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Big Tits

Jack and Carter: Old Friends.Taking a swig of his beer, Jack finishes off his bottle and tossed it into the bushes. Continuing his way down the road with Jess, his best friend.”Dude, the fuck we even doing?” Jess asks, his words slurring.”I’m just followin you.” Jack saysHaving been drinking for the last few hours, Jack had no idea where he even was. Looking around, there’s the little park consisting of a swing set, one slide, a merry go round and a a monkey bar set. The little coffee shop nobody went to. The doctors office.Wait, Jack knew exactly where he was. He spent a lot of time in this neighborhood when he was young. His parents had friends that lived over here. They had a young son, Camron. And an older daughter, Carter. Jack went to school with Carter. She had had a crush on him when they were young. “ARE YOU k**DING ME, JESSIE?!” a women yells, derailing Jack’s train of thought. It’s Tiffany, Jessie’s soon to wife, or so she thinks.”Tiff, go home.” Jess tells her, stumbling a little. “I told you, I’d be home at 11.””IT’S 2:30 IN THE FUCKING MORNING JESSIE! IVE BEEN CALLING YOU WORRIED SICK. I’VE BEEN DRIVING AROUND TRYING TO FIND YOU!!” She continues to scream.”Tiff, I’m not a ch-” he starts puking up the contents of his stomach.Smirking, Jack says allowed, “Guess beer and ghost pepper wings aren’t a good match.””Shut up, Jack! Why does he only end up like this when he’s with you.” Shooting daggers from her eyes at him, she gets out of the car and helps Jess, who’s now on his hands and knees. Still puking, but, not as violently. Feeling light headed, Jack sits down. “Common Jess. You didn’t even drink that much.” He says.Tiffany is rubbing his back, dumping water on his head. After about five minutes of puking, Tiffany helps Jess into the car. Talking in a calm, soothing voice. Like a mother and her sick son. But, not saying anything close to what a mother would say. Mean statements. “You’re so stupid.” “This is ridiculous.” “You’re ignorant.” She repeats these same statements while getting him buckled in and then climbing in herself.They pull away, leaving Jack alone under the busted street light. The only busted one. Getting up, Jack wonders down the road. Closer and closer to the home he spent so much time at as a c***d. When did he stop going over there? 12? No, he went to Carter’s party at 13. Just after that. Carter started putting on weight, and hung out with the weirdest people. Francine, who moved here from Las Vegas, NV. She shaved her head completely bald. And when it grew, she’d dye it some weird color and shave it. So it was colored stubble. She was a good singer. And kinda pretty. If she didn’t dress like a man and act like one. And Terry. She was a straight up bitch. Didn’t give a fuck. She’d scream at some of my friends once for joking about Carter’s weight.”You stupid piece of shits,” shed screamed. “You think this is funny? Fuck you all. I’ll beat every one of your asses you keep it up.” She punched the locker, denting it.One of the teachers took her to the office to, ‘talk about the incident.”Dumb bitch. And the friends just kept getting weirder.But, it’s been a few years since they all had graduated. Maybe she kept better company now. Jack had always liked Carter. But, he was part of the in crowd. He hung out with the cool k**s. They made fun of Carter and her friends alot. Jack didn’t really like to. Carter really was nice. She was caring. She never had done anything to them. Why were they so mean? He couldn’t remember. Looking up, Jack realized he was in front of Carter’s house. The light was one. And Jack could see someone moving I side. Maybe Carter is up? It was now 3am on a Sunday according to his watch. Knocking couldn’t hurt.One, two, three knocks. Someone was coming to the door.Tired, blue eyes behind thick rimmed glasses, a dirty blonde messy burdur escort bun and every familiar facial feature Jack remembered were staring at him.”Jack?” She said in her honey smooth voice whispered. “What are you doing here?” Drinking in the sight of her, Jack noticed she’d lost weight. Now petite, with big breasts and thick thighs, she was more beautiful than he remembered. “You reek. Are you drunk? Hello?” She snapped her fingers in his face.”What? Ye.. yes. I’m drunk. I’m not sure how I got here.” Jack said.”What do you want?” She asked. “Umm.. I.. can I come in? I don’t wanna walk home. Please?”After a few seconds of thinking, she stepped aside and held her arm out into the house, his que to come in.Jack sat quietly on the chair. Carter standing infront of him, arms over her chest, one hip out, tapping her foot. As attractive as it was, he wished she’d say something.It felt like forever before she said anything, though. “Do you know what time it is?” She asked. “Ummmmm…” Glancing at his watch. “3:12am””Why are you at my parents house at 3:12 in the morning?””I was walking with Jess, and we were drinking. An-“”How did you even get alcohol, you’re 20? You can’t buy it.””I had Bron buy it.””Bron? Like, 43 year old, gay Brandon? The one that hangs out with people younger than us at the skate park? The creepy guy Bron?” “Yes, that one. We gave him money to-” “You do realize he’s being investigated for d**g trafficking and forcefully touching a dudes penis, don’t you?””Yes but-“”Wow. You are so bright. I think you should go home.” She says pointing towards the door.”You know, you’re very pretty.” Jack says. Obviously noting that was the wrong thing to say. She looked shocked for a moment, then really mad. “Wait, what do I mean. I mean…””You mean you’re drunk and need to leave.””Wait. Stop. Please. I do think you’re pretty. I’ve always thought you were pretty.” Standing, Jack steps close. “You’re smart. You’re sweet. You’re creative.” Moving his head closer and closer until their lips are almost touching. “You bring a smile to my face. Even when you don’t care how you look.” Twirling her hair with his finger. Jack places his hand on the back of Carters neck. Pulling her in the rest if the way. Kissing her hungrily. Feeling her warm mouth on his brought life to his body. An excitement he hadn’t felt in a while. Pulling away, Carter grabbed his hand and pulled him through the house to her room. Removing her glasses and setting them on her bedside table. Jack looked around the room, nothing the piles of book and half finished drawing laying about. Colored pencils and markers s**ttered in the floor. A basket of dirty clothes. A cherry stained cedar dresser in the corner. A small radio playing ‘ Cecilia and the Satellite’ by Andrew McMahon and the Wilderness. Bringing his attention back to Carter, now watching Jack intently survey her room, fidgeting with her index finger on her shaky left hand. Placing a hand on either side of her face. Thumbs stroking her warm, flushed cheeks.”Calm, beautiful. You have nothing to worry about.” He whispered into her lips, kissing her softly.He smelled of beer and stale cigarettes. But, Carter longed for him to kiss her. Kiss her longer. Kiss her more passionately. To feel his hands on her bare skin. Sensing her wishes, he kisses her again. His hands finding their way under her shirt. Fingers brushing against the small of her back. Moving slowly’Would he think her weird for not wearing a bra?’ She thought. ‘Or would it excite him more?’ she had to know. His hands reaching the area the bra strap should be, finding it lacking, she feels Jack smile as they kiss. Carter movers her hands to the buttons on his shirt, feeling his strong, muscular chest underneath. She undoes them one at a time. Until she reaches the çanakkale escort last three. Slower than the others. She struggles with her shaky hands.Jack grabs her hands softly, breaking the kiss.”I’ve got it, beautiful.” Confidently, he undoes the final buttons, allowing Carter to run her hands along his stomach, chest and shoulders. Pushing the fabric of his shirt down. For the first time since he kissed her, Jack could feel is cock swelling. Growing at her touch. Begging to feel the sweet, moist places of her innocence.”Why are you doing this?” Sge asks, surprising Jack.”Doing what?””Is this some joke to you? One of your friends put you up to this?””No, why would you say that?” “Because you’re an asshole. What, are they waiting outside? Waiting for you to tell them how easy this was? Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I’m gonna give it to you.””Carter, stop. No one is waiting. No one is gonna know about this.” Kissing her again, only for her to pull away, tears in her eyes.”Carter, please. I’m sorry. I know I was an ass in school. I know I-“”An ass? Because of you and your friends, I tried to commit suicide. Is that funny to you? Is this funny to you?” She says, pulling the sleeves of her shirt up. Revealing gnarled, healed scars.How Jack wished he could take it back. Everything hed ever said about her. Everything his friends said. No matter hiw hard he tried, he could never be able to kiss the broken parts of her that needed healing. But, he was, for the life of him, going to make it up to this beautiful women who knew him so well at one point in life. He was going to show her how sorry he was.Kissing the scars. Up her arm. Her shoulder. Her neck. Slowly he slid his hands under her shirt, pulling upward. Her breasts lifting up with the fabric. Falling with a soft thud as their mass is set free. Looking at her, topless, in a pair of tint pajama shorts, she was more beautiful than he could have known. She had light stretch marks, and skin that wasn’t perfectly toned. But, she was still beautiful. Running his hands over every inch of her he could touch. He could feel his cock at full erect length, waiting to be set free from its denim prison. Picking her up, he set her on the bed. One leg on either side of his. He undid his pants, pulling them down slowly as she watched. His fully erect cock shooting up, making itself seen. Stroking it a little, Jack placed his hand on the fabric of the cotton candy pink panties she wore under her pajama shorts. Rubbing softly, he could feel her excitement. Moving the fabric to the side, he was delighted to see she was bare. Perfectly shaven. Not even prickly little pests. Her Pussy was warm, wet. So inviting. Thumb massaging the sweet spot of her clit, Jack brings his head down, using his tongue to taste her. Her moans soft and pleasing to the ear. Licking in fast, circular motions, teasing her hole. Her hands running through his hair. Holding his head in place.”Mmm please don’t stop. Ahhh” more moans, loader this time. Her hips pushing up. Taking his thumb off her clit, Jack moves his hand down and pushes his middle finger into her. Slowly, moving in and out. Contrast to his fast moving tongue. Sucking her beautiful pink wet skin. Slowly inserting another finger. Moving them faster. Feeling her orgasm coming. Moving faster and faster. Tongue and fingers moving at the same pace. Her tangy, sweet juices exploads from her pussy.His cock, now ready to feel her. Jack stands, takes his remaining clothing off. Carter takes her wet panties and shorts off. Laying now completely naked. Exposed. Jack pulls his cock, massaging the skin with Carter’s juices still on his hand. Coming over her, he places his cock right at the opening. Rubbing the head on her warm moist pussy. Her moans now quiet, but, still appeasing çankırı escort to hear. Swiftly, Jack pushes only the head in. She leaped suddenly not expecting the sudden penetration. Coaxing it in and out. Not going further than the head. Jack rocked his hips back and forth. Giving Carter time to familiarise herself with this motion. After it appeared she could handle it, he pushed further, giving half the full 8inches to get. Easing his cock in and out, pushing more and more in until she was taking all of his throbbing cock. Gently still, he moved his gerth in and out of her.Grabbing the bed sheets she lay on, Carter allowed Jack to have that special thing she hadn’t given to another man. The feeling of Jacks mouth and fingers on and in her pussy was amazing, but, no where near as marvelous as feeling him penetrate her virgin hole. He moved his hips faster into her, feeling his cock fill her pussy was more than she could take. Her hip rising and falling with his. She could feel another orgasm. Pleasure erupting through her. ‘How could she have already came twice and hes still going? She wondered'”Oh Jack, don’t stop. Don’t stop. Mmmmmmaaaahhhhhh! This feels so wonderful” she moaned out. Causing him to move faster, thrusting harder into her. His mouth finding the skin of her hard nipple. Sucking on the left. Squeezing the right between his fingers. He continued this for a couple minutes before sitting up, his cock still in her. He placed his hands on her hips, holding her down. Rocking his cock in and out of her. He grabbed one of her legs and put it on his shoulder. Now he was hitting a spot that made it feel even better than before. For a moment, she thought she might come again. But, abruptly, he stopped.”Turn around. Get on your knees. Just like that. Now, bend over, put your chest to the bed.” She obliged his every wish. Again, he brought his mouth to her pussy, licking again for only a couple seconds before replacing his cock against her hole. Not wasting any time getting back to work. He began pounding his hips into her ass checks as his cock was in her pussy. Spanking her hard on one cheek, his hand wrapped itself in her hair. Pulling her head and neck backward. He now had her body against his, holding her, he thrust a few more times.”Ride me. I want you to be my innocent little cow girl.”Jack said. He laid down and let her mount his cock. “What do I do? I don’t know what to do.” She whined”Just move up and down. Bounce. I want to see your titties jump as my cock pleases you.” He said, bouncing his hips a little to help her out at first. After she got a feel for it, Jack watched her bounce, holding one boob in each hand, feeling their weight as she bounced. Closing his eyes, he moaned audibly. Carter enjoyed the sound of pleasing him, as he had with her. “Mmmmmmmmm” he moaned louder. He pulled her down, her hips still moving up and down on his cock. Her boobs met his face once more. Only, this time, he let them softly thwack against his cheeks.Without warning, she got off his cock and starting sucking it vigorously. Hungrily. Jack let her suck for a couple minutes, Enjoying the taste of her juices off his cock. “Hold on to my legs, but don’t move your hands.” Jack grabbed her by her hair, and shoved his cock into her throat, she gagged and protested.”Stop. Let me do this.” He barked. And continued the motion. Saliva dripping from her chin, she could feel his cock jumping, preparing to release the load he had waiting for her. He pulled his cock out of her mouth and beat it quickly, aiming for her face.”Open your mouth.” He said. She did as she was told, just as the warm, salty liquid came streaming out. Some landed in her mouth, some dripping off her chin. Falling onto her breast. When he finished. He sat back. Looking at this beautiful women, now covered in his cum. She was beautiful. He had deflowered her.He grabbed some of the napkins she had on her bedside table, cleaned her off. And kissed her sweetly on her lips. Lips that had been around his cock.As they kissed, the both silently hoped this would not be the first and only time they would please each other….

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