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The night after I was over to John’s I laid in bed thinking about the day. Eventually I drifted off to sleep. I began to dream that John and I were playing chess, just like the night before, only John sat, naked, across from me. Like the night before, I began to tease him with the sole of my foot. It was so vivid: I felt his cock grow hard, the head pulsing against the ball of my foot as it became fully engorged with blood. I rubbed the arch of my foot along his rigid length, feeling it twitch as I did. I was so focused on John that the game of chess seemed to melt way, leaving just him and I. He scooted to the edge of his seat, opening his legs more for me to explore, looking into my eyes as he did. He raised an eyebrow and smirked as though he were daring me to go farther. My pulse started to race at that.

My eye’s drifted away from his gaze, shyly Coming to rest on his stomach, his solid erection superimposed upon it. I continued to run my foot gently up and down his thick shaft Feeling his hips arch as he strained against its maddeningly light touch.

Abandoning my seat and John’s cock I found myself running my hands along his stomach, the hair that peppered it bristled under my fingertips. I Kissed his chest and licking at his nipples, feeling his rigid member pressed against my stomach. The feel of it, there, against my stomach, pulsing with hot life made my breath catch. My body echoed John’s arousal. I slid one hand down between us to caress his hot balls as I breathed excitedly against his chest. The musk scent of him filled my senses as I leaned against him. Folding my fingers firmly around his rigid shaft, I began to slowly stroke his cock.

The dream was so real, I could still almost feel his precum oozing from the head of his cock as he moaned with desire, his hands on my back. I continued to stroke my hand up and down along his cock as he began to thrust against it, meeting my every downward stroke. He grew more and more animated by the second, breathing in pleading whispers, urging me to continue. His cock head was growing slick as my hand spread his precum about.

My excitement built, my pulse thrumming in my ears, my cock ached as I pressed it against John’s leg. I began to kiss farther down his stomach, stroking him faster and faster, Feeling every ridge and vein along his shaft as I clenched and unclenched my fist, pumping it furiously as I did. His cock began to spasm and he gasped, telling me how close he was. I brought my lips down to kiss the head of his cock, I could feel the first surge of cum rising through the length of his shaft and instinctively my lips sealed around the head of his cock, anticipating the flow of his cum on my tongue.

I awoke with a start when Greedo jumped up onto my loft bed. Looking at my clock, I saw it was just after noon. “Ah, Jesus Greedo!” I groaned, breathing heavily as I pushed him away. He mirred in annoyance then curled up by my feet as I laid there, letting the erection I woke up with subside. Biting my lower lip I groaned in frustration, I had really wanted to finish the dream. Drawing the back of my wrist across my forehead, it came away with a sheen of cold sweat. The thought struck me to just fall back to sleep and see if I could finish the dream, but twenty minutes of laying there with my eyes closed confirmed that it wasn’t going to happen.

I gave up and got dressed then made some toast for breakfast. While I ate I kept replaying the dream over and over in my mind. It was so frustrating, normally I would have gone and masturbated, or something. But because it was John, I just didn’t feel right, in a strange way, I felt as though it would be cheating John, and myself out of something. So, two hours later I picked up the phone and called John.

“Hello?” Came John’s voice a moment later.

“Hi! John, its me, Steve.”

“Hi Steve, what’s up?”

“Oh, nothing much, just called to see what you were doing.” casino oyna

“Just sitting here, working on a web site is all.”

“Oh, then I probably shouldn’t be bothering you.”

“Its no bother, no bother at all, in fact I wanted to call you earlier this morning, but I figured you’d be asleep still. And I didn’t want to wake you up.”

I was silent for a moment as I thought about my dream again.

“Steve?” John said.

“Yeah, I’m here, um, sorry, I had a really vivid dream last night and it just keeps coming back to mind is all.” I answered, my voice getting a little shaky as I did.

“Some sort of a night mare, bud?” John asked, concerned. “If you want to talk about it, I’ll listen.”

“No, it wasn’t a nightmare.” I said, feeling myself go red. “It was about you actually.”

“About me?” John asked, immediately interested.

“Yes, um, about you and I.” I fell silent again, biting my lower lip nervously.

After a second John spoke again. “Well? Are you going to tell me about it?” He asked seductively.

At first I was hesitant, but once I started to describe my dream to him it just started to flow from the tip of my tongue with ease. He was quiet the whole time, except for his level breathing, I don’t think I would have known he was there otherwise.

“And that’s when Greedo jumped up onto my bed, waking me up.” I finished, after half an hour’s worth of describing the dream to John. He was still being silent. “John?” I asked nervously.

“I’m here, I just had to catch my breath… Your dream… God, I’m envious of myself!” He blurted out.

We laughed together for a moment, then it was silent again. “You know… I never got to finish…” I sighed.

“Listen, Steve, why don’t I come pick you up?” John asked eagerly.

I nodded, a silly thing to do over the phone, as I answered. “Yes, all right, I’ll be waiting,” and with that, we said bye. As soon as I’d hung up, I rushed about, fed Greedo, and all the other small things I had to do. I was so excited and at the same time nervous as hell, I knew what we were going back to John’s to do after all. Dreaming it was one thing, actually doing it, I was about to find out was completely different.

Twenty minutes later we were back at John’s place. “Want anything to drink Steve?” John asked, just like the last time I’d been over, only this time he flashed me a smile as he moved into the kitchen. I followed in after him, my eyes glued to him.

“No, I don’t need anything to drink.” I answered as I stood next to him, leaning against the counter, still looking him over.

He turned to me as he reached for the refrigerator’s handle. He stopped as he noticed the way I was looking at him and smirked a little. “Looks like you’re drinking your fill already, Steve.”

“What can I say, I’m very thirsty, Steve.” I replied huskily as I reached out a hand to touch his chest.

“And a good host makes certain his guests are well taken care of.” John answered as he leaned back, against the refrigerator looking me in the eyes.

I couldn’t speak, but it was okay, it was as though we were communicating without words. My hands moved down his chest and I tugged at it slightly to untuck it. He knew I wanted to explore him like I had in my dream, so without a word, he took his shirt off, drawing over his head and tossing it away casually. He had this way of making everything so effortless, so easy, so natural… I sighed as I nuzzled in against his chest, opening my mouth against his warm skin. He embraced me then, his hands moving down to remove my shirt as I ran my tongue over a nipple, causing his breath to catch. I looked up, an expression of warming lust coalescing behind my eyes. “Mmmh.” I moaned against his chest as I lifted my arms to help him shed me of my shirt. His hands trailed lightly up and down the length of my back as I nipped at him. He gasped and gave me a slightly surprised canlı casino look. I laughed as I sunk my face against his chest hair and breathed in.
“Steve, lets go to my bedroom.” John implored as he drew the attentions of my eyes, his own seething with lust. I nodded in answer, then he turned, and led the way to his room. I watched him as we walked, memorizing the way he moved, just as I had memorized the way he smelled. He turned to me with a smile as he sat back on his bed, motioning, he invited me to sit next to him. I shook my head. He arched an eyebrow as I licked my lips.

“That’s not how my dream went, John.” I said as I came up to him and knelt down, on my knee’s in front of him, my hands on his chest, imitating the dream. I looked up in his eyes and he smiled down at me, his lips parted to reveal his pearl white teeth. He ran a hand through my hair. I pressed my mouth to his chest then as my hands drifted down, over his stomach, to the button on his pants. “These weren’t in my dream either, John.” I said, bare above a whisper as I undid them, scooting back a little to kiss lower down his stomach. Once unbuttoned, I began to pull his pants down along with his underwear as he raised his hips for me.

Drawing them down his legs, and away, I turned to toss them free. Turning back, my eyes trailed up along his legs, followed by my hand, only to settle on his crotch. I gazed at his naked member for the first time, parting my lips with a sigh as I brought my hand up to caress it. The warmth of it, the fluid rush of blood through his veins that soon brought his cock to arousal echoed through me. For a moment, I admired the crown of his cock as it peeked through the top of my fist, feeling a giddy sense of power after having brought him to such a state so quickly.

Looking up into John’s face, I grinned from ear to ear in child like bliss. He smiled and chuckled softly, his eyes still filled with lust. Looking back down, I flicked the pad of my thumb along the underside of his cock’s head as I pumped my fist down his length. John leaned back on his elbows with a sigh of pleasure. Jacking his cock until it was hard as steel in my flexing grasp, I bowed my head and licked along his inner thigh, his legs opening farther in response.

I breathed heavily, my lips parted mere inches from his pulsing cock, my own aching and straining against my pants. Without a thought I drew my tongue along the slit of his cock, collecting a drop of his precum. He gasped as his hips came up with a start and the head of his cock was inside my mouth. I closed my lips around it tightly. In that instant, my dream was put to shame. I began to suck on the head of his cock as he breathed my name. I looked up see the expression on his face was a mixture of surprise and lust. Taking more of him into my mouth I drew my fisted hand up and down his length several times, making it slick and warm with my spit.

I gave a muffled groan as the feel of the hot, hard flesh of his cock ran along the bed of my tongue as he laid his head back, breathing excitedly. His hips took on a thrusting rhythm as I followed it with my hand pumping down just as he pushed up, suckling the round crown of his cock as he did. I felt the beginnings of little tremors moving up along his length and in response I pumped my hand, more tightly, faster along his cock, sucking frantically on the head of his cock.

“Oh! Don’t stop, don’t stop Steve! Nnnh, god!” John cried breathlessly as he reached down, touching the top of my head, lightly holding me against him. Eagerly, I lapped my tongue along the slit at the head of his cock, expecting the hot rush of his cum, desiring it furiously. Suddenly the hot, thick, saltiness of his cum poured over my awaiting tongue. His hand clenched in my hair as his hips trust up sharply. He moaned deeply as he laid back, floating on the waves of his orgasm. Playing the load of his cum over my tongue I drew my lips free of his cocks head, but kaçak casino continued to hold his length in my fist. The pleasure of his orgasm must have passed as he sat up and reached down to gently push my hand away. “Oh, too sensitive…” He breathed, practically wincing from the over intensified sensation of my hand slipping up off his length. I smirked, fully understanding. Catching his breath, John sat up on the edge of the bed and ran a hand through my hair. “So, was that better than your dream?” He asked softly.

“Mmm-hmm” I said with a nod as I continued tasting his cum. He smiled as he reached down, pulling me up to sit next to him. “Steve, would you mind if we went to the park? I want to show you something.” He said, as he looked over at me. I looked back, wondering what was wrong, a little scared. “Yes, that’s fine.” I answered, blushing as I realized I was trying to talk around the cum I still had in my mouth. Instinctively I swallowed it down and repeated myself, blushing even deeper.

The drive to the park was done in silence, save for the radio. I don’t think either of us could have talked, even if we had wanted to. When we finally got there, John got out, and looked up at me. “Steve, I have to show you something.”

I followed, concerned, John really seemed sad about something. This was the first time I had ever seen him like this. Finally we came to a stop, under the largest oak tree in the park. John motioned for me to sit next to him as he took a spot, looking up at me as he did. I sat and looked into his eyes, trying to think of something to say. He smiled again, this time a bit brighter, but I could tell he was still thinking about something, something painful.

“Its nice out here.” He finally said, lifting his head to look about.

“Yes, yes it is.” I replied.

“The last time I was here was four years ago,” he said with a sigh.

“John, what is it? Please tell me?” I asked, never taking my eyes off of him.

He turned back to look me in the eyes. “The last time I was here was the last time I saw my last lover. He died two weeks later from aids.”

I was at a loss for words, all I could do was look into John’s eyes and see the hurt and loss in them.

“This is where we met, and where we parted.” John whispered as he turned his head away again, drawing the back of his hand across his eyes, then looked back at me. “Then I cried, heh, a lot,” he added as he lifted his hand as if to show me. “Anyway, I wanted to share this place with you, Steve, because I really like you. You’re the first person I’ve brought here since…”

I was on the verge of tears myself, my mouth hanging open as I still hadn’t looked away from John. It was at that moment, for me, that I knew I loved John.

He looked at me again, reaching up to push a strand of hair out of my face, he smiled. “Are you going to be all right?” He asked.

“Me? How about you? You look so sad, I wish I could take your pain away,” I said without a thought.

“Shh, Steve, you already have, just being here with me,” he said, scooting closer to my side. For a long time we sat side by side, under the silent, peaceful shade of John’s oak tree. John reached out and held my hand as we did.

We started talking again, and John told me the only expectations he had of us if we were to become intimate. That we would both take blood tests every year and be faithful to one another.

I shook my head with a smile, telling him I would expect nothing less myself, then I asked him about his former lover, telling him that if he would rather not talk about him, I would understand.

He told me his name was Mathew, and about all the wonderful times, and about all the troubles they had. Then he turned to me, with the brightest smile on his lips to assure me we would have them too.

I responded, again, without a thought. “Well, we’d better, or I’d feel cheated!”

Hours passed, dusk came, and in the twilight I turned to John. “John…” I said, and as he turned toward me I drew his head down to me and we kissed. It was so natural that when, at last we broke, we both sighed before starting another kiss.

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