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Tina“Ooh, Luke you can sing. Luke here, he can sing.”Too late, Luke turned to quieten her, but the person calling it came over, “You sure, Luke? I just thought being with your family and all…”“Nah, Luke’s good, aren’t you mate?” Said Rob.Sam had tears in her eyes; Mr and Mrs Evans were shaking their heads.“Go on, mush, I haven’t heard you sing any of your songs yet.”Then Diane and Andy started chanting the fatal word, “Choirmaster,” as the bar took up the chant and mummy joined in, Luke leant over to her and said, “Don’t ever forget, you asked for this.”He then looked at daddy and pointed at her, nodding his head. I knew what was coming and I wasn’t sure whether to laugh, cry or dig a hole. The die had been cast and Luke slid his stool back and stood up, waving for silence.“How far above the knee?” He asked.“A YARD!” was shouted back and it all went from there.Mummy and daddy were sat open-mouthed, I’m not sure they had heard a lot of the words for a long time, if ever. Mrs Evans reached over to daddy and apologised. Unlike other occasions, when the away team had less involvement, this club seemed to join in fully, with four teams there were a lot of big men singing and they joined in fully.“I can’t say I approve of the songs, but they should call him the puppet master. It’s incredible how they follow his lead and he’s one of the youngest here,” daddy said.“He’s played here from age fourteen, so some have played with him every week, for four years. He was also in the seniors at seventeen, so had a year there before university. He’s been around the club a while.”“Even so, it’s intriguing how he’s only just started and it seems everyone, even the opposition, are happy to follow straight away. They just follow his lead, like Rob and Andy said they did, last night.”“After game singing is a pretty big tradition up and down the country. Although Luke just seems to step into a bubble when he’s doing it and people want to join in.”As if on cue Luke’s top came off swiftly followed by the rest of the singers, who by now included Andy and Rob. Mummy perked up again, which only started Sam off again. Something occurred to her, you could almost see the cogs whirring.“If this is going where I think it is,” she paused, “Samantha, you’ve seen your brother since he was a man?” Sam, unable to speak, just nodded.Mummy turned to Luke’s mum, “And you Mrs Evans?” Luke’s mum looked sad and apologetic as she nodded.“Oh, my,” was her only comment as she turned back to the show.I took daddy’s hand, “Are you okay?”He gave it a squeeze, “Yes, petal, it’s interesting seeing another side to him, literally. Seeing the man, so full of fury and anger last night, now leading a joyous celebration. Last night people were hurt, today they all came together, they played hard and fair and I’m sure some will have bruises, but there was no malice and now they are singing and dancing happily. Really, how could I complain?”At that moment, Luke turned toward us and I could see three parallel lines running diagonally across his torso. Daddy glanced across at me as if to underline his point about bruises.I was stunned, speechless about how relaxed daddy was about the kocaeli escort songs. To compound my feeling, I saw his foot tapping. By now they were down to underwear and mummy commented, “Those lovely boys obviously look after themselves, few beer guts, but can’t complain. Shame they’re done, I was enjoying that.”I don’t think Sam could laugh anymore, she just got up and hugged mummy, whispering, “Keep watching,” as she wiped a tear from her cheek.“Oh… my… well… I didn’t think… not with us here… oh.”“What’s up, Ros? I might have to bring you here again, nice to see you speechless,” daddy laughed. This started us all off.At first, we didn’t notice Luke and Rob walk over. I saw Diane sit up a bit straighter when we did, I know I mirrored her. Then he held out his hand to mummy, looked at daddy and asked, “May I ask your wife to dance?”Before he got a response, mummy had grabbed his hand and was up, Rob was leading Mrs Evans out and I noticed Andy was escorting another older lady out. In fact, it seemed it was only the older generation that was being asked. I found out later, the ladies asked, love it and there isn’t much chance of conflict as they ask the husbands or boyfriends and always keep a distance and there is an understanding that it is purely a bit of fun and nothing more, no young egos to be bruised.When they were done, Luke brought mummy back over and bowed to her and daddy as he said his thanks. There was clapping and cheering, Luke turned and bowed to the rest in the club. It was at this time, Sam struck, she took a few paces and as he bent over, she ran past him, slapping his bum on the way through. He yelped and the chase was on. She ran outside thinking this would stop him, he followed. She headed toward the path leading to the car park, cutting across the pitches.“She just made a fatal mistake, that’s his hunting ground,” commented Rob, as watched through the window.Luke was within touching distance and went over face forward, I thought he had lost, then I saw his hand flick out ahead of him at arm’s length. One of Sam’s legs went behind the other and she was over. Before she hit the ground, Luke was already up again and closing fast.“Bloody look at them, David, will they never grow up? I’m going to make them do all the washing and ironing this week.” Mr Evans put his arm around his wife’s shoulders and they both smiled.“Maybe not, but they will grow old,” he replied and she rested her head on his shoulder.As Luke lifted Sam by her waistband and put her over his shoulder, they exchanged looks and it looked like they were talking to each other. Sam looked like she was slapping his back or if she could reach, his bum and after a little bit of this Luke put her down and started to walk back to the clubhouse. Sam ran up behind him and jumped on his back and he gave her a piggyback the rest of the way.“Anyone want an errant sister? Nothing a good spanking wouldn’t keep in order.”He put her down, she giggled and kissed his cheek and he turned and fumbled with something on the floor, before disappearing back to the changing rooms with his towel. Andy and Rob and most of the others, were now dressed again and had gathered kocaeli escort bayan Luke’s clothes and put them on a stool. I got up, picked them up and started walking toward the door.“Christina?” Daddy asked.“Just taking these through for him.” I put on my best innocent, daddy’s girl look.He didn’t look happy, but he said no more. I went into the changing room and followed the sound of the shower. There he was, washing himself off, with his back to the doorway. I picked up the mop that was leaning against the wall and prodded him with it. Startled he jumped around.“What the…”“Hello, mush,” I put on my Welsh accent, “got your clothes here.”He just smiled, turned off the water and walked toward me, soaking wet. He took his clothes and walked into the changing room, before gathering me in his arms and kissing and hugging me.“You arse! My clothes are wet now.”“You’ll have to take them off when we get home then. And I’ve got a dress to take off.”“Wouldn’t suit you. Now, hurry up, I think people are getting ready to leave.” Luke“Yes, ma’am.”This is my life, I thought, a sister who’s a handful and doesn’t care if I threaten to spank her until she can’t sit down and a girlfriend ordering me about. Where are my so-called friends? Laughing at me. I had to smile to myself, baring a couple of bumps, as Mrs C had put it, this had been a great holiday.Walking back to the bar, I was about to turn the last corner when I heard Mrs C.“Anne, could you do me a favour please.”“Of course, if I can,” replied my mum.“Today’s been a little, how do the kids put it, high octane? Anyway, would I be putting on you, to invite Tina to stay for the night?”“Oh, my dear love, of course not, Tina is welcome anytime, if it’s easier I can give her a standing invite or would it work better with individuals?”“One by one would work best, at least for the time being. Thank you, that’s right tidy of you. Me and my husband need to do some talking tonight, see?”At that point, I walked around the corner, “Everything okay ladies?”“I’m thinking of inviting Tina over again tonight, seeing as last night ended on a bit of whimp… er, rather than the bang it should have.” She winked at me, as she walked away.I looked at Mrs C, “All okay?”“Once I get my husband home it will be, bad case of rising damp he needs to sort out and I blame you and your friends,” I nearly choked as she walked away, with a glint in her eye.“Your mum invited me to stay again tonight. Luke, Luke!” The wet finger in my ear brought me back.“Probably best if you do, I think your mother has plans for your dad, that might embarrass even me.”With her hand over her mouth, I went into the bar, said my goodbyes and pushed her ahead of me out of the door. I threw my bag in the boot and then we all climbed in. Tina’s mum and dad had just dropped my parents off, as we pulled in. Mrs C kissed me and jumped into the car. Mr C finished putting their stuff in the boot and came around to me.“Thanks for today, Luke. It’s been interesting. I had fun, we both did.”As he shook my hand I couldn’t resist, “Maybe hold that thanks until tomorrow, I think Mrs C has plans.”He took a glance back at his car, “Oh, right, izmit escort ok,” he gave Sam and Tina a quick kiss, waved to the others and was off.“I think your dad’s eager to get home. Maybe you should have words with him about broadcasting his love life like that.” We sniggered as we walked to the door.“Samantha Evans! Strip! You’re not traipsing that through the house, Luke get your sister a robe!” Oops, mum was pissed.“Tina, dear, would you like a drink? Robert, be a love and get me a tray.”Sam and I looked at each other, “Sorry, sis, looks like we’ve been demoted.”“Twas bound to happen, the minute I saw that floozy you brought home,” she said with a gleam in her eye and sticking her tongue out.“It’ll get cold out here.”“Now!”Not wanting to upset mum further, I ran up and got a robe for Sam and then was asked, in no uncertain terms, to do the laundry. Sam and I were persona non grata, while the others were guests of honour.“Oi, fatty, you want a coffee?”“You’re a darling, you and me against the world again?”“Yeah, you say that now, the second blue eyes flutters her eyelashes at you and says the magic words you’ll be around her feet like a shot.”“And what, pray, are the magic words?”“Walkies!” Sam had led me to the gallows and I had placed my neck in the noose and she knew it as she started giggling.When we joined the others in the living room, they were chatting over the events of the last twenty-four hours, mum had made a stack of sandwiches and there was a pot of coffee on the go. Dad had built the fire up and I noticed a plate of crumpets next to it. I picked up one of the toasting forks and put a crumpet on it and started cooking it. Tina came over to me and squatted down asking about it.“You never done this?” She shook her head.“Get a fork. No one of the big brass ones.” I put a crumpet on hers and she held it over the fire.“It gets a bit warm doing this,” she said.“That’ll be the fire, generally, one’s enough, just because of that.”When they were cooked, I took them to the table and coated them with butter and sat on the sofa. Tina sat across my lap and Sam had sat with dad.Sometime after ten o’clock, Tina whispered, “Give me fifteen minutes.” Then she announced that she was going up to get out of her wet clothes and she would see everyone in the morning. A round of kisses and hugs followed, I noticed that everyone seemed to be squeezing her just a little bit tighter than the previous year, none more than Sam. It seems they had really clicked through all of the fun and games.Ten minutes later I got up and said goodnight to everyone, there wasn’t the rush to get up and hug and kiss me. Sam did follow me to the door and held my arm.“Night, bruv, thank you for today, thank you for finding such a wonderful young lady and sorry about last night.”“Now you listen! Never apologise, you needed me, you got us, I think you found a new sister over this holiday. I told you she’s special.”“You did, she is and yes, I think we could be like sisters, only missing all the teenage arguey bit.” She then pecked my cheek.“I think ‘arguey’ is a made-up word,” I kissed her forehead, “Night, sis.” TinaIt was silly really. When I waited with his Christmas present, I had been nervous. Perhaps I can understand that I was displaying myself just for him in my underwear. Everyone had seen this dress, Luke knew, intimately, what was under it and yet I was shaking.

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