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This was my sophomore year at a reasonably well known East Coast College an institution known just as much for its academics as its sports. I got in as a legacy seeing as may dad went here but would have stood just as much chance on my own having solid grades and a exemplary high school sports career. I was good enough that they gave me my shot at college football as well. To date I had played well and had proven myself. I came from a little money, had some family connections, was a respected athlete, and could hold my own in the looks department. All this aside a drew some curious glances and a couple of questions from my teammates and several friends in some of the more selective social circles I traveled when at the end of freshmen year I pledges what my friends would call a fringe fraternity. No one gave me any long term grief though. I had always been able to move relatively easily between disparate social groups and this held true even here.

The reality was that I had ambitions for after college geared to the higher end of business or maybe politics. I wanted a good solid academic background as well as the popularity and connections. To that end I joined a more cerebral fraternity. Yes these were the geeks and nerds of academia but they would be very helpful for getting through classes that I was weak in and some day some of these boys would be heads of their own tech and science firms (something a lot of people forget about).

Being an athlete and popular got me in the door with the guys easily enough and having me as a member did raise the fraternities equity some. I treated the guys as normal human being and this got me there respect. I became the de facto social guru for my frat helping the guys out when I could and giving advice when asked with the additional duty of organizing and executing several of the yearly parties. It was in this capacity that a handful of the guys came to me with a request to put together a special get together for one of our soon to depart brothers Tom. They wanted something good as a send off.

I gave it a little thought and agreed giving them a time and date. I specifically picked a holiday weekend when pretty much most everyone would be away and we would have the house all to ourselves now of course I had to figure out what to arrange and how.

Fast forward a couple of weeks to a holiday weekend afternoon at the frat house.

The guys had been having a good if not mellow time. Everything was what you would expect up to this point, music, beers, snacks, some cinema, and some video games. Actually only one video game was out that was lollipop chainsaw I claimed I had misplaced the rest when I was setting up. And though this is everything you’d expect at a private party for college nerds and geeks this was a special gig for Todd in honor of having gotten into Caltech’s grad mathematics program on a full ride scholarship. Not something you achieve easily and it comes with scarifies like your social life. But he had at one time or another gotten us all though a bind, for me it was business statistics, so the boys wanted to send him off in style. Of course having a small social circle meant that there were only seven of us including myself (everyone else was out of the house and I was confident no one would be back till tomorrow). The only thing the guys found out of the ordinary up to this point was that I collected everyone’s electronics at the door when they arrived (I had asked everyone to vacate the house earlier for several hours while I did prep). This was an event for us NOT the rest of the world.

“Okay guys things are getting a little dull so how about we change gears? Let’s go take in a show.” Todd and a couple of the other guys had curious looks on their faces but his buddies who had helped me arrange one or two things had looks more of anticipation. Of course even they didn’t know what was coming. Expecting we were going to head out people started making their way for the door.

“Hold on everyone I got something set up in the game room. Lets head on back there and grab a seat.” I had cleared most things out of the room earlier leaving as much open floor space as I could and some comfortable chairs and the like. When everybody got in and gravitated to the half circle of seating I had set up I went over to the far wall were I had the other part of the room curtained off. This was a smaller annex were we had set up some old video game terminals the frat had collected over the years. I pulled the curtain aside, stepped in, and began casino siteleri wheeling out a massive prop cake almost 7 ft tall. The guys broke out in cheers”

“Killer, Brad got us a stripper. This is going to be awesome.” They had no idea. As I pushed the cake into position around 8 ft in front of them I tapped the small remote I had in my pocket causing the lighting to drop a touch and some low techno to come on.

“All right guys you ready for some eye candy, you dam well better be ready”

“Hell yes”

“I don’t know guys that was a little weak. Give it another shot!”

“HELL YA!” this time it was loud, in unison, and the cue.

I popped the switch causing the cake to collapse down almost flat to its wheeled base and up popped out the last things in the world these boys expected. The shock was instantaneous and there was nothing but silents accompanied by eyes the size of moons. A few of the guys even had their mouths open. There in front of everyone was Jennifer Jones our amazingly hot cheer captain. In an outfit I had made sure to hand pick for this outing. She was decked out in Juliet Starling’s cheerleader getup form the game lollipop chainsaw. I had made just one small change. As they guys stared not knowing what to do or say they took in for full package. Starting with her white and red sneakers then up to the red legwarmers then following those shapely legs upwards clad in white thigh high stocking with purple tops. By this point there eyes came to rest on the short little pleated miniskirt with red belt. In the game she has on a set of purple panties as well but that wasn’t quite right in my opinion so I had her in a purple thong and this was hinted at since you could see it riding up on her hip above were the skirt ended.

Next they eyes continued up her tight bare mid drift to a purple Knights tube top just managing to hold in her firm perky C size tits. I even had her do up her hair in pony tails with the pink hair scrunches. She had her hands up with yellow pompoms in them in a cheerleader pose which only served to make her tits even more inviting. I’m glad she also remembered the lollipop. Having that in her mouth was a tease and really sealed the deal. Now you see the shock in the room form my social marginalized friends was from the simple fact that Jennifer wasn’t just out of there league she might as well have been on Mount Olympus. Jennifer came form a little bit of money and was the essential stuck up, hot, college bitch. She would never talk or even acknowledge these guys in school or on the street, social standing of course forbid such a thing (with the exception of TA or tutor situations). She had always dated the star player for whatever sport and if my friends here would have tried to get to know her they would have probably been made to regret it. But here she was in cosplay geared to their tastes.

I know the guys in the back of their heads were wondering how. Let’s just say Jennifer owed me, really owed me and she had a side that only a few of her ex-boyfriends knew about. But that’s a story for another time.

I let the tension and silence linger for a few short moments then tapped the remote in my packet again and the music picked up and the show began. Jennifer in response to the music gave the boys a wink and teasing smirk then tossed her pompoms aside, put her hands to her waist giving a couple of side to side snaps waving the skirt, then turned around and bent over at the waist sticking her ass straight out at them while flicking up her skirt. God she had a great ass. This blasted the guys out of there stupor and shock. They started hooting and hollering. For them this was a super bowl touchdown moment. She rose back up and turn back around to faced them hands back on hips and gave a couple more of the hip side to side swings then reached up and started playing with the lollipop in her mouth rolling it from side to side and making a show of sucking on it. As she did this I stepped up to the cake and extended my hand to help her step out of the prop. She daintily stepped up and out and walked into the front of the half circle the boys had made while I kicked the now unneeded cake prop back and out of the way.

Now you have to understand there was no way in heaven or hell Jennifer was going to ever do this kind of thing for these type of guys. Not in the light of day anyway. More to the point though I didn’t know how far she would go or was willing to go. I didn’t want to push her and blow the deal. Setting up for this she canlı casino was reluctant to say the least and nervous. I had given her a little something (something safe) to relax her a bit and loosen her up. But I had also laced the lollipop with a touch of X. I didn’t know what she was going to do, not really. I had talked her into doing s little strip tease, losing the skirt, and maybe giving Todd a lap dance. Seems though that the X and such had done quite a bit to really get her relaxed and into the role. She was charging ahead on all cylinders putting on a show I certainly would have paid good money to see (and the guys did cough some cash to help with this).

She was there maybe 7 or 8 ft in front of the guys shaking her ass and rubbing her hands all up and down her body. She’d give them a wink or blow a kiss every once in a while and kept playing with the lollipop or twiddling her hair. Then she came to a stop, assumed a spread leg stance, and bent at the waist reaching all the way down to the ground showing off her cheerleader flexibility. Her ass was straight in the air and she gave it a little wiggle. And back up she came, popped the lollipop out of her mouth, made a little O face, then brought he lollipop back up to her lips teasing it with her tongue, as she sucked it in then back and forth a bit. I thought some of the guys were going to pass out. Right about the third time she slid it back in she turned her back to the boys assumed the same spread leg stance as before and once again bent at the waist. Not quite all the way this time instead she positioned herself for the maximum ass visibility. Of course the short skirt had fallen forward all the way. We all had an amazing and clear view of her ass with legs spread and purple lacy thong covering her pussy. She then without changing any part of her stance reached back with the hand not occupied with the lollipop and fingered herself. She did this for just a few moments enough to clearly define the shape of her pussy lips underneath the thin material. She left us wanting but not for long as she moved her hand from between her legs to the back of the thong then she gently and slowly pulled up stretching the thong. We watch without making a sound, no one breathing as the thong stretch, became smaller then revealed her pussy as it slipped in between her pussy lips.

If anyone hadn’t been hard up to this point they sure as hell were now. Some of the guys probably even came. As she was holding the thong tight she gave her ass a little shake and the room exploded in cheers. Touchdown once again. I was enjoying this as much as everyone else since I had not expected Jennifer to get this involved in her role. She was totally into her little act and was playing the part of a wanton cheerleader nymphomaniac to perfection. Perhaps more so then we knew since I noticed that the little bit of thong you could just see passing across her mostly exposed pussy had darkened a bit and was getting moist. This was promising.

As I wondered, Jennifer let go of her thong and straightened up. Without turning she went down and did a full split then arched her back at us giving us a look down her cleavage. Jennifer giggled. At that moment her giggle was just as inviting as those tits. She spun herself around onto all fours and crawled over to Todd swinging her ass and tits as she went. She knew who he was as I had pointed him out earlier. Todd loving what was going on but also a little confused (remember of course this is a unattainable high school goddess) stepped back a little and landed onto a chair we had placed behind him. Before he could react Jennifer was there kneeling in front of him. She reached out and spread his legs, gave him a little wink as she took the lollipop out of her mouth, then bent forward burying her head in his lap. The room went wild. Todd’s dick was hard and balls were swelling in his pants as Jennifer nuzzled them though the fabric. She then came up a little and undid his belt then his pants with her mouth, the girl certainly had skills. She reached up and pulled down his boxers and pants as far as she could with him sitting and instantly got slapped in the face by his hard and somewhat larger than average cock as it was freed from it confining prison. Undaunted she gave it a couple of quick little lick with her tongue then took his head into her mouth gently sucking.

By God Jennifer was giving him a blowjob. This was all to much for Todd. He had already gotten worked up like the rest of us thanks to Jennifer’s tease and was going kaçak casino to blow. He was never going to get this chance again and fuck everything else he wasn’t going to let it pass him by. He reached out and grabbed her head by both her pigtails and pulled her forward and down as far as he could as he blew. Jennifer was clearly startled not expecting him to be assertive or to shot a load so soon (she may not have realized how good her tease was) and tried to pull back as she started to gag a bit. Thing is he wasn’t having any of that and held her there. People don’t think about that fact that a geek can be strong too. Realizing very quickly that she was stuck, she tried not to chock by swallowing and sucking as hard as she could. Todd shot a lot of cum down her throat. When he let go she quickly came up for air, cum running down her chin, he expected everything to go wrong at this point, probably everyone did. But at that moment the world turned upside down.

“No fair I wanted to play.” The statement was clear and it came from Jennifer.

The room was suddenly filled with exuberant cheers. Jennifer stood up and started swaying her ass back and forth. She was facing Todd and reached up with both hands sliding her top off while bending towards him. Each tit popped out one by one and jiggled right in front of his face. Clearly this show was going all the way. Todd reached up and started squeezing Jennifer’s tits pinching the nipple occasionally. Top now gone and hands free once again she reached down and played with his dick getting him hard again. When he was ready she let go of his dick and took his hands form her breasts moving them down to her hips. That done she turned her back to him reached back pulling her thong aside beneath her skirt then wiggled backwards onto his dick. She gave a little moan as he pushed inside her and she started to rock back and forth into his lap. He quickly started pushing forward into her to match her rhythm.

No one would have believe me if I told them what I saw. There in front of me and some friends was Jennifer Jones our hot stuck up cheer captain riding Todd Masters cock fully decked out in pigtails, stocking, and pleated skirt, tits out bouncing free and she was ENJOYING it. After a couple of minutes of fucking Todd she looked around at the rest of us in the room.

“I seem to have lost my lollipop. Would someone be nice enough to give me something else to suck on?”

Oh hell yes. There was a mad dash by all of just to get our pants off and cocks out. Mike our resident star trek specialist got there first. He had been wearing loose gym cloth since he came over here form the schools pool and sports complex. He was about average in size but he was already hard (go figure) and he was standing in front of Jennifer. She adjusted her positioning on Todd so as to bend forward as much as possible making Mike’s dick accessible. Without any teasing she put her head forward taking Mike’s dick into her mouth and went right to work sucking him off. Not being experienced Mike was soon cumming and Jennifer was swallowing his cum. Todd wasn’t far behind but instead of having him pull out Jennifer pushed her ass back into him maximizing the moment for both of them. When he was done Jennifer gave a sigh and got up out of his lap. Without a word she pranced into the midst of the rest of us and got down on her knees and smiled. She reached up and took the nearest cock guiding it to her mouth. The rest of us circled around her. As she sucked she took in hand the cock to the right and the left of her and worked them until it was their turn.

Jennifer eagerly blew everyone. Swallowing some and letting others cum on her face and tits. When she finished she got up and strolled away towards the frats showers ass swaying seductively as she went. We all stood there silently watching her go in appreciation and awe.

“Okay guys time to get dressed and clean up.” Everyone complied without a word still a little dazed. Once we had the room back together I herded the boys back to the main parlor.

“Well I think our little get together has come to its end. Gentlemen collect your cell phones on your way out and it may be best we keep our, let call it a special treat, to ourselves. Now if you boys don’t mind I could use a little time alone with Jennifer to make sure we’re all square.” Everyone agreed without a word of protest. Though the likelihood of this or something like this ever happening again were amazingly slim there was still a impossible chance and why risk ruining a possible future one in a million shot.

After seeing everyone out I made sure to lock the door and headed for the showers to check in on Jennifer. I wanted to make sure she was okay and I was praying she was still horny.

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