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The sun peeked in between the curtains, I sat upright stretching and rubbing my eyes. Despite drinking so much the night before, I felt great! Maybe it was all the blood pumping hormones or the incredible orgasm Dean had given me. I wasn’t quite sure, but I felt no lasting effects from the alcohol. I looked over to Greg, he was out cold. So I crept out of bed and put on a cute pink robe, then tip-toed out of the room. The boys were are still sleeping as well. I made myself a coffee and stepped out back to enjoy the morning sun.

It was amazing, warm, quiet and peaceful. I was enjoying the scenery when I noticed a group of men out back in the neighboring house. The houses and plots were huge, so they were still a good distance away. I couldn’t help, but notice they kept glancing over. When they noticed I was looking, they motioned for me to come over. I figured with Greg and the boys sleeping, I had nothing better to do. Besides, these men were kinda cute!

I walked over and we introduced ourselves. “Hi, I’m Kate.”

“Hello Kate, pleasure meeting someone so lovely.” His comment made me blush. “I’m Darren, my family owns this beach house. This is Jacob, Gabe and this is also Jacob, but we call him Jake so we don’t get confused.”

“I love the robe,” Jacob said. “Looks really comfortable.”

“Why thank you! And yes it is super comfortable.” Of course, I knew why he actually liked it. Probably the same reason I picked it out. The robe happened to be very revealing. It was short, barely enough to cover my butt and crotch. Although they probably didn’t realize I wasn’t wearing any panties. However, glancing down at myself they certainly had to be aware I wasn’t wearing a bra. My nipples were clearly visible through the material in the bright morning sun.

I enjoyed talking to these guys. Aside from being hot, they were a few years older than the boys, seemed more self-assured and confident.

“Now I know I haven’t seen you around here before,” Darren said. “I definitely wouldn’t forget meeting you.”

He kept making me blush! “Well, it’s my first time visiting. Hanging out with my friends next door.” I’m not sure why I said it like that, instead of mentioning my boyfriend. Maybe it was because I was enjoying the attention and wanted them to think I was single.

“Steve and his friends? Are you their babysitter?” Gabe asked.

His comment made me laugh, “I’m the same age as them!”

“Yeah, but a beautiful girl like you has options,” Jake added.

At this point I had been blushing so much I was wondering if my face matched my robe.

“So what are your plans for later?” Darren asked, “you know, other than babysitting that is.”

I couldn’t help but laugh with my new friends. I felt a little bad, but compared to these guys, the boys did seem a little less grown up. “I’m not sure yet. My friends are still sleeping. I think I partied them a little too hard last night.”

Darren responded, “you can’t expect those young kids to keep up. You can always feel welcome to hang out over here with us when the little guys run out of steam.”

We all laughed, but I playfully shoved Darren. “Be nice! And I wouldn’t say there is anything little about most of them.” It was true, now that I had seen Greg’s friends naked, I knew they were most definitely not little. “But more to the point of your original question. My plans really depend on what my friends feel like doing. It’s a beautiful day so I might get sun while I wait for them to get up.”

“The best sun on the lake is on our patio, stay and enjoy it,” Jake said.

“Oh really?” I questioned. “I didn’t realize the sun was any better over here than by our place.”

“Oh yeah, way fewer trees over here,” added Gabe.

“Hmmm,” I pretended to think about it. Obviously, they wanted to see me sunning in something skimpy. So I decided to have some fun and tease them, “it is a beautiful patio, but I don’t want tan lines and I wouldn’t want to make you boys uncomfortable by taking my robe off.”

The looks on their faces when they realized I was naked under my robe were priceless.

Just then I heard Greg’s voice, “Kate, are you over there?”

I turned and saw Greg. I waved saying, “oh hi honey!”

“Friend of yours?” Jake asked.

“Yeah, he’s my boyfriend!” I replied.

I heard a little chuckling from them, it made me happy that they weren’t taking it too seriously that I had a boyfriend so they would probably still flirt with me!

As Greg approached their patio I leaned over the railing, knowing that from behind Darren and his friends would be able to see for themselves I wasn’t wearing panties, “I was up early and you guys were all passed out, so I stepped outside for some fresh air and enjoy the morning. The neighbors saw me and thought I might be lonely, so they invited me over. They are super nice guys! Are the boys up yet?”

Greg answered, “yeah, they are all just getting up. Figured we could head back and have breakfast.”

I decided to send Greg ığdır seks hikayeleri on ahead, I wanted to have just a little more fun. So I told him, “sounds good sweetie! Why don’t you go on ahead and get started, I’ll be right there!”

“Uh, yeah. Sounds good.” Greg said, turning back to Steve’s beach house.

I turned back to face my new friends. “Thanks for keeping me company while I waited for my friends to wake up. Maybe we can all hang out sometime.”

“Do you think your friends can keep up with us?” Jacob asked.

“Well, if you want me to come party you need to let them come too! Besides, I’m sure if they for whatever reason can’t keep up, you guys won’t let me feel lonely right?”

Darren nodded, “trust me, you never need to feel lonely over here.”

“Well, before heading back I wanted to say bye and make sure I could hang out with my new friends again!” Then I smiled adding, “besides I had to see what all the hype was about with working on my tan over here. I had to try it out for myself real quick.”

I walked past them to a reclined lounge chair. With my back to them I lied down on my tummy, removing my robe, exposing my entire naked backside. It felt so exciting and naughty teasing these hot older guys that I had just met. “Do you boys have any sunscreen? I don’t want to burn.”

They wasted no time. One of them grabbed the sunscreen and they surrounded me. Before I knew what was happening, I had four sets of hands rubbing sunscreen onto my bare skin. It started innocently enough, Jake and Gabe were rubbing it into my back and the other two my legs, but it did not take long for them to get bolder. I soon felt fingers grazing the sides of my breasts and hands moving over my butt.

It felt so good, all those strong hands massaging me. I felt a hand that had been rubbing me from the side slide between myself and the chair, moving over my bare breast. The other side followed suit, I now had the hands of these men basically fondling my breasts. Next, I felt a finger slide between my butt cheeks. It slid up and down my crack. Another hand moved right below my butt. I felt a finger slip between my thighs. I had been keeping my thighs tightly held together, but the finger was slick with the sunscreen and able to slip in. It moved in and out of my thighs, moving upward until I felt the finger slip between my very wet labia. I allowed it to move up and down across my clit a few times, before decided I should pause things before getting too out of hand with these guys I just met. “Thank you boys, I think I’m protected enough from the sun now.” Before removing their hands, my right breast and left nipple received a squeeze. The finger in my crack found my rectum and massaged it in a circular motion a couple of times. And the finger between my thighs I felt slide down one more time and slipped into my vagina once before finally being withdrawn. I nearly came right there, anymore touching and I would have had an orgasm. I absolutely loved how bold they were.

I enjoyed a couple minutes of sun while chatting with my new friends. I decided as I got up I would give them one final show. I sat up on the chair, with my left leg over the edge but the right up on the chair with my foot basically touching my left knee and the knee of my right leg pointing the other way. I knew now they’d be able to see my breasts and naked crotch. “Well, I should be getting back. But if you have anything fun going later, you should totally invite my friends and I over.”

They all nodded in agreement and mumbled as they stared at my naked body. It was hard not to laugh at how distracted these guys were! Finally, I got up and put my robe back on.

On my way back, I was really hoping they’d invite us over later. I was happy to see all the boys were awake when I walked into the house. “Morning boys!”

I sat down, and Greg served us breakfast.

“How was the fresh air?” Dean asked.

“It was wonderful! Too bad you sleepy heads missed out on it,” I teased. “I met the people from next door though. Steve, do you know them?”

Steve nodded, “yeah, but I’ve never hung out with them or anything. It belongs to one of their families, although it’s been just those guys coming out for as long as I can remember. I can tell you they throw some wild parties though. I’ve even seen them bring strippers in.”

“How do you know they were strippers and not just chicks who got invited to the party?” JJ asked.

“Because they’d have them strip for them right out on their patio in back!” Steve answered.

“That’s awesome!” said Dean. “But, how do they get them to come all the way out here though?”

“By paying them tons of money!” Steve replied. “Those guys come from families with money. My cousin used to come out here and went to high school with one of those guys. Even went to some of those parties. He said those girls could easily take home a few grand in a single night.”

“Really? That much money for just taking their clothes off for a few guys?” I asked. I have to admit, that sounded pretty amazing. Stripping in front of those hot guys would be one thing. Then money on top of it?

Steve nodded, “yup.”

After we finished eating breakfast, Greg sand they boys were cleaning up and I wanted to get in the shower. I asked Greg to grab a few things from the car for me, and I headed to our room

I was out of the shower by the time Greg came into our room. After he went in the shower I finished drying off. I was picking out my clothes when I heard one of the boys leave their room. I realized I wouldn’t know what to wear until we decided on what to do. Besides, I figured the more I could be nude the better since the teasing turned Greg and I on so much.

Steve did a double take when he saw me walk out, then tried to act nonchalant. It was adorable!

“l heard someone out here and,” I was mid-sentence when JJ walked out, “oh, hey JJ! I was just saying I figured I should wait to get dressed until we decided what to do!”

“Yeah, uh, that’s a great idea,” JJ replied while starring at my nude body.

Dean walked out next and stopped in his tracks when we saw me. Then smiling he asked, “how was your shower Kate?”

“Kind of lonely,” I replied with a smile of my own.

The boy’s jaws dropped at my implication. Finally, Steve managed to get out, “Kate was just saying she was going to wait to get dressed until after we made plans.”

“I hope you boys don’t mind?” I added.

They all shook their heads, with JJ saying, “of course not. In fact I think we should take our time deciding.”

I laughed, “not to worry, it’s obviously not a big deal anymore to be naked in front of all of you. So trust me, you’ll be seeing plenty more. Anyway, what can we do today? You know, other than standing around nude.”

“We are right on a lake and it has a fantastic beach,” Steve suggested.

Greg finally rolled out of our room. He grimaced when he saw me naked, but I already knew he didn’t mind. In fact, he liked me teasing his friends, I think he just was trying to put up a front for his buddies. So I explained why I was waiting to get dressed.

The boys asked a few questions about the beach and we all seemed to agree it sounded great.

“Ok, the beach it is!” Then I grabbed a bottle of sunscreen and asked, “Does someone want to help me get sunscreen on before I get my swimsuit on? It’s just easier to do before.”

The boys nearly tripped over each other getting to me. I squirted a little sunscreen into my hands and passed the bottle to the boys. I lingered on my arms, leaving my body to the mercy of my boyfriend’s friends. Greg starred intently, clearly very much into it and not wanting to miss a detail. Dean and JJ’s hands generously massaged sunscreen onto my breasts. I could feel their fingers giving special attention to my erect nipples. Steve was lower and behind me, working his way up my legs.

“How’s the water in the lake?” I asked. “Is it mucky or anything?”

“No, not at all,” Steve replied. Moving further up my legs, he reached my butt and started rubbing sunscreen onto my cheeks. I repositioned my legs slightly further apart to give him better access. “It’s actually super clear water and usually pretty warm too.” Then he did something unexpected. Steve slipped a finger into my rectum! It was slick from the sunscreen and he slowly moved it in and out. It felt amazing.

Dean and JJ covered the rest of my torso, but returned frequently to my breasts. At least I knew those wouldn’t get burned! I just kept working on my arms. The boys were doing a great job and I certainly didn’t want to interfere.

Steve while still playing with my butthole with one hand, moved his other hand between my legs and over my crotch. He moved it back and forth, with one finger slipping between my wet slit. As great as this felt, I could see Greg was getting anxious. Undoubtedly horny from the show, I knew I’d need to take him back to our room. I was thoroughly protected from the sun anyway. “Ok boys, I think I’m all covered now. Thanks for the help! Greg, let’s go get ready for the beach!”

The moment we got in our room Greg started talking about our exciting show, “Kate, that was something I didn’t expect.”

“I know, wasn’t that exciting?” I replied while stripping Greg naked.

“Well, I mean, don’t you think that could have gone a little differently?” Greg asked as I freed his penis.

I was thrilled to see Greg’s small erection pointing at my face. “You are totally hard! I think I know exactly what you mean.” It wasn’t that difficult to piece together. He had just watched his friends grope my naked body and was rock hard. He was suggesting that I should have gone a step further and returned the favor to his friends. I almost giggled to myself as I pulled Greg’s penis into my mouth. I had just had Dean in my mouth the night before and the size difference was obvious. Greg was just so little compared his friend! On the bright side, the small size made it really simple to stimulate and I had Greg orgasming in record time.

“Well, I’m happy you enjoy my bj skills just as much!” I was proud. I had gotten Greg off even faster than I had Dean. I wondered if they’d be trading notes together about my amazing blow jobs!

Greg and I got dressed for the beach and headed out to join the boys. As we walked out Steve asked Dean and JJ, “you guys both done with the sunscreen?”

After they both said yes and tossed Steve the bottle I figured I’d return the favor from before and asked Steve, “do you need a hand with that?” The look on Dean and JJ’s faces broke my heart, I’d need to make sure to give them a treat later.

I started at Steve’s neck and shoulders, I wanted to take my time and make him squirm a bit. I took several minutes on his arms and back, but when I got to his lower back I wanted to tease what was to come. I dipped the very tips of my fingers under his waistband. Just for a second, then quickly moved around front to his chest. Again I took several minutes, moving from his chest to tummy. Greg clearly as excited as I was and eager to see more as he was watching intently. Finally, I reach Steve’s waist. I’m still rubbing the lotion into his tummy and I move lower and grazed my fingers along the waistband. I could feel his tummy tighten as I did. I grazed the waistband twice more, building up the anticipation. I apply more lotion, so that I’ll need to spend more time rubbing it in. I make a couple more circular motions with my palms, then as they move down I slipped my fingertips in Steve’s waistband. Then out again then back in. This time I keep them there, but continue massaging a little bit lower at a time. At this point, if Steve hadn’t been clean shaven down there, I’d probably be running my fingers through his pubic hair. I continued until I just barely felt my finger tip brush the base of his penis. Then I pulled my hands back and moved down to his legs, starting at his ankles.

Once again I worked my way up his left leg slowly. When I got to the bottom of his swim trunks I simply continued moving my hands up. I could tell his penis was hanging down the other leg, so I deliberately started on the opposite side. I continued working until I felt the edge of the mesh liner, I forgot guys swim trunks had those. Next I went to his right leg, starting at the bottom. Slowly I moved up, his calf, past his knee, up his thigh and up the leg of his trunks. Finally, I reach the edge of the liner and I feel the back of hand brush against his penis which is pushing on the liner. I slid my hands into the liner and started to massage Steve’s testicles and penis. He was already partially hard. Even though this wasn’t my first time touching Steve’s penis I still couldn’t help but be impressed, and aroused, by the size of it. I gave two final strokes along the length before withdrawing my hands. “There!” I said, “you are all ready for the sun!”

At that point we grabbed our beach towels and exited out the back of the house. I was so excited we were finally headed down to the beach. Sunshine and swimming, not to mention teasing, what could be better!

We settled into a nice location, spread out our towels and enjoyed the sun. I was having a lot of fun, but was trying to think of ways to spice things up a bit. So I was thrilled when Steve suggested getting into the water and I suggested we play marco polo.

I followed around the boys voices, I followed Steve’s voice in particular. After I had helped him with the sunscreen earlier, I just had to get another feel. As I got close I made sure that my hands made contact with his crotch. It was over the top of his swim trunks, but I still managed a decent squeeze. God was Steve hung.

Well, the boys followed my lead, they went mostly for my breasts and butt. It was a good appetizer, but I wanted more.

This went on for a while. The boys had touched my chest plenty and I got several good feels of the boys’ swim trunk covered penises. When we got out of the water to return to our towels, I noticed a little guy staring at my body, not that I minded. Suddenly I hear from JJ, “hey, it’s little Tommy Baines!”

Clearly the boys must have known him, although he looked slightly younger than they did.

“You up here with your family Tommy?” Steve asked, seeming to know him a little better.

“Nah, my parents let me drive up here with my friends,” Tommy replied. He pointed over to some other boys that were setup next to us.

I relaxed on my towel and the boys next to us immediately started talking to me. “I love your swim suit,” one of the boys said. I thanked him and arched my back slightly to show off a little more. Their little attempts to flirt were kind of cute and the attention over my body was certainly welcome as well. Tommy started getting a little more forward. “I see what you are trying to do here. Why don’t you simply ask me to take you back to my place?”

I smiled. “Oh, and what makes you think I’m at all interested in you?”

“Admit it,” Tommy said, voice slurred. “You’re just lying here to get better views of our rock hard bodies.”

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