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I lead a very interesting life…I live alone, in my 2-bedroom apartment and have a very interesting hobby, I am a disciplinarian. As a single woman in my early 40’s, I wonder what my co-workers would think if they knew that on my own time, I gave spankings to my ‘clients.’ This is one of many experiences that I have had lately:

I met Robert at the laundry facility a couple of weeks ago and struck up a conversation with him between wash cycles. I told him that I was surprised to see him washing clothes, mentioning that I thought there was a good football game on. He mumbled something, but I didn’t quite catch what he said. Deciding to ask again, he replied that his wife was too lazy to do the wash and had a crazy idea that washing was man’s work. I told him that I thought that the saying went the opposite and he said ‘tell me about it.’

I talked to him about his relationship with his wife for the rest of the laundry cycles, finishing by telling him that if his wife was loyal to him, he should send her to me for a little ‘straightening’ out. He asked what I meant by that to which I replied, “What do you think?” With that, I opened up my purse and introduced him to Mr. Fuller, my oval hairbrush. As I showed it to him, I told him that if a person was so restrained, that quite a point could be made that would drastically change their behavior. I returned Mr. Fuller back to my purse, and slipped him my phone number, telling him to call if I could ever be of service.

I have to tell you that I was not surprised when he called about a week later. He called in the late afternoon and told me to come to his apartment, around 8pm that evening. I innocently asked what for, and he told me that his wife was going to have a life changing night.

Promptly at eight, I arrived at his apartment. Upon entering, I found both he and his wife sitting on the sofa. When he saw me, he stood up and introduced me to his wife as the woman who would be guiding her through her training phase. He explained to me, in front of her, that my role would be to provide whatever discipline he felt was just for her shortcomings. He extended his hand to me and asked me if I brought Mr. Fuller with me.

When I told him that I had, his wife gave me quite a look…disgust, embarrassment, shame…probably a little disbelief of what casino oyna was going on. Her husband stood up and said that it was time for her to start her travel and to rest assured that if she did not comply with his requests and my punishments, that their marriage would be over. He called her over to stand in front of me and told her to remove her robe.

Before me was truly a gorgeous woman…long legs, pert breasts, and a heart-shaped bottom. Robert told her to bend over and grab her ankles, but I interrupted him by saying that his wife and I needed some alone time to get to know each other better. I asked him to step into the bathroom and I would call him when we needed him. He looked a little disappointed, but complied.

After he departed, I spoke to Suzanne…telling her that I was very good at what I did and I outlined the rules of our relationship up front. No protesting, no profanity, no refusals…no matter what. She was to remain as long as I said, in whatever position I said. When her husband decided that she needed a ‘session’ with me, she was to arrive bare-bottomed…my apartment was only a few doors down. I asked her if she understood these rules and she nodded. What followed this conversation was truly beautiful.

She lay down across my lap and I felt how strong her skin and muscles were. This way, I would know where her most sensitive areas were and how much she could take. Then, I told her that all spankings would be on my terms, and that begging and pleading would not work and simply fall on deaf ears. I then set out to accomplish my objective…to spank her bottom. I started by using my hand to warm her up a bit, and then reached for my good friend, Mr. Fuller.

She was already asking for the spanking to stop when Mr. Fuller kissed her bare bottom for the first time. It was bliss. She gasped and sucked in a quick breath, but before she could respond, Mr. Fuller kissed her bare bottom again. Then again. Again. Soon, Suzanne was being rocked along by a steady stream of kisses that were slowly blistering her upturned bottom. After about 50 kisses, Suzanne was crying and begging for the spanking to be over. So, I stopped.

Suzanne quickly jumped to her feet and clasped her hands around her glowing bottom. While she did a little dance around the room, I called for Robert to canlı casino re-join us. When he entered the room and saw his wife dancing around howling like a baby, he gave me that nod of approval. I smiled back and said ‘WAIT!’

Suzanne stopped dancing and stared at me, as did her husband. I announced that the spanking was not over, to which Suzanne began to cry and begged her husband to let it end. He was getting that old look of giving in on his face, when I called to him to join me on the couch. He came and sat down beside me and I proceeded to explain what I had in store for the remainder of the evening.

I handed Mr. Fuller to Robert and told Suzanne that to make sure she understood our new arrangement, her husband was going to finish her spanking tonight. Suzanne immediately started to beg Robert not to do this, but I led her over to him and watched as he pulled her across his lap. I told Robert to size up his target and as he looked down, he saw that his wife was already a pleasing shade of pink.

‘No warm-up…just let the kissing begin.’

For the next several minutes, Suzanne endured a satisfying bottom-blistering experience. Robert seemed to be getting quite a bit of pent-up hostility out on his wife’s bare ass. I stopped counting at 70 smacks, but I think Suzanne probably received around 100 kisses to her bottom. When Robert finally put the brush down, Suzanne did not bounce right up, but rather, laid panting and moaning across her husband’s lap. Her bottom was quite a sight…bright red in the center fading to dark crimson around the edges.

I think we are done for the night. As I closed the door behind me, I was leaving a frightened young woman alone with the man she loved that had brought about such a sudden and abrupt change in her life.

The next day, Suzanne phoned me to thank me for her spanking. Robert had told her to do this, I’m sure, but she was very cordial about it. She told me that Robert had told her to ask if she could come over for a reminder visit this afternoon. She was quick to add that if I was too busy, that she would understand. To her shock, I told her that she was welcome to come on over, but to remember what my rules were from yesterday. When she said she didn’t know what I was talking about, I reminded her that she must come bare-bottomed. She kaçak casino protested, saying that someone might see her, to which I replied that if she had been treating her husband right in the first place that we wouldn’t need to see each other at all. She finally said ok, and that she would be over in a few minutes. When I asked her why she wasn’t coming immediately, she replied that she would have to go next door and ask Rita if she could watch her kids for a half-hour or so.

Kids?? I didn’t know Robert and Suzanne had kids. I said that a few minutes were fine and shortly, there was a hurried knock on my door. I leisurely walked to the door and when I looked through the peephole, there was Suzanne, formally dressed in everything but pants and undergarments. I wondered how this woman in her late 20’s felt to be standing in the hallway of her apartment with her bare-bottom exposed.

I let her in and she hurried into my apartment. She gingerly sat down on the couch. I asked if her bottom was bothering her today, she replied in more ways than one. Questioning what she meant, she went on to explain that after I left, her husband had taken her in the ass to remind her of who was boss from now on. As she sat up, she questioned whether we really had to have our session today or not and I assured her that were indeed going to. She began to cry and stood up, asking me where I wanted her.

I told her to go into my room and retrieve Mr. Fuller from his resting place on the nightstand. She slowly went to my room, showing off her still-reddened bottom as she went. She came back, with the brush and stood before me. I took Mr. Fuller from her and guided her over my lap. Before she could even get settled, I began spanking her in earnest with the brush. She howled, she fought, she cried…she got it, and good. In about 5 minutes, I had taken her bottom still very pink from last night and blistered it again. When I was through, she lay across my lap and cried for at least 10 minutes.

Her bottom was again bright red and very hot to the touch. As she lay there, I could see that her anus was red and swollen too, from her reaming the night before. When she had regained her composure, I led her to the door and after a quick look to the right and left, she hurried down the hall to her apartment. About 5 minutes later, I heard her leave and go next door and get her kids…thanking Rita for covering for her on such short notice. The sound of her door shutting told me that Suzanne was probably very glad that this day was almost over.

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