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Two Weeks Later…….

A lazy Wednesday afternoon found Valerie Benchkoff piddling around the house, washing a few dishes, making out a grocery list and trying to decide what to fix for dinner. Gazing longingly out the window above the sink, at the same marvelous view of the backyard, barn and endlessly stretching fields that she had grown to love over the past three decades, something sudden and gravely unsettling caused her blood to freeze.

The dish in her hand splashing when she dropped it hastily into the dirty water, Valerie’s mouth opened and her eyes flared when she saw Rodrego sprint across the yard, in the direction of the barn where Nolan was working. Instantly, Valerie sensed the worst.

Scampering to the backdoor as fast as her 49 year old feet could take her, Valerie burst into the backyard just in time to see Rodrego disappear into the barn. The blood rushing like lava through her veins as she dashed through the grass, Valerie’s knees went limp when she got to the door in time to see Rodrego kneeling down over her fallen Husband.

Valerie could see that Nolan’s eyes were open but there was a massive amount of pain etched across his weathered face.

“OH..MY..GOD NOLAN..are you alright? ” Valerie stammered, trying to wedge herself between the side of the barn and piece of equipment Nolan had fallen beside.

Her stopped heart reassured a little when she didn’t see any evidence of blood in the barn or injury on his body, Valerie looked up at Rodrego, hoping he could shed some light on what had happened.

“I heard him yelling from in here while I was on the other side of the yard…I came running,” Rodrego quickly offered. “I think it might be his back.”

“YES…It’s my Goddamn back again, ” Nolan venomously interrupted, trying in vain to pull himself to his feet as his Wife and Rodrego tried to hold him steady.

“Just stay down there for a second..please,” Valerie demanded, leaving Rodrego caught between trying to help Nolan stand up and Valerie keeping him down to collect himself.

“I can stand..EERRGGGG…up,” Nolan grimaced.

“No you can’t….Just hold still, Nolan,” Valerie countered, taking firm control of the situation.

“Don’t worry Rodrego..he’ll be OK..this is the third time in the last few months this has happened..he’ll just never learn…all he needs is some rest and a good whack on the head,” Valerie laughed from relief, knowing what she found when she got to the barn could have been much worse.

Creating a wall of support on each side of Nolan’s collapsed weight, Valerie and Rodrego swung each of his arms over their shoulders and carefully tried to lift him up.

“UURRGGHH,” Nolan grunted, half from the pain exploding in his lower back and half from the embarrassment of having his Wife and Rodrego see him at such a moment of weakness.

“You’re going to the hospital this time,” Valerie spat coarsely into her Husband’s ear as she helped Rodrego drag him from the barn.

“No I’m ain’t that bad,” Nolan protested. “Just a few pain pills and a night’s sleep and I’ll be fine..besides…we don’t need any more medical bills than we already have!”

Rodrego kept his mouth shut throughout the whole ordeal. Content to be the muscle behind the chore of getting Nolan into the house, the last thing he wanted to do was get in between the bickerings of a Husband and Wife.

Once inside, Rodrego helped Valerie get Nolan into the bedroom so she could forage through the house for the usual assortment of ice packs, pain pills and a heating pad.


One day of being laid up with a bad back turned into three and counting for Nolan. Even though he steadfastly refused to see a doctor, it was certainly where he should have been. From a labor standpoint around the farm, Rodrego had been there long enough that he could handle the day to day basics. The real problem was for Valerie in trying to keep her sanity and get anything done around the house with Nolan’s constant bitching and need for attention.

She knew deep down how much it ripped at Nolan’s manhood and morale when he wasn’t able to do all the things he had long taking for granted around the farm and even though she knew he’d be back to work in a few days, it gave her pause and chilled her to the bone when she contemplated the future, knowing how his physical health was in steady decline.


More than ever, Valerie was thankful she and her Husband had decided to bring someone like Rodrego into their lives. With Nolan on the shelf for a few days, either the work around the farm wouldn’t have been done or Valerie would have had to ask some of the friends of the family to take time away from their busy lives, when each already had more than enough to worry about on their collective plates.

That Friday evening, over two full days since Nolan’s back first went out, he thought he was feeling well enough to try taking a bath.

Thinking it was a good way to measure her Husband’s progress combined Çubuklu Escort with the fact that she had to sleep beside him, Valerie decided to give it a go. Waiting until Rodrego had turned in for the night so they wouldn’t be disturbed, Valerie drew a tubful of steaming hot water and mixed in some epson salt to help with the healing.

“Rodrego already gone to bed?” Nolan asked.

“Yeah..I think so,” Valerie replied.

“Good,” they both nodded, not wanting their guest, or anyone for that matter, to see them in such an awkward endeavor.

Getting Nolan in the tub went off without a hitch. And he did seem to perk up for the 20 minutes or so he spent soaking in the hot soothing water. Unfortunately, sometime during the process of trying to eradicate himself from the tub, his back stiffened, causing him to groan in pain as he collapsed like a sack of potatoes into the water.

An echoing “UUGGGRRHHHH” ripped through the house, causing Valerie to wince knowing there was no way Rodrego couldn’t hear it from his room.

“Oh God …what am I gonna do now?” Valerie dreadfully thought. “Nolan..can you move?”

“…No..No I don’t think so,” he admitted after a long pause, his words of defeat sending a cold chill down his wife’s spine.

For the better part of 10 minutes, Valerie made several fruitless attempts to pull Nolan from the soapy depths. His body too heavy for her under ideal circumstances, the slickness of his skin combined with his physical ailment made it feasibly impossible for Valerie to rescue her Husband.

Dreading the only other option she had, caught somewhere between laughter and a real tear, Valerie decided to go get Rodrego to help.

“Where are you going?” Nolan choked.

“To go get Rodrego,” Valerie replied with an exasperated sigh, keeping her back to her naked Husband just so she wouldn’t have to see the dejection on his face.

“No…don’t do that,” Nolan wanted to plead but deep down he knew it was their only alternative.


Stirred from bed by Valerie’s gentle pecking on his door, half asleep, Rodrego hopped up from his nest.

“Everything alright?” he immediately asked, it being the first time since he moved in with the Benchkoff’s that Valerie had summoned him after he had turned in for the night.

“…’s just Nolan again…This is going to sound stupid..but….I was trying to give him a bath…and well…he must have tweaked his back again..and now…well…I can’t get him ..out of …the,” Valerie voice trembled with embarrassment.

“So you just need a hand….,” Rodrego finished the older woman’s thought before falling in line behind her as they made their way to the bathroom.

Clad in nothing but a pair of dark blue and green flannel pajama bottoms that he had hastily thrown on when Valerie knocked on his door, Rodrego ducked into the bathroom and immediately felt his insides squirm when he saw Nolan’s predicament.

Naked and cowing slightly in the tub from the acceptance of his own physical impotence, Nolan was left with no other option but to sit and patiently wait for his removal.

“I can do this on my own,” Nolan groaned bitterly, in last ditch effort to pull himself free, but a moment later, he froze and fell back into the water before even getting a quarter of the way up.

“No Nolan,” Valerie shrieked. “Just stay there so Rodrego and I can help you. Please!”

Not having a clue how they were going to go about the task of raising Nolan’s body from the tub, Rodrego tapped his feet anxiously as Valerie tried to figure something out.

“Maybe if you…if you can get him from this side…and I can hold his arm here..we can…,” Valerie aimlessly pondered, too emotional now to even think straight.

“Let me give it a try on my own..and we’ll see what happens,” Rodrego mercifully offered.

Holding his breath as he allowed Valerie to step aside, Rodrego got his first unfettered look at Nolan languishing in the tub. Instantly feeling his heart shudder from the spot the older man was in, Rodrego tried his best not to make eye contact with Nolan as he steeled himself for the task ahead.

“We’ll have you out of there in a sec,” Rodrego convincingly offered even though he wasn’t buying his own bravado.

Placing his hands underneath each of Nolan’s shoulders, Rodrego steadied his feet on the floor before trying to lift the older man’s weight. His progress was stymied each time however by the combination of Nolan’s slippery, water logged flesh and the difficult and narrow angle he had due to the positioning of the tub in the 80 year old bathroom.

After several failed attempts, the only way Rodrego seriously thought they could succeed in getting Nolan from his liquid cell was to literally reach down and scoop him out of the tub.

Perched on one knee as he balanced himself for the first attempt, Rodrego prepared to reach both arms into the water. Turning once more to check Valerie position behind him before proceeding, Çubuklu Escort Bayan something in their passing gaze caused the hands of time to grind to a sudden halt.

Before he could muster the momentum to make an initial attempt to scoop Nolan from the tub, something primal kept Rodrego’s focus trained on the woman to his left. A frigid rush of electric calm washed through Rodrego’s system when he saw the way Valerie lowered her eyes when he turned to face her.

Subconsciously feeling the weight of Rodrego’s stare on her, Valerie kept her head bowed until the 18 year old boy began to understand.

Putting himself in Valerie’s shoes for a moment, it all started to make sense when she finally looked up and he was able to gaze into her glassy and burdened brown eyes.

“That day at the feed store when she caught me staring at the clerk..the way she looked away and was flustered for the rest of the day..she’s doing the same exact thing now..only worse,” Rodrego pondered, his groin gradually beginning to tighten as the strange interplay unfolded. “And now here she is..standing right in front of me…helpless…having to watch her Husband like this……at his weakest.”

Oblivious to the fact that Nolan’s left hand was still firmly cinched around his bicep, Rodrego kept his burning glare focused on Valerie, looking through the window of her soul with laser-like precision until the older woman’s chest began to heave up and down.

The only sound in the bathroom, other than the three intermingled heartbeats, was the occasional drip of water from the faucet into the tub of now stagnant water below.

Unable to cognitively process quite what was happening, Nolan felt as if he had been kicked in the stomach when Rodrego raised up from the floor, causing the life grip he had on the muscular boy’s right arm to slowly, and dreadfully, let go.


His lone tether to Rodrego now severed, Nolan was forced to sit back in the tub and take in the full implication of the young stud’s fascination with Valerie. And in his position, there was absolutely nothing Nolan could do about it.

In a blinding and maddening rush, Nolan’s face went lifeless as he re-lived every single personal failing of the recent months, from his inability to perform in the bedroom for his wife to the constant and nagging issues of his health around the farm. Wincing, as if his tear ducts were secreting acid, Nolan felt his stomach roll when he saw the inescapable bulge pushing out the front of Rodrego’s flannel pajamas bottoms.


Everything the Benchkoff’s had done for him since his arrival in Iowa played like a conflicted concerto inside Rodrego’s head. Everything he had learned about work ethic, dedication and loyalty from the married couple caused icicles of guilt to form in his bloodstream.

“He’s been about the best Father Figure I’ve ever had,” Rodrego tortured himself. “And Valerie…she’s been there for me at every turn…letting me into her home as if she’s known me all my life…and now..I’m about to do…this?”

Feeling the walls of his sanity closing in from every direction, Rodrego vacillated in place between Nolan and Valerie, knowing he’d be the one to make the next move. Turning his gaze once more to Nolan in the tub, Rodrego’s heart sunk as he studied the older man’s face.

“Try to get me more time..please,” Nolan’s eyes seemed to beg.

His heavy balls tingling as his cock continued to harden, Rodrego bit his lip and turned away from Nolan to face Valerie. His erection pointing like a divining rod directly at the cowering married woman, Rodrego took a step towards her, extending his right hand until it disappeared behind Valerie’s back. In one measured and perfect motion, Rodrego flexed his palm open and clamped it like a vice around Valerie’s left asscheek.

What air that was left in Valerie’s lungs gurgled free from her throat when she felt the 18 year old pull her startled body towards him. Nudged helplessly forward, Valerie’s timid voice shrieked the instant the tip of Rodrego’s protruding penis pressed into her soft belly.

“You like the way that feels?” Rodrego’s inflamed expression seemed to ask as he kept his cock wedged firmly against Valerie’s abdomen at the same time he kneaded her ass with his right hand.

Removing his palming grip from Valerie’s behind after a half minute of rough fondling, Rodrego scoured his fingers over the gasping woman’s waist before guiding his advances all the way up to the front of Valerie’s nightshirt. Clamping his right hand tightly down over the voluptuous endowment of the trembling married woman’s left breast, Rodrego felt his fingertips tingle as wave after wave of adrenaline pumped through his aroused young body.

Squeezing the fleshy weight of Valerie’s bosom, in essence, clearly marking it and the rest of the her body as his, Rodrego stole a quick glance in the mirror just to see that Nolan was still sitting stoically Escort Çubuklu in the tub, helpless to do nothing but look on.

Releasing his grip momentarily from the buxom woman’s left breast, Rodrego eased his right hand down the side of Valerie’s torso until his fingers found her left wrist. Pulling her arm forward, Rodrego used his thumb to peel apart Valerie’s fingers before mashing her opened palm directly against the rock solid appendage straining through the front of his pants.

“Oh my God,” Valerie’s gasped weakly, the tendons in her forearm flexing erratically as the unflinching teenager held her hand against his crotch.

Standing in place, seeming to curiously taunt Valerie with his manhood, Rodrego allowed her to repeatedly roll her sweaty palm over the jutting bulge of his sheathed penis.

“Leave you hand there,” Rodrego’s glaring and intense eyes seemed to say as he released his steadying grip from Valerie’s wrist.

An illuminating smile spread across Rodrego’s hawkish face when he looked down at the way Valerie hypnotically kept her hand placed against his throbbing groin.

Quickly digging his freed fingers into the bottom hem of the stunned woman’s nightshirt, Rodrego wasted no time lifting it all the way up her chest, revealing Valerie’s heavy and sagging breasts.

“YESSS,” the teenage hunk hissed approvingly, before clamping his left hand down on Valerie’s ample mounds of alabastor flesh.

“Those are the biggest tits I’ve ever seen,” Rodrego whispered to Valerie, now completely ignoring her Husband’s presence behind him.

Draping the front of Valerie’s raised teeshirt over the swells of her breasts to free his hands, Rodrego took a calm step back to admire the older woman’s partial nudity.

“I want to see that pussy too,” a voice in his head soon demanded.

Licking the glistening saliva from his lips with his long, angular tongue, Rodrego leaned forward once again and placed his hands on each of Valerie’s hips. Rubbing his fingers over the warm skin of the swooning woman’s belly, the Puerto Rican stud hooked the fabric of Valerie’s white panties around his thumbs and crudely yanked them down to the floor, leaving her breasts and privates completely exposed.

“OH..FUCKIN…YEAH,” Rodrego grinned, allowing his nasal passages to fill with the tangy feminine scent rising from Valerie’s oily pink sheath.

Cupping his hand forward as if he was examining an ripe apple on a fruit stand, Rodrego closed his grip around Valerie’s entire pubic region, allowing the thick, matted patch of curled hair to tickle his fingers as Valerie’s cunt oozed over the entire width of his massaging palm.

“You really do want this?” Rodrego scoldingly looked across into the older woman’s trembling face.

Keeping his right hand embedded between Valerie’s thighs, Rodrego raised his left hand once again and resumed his fondling assault on both of the shaken woman’s swaying breasts.

Thumbing each of Valerie’s nipples to full and shameful hardness right in the center of the bathroom, Rodrego caught Valerie stealing a quick and guilty peek down to her Husband languishing in the tub. An instant later he saw how she bowed her head once again as a series of chilling goosebumps darted across her exposed flesh.

“Get down on your knees Valerie..right now,” Rodrego calmly demanded, not wanting to lose the moment.

Giving Valerie’s pussy one last urgent squeeze, Rodrego then placed both his hands against her heaving chest until she acquiesced and began to drop to the floor. Her face now at eye level with his crotch, Rodrego took Valerie by both shoulders and gradually worked her hands up to the front of his pajama bottoms.

“This is what you’ve been thinking about ever since I got here..ain’t it?” Rodrego gently prodded. “Now you’re this close to it…don’t try to lie or deny it Valerie …about all the times I’ve caught you stealing glances at here’s your chance..take it out and do what you want to with it.”

Digging Valerie’s quivering white fingers into the elastic band of his pants, Rodrego selfishly measured every subtle reaction dripping from Valerie’s pores as inch after inch of his smooth and shiny brown beheamouth came into view.

Watching Valerie gulp several times as his veiny and rigid erection continued to fill her widening eyes, Rodrego placed his right hand on the top of Valerie’s head as she teetered below.

“ALRIGHT,” the teenager gasped proudly when the entirety of his uncircumcised manhood finally swung free from its constraints, jerking wildly through the air in front of Valerie’s face as she knelt between his muscular calves.

Switching his left hand to the top of Valerie’s scalp, Rodrego used his right hand to grip the base of his freed prick, aiming it directly at the married woman’s chin until several streaks of precum were painted just below her sheepish pink lips.

“Suck it..Go ahead and suck it, ” Rodrego hissed down, before pulling his virile girth away from Valerie’s hesitantly opened mouth as soon as she made an attempt.

Repeating that teasing act several times, enjoying the way Valerie leaned forward further each time only to come up short, Rodrego cast a quick gaze over to Nolan in the tub and marvaled from the look of awe on the older man’s face at the way he freely taunted his kneeling wife.

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