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This story is a follow on to a previous story: “Madness,” published on Literotica on March 23, 2022 ( It’s a short story (5000 words) that relates how an old man with erectile dysfunction that also loves basketball managed to impress a coed forty years younger than he was.

Roger hung up the phone Monday afternoon after talking to Janice. He sat in a nearby chair and wondered how he was going to deal with her impending visit. He was almost sixty years old and Janice was a mere twenty.

Roger, a recent widower, was an avid basketball fan, primarily college basketball. He had played ball in college and was still in reasonable shape. Most people he met didn’t think he was much older than fifty. They were surprised when they learned his actual age.

The local university team had received a bid to the NCAA Division I Men’s basketball tournament, March Madness to most fans, and, although he hadn’t graduated from that university, he followed the team closely. The team was playing their first games nearby and, after they narrowly won their first round game, Roger managed to find a ticket to the game on Saturday evening in the student section of the arena.

He was seated between Janice and her friend Casey, both coeds from the university. He cheered the team along with Janice, Casey and the other students, and when the team won the close game in overtime, both Janice and Casey kissed him in joy and Janice invited him to a post game party back at a fraternity house on the campus. Caught up in the moment, he went.

He ended up sitting on a sofa in a darkened corner of the room in the fraternity house between Janice and Casey. With a sense of confidence he hadn’t felt in almost forty years, he began to touch and stroke each of the women, focused on reaching their most intimate body parts without concern where that may lead. Casey was spirited away by a young man while Janice lingered and allowed him to pursue his goal.

Janice experienced a minor orgasm while sitting on the sofa and led him upstairs in the fraternity house to a sparse and empty bedroom where, faced with an impending and embarrassing situation, Roger revealed that, as an old man, he was no longer able to finish what he started due to a severe and lingering inability to get an erection.

Janice bordered on anger at his revelation. After all, her motor was running and leaking oil. In his defense, Roger explained that he was, never-the-less, able to provide Janice with all the satisfaction she desired with a myriad of other sexual techniques he had acquired and perfected over his many years. Janice challenged his assertions and Roger proved his case.

Over the course of several hours, Janice reached two conclusions. First, her satisfaction with Roger outdistanced anything she experienced with fraternity brothers and, second, she felt she could “fix” Roger’s problem with determined and concentrated “physical therapy.” She was so sure of success that she made Roger promise to fuck her first when he regained his ability to do so.

So, Roger was now sitting in his living room contemplating the phone call from Janice. She had invited herself to come to his home tonight to pursue his “therapy” and her own self interest. He wasn’t opposed to her proposal and even looked forward to her visit. However, Janice had included an unexpected element, she was bringing Casey with her. Roger was wondering how he was going to be able to unfuck Janice and unfuck Casey as well.

Roger checked the time and realized he needed to get moving. He straightened up the living room, including a thorough vacuuming. He ate a simple meal in the kitchen, washed, dried and put away everything unnecessarily out of place, wiped all the counters and started the dishwasher.

In the bedroom, he contemplated the size of the queen-sized bed on which he had enjoyed so many hours with his deceased wife Majorie and wondered if it would be large enough. It was what it was. He changed the sheets and made the bed with everything exactly where it should be.

Checking the time again, he hurried to take a shower, with additional attention on the usually unseen parts of his body and dressed casually in Dockers, a collared golf shirt, moccasins without socks and, of course, underwear.

He sat in a dimly lit living room with soft easy jazz on the stereo and holding a large snifter of Grand Marnier and some chocolate covered almonds while he waited for his guests.

At almost seven, the doorbell rang. Roger set aside his almost empty snifter and answered the door. Janice and Casey were on the doorstep waiting for him. They were dressed identically in sleeveless short tops that stopped above their waists, short cotton shorts that would have embarrassed Daisy Duke and white deck shoes without socks. Neither of the women appeared to be wearing bras. It was impossible to confirm if they were wearing panties but the absence of panty lines offered a possibility.

Janice immediately took his face in her hands and kissed him with intent. almanbahis adresi “Hi,” she said when she let him go. “I’m so glad you let me come over tonight.”

“Hi,” responded Roger. “I’m just as glad that you came.”

Before Janice could introduce her, Casey grabbed Roger’s face and kissed him with more gusto than Janice. “You remember Casey?” asked Janice.

“Hi, Casey,” said Roger.

“Hi,” responded Casey. “Janice’s told me all about you.”

“That’s good, I guess,” said Roger. “I, on the other hand, know little about you.”

“That’s something I’m hoping to correct,” said Casey.

“Well, come in,” said Roger.

He closed the door behind them and they moved as a group to the living room. They sat on the sofa, much as they had sat on the sofa in the fraternity house two evenings ago. Each of the women took one of his hands and placed it on their respective thighs.

“What’s in the glass?” asked Janice.

“Just something to calm my nerves,” Roger admitted.

“Let me see,” said Janice and put out her free hand.

Roger collected the snifter from the table and handed it to her. He put his hand back on her thigh. Janice swirled the remaining liquid around in the glass and smelled the aroma of the liquor.

“It smells sweet,” she said.

She put the glass to her lips and tasted the dark liquid. “Ummm,” she said. “I like it.”

“So do I,” commented Roger.

Meanwhile, Casey was moving Roger’s had up and down her thigh and more, lingering as his hand passed over the gusset of her shorts. Her legs were spread and her knee against Roger’s knee.

Janice handed the snifter back to Roger and he put it back on the table. “You know why we’re here?” she asked.

“I’ve made some assumptions,” Roger responded. “So, I think I have a good idea.”

“How do you want to do this?” Janice asked.

“Somehow, when you ask like that,” Roger said, “it has a clinical tone to it.”

“What were you thinking?” asked Janice.

“Saturday night was more than just a clinical therapy session,” he offered. “There was an erotic aura in the air, romantic even,” he continued. “I think we should go slowly and let the emotions flow with the feelings.”

Meanwhile, Casey was moving Roger’s hand under the hem of her shorts. He determined that she wasn’t wearing panties and that she was without pubic hair, probably recently shaved since he didn’t notice any stubble. Casey rotated his hand down between her legs and his fingers settled alongside her labia and between them.

“Kinda like Casey over there?” asked Janice.

Pretending he hadn’t noticed, Roger asked, “Am I missing something?”

Janice leaned over him for a better look at Casey. “It doesn’t look like you’re missing anything,” she said. “The only thing that should be missing is Casey’s shorts. They seem to be getting in the way.”

Casey smiled. “Janice has the best ideas,” she said.

Janice stood and helped Casey to stand in front of her. “Let me help,” she said.

Casey and Janice kicked off their deck shoes. They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment and then leaned in for a heart stopping kiss and mutual breast palming. At least it was a heart stopping kiss for Roger. He hadn’t expected that and he’d never experienced a demonstration like it between two women.

The women paused their kiss and turned to look at him. “Did you like that?” Janice asked.

Roger took the fingers of the hand that had been between Casey’s legs from his mouth and responded, “I’ve never seen anything like that.”

Casey shook visibly. “I’ve never seen anyone do that.”

“Did you feel anything?” asked Janice.

Roger did notice a change in the way his normally flaccid penis felt. It surprised him. Majorie had tried everything either of them could think of without nearly the response watching Janice and Casey had accomplished. On the other hand, Majorie had never had a sexual relationship with another woman in front of him, or not in front of him either.

“A little, maybe,” answered Roger. “Don’t let worrying about me interrupt either of you.”

“You did feel something, didn’t you?” insisted Janice.

Roger just smiled. “Kiss her again,” he suggested.

The ladies took his advice. Their kiss intensified, morphing into an open mouthed, breath stealing, mouth sucking salute. In the process, hands found purchase on naked breasts under shirts. Eventually, the shirts came off and the women began to kiss and suck on each other’s breasts. Roger was acutely aware of the discomfort of his penis in his pants. Nothing even close to a useable erection. Just a slight swelling and an increase in the weight of his cock. The feeling gave him hope. More hope than he’d had in fifteen years.

The coeds interrupted their activity, held out their hands and helped him to join them. Together, they kissed him, each exploring his mouth with their tongues. They removed his shirt and kissed his neck, shoulders and nipples. The feeling in his pants continued but did not intensify.

Together, almanbahis adres they removed his pants and moccasins. While Casey stroked his cock through the fabric of his boxers, Janice slid her hand inside. “This is much better than it was on Saturday night,” she exclaimed. “Roger,” she continued, “where’s the bedroom?”

In a sexually induced hypnotic trance, Roger led the women upstairs to his bedroom.

“This is very nice,” commented Janice. “Help me turn down these covers,” she asked Casey.

Together they turned down the covers and pulled down the top sheet. When they were done, they sat Roger on the bed and faced him. They looked at each other, reached an agreement and removed their shorts. Casey was indeed devoid of pubic hair, the details of her pudenda easily observed. Janice had a neatly trimmed narrow triangle of pubic hair pointing to her clitoris as if anyone determined enough to get this far needed further instruction where to find her vagina.

“Are you okay?” asked Janice.

“I’ve never been better,” he responded.

In reality, until last Saturday, he’d never seen another woman naked in person, except Majorie and, now, two at once. He was in a new world and it did have an effect on his arousal. However, it was clear that age and lack of use had taken its toll.

Janice and Casey pulled Roger off the bed and stood him between them. They double teamed him and removed his boxer shorts. Janice was immediately impressed. “You look larger,” she exclaimed.

With Janice holding his cock and Casey hefting his testicles, Roger closed his eyes and drifted with the wave of feeling. Janice slid down in front of him, knelt and took his cock in her mouth. Casey slid down alongside of her and they shared Roger’s still unresponsive penis.

Roger fell back on the bed and, together, the three of them moved to the center of the bed. After thirty minutes without much progress, Janice had a thought. “You know,” she began, “Roger had an initial, albeit small reaction watching us,” she said to Casey. “Maybe we’re going about this the wrong way.”

Janice sat Roger against the headboard with a pillow behind his back and pulled Casey toward her in front of him. Soon they were involved in activities similar to, but more adventurous, than in the living room. About an hour later, everyone was exhausted. The women were also sweaty, sticky and just about orgasmed out. Roger’s right hand was tired and his penis red from over exertion.

Janice interrupted the activity. “I hate to admit it but this isn’t working and I have to be back in the dorm before curfew.”

She looked at her watch. “I have to leave in the next five minutes,” she explained.

She picked up her shorts and headed for the living room for her shirt and shoes. Dressed, she stuck her head back into the bedroom. “Roger, I apologize that I have to leave.”

“Janice,” said Roger. “We never got to the rest of the agenda we had for the evening.”

“What agenda?” she asked.

“We spent the time dealing with my ‘therapy,'” Roger explained. “I was hoping for time to focus on you.”

“I spent my time on you,” Janice insisted. “I’m okay with that. However, I promise that the next time we’ll focus on the you that is me. Casey, are you coming?”

“I don’t have a curfew,” Casey replied. “Roger, will you drive me home if I stay longer?”

Roger didn’t have to think long. “I can manage that,” he said.

“Great,” agreed Janice. “See you tomorrow,” she said to Casey.

“Okay, I’ll text you,” agreed Casey.

As soon as the front door closed and Janice was gone, Casey kissed Roger. “Now that we’re alone, how about you show me what Janice passed on tonight?”

Roger answered her by kissing her again. He laid her gently on the bed with a pillow under her head. He kissed her lips, eyes, ear lobes and everything between there and her breasts. He spent considerable, kissing and sucking on her nipples before continuing to kiss down her body, slipping his tongue from her navel to her clitoris and sucking it between his lips.

Before he was finished, it was midnight and there wasn’t a square inch of Casey’s body he hadn’t kissed or fondled. Casey lost count of the number of orgasms she had before she called an intermission to pee and hydrate.

Back in the bed, Casey performed a similar tour of Roger’s body with special attention on his mostly unresponsive cock. They fell asleep. Casey got up in the middle of the night to pee again and checked the time. She didn’t have the heart to wake up Roger to drive her home so she crawled back into the bed, spooned behind Roger and went back to sleep.

Roger woke up early. The light filtering through the blinds suggested that sunrise was imminent. Casey was asleep, smiling and snoring gently beside him. He rose, peed, washed his face, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, put on a robe and headed for the kitchen to prepare a pot of coffee.

Thirty minutes later, Casey came into the kitchen, freshly showered and holding almanbahis adresi her shorts in her hand. The absence of a robe surprised Roger who managed to suppress his reaction. Coffee, toast and orange juice with a beautiful naked young woman was the stuff of fantasy and he absorbed every second of his breakfast with Casey.

She found the rest of her clothing and he drove her home. She kissed him and promised many future visits with him before getting out of the car.

Back home, Roger poured another mug of coffee and thought seriously about his experiences with Janice and Casey. He focused, not on the sex, but on the reactions he had experienced in his groin. He remembered conversations he had with his urologist many years ago, when the doctor insisted a solution to his problem was possible. At the time, Roger had chosen not to pursue the doctor’s suggestions. He saw little benefit since his wife, Marjorie, was having problems of her own that impacted her ability to have satisfying sexual experiences. He chose, instead, to grow old with Marjorie and forego further sex.

Now, all his concerns no longer existed. He called Dr. Chandler and managed an appointment for the following Thursday morning.

Roger talked to Janice and Casey each day, conversations replete with activities and expectations. Janice had spoken to Casey and wanted to spend the night with Roger herself. Roger and she agreed to a prolonged, all night visit, beginning early Friday afternoon.

Roger met with Dr. Chandler, his urologist, Thursday at nine am. He was completely transparent with the doctor, explaining in detail his adventures with Janice and Casey.

“Roger,” began Dr. Chandler, “I don’t need to remind you of my position years ago regarding your erectile dysfunction. I haven’t changed my mind. I believe, based on your recent experiences, that your problem can be completely ameliorated.”

“Doc,” said Roger, “I’m ready now to take your advice.”

“I’m going to prescribe a combination of drugs for you that I have found to be extremely effective in many of my most difficult cases,” suggested Dr. Chandler. “It isn’t available through the usual channels. It must be specially prepared by a compounding pharmacy and it’s not inexpensive.”

“I’m okay with that,” said Roger.

“Fortunately, there’s a compounding pharmacy right here in town that can provide the medication,” explained the doctor. “I’ll give you a prescription. You can take it to them and I’m sure they can have it ready for you in a week or so.”

“Is it possible for them to have it ready sooner?” asked Roger.

“How soon?” asked Dr. Chandler.


“That’s a pretty aggressive schedule,” commented the doctor. “Do you have plans for the weekend?”

“I do,” admitted Roger.

“And those plans might be enhanced if you had this medicine before the weekend?”

“They would.”

“Roper, you’re a better man than I am. Let me call the pharmacy and see what they can do,” the doctor suggested.

Ten minutes later, Dr. Chandler returned to the exam room where Roger was waiting. “The pharmacy was initially resistant. I had to share some of your story and they quickly agreed. I hope you don’t mind. They can have the medicine ready for you late this afternoon.”

“I can’t thank you enough,” said Roger.

“You’re welcome, Roger,” replied the doctor. “Just a few cautions. First, the compound may not work. If you take one dose and you don’t have a reaction within twenty minutes, take another capsule. Do not exceed two capsules. If it doesn’t work with two, it won’t work with twenty. Second, if it works, your erection will persist for between two and three hours. It will survive ejaculation. You might find that a considerable advantage,” he added with a wink.

“If your erection lasts more than four hours, go to the hospital. It might be embarrassing but it’s the best way to avoid permanent damage. Third, don’t take another dose in less than three hours after your erection subsides. A longer wait is preferred, up to five hours, but sometimes the pressure to perform may require a quicker response, but never less than three hours. Finally, I recommend that you not use the medication more than twice in twenty-four hours. I also suggest you don’t use it every day. Give your body a rest. Several days if possible.”

“Thanks, doc. I’ll be very careful,” committed Roger.

“Good. Call me Monday and tell me how your weekend went.”

“You want a report of the success or failure of the medication?” Roger asked.

“More, it you want to share,” suggested a smiling Dr. Chandler.

“Voyeur?” asked Roger with a similar smile.

“Not usually,” countered the doctor. “But, honestly, I’m a little envious of you and I’d get some satisfaction that I helped make your weekend successful.”

Back home, Roger was restless waiting for the pharmacy to fill the prescription. Unable to contain his impatience, he drove to the pharmacy about an hour before they closed. To his relief, his prescription was ready. Dr. Chandler was right, the compound wasn’t inexpensive. Even so, he paid cheerfully. The young lady who took his payment gave him the medicine with a huge smile. He left the pharmacy with a large plastic tube with ninety clear capsules each containing a light gray powder.

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