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Tuesday, August 31, 2005

I hurried to the locker room and immediately undressed. I went over to Hunter and presented him with my stiff cock. He just shook his head.

“Not today,” he said, nodding towards a fully dressed woman with a clip board. He leaned in closer and whispered to me. “She’s from the state, observing us to see if the program includes anything that might get the school shut down.” I nodded my understanding.

When Hunter finished undressing, we headed across the quad towards English class, followed by the woman with the clipboard. We didn’t get any requests; I think people were scared to with her around. When we got to class, Ms. Lease asked her what she was doing.

“Don’t mind me,” she responded, flashing Ms. Lease an excessively toothy smile, “I’m just here to observe.” She sat down in the back of the classroom, and took notes throughout the lesson. By the end of class, I was incredibly aroused and desperate for relief. Fortunately, the woman didn’t follow me to my next class, and I asked for relief.

I sat on Mr. Guzman’s desk and began to stroke, thinking of Hunter’s gorgeous naked body pressed up against mine. With the pent up arousal of the day, it wasn’t long before I came, spraying semen over my chest and stomach. I slid off the desk and stumbled back to my seat. Mr. Guzman began the lesson, which was about the development of settled communities during the Neolithic era.

After history, I hurried to German class, I didn’t want to be late again and get caught by the same bullies as yesterday. When I got there, the lady with the clipboard was waiting for me. I immediately wished I hadn’t masturbated, as the semen on my body was alsancak escort bayan clearly visible. She didn’t appear to notice and gestured for me to follow her. I did, and she led me to an empty office and sat down across from me.

“Hello, my name is Mrs. Bremer,” she introduced herself, “I’m a psychologist for the state department of education, and I’m here to ask you a few questions about the Naked in School Program. You won’t get in any trouble for your answers, but it’s very important that you answer honestly, ok?”

I nodded yes.

“Ok, then, First, I understand that you have a romantic relationship with Hunter Weems, another participant in the Program. Can you tell me how that relationship developed?”

“On the first day of school, he came into English class naked, and asked for relief. I almost raised my hand, but someone yelled out that he was a faggot, and I got scared.”

“Scared of what?”

“That everyone would make fun of me, and that word would get back to my parents and my friends from church. I knew that they would reject me as soon as they found out.”

“So how did Hunter find out you were gay?”

“Ms. Lease had us share our essays about ‘The Scarlet Letter.’ I didn’t think anyone else would read them, so I wrote mine about being gay.”

“I see, now, if you don’t mind, tell me about your decision to join the program.”

“Coach Overholt asked us to do the program so we could swim naked at meets. When I asked my parents they got really mad and said they were going to take me out of school. That’s when I told them I was gay.”

“Why did you do that?”

“I was mad, I guess. I didn’t escort alsancak want to be separated from Hunter.”

“And what did your parents do.”

I started to tear up “They got even madder. Dad said I was an abomination, and mom wanted to send me to some camp to make me straight. I ended up staying with Hunter for a few days.”

“And how did that come about?”

“I told my English class what had happened, and Ms. Lease set up a meeting between my parents and Dr. Weems. They decided to let me stay with Hunter while they figured out what to do with me.”

“What was staying with Hunter like?”

“It was incredible. His parents seemed so much happier than my family, and when he held me in his arms, I felt loved in a way I never had before.”

“I see, and could you describe whatever sexual activity you two engaged in.”

“We masturbated each other a lot. He wanted to give me a blow job, but I wanted to take it slower.”

“Interesting, and what did your parents end up deciding?”

“My mom called the next day, and said that being without me made her realize that Jesus wouldn’t want us to be apart. They ended up deciding to find a new church.”

“How has your relationship with your parents been since then?”

“It’s gotten a lot better actually, now it doesn’t feel like I’m hiding something.”

Mrs. Bremer continued to ask me questions for the rest of third bell, mainly about my sex life and self-esteem. When the bell rang I headed to lunch. As I walked I thought about my relationship with Hunter. Talking to Mrs. Bremer made me realize that I truly loved him, but I was worried about what would happen to alsancak escort his family. I didn’t want to be responsible for his mom losing her job.

When I sat down to lunch, Ron had good news. “My parents are letting me stay here,” he said, “they decided that its better for me to have to look at naked people than get shot at in a public school.”

“That’s great,” I responded.

Just then, the bullies from yesterday came up behind me, and shoved my face into my tray. My face covered in salad dressing, I ran to Dr. Weems office. When she saw me she knew immediately what had happened.

“Did you get a good look at them this time?” she asked.

“No, they came up behind me, and when I turned back to look they had melted into the crowd.” I responded.

“Shoot, maybe the security cameras caught them.” She said. Just then, the bell rang, and I headed back to class.

After fourth period, I headed to the locker rooms to get ready for swim practice. Hunter was waiting for me.

“How was your day?” he asked.

“Ok, I have a surprise for you,” I responded.

“What is it?”

“I’ll show you,” I said as I knelt down in front of him. I took his cock into my mouth. As soon as he realized what was happening, it sprang to life. I ran my tongue up and down the length of his shaft.

“Ohhhhh yesss,” he moaned as I quickened my pace. He grabbed my hair and began thrusting his thick, meaty cock into my mouth. “I’m gonna cum!” he yelled, and pulled out just before squirting semen all over my face.

With Hunter satisfied, we went out to the pool. Coach Overholt had me on the relay team and the breast stroke. I did pretty good, and we beat the previous year’s relay team’s record. All in all, we were in good shape for Friday’s meet. Being the first practice of the season, we ran pretty long, and it was 8:00 by the time I got home, so I went straight to bed after finishing my homework.

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