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Colin stared across the dining hall at the stunning blonde who was sitting at a table with her friends. She was laughing at something. He was captivated by her beauty; her big blue eyes, her slender neck, her pouting lips. He watched as she brought her fork up to her mouth. She wrapped her lips around the piece of pasta on the end and pulled the fork free. It was a simple, everyday act but Colin’s mind raced, and his groin reacted.

“Come on, Col. Get a move on. Some of us actually want to get something to eat.”

Janie’s words shook Colin out of his trance. “Sorry.”

“No need to be sorry, Col,” said Billy, Colin’s other best friend. “Just choose something. It’s all shit so it doesn’t matter what.”

“Excuse me,” said the plump lady behind the counter. “If you think the food is that bad, you can always go and eat somewhere else.”

Except they couldn’t, and they all knew it. As students they were on a tight budget. The refectory that serviced the hall of residence where they lived offered the cheapest food around.

Colin chose from the meagre selection, paid and then found a table with three empty seats. He could still see her. She was still laughing. She looked in his direction. He didn’t know if she saw him staring, but he looked away. He didn’t even know her name. Janie and Billy sat down either side of Colin.

“I don’t know why you’re so interested in her,” Billy said. “She’s a stuck up cow.”

“How do you know? You don’t know her any better than me.”

“Exactly. We’ve been here nearly four months, and she hasn’t spoken to any of us yet. She’s got a chip on her shoulder.”

“Ignore him,” said Janie. “I’m sure she’d like you if she took the time to get to know you.”

“I’m going to ask her to the Ice Palace Ball.”

Billy laughed. “I can see it now. ‘Hi, you don’t know me but…'” He shook his head. “You’re a good bloke, Colin, brilliant programmer, but sometimes you can be really thick.”


The Ice Palace Ball was the university’s second most prestigious event, ranking behind only the Midsummer Ball. The staff and students took great pride in their appearance for both. The men wore the finest dinner suits they could afford, and the ladies spent more time selecting their gowns than wearing them.

Colin and Billy waited for Janie to make her entrance. She and the other girls on their floor had been getting ready for over two hours. The lads didn’t mind waiting; it gave them an excuse to crack open a bottle of whisky and smoke fat cigars. They continually slapped themselves on the back and complimented each other on their finery.

Janie was unquestionably attractive, although she insisted that she was at least a stone overweight. Neither Billy nor Colin could understand why she would want to be stick thin.

“Personally, I like a bit of meat on a girl,” Billy had said one drunken night. “It gives you something to grab hold of.”

She strode into the small kitchen that they shared, and Billy trumpeted a mock fanfare. “Ladies and Gentlemen! May I present, all the way from Telford, Shropshire — the delectable, Miss Janie Fox!”

Janie had hired a dark green, satin evening gown, the same colour as her eyes. It had a tight fitting bodice, which she claimed was to ‘hold in the flab’, and it hung loosely from her hips, rippling and catching the light as she walked. She had teased her dark brown hair up on the back of her head, and left loose strands curling down her back and around her face. She’d finished off the outfit with a pair of fake diamond earrings, which, although cheap, caught the light and sparkled as if they were real.

“Magnificent,” said Colin. “Whoever it is that you’ve got your eye on is a very lucky man.”

“Thank you.” Janie blushed. “You don’t scrub up too bad yourself.”

Colin straightened his lapels and puffed out his chest.

“You look really nice, Janie,” Billy said. He kissed her cheek. “Can I get the lady a drink?”

“That would be delightful, kind sir. Do we have any white wine?”

“Unfortunately not, ma’am. We have half a bottle of red, Jack Daniels, or cheap beer.” Billy laughed. He was finding it difficult to maintain his phoney posh accent.

Janie laughed too. “I guess it’ll have to be the cheap stuff then.”


It was already dark as the students made their way to the students’ union building. The venue for the Ice Palace Ball was affectionately called ‘The Warehouse’ by the locals. A stark concrete box, devoid of any architectural merit, it was revered and reviled in equal measure.

The night was crisp and clear, although dark clouds gathered in the distance. There was a light frost and the pale moonlight gave familiar buildings an eerie quality. The grass verges backroom casting porno were tinted white. The asphalt sparkled.

Many of the students were in pairs, excitedly chatting as they walked arm in arm. Others were in small groups, still more in large groups. No one was alone. Not tonight.

Janie walked arm in arm with Billy and Colin, clinging to both of them and cursing her high heels.

“Damn things. I should have worn sensible shoes.”

Billy had offered her his long black coat as soon as they left the hall and discovered how cold it was. He draped it around her shoulders but she still shivered.

There was a queue at the union. It took them almost twenty freezing cold minutes to be admitted. Inside, the building had been transformed into a winter wonderland. Fake icicles hung from the ceiling and staircase. The walls were decked with fake snow and the windows were frosted.

The building had two bars. One had a traditional layout, with seats arranged around tables, dim lighting and a strange smell coming from the beer stained carpet. The other was in the dance hall, occupying the length of one wall. Both bars were surrounded by a throng of people trying desperately to attract the attention of one of the bar staff. The three friends opted for the bar in the dance hall. It was more crowded, but had more staff and less smell.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome on stage, a local band that are going to be huge this year. You will love them and they are here to rock your world tonight! It’s Marvin’s Androids!”

The crowd cheered as the band took to the stage, and the cheers grew louder when they launched into an hour-long set.

After they finished, the resident DJ took over while the stage was reset. Billy, Janie and Colin hadn’t been able to get near the stage during the performance. Instead they had watched from the raised seating area opposite the bar.

Colin leaned on the railing that separated his area from the dance floor, watching people come and go as they refilled their glasses.

She was there. Her blonde hair straight and sleek. Her blue eyes sparkling. He stared at her. She looked his way and this time he was certain she caught him watching.

“Who you looking at?” Janie asked. She followed his gaze. “Oh. Her. How come you haven’t asked her to dance?”

“I couldn’t. Not now. I mean, I asked her to be my date, and she laughed in my face.”

“You know, Colin, if I didn’t know you and you asked me to the Ball out of the blue, I think I’d turn you down too. You can’t be too careful these days.”

“She didn’t just turn me down, Janie. She laughed in my face. I mean, she actually laughed at me.”

“It was probably out of nervousness. Forget it, come and dance with me instead.”

“How could I refuse?”

They joined Billy, who was already dancing. He was delighted to see them. He gave Janie a hug and kissed her cheek. It wasn’t long before the second band took to the stage. The Steromatics were billed as stars because of two recent top twenty hits.

The students rocked along with The Steromatics for a full hour and a half. It was approaching midnight when the band finally quit and the DJ took over once more. He gleefully announced that there was four hours of the party left and launched into a string of hit songs and party tracks. Colin, Billy and Janie danced along with everyone else.

After half an hour of frenzied dance floor activity, Billy wanted a drink. He had a quick word in Colin’s ear before he left.

“Your sweetheart seems to dancing with all and sundry. You’re bound to get in there tonight. Why don’t you go over and ask her. You never know, you might even get a snog.”

Colin smiled and Billy set off for the bar. Colin left his other friends and headed for his dream girl. She had her back to him. He tentatively tapped her shoulder. She turned around.

“Hi, Shelly.”

“Oh. It’s you.”

“Would you like to dance?”

“I’m already dancing, thank you.”

“With me, I meant.”

She laughed. “With you? Are you joking?”


“If I’d have had any intention of dancing with a nerd like you, don’t you think I’d have let you pay for my ticket when you offered?” She laughed again.

“I just thought…”

“Go back to your keyboard, you computer freak.” She turned her back on him and joined her friends in a loud, hearty laugh.

Colin trudged wearily away. He headed for the DJ’s booth, which was on a raised platform at the rear of the dance floor. He leaned on the railing that surrounded it and stared at Shelly. Billy appeared and shoved a bottle of beer into his hand.

“Cheer up, mate. It might never happen.”

“It already has.”

“Oh. bangbros porno Right. Well. Never mind, eh? Bottoms up.”

Billy took a swig from his own bottle and then bounded to the dance floor where their friends were enjoying themselves. Colin stayed put, leaning on the rail and staring out across the throng of revellers. When he came to university, he thought he’d get away from the name-calling and stereotyping.

He sucked on his beer and wallowed in his misery. None of the people who he watched enjoying themselves had a clue how he was feeling. None of them felt as bad as he did. Why had he been so stupid as to ask a girl like Shelly to dance?

“Colin! Colin, come and look.” Janie’s words shook him out of his trance as they so often did. It was as if she could sense when he was wallowing.

“Janie? What? Look at what?”

“Come. Look.” Janie tugged on Colin’s arm.

She led him to the exit. Her eyes had a misty glaze caused by too much to drink, and her voice had taken on child-like excitement.

“Where’re we going?”

“Outside, come on.”

The doorman stamped their hands with invisible ink before he let them out.

“It’s snowing.” Colin was surprised. He’d never know it snow this early in winter.

“Isn’t it lovely?” Janie seemed even more excited now she was outside.

Colin nodded his agreement. A thin dusting of snow covered the pavement and the surrounding buildings, and large white snowflakes drifted down from heaven. Janie held out her hand and caught one. It melted almost instantly. She squealed. Colin thought it as if she’d never seen snow before.

Continuing her childish behaviour, Janie ran out into the snow and spun around, trying to catch as many of the fat flakes out of the air as she could. Colin shook his head, and wondered how many drinks she’d had to make her act this way.

“Janie, come on back inside. You’ll catch your death out here.”

“Oh, stop being such an old fuddy-duddy. It’s not cold, not really.”

“Janie, it’s snowing. It has to be cold or it wouldn’t be. Now come inside.”

“Make me.” Janie bent down and scooped up a handful of snow. She compacted it into a ball and hurled it at Colin.

The snowball hit him square on the chest. “Why you…” He bent down and scooped up some snow of his own.

But Janie had already run off. She skidded to a halt, giggled drunkenly and scooped up some more snow. She had to dodge Colin’s snowball before she could throw hers back. Again she found her mark. Colin laughed, flung another snowball, and chased after her. She turned tail and fled as fast as her heels would allow.

Colin wore a pair of loafers with a smooth sole, making pursuit difficult. He slipped and slid, but he still managed to catch Janie as she tried to duck into the bushes at the side of the building.

“Damn stupid heels,” she said. “I knew I should have worn flats.”

They both started laughing.

“Good to see you’ve cheered up,” Janie said. “I hope you’ve got her out of your system now.”

“What d’you mean?”

“Well, you’ve been so focused on her, you haven’t been looking anywhere else. If you look, I’m sure you could find someone closer to home.”

“Yeah, right. Like who?”

Janie held her arms open, and raised her eyebrows.


Janie nodded. “You must have noticed that I like you, Colin. Everyone else has. Even Billy, and I think he’s a bit sweet on me himself.”

Colin shook his head slightly. He hadn’t seen any of this.

“See what I mean, too focused in the wrong direction.”

She took a step closer to him, brought her hands up to his face and pulled him to her for a kiss. Colin was in a daze. It was all happening too fast. Janie tried to force her tongue into his mouth, and unthinkingly Colin let her.

She moved her hands down from his face and embraced him. Finally gathering his wits, Colin wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly. Janie moaned. Suddenly she moved her hands around and fumbled with Colin’s fly.

“Janie! What are you doing?”

“I want you, Colin. I’ve waited four months. I don’t want to wait any longer.”

“But here? Someone might see.”

“You’re right.” She dragged him further into the bushes. “That’s better.”

She pushed him up against the wall. It was still snowing, but they were surrounded by bushes behind and above them, and only a few snowflakes drifted down to them. Janie kissed Colin again and went straight for his trousers. She had them open in seconds and they fell to his ankles.

Her hands dived into his shorts and found his rapidly hardening cock. She pumped it gently and swelled even more. Then she fell to her knees and yanked his shorts down. Her eyes widened on sight of his dick. She examined it, moving her head beurette tour porno to look at it from different angles.

“He must be cold,” she said as a snowflake landed on the tip. “I know what’ll warm him up.”

She opened her mouth and engulfed his cock. Colin was still too shocked by this chain of events to do anything other than lean back against the wall and enjoy it.

She worked his cock in and out of her mouth with such skill that Colin assumed she had done this before. She swirled her tongue around the bulbous head before taking his cock into her mouth until it pushed against her throat, making her gag.

Colin wasn’t used to blow jobs. He’d only ever experienced one before—from a girl at school who had drunk almost an entire bottle of vodka at a friend’s party. But she hadn’t given him the sensations that Janie was now creating in his loins. He held her head and rocked his hips slowly in time with her motion.

He was going to come soon. He knew it. “Ah, god. Oh, Janie. I’m going to…”

“Come on then. Come for me, Colin. Come for me.”

She pumped his cock while sucking on the end like a lollipop. That was enough. Colin could stand no more and he thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock past her ruby red lips, and groaned as he exploded into her mouth. He thought he would never stop coming, but Janie swallowed and kept swallowing, until she had devoured every last drop of semen.

“Oh, wow. Janie, I’d never have guessed.”

Janie huffed. “I hope you’re not too worn out.”


“It’s my turn now, stupid.”

She shifted to the side and lifted up her dress. She pulled it up over her hips, revealing the black lace-top stockings and lacy French knickers beneath. Her unexpectedly slutty behaviour kept Colin hard.

“Well? Come on then.” She put her hands against the wall and thrust out her bottom.

Colin may not have been worldly wise, but he got the message. He came up behind her and grabbed her hips.

“What you planning to do, Col? Fuck me right through my knickers?”

Colin shrugged. He pulled her knickers down to her knees, then grabbed his cock and aimed it at her exposed pussy. Snowflakes still fell through the gaps in the trees overhead, landing on Janie’s bare bum.

Colin slipped his dick into his friend. She gasped as he penetrated her, and again when he pulled out and thrust back in.

It was raw, it was passionate. They didn’t make love, they didn’t have sex. They fucked. They fucked like animals in heat. He thrust into her with tremendous force, and she pushed back against him, trying to get more and more of him inside her, urging him to reach deep inside and touch places that had never been touched before. Janie’s dress fell down, covering them. Colin pushed it back up out of the way. He enjoyed watching his cock repeatedly disappear inside her.

So ferocious was their fucking that Colin banged against a bush behind him, causing the snow that had settled on the trees overhead to fall onto them. But they didn’t care. They kept on fucking.

Janie came first. The cold snow on her arse, Colin’s relentless thrusts, and the prospect that they might still be caught, launched her into an orgasm of such intensity that it left her floundering at the edge of reason and consciousness.

Her legs gave way and Colin had to hold her up. It was as if he was fucking a rag doll, loose and limp. He thrust harder and faster, harder and faster and roared when he came for the second time, flooding her pussy instead of her mouth.

He pulled out of her, and collapsed on the snow-covered earth. Janie recovered herself, pulled up her kickers and adjusted her dress.

“Oh, my.” Her face was flushed, her makeup smudged, her hair a mess.

“You look like you’ve just been fucked seven ways from Saturday,” Colin said.

“I have.” She laughed. “Do I really look that bad?”

“You look amazing. Just, freshly fucked, that’s all. And you’ve got snow in you hair.”

She giggled. “Well, I can’t very well go back in with snow in my hair.”

“I’ll walk you home.”

“You’ll do a damn sight more than that I hope. We’ve still got three hours before the others get back.”

Colin stood up and dressed himself. He and Janie then fought their way out of the bushes and trudged arm-in-arm through the thick layer of snow now covering the square in front of the union.

As they walked Colin turned to look at the snow covered building. It wasn’t quite the Ice Palace on the outside that it was on the inside. He looked up to the Christmas tree someone had placed on the roof. The coloured fairy lights that adorned it were shining from under the snow, making it look magical.

His eyes cast downwards again and noticed a figure standing in the large window above the entrance. It was too dark to be sure, but Colin thought it was Billy.

The figure raised a hand and wiped something from his eye. Then he turned and went back to the party.

“What you looking at?” Janie asked.

“Nothing.” He kissed her. “It’s nothing.” He hugged her to him and they continued the trek home.

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