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James”James, stay out of my room or you’ll be sorry!” Julia retorted.I looked at my older sister and hung my head. I had been caughtagain in her room, looking in her dresser drawer. I was 9 yearsold and had become very curious about girls. They had startedbecoming a subject of my interest about six months ago, and mytwo sisters were a handy way to study the new subject of myinterest. “James – are you listening to me? I don’t like it whenI find you doing these things. I don’t go through your room, andI want you to stay out of mine!” Julia really looked angry. “OK,OK s*s, I got your message. I wasn’t hurting anything. I was justlooking!” I finally replied, not looking at her. I turned and ranfrom her room down the hall and into my own room.This room was a study in contrasts. Where Julia’s room wasdecorated in ruffles and lace, mine was a MAN’S room. When daddied last year mom had let me redecorate my room as a way ofcoping with his loss. I sat in the overstuffed wingback chair andstarted plotting a way to get even with Julia for yelling at me.It wasn’t fair I decided. Here I was the only boy in a house withthree girls; Mom, Julia, and Susan. My interest in girls had juststarted, and my sisters were a good way of studying what I hadbeen told in school by the other boys about girls. She didn’thave cause to yell at me like that, she was just a woman, and Iwas a man. Well, almost. I went over to my bed and plopped down,and started really thinking. Maybe I had just better leave heralone for awhile. Even though she was a good specimen, Julia wassixteen, and very pretty for a girl I guess, she always had boyslooking at her when we went out to the mall. Well, maybe I canstudy Susan for a change while Julia cools off. She wasn’t asinteresting, she was only three, and hadn’t developed any femaletraits yet. In fact, I decided, her body (at least with clotheson) looked a lot like a smaller version of mine. Oh well, I guessshe would have to do, Julia was really mad, and looking at Mom’sthings were out of the question. Mom would probably rip my headoff if she caught me in her room. Susan, I guess it’s you.I got out of bed, opened the door to my room, and walked down toSusan’s room. I opened her door and looked in. “Good, she’s nothere.” I went in and closed the door behind me, not noticing thatJulia kayseri escort had come out of her room just in time to see me go intoSusan’s. I went over to my sister’s closet and slid the doorback. Inside were a few dresses, blouses, and skirts. Hey! Notbad, I thought to myself as I started looking through her stuff.I imagined what she must feel like wearing those things. Alwayshaving to be careful about running, or sitting. More proof thatboys were the superior sex. We didn’t have to worry about showingthe whole world our underwear when we sat down! I closed hercloset and went to her dresser. Opening the top drawer, I lookedinside. Interesting. Julia’s panties were nylon, these werecotton with little bears and bows printed on them. Hey! They evenhad lace trim! Carefully I started taking them out of the drawerand examining them one by one. They were in assorted colors, allof them had those designs on them – NO THEY DIDN’T. Down in thebottom of the drawer I found some nylon panties. These were allpink. When I pulled one of them out and held them up I could seethat they also had the day of the week embroidered in a lightblue on the right lower side of the just above the lacy legopening. This pair said ‘Saturday’ – that was tomorrow. Iwondered how often Susan wore these. I folded the panties and putthem all back so no one would notice that anyone had been intothem. I then looked at the other side of the drawer. Here wassomething Julia didn’t have. These looked something like my teeshirts, only with lace. I wondered why Julia didn’t wear them. Iopened the next drawer, it was full of jeans and pullover tops. Ishut that drawer thinking, “Nah, I get to see those things on heraround the house all the time.” I opened the third drawer lookedin and saw it was full of slips. Just as I started to reach in, Ithought I heard someone coming up the stairs. I shut the drawer,ran to the door and looked out. The way was clear, I made a breakfor my room. I ran in, and shut the door thinking, “That wasclose, but they didn’t catch me.”I opened my eyes, and there sitting on my bed was Mom. She lookedvery serious, and I wondered what she was going to yell at meabout this time. “James, we need to talk. Sit down.” I went overto my chair, sat down, and said, “I didn’t do nothing, Mom.” escort kayseri Shejust sat there looking at me. Finally she said in a low voice,”Are you telling me that Julia didn’t catch you going through herroom and you weren’t just now in Susan’s room going through herthings.” Caught! “Mom, I was just curious. Seeing as how in nottoo long I am going to have to take care of all of you women, Ishould know more about you,” I said. Mom looking puzzled said”Just what do you mean by that, young man?” I answered, “Well allthe guys at school say that women are weak and have to have a manto take care of them. I guess now that Dad’s gone it’s my time totake care of all of you.” Mom just smiled and said, “Son, thereare some things about your father you didn’t know. One of whichis that he had come to realize that women are in fact superior tothe male of the species.” She stood, and said “Come with me.” Ifollowed her out of my room and down the hall to her room. Momwalked over to a dresser in the corner and opened the top drawer,”This was your father’s dresser, son, I want you to see what hewore every day of his life after marrying me.” With thatstatement she started pulling clothing out of the drawer andplacing the items on the bed. “Son, not only did your fatherbelieve, as I do, that females are superior. But with mypermission and encouragement, he tried to become more like us.Your older sister knew about all of this, and your father and Iwere going to tell you, but we never seemed to get around to it.”She turned to the bed and held up an item, “These are hispanties. They are just like what I wear.” She picked up anotheritem, “Your father wore bras 24 hours a day, seven days a week,he also wore gartered hose and a girdle every day, during thehours he was awake. He kept his body hairless, and would submitto any female’s wishes.” I was totally confused by this point andasked Mom, “You made Dad dress like a girl?” Mom smiled again andsaid, “I had to at first, but by the time we had married he hadcome to believe as I do. I want you to understand that I lovedhim, and I love you. That’s why I attempted to help him become abetter person, as I shall with you.”The door to the room opened and Julia came in carrying a bag.Mom went to her and asked “Hon, did you get every thing I askedfor?” kayseri escort bayan Susan nodded and sat the bag on the bed. “Mom, I don’t wantto be a girl!” I cried, suddenly afraid. Susan turned to me,”Don’t be such a baby, I have been a girl all of my life and Ilike it. I think it will be really neat to have another sister.”Mom looked at me and said in a stern voice, “Now take thoseclothes off.” I started to run for the bedroom door, but Juliagrabbed me and held me while mom stripped me of my male clothing.I was so embarrassed, I was naked in front of my mother and mysister! “Don’t be such a Ninny, your sister has supervised yourfather dressing and bathing many times from the time she was 7on. You haven’t got anything to hide from her,” my motheradmonished. Mom handed me a pair of pink cotton panties withlittle blue bows printed on them, and blue lace around the legs.”Put these on.” I hastily complied thinking that even thoughthese were girl’s clothes, at least it was better than beingnaked in front of them. My sister then helped me to put on a pairof pink tights and a pink vest with a blue ribbon around theneckline. My mother handed me my jeans and my sweatshirt. “Youcan wear your regular outer clothes until school is out for thesummer,” she stated.I grabbed them and put them on, then ran from the room and intomy own. I felt so funny wearing this underwear. I went to mydresser to get some of MY underwear, but when I opened the drawerI found that Julia had already been here. My male underwear wasgone, and had been replaced by undies just like I was wearing. Ihad no choice but to continue wearing what I had on, or gowithout. I had just decided to go without when my little sistercame running into my room. She ran over to me and said in aexcited voice, “Mommie just told me that you aren’t going to be aboy anymore. She says you have new underwear just like mine! CanI see?” She was jumping up and down by this time, she was soexcited. “Oh man, she will tell everyone if I’m not careful,” Ithought. I knelt down and told her, “Susan, I’ll let you seethem, but you have to promise that this is a secret for you, me,Mommie, and Julia. OK?” She seemed to calm a bit, and said “Asecret? OK.” I pulled up my sweatshirt so that she could see myvest. Susan said, “It’s just like mine!” and ran from my room. Iwas crying in frustration by this time. Might as well leave thisstuff on, it seemed as if the whole family was going to bechecking on me anyhow. I got up, put my shoes on and wentdownstairs to watch TV until dinner. TO BE CONTINUED?

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