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Inter-Relationship Training Meeting Chapter 1″Oh shit!””Huh, what’s the matter?””Huh somebody just came in.””Oh shit! That gonna be a problem?””No, just lay there! We’ll just see what happens.”Jay was on the bed, on the back of, and in the ass of, some guy,who’s name he did not even know, when Darrell walked into the cabin andstarted past the bedroom door, but then abruptly stopped, and with hismouth hanging wide open, he asked. “Hey what in the hell is going on inhere?”Jay looked back over his shoulder and replied, “Huh, kind of hardto explain right now, but anyway, he asked and I decided to see what it waslike. I thought you weren’t gonna be back so soon.””Who is he? What’s going on? Where’d he come from?”As Jay stopped his pumping and humping actions, but none the less,kept his meat rod well buried in the guy’s ass, he told Darrell, “Darrell,gotta be honest with you and tell you I don’t even know his name. He wason one beach chair and I was laying on the one beside him, we talked forawhile, and when I got up to go to the beach shower to rinse off, hefollowed me. While we showered, he kind of let me know he was interestedand finally told me, `That looks pretty good,’ as he was looking down at mycrotch. Then without saying anything else, he kept rubbing his ass,letting me kind of know he wanted me to do something. He kept looking atmy basket and then rubbing his ass, and I finally put two and two togetherand decided he was trying to see if I was smart enough to figure out hewanted us to do something. So I finally asked if he was trying to tell mehe wanted fucked, and he said `Yes”. Shocked the hell out of me, but Ifigured hell, he’s got the balls to say so, —so here we are!””Jay, I’m really confused here! Jay, you’re not gay are you?You’re married! Jay, what in the hell is going on? I’m really confused!””Hey Darrell, like the guy said in class yesterday, —have alittle more of an open mind when being with other people and it might beeasier to get to know them and understand them. So, hey! I thought, whatbetter of a way to try that out! I know I sure would never have approachedsome guy for something like this, but hey,-he did, and right now I’m prettyglad he had the guts to do it! True, I’ve never done anything with anotherguy before, but he told me he wanted me to fuck him, and I decided, whynot! I figured it’s his ass not mine, so I figured this just might be aonce in a lifetime opportunity, and I decided to go for it! Beside that,look at him. I figured if you’re gonna fuck some guy’s ass, make sure he’sa hunk! He sure don’t look like what some gay guy is supposed to look likedoes he? Darrell, it’s feeling pretty damn good too!”Looking down at the man, the rather hunky man laying on the bed,with Jay’s cock firmly planted up in his ass, Darrell asked, “Huh, who areyou? You got a name?”Looking back toward Darrell, the man replied. “Hi, I’m Stan, shortfor Stanley. I sure hope this ain’t causing any problems for you! He toldme nobody was gonna be here, so we really didn’t expect anybody to come in.Should I leave?””No, –no don’t leave. Yea, I didn’t expect that meeting to bethis short either, and yea, I didn’t expect to be back till about noon, andI sure as hell did not expect to come walking in on some gay sex session,so maybe I’m the one that needs to leave.””No Darrell, don’t leave!” Jay quickly stated. “Hey give me aminute with him, and we’ll be done. I’m not asking for the time for him,I’m the one that needs it now! I’m really getting into this, and I’ve gotto get my rocks off now that I’ve been fucking this ass. This is notreally a gay sex session. I just decided to take an opportunity when allof a sudden it presented itself. I’ve never done this before, and I’vegotta admit, I’m kind of finding it to be something rather different, andyea, kind of a new and different way to start understanding other kinds ofpeople! We’re here trying to learn how to work with other types of people,and hell, maybe this guy was planted here to see how some guy would take itif he was approached. Anyway, I’m really finding out, that if you do havemore of an open mind, things can work out for the good. Yea, I gottaadmit, —agreeing to fuck some guy’s ass, somebody you don’t even know, isreally being very open minded, but hey, this time it sure is working outOK! Do whatever you want, but if you wanna do something kind of on thedifferent side, get undressed and get ready to fuck him. Go for somethingnew and exciting! I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. Hey, Stan, can he fuck youtoo, if he wants?””Hell yes he can! Fact is I hope he will! Both of you guys arepretty damn hot, and since I don’t have any of my university footballplayers here with me, I could enjoy both of you guys doing me. I’m herefor the whole week too, and I need some action!””Football players? You get fucked by university football players?Stan calmly just shook his head a slight, “Yes.””Yea Darrell, –he told me over on the beach he’s a defensivecoordinator at a State University. Now that I kind of think about it, Ithink maybe he told me that so I’d take notice of his body! He wasprobably trying to get me all hot and bothered for him, even before weshowered down.”Then leaning over and looking at his bed partner he asked, “Is thatwhy you told me about you being a coach? You wanted me to notice all yourmuscles, didn’t you?”Jay did not receive any verbal response, only the sight of one biggrin on Stan’s face. That told the story!Looking back at Darrell, Jay continued, “He didn’t tell me whichstate, I didn’t ask, and of course at that time he sure didn’t tell me hisguys fuck his ass, but I did know he was a coach. We didn’t talk about sexover on the beach! That didn’t happen till we were showering, and hellman, I still had my trunks on! It’s an outside shower!”Jay and Darrell were just two of a group of six that were at theSouth Carolina beach resort for the week, attending an Inter-RelationshipTraining canlı bahis Meeting. They were both managers for a large computer company,and this was a company paid training session. Designed to be a ratherbusiness session, training session, and a reward week, away from theoffice. The six men were using two cabins, side-by-side, with three menstaying in each cabin. Jay, Darrell and Tom were rooming together. Theother cabin had Sidney, Robert, and James.Jay was married, aged 45 with two college aged daughters. Not anathletically outstanding body, but certainly nothing that a horny gay guywould turn down, especially if he found out the guy wanted to throw hislegs up in the air, and then throw a stiff cock into his nice warm ass.Obviously hot enough for Stan, since he had managed to gather Jay up off ofthe beach, and end up getting Jay’s cock slammed up into his ass. And thatwas before either man even knew the other man’s name.Darrell was also married, aged 34 and had a young son and a youngdaughter. A young son, a young daughter and one hell of a hot body! AsStan laid there on the bed, with Jay calmly explaining the situation, —ofjust why Stan was there, and just how Stan happened to be getting fucked byJay, Stan prayed a big “Yes” when Jay suggested that perhaps Darrell mightwant to, “get undressed and get ready to fuck him!”Darrell listened rather closely when it was mentioned that Stan wasa defensive coordinator for a state university football team, since he hadplayed some football back in his high school and university days. Havingrecently moved from across country to take on the promotion as a departmentmanager, he knew immediately he did not know who any of the local coacheswere, at any of the colleges or universities in that part of the country.But, remembering back to his football days, he found this quite interestingand quite fascinating! Football players fucking one of the coaches!? Thatmade him seriously run the list of co-players he had played football with,wondering if any of them had used the ole asshole of one of his formercoaches. Or, even more fascinating, did any of his coaches use the oleasshole of some of the players? A player and a coach having sex together!?That just never happened to occur to him as an event of any possiblereality. A player and a coach!? Gay guys!? Football players and footballcoaches!? Gay!? Far too hard to even ponder, and yet here was a defensivecoordinator, for a state university, laying there, legs spread wide open,getting his ass fucked. And fucked by one of Darrel’s own co-workers! Andnot a guy of university age, either! Darrell realized very quickly thatthis week was having some very serious relationship learning associatedwith it, but the more intensive learning was not happening in theclassroom, it was happening right there in the bedroom! “My straightco-worker, is actually fucking the ass of some guy, that nobody in theirright mind could ever think of as being gay, or even bi! No coach everplays with other guys, do they!? Impossible! Coaches just are not gayguys! Are they!?”Looking up at Darrell, Stan asked, “Ever fucked some guy’s assbefore?””No, —no I haven’t. I know guys do that, but I sure didn’t knowthat university football coaches do it! Jay, you ever fucked some guybefore?””No Darrell, no I haven’t. But, like that guy said yesterday,—have a little more of an open mind and it’s easier to get to know otherpeople. Darrell, I’m serious, you ought to try it! I’m sure you’re notgonna tell anyone I fucked him, and I sure as the hell am not gonna tellanyone if you do, so if you wanna, I’m sure he’ll let you! Yea, it’sdifferent, but it’s feeling pretty damn good! I’m sure he’ll let you,won’t you Stan?””Hell yes! I’ve already said I’m willing! Come on man, do me!Fuck me! Find out for yourself what it’s like to fuck a guy’s ass, for achange!”As Darrell continued to stand there and ponder the situation, Jayresumed his fucking, realizing that Darrell was fully aware of the entiresituation, and with everything out in the open, there certainly was noreason to stop now. He decided that maybe the best way to get Darrell toagree to join in, was to just let him stand there and watch Stan getfucked, —and the harder, the better! He truly started pounding Stan’sass, good and strong!”Oh yea man, oh yea! Oh that feels so good! Yea pound me,—pound me real hard! Hey, I like this, keep it up!”Jay continued his fucking action in Stan’s ass as he slowly slidhis tongue up and down the back of Stan’s massive, strong, muscular back,and ever so slightly would stop every so often, and slightly take a slight,light, bite of Stan’s back skin.”Oh yea, oh yea! I like that! Hey, I got a feeling I ain’t thefirst guy you’ve ever laid on top of am I? You know how to treat a guy!Yea man, yea keep it up!””No Stan. Wrong! You are the first guy I’ve ever laid on top of,and you sure as hell are the first guy I’ve ever stuck my cock up in!Right now though, I’m gonna tell you, I’m sure not sorry I’m doing this!I’ve always wondered just why the gay guys did this, but shit man, now Iknow! This is good! Fact is this is great! Hey man, OK if I cum up inyour butt? I feel like I’m getting pretty close to letting some cum flyand I’d kind of like to keep pumping on you while I let it go! OK? I’mgetting close man, I’m getting close!””Yea man, yea! I wanna feel it hit the inside of me! Come on, letme have it, let me have it!”As Stan was telling Jay to unload up in his ass, he kept an eye onDarrell, and although he was sure Darrell simply was not aware of it,Darrell was definitely rubbing his own crotch as he watched Jay workhimself up into a major climax, and his crotch was starting to show somedefinite additional size, —from what it was when he just happened in onthe sex scene.”Oh my God! Oh my God, man! I’m cumin, —I’m cummmmmmin!” Jaythrew his body into Stan’s ass just as hard and as firmly as he possiblycould. bahis siteleri He grabbed Stan’s chest and hugged it with all he could, as he letfly, his first ever juices, that were going to be planted up in some otherman’s ass!As he completely and totally collapsed on top of Stan’s body, heslowly and softly let out, “Oh man, that was great! That was great! Ihave never had sex that was that great! Darrell, come fuck this guy!Really man, I k** you not! You’ll be glad you did. I’m serious man,fucking a solid firm muscle filled ass like that is absolutely out of thisworld!”Stan looked over toward Darrell, watched him rub his crotch,actually watched as Darrell unknowingly presented the outline of his dick’shead, through his Dockers, and Stan pleaded, “Come on man, I need you! I’mjust getting warmed up here! Your buddy got me going and now I need somemore dick, do me, OK? Do me!”With that statement, Darrell did, and almost as if he did notreally know what he was doing, started to unbuckle his belt, and loosen hispants.”Yea please, please!” Stan again begged. “You’ll be glad! Ipromise!””Looking at Jay, then looking at Stan, who did still have Jay’s rodup in his ass, Darrell said, “God guys! Watching and listening to you twoguys has got me so fucking hot, I gotta do it! God almighty, I neverthought I’d ever be fucking some guy’s ass, but man, I’ve got to now, afterwatching you guys go at it! Damn man, I’m ready to do it!”As Darrell started removing his clothes, Stan happily said, “Yeaman, yea! You’ll be glad!”Jay pulled out of Stan’s ass and asked, “Should we put some more KYup in your ass, or you think you’ve still got enough left up in there fromme?”Stan turned looked at Jay and said, “Hey man you are one goodfucker! I still think you must have fucked some other guys before! Damnman, you know how! You know how to make a man’s ass happy! I hope likehell you and I can do that again before we all have to leave here!Huh-oh,– the KY! Hey, just put some on the tip of his dick so it slidesnice an smooth, but I think I’ve already got enough up in me. Wow—look atthe honker on that man! Shit man, did you know he was so fucking wellhung?”Hearing Stan’s remark of exclamation, Jay turned to see what Stanwas exponding about.”Oh holy shit!” Jay strongly stated as he took the first look atDarrell’s nine and a half or ten incher, sticking straight out! “Holy shitman, where in the hell did you get that thing? My God Darrell, —you arehung like a fucking horse! God Stan, now I’m glad I got to you before hedid or you would never have felt mine up in you!””No, —not true Jay! Even after getting poked with a big one likethat, a smaller one still feels great! Our asshole slams back shut afteryou pull a dick out, so whatever size the next one is, it still feelsgreat. Hey man, you’re gonna have to get it up the ass sometime so youwill find out being the taker is just as much fun as being the giver! Ilike to be the fucker part of the time too, but today I just felt like Ireally needed it slammed to me. And now, seeing what he has got hangingthere, I know damn well I will know I got it. Come on big boy, get on me,but go slow! My ass can take it, and once it’s up in there, I’ll beyelling for more, but we gotta take one that fucking big, pretty slow goingin! I don’t wanna take a ripped and torn up asshole back home to my teamboys! They’d be pissed if they couldn’t get to it right away!”Watching Darrell get into position so that he could do his firstmale fucking, and listening to Stan talking about his football player, sexplayers, Jay asked, “Stan, just how may football boys you have? I mean forsex! How many are into the gay sex?””Oh wait a minute, –wait a minute. Oh man, oh let me get himstarted in me first. Oh man, oh shit I can really feel that! Oh my God myass feels so full! Oh yea, now push-push! Yea man-yea-go all the way-allthe way! Oh God that is great! Oh shit what an ass full! Hey, how youdoing? Like it? Hey guy, you’ve got your dick, that fucking railroad carof a dick, up in my ass! How’s it feeling to you? You like it?””Oh shit yes, yea I like it! Hell yes! Damn man your ass is sofucking tight! Oh man, this is good! Oh God I’m glad I came back when Idid! Oh shit man, now I know why there’s gay guys! Damn man, wish likehell someone would have made me to this to them years ago! Oh shit Jay,this is hot!””Hey man, you’re in me, you’re in me all the way, right? Now fuckthe hell out of me! Pump me, slam my ass! Yea man, yea! Pound me to afucking pulp! Make me know what I’ve got up in there! Beat my ass, beatit!””Oh shit man, if he pounds you any harder, he’s gonna rip you intwo! Stan, he is pounding the hell out of you! You OK?””Oh fucking yea, I’m OK! I’m more than OK right now! Oh shit man,I’m getting fucked, and I do mean fucked! Damn man you guys really knowhow to do a guy! Whoa, maybe I need to trade my football boys in on someolder guys! Damn man, both of you guys are better on me than any of myfootball boys are! Oh-forgot-you asked about how many guys I’ve got! Ithink, –oh wait a minute——yea pound it man, pound it—damn man that isso fucking good,—–oh God, I’m sorry-I’ve got, six guys right now. I tryto keep it spread out through all the different ages so I don’t go andloose too many all in one year. Like I’m gonna loose two seniors thisyear! And damn, that Billy is so fucking good too! God I love for him toslam my ass! That’s one boy I make stay late after practice a lot! He’s ablack boy, hung like a fucking sausage, but I don’t think he’s as big asthe one I’ve got rammed up in me right now! God oh God man! This onethat’s fucking me now, what’s his name Darrell, —-he is fucking big! Ifeel like I know what it’s like to get fucked by a horse now!””Yea, I gotta agree with that! He just joined our office recently,so of course I had no idea he was hung like that! Gotta admit, the way youare enjoying it though, kind of makes a guy wonder if güvenilir bahis maybe the rest of usare all missing out on something here!”Stan was looking at Jay and he grinned! He thought he knew whatJay was saying, even though Jay might not have realized just what he wasreally meaning.Even though Darrell was doing his best at trying to pulverizeStan’s body with his humping and bumping back in his ass area, he heard theremark and also grinned a wide, smiling grin.Looking now at Darrell, Jay asked, “So what you grinning about allof a sudden?””You do realize you just admitted that maybe you could get intogetting fucked too, right? That’s what you just said. You decided thatmaybe “the rest of us,’ meaning you, —are missing out on something. Tome, that sounds like maybe you’d be into getting it up the ass too, right?””God man, is that what I said? Did I say that? Huh, I don’t know.Yea, gotta admit, fucking Stan was fun, watching you fuck the hell out ofhim is fun, and the way he is taking it all, and as happy as he is, ingetting it in the butt like that, there must be something to it or guyswouldn`t be doing it, right? I mean, there are a lot of gay guys out theredoing it, right Stan? You fuck your football boys or do they fuck you?””Both, but my God man, none of `em can fuck me like you two guyscan! Damn I’m so fucking glad I skipped that class I was supposed to be atthis morning! Damn, this is making my week for me! Slam me man! Slam me!Come on Darrell, shoot off in my ass! Let me get it from you too! Come onman, make my ass drip with cum juices! When I leave here, I wanna becarrying some of both of you guys up in my butt!””Hey Stan. You said you skipped a class you were supposed to be atthis morning! You here for the relationship training too?”Yea, yea, I am! I heard you two talking about the instructor thatwas talking about being more open with others, I figured then, that’s whatyou guys were doing here. No, that’s not why I approached you andsuggested we have sex. I was just plain horny and I liked what I saw whenI saw you out there on the beach. You guys here by yourselves, or arethere more with you?””Oh no, we’re not here my ourselves. There’s four more of us. Onemore guy stays here, and the other three use the cabin next door!””Oh man, pound me, yea pound my ass! We’ll talk some more after Iget fucked. Too hard to try a carry on a conversation when your body isjumping around, but I sure as hell am not gonna tell him to stop! Yea, dome! Fuck me! Slam me! Let me have you! Fuck my ass! Fuck it hard!””I’m fucking you as hard as I can man! Damn man, how hard can you take it?You bout ready? I’m getting really, pretty close, to cumin man! I`mgetting close! My dick can’t hardly take too much more of this! It’s sofucking hard it hurts! Here I come man, —here I come! I’m cumin! I’mcummmin!”Darrell pushed everything he had into Stan and Stan’s ass, and hegrabbed a hold of Stan’s head with both arms and squeezed it as if he wasgonna fall off of Stan’s ass, when he finally let the dam break loose!”Oh yea man! Do it! Do it! I wanna feel it hit me up in there!God man your dick is so far up in me, I hope I can feel it! Yea, push,push, push!””Oh shit man, oh shit! Oh God man, —I’m cummmin, —–I’mcummmin! Oh God, oh God man, — this feels so fucking good! Oh man yourass is really grabbing my dick! Squeeze my dick! Squeeze my dick! Ohman—oh shit-what a fucking feeling! Oh Stan, I feel like I blew the hellout of your insides. You feel that?””Oh shit yes I felt that! It felt so damn good! Yea, keep pushingon me, keep pushing! Keep fucking me, keep fucking me!”Looking at Darrell, Jay asked, “Well man, what’d you think?Different, right? What do you think about fucking some guy’s ass?”Still attempting to catch his breath and talk at the same time,Darrell looked over toward Jay and replied, “Well let me put it this wayman! Good! Good enough that if you plan on following through on yourearlier statement about, `missing out on something,’ I’m game! I’ll helpyou fill that void! You’re the one that got me started in this, and you’rethe one that’s gonna be back home around Philly with me, so now all I cansay is, I hope like hell you can take my dick like this guy can! Jay,seriously man, this must have been something that I been wanting to do fora long time and just never knew it! I feel like I’m a new man today, and Ifeel like I’m a man that knows what he is gonna need, real often! Hope youand your ass can take it! You’re the only guy besides Stan here, thanknows I’ve fucked a guy’s ass, and how I’m gonna want it again, and often!So Jay, you’re gonna be my man! It’s gonna be me and you, doing the manfucks man thing! I think I just found what I’ve been missing in life!Jay, you better tell me you and your ass are gonna be ready! I mean itman! I hope you are wantin to get fucked! I mean, yea, even yet tonight!I’m already looking forward to it!As Jay was starting to say something to him, Darrell continued,”Damn man! I had a couple of coaches in my past that I sure would haveloved to either fuck or get fucked by if this is what it’s like! Damn it,—shit! Now I wonder if they were fucking around with any of my buddiesand I never knew it! Boy, if I ever find out they were, I’m gonna bepissed! Not at my buddies, —but at the coaches that left me out! Boy,back then, I never thought about something like that happening, but now Iwonder! I do know some of `em sure were in the coach’s office a lot!Damn, now I wonder! Crap, even some of those other guys would have beenfun to poke, if that’s what they were doing! Shit, now I wonder just howmany of the players were doing each other! Shit man, I just never imagineda coach and some football boys doing something like this together! Man, ifthey were and I never knew about it, I’m gonna be pissed!””Darrell, listen! I’ve never been fucked before! Darrell, I don’tknow if I can even take that damn big thing of yours, up in my ass or not!Darrell, I think you need some guy that gets fucked a lot! You need a manlike Stan here that can take that much!”Darrell turned, looked at Jay and said, “Jay, you’ll learn to!He’ll learn, —won’t he Stan?”

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