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Greetings! First time putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) in this realm, so please bear with me… My horny mind has quite the imagination, so I thought where better to pour out my inner thoughts and desires? The stories that follow will originate from this horny imagination, with a spirited and promiscuous young man named Jake as our vessel. Some events may be based on my own experiences, but I’ll leave it up to the reader to decipher fantasy vs. reality.

Our promiscuous lead has an affinity for seemingly off-limits men, and my stories will often contain themes of infidelity or seduction in a variety of situations- everyone wants what they can’t have, right? These situations will always depict legal and consenting/dubiously consenting adult men. If that’s not not your cup of tea then, well, the rest of the site is your oyster.

We’re going to begin where it all started for Jake, and be warned it is a slow burn. Gotta set the stage before all the raunchy debauchery starts.


Sunday Morning

Looking in the bathroom mirror, Jake analyzed his golden complexion. His mother said his face was sculpted by angels, while his dad always said he’d grow up to be a heartbreaker. Whose heart would I be breaking though? He thought to himself.

The nineteen year old had piercing blue eyes set deep into his face, with a prominent brow ridge that seemed to be permanently stuck in a curious expression. He ran his fingertips along the contours of his sharp cheekbones, down to his smoothly shaved jawline. At the center of his face was a narrow nose that just hooked the smallest amount to the right- as if his sculptor wanted to make him just slightly imperfect.

Jake pursed his full lips as he switched his focus to his icy blonde hair, pieces sticking out in every direction from the night’s activities. Everyone always assumes his hair is bleached, but he gets it from his mother, whose platinum blonde hair still doesn’t have a gray in sight. His eyes flickered down to his naked body, examining his long and lean figure. At 5’11”, Jake was long and lean, but he maintained an athletic physique from years of swimming throughout his life. What he lacked in bulk he made up for in definition, staring down at his leg muscles as he flexed and relaxed his thighs. He turned slightly and glanced at his ass, protruding out into two firm globes. He noticed the ever-so faint impression of a handprint still remaining on his right cheek, wondering if it would turn into a bruise.

He sighed heavily before turning on the sink faucet in front of him, clutching the counter before dipping his head under the running water. He brought his hands to his face and let the water soak into his pores, before dropping a splash of water into the basin and turning the sink off. He stared at himself in the mirror once, deciding he wasn’t sure if he recognized the person staring back at him. He shuddered quickly before turning off the light and creeping out of the bathroom.

He quietly collected his clothes, which were scattered across the floor, before making his way towards the room’s exit. He looked back at the middle of the room, where Scott lay in a heap of messy sheets. His left hand rested on his chest, which rose and fell heavily- metal on his ring finger shining in the sunrise. Memories of the night before flashed across Jake’s eyes and a wave of guilt crashed over him, but he could also feel his cock stirring as he thought back to the feeling of their bodies intertwined. He winced briefly before walking through the door, leaning against it after closing it softly.

Jake quickly pulled on his black shorts and white shirt before walking down the hallway, tiptoeing despite knowing there was no one else in the house. He tried not to look at the walls, which were plastered with picture frames of a happy family and untarnished memories. At the end of the hall he accidentally made contact with the last picture, a snapshot of a lake trip from the summer before. In the photo, he saw Scott’s family next to his own, Scott smiling cheerfully with his arm around my dad- whose eyes I could now feel staring into my soul.

Feeling like he could vomit, Jake’s eyes darted to his tennis shoes by the front door. He hurriedly made his way over and slid his feet into them, feeling chased by his own bad actions. Jake swung the door open and ran down the porch steps, launching into an almost sprint as he made his way to his parents’ house across the street. Once inside, he made a beeline for his childhood bedroom downstairs and launched himself face first into his bed. FUCKKKK he screamed into his pillow, not knowing where to go from here.


Friday Night- 2 Days Prior

Jake hummed softly to his music as he drove Ümraniye Escort through the familiar streets of his childhood neighborhood, just five minutes from home. It was halfway through the spring break of his freshman year of college, and he was happy to be getting away. He had just gotten out of a breakup, his first real breakup, and he needed to get away from it all.

He felt like he was starting back at square one. His ex, Matt, had been a lot of firsts for Jake. The first guy he had been physical with, the first guy he dated, and the first guy he felt like he could really be himself with. But things had gotten too serious too fast, and Matt was just ready for things that Jake wasn’t. Matt was fully out of the closet and proud, and Jake wanted to get there too, but he just wasn’t ready. And alternatively, Jake was starting to get an underlying feeling that there was still so much in life that he hadn’t experienced yet. It all started to become too much for them, so they decided to part ways.

But that was two weeks ago, and now Jake was unbearably horny. It was easier to contain his thirst when he was still a clueless virgin, but Matt had teased things out of him that he didn’t even know existed. In the six months they had been together, they had managed to have the wildest sex across their campus. He had gone from having an endless supply of sex at his fingertips to lonely nights in his dorm room, jerking off in the bathroom when his roommate fell asleep.

Jake looked up at himself in his rearview mirror, narcissistically admiring his own reflection. Attractiveness certainly wasn’t the issue. Grindr had already been redownloaded and Jake knew he could be with another guy in an instant if he wanted to. But he had jumped so quickly into a relationship with Matt that he hadn’t allowed enough time for his confidence with guys to grow. He felt like he was at the same place in life as when he first moved into his dorm, except now with the knowledge that he didn’t have a gag reflex.

He sighed to himself and prayed his erection would go down as he pulled up to his driveway, a problem that was easily solved by the sight of his mom and dad waiting for him on the front porch. He put the car in park and grabbed his duffel bag, slamming the door behind him.

“Jake!” she hollered. “Honey, I’m so glad that you’re here.”

“Hi Mom,” Jake replied, with a forced grin. He really was happy to be home though.

“Can I take your bag?”

“No,” Jake answered, “I got it. Thank you.”

“Hey sport!” His dad chimed in as Jake walked up the steps, patting him on the back.

“Hey Dad,” Jake followed, pushing through the half open front door with his foot. The two trailed behind Jake as he walked inside, yelling for his sister, Ella, to come down.

“You really don’t have to get a whole welcoming committee together, I’ve only been gone for three months since Christmas,” he groaned, dropping h back by the basement entrance leading to my bedroom.

“I know I know,” Jake’s mom warmly replied, “We just miss you so much!”

“I miss you too”

“And I swear you’ve grown, hasn’t he grown Dave?” she remarked to Jake’s dad.

“Don’t know if he’s grown but you look like you’ve put some muscle on! Good for you buddy, needed some meat on those bones,” Jake’s dad added.

Jake rolled his eyes at them both. “I’m gonna head to my room and unpack a few things, do we have any plans for dinner?”

“We’re actually having dinner at the country club with the Collins- 6 o’clock sharp, so go unpack and get freshened up,” Jake’s mom responded. He gave a quick thumbs up in response, before grabbing his bag and heading downstairs, shutting his door behind him.


Jake’s room hadn’t changed a bit. He’d only moved out eight months ago, but it still always felt so strange every time he came home. He felt like such a different person than before, while still feeling like no time had passed. He unzipped his duffel and took out his clothes, haphazardly throwing them in a dresser drawer, then removed his toiletry bag and extra pair of shoes. Lastly, a dildo and small bottle of lube remained, which he quickly stashed away in his bedside table- if he wasn’t getting fucked by a real cock he was at least going to do it himself.

With everything put away, he finally stripped down and threw his laundry in a pile before moving to his bathroom to quickly shower. Scrubbing his body, his cock still remained in a constant state of partial arousal. Ugh, he groaned to himself, feeling like he was going to explode from horniness. If he had more time he’d have jerked off, but unfortunately that would have to wait given his time crunch for dinner.

Once sufficiently cleaned, he scrambled to find something to wear. He decided on a simple grey sweater that clung tightly to his arms, before turning off the Şerifali Escort light and heading up the stairs to his patiently waiting family.


The car ride was filled with the expected small talk, catching Jake up on all that he had missed in his suburban town. His younger sister, Ella, had made varsity volleyball as a sophomore, his uncle had just gotten a promotion- the usual boring crap parents feel the need to update their college child on. Jake just nodded and participated in conversation as they drove through their neighborhood to the nearby country club to meet the Collins for dinner.

They soon pulled up to the club and made their way inside, finding the Collins family almost immediately upon entrance. Jake had known the Collins for almost his entire life. They moved across the street from his family when he was five, and had a daughter Ella’s age who had been her inseparable best friend ever since. The dad, Scott, was one of his own Dad’s closest friends, golfing together biweekly, and the mom, Janet, was in a walking club with Jake’s mom every morning.

They were nice people, your typical white picket fence family. Janet was incredibly uptight, but Jake’s mom did her best to soften her. Their daughter, Izzy, was a grade-A bitch, but that was probably a byproduct of her mom. Scott on the other hand was one of the nicest guys you could meet. He was a realtor who sold practically half of the houses in Jake’s neighborhood, and often gave him a little side money to help with projects and yard work on some of his houses for sale during high school. On more than one occasion did he catch Jake sneaking out at night over the years, and he always kept it their little secret. Scott was who Jake went to when he wanted to get unpressured advice when applying for college, and Jake appreciated the role he’d played in his life.

Jake also appreciated that Scott was painfully attractive. His skin had a permanent tan-pink hue from some sort of random project outside, but the sun damaged fine lines in his face only added to his features. His dirty blonde hair was always cropped short and carefully maintained, with his hairline just barely beginning to recede. He had a chiseled face with a stubbly square jaw, paired with a defined roman nose that pointed out prominently. His eyebrows were thin, hovering over a pair of forest green eyes that Jake always thought looked sad. But the sad eyes were offset by Scott’s smile. The man had a gorgeous smile, with a perfect set of teeth that could be in toothpaste commercials.

That smile is what met Jake as his family approached the table where the Collins sat. Everyone sat up to exchange pleasantries, and Scott gave Jake a big bear hug. The man was also massive, standing tall at 6’5″ with a barrel-chest and broad shoulders that made Jake feel lanky in comparison. Once a former college football player, Scott now frequently trained for triathlons, which Jake could feel as Scott’s taut muscles wrapped around him. He soon released Jake to give his dad a handshake and hug as well, before everyone took their respective seats, with Jake next to Scott.

Jake did his best to not obviously stare at Scott, but he took a moment to take in the image of the man after not seeing him for so long. His face was clean shaven for once, probably at Janet’s request, and he was in a white polo with sleeves that looked like they could burst at the seams around his biceps. His pants were dark gray chinos, with the fabric clinging against his large thighs, but his napkin in his lap was concealing what Jake wanted to see most.

Jake broke himself from his distraction as he heard Scott say something to him.

“Sorry?” Jake asked, asking Scott to repeat himself.

“Earth to Jake,” Scott chuckled, “Just askin’ how college is treating ya.”

Jake gave a generic response about the excitement with newfound freedom, and rambled about pointless things like classes.

“Meet any special lady friends yet? You know, Janet and I met my sophomore year, so you could be not too far from meeting your own misses,” Scott chuckled, flashing his signature grin.

Jake paused for a moment, trying to think of a response. Luckily, he was saved by Janet elbowing Scott and giving him a stern look. “We met junior year. You were still dating Tracy in sophomore year,” she stated firmly through pursed lips.

Scott looked back at Jake and raised his eyebrows expressively, making a mocking face when she wasn’t looking. Jake dropped his head and laughed quietly.

“Anywayssss…” Scott continued, “Why’re you home for spring break? I’m pretty sure I would’ve been blacked out on a beach by this time during my freshman spring break.”

Jake hesitated. He wasn’t going to give Scott the real reason, that he needed to escape after breaking up with his first boyfriend. “Oh, I just decided Kurtköy Escort I wanted to save up my money this time around, I’ll have 3 more years ahead of me and I’m not even legal to drink yet,” was the excuse he came up with.

“Ah right on, I forget you’re still a wee little lad. In my eyes you’ve always been lightyears ahead of where I was at at your age, and I’m sure your father would say the same for himself.”

“Huh?” my dad chimed in, hearing his mention.

“I was just saying Jake here’s a mature dude for his age.”

“Oh, yeah he’s done a pretty good job for himself,” my dad responded.

Jake can feel his face turning bright red. “Don’t worry, I’m still being a wild and rebellious freshman,” he joked, “Within reason,” he added to put his father at ease.

Scott laughed and patted Jake’s back in approval, just as a waiter approached to take their order.


The rest of the meal proceeded with more casual conversation, before it was soon time to pay the checks and leave. It had been decided during dinner that our group would be moving locations to the Collins’ house for a drink on their patio, which Jake was happy to partake in if it meant more time with Scott.

After parking in the garage, Ella went inside to wait for Izzy to come over, while Jake and his parents headed towards the Collins’ house across the street. The structure stood out from the surrounding houses with its fresh remodel, courtesy of Scott’s efforts.

Scott and Janet were sitting in a circle around their firepit as Jake’s family approached. Scott had taken the time to change into a light blue athletic quarter zip pullover, zipped down to reveal a coating of blonde chest hair against his tan skin.

“You know where the beer is,” Scott hollered at Jake’s dad, “Grab Jake one too,” he added, almost commanding that Jake have one.

Jake’s mom looked at the 3 men disapprovingly as Jake’s dad handed beers to him and Scott, which Scott noticed and responded verbally, “Janet you know he’s doing much worse things at school, a 4.2% beer ain’t gonna do much.”

She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him before laughing. Scott had that effect on everyone. His dominant presence was intimidating at first, but the second he opened his mouth he had everyone in a puddle around him. His voice was deep and commanding, but commanding in the sense that it drew people into him- smooth and silky words entrancing those who listened.

Jake lightly sipped his beer as Scott talked with his dad, pointing at random things along the house that he’s been working on. “Attic is next on my list,” Scott said, “I swear the builders just gave up halfway through building this place. One misstep up there and you’re falling through to the floor below.” The two men talked shop about what improvements could be made, until Jake heard his dad offer up Jake’s labor.

“Yeah I’m free to help,” Jake chimed in.

“Great man! Will be just like old times,” Scott responded with a grin, sticking his beer out to cheers Jake.

Jake smiled and nodded in agreement, checking the time on his watch. It was now 10pm and he was starting to get nervous.

“Got a hot date or somethin’?” Scott asked, noticing Jake’s actions.

“What? No!” Jake stuttered.

“Oh us old folks are just putting you to sleep then.”

Jake laughed. “No no, could never be bored with all of this riveting conversation.”

“I am starting to get tired though,” Jake’s mom jutted in, giving a look to his father that signaled it was time to go.

Jake shook his beer can, noticing it was still almost full.

“Looks like Jake’s got a beer he needs to finish,” his dad responded, pointing at the can.

“Good thing we live across the street and he can follow later,” she retorted, matter of factly as she stood up and crossed her arms. Like a lost puppy, Jake’s dad stood up and followed her as she started walking away. “Goodbye loves! Jake don’t forget to lock the door when you get home,” she said from a distance.

Jake watched as they walked away and when he turned back around he noticed that Janet had gone inside, and a fresh beer sat next to his still full can

“Alright the adults are gone, now we don’t have to censor ourselves,” Scott joked.

Jake laughed with him. “Sometimes I don’t know if you’re my age or my dad’s,” Jake responded with a snort.

“Aha! My plan is working- I’m aging in reverse,” he replied in a fake-menacing tone, rubbing his large hands together mischievously

“I’d believe it- what’s up with this triathlon bullshit? Tryin’ to reinvent yourself?” Jake asked, giving him shit.

“What’s there to reinvent!?” Scott gasped, dropping his jaw in a dramatic protest as he gestured down at himself. “What’re you tryin’ to say bucko?”

“Nothing nothing! You’re a god amongst men,” Jake countered while giggling.

“Damn right.”

The two sat in silence for a moment, both staring at the flames in the firepit.

“So what have you actually been up to at school? Don’t give me the same bullshit about your classes like earlier, I want the juicy details,” Scott finally spoke up, leaning back in his seat.

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