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Dear Reader: I wrote this story in about three days. The central concept had been on my mind for some time and just kept coming back to me, over and over again. All I hope is that it gets you off or at least doesn’t annoy you too much.

Thanks to D for proofing it.


His fingers stroked her clit maddeningly. “You like the idea of that, don’t you?” he whispered into her ear. “You like the idea of getting fucked by my friends, of being our whore.”

She moaned, her fingers gripping his arm tightly.

Kitsune’s panties were looped around one ankle. She’d just come home from St. Mary’s Catholic School, where she was a senior, and she was still in her school uniform. However, her pleated skirt was hiked up around her waist, her white button-down shirt was wide open, and her front-closure bra hung loosely, revealing two perky tits that bobbed with each movement of his hand.

Dimitri gripped her left tit, squeezing hard. “Which one is it you want? Alan? Tom? Is it Mark that gets you hot? Or…” and he shoved two fingers into her as he said the next, “is it all four of us at once you want?”

She came, then, spasming in his arms, crying out. They were in the office and he was sure his friends could hear but he didn’t really care. In fact, the exhibitionism turned him on, especially since his coworkers were the aforementioned Tom, Mark, and Alan.

He stood abruptly and lifted her off his lap. He swept the few papers off his desk. Standing her up, he put his hand on the small of her back and pushed gently. “Bend over,” he ordered gruffly.

She bent over the desk, her nipples pressing against the wood of the desk, and spread her legs. Dimitri lifted her skirt and flipped it over her young firm ass, and groaned at the sight that was revealed. Kitsune’s sweet pussy lay open to him, wet and swollen and ready for him.

He pressed the head of his cock against her opening and felt her push back against him. He chuckled softly and leaned over her to whisper in her ear.

“You want it?”

“Please,” her voice was soft and plaintive.

“First – tell me, does the thought of all four of us fucking you at once make you hot?”

She nodded, blushing. He pushed himself into her about an inch and she moaned.

“Do you want all four of us at once?”

She hesitated. He slid back out and she cried out in protest. “Yes! Yes, I do!’

“Tell me what you want.” He slid back into her, halfway.

“I want all four of you to fuck me at once! I want to be your little slut! I want to be used. Please, fuck me!”

He grinned, thinking of those guys hearing all this, and slammed into her fully and began fucking her with long, slow strokes, pounding in and out of her. His whole body was involved…but a small part of his mind was making plans.

Dimitri made sure to talk to her again once more later that night, when they were alone, and asked her again if she really was sure. He wasn’t surprised when she admitted she was indeed. After all, it had been said now, and thus of course there had been at least some desire in her heart.

Dimitri was some years older than Kitsune. She was 18, and he 24, and they had known each other for a few years. She and Dimitri had always got along well. He’d had an eye on her for quite some time now, as she showed every intention of growing up to be absolutely gorgeous. And she had.

She was just a little over five feet tall and cute as a button, with dusky skin and long limbs. Although her name was Japanese, her parents were actually from the isles of French Polynesia and she had inherited the gorgeous all-over coppery skin. Her breasts were high and proud, and her hair black as night.

Dimitri himself had been considered to be quite the catch. Blond hair which fell over his eyes just so, blue eyes, and a certain laid-back style had always made him popular with the ladies. But now that Kitsune was finally 18 he could admit it to himself – he’d just been biding his time, waiting for her to grow up. He thought he might be in love with her, and thought she might be with him as well. For now, the past eight months had been a journey into sexual exploration for both of them, him teaching and her learning.

He ran his own business in Miami, a private investigative agency. With him worked his three best friends from high school: Matt Brooks, Tom Spears, and Alan Rickman. The business had really been taking off in the last year and it looked like he was in Miami to stay.

About a week later Dimitri called Kitsune on a Friday. “Hey, do you want to go camping this weekend? I’ve got a cabin out in the swamps and I think it’ll be pretty cool.”

“Sure, I’d love to!”

‘”Ok, I’ll pick you up around 8 o’clock. Pack a bunch of stuff.” He started to hang up, then added as an afterthought. “By the way, the guys are going to be there, too. Do you mind?”

Her heart thrilled at what he might have in store for her. She thought all of his friends were absolutely gorgeous. They were all around the same age as him, too. But casino oyna she couldn’t help but wonder why they would be interested in her and figured they must just be there for camping. He couldn’t really have meant what he had said earlier, could he?

“Hey, you still there?”

She came out of her reverie with a start. “Oh yeah, sorry. No, I don’t mind if the guys are there – it’ll be fun!”

Pick her up at 8 he did, pulling up in his recently-purchased Jaguar.

“Come on, babe. Let’s get moving,” he said, effortlessly tossing her sleeping bag into the car. He glanced approvingly at her bags; she knew how to pack light and only had a duffle bag and a backpack.

They drove to the campsite, chatting and laughing the whole way. Despite their age difference they had always gotten along well and the hour-long trip flew by.

Upon arriving, they found Tom & Mark were already there. They glanced appraisingly and appreciatively at Kitsune, who was wearing short shorts, a tank top, and sandals. A gold chain around her neck glinted in the last of the sunlight.

Kitsune thought she saw a meaningful glance pass between the two men and Dimitri, but she wasn’t sure.

A half an hour later, late as always, Alan showed up. The differences between the three men were profound.

Alan and Mark were so diametrically opposite that sometimes she wondered why they were friends. Mark was always dressed stylishly. He wore suits and sports coats that hung elegantly on a long, dignified frame. His hair and eyes were dark, and he often wore a pair of very expensive sunglasses. His hair and clothes were always impeccably kept. He was the responsible one, and always prompt and reliable.

Alan on the other hand was late to work every day. He was a hard worker when something motivated him, but he could also be lazy like no one’s business. While he was always clean, she didn’t think he ever ran a comb through his hair and wore things like sports coats with t-shirts underneath. Still, while there was something devastating about Mark, Alan had his own boyish charm as well.

Somewhere in the middle lay Tom. Tom was a photographer by trade. His hair was curly and kept short, and he dressed neatly but was just a little soft around the middle, though he tried to keep up with it. He was Dimitri’s best friend and generally his partner when they went out on cases.

And of course Dimitri was the one she knew best. Dimitri had a flat belly, muscles in his arms and legs, a wonderfully tight ass, and a cock that made her swoon. 8 inches of pure pleasure. She knew he had had girls swarming over him but in the past eight months he hadn’t looked at anyone else the way he looked at her. She was totally in love with him and would have done anything for him…but there was still something about his friends. She’d only ever been with Dimitri and wondered what other guys were like. When he had said something one day about her staring at Mark something in her face had given away her feelings, and since then he had used the knowledge ruthlessly to set her body on fire when they made love.

They quickly set up the cabin, making the fire and setting the sleeping bags out. She blushed to realize it was just a one-room cabin and they would all be sleeping on the floor in front of the fire.

After dinner, they decided to sit in the blankets, all facing each other, and shoot the breeze. She sat in his lap, his arm firmly around her waist. In his hand he held a glass of wine and would occasionally let her sip from it.

Alan was the first to speak. “So, Kitsune, how’s Dimitri treating you? You know, you still have time to reconsider and pick one of us.” This had been a running joke with them ever since Dimitri had stopped going out with other girls.

She laughed and cuddled up to Dimitri. As she did so he let his hand slide under the blankets, and right into the front of her shorts. She sat upright. “Um, he treats me really well.” His hand continued its journey, while he watched her with a slight smile on his face.

“Of course,” chuckled Matt. “How you got a girl like her I’ll never know, Dimitri.”

Dimitri shrugged and offered her a sip of wine. She could feel his cock pressing against her thigh, and his hand slipped inside her panties and began to stroke her clit. Her feet were leaning between Alan & Mark’s legs, and she felt the heat from them.

Suddenly she felt Alan grasp her foot and gently begin to massage it. The guys had certainly done things like that before but of course it felt different tonight. Here they were, miles from civilization, with just her and four young guys, and suddenly Mark was massaging her other foot.

“Hey, Kitsune?” It was Tom. “Yes?” she said, aware of Alan lifting her foot into his lap and continuing his massage.

“Can I ask you a question? It’s kind of personal.”

“You mean, another question?” she said teasingly, and stuck her tongue out. He laughed. “Yes, another question.”

“Sure, have at it.” Mark lifted her foot into his lap now. She was aware canlı casino her legs were apart now, giving Dimitri more room as he continued stroking her. She was growing moist, and wondered if they would be able to smell her.

“I know you’ve been with Dimitri for a while now.” Tom continued. “I was just wondering – have you ever kissed anyone else?”

She blushed, slightly, and looked down. “Um. No….no, no one else.”

Tom looked surprised. “Really? But you’re gorgeous.”

She looked up. “Really? I mean, you really think so?”

“Yeah, absolutely.”


“I mean it. So…do you ever think about it? I mean, kissing someone else?”

She was flustered, and looked around and then up at Dimitri. He had ceased stroking her and was just cupping her warm sex now, holding it affectionately. He nodded. “It’s OK, I won’t be mad or anything.”

“You sure?”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Go for it. It’s just the guys anyway.”

She smiled fondly at him, and turned back to Tom. “Well…yeah. Sure. Who hasn’t?

Alan cut in. “If this guy wasn’t so jealous, I might offer just so you could at least see how it felt.”

She felt a thrill run through her, but shook her head. “Oh no. I mean, it’s not that I wouldn’t want to kiss you! I mean…” she stopped, thoroughly flustered. Behind her, Dimitri drained the rest of his wine and set the glass down on a nearby table.

“Why not?” he said.

“What?” said Kitsune.

“What?” said Tom.

“What?” said Mark.

“Ok.” said Alan, grinning.

Dimitri patted Kitsune between the legs and then carefully removed his hand. He kissed her upturned mouth. “Hey, I don’t want you to think I’ve deprived you. At least if you have to kiss someone else you can kiss someone whose ass I can kick if I have to.” He grinned.

She was openmouthed but she couldn’t deny it, she was excited. “Are… you sure? Dimitri, I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”

He smiled ruefully. “Kitsune.” He shook his head and cupped her face. “If you – ok, I haven’t told you. It’s hard for me to say, and I didn’t expect to say it here. But…

“If you don’t know I love you yet, then you’re not as bright as I thought.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh! Really?”

He nodded. “Really really.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Oh, Dimitri, I love you too.”

He laughed and said, “I know,” causing her to pout.

“But,” he continued, “I don’t want you to think later on, I never kissed anybody else, I wonder what it’s like. So if you want to kiss Alan,” and here he produced from his duffel bag an egg timer. “We’ll use this. I’ll set it to one minute. You kiss him for one minute, right? And then you’ll know what it’s like.”

He looked up and met Alan’s eyes, and a moment passed between them, Alan questioning with his eyes, and Dimitri giving assent. Dimitri lifted Kitsune and bodily handed her over to Alan, who settled her gently on his lap.

“Ok, you have to stop when the buzzer goes off, OK?” Alan nodded.

Dimitri turned the dial and set it for one minute. Kitsune looked bashfully up into Alan’s face, aware of the ticking of the clock, aware of the others’ eyes on her, aware that for the first time in her life she was sitting in another man’s arms.

Alan lowered his face to hers and his mouth met her mouth. Dimitri had first kissed her on her sixteenth birthday so she was no stranger to kisses, but Alan’s was somehow different. As his tongue slid into her mouth and explored it she was aware of a different scent and taste. His hands were different, on the back of her head and around her back, and she felt the scruff on his chin against her own smooth skin.

His tongue was velvety soft and he kissed with boyish eagerness, opening her mouth, sliding his tongue inside, mischievously touching the tip of his tongue to hers and then darting away.

The seconds ticked by and she barely noticed, until he sucked on her lower lip, gently pulling it away from her mouth, and slowly released it. Just then the egg timer went – ting!

She exhaled. She had to admit it had been one hell of a thrill, and made even more erotic by the fact that Dimitri was watching her. Dimitri! She quickly looked back at him, wondering if he was mad, but he was smiling. His eyes were fond, but there was a certain look around his jaw that reminded her of how he looked sometimes when she looked particularly sexy.

She crawled off Alan’s lap and right into Dimitri’s arms. They immediately wrapped around her. “You’re not mad, are you?”

He stroked her back. “Not at all, baby. How are you feeling?” He lifted her chin.

She blushed scarlet but was honest with him as always. “I liked it.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

“Good. Did you want to try it again?”

Her mouth opened in surprise, and she glanced over her shoulder at Alan, and back at Dimitri. But he was shaking his head in amusement. “I didn’t say with Alan.” Her eyes widened, and she looked deep into his eyes….then nodded.

Dimitri kaçak casino looked over at Mark. “Well, if she’s kissed Alan, she should kiss someone who actually has some finesse. So I guess it’s your turn.” Mark chuckled and Alan said “Hey! Quit it!”

“I’d love to,” said Mark, and reached his arms out. Dimitri lifted her and this time Mark took her from his arms. He leaned down to kiss her.

“Uh-uh,” Dimitri said. They both looked over and saw he was holding up the egg timer. “One minute. That’s only fair.”

Mark laughed. “Sure.”

She could almost still taste Alan on her lips but Mark’s gentle kiss on her mouth drove thoughts of anyone else away quickly enough. There was no boyish enthusiasm here, but a loving, tender mouth on hers, which slowly encouraged and cajoled hers into opening, tipping her head back, leaning her whole weight in his arms. She felt light as a feather and he set all her limbs a-tremble.

Mark kissed her right until the timer went off. Her sex was wet just from his kisses and she shivered, wondering what his kisses would be like all the time. She couldn’t help it, and leaned against his shoulder, grateful for the warmth.

“Looks like Mark made an impression.” Tom chuckled. “Kitsune, if Dimitri doesn’t mind, I hope you’ll let me have a chance, too.”

She looked at Dimitri questioningly, who shrugged. “You’ve already kissed the other two, why not?”

And so it was she found herself being lifted directly from Mark’s arms into Tom’s. She had to admit there was something delicious about being passed from guy to guy like this, and also decidedly erotic. She heard Dimitri reset the timer, and Tom grinned at her as he tipped her way back in his arms. “I guess somehow I have to outshine Mark, huh?” He kissed her, and there was very little tenderness. But she didn’t want any anyway, and her arms wound around his neck as he kissed her fiercely, his tongue warring with hers, she even biting his mouth a little. When the buzzer went off they hardly noticed until she felt Dimitri slide his hand down her back, laughing. “Easy, sweetheart. Come here to me.”

She detached from Tom, a little sheepish. She was breathing heavy, and saw through her lashes that Tom was as well. She went willingly enough to Dimitri and he kissed her. His kiss set the familiar fire coursing through her veins, and it was with surprise she heard the timer go off. She looked around to three laughing faces. Alan was holding up the timer. “Only fair, you know.”

She laughed with them.

Then Dimitri spoke up. “I say if we’re interested, and if Kitsune’s up for it, we play a game.”

‘I’m up for it.” She answered before thinking, and blushed. But no one laughed, only they smiled at her fondly.

Dimitri thought for a moment. “Well. Since Kitsune hasn’t ever been with another guy, and seems to be curious, and we seem to have three other guys here, why not take advantage of the situation?” Kitsune started to protest and he held up a hand. “I’m not finished yet.”

“There has to be rules in a game like this.” He held up the egg timer. “This thing sets to five minutes. First of all, I think every guy should get only five minutes – at a time.”

“Next, if Kitsune tells you or signals you not to touch her somewhere, you must absolutely comply. Right?”

“Of course!” chorused the three guys. They weren’t bad guys, and had no interest in hurting her.

“And lastly, no touching under clothes. It’s Kitsune’s decision if she wants to take anything off, and if she doesn’t, that’s up to her.”

He looked at Kitsune. “How does that sound, love?” Her heart soared at the term of affection, and she probably would have done anything for him that moment. It didn’t hurt that she was really excited at the prospect of the game. She wasn’t stupid, and knew he had probably thought of it before and planned this weekend around it. But did that bother her?

Not one bit.

“It sounds nice.” She whispered.

“All right. Oh, and one last thing – if we take turns, Kitsune, would you like me to start or finish each turn?”

She blushed but thought about it seriously. “Um…finish, I think.”

“All right, then. Why don’t we keep it in the order we just had it? Fair, guys?”

All three guys nodded, and Mark suggested, “We should sit in a circle then.”

They shifted to do so, and Alan lifted Kitsune onto his lap. “I think, Dimitri, that you could probably just pass the timer on, too, each time, as long as Kitsune wishes to keep playing.”

“Right then. Shall we?”

And Dimitri started the timer.

Alan was the first to have her, of course. He kissed her mouth first, again, and then stroked her face with his hand, letting his finger run across her lips, her cheek, over her eyelids, nose, and then over her hair. She had to admit it was soothing and eased some of her nervousness.

Her lips were soft, her gorgeous caramel skin was warm, and he wondered if she would let him have her. Her black hair fell around her shoulders like a curtain.

After a few seconds he let his mouth follow his fingers. She felt his warm breath across her face, over her soft skin…sliding across to her ear, where he took her earlobe into his mouth and gently sucked on it. She gasped.

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