’s eyes. To have an asshole that twiches and aches when it sees afat cock. To feel an emptiness where I know nothing should go in the firstplace. To watch the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen get the lifefucked out of her and to be reborn in a newborn wail of ecstasy, and tocover her face in cum as I jerked my tiny nub, dreaming of being her…”That’s more like it, stud, cover that sissy’s face with cum. Show herwho’s boss. Unh unh FUCK!” Every muscle in his body surged as he emptied agallon of jism inside her burning cock hole. Her own cock jumped aroundlike a firehose that got away from the Firemen, spraying ribbons of cum allover her legs and stomach. I fell back, spent. Cursing myself, cursing mystep-father, but most of all, cursing Isabella. I remembered my anger nowand I vowed never again would I feel sorry for her or put myself in hershoes.”The important thing to remember, is that whether your cock is too big orahem….too small, with sissies it doesn’t matter. They exist for yourpleasure. And if you show them confidence and inner strength, they willsurrender gratefully. Do you understand now, Byron?” He looked at meexpectantly, patiently even, I almost fooled myself into seeing the embersof kindness glowing in his eyes as well.I took a deep breath and steeled myself. Confidently as I’ve ever saidanything, I replied, “Yes, sir. I’ve learned my lesson and then some. Ican’t wait to show this bitch who’s boss.” I felt a angry energy buildinginside me, and at that moment, I really believed I could be a Master afterall.”Good, because now I want you to get cleaned up, put on some normalclothes, and follow me. I’m going to show you what’s behind door numbertwo. I’m going to show you what it’s really like to be a trophy sissy.”I was a little perplexed by his ominous tone. I thought I already knew whatit was like to be a trophy sissy. Honestly it wasn’t much different fromthe life I already had. You got to lay around all day tuzla escort doing nothing,enjoying all the luxuries someone else has strived so hard to workfor. About the only differences I could see was you didn’t get to leave thepremises unescorted and you got fucked all the time. Still I was doing apretty good job of convincing myself that last part was a bad thing. And asI looked at myself in the mirror, having just washed my face of the make upand cum, I vowed once again to find a way to prove my manhood.”I don’t have all day, Byron. Unlike yours, my time is actually worthsomething.” I jumped in a rather unmanly fashion as his voice burststhrough the door and hurriedly get dressed in a plain white button upshirts and khaki slacks. I didn’t want anything too colorful sending thewrong message. I gave myself one last pep talk and emerged from therestroom with my head held high. Well as high as I could at five feet threeinches.”Finally. Now don’t dawdle. Byron. We’ll start off by showing you thesissy’s quarters.” I nodded, resolutely I hope, and followed my step-fatherwith Isabella trailing closely behind. Her perfume teased my nostrils,reminding me of her tantalizing taste, but I shook the image from my headand focused on our little tour instead. I was perplexed, we had alreadypassed all of the guest wings, and each of my brother’s personal wings. Therest of the grounds were common rooms and I couldn’t figure out where wewere heading. When we finally reached the door to the basement, my heartstopped.”Why do you look so surprised, boy? Surely you didn’t think we let sissieslive upstairs with us. Some liberal, lawless households might allow that,but most men of means recognize that a sissy’s place is out of sight untilthere services are required. The only way they can come upstairs is duringdesignated walks or if a Master calls on their services. Sissies likeIsabella, Cunt and Lola can stay in their Master’s room at theirdiscretion, but a good Master doesn’t spoil his sissy with too muchattention or comfort.” Every word hit like a nail on my coffin, burying mealive as I entered the dark claustrophobic cozy corridor. I had always beenterrified of the basement, and it was the one part of the house no one everhad to bar me from. But I didn’t want Darren to see me shiver or to knowabout my fear of the dark and tight spaces. I held my breath counting eachstep as I tried not to imagine living down here, finally able to exhalewhen we got down to a more open area and he turned on the lights…”Gasp!” My relief was short lived as the sight of the ‘sissy foyer’ loomedbefore me. Cages hung on the walls enough to house an army ofsissies. sleeping snugly in the cages were all of the family’s sissies savefor Cunt, and if she was with Darius, I’d almost rather be lockedup. Isabella smiled wickedly at me, as if to say ‘Like what you see?’…”As a Master this room is your own personal candy store. You can select asmany unowned sissies as you’d like and let them loose. You can imagine howgrateful they will be for your attention. As a sissy however, it is a longtorturous grind of dull nothingness. But don’t feel too bad for them, we doallow them plenty of playtime during the day as well.” He leads me downanother corridor, plain white walls and halogen lighting giving it the airof an abandoned hospital, or a morgue. Finally I come to a large open room,filled with stocks, locks, and a barrel of fun…if you were the Marque deSade. Chains hung from the ceiling, were attached to the walls, and werebolted down to the floors. Everywhere I turned there was another morepainful looking device to hold me firmly, leaving me helpless and exposedto any pleasure or pain anyone might capriciously inflict upon me. “This isthe playroom. If they are good gurls, we let them play with the toys ontheir own. If they are bad gurls, well…I don’t think you’re quite readyfor that image. We wouldn’t want to disturb your beauty sleep.”He leads me to another room, almost as big as the playroom, this one filledwith exercise equipment. I suddenly realized how the sissies kept soperfectly fit. God, they must have to exercise an hour a day. A month’sworth would be more than I’d exerted in my entire life. “The sissies areexpected to keep in perfect shape, as decided by their owners. Theyexercise a good four hours a day, everyday, well except Christmas ofcourse. We only make them exercise two hours on the holidays. We aren’tmonsters after all.” I thought I might collapse just from the strain ofimagining all that effort. I was feeling more and more lightheaded, thetour taking on the shape of a waking nightmare. The walls seemed to besliding closer and closer, the lights dimming…I prayed silently that thetour was almost over…”The tour is almost over, which should tell you something about the spartansimplicity of a sissy’s life. Only two more stops. First, on your leftyou’ll see the shower room. Communal of course.” I hear an evil giggle frombehind me and I know I never want to be in those showers surrounded by abunch of frustrated sissies looking to blow off some steam. “And on theright, is our world class cafeteria.”I step inside the plain room. A few tables with benches are bolted to theground. I follow him back to the kitchen where I see giant pots warming onthe stove. “Now you might have imagined sissies dining on the samedelicacies you regularly enjoy. And to be sure, when entertaining atparties or serving their master, they might get to enjoy sucking the scrapsfrom a man’s fingers. But in order to keep within their desired weights andfigures, they eat from these.” I noticed the pots all had names engraved inthem, no doubt with different dietary supplements and who knows whatelse. I looked at the gray paste like texture and smelled the smell of souroats and couldn’t keep from gagging a little.”Now you see what a sissy’s life is truly like. And this is just the tip ofthe iceberg. They live to please others and the only pleasure they get isin service to that goal. But don’t think I showed you this to give you somemisguided sympathy for them. They are pets, toys, holes…and if I EVER seeyou getting used like a sissy cum dump again,” He pulled me by my shirt soI’m at eye level, my feet dangling just above the ground, “then this willbe your new home. I don’t care who you think you are. Trust me, I can makeyou disappear. And no one will bat an eye at the vaguely familiar lookingnew addition to my harem. Is that understood, boy?” He dropped me to theground, sending me sprawling into Isabella’s waiting arms…”I…uh…yes…I mean, yes, sir, I understand.” He simply nodded andwalked off, leaving me down in the dark with my new pet. My mind reeling asI tried to process all I’d just seen and heard. I couldn’t let this happento me…I wouldn’t. I would ignore the heart wrenching empathy I felttowards Isabella and force myself to treat her the way she seemed to wantto be treated. I sighed as she stroked my hair, holding my tight againsther…”You heard him, Master. If you get caught sucking my cock or taking it upthat tight little ass again, you’ll be one of us.” hearing it from her lipsmade it sound even more terrifying. I wanted nothing more than to run fromher tender touch and never see her again. But I didn’t know my way back onmy own. Besides, she seemed to understand my predicament so I figured shewouldn’t try the same tricks on me twice…that is, until she startedsucking softly on my ear, flicking her tongue in and out of it beforewhispering, “So we’ll just have to make sure we don’t get caught…”I felt her erection pressing up against my cheeks…I struggled to soundforceful, to respond with an unwavering refusal, to put her in her place,but all that came out was…”whimper.””That’s a good little, sissy. I told you that you could take the wholething.” I feel a sense of ashamed accomplishment as her smooth balls reston my chin and I smell her intoxicating mix of pomegranate and a hint ofmusk as my nose crushes into her flawless, taut torso. This was the lasttime. It had to be. We couldn’t keep sneaking around waiting for a chancefor a furtive fuck or speedy suck. And if I got caught…no, I didn’t evenwant to imagine what it would be like to be stuck in that sissy hell downin the basement. At least not until after I came inside her pretty lacepanties…and then never again…Of course, I had promised myself that before. The first time was when mystep-father left me alone with her in an eerily quiet basement after givingme a guided tour of Hell. His words still rang in my ears even as shewhispered dirty nothings inside them. It all whirled together, “Get caughtsucking or getting fucked one more time, and you’ll end up another sissy inmy harem…so we better not get caught. One more time…suck and fuck…onemore time…” I relented, the fear and tension of the day breaking down myresolve, making me desperate for the escape of pure a****l lust. She pulledmy pants down and pinned me to the wall, my ass still well lubed with herearlier deposit. Then she fucked me hard against the wall, each thrustsquishing my little cock against the even harder brick squeezing the cumout of it like a roll of toothpaste, my girly moans echoing throughout thehalls even as my orgasm echoed inside me, bouncing back and forth as shecontinued to pound my ass, more concerned with her own release than with mydick dumb drooling state of cock induced catatonia. When she finallyerupted in my ass, I felt like I had burst free from that terrifyingunderworld and exploded into the heavens.When I came down, she was sucking the last remnants of her cum from my asseven as I sobbed shamefully. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it,Master. I’m just getting rid of the evidence.” I blushed as I saw my cumstaining the pure white walls, and realized I had to get rid of someevidence of my own, licking them clean with a piggish grunt. I knew Ishouldn’t have, but I told myself since it was going to be the last time, Imight as well enjoy it. So when Isabella told me to open my mouth and fedme the rest of her cum baby bird style before thrusting her tongue insidemy mouth and painting my lips, tongue, and the back of my throat with it, Ijust cooed…But after I pulled myself together and silently followedIsabella back upstairs where I belonged, I swore to myself that I wouldnever do that ever again…I felt better once I got out of the basement. I was sure I never would havelet her take advantage of me like that if I wasn’t so nervous and out ofsorts. I decided I would bring Isabella back up to my room and fuck theshit out of her. I had an extra spring in my step as I led her back up tomy room and closed the door behind us. It felt a little strange not beingable to lock it since my step-father busted it, but in a strange way, itkind of bolstered my spirits imagining that someone might walk in on mefucking her this time. I even managed a little sneer when I told her tostrip for me, remembering the cocky little bastard I used to be before mystep-father moved in and made me feel like a weak little boy.When she was completely naked, I marveled at her beauty, as if seeing heragain for the first time. She looked so different when I wasn’t staring upat her, and mischievous smirk or no, I knew I could put her in her place. Itold her to get on her knees and suck my cock, and she giggled a little asshe lunged for it. She was treating it like a kinky little game, but I toldmyself it was one I would win. All I had to do was bust a nut in her faceand then one in her ass and I’d restore the natural order…of course, Iwould have had been able to get an erection for that to work.It was so frustrating to feel her lips on my soft skin, to shudder at theirtouch, but to feel nothing stirring down below. I blamed it on nerves, onexhaustion, on having cum more in one day than I ever had before…onher. That emasculating little giggle, sure it was her fault. Even now I cansee that. Just another one of her games. I told myself that he who laughslast, lasts best and decided to turn in early, telling her that she’dbetter wake me with a blow-job if she knew what was good for her. It didn’ttake long for me to slip into a troubled fitful sleep, populated bynightmarish visions of life in the basement. The last coherent thought Ihad before tumbling into u*********sness was that next week would bedifferent…MondayJust before waking, I had a more pleasant dream than the nightmares ofsissy slavery, but in a way, it was much more frightening. In it, I wasgiving Isabella a long, loving blow-job, more making out with the cock thananything, and I felt safe and free. Somehow I knew no one would find outabout it, and somehow I knew there was nothing wrong with enjoying it. Itfelt so real…I could taste her on my tongue, feel her cock-head kiss mylips sending sparks all across my body, I could even breathe in her smell,making me too dizzy to care about the greater symbolism of sucking off mysissy in a dream. I’m sure Freud would say it represented unresolvedfeelings of abandonment, but sometimes a sissy cock is just a sissycock. It was all so real…by the time I realized it wasn’t a dream, Icould feel her ready to explode inside my mouth, so I figured what thefuck, why stop short of the finish line.I felt the bottom of her cock throb against my tongue and I knew what wascumming. Worse still…I wanted it…needed it even. In that single momentI needed it more than my dignity, my manhood, or my freedom. I felt a wetburst inside my mouth as she unleashed a full load into my ravenous maw. Ifelt it tingling on my tongue, the taste again reminding me of some halfremembered exotic delicacy, not a cheese, no maybe morels? I wanted tosavor it on my tongue, but my mouth was filling up too fast to hold itall. I tried to swallow it all as quickly as I could, but there was toomuch and it began to drool down my chin. Before I could even whimper inlustful shame, Isabella was lapping it up and feeding it back to me withher soft, sensuous tongue. I sucked her tongue clean only to feel more cumrunning down my cheeks. Now I had plenty of time to whimper…andmoan…and pant breathlessly as she slid her tongue across my flushed faceand shared her cum with me until I was all clean, but feeling dirtier thanever.When she finally rolled off of me, I was left reeling. It was a good thingI was already in bed, because after that, I probably would have collapsedanyway. I still couldn’t fathom how her cum could make me feel sogood. Some kind of strange chemical reaction was occurring, but I didn’tknow if it was her cum or my brain that was to blame. It caused thestrangest mix of drunken alertness. It was more exhilarating than a hot cupof coffee followed by a shot of brandy, making me feel light and frisky andfilled with mindless giddy glee.But it was a double edged sword, as the alertness brought a rush of selfrecriminations with it, and the dick dazed haze leaving me unable to puttogether the pieces of my shattered psyche. My mind was like a dog chasingits tail, racing in circles, snapping at itself, feeling more frustratedand confused with each passing moment. I went from high to low in a fewbreaths and I was beginning to understand that if her cock was a d**g, thenthe cum down would be a bitch. And to make things worse, I had to changeunderwear. Sucking her cock had made me cum again, and I was so lost in thedreamy moment, I hadn’t even noticed it. But Isabella sure did, “Aww, youcame for me again. That is so cuuuuute. I thought this might happen, so Isneaked out while you were sleeping last night…oh and by the way, Iloooooove that you still suck your thumb…and just look what I got foryou!”She held up a pair of ivory colored silk panties, with a cute littleboy-cut design. She looked at me expectantly, as if I was supposed toeagerly snatch them out of her hand and put them on with a sissy squeal ofdelight. I guess I couldn’t blame her for thinking that, but that onlypissed me off more. “Let’s get something straight, Isabella. I am aman. And I am your Master. So you need to start treating me like it.” Itried to keep my voice steady and my eyes cold and hard. Even I was alittle impressed with how hard I sounded…”You’ve got a little…” she wipes a bit of cum she must have missed withher tongue and sucks her finger clean. I blush and shrink into myself, justhoping she’ll leave me be, but I’m not that lucky. She began nibbling on myneck and teasing my nipples. This was an awful time to find out I havesensitive nipples and that when someone sucks on my neck it makes me moaninvoluntarily. “Pleassssse. Master? I only want to make you happy. And Iknow wearing my panties all day will make you happy. I felt so bad for youlast night when you…well, you know…So I thought if you wore these allday, you’d be so frustrated and pent up by bedtime that you could fuck mefor hours. You know, really put me in my place…” She punctuated herlittle speech my taking one of my nipples in her mouth and sucking on ithard, rapidly flicking her tongue across it like it was the head of mycock…Deep down I knew she was toying with me, I mean, she wasn’t even beingclever about it. I think that’s why I agreed to put on her panties again, Iwanted to beat her at her own game. I wanted to wear them all day, andinstead of begging her to fuck me at the end of the night like sheexpected, I’d have her begging me to fuck her. And besides, they were boyshorts, so they were almost men’s underwear.I told her that I needed some “me time” but gave her permission to roam theestate. I just couldn’t imagine sending her down to the basement after I’dseen what it was really like, but I knew that if I let her follow me aroundall day, she’d find someway to get me in trouble. I felt a little more atease when I saw her walk away, and boy, I could watch her walk away forhours. But it didn’t take long for me to realize she already had gotten mein trouble. I was kicking myself for letting her talk me into wearing herpanties. Every step was a maddening caress to my tightly hugged cock. Ifelt conspicuous and was sure someone could see the outline of her pantiesunder my slacks. It was bad enough wondering who knew about my little sissysnafu, now I had to worry that they knew I was still on her hook. And whatif my step-father found out?! I’d be back down in the basement, but thistime to stay…Luckily my step-brothers greeted me with their usual contemptuousindifference. I know they would never let me hear the end of it if theyknew the truth, so Darren must have been good to his word and kept my sissysecret. That made me want to prove myself even more. If I could just find away to tame Isabella, it would be like this shameful saga never tookplace. I took a deep breath and then made another solemn vow to walk thestraight and narrow path to manhood…and then I took my first step and asilky swish almost made me double me over as a result of frustratedfriction.I managed to make it until noon with out losing my cool, although I’m notsure if cold sweats count as keeping my cool, but I guess it does on atechnicality at least. That’s when I saw Bambi, skipping along without acare in the world…and I mean literally skipping. Who even skips anymore?I realized I could make up for my poor choice in my pet sissy then andthere. She might not have been my personal property, but as a house sissy,any Master could take her anytime he wanted. And I wanted…I wanted verybadly. I followed her out to the garden, where she was actually smellingflowers and swooning. I’d never seen anything so girly in all my life. Butmy attention soon turned to her more mature attributes, the way her shortbaby blue party dress lifted up as she bent all the way from the waist tostop and smell the roses. Her white ruffled stockings drew my eyes up toher ruffled rumba shorts. I was a little proud of myself that instead ofwondering what they would look like on me, I wondered what the cute littlerosebud hiding between her cheeks smelled like.I made my over to her with an exaggerated swagger, psyching myself upbefore taking one of her perfectly plump ass cheeks in hand and squeezingit. She jumped up with the most adorable little yelp, and I caught her inmy arms, her blond curls caressing my cheek as I whispered in my ear, “Areyou ready to get stud fucked, Bambi?” I felt my cock hard between hercheeks, and I was even able to ignore the fact that it was strainingagainst silk to do so. My breath was hot and ragged, a predator’s grin cutacross my face. I had never felt this dominant, this powerful…and thenshe burst out laughing…”I’m sorry…tee hee…really I am…I’ll hee…I’ll stop….I snnrtsnicker…I can’t EEE HEE HEE HEEEEE!” She doubled over in peels of alaughter and I let her drop to the ground writhing as loud cackling screamstore through her tiny frame. Just when it looked like she might stop,taking deep panting breaths and dropping to a low titter, she looked backup at my perplexed frown and burst out laughing all over again. “hee heeStud fucked….gah ha HA HAAAA HAAAAAA!””What’s so funny?!” I yelled, trying to sound intimidating but comingacross more petulant and hurt. Probably because I was. I thought I was azipper away from proving my manhood, that I’d dominate this training wheelssissy enough times to work up the game to take on Isabella. And instead,the biggest sissy in the house was laughing uncontrollably at my attempt tosound butch. I wanted to cry, and when I realized how unmanly wanting tocry was, I wanted to sob…She finally managed to compose herself, pulling herself off the ground andon to her knees, wiping a tear away as she sighed, “Oh my…thanks, Byron,I needed that. I know, I know, I shouldn’t laugh. And look I got my dressall dirty…oh p*o! But you have to admit, the idea of you stud fuckinganyone is pretty funny. I mean, considering you let a sissy stud fuck youdown in the basement. And right after Master Darren told you if he caughtyou again he’d add you to the Harem. I’m sorry, I know it’s none of mybusiness, but hee hee the basement has really good acoustics…Hee hee ohgolly, I’m about to go off again…but…hee hee you couldn’t even wait tohaa haa you got to your giggle own room. Hee heee heeeee I’m so sorry butHAAA HAAAAAAA!”All the blood left my body, and I thought for a moment I might actuallyfaint. The ground tilted and I had to stumble in place to keep myfooting. She knew…they all did…every sissy in the Harem thought of meas one of them…I’d never be able to start over…I would always be asissy to them. And if I couldn’t change a sissy’s mind, how would I everchange my step-father’s? On the other hand, if I could make her think of meas a stud, then maybe I could make everyone see me in a new light. I feltcold and hateful and just plain ugly inside. I knew that it was alldirected inward, but I decided to use every sickening ounce of it, my wordsdripping with venom when I said, “I’ll make this simple. I am a Master. Youare a sissy. Either suck my cock right now, or I’ll take you down to theplay room and we’ll see how good the acoustics are when you scream so loudthat you go deaf.”I looked down and saw that hazy glaze of lust start to fill her eyes. Icould barely believe it, but my step-father had been right. If you showstrength, sissies will instinctively submit to you…and as Bambifeverishly fumbled with my zipper, I felt stronger than I ever had. My cockthrobbing, aching to be sucked, ready to plow into her throat and paint herface with my seed. It felt like it was going to rip through its pantiedprison…and that’s when I realized I was fucked…”HEEEEE EEEEE HEEEEEE Cute undies! Ha HA HAAAAAAAA HA AHHHHHH!” She fellback onto the ground laughing like mad. I couldn’t listen to it for onemore minute. I stormed off and ran up to my room, not even having thecourage to drag her down to her cage as punishment. How could I torturesomeone who couldn’t even keep a straight face if I spanked her? I buriedmy head under the covers until I felt the urge to sob pass. I couldn’timagine facing Bambi again that day, much less Isabella, but it was onlymid afternoon. So I did what any manly man would do. I went over to mydresser, found my flask in the underwear drawer, and drank myselfu*********s. As my brain swam into the whirlpool of black out drunkenness,I told myself tomorrow would be a better day…TuesdayI woke up with a hang over and a sissy’s cock brushing my lips. I brushedit away, not wanting to puke on her dick. “Lemme up…” I mumbled andstumbled toward the bathroom, hoping a shower would clean out the cobwebsin my head. I almost fell face first to the ground, so I didn’t object whenIsabella propped me up and helped me get to the shower. I slumped againstthe tile wall and slid down to the ground, more dead than alive…but whenIsabella pulled the shower nozzle down toward me and started to rain warmwater down on me, my body came to life bit by aching bit.I was too groggy to protest as she soaped me up and scrubbed my soft skin,and besides, there’s nothing wrong with a sissy washing her master. I evenallowed myself to hope that she was coming around to my way of thinking,showing me the respect I deserved. That is until she stuck two soapyfingers up my ass and cooed into my ear “mmm This spot’s especiallydirty…it looks like it needs a deep clean.” I tried to protest, butbefore I could even moan a refusal, she thrust her tongue in my mouth andhad me sucking passively on it as she pinned my tongue down to the bottomof my mouth, claiming dominance over both of my holes.I would have stopped her if I wasn’t so hung over, half drunk really…orat least I hope I would have. But as two fingers became four, and her kissswallowed every wet moan down her eager little throat, all I could managethe strength to do was beg her to fuck me. She helped me to my feet,holding me in her arms so I wouldn’t fall back down. The warm watercascaded down our smooth skin, making us slide against one another likeseals fucking…”Grab the shower rail, sweety. I’m going to show you howsissies cure their hang overs.” I grabbed the rail for dear life, my bodypressed against the frosted glass, my hips held tight in her hand as sheaimed her cock head at my winking little rosebud…I felt her slide into me slowly, I felt slippery inside and out, soft andsmooth and warm, and I was too fucked up to worry why that felt so good atthe moment. “Thank yoOOoOooOoooh!” A low, lustful moan fogged up the glassin front of me. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was thanking her for. Was itgetting me squeaky clean and washing off the filth of my drunken nightsweats? Was it for aiming her cock right at my sweet spot every time shesloooooowly filled my asshole with her cock, sending a hot throbbing pulsepumping in my veins, burning out all the poison and replacing it withundiluted sissytonin? Or was it just for the immense kindness she showed innot teasing me while she fucked me? Instead she d****d her body againstmine, her breasts crushed against my back, her mouth nibbling on my neckand shoulders, her legs sliding slickly against mine, stirring them tolife. She wasn’t fucking me like I was her bitch, she was fucking me like Iwas her lover. In retrospect, maybe that was even crueler than when shetaunted and teased me…All I know for sure is that her hangover cure works miracles. I went from athree quarters dead shambling wreck to feeling my heart pounding as shepounded my ass, my lungs opening up to force my mouth into a lewd moaningoh face, my muscles taut and strong as I bucked back against her cock, nolonger satisfied with slow, gentle love. I needed hard, fast lust and Ineeded it five minutes ago. Thankfully, she took the hint, pushing meagainst the glass, pinning me helplessly as she began deep dicking me. Eachthrust a retreat as she moved in a wet blur, the heat building inside me,the pressure cooker of my pounded prostate crying out for release, my cockspewing out every impurity left in me along the shower wall as she stokedthe fires of my orgasm, burning me alive so I could rise from the ashes, mybirdlike wail echoing in the shower as I fell back into her arms. Sheexploded inside me, pushing out another ribbon of my cum to make room,leaving me thrashing on her cock, her loving embrace the only thing thatkept me from crashing to the floor. She eased me down and stroked my hair,kissing the tears off my cheeks even as I tried to tell myself it was justthe shower.Finally she spoke, maybe to cover the shameful sound of my hiccup likesobs. “It’s okay, Master. This time didn’t count. You were drunk and I tookadvantage of you. Why don’t you put me in my cage today as punishment andtonight you can show me how a man treats his sissy.” I couldn’t believe shewas saying this, I thought it had to be another trick, but I chose tobelieve the kindness in her eyes. I was about to tell her I didn’t want herto be caged, but there was a kind of quiet pleading in there that told meI’d better just follow her lead.I simply nodded and stood up, feeling the strength returned to my limbs andfeeling strangely virile after my ‘hangover cure’. Neither of us spoke assucked her cum out of my ass, causing me to whimper ever so slightly. andcleaned my stains off the shower wall. After that she dried me with a toweland helped me dress in a pair of black slacks, a black vest over charcoalshirt, and a blood red tie. I cut an almost impressive figure in the mirrorwhen it was all said and done, and I was beginning to push the morning’sevents out of my mind, like a half forgotten dream. Today was going to bemy day, I just knew it…I decided to explore my home freely for the first time since my newstep-family moved in. It gave me a sense of pride to walk through thestately halls, knowing it was all mine once, and if I had my way, would beagain, if only a sizable share of it. I passed Darius in the halls and heseemed to notice my new found confidence, giving me a non-committal nod ashe passed by me. It wasn’t much, but considering I usually didn’t inch byhim without him snickering at my obvious discomfort, it was huge. For once,I really didn’t feel afraid of him. As far as the household was concerned,we were equals now, and I allowed myself to hope that I was on my way toproving my worth.And just when I thought the day couldn’t get any better, smarmy little Dalecame pouting past me, muttering “pussy” under his breath. I’d waited a longtime for this moment, and I wasn’t going to let it pass after he had givenme the perfect opening. I grabbed him by his collar and spun him around,landing a slap on his indignant face before he could even protest…”What did you just call me, boy?” my voice almost cracked under the weightof my contempt for him, but it managed to hold. He just stood their,shocked and sputtering, his boyish face twisted into a tight knot of rage,his fists clenched into balls of impotent white knuckled fury. Sure hecould hit me, but he’s be breaking his Daddy’s precious rules. And hewouldn’t dare do that. And with the way I was feeling, I didn’t think I’dneed his father to protect me. I felt like I could swat him like the gnathe was.”I…you…you hit me! You just wait. You just wait! I’ll show you. Justbecause you’re older, you think you can boss me around? You think youdeserve your very own sissy while I wait for another two years? TWO FUCKINGYEARS!” by the time he finished his tirade he was almost snarling. Butdespite all of his rage, he looked about as intimidating as a pissed offpoodle. I just smiled calmly, infuriating him even more. I saw his shoulderbuck, saw him consider throwing a punch…but he just looked in my eyes, alook of surprise registering in his, and he turned and walked away.I spent the rest of the day a living breathing strutting hard on, justwaiting for my chance to show Isabella what a man I was. I envisioned everyposition, every act. And I was sure that I’d have the stamina to last allnight. By the time night rolled around, I had already fucked her in my headso many times that I almost expected her to be limping when I saw her. Shewas wearing a tight leather miniskirt that might as well have been a beltfor how high it was cut as well as matching tube top so small it left thesucculent swell of the bottom of her breasts hanging out. I could tell shewas happy to see me from the outline of her cock ruining the line of herskirt and her hard nipples tenting from her top. She smiled kindly at me,the gentle look from earlier in the morning was still in her eyes, withouta hint of mischief or defiance in them. Her voice still surprisingly kindas she said, “I’ve missed you so much today, Master. Thank you for showingme my place and punishing me.”I didn’t understand it, but I didn’t want to ruin the moment. I just noddedand pointed to a spot on the floor right in front of me. I don’t know whatshe saw in my expression, but I saw the beginnings of her wild abandonedlust forming like clouds in her eyes. She knelt on the ground in front ofme. “You may use your hands to free my cock, Isabella. But after that, youwill get me off with just your mouth.”Without a word of protest, she unzipped my pants, and pulled my cock out ofmy plain white boxers. I looked down at her and felt ten feet tall, thelook of complete submission in her eyes making me feel completelydominant. My entire body felt like it was coursing with masculine energy,my veins pumping extra strength testosterone to every flexing muscle in mybody. All the way down to one special muscle, which throbbed with the sweetpainful pleasure of a day’s worth of pent up cum. I took a deepbreath…despite how desperately I wanted to cum, I NEEDED to prove toIsabella that I was a powerful man, with discipline and self control. Isteeled myself as she took my cock in hand…”Whimper” my muscles seized up as her soft hands sent my lustful needcareening out of control, every last drop of extra strength testosteroneflooding down to my cock and spewing out in a gushing geyser acrossIsabella’s face. It felt like one of those pees you get when drunk that youbegin to worry will last forever, only with cum shooting out of my cockmaking my cock feel like it would burst into a million chunks of blissfulbits at any moment. When I finally felt the last shuddery spurts drip frommy cock, I slumped to the ground in rapturous relief. My relief was shortlived…I was on my knees looking up at Isabella’s smirking face, the cruelmischievousness had returned in earnest, and I was having troubleremembering what her face looked like with out it…”Aww, poor Master, didyou save all that cum for me? That was so generous of you. I think I’ll letyou lick it of my face and titties before you suck my cock.” She held myface in her hands and pulled it closer to hers, I could smell my cum onher, pulling me closer like one of those cartoon pies, I wanted to kiss herso bad. She couldn’t smirk and kiss me at the same time after all…I swallowed her lower lips, sucking on it until she moaned, then I teasedher tongue out of her mouth by flicking it flirtatiously with mine. I don’tknow what I expected to happen, but I didn’t fight it when she bullied mytongue with hers, pinning it down and tongue fucking me before biting mylips until I cooed…I don’t know why I began licking her face clean anddutifully offering my tongue to her to suck my seed off, sharing my nuttynectar. Maybe I was just getting addicted to the taste, although minewasn’t as robust as hers, it had a certain salty appeal. Maybe I justwanted to figure out why the taste was so exotic and yet so hauntinglyfamiliar, was it cucumber and coriander? Or maybe I really had shot out allof my pent up testosterone for the day, and I had nothing left to fight heroff with…I do know that sucking my cum off her smooth supple breasts and firmswollen nipples was the most sexually confusing thing I’d ever done. Ididn’t know where it fell in between sissy and stud, but I knew I wasfinding my second favorite thing to suck on ever and I prayed I’d find onemore drop so I would have an excuse to keep kissing every inch of herperfect breasts…but nothing good lasts, I knew that better than anyoneafter my one pump performance, so I didn’t protest when she stood up andtouched my head lightly, letting me know it was time to suck her cock.In a way, I didn’t consider it gay to suck her cock anymore. I mean, shedidn’t look like a guy. And she made the most spine meltingly femininemoans when I did it, and I know from watching my step-father fuck herthroat that men didn’t make that sound when they got sucked off. So I toldmyself it was like eating pussy, or more accurately, like sucking on herclit. Her fat, veiny, tonsil pounding clit…I kissed her cock head, slurping up a dollop of sweet cream, before lickingfrom the head to the base, I wanted to get it covered in spit, hoping totake it all the way this time. But I didn’t have enough spit, so Iswallowed my pride and looked up at her pleadingly, begging, “Please spitin my mouth, Mistress.””God, you’re pathetic…but that’s why I love you so much…” she shovedthree fingers down her throat and worked them in and out viciously until aviscous stream of spittle drooled down my eager throat. I grunted piggishlyas I spat some back on her cock and worked it up and down with my hand,loving the little moans she made when I added a corkscrew flourish as I gotto the head. I was ready as I would ever be, and mercifully so lost in thehaze that the sheer wrongness of the act only made it hotter…I gave it one last kiss for luck before taking her into my mouth, pushingmy head further and further, feeling a gag rising just as she reached mytonsils and pushing it back with her fat cock. I felt my throat open aroundher cock, felt it throb inside me. There was something about her beinginside me like this, feeling her pulse block my airways, as if I were aboutto give my life for her pleasure. I don’t know if it was oxygen deprivationor the sheer depravity of the act, but I swooned around her cock. When shepulled me off her cock by the roots of my hair, I felt the cool air rushinto to put out the fire in my lungs. I didn’t waste anytime, and doveright back onto her cock. I felt it getting closer and closer, until Icould see her belly just an inch away. It was so close, like the softplains of paradise, leading up to the heavenly mountains…but it was likethere was this soft wall that wouldn’t budge, no matter how hard Ipushed…I pulled off as the constellation of colors before my eyes told me inancient hieroglyphics that I was about to pass out, and then I jumped rightback into the fire, my throat scorching with the raw friction of her cocksawing in and out of me, faster and faster in a frantic attempt to reachthe end. But as I felt her cock expand in my throat, I knew she was aboutto finish the race before I could go the distance. I didn’t fight it as shepumped a gallon of her seed right down my stomach then coated my throatwith the best sore throat remedy I’d ever tried and finally pulsing in mygreedy mouth. I surprised her with my gluttony as I grabbed the base of hercock and jerked it off into my mouth, guzzling as quickly as I could tokeep every drop for myself. Even after I felt the last precious pearlsqueeze out, I sucked on her cock and jerked her off until she pushed meoff with her foot.”Damn…you never can quit while you’re ahead, can you? You give me atleast a B minus blow job and then ruin it all by not only getting greedyand keeping all of my tasty cum for yourself, but by yanking on my cocklike you wanted to take it with you. If I didn’t think you’d get off on it,I’d spank your right now. Instead, I’ll really punish you. I’m going backto the basement. And don’t even think of getting any of this until tomorrownight, when for your sake, I hope you do better than this.” She left mesniffling on the floor, a last watery drop of cum leaking from the tip ofmy cowering cock wondering which made me feel more ashamed, that I couldn’tplease her as a man or as a sissy…I didn’t find the answer in a night offitful sleep and frighteningly real wet nightmares.WednesdayI woke up and true to her word, Isabella was not there to take advantage ofme. I was disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to use grogginess ordrunkenness to justify getting a load of her cum in one of my hungryholes. I felt my cock twitching ready and eager to play and my assholeitching deep inside where only a cock could scratch it. I thought for amoment about trying to find my gee that feels good spot with my fingers andhaving a nice morning wank to pick up my spirits, but then I realized I’donly feel worse afterward. I had to do something to break out of thispattern of fruitless attempts to be the ultimate man and surrendering tothe sissy splendor of forbidden fruits.If trying to be a man like my step-father made me feel weak and giving intobeing a sissy because it seemed easier made me feel guilty, maybe I wasn’teither, and maybe I didn’t have to be. I made a different vow that day. Ivowed not to try to be an atavistic anachronism of male machismo or toescape into some ridiculous fantasy of deviant delights. I decided to bemyself, and hoped that was enough to skate by…I realized as the day passed tortuously slow, that the real me was prettydull. Something about being constantly pandered to makes it hard foranything to hold your interest. I’d spent the last year waiting in boredfrustration to have full reign of the house back and all my perks andprivileges, but now that I had them, I realized what a waste of time it hadbeen. I didn’t want them. I didn’t know what I wanted, but it wasn’tsomething I could just reach out and grab. The only problem was, I didn’tknow how to get anything else, I didn’t know how to do anything else. So Ijust watched the hours slither past as I got progressively bored andhorny. I was seriously considering drinking myself into a stupor when I sawSakura walking towards me.I tensed up as she got closer and closer, fearing a repeat of myhumiliating encounter with Bambi. But There was something about her walk,tense and fearful, wringing her hands as she mouthed whatever speech shewas working up the courage to give…she seemed so vulnerable, so pentup…I couldn’t help but relate. She finally stood before me, still notdaring to look me in the eyes, her bangs hiding her delicious almond eyes,a beautiful blush painted in light strokes across her pale ivory skin. Iregretted not choosing her as my kept sissy, but regrets didn’t change whatwas. I focused on what was in front of me instead of what was behind me andasked Sakura, “Is there something I can help you with?”She still didn’t look up as stiffly she answered “Yes, most honorableMastersan, this lowly sissy begs a thousand pardons, but would you show herthe ultimate benevolence of showing her the smallest of kindnesses?” I hadforgotten how deferential and self effacing Sakura was. I couldn’t tell ifit was for my benefit, or if she really did consider herself that far belowme. Considering she had to know about my little tryst with Isabella in thebasement, that was saying a lot…I thought the least I could do was hearher out…”Okay, tell me what you want, only please, hold the honorifics.” I waitedfor her to gather the courage to speak again, and felt a little guilty forsounding so dismissive. I knew I wouldn’t want to be in her place…or atleast I hoped I didn’t want to be in her place…”Yes, Mastersan, this lowly sissy will try to make the greatest ofhaste. My need is vast as the ocean and twice as deep. But my tongue cannot express my need, only by sharing my great dishonor may I hope to findrelief. Please, honorable Mastersan, may I show you my need?” She threw herwords to the ground as if they were diseased a****ls, it seemed physicallypainful for her to form them and force them out of her delicate mouth. Herbody was shaking like a leaf from the strain, and I wondered how I wouldcope with all I was going through with the added burden of using a foreignlanguage as well. I couldn’t watch another minute. I stood up and closedthe gap between us, taking her head in my hands and lifting it so that shecould see the compassion in my eyes…”Sakura, please, you don’t have to act like this with me. I’m not like theother Masters. I don’t want you to feel ashamed. I just want to helpyou. So please, show me your need and I’ll see what I can do.” The furrowson her brow smoothed out and the corners of her lips turned up ever soslightly. It was the happiest I ever remembered seeing her, which made mefeel even sorrier for her. But that was nothing compared to the pity I feltfor her when she lifted her tartan skirt and revealed a gilded cage aroundher cock. “I…I’m sorry, Sakura. I can’t imagine how painful that mustbe…but, what do you want me to do about it?”Now she was the one taking my head in her hands, pulling me so close that abreeze couldn’t fit through the space between our lips, “Please do not makelight of this poor sissy’s burden. On the very same keyring that you weregiven to lock your sissy’s collar, there is a key for each of the commonhouse sissy’s chastity cages. The honorable Master Darriussan put me inthis cage a week ago on a whim, and since no one has used me since, I havebeen denied the tender mercy of release. If only Mastersan would releasethis undeserving sissy, she would offer you her humble skills and commonbody.”I fumbled for my keyring, cursing my lack of curiosity about what the otherkeys were for, desperate to release Sakura, as much for her sake as mine. Ifished it out of my pocket, and finally found the one I was looking for, atiny key with a cherry blossom on it…I got down on my knees and carefullyaimed the key at the hole, holding my breath as I slid it in and turned it,fearing the entire time it wouldn’t work. When I heard a click of release,I barely suppressed a whoop, and I removed the cage from her cock, alreadystirring to grow a good three inches. I stood up hurriedly, afraid shemight be under the mistaken impression I freed her to get a taste of hersissy clit.She was openly stroking her clit to full hardness, her precum making itslick and shiny, she made tiny stifled yelps as if she were in pain, Isupposed from the dishonor she felt in me seeing her like this. This was myidea of what a sissy should be, eternally chaste, pristine and perfect, anda true slut. Never losing her innocence so that it could always beplundered and defiled. But at the same time, I started to sympathize withthe sissy’s point of view. I wondered how she could endure it…I wastormented by my few indiscretions, but that’s all her life was now. She wasliving my ultimate nightmare, so how could I take advantage of her need? Itwas strange to think that only a few days ago that I all I wanted in theworld was a sissy to use as my very own toy. Now that I had one, all Iwanted was to hold her close and tell her everything would be alright…butit wouldn’t. So I did what little I could, I told her, “You don’t have todo anything for me, Sakura. I just want you to get some relief. I’ll holdonto your cage, you just do whatever you need to do to cum.”She looked at me as if I had just spit in her face, I couldn’t understandit, there I was, trying to do her a favor and she looked horrified andbetrayed. I didn’t know what to say, what to do. She couldn’t say anything,it was up to me to figure out what I did wrong….and then it hit me. Ifelt like someone took my guts in their hand and twisted them in aknot…she couldn’t cum. The cage was off, but she didn’t dare cum on herown, and after all this time of putting the Masters’ pleasure first, shemight not even be able to get off without a Master there to use her. I wasso hard, but I hadn’t been able to get off on my own either. Suddenly Ifelt closer to her than ever before, and I wrapped my arms around her,pulling her head on my shoulder, whispering “I want you to take my cockout, and rub it against yours until we both cum.”She yelped again as she unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock with theskill and speed of a ninja. My cock was already dribbling precum as well,so there was no resistance as she took both in her hands and began slidingher hips up and down. Soon our throbbing pricks were sliding against oneanother like snakes in love, feeling like a million needles coated inhoneyed heroin were kissing my tender flesh. I felt something powerfulwelling up inside me, something even more urgent than the surging rush ofcum boiling in my balls ready to blow any moment. I pulled her head up, sawthe look of pained ecstasy in her eyes, and crushed my lips against hers indesperate attempt to burn away the shame…She whimpered into my open mouth and our tongues danced, sliding againstone another faster and faster keeping time to our slick sexes, ourwhimpers, moans, and yelps the music we waltzed to. It was a painfulmoment, haunting in its beauty and its paradox of perfect pleasure andpointless pain. If only the moment could last forever, our perfect union, aconnection based on kindness and a mutually selfless expression ofsensuality. It would be Heaven…and Hell…Because even as we ascended closer and closer to Heaven as our bodies weregrinding against one another, the flames of Hell possessively refused tolet us go, the pain of unrequited lust creating an emptiness deeper thanany love we could hope to fill it with. What I wanted was to stay like thisforever, what I NEEDED was to cum right away, before I suffered permanentbrain damage. Heaven and Hell, a pleasure chased that can only be attainedwhen you let it lose, a connection more profound in the separation than inthe union…it was all so fucking zen. But I didn’t have time forphilosophy, and neither did Sakura, apparently. She cried out, “Please,Mastersan, please humor this sissy’s inept efforts and cum. I can notdishonor myself by cumming first, but oh fuck me sideways, I need to cum sofucking bad!”Hearing her voice tear apart as a raw savage b**st ripped itself free wasall it took to send me careening over the edge, my cock kissed by a millionangels, their burning lips sending my spirit soaring, all across Sakura’sblouse. A millisecond later, Sakura sobbed as her body shook violently, athick load shaking free and landing on my polo. We both just held eachother until the tremors stopped, my skin tingling as I came back downgently to the earth. I wanted to enjoy this moment free from shame or doubtfor as long as I could, but Sakura landed a little harder than I did. Shecried out, “Please, most generous and magnanimous Mastersan, please forgivethis lowly sissy for desecrating you with her vile waste. I will commitseppuku at once!”I didn’t wait to find out if she meant a metaphorical disembowelment,reassuring her, “Don’t worry, Sakura, I have plenty of shirts. I’m justglad we were able to help each other. If you like, I can hold onto thiscage for you so you can breathe a little easier.” She seemed immenselygrateful for my forgiveness, which made me feel a little uncomfortable, asit reminded me of the yawning chasm between our roles. But when I offeredto keep her cage, her expression turned to one of horror, as if I’dcasually suggested she sleep in a snake pit.”Please, Mastersan, this pathetic sissy is not as brave and powerful asyou. She does not dare invite the wrath of Darriussan upon her if he findsher without a cage. I beg you with all my soul, please lock me back up.”and as I silently locked her cock back in its painfully confining chastitycage, I was reminded of the even greater gap between men like Darius andmen like me. But for the first time, I couldn’t say if he was stronger thanme, or just crueler. I suppose it didn’t matter to Sakura, that knowledgewouldn’t protect her from his sadistic whimsy. As I gave her leave andwatched her walk away with those tiny, shameful steps of hers, I hoped Iwould find a way to truly help her someday…but first I would have to finda way to help myself.I spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening lost inthought. I kept asking myself how could I help myself, and was there anyonewho could help me? I wanted to believe Isabella could, but I didn’t knowwhich side of her to trust. Was she the malicious minx that loved nothingmore than leading me on and letting me down, or was she the kind and gentlesoul that took care of me when I was in my cups? Maybe she was both, maybeshe played her vicious little games to help herself, a defense mechanism tokeep her from giving in completely to the siren call of surrender. If thatwas the case, maybe we could help each other. I was resolved to try, and Inow thanks to Sakura, I knew just how to connect to her…When she came into my room she was wearing a too tight school girl outfitthat I immediately recognized as Sakura’s. While on Sakura it was cut togive the impression of a demure innocence, on Isabella her extra heightmade the skirt shockingly short, and her more prominent attributes made itimpossible for her to button the top of her shirt, leaving her cleavage allbut spilling out. She seemed to enjoy the effect it was having on me,”Sakura told me how you played sissy chicken with her today, so I thoughtmaybe you wanted to play the same game with me. I can’t wait to see wholasts the longest.”I didn’t know what she meant by a game. I was just helping Sakura out, itwasn’t a competition. And I sure wouldn’t have played it if I knew theycalled it ‘sissy chicken’. I still wanted to do the same with Isabella, itwasn’t to prove anything about who was stronger, I just wanted to be closerto her. I decided to take a gamble in hopes that if I played the game herway, maybe we would connect the way Sakura and I did, and then she wouldn’tcare who ‘won’. “Alright, I’ll play. But, isn’t there anywhere safer toplay than here? We can’t keep doing this in my room, the door won’t evenlock.”I regretted my prudence when she told me that the safest place to playsissy games was in the basement. No one ever went down there at night andwe’d have the place all to ourselves, not counting the eager sissyaudience. So with all the courage I could muster, and a damn sight more Iwas just faking, I followed her into the basement. I was surprised to seethere weren’t any sissies in the cages and more than a little relieved. Ifthey were all gone too, then maybe this wouldn’t end in embarrassment. Butshe just smiled and took me by the hand further into the basement, furtherthan my step-father had taken me on his threatening tour. I wondered justhow big the basement was and started to think it was more like anunderground compound when the winding tunnels finally led us to a roomfilled with whispered giggles.We stepped into a room filled with cots, enough to hold a sissy army. Iwondered just how many sissies Darren planned to own. All the other sissieswere there…Sakura wearing only her cage. blushing and looking away as wemade eye contact…Bambi practicing pouting in front of a mirror, turningwith a giggle as she saw me in the reflection….Lola a look of haughtypassion on her face as she sat on Cunt’s back, slapping her ass to get herto carry her around the room…the look of serenity on Cunt’s slack facetelling me it wasn’t entirely forced…they all turned to me in stunnedsurprise, and Isabella finally broke the silence. “Well Master, this iswhere we sleep. They would probably just keep us in the cages overnight,but they don’t want our skin getting those nasty grid marks now do they?””I…I guh guh guess not…” my stuttering sputter was returning with avengeance. I didn’t like the hungry look the sissies were giving me and allof the sudden I wondered what the stakes of this not so little gamewhere. “Uhm what eh eh exactly is the gah gah game, Isabella?”She took me by the hand, and led me to the center of the room, I feltsurrounded by sissies, crowded by their eyes, I just stared dumbly as shestarted unbuttoning her shirt, when she saw the clueless expression on myface, she laughed and said, “What are you waiting for, Master? We both haveto be naked to play sissy chicken.”I started pulling off my clothes as fast as I could, I had no idea whatsissy chicken was, and yet there I was, standing before her absolutelynaked, my cock already aching, dripping precum on the floor at the sight ofher so soft and so hard at the same time, I hoped she wouldn’t notice, butof course she did, “Oh this won’t do at all. If you want to win at sissychicken you’ll have to last longer than this. The rules are simple, we bothrub our cute little clits together in a race to see who cums first, onlywho ever finishes first, comes in last. I’d tell you what happens to thesticky little loser, but I don’t want you to cum before we can even getstarted.”I saw the fire burning in her eyes again, threatening to melt me on thespot, I looked around the room, and saw that they were all waiting for itto happen. Licking their lips in anticipation of what was to cum. I don’tknow why, but I had the craziest notion that I might actually be able towin this time. I had lost every battle of wills I’d ever had with her, butin a way, that gave me an advantage. She wouldn’t be expecting achallenge. And I gambled everything on that, hoping not only to win thegame, but hopefully her heart. Somehow I just knew that if I could onlyconnect with her as equals, just once, we could put all the games aside.I stepped closer and she took my cock in her hand, smearing my copiousleakage all over her smooth sissy stick, and then began rubbing it againstmine. I knew from the moment she put her other hand on my chin and liftedmy gaze to hers that I was doomed. The sharp angle of her smirk cut me downto size…the tip of her tongue stuck out of the other side of her mouth,ready to lap me up…her nostrils flared like a savage b**st stoking thefires that made her cheeks flush with anticipation, a single bead of sweatrunning down her smooth skin, making me wish I was tall enough to lick itoff…her eyes held me prisoner, the reflection of a simpering sissytrapped inside them. I tried to look away in one last futile effort to holdout just a little longer, but that only made things worse. I saw her cockdwarf mine as it crushed against it, pushing it into my soft stomach, hercock-head poked my belly button with every thrust of her hips, making mefeel penetrated and helpless. My puny penis was covered in my slick juices,it gave no resistance as her superior member mashed against it, squeezingmore and more out until I was thrust my hips back against her, not to tryand make her cum first, but to end this sorry spectacle my legs buckling asevery muscle went rubbery in response to my sticky spasm. My tiny prickoblivious to the shame of it ecstatic eruption sending a warm buzzthroughout me that lasted just long enough for Isabella to pick up my limpbody, her muscles popping from underneath her silken skin, and hover meright over her cock.I came to my senses in time to realize my asshole was puckered around thetip of her cock and I was about to get stud fucked by my sissy in front ofa live studio audience. “Please, I AIEEEEEEE!” My leakage had made her cockslick, and my tight little hole was no match for the forces of gravity. Icursed Issac Newton as my legs wrapped themselves around her and my faceburied itself in the nape of her neck, hiding my shameful blush in herraven locks…”Tee hee Make him your little fuck dolly, Isabella!’ Bambi bubbled,reaching into her panties and stroking herself feverishly as Isabellapulled me off of her cock, every inch a revelation. Every time I got fuckedI discovered something new about my treacherous body. How the slightestangle could be the difference between Heaven or Hell, and take me that muchcloser to the place where they were one and the same.”Si, pound this puta’s culo until she cries for her papi” Lola had gotteninto the show with a frightening zeal, taking poor Cunt by her ears andrubbing her tanned cock across her face until she began obediently takingit all the way down her throat. The look in Cunt’s eyes terrified me morethan anything, it was one of recognition…seeing the bitch in me surrenderto the physics of a phallus pushing into me all the way down to the hilt,pounding my prostate and sending a chain reaction to every raw nerve in myass. I clenched down on it, felt my asshole milk her hard hot flesh formore sensation. I needed to feel more, to drown my mind in dick dopeddrool, to escape this nightmarish reality for just as long as she couldkeep fucking me…I looked to Sakura for support, hoping to find a single pair of kind eyesin the crowd. Instead I saw the same hazy hunger. I wasn’t a Master to heranymore, wasn’t even an equal, I was just a sissy chicken and she had nosympathy for anyone weaker than herself. “Yes! Fuck her harder Isabellasan!Send this sissy to the Hell of Never ending Cum!” I thought I might alreadybe there, I couldn’t tell if I was cumming anymore, her cock had trulytransformed my asshole into a wet cunt, and my body into a vessel forunholy orgasms. Possessing me like foul mouthed demons, twisting my lipsinto a lewd moan, screaming “fuck me Mommy! Fuck me MOMMMEEEEE! Make youyour little cum dump whore! EEEEEEEEEEE!”Time slowed as she swelled inside me, her cum shooting up inside me sendingme careening off her cock and through the basement ceiling, blastingthrough the floors and out the roof, piercing the sky and cutting throughthe clouds, burning up as I broke through the atmosphere like some reversecomet, streaking past the speed of light past the edge of the universe,reaching that perfect place where nothing exists, not even me. Everythingwas empty…it was Nirvana…I crashed back down to Earth just as suddenly, Isabella dropped me to thefloor and laughed as the sissies scrambled to suck her cum out of my abusedasshole, to lick her clean in tribute to her triumphant victory. I curledinto a little ball, trying to block out everything trying to get back tothat wonderful nothingness…”Hee hee Look! He sucks his thumb! I thoughtonly I did that!” Bambi tittered. Luckily I must have hit my head when Ilanded, because I blacked out, finally escaping.I came to in spurts, feeling Isabella pick me up and check to see if I wasokay…”Jussssst a liiiiiittle buuuuuump. Whaaaaaat a sssssssissssssyyyy”Carrying me out of the basement….sneaking me back up to my room…tuckingme in…and giving me a little kiss on the bump when she was positive I wasalready passed out…It had been a good day after all…ThursdayI woke up sore, and sorely vexed, with Isabella’s morning wood sliding upand down between my ass cheeks as she cooed in my ear “Goooooodmooooorning, Master. Were you dreaming of me? Dreaming of my fat sissysausage sliding up your cute little boi pussy? Well guess what, you’redreams are about to cum true…”I leaped out of bed, angry at how she used me last night and afraid I wasabout to let her do the same this morning. She looked amused at my suddenoutburst and I saw that she had changed outfits for me again, this timewearing a much too small Girl Scouts Uniform, only bright pink with ‘SissyScouts’ emblazoned on the shoulder. I saw various badges for anal andcrafts, tuzla escort bayan ass to mouth respiration, cumminity service. In one hand she heldup her lacy pink thong, and the other a new badge, “Aww, don’t you want toearn your deep throating badge today?”She wasn’t even trying to trick me anymore. She thought I was so brokenthat I’d willingly surrender without even the illusion of a fight, and as Ilicked my lips, I saw where I might have given her that impression. But Idrew a line, then and there. Whatever I was…man, sissy, or something elseentirely, I deserved better than her. And I let her know it. “No, Isabella,I don’t want anything from you. Now or ever. I don’t want you to come nearme. So why don’t you…” I was about to tell her to lock herself in one ofthose horrible cages, but just the image of it twisted my guts into aknot. No matter how much she hurt me, I still couldn’t bring myself to hurther back. “why don’t you clean up around the house?”I turned my back on her sullen pout before I couldn’t stop myself fromkissing it off her face…and with that, I was free…or so I’d hoped. Butwith every step I took away from her, the closer she was to mythoughts. All I wanted was for her to look at me with those kind eyes allthe time, that soft smile melting into mine in a never ending kiss. But Iknew that would never happen. If I did see her softer side again, it wouldonly be to play another sick little game. I was tired of being her CharlieBrown, always giving her another chance to pull the football away at thelast moment…only instead of landing on the hard ground, I fell onto herhard cock.I spent a good ten minutes trying to shake THAT image out of my head, anddecided to do something to keep it out. I headed down to the gym for thefirst time in my life, determined to make something of myself. I changedinto a tank top, workout shorts and sneakers, and I was fired up, I wasraring to go, I was chewing up matches and spitting fire…I was completelylost…where was I supposed to start?I decided to try something simple, that even I could figure out, andgrabbed some free weights to do curls. I looked around for the lightestone, but all I could find was fifty pounds. So taking my good right handand gripping it as tightly as I could, I lifted with all my might. Painsteadily stabbed it’s way up my arm, but I tried to push through it,knowing that with punishment comes reward, and managed to lift it severalinches off the ground before feeling it pull me down to the ground. It wasstrange, there was only room for one hand, but how was anyone supposed tolift fifty pounds with one hand?I looked around for something more humanly possible, and settled on atreadmill. I fiddled with the controls until I found the slowest pace andeasiest virtual track and began running in place as the belt moved below myfeet. I felt the impact travel all the way up to my buttocks and I setforth to see how far I could push myself. But after a ten or so minutes,the routine was still somehow going…my legs felt like knives weredragging up and down them and my lungs felt like I was breathing batteryacid. And then the machine sped up…set to a blistering ‘jog’ and hurlingme to the ground, landing right on my pride…It wasn’t fair…my step-brothers made exercise look so easy. I brieflyconsidered asking one of them to help train me, but immediately rejectedit. I could just imagine what Dirk would say if he saw me failing at thelowest levels of fitness training. “Holy shit. You’re even more patheticthan I thought. How can you even call yourself a man?” I looked up at thetowering mass of muscles leering down at me and realized with a start thatI wasn’t just imagining his voice…”YEEP! I uh I mean hi, Dirk. I was just…well I was trying to…I don’tknow…” and I really didn’t know. Suddenly I didn’t know anything. Dirkwas pulling me up to my feet, his usual shit eating grin plastered on hisaggressively handsome face his eyes looking at me with the same casualcontempt as always, but there was something new in them today as well,something I didn’t want to put a finger on…”Well, I uh buh buh better begoing.” I spoke into the ground and waited for him to let go of my reedlike arms.”I know what you need…” he said, his hands moving up and down my arms,squeezing them slightly as if to feel for nonexistent muscles. I yelped inpain, but he just pulled my hand and placed it on his twitching pecs, hisskin tan and slick from his warm ups, he moved my hand further down therocky path of his chiseled abs, down towards his tight fitting work outshorts already bulging with him still soft. “You need this body, don’tyou?”I could barely speak. What was he saying? I didn’t want his body. I wasstraight…ish…I mean, sure I was in love with sissy cock, but that wasattached to a soft angel faced succubus, not some huge muscle bear of aman. But once he said it, I did start to have my doubts. I couldn’t denythat a part of me got off on being humiliated and dominated…okay, afrighteningly large part of me. And if a sissy could bully the cum out ofme, I could only imagine what Dirk could do. But I didn’t want it, notreally…”I…do?”I felt his laugh roll through him like thunder. “Of course you do. And ifyou do every last thing I tell you to do…” he spun me around sending myhead into a tailspin, “and fight every instinct your body gives you tellingyou to stop..,” he pushed me down so my body slumped over, but with hishands on my hips keeping my ass up and out, “then I’ll work you hard andlong…” he kicked my legs apart until my thighs burned with the strain, myheart was beating a mile a minute. I thought I might end up the first manto overexert himself from a warm up. “Then I’ll give you what you need.”His groin pressed against my ass…I was terrified. What was he going todo? Why wasn’t I telling him to stop, well besides it being pointless? Andwhy wasn’t he hard? If he wasn’t about to **** me, then what was he talkingabout?”So, let’s start off with toe touches and then do some jumping jacks. Oncewe’ve got you nice and limber we’ll move onto some weights. Trust me,Byron, with me as your personal trainer you’ll have a body like mine in notime.” I like to think I was more relieved than disappointed. Either way,there was no way out of the gym but through Dirk, and that meant touchingmy toes. Which was easier said than done…Pain gnawed at muscles I didn’t know I had, every joint aching and ready tosnap like a twig. But I remembered feeling Isabella’s thick rod in mythroat, and thinking I couldn’t go another centimeter, then pushing pastthe pain to go another few inches…”Another…few…inches…UNNGH!” Imanaged to graze the tops of my sneakers with tips of my fingers and rosein a triumphant roar. “YES! I did it!” I turned around to see Dirk staringat me in bemused surprise.”Well normally, you do at least twenty, but since this is your first day,we’ll let you off easy. Now let’s see those titties bounce.” I was burningup at his condescending tone and the way he talks about me as if I was awomen, but I figured it was just Dirk being Dirk, and I did need thehelp. I began jumping up and down throwing my limbs in all directions andDirk stood their laughing for a moment before saying, “Stop, stop,stop. You’re doing it all wrong. Here, I’ll show you.” He started into hisjumps, his legs and arms pulling out to a perfect star in the air andmoving back down straight as he landed. After starting off slowly, he toldme to join in.I was able to get the hang of it quicker than I expected, and it wasn’t asrigorous as touching my toes. Soon I had gotten into the same slow, steadyrhythm he was in, feeling the soreness start to weigh down my limbs just ashe started to speed up. I tried to keep up, but he became a blur of tautmuscles and sweat flying, by the time he was finished I was collapsed onthe floor wheezing, watching him bounce hypnotically. “Pathetic, butadmittedly, a little less pathetic than I expected. Now, get up, sissy,it’s time to get pumped.”I blushed when I realized he meant lifting weights. And tried to ignore theconfusing signals this model of manhood was sending out. He motioned me tolay back down on a weight bench and moved right behind my head, so that hisballs were almost resting on my temple. He pulled out a bar with two tinyweights at the end saying, “Normally, these are for going up gradually fromsomething like 350 to 375 before jumping straight up to 400, but for alittle while at least, we’ll need to build you up on these.” he droppedthem into my hands, and they almost crushed my chest, before I managed tokeep them hovering just above me.”Come on…you can do it, feel those titties burn and lift that motherfucker. I’ll spot you if you can’t do a full rep, but just lift it uponce.” I wanted to prove I could do that much. I felt like my arms wouldsplit open at any second, but I managed to get them up to his waitingarms. And then I did something that surprised even me. I held them inplace, and lowered them slowly down to my chest. “There you go. There mightbe some hope for you yet.” I swelled with pride and felt a surge ofstrength travel through me, lifting the bar in one powerful thrust.I wanted to see how far I could take myself, and again lowered the bar, andagain raised it. After a while the pain became just another sensation. AndI looked up at Dirk to see how I was doing, immediately regretting it whenI saw his bulge looming over me. Every time I did a rep, I imagined whathis cock might look like. It looked fatter than his dad’s, would it be aslong? I knew I shouldn’t even be curious about it, but it was literallystaring me in the face. In the end, I said, “Can’t take it any more…” andhanded Dirk the weights, hoping he’d think I was talking about theexercises…He peeled me off the table effortlessly with one arm and said, “Not bad foryour first time. Now for the best part of the work out, feeling thatadrenaline wash over you as you take a nice hot shower and ease those soremuscles. Come on, follow me.” I was a little surprised to see our gym camewith it’s own showers, but with the size of the place, I suppose Ishouldn’t have been. I was extremely self conscious about showering infront of Dirk, so I couldn’t believe my luck when he said. “Well I thinkyou can handle this part by yourself. I’m going to go start my workout.”I peeled off my rank sweaty clothes and turned on the hot water, letting ithit my skin with a hiss, burning away the stink of sweat. I turned it downto a warm downpour and began soaping up my aching muscles. It felt so goodto feel something soft and slippery after working so hard, and before longI was struggling to stifle a moan as I cupped my plump buttocks and slidthem up and down against one another. I imagined what Dirk would say if hesaw me like this, “Ha! I always knew you were a sissy.” and when I felt hishard cock slip between my ass cheeks and his hand close around my neck, Irealized I wasn’t imagining it.”No…I…I…”I tried to protest, but I could barely breathe…I couldfeel his muscles pressed hard against my back, and I struggled against him,but that only made my ass writhe around his fat cock, hugging it tightly. Istopped before he thought I was doing it on purpose. With his free hand, hereached around and tweaked my nipple forcing a pained moan out even pasthis grip on my throat.”I always knew you wanted my cock, your fear filled eyes were just beggingme to pop your cherry, but after seeing the way you’ve been swaying thosehips lately, I’d say someone beat me to it.” I started to panic…he knew!He was going to tell my step-father and I was going to end up in thebasement! I tried to calm myself, he had no proof, he was justbluffing…or so I hoped.”Look at you…scared stiff are you?” His hand closed around my cock, ashorribly hard as it’s ever been and leaking in his grip. “Maybe I’ll do youa favor. Maybe I’ll force my fat cock up your ass and you can tell yourselfit was ****. No one would ever believe you if you told of course. Hell, Icould drag you still with your ass still leaking cum to my dad and tell himyou begged me for it, and he’d believe me. Shit, by the time I’m done, youwill be begging me for it…”I felt the head of his cock pushing at my entrance, threatening to tearinto shreds. I’d never had anything this wide up inside me before, and Ididn’t know if it would fit…or if it would be worse if it did. I justknew that whether I wanted it or not, I was about to get fucked until I didwant it, and then dragged like the spoils of war and laid at mystep-father’s table, doomed to a life of slavery. So why was I still sohard? Why couldn’t I fight past the haze to at least whimper a customaryobjection? I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable…and them Iheard the low roll of thunderous laughter…”Sorry, sissy, but you just aren’t my type. I like a sissy with a figure,not a flat chested little girl like you.” He dropped me to the floor in asobbing heap, his laughter echoing off the tile walls as he left assuddenly as he came and echoing in my head long after that. After whatseemed like an eternity, I pulled myself up off the floor feeling beatenand violated. The fact that he didn’t actually stick his cock up my ass wasjust a formality. I had been well and truly fucked. And the cherry on topof the shame sundae? I was still hard…I wasted no time going up to my room and drinking myself into a stupor,half hoping I’d get alcohol poisoning and would never have to see Dirk’ssmug smirk ever again. I knew it would leave me vulnerable to Isabella ifshe surprised me in the morning again, but that seemed like a minorembarrassment at that point. I pulled the covers over my head and held ontomy pillow tight, curling up into a fetal position and feeling the room rockme like I was back in the womb…and then…nothing…FridayI woke up screaming, not sure if it was from the nightmare alreadydissolving in the light of day, or the realization that I wasn’t going towake up from the nightmare my real life had turned into. I felt likehammered shit that had been left in the sun all day, and somehow I knewthis would probably be the highlight of my day. But I didn’t want to thinkabout what the day might bring, about having to avoid every living soul inthe house for fear of humiliation or worse. And I sure didn’t want toconsider how long I expected to last at this rate. I just wanted to keep mythrobbing head down and take it one agonizing step at a time…Which wasn’t made any easier due to the fact I hadn’t cum in 24 hours. Andwith all the ‘action’ I had been getting lately, that was like dog years,the more I got, the more I missed it when it was gone. I made the first ofwhat I was sure would be many stupid decisions that day and went to lookfor Isabella. I needed a cure for my hangover and she always carried onewith her. I looked high and low for her and finally found her on the firstfloor, conspicuously dusting the floor in a French Maid’s outfit by bendingat the hip and showing off her gorgeous garters biting into her ass, herblack lace cheeky panties showing off the seductive slope of her ass whileleaving enough covered to make me want to see more. I walked up behind herand gave her a slow squeeze…”ooOoooh. Master! I knew you couldn’t stay mad for long.” She turned andpulled her mouth into mine, kissing away the dismissive comment on the tipof my tongue and painting it with her own, putting sweet words of surrenderin my mouth as we fumbled into an open room. I checked to see if it lockedbehind me…thankfully it did. Now all we had to do was moan quietly andwe’d be home free.I couldn’t stop caressing every inch of her with my eyes. I don’t know ifabsence made the heart grow fonder, but it sure made the cock growharder. And she had to pick my biggest weakness…maids. My first eroticfumblings both set my lifelong fascination and the lifelong ban on maids,my mother finding me nursing on a buxom young maid at age five, a hundreddollar bill in her blouse and milk dribbling off my lips. I’m sure Freudwould say that all of my problems stemmed from my mother refusing to breastfeed me as a c***d, but sometimes paying a maid to let you nurse on her isjust paying a maid to let you nurse on her. Whatever the cause, they weremy Achilles’ heel, only of Achilles was soft all over and just extra softon his heel. Unfortunately for me, Isabella noticed…”It’s about time! I’m been wearing the cutest outfits all week waiting foryou to find one you just had to try on. And I finally found it. Do you wantto be my sexy little maid, Byron? Or should I call you…Belle?” She beganslowly stripping off her clothes and flinging them at my feet. I tried totell myself I just liked seeing her in them, but as each piece fell to theground and my eyes followed it instead of ogling her naked flesh…I knewthere was no point k**ding myself…”Yes, Mistress. Please…call me Belle.” I don’t know if it was anothercase of her planting a virulent seed or if I was already too fertile, butlost in the moment, I didn’t care. I was ready for one more try at kickingthat football, as I slipped on her panties and felt the lace rub my cockmaddeningly…her stockings kissing my legs continually with softness…thegarters she helped me put on tugging at them in constant reminder…acorset clinched tight around me in a lover’s embrace giving me a slightlywomanly curve, making me light headed and giddy from lack of breath…theshort ruffled skirt and low cut top, made for only just covering my girlishass, that is until I twirled to turn around or bent over to pick upthings…the little bonnet, so innocent and erotic at the same time. Icould barely sit still, squirming in manic desire as she put on my make up,making me the perfect vision of domestic slavery…By the time she said, “Belle, my cock is dirty. I need you to clean it,”it was already in my mouth…and before long, I heard her say, “That’s agood little, sissy. I told you that you could take the whole thing.” I feela sense of ashamed accomplishment as I feel her smooth balls rest on herchin and smell her intoxicating mix of pomegranate and a hint of musk as mynose crushes into her smooth taut torso. This was the last time. It had tobe. We couldn’t keep sneaking around waiting for a chance for a furtivefuck or speedy suck. And if I got caught…no, I didn’t even want toimagine what it would be like to be stuck in that sissy hell down in thebasement. At least not until after I came inside her pretty lacepanties…and then never again…It didn’t take long for either of us, apparently I wasn’t the only one thatdidn’t get to cum the night before…I felt her throbbing inside me, andheard a perverse voice shout, “No…on my face…please, cum on my face!”That I realized with a whimper belonged to me. Before I could change mymind, and I’m not sure I wanted to, she had pulled out and was ready toblow…time slowed to a crawl as I saw the veins in her cock pulse and theneverything went white.My eyes stung as a hot load of cum coated my face, but I obediently waitedfor her to lick them clean. Enjoying the frustration and wanting thismoment to last as long as possible. When I finally felt her soft tonguepetting my face, I just melted into her arms. Completely submissive andaccepting what ever delicacies she decided to share with me by spittingthem slowly into my mouth. Was that asparagus roasted in duck fat that Idetected hints of? I swore I’d pin down that taste some day, I just neededmore samples.My hangover cured, and the buzz still keeping me floating above the pit ofdespair and regret, I wanted to make this last as long as possible. Afterall, it would have been a shame to waste a good French Maidoutfit. “Please, Mistress, please fuck me…I’ll be a good little maidslave, I swear.” She laughed as she led me over to a nearby desk, so thatshe could fuck me standing up. I expected her to tease me more, but I guessshe needed it almost as much as I did at that point. She simply greased myboi pussy with spit and cum and stretching me while I moaned around herfingers, and then pushed her cock inside me. I wasn’t sure if she whimperedor I did, but either way, we both knew what we wanted at that moment. Shewanted to fuck me hard and I wanted to get fucked…hardThat was when I noticed I was looking out a window and that we’d forgottento close the blinds…and when I saw that twerpy little runt, Dale, statingthrough the window with a sadistic smile carved across his face. That waswhen I knew I was about to get fucked…hard…and that it would never.”I can explain…” I was standing in a French Maid outfit, with a sissy’scum still dripping from my chin because as usual she missed a spot, and Ihad just been caught bent over a desk getting pounded from behind…all Ineeded to make it the perfect shit storm was for Dale to notice my cock wasstick disturbingly hard in my panties for some mind boggling reason…”Heh…this should be great. Okay, explain yourself.” If Dale’s grin grewany wider, his face would have split in two, but I wasn’t so lucky. Therunt of the litter amongst my domineering dickhead step-brothers, he wassavoring this opportunity to feel like a real man instead of a brattytwerp. He stood there looking at me as if he actually expected me toexplain myself. Isabella looked on with the same morbid curiosity, stillstroking her hard cock waiting for a chance to use it…”well, aren’t yougoing to explain why I just saw you getting fucked by your sissy?””Oh…sorry, I didn’t actually think you’d give me a chance toexplain…uh, I’ve got nothing…it’s exactly what it looks like…whatelse could it be? But please…” I was about to ask him not to tell, andthen I realized how stupid that was. Even before I got my very own sissyslave he hated me like poison. And since I made the sublimely stupiddecision to slap him in his snotty little face, I think it’s safe to say hewouldn’t piss on me if I was on fire. Then again, maybe he would piss onme, but only so he could set me on fire again afterward.”Please what? Please don’t tell anyone? Please don’t drag my sissy ass outof this room and show my step-brothers what a perverted little pussy boi Iam?” I cringed as I imagined what Dirk would do if saw me dressed likethis. He probably would have made an exception to his ‘no flat chestedsissies’ policy just to put me in my place. The thought of what hisbludgeon of a cock would do to my asshole made me wince…and whimpershamefully. As for Darius, I couldn’t begin to imagine what he did to poorCunt that made her screams ring out from his room at night, but I had afeeling he wouldn’t hesitate to enlighten me if he saw me dressed likethis. But even as I tried to block out the image of his dead eyes leeringat my tortured flesh, I couldn’t stop thinking about the look of almostreligious fervor in Cunt’s eyes when she looked up at him. A tiny, twistedpart of me couldn’t help wondering what it felt like to be so completelydevoted, so totally destroyed. Lately, it had come to seem a temptingalternative to facing reality.”Is that not it? Hmm maybe it’s please don’t tell my monomanicallymasculine step-father that I’ve spit cum all over his familytradition…but then again, I’ll bet you’re more of a swallower, aren’tyou?” I swallowed a gulp as I saw my step-father using my sissy like apiece of fuck meat, and I couldn’t help but shudder and squirm now that itwas the image of him doing the same to me, only much less gentle twistedsimmering in my mind. I tried to picture myself as hating every sweat slicksecond, but with all I’d been put through in the last week, all I could seewas my lost little gurl look staring back into the mirror that torturedlust stamped across my face advertising to anyone that saw it that I was adick desperate sissy and that I’d do anything to cum. I couldn’t decidewhich would be worse, the cold hard reality that my step-father woulddeliver me to Hell personally to ensure I did not enjoy a single whimper ofmy punishment, or if my demented day dreams came true, and I really didlove being turned out by the man that had robbed me of everything.”Or maybe, just maybe, it’s please, Dale, show me how a real man treats asissy. If you do, I’ll make sure you never have a dry hard on everagain. Is that it? Because honestly, as much fun as watching dad tear youapart with his bear hands, it’s not enough. I would still spend another twoyears a walking hard on. But now…if you want me to keep your littlesecret, you’ll provide me with my very own kept sissy to use and abusewhenever I feel like it.” Throughout his entire tirade, Dale puffed hischest, curled his pouty lips into an almost impressive snarl, and tried toadd so much weight to his voice that I thought his diaphragm might popunder the strain. He was a little boy, playing at being a man…and thatfrightened me even more than both his brothers and father combined. Theyhad nothing to prove, but Dale, I shuddered to think what he’d do to poorIsabella to prove himself a ‘real man’…”Sigh…fine, you can use Isabella whenever you want. As long as you nevertell anyone what you saw today.” I felt like I was chewing out a piece ofmy own heart. I still didn’t know why Isabella played the games she did,and I still didn’t know if the kindness she’d shown me was little rays ofthe real Isabella shining through the clouds or just more smoke andmirrors, but I knew one thing for certain…when she looked at me with hereyes filled with wet contempt, I knew I’d lost whatever it was we mighthave had. She could never respect me as a Master now that I’d proven myselfthe worst kind of coward, the kind that would let someone else suffer inhis place, and I’d lost any sympathy she had for me as a sissy as well fordelivering her to such a pale imitation of a real Master. I didn’t thingscould get any worse. But of course, things could always get worse…”Who said anything about using your sissy…” Dale grabbed a clump of myhair and pulled my neck back with a sudden painful lurch, before I couldscream, his lips had formed a seal against mine, I screamed futilely intohis mouth as his tongue wriggled against mine like a diseased worm. Hisfree hand slipped below my absurdly short skirt and groped my buttocksclumsily. He had all the finesse of a thirteen year old’s first fumblingwith his cock, and half the discipline. He slobbered on my cheek as hebroke the kiss and then looking at me with a confused mixture of absolutelust and hatred, spat at me, “God damn you for being so beautiful…” Andthen his hand was a blur, I heard the blow before I felt it, my eyesstinging as I left an arc of tears following me to the ground.Dale stood over me, panting, his face red with rage and desire, and Ididn’t know which to be more afraid of…or which one was starting to makemy cock stir to life in my panties…I begged my body…not him…anyonebut him…but she is a heartless bitch…or maybe a ruthlessbastard…either way, I knew things were about to get evenworse… “Well…what are you waiting for, sissy? We both already knowyou’re a little cock sucking slut…so pull out my dick and show me whatyou’ve learned from your sissy!”I was hesitant, but not for the reasons I thought I’d be. Not because hewas technically family…if anything, that paper thin distinction only madeit seem more taboo and illicit. And not because he was an asshole…no, theworse someone treated me, the faster I seemed to melt. And it wasn’tbecause he was a man…which was pretty terrifying to realize. Was I gay?Bi-sexual? Did it count as bi-sexual if I was attracted to both sissies andreal men? Whatever the answer, I couldn’t keep denying the sheer throbs ofpower I felt radiating off my step-father when he pounded my sissy in frontof my lust glazed eyes, or the way my asshole quivered when Dirk teased andhumiliated me in the gym. Maybe that’s all it was, the thrill ofsurrendering to a stronger force, losing all control and feeling free tojust enjoy the mindless bliss that followed. And that’s why I hesitated,not because Dale was a man, but because he most decidedly wasn’t…With Dale I couldn’t give myself the easy excuse of submitting to astronger force. In an extremely fucked up way, it felt natural to performdisgustingly unnatural acts at their bidding, because I’d always beenraised to believe that inferior people existed to serve theirbetters…only I used to think I was one of the betters. But Dale wasn’tbetter than me…I refused to believe that. He was just a snotty spoiledshit smear that reminded me so much of myself that I wanted to stranglehim…and yet there I was, fumbling with his zipper on his leather pants,which I can only assume where his failed attempt to look more intimidating,about to choke on his cock…”Come on, sissy! If you don’t have my cock inyour mouth by the time I count to three, then I’m telling my dad on you!””One..” I wanted to punch the tattletale right in his nuts, but instead Iwas pulling his cock out, cursing myself as I can feel it stirring in myhands, knowing just from one squeeze that it was bigger than mine. “Two…”much, much bigger. A little bigger than Isabella’s even, and just asthick. I wished he could have had an average sized three and a quarterinches like me, but no, he had to be hung like some kind of freak with analmost eight inch cock…”Thr-” I didn’t think as I ran my tongue slowly uphis cock and swirled it around his soft, spongy head. I blushed as Irealized that even though he tasted different than Isabella, I didn’t savorthe flavor any less. He was a little more robust, and I found myselfwondering if every cock had its own unique taste, and if so, what it wouldtake to become a true connoisseur. Then I remembered who that deliciousdong belonged to and I felt my stomach lurch. I pushed the thought out ofmy head even as I slipped Dale’s dick into it, my lips forming a tight sealaround the head to make sure it didn’t go anywhere before I could swirl mytongue around it.I decided to just switched off my brain and let Isabella’s lessons kickin. That made it easier for me to enjoy the taste of his pre-cum as Isucked it from his piss-slit, my hand pumping his spit slick shaft to tryand get more of his gooey goodness. Again I was flummoxed in trying toplace the taste. This had the same qualities as Isabella’s pre-delicacy,but also some more complex notes…was there a trace of sea urchin?Whatever it was, I knew I needed more to make an informed decision,preferably coating my face, mixing with what was left of Isabella’s earliereruption. I had hit a natural rhythm, operating on muscle memory and anatural instinct I would have been appalled to realize I had if I was stillcapable of rational thought. Instead I surrendered to the tender merciesof mindless pleasure; feeling my cock throb painfully in my panties as if Ivicariously got off on making a superior cock throb and swell in mymouth. And then Dale had to open his big fat mouth…”NNH Damn, I was going to start fucking with your head, you know, call youa sissy cocksucker and all that, but fuck if I you wouldn’t take it as acompliment right now.” I tried to ignore him, hating him for being soright. I felt his cockhead tickle my throat as he forced his way deeperinside me. His prick was curved upward, a different shape than Isabella’swhich produced a different sensation scr****g my throat: more raw, moreintense. I tried to drown out his words with the wet squelching soundscoming from my throat but he kept talking, “I mean, isn’t it a little moretraditional to at least pretend you aren’t loving this? I was kind oflooking forward to pushing my cock past your reluctance and fucking awayevery last bit of resistance. But look at you, with that dick drunk sissystare, all you need is some tits and no one could tell you apart from anyof the other harem gurls.”I couldn’t look at him anymore, his sharp tongue and piercing stare wherecutting through my dreamy haze, making me acknowledge the reality of what Iwas doing. Unfortunately, when I turned my eyes to the right, I sawIsabella stroking her hard clit, her eyes burning with contempt andpredatory lust. I couldn’t bear seeing that look in her eyes, not with mystep-brother’s balls resting on my chin as my throat closed around his hardmanhood, making me feel like the dizzy little sissy bitch was calling me. Ithrew my gaze to the left, hoping to find some small corner free from eyesthat seemed to see me all too clearly, but instead I found the worst pairyet…mine…There I was in the mirror, my mascara running as tears filled my eyes. Notfor the reasons they should have, because I was so ashamed of what I wasdoing that my soul was screaming out for forgiveness and my eyes weretrying to wash away the filth. No, I just was so desperate to be a goodlittle cocksucker that I was letting him use my throat like a cock sleeve,forcing tears as my blood pressured reached a boiling point. My flush facedid wonders for my make up, accentuating the smeared lipstick across mycheek and his cock and bringing out the lovely contrast of my pale comelyskin. I saw the look of mad lust in my eyes, the shame turning intosomething worse, something sick and depraved and sickly sweet delicious. Ididn’t see myself anymore; I saw a sissy slut maid: a living, sucking sextoy made to be used and abused. I wanted to see her body go tense as Dalefilled her with his arrogant seed. I wanted to see her stain her pantieswith sticky sissy spurts. But more than anything, I wanted to believe thatshe wasn’t really me. But I had the most terrible suspicion that she wasmore me than I’d ever been. I felt Dale’s cock surging in my throat and Iknew it would be soon. I bobbed my head back and forth in a frenziedfervor, frantically chasing the brain dead high that would let me escape myreflection for a few precious moments. That’s when Dale grabbed my hair inhis hands and pulled me off his cock in one savage yank…”Jesus H Fuck! What the Hell happened to you? A few days ago you thoughtyou were man enough to slap me in the face, and now you’re whimperingbecause I pulled you off of my cock. Is this even blackmail anymore? Youlook like a sissy, walk like a sissy, you dress like a sissy, and youdefinitely suck cock like a sissy. Seems to me like you’d want me to tellon you. Maybe then dad will throw you down in the basement with the othersissies where you belong.” Without his pulse pounding deafeningly on mytongue, I was beginning to hear myself think more clearly. As I did, Icouldn’t help but wonder if he was right. This week had been onehumiliating experience after another, wearing me down to a soft smoothlittle nub leaking in my panties at the thought of being collared like thenaughty little bitch I was. I would immediately recoil in horror at thethought of being sent down into that living Hell, only to wonder if itmight be my salvation. Dressed as I was, humiliated and horny, it wasimpossible to think straight, and I was too scared of where it might leadif I started thinking sissy. Which left only one alternative…I had tostop thinking altogether. But to do that, I’d have to convince Dale tostick his cock back inside me.”Please…” I looked up at him, stupidly searching for some semblance ofmercy for a moment, “please…” I could barely form the thought, much lessthe words. The idea of debasing myself even further for the amusement of alittle boy made me want to vomit…but he was a little boy with a big cock,and I needed it to escape the shame of wanting it in the first place. So Ivomited up the words, “Please, please fuck me…muh muh gah guh” I couldn’tsay it; couldn’t call him Master. Not with that razor sharp gleam in hiseyes, ready to cut me to ribbons. I knew I’d never live it down if Isubmitted so completely to him, but then I realized that sucking his cockand begging to get fucked was probably not going to be laughed off asmadcap shenanigans either. In for a penny, in for a pounding…”Please,Master, please fuck me…I need it.”I yelped as he pulled me off the ground by my hair and dragged me over tothe bed. I tried looking over to Isabella for some sign of support, but allI saw was contempt. She looked at me like I was just another needy littlesissy slut, the kind she had to play den mother too down in the basement. Iknew in that moment, that I would never be a Master in her eyes, never be aman, and as a sissy, apparently I left a lot to be desired…but judging bythe way he tossed me on the bed and leapt between my legs, I was desirableenough for Dale.I tried to suppress a girlish squeal of delight as Dale lifted my legsover my head, pulled off my panties, and aimed his cock at my quiveringhole, but I guess I didn’t do a very good job. “Holy shit…you even gigglelike a fucking sissy. Really…it’s pathetic, but also kind of hot. Ialmost wish you really were one of the harem gurls so we could get you somefat titties and whatever to complete your look. But then I wouldn’t get toplow your ass for another two years, so I’ll take a flat chested step-sissyover none at all.” I squirmed in an almost unendurable mixture of pride,embarrassment, and aching need. I knew I would regret it just moments afterI came, and a tiny part of me regretted it even then, but the hunger wastoo great…not just for the escape of a mind melting orgasm, but also myvanity’s voracious appetite. I had always been praised and adored withoutever having to do anything to deserve it. That is, until thesestep-mother-fuckers moved in and took away my life. So why was it that theywere the ones I wanted to prove myself to? I wanted it so bad that I waswilling to accept the pimp handed compliment of being passable enough as asissy to fuck. Faced with the realization of how pathetic I had become, Idid the only thing I could do…I bit my lower lip invitingly and flutteredmy eyelashes at Dale, beckoning his cock inside me.I made a sound like a wounded mouse as he used the full weight of his bodypressing down on me to slide his cock into me in one steady push. Timeslowed and the fabric of reality stretched thin and distorted. Every secondseemed to slide past like sweet, sticky syrup and every inch he slid intome seemed to go on for miles. Isabella had already opened me up, and hiscock was well lubed with my slobber, so he found no resistance as he spreadmy asshole to fit the shape of his cock. I cooed helplessly as the upwardslope of his cock hit my sweet spot harder than Isabella’s ever had. I wastorn…I wanted to get to off, to escape to my own personal paradise, but Ididn’t want it to be as good as it was with Isabella. I didn’t want hiscock to slide back out slowly, teasing my eager little nerve endings andsending throbs of pleasure all the way up my titillated torso, past myachingly hard nipples, finally hitting my head with a burning blush.I knew I hated him. All the evidence I needed was in his smarmy smirk andthe way his eyes bored into me with their disdainful lust like I wasgetting eye fucked. But then he slid back into me, miles and miles of cockstretched out over am impossibly long span of seconds, painful pangs ofpleasure eating away at me from the inside, threatening to tear meapart. Sure, I knew I hated him…but my brain was telling me anotherstory. Every time the hungry bliss bit into me, it’s poisonous fangs wouldinfect me, sending out a chemical cocktail of adrenaline, serotonin, anddopamine…a love potion #69 that d**gged my senses and sent me spiralingdown into a sissy haze. Looking up at him from leagues beneath a sea oflust, all I could see was the way his muscles popped out from under hissmooth skin every time he plowed into me, the way he sheen of sweat madehim glimmer, the way his eyes hungered for me, wanted me just as Iwas…and I needed him to want me.There was nothing left of the real me at that moment but a tinny littlevoice in the back of my head repeating the filthiest slurs, calling me “anasty little fuck hole, a dick desperate diva, a flaming faux female, ahumiliation junkie hooked on junk, a bitch, a slut, a cunt, a gash, a cumcatching cooze, a tiny dick little boy playing dress up and taking a cockup his ass so he could hide from the truth…a sissy.” They were angryindictments from the one voice I couldn’t ignore…but then Dale’s beganpicking up the pace, hitting my sweet spot and kissing it goodbye in a blurof movement that filled me up with soul searing love one moment, and leftme achingly empty the next, only to fill me back up before I could takeanother breath. Suddenly, the voice in the back of my head was nothing buta vulgar valentine, a cruel compliment, a glob of spit on my soul that feltlike a long, lingering kiss. My legs wrapped around Dale like a lover,pulling him deeper inside me as his polluted love pumped through my veinslike battery acid, sending savage shockwaves across my body, every tendermuscle contracting at once to all the way down to my throbbing clit,forcing its way out it in a declaration of pure lust, catching my chin withmy sickly seed. Oblivious to his laughter, I lapped it up with my tongueand moaned for “MoOoOoooooore!””You selfish little slut…how dare you cum before me? Don’t you know thefirst thing about being a sissy? Then again, I guess I should be surprised,after all, you were a total fuck up as a man, it figures you would be ahalf assed sissy.” He held me in place, with his cock kissing my heatedhole, fueling its hunger but refusing to fill it. “Maybe I should justthrow a load into Isabella instead. I know she’ll put my needs first, andshe’s so much prettier than you.” His words stung, bringing me to the vergeof tears, but I knew that if I started sobbing he would just laugh and tossme aside. I was so close, that first eruption was merely a hiccup to thepleasure that lied just beyond the door to my sanity. I had to get him backinside me…and fast.”Please, I beg you, Master! Please fuck me, breed me, brand me with yourburning seed. I’ll do anything you ask me to! Give you my allowance betweenmy teeth like a dog, clean your room and polish your knob, I’ll do yourhomework with your cock up my ass…anything! Just please fuck meeeeeee!”Every word tears out of me in a painful sob, taking sticky chunks of mydignity along with it. By the time I finished, I was little more than apanting puddle. I waited with bated breath, hoping he would reel me in andfeed me the cock that had me hooked. He waited for maybe a full minute,give or take an eternity, rubbing his rubbery head against my hungryhole. All I could do was whimper and snivel, sending out sweltering wavesof submission, and hoping it was enough to goad Dale back inside me.”Okay here’s the deal. You’ll do everything you just offered for the nexttwo years, and in exchange I’ll let you be my personal fuck sleeve. But youdo what I tell you to, and you make sure I cum first. Now, climb on my cockand go for a pony ride. My arms are getting tired.” I should have told himto fuck off or spit in his face; instead I spit on his dick and told him tofuck me as I hovered my winking rosebud over his hard shaft. I sank downwith a sigh; impaling myself on his manhood.”OoOoOOooOHHHH!” his cock forced a moan all the way from my ass to plumplips, touching off the nerves that were just starting to cool after thoseinterminable seconds deprived of hot flesh on tender tissue. It felt soright to slide down to the root as he laid back down on the bed, his handscrossed behind his head in an expression of effortless control. My ass hadalready grown accustomed to his cock; having been reshaped to take his fulllength and girth, now it felt empty without him all the way inside me. Iclenched my sphincter and hugged his cock with my soft anal walls, feelinghis cock return my affection, kissing every frazzled nerve all the way upto my melting mind, sending that true love COCKtail all the way back downand curling my toes. I looked down on him, trying to remember a time when Ihated him and finally giving up when all I could see was the man pumping mefull of dirty love.But being full of love wasn’t enough anymore, I wanted to explode, and Iknew how to lite the fuse…I peeled myself off his cock, feeling my spitdripping back down to his rosy head, and slamming back down onto him with ashuddering force that sent a quake of quivering pain that rang in my teethand left a dull buzz in my ear. It was a welcome hurt, like the prick ofthe needle about to flood me with sticky sweet heroin. I wanted to savorthe toothache-sweet hurt for as long as possible, slooooowly sliding up anddown his throbbing sex, but I NEEDED him to hit my golly-gee spot fasterand harder to take me to Shangri-La-La land. My legs throbbed as I bouncedup and down at an increasing pace, his perfectly curved cock pounding myprostate even harder at that angle and I was soon lost to the building drumbeat of orgasmic bliss.”NNH That’s right! Keep riding that pony! I’m about to fill your sissypussy with a real man’s cum!” I felt Dale’s thin fingers dig into my fleshybuttocks, squeezing out an a****l moan as he pulls me down hard onto hissurging sex. I felt his heartbeat inside me, and at that moment, I forgotthat he was a bratty, blackmailing bastard and saw only the best in him, ormaybe I just felt the best of him in me. Whatever the reason, I couldn’tresist taking his head in my hands and pulling my lips into his, suckinghis tongue right out of hit mouth and making out like prom dates. I felthis heart flutter as I slammed my hips down as hard as I can, causing hisheart to swell and burst inside me, coating my raw, ravished guts with hiscum. My heart exploded too, sending a flood of pure love shooting from myclit and onto my stomach. He got over his initial shock at my suddenaggressiveness and immediately reasserted his control, grabbing me by thehair and pulling me off his succulent lips. I laid on top of him, my mindlost, my tongue straining to taste his again. He just sneered as he spit inmy face…and then he pulled me back down into a hateful kiss, the passionof his contempt making me melt into his embrace as I laid on top of him, mywhimpers pouring down his throat like a sweet wine.I had reached that perfect place of nirvana nothingness, floating on cloudnine in a state of harmony and peace, blissfully blank and euphoricallyempty, free from the fear and the shame and the pain. Time was meaninglessthere…I floated forever and ever…and then I came crashing to the ground”What the fuck?! Who told you to cuddle with me?! Shiiiiit! That’s reallyfucking gross, dude. I might have to rethink this whole secret sissybusiness if you’re going to fall in love with me.” I looked up at Dale fromthe floor, aching everywhere as feeling returned in hot sobs of regret…Ilooked at myself in the mirror, the well fucked sissy maid…but underneaththe smeared makeup, I could see Byron dying underneath. How could I let himdo that to me? HIM?! How could I beg for it?! I looked into his eyes, mylips struggling to form the words strong enough to convey my hatred forthis little boy playing dress up as a man…but they were too big to getout. I just ended up sputtering, my eyes blazing…”Now that’s what I like to see…” He pulled my face close to his, our lipsmere microns apart, I flinched helplessly in his hands, desperately tryingto pull away as my face contorted in disgust. “Yes, I think you’re evenmore beautiful this way…” he pressed his lips against mine, I tried toturn away, but he held me firm, kissing and sucking on my lips no matterhow tightly I pursed them. Finally he threw me back to the ground, a sobtrailing behind me…”Heh heh. Alright, this might work after all. One morerule. You always wear the underwear I last fucked you in. You can wear yourman costume over that if your feeling kinky, but I don’t want youforgetting what you are underneath, not even for a moment. And anytime Itext you, I want you to hurry up to my room and ready toserve. Understood?”I didn’t have a choice. I tried to tell myself it was because he wasblackmailing me…and for the most part it was. But another part of me wasgrateful I could use that as an excuse. I meekly whimpered into the floor,”Yes, Master.” and Dale left without looking back, his hyena-like cackletrailing behind him a parting gift. I just curled up into a little ball,rocking back and forth, crying like a little sissy, hoping Isabella wouldwrap me in her arms and tell me everything was going to be alright. I heardher make her way over to me, felt her hand stroke my hair, and screamed ashe grabbed a handful and pulled…”You will never be my Master now! And for promising me to a boy…” shespat the word out like it was poisoned pig shit “I will never trust you asa sissy. So I’ll keep your sick little secret for as long as you can manageto hide it, because that’s the sissy code…but if you ever try to treat melike your slave again…” she cupped my balls in one hand and firmlysqueezed, “I’ll show you how I deal with disobedient sissies.” I could onlynod as tears welled up both from pain and regret. That’s how she left me,sobbing, sticky, and shaking, wondering how things could possibly getworse….It only took a day for me to find out just how much worse things couldget. I was lying in bed, wishing I could stay there forever. Then I got myfirst text from Dale, reading, “Cum on up to my room. Isabella found aspecial outfit for you to wear.” I cringed to think of what it mightmean. I cursed my cock as I felt it throb in my lacy panties, hoping Icould show more self restraint than I this when I got to Dale’s room, butnot betting on it. I slip on some clothes that I don’t plan to be wearinglong and take a long, hard look at myself in the mirror, telling myselfI’ll do whatever he wants me to, but only because he wants it. I toldmyself I would not beg, I would not kiss him, and I would not cum. I kepttelling myself that all the way up to his room, and I had almost convincedmyself I could do it. After all, I genuinely hated Dale, and I was prettysure I still hated being humiliated and abused…the fact that it made meso horny I couldn’t think straight was just a fucked up defense mechanism;one I planned to ignore this time. I would just have to suffer all thefrustration, all the agony, and all the shame, and without the sweet escapeof mindless pleasure…My brave pronouncements fell to pieces the moment I saw what Dale hadplanned for me to wear and heard his plan for what I would do inthem. “Aren’t they cute? Isabella borrowed them from Bambi”. He held up apair of pink, ruffled rumba panties and one of her tiny, sexy-tea-partydresses. I realized I was going to get to find out how I’d look in herpanties after all. And things just went downhill from there……”Oh pwease, Daddy Bear Sir, pwease punish your naughty widdle gurl withyour big, bad Daddy-dick!” It wasn’t my proudest moment…but after threehours of playing sissy surrogate for Bambi in his twisted fantasies, Ibegan to get into the role. I had promised my self I wouldn’t beg…and Ireally meant it at the time. But after breaking my promise not to cum atleast eight times over and my promise not to kiss him an hour ago…and Ibroke it again and again and again…one more promise didn’t seem tomatter. Maybe it was Bambi’s fault…I’d never realized how freeing it wasto be a c***d-like whore, how strangely reasonable the contradiction seemedonce I embraced it. Of course, my reasoning may have been influenced by aconstant flow of pure ‘wuv’ gushing through me with every flutter of myheart. It went on for so long that time became as meaningless as dignity ormanhood and I went in and out of the blank place so often that reality andunreality blurred. Every cell in my body hummed along to pornographiclullabies. I didn’t so much break my promise, as fulfill Bambi’s…ofcourse I was the one that had to clean up Bambi’s mess once the hazecleared.It was like scr****g myself off the walls. Slimy globs of me, pale and weakin the light of harsh reality. Dale’s grating voice bouncing around in myhead like a .22 caliber bullet. I couldn’t stop crying, couldn’t stoptelling myself to stop crying, couldn’t stop from hating myself when Icouldn’t. But I hated Dale more. And I vowed to myself that I wouldremember this the next time he had an outfit spread out for me, that Iwouldn’t forget it when he spread me out. That every time he forced me tocum I would hate him even more. I had to…it was my only hope……He gave me a day off. It was almost worse that way. Constantly worryingthat any moment the phone would vibrate and I’d be summoned to hisroom. The bitter sense of relief and disappointment when I wasn’t. Thefrustrating and emasculating realization that I couldn’t even jerk offanymore. Fear and self disgust rendered me paralyzed…impotent…so when asecond day was almost over and I hadn’t gotten a message, I began toworry. I realized that when I fumbled for the phone desperately at thefirst buzz that I had already broken my promise. “Cum up to my room. Timeto help me with my homework.”I wasn’t surprised to see one of Sakura’s many school girl uniforms hangingfrom the door, or the Hello Kitty cotton undies. Somehow their lack ofsexiness only made them squirmier as I slid them up. He patted his lap andput his homework in front of him on the desk. I realized with a shudderthat I was going to be keeping a promise after all, just not the one Iwanted…… “Oh most honorable Dalesan, please to be fucking my most humbleasshole harder. Ah ah AIEEEEEE!” I had just triple checked his calculushomework and verified there were no errors. Funny thing…I barely passedcalculus when I was in high school, and that was after buying the answersto the final. I guess that cute little ribbon he tied around my cock toprevent me from cumming was all the incentive I needed. When he finallytook it off, I felt my soul shoot out of my body in a hot milky jet. Ilooked down at my face, flush and empty, but ecstatically happy. I realizedwhy Sakura constantly humbled herself, how beautiful it could be to denythe self, to become one with the universe…to become a purpose instead ofa person. I looked beautiful from that angle, flopping on his lap, my headthrown back across his shoulder, my tongue lolling out the side of my mouthas he sucked on my neck, tasting my pulse. It was only when I finally hadto return to my body that I understood how ugly it was from the inside…It wasn’t as much fun finishing his homework after that. Sitting in squishypanties, flinching as he flicked my ear or blew on the back of my neckevery moment worse than the last and knowing you aren’t even half waydone. By the time I finished his essay on ‘The evolution of gender roles inpost-modern America’, it was all I could do to drag myself to bed and hopethat things really couldn’t possibly get any worse……The problem was…they didn’t…at least not right away. No, Dale decidedhe’d rather make me suffer, rather see me squirm while I waited for theother foot to drop. Actually that’s probably just wishful thinking. Thetruth is, Dale didn’t think enough of me by that point to go out of his wayto torture me. He knew all to well how willing I was to torture myself forhis amusement. And boy oh boy, did I have a grand old time of it. Threefucking days without a so much as an “lol” texted to me. Three days ofwhite knuckle terror wondering how he’d top his last stunt and blue ballswishing he’d get it over with. By the time he finally texted, “Cum up to myroom. Time to pay me.” I couldn’t stop myself from running, but what hehad prepared for me stopped me dead in my tracks.I wondered when Dale had picked up a pair of silicon breast forms, that isuntil he showed me my credit card bill. So much for my little discretionaryincome I had left, instead I had liquid assets. Their weight felt strangelyexhilarating, like I was stepping into Lola’s skin, only with the safetynet of knowing I’d lose the extra gravity when this was over. I couldbarely stuff them into a DD bra and the leather halter he had me wear justbarely covered them, creating the illusion of a pair of very real, verylarge breast, straining to spill out. When I slipped into the leather miniskirt that gave a peak of the bottom of my perky ass and stepped into apair of fuck-me-fishnets, it was pretty obvious this was going to be aten-dollar-whore/belligerent john fantasy. But of course, it was much worsethan that……”Si, papi, y then he filled my culo up while the other two took turnsmaking mi boca into a fuck-hole. The one stretching my ass had a nice cock,but not as grande as yours, papi.” I was only telling him what he wantedto hear: fantasy encounters of a ten-dollar running a half off sale tellingher pimp every dripping detail about her workday. Thank goodness I tookSpanish in high school so I could stay in character. And that’s all it was,staying in character. It started as the most humiliating ordeal he’d put methrough, making me come up with increasingly degrading fantasies andtelling him how much I loved them. To make it worse, I had to hand him overa little more of my allowance each time, as if I actually had earned itsucking cocks down at the bus station. But once he hiked my skirt up andstarting fingering my asshole, I discovered my character’s motivation andthings came easier…. In a way I liked being Lola better than I likedbeing me. She wasn’t ashamed of who she was, quite the opposite. Callingher the dirtiest whore on the eastern seaboard wasn’t an insult, it was anaccomplishment. Like winning the Nobel Piece of Ass Prize…or at least,that’s how I imagined her to be. Latinas are fiery passionate lovers afterall, and the way she beamed when Dirk slapped her ass, you’d think sheowned him. At any rate, the more stories I told, the more I found hervoice, and the more I got into sucking Dale’s cock while he counted mymoney. Even when he laughed at me and called me a “puta punk bitch” afterhe coated my face with his cum, all I could do was smile and lick mylips. Maybe it was the pride of coaxing the biggest load from him yet,maybe I was just in Lola Land, or maybe it was that the moment his seed hitmy face it sent a chain reaction of giddy glee all the way down to my ownsquirting sissy stick. Whatever the reason, all I wanted to do was tell himan even filthier story so he’d get hard enough to fuck my ass…Which is what brought us to the senior center gangbang and my last fivedollars. At the time I considered it money well spent as every shudderingblow of his hips drove his cock deep inside me, sending ravishing ripplesacross my flesh and making my ‘breasts’ slap hard against my chest. As Icame, I became Lola completely, and in that one perfect momento, I feltbonita, and I loved it.It was so perfect that I got almost half way back to my room before my cumglazed haze wore off and I started to relive the stories as me, and retchat the thought of the filth inside me. And Dale, considerate as ever, waskind enough to send me texts of some of the ‘choice bits’ that made him’lol’. I tried to see further than a day or two in advance, tried to fathomenduring this for even a month longer, much less two years, but I didn’thave the courage to continue. I just pushed it out of my mind and tried notto ask myself if things could get worse…but life has a funny way ofanswering the questions you don’t dare to ask. Yeah life can be realfucking funny sometimes……It was a week before Dale texted me again. I was a raw nerve, my guts feltlike broken glass and my balls felt like water balloons filled to the pointof bursting. I was beginning to debate going up and knocking on his doorunbidden, asking if he needed any help sucking his cock. Even consideringit filled me with a revulsion that made me want to scrub my skin with steelwool and sulfuric acid. But ‘fortunately’, Dale decided to call on mebefore I could sink that low. “Cum on up to my room, Cunt.” If only I hadknown the soul crushing deprivations I would be subjected to when I got toDale’s room, I wouldn’t have bothered to worry about the last tiny shredsof my self respect….”Oh come on, Cunt…you’ve still got plenty of room on that baby smoothskin of yours. You can’t have run out of slurs already.” I was staring intoa mirror, getting a reeeeal good look at myself, seeing what kind of facesI make when instead of running from the reality of what I’d been reducedto, I instead embraced it…or at least surrendered to it…The outfit Dale had picked for me was much more conceptual this time. Hehad me go into the shower and put on some foul smelling lotion that madewhat little body hair I had fall out. I thought being dressed up wasemasculating…but that was nothing…NOTHING compared to seeing myself asI was, having to face that even without the clothes, even without themakeup, I still made a fairly fuckable sissy. Now that I was silky smoothand naked, Dale had me as his own personal canvas, and little shit that heis, he was only interested in scrawling graffiti.The worst part, and its funny how subjective ‘worst’ gets after awhile, wasthat he made me come up with the slurs he scrawled on my pale unblemishedskin. I never truly understood how much I despised myself until I saw it inall caps written across my forehead. But after enough abuse and selfrecriminations, I guess I finally learned to accept myself because thefilthy truths that covered me didn’t seem so unbearable anymore, but maybeit was just because I was riding a near constant cock high as Dale deepdicked me against the mirror. He must really get into his art, because helasted longer with Cunt than he did with any of the other sissies. When hefinally filled me up so full that I could swear it was his cum spurting outmy cock, I didn’t even hesitate to lick the mirror clean. And I knew thatat least I had finally hit rock bottom…God…one of these days I’m going to be right about that, aren’t I? Imean…there has to be a bottom…there just has to!…THREE…FUCKING…WEEKS…After the first week I thought I was going to go insane if I Dale didn’tuse as his surrogate sissy again, which I guess meant I already was insaneby that point for needing it so bad. I did manage to find some relief,fucking a pair of cum-caked panties while I thrust my fingers in my ass,pounding my sissy spot until I managed a weak, whimpering squirt ortwo. But in the end, it only left me dissatisfied and hungry for more. Iwould see the other sissies prancing about the grounds, and instead ofimagining unleashing a torrential flood of cum in their tight holes, I’dimagine being them, bouncing from one hard fuck to the next with mindlessglee.Finally, the effort in fighting for the table scraps of my soul just didn’tseem worth the effort. It’s not like Dale could think any less of me thanhe already did, and I wasn’t far behind him in that regard. So with a sighof resignation and relief I knocked on his door. After an interminablewait, he cracked the door, covered in sweat, his face flushed, and his wellcoiffed hair in disarray. He seemed annoyed, snarling, “What do you want,Byron? I’m busy.”I couldn’t speak at first. I was taken aback by his lack of interest…andwhy did he call me ‘Byron’? But I didn’t come this far to give up, notwhen escort tuzla I was so close. I summoned every ounce of strength I had, stuttering,”wuh wuh Well, yuh yuh you haven’t asked me to uhm err clean up after youor do your homework for a few weeks. And I uhm, owe you a lot ofallowance…so I was uh wondering if you wuh wuh wanted me to whimper suhsuh suck your cock or anything.” It took every ounce of willpower I had toforce the words out, and to look him in the eyes the entire time, seeingthem dance with cruel mirth and they saw the naked hunger in mine.”Oh man, you’ve got it even worse than I thought. Come on inside, I’m sureI can think of a way for you to help me after all.” I nodded submissively,eagerly accepting whatever price I would have to pay to get what I needed,already drooling over the images flashing in my head…but I wasn’t readyto accept the image before my eyes…Isabella, looking at me with a mixtureof annoyance and disgust, completely naked save for a leash that was tiedto Dale’s bedpost. This was why he hadn’t called for me in almost amonth…he had traded up. I thought I was going to hyperventilate, ragged,vicious sobs welled up in me…I looked over to Dale, and he laughed,saying “Ha ha! Look at you, jealous of your own sissy. I never dreamed thatnot fucking you would be more devastating for you than fucking you. Sorry,Belle, but Isabella is a way better lay than you. She actually knows how tofuck me back, instead of just taking my meat like a selfish littleslut. But I tell you what, maybe there’s room for you in this newrelationship dynamic after all. See, you killed my boner when youinterrupted me, so why don’t you get me nice and hard for Isabella’s tightass?”He wanted me to be a fluffer for my own sissy. To sit obediently and watchwhile he proved that I would never be man enough to fuck her, or sissyenough to get fucked by him. To my horror, I didn’t even consider sayingno…that’s how low I had sunk. Even the slightest possibility of gettingoff was enough to make me fall to my knees and obediently nurse on Dale’ssucculent sack until I felt his cock rising, caressing my cheek like alover. I tried to draw it out as long as I could, slooooooowly sliding mytongue up and down his cock, pursing my lips against his hard, hot fleshand running them back and forth his shaft, taking his silky, smooth headinto my mouth and softly sucking until I was rewarded with a single drop ofpre-cum, marveling in its flavor…I’m sure I noticed notes of fresh goat’smilk. But it ended almost as soon as it began, his cock pulled away fromme, drool and whimpers trailing after it. “That’s enough!” he said sternly,”If you want to stay and watch, you will be a good little gurl and bequiet.” I opened my mouth to protest, but forced it closed with my hand,nodding mindlessly and following behind him on all fours, looking up at himas he climbed over my sissy…”Not to speak out of turn, Master, but I think it would do Bella good toget a closer look. Maybe she could crawl onto the bed with us and help youstick your dick in me…or maybe even keep it nice and lubed with hertongue as you fuck me.” I looked up at her, too stunned to hide the hurtstamped on my face, but she didn’t even give me a second glance. That wasthe worst part of her latest variation of cruelty…how utterly detached itwas. She didn’t even think enough of me to hate me…at least that wouldinvolve some passion. Instead, I was just another sissy to her, and notmuch of one from the looks of it. I couldn’t blame her, as much as it toreme up inside, the only reason I hesitated to jump up on the bed and becomemy own sissy’s cuckold, was because Dale hadn’t given me permissionyet. All he had to do was nod…I was a giddy jumble of nerves, like butterflies were throwing up inside mystomach; the fumes making me drunk and dizzy. I wanted to get it over with,to jump into the void head first, but at the same time I couldn’t helpfeeling the painful pull of regret. I had lost Isabella, I couldn’t k**myself about that anymore…but to officially offer her up to the man Ihated…and needed…more than anyone else in the world…it was a toughpill to swallow. Then again, I’d swallowed worse. I felt Dale’s cock throbin my hand, and suddenly my only regret was that I wasn’t sliding it intomy own neglected asshole. Still, the sheer wrongness and weakness of theact had me throbbing in my panties. I did a swan dive into the void andaimed Dale right into Isabella’s dark tunnel…”UNH Fuck yes! You see that, Belle? The way she swivels those hips andmilks my meat with her soft, but oh so tight muscles? Fuuuuuuck…she couldcrush a walnut with her ass or carry an egg without breaking it, that’s howmuch control she has of it. That’s why you’re the fluffer and she’s mynumber one gurl. Speaking of which, why aren’t you sucking my balls?” Ilistened intently to every callous word, hoping futilely that maybe if Ilearned well enough, he’d throw a fuck my way every now and then. But thenI remembered what I was here for, and with a blush, I crawled underneathIsabella so that my head was right below Dale’s balls. I took them into mymouth one at a time, swirling my tongue around them and sucking on themdutifully, trying my best to time my sucks with his thrusts, to maximizehis pleasure. Suddenly, he bucked forward too quickly for me, and my tonguewas running across his perineum and between his firm roundbuttocks. “Ooh…someone wants too earn brownie points. Alright, I’ll letyou eat my ass a little if you want to prove what a good little sissy youcan be.”I was stunned…just when I thought I’d hit rock bottom, the floor fell outfrom under me…but of course I didn’t resist. I only paused long enough toclose my eyes and said a silent prayer to the god of cleanliness. I spreadhis cheeks as far apart as I could, indulging in a guilty thrill ofsqueezing the taut globes, and ran my tongue around is starfish is slowcircles. It had a slight tang to it, but it wasn’t unpleasant, almost likesun-dried tomatoes…so decided to go whole hog and speared my tongueinside his tight hidey hole. I heard Isabella moaning louder as it fueledhis piston-like thrusts, and felt that strange mix of filthy pride, onewhich seemed less and less contradictory with every surrender. My ownmember was leaking in my silken hiding spot and I felt the long awaitedrelease of a squirty subby shamegasm simmering inside me, but apparentlyIsabella saw the slight bulge in my slacks, because she thumped my cockhard enough to scare it back into hiding. I whimpered into Dale’s asshole,which made him fuck Isabella even harder.”Fuuuuck! Okay, I’ll admit it, Bella. You finally found something you’regood at. Now get that filthy tongue back up to my cock and lube it up foryour sissy.” It was the next best thing to cumming…hearing Dalebegrudgingly admit that I did a good job…that I was good atsomething…anything. It was almost worth the pain radiating from my cockup into my guts like a hot lump of coal. I thought that maybe if I did agood job licking his shaft as it sawed in and out of Isabella’s sissypussy, just maybe he’d praise me again, maybe even Isabella would beimpressed. It’s funny how low you set your sights when you’ve been facedown in the gutter long enough. Yeah, it’s fucking hilarious.I had to dart my tongue really quickly to get between them, straining andstretching for a fleeting flick of their flesh. Tantalizing bursts offlavor…her ass on his cock…my own drool dripping back down into mythroat…the sounds of moans and the slap of flesh on flesh filling theroom…it was the most erotic experience I’d ever had without being allowedto get a hard on. Heaven and Hell danced on my tongue, I was close enoughto taste the objects of my desires, but not to get my fill. And of course,Dale had to show off his endurance, cocky bastard lasted an hour before hefinally filled exploded inside her. He gave her a loving slap on the asssaying, “Good work, babe. Now you two clean up and get the fuck out of hereby the time I finish my shower.”Before I could even move, Isabella was sitting on my face, smothering mewith her plump, perfect ass. I panicked, screaming into her ass, but sheshowed no mercy, hissing “I don’t care if you can’t breathe! You’ll suckevery last drop of cum out of my ass before I let you up…and don’t youdare swallow a drop of it!” She didn’t have to tell me twice…I planted mylips around her succulent sphincter and dug every delicious drop out of herluscious love tunnel. I was surrounded by soft flesh, light headed andswimmy, my mouth full of ambrosia, but not daring to keep any formyself. She finally rolled off of me and pulled me up by my hair so that mymouth hovered over hers. I opened my mouth and let my hard earned rewardspill into her mouth and down her throat. For a moment our lips grazed eachothers and our tongues drew ever closer…I dared to dream we might evenkiss…but then she just tossed me aside like wet garbage. She didn’t say aword, just left me sissy shocked and sniffling and went on her way.I waited until I was sure I wouldn’t have to cross paths with her in thehallway and I scurried down to my room, racing to my shower so I couldcaress my clit with this shameful pride still fresh in my mind andlingering on my tongue. I moaned as I painted the shower wall with a weeksworth of pent up sissy squirts and fell to my knees. It was awful, almostunbearable…but maybe it was still just good enough……It went on like that for another month…and maybe it would have gone onlike that forever. It’s amazing what you can accept when the alternative iseven more unacceptable, but then came the straw that broke the sissy’sback. In my case, it literally was a straw. Dale had just finished pumpingmy sissy so full of semen I could practically hear her sloshing, and shewas lying in well fucked c*** her ankles over her head and her hands cuffedto the bed frame as part of Dale’s latest obsession. I was waiting eagerlyfor my chance to prove what a good little cum cleaner I could be and thenDale handed me a straw. “Get to work, Belle.” Get…to…work…Belle…thewords didn’t seemed to fit right in my head. The straw felt awkward andalien in my hand. Dale had already headed into the shower, not evenquestioning whether or not I’d take the straw and slurp up his spooge. Howcould he just take that for granted? Just because I’d already done it liketwenty times or so…but not with a STRAW! I don’t know why, but that justmade the whole thing seem ridiculous.Still…I probably would have done it anyway if Isabella hadn’t picked thattime to ask, “Well what are you waiting for, you little idiot? I can’tclean myself if I’m handcuffed to the bed, can I?” There she was, the sissyof my dreams and nightmares, the one that had laid me low and kicked dirton me, the one I wanted to love me more than anything and I hated almost asmuch as I hated myself, and she couldn’t even imagine a scenario in which Iwould strike back at her. Not even when she was completely helpless…thenagain, I think I was more surprised than she was when I started fumblingwith my belt to get my pants down. “Wha-what the fuck do you think you’redoing? You don’t have the balls to fuck me, you little shit!” My gut knitinto a tight ball of sick fury…I saw her face go from a rage to shock and then twist into a scream ofagony. I didn’t know what was happening until I heard the hard ‘thwacks’over her scream and felt the impact run up my arm. I looked down to seemyself raining down blows with my belt along her fair skin. Terrible redwelts crisscrossed over her thighs and up her smooth stomach and heavingbreasts. I felt a wet warmth swallow my prick, massaging it, milking it asone hateful shudder after another ran through me. The knot in my guts grewtighter causing stabbing pains that only seemed to fuel my frenzy. I knew Ihad to stop…but the only way I could stop was if I finished. I saw thehaze of dick doped submission drift over her eyes and for a second I letmyself believe that this is what she wanted, that somehow in my mindlessmadness, I had found a way to win her back, to get her to look at me theway she looked at my step-family. I began screaming a garbled mess ofwords, a junkyard of hate clattering out of me, “CUM FOR ME, YOU CUM SLUT,CUM! FUCKING FUCK YOU! I WILL FUCK YOU, YOU FUCK! CUM CUM FUCKING CUM!”until I was just screaming “CUM!” over and over.When she finally did it cum, it shot out hard enough to hit my chin, and mycock vomited its filth inside her. There was no joy in it…the my gutstwisted inside out and my whole body burned with the hateful bile seethingin my veins. I saw something I’d never noticed in her eyesbefore. Something I’d missed in the haze, something I could only see fromthis angle…pure, unadulterated hatred. She hated my step- father and hisfoul spawn, not despite the helpless lust they inspired in her…butbecause of it. Now she hated me too, and as I saw my reflection in hereyes, I did too.”Please…I…I didn’t mean…I’m sorry…please…please…I’m sorry…I’msuh suh…” I broke down sobbing as I begged her forgiveness, but I couldtell she couldn’t even hear me. I felt Dale’s arms pulling me off of her,shaking me, trying to get me to snap out of it. I tried to calm down, triedto explain what had happened, tried to do anything but let out hoarsescreaming cries of useless remorse. Dale was beside himself, throwing atantrum and on the verge of tears himself, not prepared for a situation hecouldn’t threaten his way out of. Even through the veil of tears, I couldsee what a fool I’d been. I was right when I called him a boy, and I’d leta boy reduce me to this. I began to calm down, and I was just about toexplain myself when I heard the voice.”I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in you. Within two months you’rehaving a threesome with your step-brother…and I don’t even want to knowwho’s semen is dripping off your chin.” my step-father stood in thedoorway, filling the frame with his towering physique, his hard, handsomefeatures betrayed no signs of mercy, if there were any to be found in thefirst place. He looked like a vengeful god, and at that moment, it onlyseemed appropriate that I would be cast into Hell. Then flashes of my tourin the basement came to me, and I remembered what Hell really was, and Ididn’t have the courage to accept my just desserts.I began to stammer out a defense, “nuh nuh No! You don’t understand. Thisisn’t…well yes it is, but it’s not what it looks like. I didn’t lether…I mean I didn’t suck or…see I fucked it out of her.” My wordstripped over themselves as they raced out of me, but I began to see a smallglimmer of hope. I really had just fucked her, and it’s not like Dale wouldadmit what was really going on, not if he would have to admit to flauntinghis father’s rules these past two months. I know it seemed implausible. Iknew it was true and it still sounded like bullshit. But if I stuck to mystory long enough, he would have to believe me.”Hmm…that’s certainly one possible explanation. And I pride myself on myfairness, so I wouldn’t want to condemn you to a life of sissy slavery ifthere were any doubts. So if you can clear up just one minor detail for me,I’ll be on my way.” I heaved a sigh of relief, “Why are you wearing a pairof cum stained panties?” My jaw went slack…I was still wearing panties! Ihad gotten so used to wearing them that I didn’t even notice I had them on,but my step-father obviously did, and now there was no explanation on earththat was going to save me. I felt the walls closing in on me, I couldn’tbreathe, the floor rushed up to meet me and everything went black…Things can always get worse.I was running through the mansion, being chased by something so horrifyingthat I didn’t dare to turn around and see what it was. I tried to find myroom, but the once familiar hallways were now disjointed and strange, as ifthe building had be rearranged and some pieces had been replaced withimitations that had a sinisterly artificial look to them. My pursuer wasgetting close, its hot, rancid breath scalding the back of my neck. I keptrunning, even though I knew I’d never escape. Even a second spared from itshorrible embrace would be worth the hopeless attempts to escape. Suddenly,out of the corner of my eye, I saw a soft shadow dart into a farhallway…somehow, I just knew it belonged to a friend. For a moment, Idared to believe their might be an escape, or at least a place I could restfor a moment and delay my inevitable damnation. I turned down the hall,almost falling as the tile became slippery, some thick, milky liquidcoating the floor. I just kept running, knowing each step would be my lastand still taking it anyway, constantly proving myself wrong for just amoment longer. And then I hit my dead end…at the end of thehallway…something worse than whatever was chasing me… a mirror…I was beautiful…heart breakingly, soul crushingly beautiful. My featureshad grown even softer from my cherubic chin to my button nose; my lasheslonger, fanning my cum hither sea blue eyes; my lips plumper and shinier,open and panting at the sight of the vision before me. My hair was fallingabout my face, flaxen curls of spun gold, with a lacy cap keeping itsomewhat in order. My breasts were flush as they rose and fell in mypanicked arousal the red set off alluringly by my pale, creamycleavage. The french maid outfit was even more fetching now that I had thefigure to fill it. I felt my stockings rub against one another as the sightof my shapely legs barely covered by my short, ruffled skirt, made mesquirm and shiver. I reached out to touch my reflection, tentative andfearful…but my reflection wasn’t so timid, she reached back and pulled mein, screaming as I fell deep into the darkness…into the basement…I was completely surrounded by darkness, a void I had a terriblepremonition was far from empty. I was too terrified to even run, after all,where was there to go? All I could do was stand paralyzed, petrified as Iawaited whatever horror would reach out of the abyss to claim me as itsown. I almost welcomed it at this point, at least then I’d know thingscouldn’t get any worse. But there was still that lingering doubt that theyjust might get worse than even I could imagine…so I prayed for an end andprayed for one more second, my thoughts chasing each other down thedrain. And then I saw it…faint and ghost-like, the smallest glimmer oflight. I was sure I was imagining it, my mind inventing phantoms to keep mecompany, but I also knew I didn’t care. I ran for the light, getting closerand closer and feeling a welcoming warmth as I saw it take on a woman’sshape. When I finally reached it, Isabella was standing before me, shiningin the darkness like an anger come to deliver me from damnation.She took me in her arms, her skin so soft against my cheek. I felt safewith her. It didn’t matter that I was in the darkness with no sight of anexit, it didn’t matter that I would never be a man again. All that matteredwas she was lifting my mouth to hers, thrusting her soft tongue into mine,claiming me as her own with a kiss. A long, loving kiss…so wet…evenafter she finally broke our lip’s embrace, I felt the wetness…warm,sticky wetness…I looked at her full lips as they curved into a haughtysmile…I saw something shine from inside…something sharp…she openedher mouth and razor blades fell out by the handful. I opened my mouth toscream, but all that came out was a gush of hot blood…I crumpled to theground as her maliciously mirthful laughter filled the void, flamesbursting from the ground to illuminate the twisted architecture of Hell. Icrawled back from her still, squirming on the floor, desperate to get justa little further away from her razor blade smile and predatorylaugh. That’s when I felt the breath again…hot rancid…and hoveringright over me…the monster lunged for me…and I could scream again…”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIEEEEEE!””Good, you’re awake. Now we can get on with the ceremony.” I open my eyesand see my step-father cutting an even more imposing figure than usual in ashiny black rubber robe, the cowl casting a shadow over his strong brow butnot dimming his burning eyes one bit. The light fell on his powerful,chiseled jaw cocked up as usual, but his seductively sadistic smilereplaced by a tight lipped grimace. Isabella was d****d at his feet,content as a kitten, completely nude…my collar was nowhere to be seen. Ihad lost her completely, I couldn’t even claim the lie of ownershipanymore.My eyes darted across the room, hoping I’d see something…anything thatwould give me a glimmer of hope in this abyss of despair. But all I sawwere two more hooded figures, my step-brother Dirk smiling broadly as helicked his sensual lips, and Darius staring with a hunger I’d never seebefore, his sharp features twisted into a razor-sharp smile. I tried toplace the room, a hardwood floor of dark teak, red velvet d****s surroundedthe large circular room, empty save for us. I tried to see an exit, buteverything was covered, the whole effect was dizzying and disorienting. Icouldn’t place this room in my head, I could have sworn we didn’t have aroom like this anywhere in the mansion…and then it hit me…I was in thebasement!I clutched my chest instinctively, and let out a tiny yelp…I was wearingthe french maid outfit! I didn’t fill it out nearly as well as in mynightmare, but I had no doubt that I was all but unrecognizable as aman…I looked like a petite, poorly developed young woman…or moreaccurately, I looked like a sissy. No…I was a sissy, I just wasn’t ableto hide it under my clothes anymore. I couldn’t help but run my hands upand down my hips, feeling the contours my corset was giving me. I wassnapped out of my reverie when I noticed my outfit was rubber too…itstruck me that whatever they planned was going to be very, very messy. Ifelt my clit twitch reflexively and felt it crush painfully against coldsteel. They had caged me! I shuddered to think of what they hadplanned…that’s when I noticed the drain in the floor, and I startedbegging, “Please, please, don’t do this to me! I’m sorry…I tried being aman, but I’m just not cut out for it…but just because I’m a sissy doesn’tmean I want to be a slave! I beg you, just let me go!”Laughter filled the room, heavy and dark like ominous storm cloudsgathering over me. My step-father’s thunderous voice finally said, “You arein the wrong place if you are looking for mercy, and you are definitelyasking the wrong men. Mercy is for the weak. Do we look weak to you?” Itwas a rhetorical question, but I still couldn’t help but shake my headdumbly. There was nothing about them that was weak, and as much as itterrified me, I had to admit that it seemed fitting that they were incontrol. But everything was happening so fast, and I could sense a dreadfulinevitability rushing towards me…one that would seal my fate forever…”Remember, none of this was forced upon you. And from what Dale tells me,you are quite the needy little slut. Really we’re doing you a favor. Out onyour own you’d probably be scooped up my some diseased pimp, and you’d endup turning tricks until disease and d**gs ravaged your pretty looks andyou’d be left to die in a gutter. As our slave you will be well caredfor. We will make you even more beautiful than you already are, educateyou, teach you marketable skills, and most importantly we will protect youfrom your own weakness.” I wanted to protest, but I knew it would bepointless. I was surrounded by men that could hurt me in ways I probablycouldn’t even imagine, and I could sense both Dirk and Darius were waitingfor an excuse. But that wasn’t the real reason I didn’t argue with him. Thereal reason was that it all sounded so terribly true.”Of course, I don’t give a single, solitary fuck about what happens to you,but I will not allow anyone that carries my name to sully it in public. Igave you a chance to stand at my side. I gave you the opportunity to honormy name, to join the family business and experience true power for thefirst time in your pampered life. And what did you do? You SPIT on my name!You became a sissy’s bitch, and then you tried to corrupt my youngest son,getting him to break my rules and betray my trust. At least he used a sissyproperly, which is the only thing that spared him from sharing yourfate. But make no mistake, blood does not protect my sons any more thanyour pathetic heritage stood in your way. All you had to do was proveyourself…and I suppose you did after a fashion.” As insane as it sounds,I actually felt guilty as I listened to his tirade. His voice was soauthoritative, it left no room for disagreement. I started thinking thatmaybe I did deserve to be punished. I couldn’t bear to look at his accusingeyes any longer, I felt like they were burning me on the stake, so I lookedat his feet instead. And that’s when I saw the true source of my woes, andtried one more time to plead my case…”But, you don’t understand. Isabella tricked me! She played mind games withme, made me think she loved me to get me to lower my guard, subtly erodedmy confidence and then preyed on my indecision and inexperience. She’s thereason I’m like this! She made me a sissy!” I saw a satisfied smile curl upon her face and I seethed with rage. Darren reached down calmly and pickedIsabella up by her throat. Even after all she’d put me through, I couldn’tstop from yelping sympathetically as my step-father held my ex-sissy up bythe neck, with her toes dangling precariously above the ground.”Is what she saying true? Did you intentionally manipulate and corrupt mystep-son?” I held my breath waiting for her to answer, silently begging herto deny it, praying for forgiveness for unthinkingly tossing her to thelions. To my horror, Isabella’s smile only grew wider, her face was growingsplotchy and purplish as she nodded yes. I closed my eyes, not nearly braveenough to see what horrible fate would befall her…”That’s a good gurl,Isabella. I knew I could count on you.” He gave her a kiss that looked likeit would have taken her breath away if she had any left, and then he liedher gently at his feet. She looked at me with a heartbreaking mix ofhaughty pride and the hazy lust of a submissive sissy.”Look at you…you never had a clue did you? Of course Isabella was actingon my orders, she wouldn’t dare defy me. I told her to test yourwillpower…and you failed miserably. So now, you will join the othersissies down in the basement. Now that we have the begging and blaming outof the way, we can get on with the ceremony. Are you ready to take thebrand of the Harrow house?” I was utterly destroyed…all of it, everytender kiss and hard throb…it was all a game, and worse, it wasn’t evenher game. I was just another chore to her. And then I saw what he meant bya brand. I guess it’s because I never got to see much of Isabella frombehind, but I never noticed the tramp stamp she had burned into herflesh. But it was all I could see now, an ornate ‘H’ knotty and pulpy fromwhere it was seared into her soft skin just above her ass. Stark panic mademe brave enough to defy them.”You can’t do this to me! I’m rich! When my mother gets home she’ll see toyou! You hardly have any money of your own! You just have your shitty name!Well I don’t want it! Not on my skin or anywhere else! I’m Byron TempletonIII. You can keep your fucking name!” I was spitting by the time I wasfinished, out of breath and shaking. The speech had been almost too big forme, it took what little courage I had found with it, leaving me hoping thatbringing up my mother’s money might save me from their wrath.”GAH HA! Listen to him, dad, he’s actually proud of the name Byron. He’snamed after a sissy poet and he thinks he can shit on our name! Ha! Youknow, Belle, normally I don’t grudge fuck you flat chested sissies, butpersonality counts for a lot, and you just made it to the top of my ‘to do’list!” I cringed at every braying word of Dirk’s tirade. He took a steptoward me, and I felt my asshole flinch in fear, remembering how thick hefelt pressed against me in the shower, and knowing he wouldn’t be a gentlelover. Surprisingly, Darren stopped his advance by simply lifting his handin the air. For a second, I allowed myself to hope that my threat hadworked. But then he spoke… “Your vapid, pill popping mother isn’t cominghome, Belle. She’ll stay doped up and dreaming her life away at the asylumfor as long as I use ‘her’ money to pay the doctors exorbitant fees.” Irealized with a sob that I hadn’t worried about my mother once since shewas sent off to get treated for ‘exhaustion’. I wondered if that meant Iwas a terrible son or she was a terrible mother…probably a little ofboth. But I was far too scared to process any guilt at that moment,especially when my step-father continued, “Your mother named me theexecutor of her affairs, so I control all of the money. Since you arepenniless now, I can do anything I want to you, that’s the privilege ofpower. And if you are hoping for an inheritance to come along and save yousomeday, think again. You will sign away all legal claim to your mother’sestate before I allow you the honor of joining our stable.”The tiniest glimmer of hope lit a long path ahead of me, one of suffering,servitude, and shame, but one that ended in freedom and splendor. Icouldn’t sign my rights away…it was my only hope to ever escape theirclutches…”You can’t make me sign anything. Someday I’ll get my share ofthe inheritance and then we’ll see how easy it is to keep me locked up.” Ifelt the strength return to my legs and I did something I never in amillion years imagined I would have done…I stood up to mystep-father. Sure, I was a little unsteady on the high heels I wasapparently locked into, but I was on my feet, tottering right over to himand looking him square in the eye. I could swear I saw a hint of admirationin there just before he laid me flat with backhand I could only register asa blur, a thunderclap, and an explosion of pain that knocked me to theground.”Father, I’m getting bored. Let me break her so we can get on withthis. I’ll have her begging to sign in her blood withing five minutesflat.” Darius’ tone was cold and dead. But his threats didn’t have theintended effect…if I surrendered, I’d be at his mercy for the rest of mylife. If I resisted, one day I would be free from his sadistic embrace, andfrom what I’d seen of his handiwork, he would torture me for fun even if Inever defied him.”Not yet. Remember, son, there are rules to this game. We go from youngestto oldest which means Dirk gets first shot at getting our stubborn littlesissy to see the light.” It says a lot about how completely fucked mysituation was that getting hate fucked by a gorilla was a relief comparedto the alternative…and that was only a temporary ‘reprieve’. He made hisway over to me and opened his robe, revealing his hard, naked flesh. Hiscock was even more fearsome than I had imagined it…and I had spent a lotmore time picturing it my head than I cared to admit. It was almost as longas his father’s…at least ten inches long…but much thicker…it was afucking bludgeon…so thick I couldn’t even put my hand around it. Irealized with a whimper that I had my hand on his cock before he evenasked…”Now I’ve got to be honest, I’m not a very creative guy. I leave that kindof stuff to my older brother and my dad. But with a cock like this, whoneeds imagination? So here’s the deal, and its going to be the best one youget all night. You sign the papers like a good little slave and I’ll unlockyour chastity cage. If you don’t, I won’t even use your spit for lube.” Mybody didn’t seem to appreciate the gravity of the situation. I was droolingfor a chance to lube his cock, wondering if I could fit him in my mouth. Mysoft sex tried to grow hard, but only crushed against the unyielding barsof its cage.I squirmed as my body begged me to beg him to let me sign, to feel hishands sliding over my rubber encased body, to taste him throbbing in mythroat, to have him inside me, slooooowly and gently as he pushed my boipussy to new limits. All I had to give him was everything…and at themoment it sounded like a bargain. But then I thought better of it…thesingle sane sliver of my mind that hadn’t been paralyzed with lust orterror telling me I had to hold on for as long as it took. For once in mylife, I had to be strong. “I…I…I won’t sign. Do your wuh wuh worst.””Oh no, little sissy…” He pulled my head up painfully as he leaned downinto a kiss, crushing my soft lips against my teeth as sucked on mymouth. “I’m going to do my best.” He thrust his tongue inside me withoutwarning, it was thick and insistent, almost making me gag as it plungeddown my throat. There was nothing loving about his kiss, but there wasnothing sadistic about it either. It wasn’t that he was trying to hurt me,after all, he could have broken me into pieces with his bare hands if hewanted to do. He just didn’t care what happened to me as long as hisravenous appetites were sated. I trembled to think what he would do to mytender little hole if he was this rough with just his tongue. He dropped meto the floor, panting and flushed, and I knew I wouldn’t have to wait longto find out.I felt his thick fingers dig into the soft yielding flesh of my buttocks, Iwhimpered as he effortlessly pulled me to my knees and casually flipped myskirt up, leaving my asshole exposed and vulnerable. Despite the heartpounding panic coursing through me, my cockette was still tryingdesperately to get hard. It seemed no matter how often the metal bit intomy tender flesh, it wouldn’t take the hint. I bit my lower lip and said asilent prayer to anyone that would listen…I felt his fat cockhead pressagainst my rosebud, trying to force it to bloom. I felt his muscles kiss myskin as he d****d over me, whispering, “Hey, Belle, I just wanted to saythanks for not signing the papers before I got a chance to fuck you raw.””AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” He forced his gigantic helmet through my tautring, every millisecond seemed more impossible than the last. It felt likegiving birth in reverse…like being impaled on a burning log…like a fatcock stretching out my asshole without the mercy of lube. Every cell insideme screamed in agony. He was slowly deforming my body, stretching it past apoint the human body was ever intended to go. It was surreal…it didn’tfeel like flesh…flesh doesn’t burn like hot coals or cut like jaggedglass. Every time I thought he couldn’t possibly go any longer, more freshagony would force its way further inside me. I closed my eyes, and toldmyself over and over again that it was almost over…almost over…almostover…”Well the head’s in…that wasn’t so bad, now was it?” Dirk’s hand camecrashing down on my ass, sending a shock-wave of pain that reverberatedwith the agony inside me, screeching a duet like some lullaby fordemons. If he noticed, he didn’t make any mention of it…he just keptdriving his monster deeper inside me, devouring me from the inside withevery impossible inch. His fingers gripped my hips, pulling me back towardshim as his freight train carrying an overload cargo of heated Hell keptrolling along. I couldn’t breathe to beg him to stop, couldn’t think toconsider signing my soul away to save my life, couldn’t do anything butprocess pain so profound it would confound a poet. And he just keptcoming…”Fuuuuuuck…this is soooooo fucking tight! Shit…I’m not even sure youcan take my full length, but it is going to be a blast finding out.” Dirkwas a true monster, and not just because of his ogre cock and gorillahands…he had a satyr’s soul. He wasn’t even trying to get me to surrenderat this point. If he was, he would have pulled out so that I could beg himnot to stick his pet lamprey back in me, or at least stop to let me catchmy breath. If he had…I don’t know…but its hard to imagine willinglyagreeing to let him continue if I had the capacity for choice at themoment. And he wasn’t doing it to torture me…as inhumanly intense as itwas, he wasn’t going out of his way to hurt me. Even spanking me was just ashow of ownership, and possibly even affection. He was a monster because myliving Hell wasn’t even a consideration for him…it never even crossed hismind. Once his dick was hard, he was going to find something to fuck. Hewas a simple b**st…the world was just a wonderful collection of holes tohim…and asking whether a hole wanted to be filled was far toophilosophical a question for him to ponder.”Damn…all the way in. I should get a t-shirt made for you sissies thatmanage to fit my full length. Something like ‘I got stabbed by the Dirk andlived to tell about it’…then again, maybe we should wait and see on thatpart…” I took a deep breath to prove to myself I wasn’t dead yet. He wasinside me…and I wasn’t dead yet. I allowed myself to hope that maybe theworst was over. As he pulled out slowly, he raised my hopes even further,the pain lingered like a ghost’s cock behind him, but it was ethereal,insubstantial compared to the unreal reality of his flesh. When he was allthe way out, I let out a sigh as long as his prick, proving I could exhaleas well. I could breathe again, and that told me I had survived. And whenhe shoved a fourth of his cock back into me in one thrust, and then kepthammering away a few invasive inches at a time…I learned I could screamagain as well…”AaaaAAaAAaAAAAAAiiiIIIIIEeeeEEeeeEEEEEE!” his cruel cock forced out whatlittle air I had left in a scream so large I was amazed it fit in me in thefirst place. The pain had been slow and constant before, but at least ithad been predictable, getting progressively worse the more he warped mytenderest tissue. This was like being gored by a wild boar from theinside. Savage, unpredictable attacks that left me panicked and waiting forthe next strike, forever guessing wrong and paying with my ass.He began to pull out, and I dared to take another breath again, then justas reached the half way point, he changed course and slammed his weaponinside me all the way to the hilt. “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” a birdlike wailflew out of me, free from the torture chamber housed inside my skin. Ienvied it…I was stuck inside my treacherous flesh, cursed with a bodythat seemed to feel everything a little too much…skin that surrendered topleasure a little too easily, and felt the sting of the inevitablepunishment even more keenly. I tried to think through the pain, but it waslike there were shards of glass cutting into my brain, making my thoughtsalien and disjointed. Things like…I wonder if Dirk will get grounded ifhe fucks me to death…if I had Dirk’s body, would I be fucking a sissy inthe ass right now…God, I hope they don’t put ‘fucked to death’ on mytombstone…is this really worth my inheritance…or maybe I’d just be areally ugly sissy…how much does a new asshole cost, anyway…it went onand on like that as Dirk continued pounding me at an erratic pace.But pain is a strange b**st, it can tear out your guts from the inside onemoment and began playfully nibbling the next. I don’t know if its becausemy asshole finally stretched wide enough to take his strange b**st, or ifmy blood was acting as some sort of primitive lube, or maybe my brainfinally said ‘fuck it, I’m not processing this shit anymore. If you want toget fucked by a rhino horn or whatever it is, that’s your business.’, butwhatever the reason, the pain lessened to the point that it felt likepleasure compared to what came before. The adrenaline and endorphinsflooding my body probably didn’t hurt either, making me feel high, dopedand wired at the same time, without a shred of shame or sanity to preventme from rolling my hips back onto his cock just so I could feel him slamthem back down. I giggled and grunted as I felt his freakish manhood swellto grow impossibly thicker in response.”Damn…who…ungh…taught you…nngh that?” A sick thrill kissed its wayup my spine sending icy-hot shivers that made me melt. Of course I hatedhim, there were enough scraps of me left to remember that even as Isqueezed his cock with my aching asshole and winced through the reminder ofhow bad it could hurt.,,but hating him was what made it so hot…soforbidden…so kinky. I was a novice to surrender, but I was learning fast,and I loved to study…especially since I had just discovered the ironicsense of power in controlling how much pleasure he would receive. A slightroll of the hips, a subtle squeeze, a sudden thrust backwards, all drovehim closer to the brink of oblivion, or slowed him maddeningly. Sure he,could have held me down and pounded away at me and there would have beennothing I could do to stop him. He could make me into a weak, whimperinghole, but if wanted more pleasure than he could drill out of me, he wouldhave to let me work my magic.”Fuck…that’s it…GGRAAAGH…you earned it!” Dirk’s savage roar shook theroom, traveling down his mountain of a body like an avalanche, gainingmomentum until I exploded out of his cock, practically punching me with atorrent of his man mead. Thankfully, his scream drowned out my own, asevery muscle in my body seized up and sucked out every last drop of hiscum. Maybe it was some sort of instinctive attempt to put out the firestill blazing in my abused ass. Maybe I was responding vicariously to hispleasure as I always seemed to do, my body recognizing a superior a****l’sright to pleasure and rejoicing that I brought it about. But most likely,it was just the chemical waste my brain was shitting throughout my bodyafter suffering through the sustained brutality of Dirk’s love making.Whatever it was, if faded as soon as it came, leaving me to feel the coolair hitting my inflamed guts as my asshole gaped lewdly. I feltparadoxically empty and full the same time…my boi pussy ruined, maybeforever stretched wide and hungry, while at the same time, the outline ofhis cock lingered in the form of every throbbing nerve in my ass crying outin pain. It was a dull, stabbing throb, a hurt that had faded, but refusedto leave my side…like a possessive lover wanting to hold me close as longas he could. Still it wasn’t half as bad as the throbbing ache pushinginsistently against my chastity cage, confused and betrayed that it hadn’tgotten to cum after such a rough fuck. Maybe if he had pounded my prostatea little bit longer…but I pushed thoughts like that out of my head, notwanting to want the man that was trying to enslave me. Instead I gatheredtiny shreds of my willpower of the floor and looking up at Dirk asked, “Doyou surrender now?”I cringed as his hand raised high in the air, ready to strike medown…”DIRK DANIEL HARROW! You will not lay a hand on her. You have cum,and thus your turn is ended. Now calm down and control yourself. Let’s seeif Darius fares any better.” Relief turned to horror as Darius made his wayover to me. If Dirk was a monster out of carelessness, Darius was one outof dedication. All I had to do was look at the scars on his sissy’s skinbetween the ink and piercings to know what kind of man he was. Every stephe took brought me one step closer to the gallows. I held my breath andclosed my eyes, stupidly acting as if it would make a difference, as if I’dopen my eyes and see anything but Darius’ sadistic smile.”Aww, look at you, you’re shaking like a leaf. Don’t worry, my beautifulBelle, I’m not going to hurt you. Hurt you? Heh…you should be solucky…” He took my head in his hands and lifted me into a kiss, softerthan I expected, our lips merely grazing one another. I didn’t know what todo with a kiss like that. Even when Isabella was playing at being romantic,her kisses were powerful, passionate. I kept expecting him to takeadvantage of my confusion my forcing his tongue down my throat, but to mysurprise, he just kept gently pressing his lips to mine, never opening hismouth or more importantly, mine. His fingertips stroked my cheek and Istarted to squirm in his arms. He held me close, but allowed me to writhein perplexed frustration, never gripping me to tightly or taking advantageof the obvious strength housed in his taut muscles. In a moment ofweakness, I found myself sucking on his lips, trying to part them with mytongue, trying to coax out a real kiss from him, the kind that hurt. I justwanted things to make sense again…”Now, now, Belle, this is supposed to be torture, remember? So I can’t haveyou acting on those nasty little urges of yours. You will behave yourselfand meekly accept whatever I do to you or there will be consequences.” Histone was gentle, but in a practiced, artificial way that was even moreterrifying than his usual serial-killer cold affect. He held my head firmlyas he held me with his lips hovering over mine, but he didn’t hurt me inthe slightest. My imagination ran wild, I was on the verge of tears justfrom trying to picture what agonizing abomination he would perform if Ididn’t obey. I knew that was exactly what he wanted, to twist my fearinside me like a knife and let me torture myself, all while being gentle asa lamb…but knowing his game and being able to prevent it from working onme were two very different things…”puh puh Please duh duh don’t huh huh hurt me.” I immediately regrettedpleading for mercy, giving him that much more power over me. He paid noattention to it, mercy being a concept as alien to him as fire is to afish. Instead, he pulled me into his lap and pulled my top down over myshoulder, and began covering my exposed flesh with tender, teasingkisses…my skin sizzled and I felt myself melting into his lap despitemyself. I couldn’t control my body, this was everything it wanted, to becontrolled and helpless and loved…all at once. And it was too stupid toknow it was all a sick game. I rubbed my ass against his lap feeling hisimpressive hardness against my soft skin, I imagined how tender he wouldfeel inside me…and my cage closed in around my swelling flesh, sending aspasm of pain from my groin to my gut, where it stewed and festered. Now Iknew his plan…to kill me with kindness. “I know what you’re trying to do,Darius, and it woOoOooOOOOOHH!””Sorry, you trailed off there at the end. Something about this notworking?” I’m putty in his hands as he toys with erogenous zones I neverknew I had. He was rubbing slow circles around my nipples, running histongue along the outside of my ear and darting in and out like a thief, andlightly nibbling on my neck, my pulse pounding so hard he could probablytaste it. By the time he peeled off my leather dress and left me naked savefor my maid’s cap, stockings, and cockette cage, I was a whimpering mess. Ididn’t know how long I could take it. Every sweet caress was followed bythe increasingly brutal bite of cold steel. And if I understood the fuckedup rules right, he got to play with me until he came. But he showed no signthat he was going to fuck me…which meant I was fucked. And then thingsgot worse…”NoOOoOOOOh pleeeeeeeasssssse doOOOooOOOn’t!” His fingers found there wayinside my gaping hole. I wish I could say I was moaning for him to stopbecause it was still sore, but the stabs of pain where a welcome respitecompared to what followed them. Darius proved himself an artist with hisfingers, manipulating my sissy spot with a skill and dexterity that wouldhave impressed the world’s finest watchmakers or bomb defusers. He wascertainly winding me up, hitting sissy spots I didn’t even know I had,making my entire body an exposed nerve, every inch of flesh soaking up theslightest physical contact. My own sweat trailing down my trembling fleshlike teasing fingers, his hard swimmers physique rubbing against my soft,yielding flesh…well, more like my soft yielding flesh rubbing up againsthis hard body, but same difference. My genitals stubbornly refused to yieldto its prison. I was starting to think it had more fight in it than Idid. But then I felt a familiar twinge, like a chord being struck insideme…that bubbling bliss building to an ecstatic eruption. My body leapt onthe shred of hope like a feral dog lunging for a scrap of raw meat. Andthat’s what I was at that point…raw meat. Mindlessly racing towards agoal my mind was telling me I’d never reach. Because even if I could find away to cum with this cage on, Darius would never have given me thesatisfaction. True to form, the moment before I exploded, he pulled back,defusing me with expert finesse.”You probably think I’m cruel, don’t you? It’s okay, you don’t have toanswer, I know how you sissies whisper behind my back, how you alwaysscurried away to avoid me in the halls. As if I was yourstep-boogeyman. But if you could see through my eyes right now, you’d knowI am the most compassionate man you’ve ever had the honor of meeting.” Asif to ‘prove’ his point, he begins playing me like an instrument again, onehad on my nipples, the other inside me, and his lips raining down a barrageof soft kiss along the nape of my neck. He composed a symphony of whimpersand moans as he continued to string me along and hang me out to dry. Thelonger he played and the more crescendos he cut off, the more the pleasureturned to pain. It got so bad I was getting nostalgic for something assweet as a raw ravishment. I was willing to do almost anything for a littlerelief…but not anything.”NNH nev uh uh Never…suh uh unh surrender. Nnh nuh not to yuh yuhyoooOOoooOOH!” Darius’ plan had backfired. Sure I was so exhausted I didn’tknow if I would have the strength for the next moan, sure I was dying totaste ever last inch of him, sure his loving treatment had left me in astate of Purgatory I’d gladly have cut off a pound of flesh to escape, butthat was his mistake. HE was the cause of it all. And all I had to do wasnothing and he couldn’t win. It was a daunting task, but I had a lifetimeof practice at doing nothing, and I intended to use it to my advantage.”Sigh…and now you’re blaming me for your own stubbornness. Making me thevillain in your dime store dreadful so you don’t have to face thetruth. You want to be our slave just as much as the other sissies, you justwant it forced upon you so you don’t have to admit it. That’s why I am thekindest man you’ll ever meet. I’m willing to play the heavy for you, tomake you do things you would never dare admit you wanted to do, things youbeg me to stop until your throat grows so hoarse you can’t evenwhimper. And then I’ll make you do things you never even knew existed, andI will make you love them. And yes, you will hate me for it, but that is aprice I am willing to pay.” Throughout his self-deluded tirade, Darius,continued to torment me with suffering I apparently wanted but was tooafraid to admit. Funny, I just thought I hated his living guts.I knew I had to do something. Darius was hard, but showing no hints of animpending orgasm. And as much as I hated him, I doubted I could withstandhis abuse as long as he could dish it out. I didn’t think, if I did, Iprobably would have cowered from the idea like a scared littlerabbit. Instead, I reached inside the boiling pit of bile that made up myinnards and pulled out a s**thing onslaught, “Fuck you, you wimp! At least,Dirk had the balls to fuck me. You’re so afraid I’ll make you cum before Isurrender that you are just fingering me like a virgin on prom night.”Darius threw me to the ground, towering over me, his voice lost it’s gentlepolish and was left with the cold steely tone of a sharp knife. “I don’tknow which is worse, that you would insult me like that, or that you thinkI’m stupid enough to fall for it. I tried doing this the easy way. Ithought you would appreciate the creativity of my approach. But if you wantit more traditional, then so be it. I’ll bring out my toys and have youbegging to be our slave inside five hours.” I was scared stupid for amoment. All I wanted to do was hide under a rock and never come out. Butthere was nowhere to hide, and Darius was reaching down for me, his handlooming larger and larger over my face until it blotted out everythingelse. Mindlessly, I blurted out, “I can make you cum in under five minutes!I’d bet my freedom on it!” He paused, perplexed, and for a moment, I heaveda sigh of relief…and then it hit me…I had no idea how I was going tomake him cum!”Hmm…my way is much more certain, but what’s life without a little risk?Very well, the timer starts from the moment I stick my cock in your gapingcunt and you have five minutes to make me cum or you sign your fortune andfreedom away?” I just sort of nodded dumbly, hoping whatever part of mybrain shit out that challenge would come up with an idea on how to winit. But all I could think of is what it would feel like hanging in one ofthose cages in the basement. I could taste the gruel already, feel the darkclose in around me…no, not the dark, Darius’ arms, pulling me to myknees, spreading me wide as his cock slid inside me without the slightestresistance.Minute one…I was surprised at the length and girth of Darius’ cock, itwas only a little bigger than the ‘runt’ of the families. Sure, it was anice size, but nothing compared to Dirk’s or his father’s, and it didn’thave that comely curve that Dale’s did, so he couldn’t hit my sweet spotnearly as hard. I was beginning to understand why he got so good with hisfingers…I stifled a laugh, knowing mocking his prowess wouldn’t be thebest way to make him cum…By minute two I was ready to take back everything I didn’t dare say abouthis endowments. He wielded his rod as masterfully as he had used hisfingers, churning up my abused ass and sending those familiar sparks ofmind melting bliss much sooner than I was prepared for. If he kept up likethis, I might actually cross that threshold I’d been denied for so long,but all thoughts of making him cum had melted into a thick drool that randown my chin.Minute three stretched out into infinity. Every eternal second an inchcloser to paradise as I crawled up from miles down in Hell…but still,Heaven was in sight. My body knew what to do even if I did not, rolling myhips as I thrust back onto his cock…milking his manhood with my soft,tight muscles…using every technique I learned from getting Dirk off in adesperate attempt to make him cum. I felt a little throb, but I knew therewas no way I’d make him cum at this rate. I could feel a leash bite into myneck. I imagined him leering down at my bloodied body…and then it hitme…Minute four was a decisive moment, I didn’t plan it, I would have neverbeen that stupid, or that brave. But something inside me knew what Dariuswanted even if the rest of me was too terrified to contemplate it. Islammed my head into the hard oak floor, sending blood gushing from my noseonto my plump, shiny lips. Darius paused, paralyzed with shock as I lookedback up at him, gave him a cum hither look and smiled even as the blooddripped from my chin…and squeezed…”NNH! Wait…NO!” Darius erupted inside me like a water balloon poppingevery last drop of cum bursting out of him in a shotgun blast of stickyseed. I cooed in frustrated satisfaction, knowing I would be denied releasethat much longer, but momentarily content with my meaningless victory. ToDarius’ credit, it did not take him long to regain his composure, hecovered his shame in his robes, stepping back into the shadows without aword of reproach.”My my…I must say I’m impressed. I half expected you would outlast,Dirk. After all, the shock carried you through the ordeal more thananything, and Dirk’s approach has always been, shall we say, direct? But tobest Darius? That I did not expect. I’ll have to reconsider my opinion ofyou…slightly. For that, you deserve a small boon. You are the only one inthis room that isn’t 100% certain that you will beg to be our slave. And Isuspect that deep down you know you will too. So, I could walk over thereand work my wonders, but that would be too easy. You’ve earned something alittle more…poetic. So I will allow Isabella to take my turn. Isabella,you have five minutes to make her beg. If you don’t…ah but why dwell onsuch an ugly thought?”My jaw dropped as Isabella slowly crawled towards me, her eyes growinghungrier as she slowly sauntered over…but there was something else inthem too, something I wanted to believe was regret. But when she smiled andran her tongue slowly across her sensuous smirk, it was hard to imagine shefelt anything but pride in what she’d done to me. I steeled my defenses,ready for any of her usual tricks. I figured she’d boss me around, fuck mesilly, maybe feed me all of the cum pooling in my asshole baby birdstyle. Whatever she did, it would all be a part of the same sick game shehad played from day one. Seduce and destroy…I was wise to it, and Iwasn’t going to let her push me around anymore…no matter how much Icraved it. All I had to do was last five minutes…What I didn’t expect…what I wasn’t prepared for…what I had no defensefor…was for her to wrap her smirking lips around my earlobe, whispering,”I’m so sorry, Belle. But I had no choice…I still don’t. And neither doyou…at least this way, we can be together…” her voice was low, andragged, full of a hurt I had never heard from her before. It wasn’t until Iheard the fear in her voice, the profound hopelessness, that I realized howpointless it was to try to resist. Sure, I could last long enough to ensurethat Isabella suffered for my stubbornness, but surprisingly, the thoughtof that only made me feel guilty. And if I could, which I wasn’t so sureof, what would be the point? After they finished their little game, theywouldn’t just let me go. They had the rest of my life to make me signwhatever they wanted to. I had already lost whatever game they wanted toplay the moment they made the rules. Four minutes were only a formality…I took her head in my hands, my lips tingling against hers, tears streamingdown my cheeks, I begged, “Please, just give me a little longer…pleasepretend with me, for just a minute…” She didn’t say a word, but I sawsomething soften in those hungry eyes of hers, and felt her hands pullingme into a kiss. Our mouths wrestled as if they were trying to swallow oneanother, our tongues wrapped around one another, sliding and twisting as iftrying to get a good grip. She drank down my sobs and fed me moans with herslick little tongue. We fell to the floor, every limb frantically wrappingaround each other as out sweat slick bodies slid against each other. Wedesperately clung to one another, trying to hold onto the lie for just onemore second, to pretend there was still love somewhere underneath all thehurt and betrayal…to pretend it was there to begin with…but our timewas running out…only three minutes to go…I knew she didn’t really love me. I knew this was just another chore forher, a way to stay in her Master’s good graces. I knew that once I was downin the basement, I would be just another annoying sissy she had to keep inline. But that was okay, because the truth didn’t matter in her arms. Allthat mattered was that I could believe in the lie just a littlelonger. This was the only thing I could do for her, the only way I couldever help her. And as long as I could pretend she loved me as much as Iwanted to love her, it was worth any price. I pulled my mouth off hersreluctantly, crying out, “Please, let me sign!” I was pretty sure I stillhad two minutes, but I didn’t want to risk cutting it too close.”See boys? Never send a man to do a sissy’s job. Give Belle thepapers. I’ll get the branding iron ready.” He made his way over to one ofthe red velvet curtains and pulled an iron out of a brick oven cut into thewall. It glowed white and it lit his cowled face with a Hellish light. Icouldn’t take my eyes off it, even as Isabella handed me the papers,stroking my hair as I laid my head in her lap, signing every page she toldme to. I moaned a sigh of relief as I heard the click of my cage freeing mysore sissy clit. I stroked it feverishly, hoping for a little escape evenas the walls were closing in on me. My new Masters stood over me, theirarrogant pricks turning their noses up at me as they delighted in mydespair. Master Darren walked behind me firmly ordering, “Up on all fours,Belle. I want to make this a memorable occasion for you.”I doubted I would ever be able to forget it, no matter how hard I tried,and I buried my face in Isabella’s bosom, not wanting them to see mycowardly sobbing. I was in agony imagining how much it would hurt, butinstead of the hot hiss of the iron, I felt a much more welcome heatsliding in my well prepared hole. Despite Dirk’s earlier abuse, I was atleast well lubed with two loads of cum, and with my pathetic clit free tothrob and leak all over the hard wood floors, all I cared about was feelinghim hit my sweet spot as hard as he could. I flashed back to my room thatfirst day with Isabella…watching him force his cock into her eager hole,not being able to imagine what it would feel like to be her. It turned outmy imagination was woefully lacking. His experienced thrusts made Dariusseem like an amateur, and his inexhaustible passion made Dirk look like atwo-pump-chump. I had already given up everything I ever had or ever wouldhave, so pretending I wasn’t in love with his cock seemed like a mootpoint. “Yeeeeeeeeeesssss! Fuck me! Please! Fuck me harder! I’m soclose…I’m so…EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!”The hours of torture and teasing, the terror and torment, the hopelessnessand heartbreak…all of it left me in hot sticky squirts, my body finallygetting the release it had been begging for. Mindless, a****l, pure,perfect pleasure…I almost felt sorry for them…they would never knowsuch wonder, never feel every goosebump on their smooth skin become athrobbing clit, never cum so hard they went to that place no one couldtouch them…and stay there as long as a hard cock sawed in and out ofthem, breaking down the gates of Heaven with relentless pounding so I couldsneak in. The voice of God spoke to me, sounding surprisingly like my newMaster, “That’s a good gurl. You’re going to be so beautiful when thesurgeons finish with you. You’ve had a fine head start, but wait until wegive you the body to match your slutty soul. You’ll see, you’ll learn tolove being a slave. Your kind always does…”Who was I to argue with God? Especially while he was fucking me? I lookedup and saw an angel smiling down on me and I knew I’d made the rightdecision. I was in Heaven…and then I felt the brand. At first I thoughtthey made a mistake. It was ice cold…how was it supposed to burn theirmark into my flesh? It seared my nerves on contact, making the initial heattoo powerful to process, but luckily, there was so much more pain thatfollowed, so I wouldn’t be confused. I was cast into Hell, paying for theonly sin in my step-father’s eyes…weakness. I was damned, screaming upinto the face of a succubus as she looked down at me with hollow eyes. Thenagain, maybe there was something in them, I hoped I was wrong, that it wasjust the pain blurring my vision…making everything go fuzzy and darkuntil I fell into a void even darker and more desolate than in mynightmare…I was disappearing…being murdered, the last of my manhood and will burnedalive and screaming. Byron was dying, and what little mind I had left wastelling me that whenever I opened my eyes next, it would be as Belle. Iwould no longer be the Young Master…

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