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This is the story of a charismatic young man whose boyish appearance gave no hint of the peculiar power he was able to exert over some people.

It’s also a story of betrayal by a couple and of their being manipulated by a persuasive young man, and involves a degree of humiliation and consensual degradation.


I had just finished my coffee and was preparing to start one of my long-postponed household projects when the doorbell rang. My first temptation was to ignore it, since it was probably somebody handing out religious pamphlets or selling cookies, and in retrospect I should have done just that.

I didn’t.

Instead I went to peek out of the side of the window curtains, and there he was. He didn’t see me looking out at him, so I could have just moved away from the window and gone about my business until he went away.

I didn’t.

Like I was walking against the force of a hurricane, I found myself going to the door and opening it, despite knowing that I was making a mistake.

“Hi Mr. B.,” my daughter’s boyfriend said, giving me a smile, the kind of smile that someone gives you when they know a secret of yours – something about you that no one else knows.

“Kenny,” I said, nodding and finding myself unable to look him in the eye. “Uh… Katie isn’t here. Her mom and her, they went…”

“To visit Katie’s grandmother,” Kenny said in finishing my sentence, smiling that smile and showing those dimples that probably melted a whole lot of hearts over the course of his 19 years.

“Uh,” was all I could say as I shrugged my shoulders and shifted my weight from foot to foot in the doorway.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” Kenny said, and as he spoke he moved right past me and into my home.

It wasn’t like I couldn’t have stopped him, because Kenny’s only about 5’7″ and maybe 135 pounds soaking wet, so I’m almost a half foot taller than and maybe 50 pounds heavier than him.

But I didn’t.

Instead I stepped aside and let him stroll right past me. All of the authoritative attitude that kept my staff at work in line was nowhere to be found, and now I was closing the door behind me and following Kenny into the kitchen.

“Didn’t come to see Katie,” Kenny said, his thumbs hooked into the belt loops of his shorts as he leaned back against the sink.


Kenny had cleared his throat, having noticed that while I was having trouble looking him eye to eye, I had no problem staring elsewhere, and I forced myself to look up from the bulge in his camel colored shorts to face him.

“Came to see you.”

“Look, about last night,” I started to say, but Kenny cut me off.

“Ah! Last night,” Kenny sighed. “That was really something. That’s why I’m here.”

“You don’t understand. Last night – I had a couple of drinks and…”

“Yes, the old demon alcohol!” Kenny said with a smile. “I’ve used that excuse myself many times. Hell, I had a couple of drinks too, so maybe that gives us both a reason for what happened – for what you did and what I let you do.”

“It’s more complex than that,” I explained. “Katie’s mother and me, we…”

“That’s another good one,” Kenny said as he came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

Part of me wanted to kill Kenny. His angelic looks and his Eddie Haskell-like attitude toward me were now replaced by this new angle. It was like us seeming to change roles, with me acting like a 19 year old college kid and Kenny playing the part of the middle aged business man.

“Remember this?” Kenny was saying as he showed me a picture on his phone, and when I saw the shot of the back of my head and Kenny’s lap I closed my eyes, but that didn’t work because in my mind I could still see it.

“You’re cute when you blush,” Kenny said as he clicked the phone shut and slipped it in his pocket.

“What do you want?” I said, fearing I was about to be blackmailed.

The photo wasn’t clear. After all, it was pretty dark in the car and you couldn’t really tell it was me, unless you knew me well.

“You know what I want,” Kenny said. “Go lock the door.”

“I can’t.”

“Your room or Katie’s?” Kenny sort-of asked me, and then answered his own question. “Yours. The bed is probably nicer.”

Down the hall Kenny went, leaving me standing in the kitchen wishing that everything that happened last night between 10:45 and 1 in the morning had never happened.


What had happened to bring young Kenny to my house that morning?

I had to pee. That was why I found myself walking down the hall a little before 11 the night before. My wife Barbara and I turned in early, as is our custom on Friday nights, but because our daughter was home we didn’t do what we usually do.

Instead we just went to sleep, and after Barbara dropped off I found myself wide awake. I heard a noise downstairs and decided to peek down through the rails of the stairway.

It was Katie and her boyfriend of a couple of weeks, Kenny. He was a goody two shoes type that Çapa Escort my wife was crazy about, but I was a bit wary of him. I guess all fathers look at their daughter’s boyfriends like that, so it was only natural that I made a point to keep an eye on him.

I wasn’t worried about Katie, who I’m almost positive is a virgin and is so wrapped up with school and church activities that she rarely dates.

This Kenny though, he seemed to have a way about him, and to be honest I could understand why all the ladies, at least in our house, were crazy about him. He had looks and smarts and was probably going to be something when he grew up.

So seeing them on the couch together was not a surprise, and so I knelt down out of their sight as best I could and watched them neck under the light of the muted TV. Kenny made a couple of gropes at my daughter below the equator, and I was happy when she rebuffed those advances.

Katie did let Kenny play with her titties through the clothing though, and then I saw them moving around on the couch. I ducked back out of sight when Katie took a look up in my direction, and when I decided it was safe to peek again I saw that things had changed.

Kenny had slunk down low on the couch with his shorts and underwear down around his ankles, and Katie was beside him with her head bowed down. She was sucking his cock. Part of me wanted to go down and break it up, but they were both of legal age so I didn’t because who knows what they would be doing in a car or in the woods if I drove them away from the couch.

Katie’s head bobbed up and down with Kenny’s hand running through her hair as she went down on him with exaggerated movements. I wished that I could see better, and almost as if my request was being answered, Katie suddenly raised up, kneeling beside Kenny on the couch and started to squirt something out of a tube, but when she moved away my attention was diverted.

I did a double take when I saw Kenny’s cock curled up onto his stomach. He was erect and I was stunned at the size of his manhood. Not exceptionally thick, but absurdly long, and when Katie lifted it off his flat midriff she was using both of her hands on it, working them up and down in her oily grasp.

Do it, I whispered to myself as I watched Kenny try unsuccessfully to get my daughter to go back to sucking it. Do it. How can you resist it? It was all I could do to keep from going down and showing her how a cock like that should be treated.

Up and down Katie’s hand went, sliding the entire length of his impressive member, and even though Katie has small hands they barely covered half of the length of it. Kenny was writhing into the cushions while Katie, very much in control, kept jerking him off.

I came about a minute before Kenny did, squirting my load into my pajamas while I longed to take my daughter’s place. Then Kenny came, his orgasm corralled by a towel Katie had nearby. Katie’s resourceful and always prepared, I thought to myself while wishing I could have seen him cum despite the mess it would have caused.

As my cum cooled in my PJ’s, I watched Katie clean up Kenny’s crotch, and even though Kenny was now flaccid the damn thing was still impressive. The damn thing was bigger limp than mine was hard, I mused while quietly getting to my feet and going to get my soiled bottoms off.

Slipping on a sweat suit, I found myself sneaking out the back way and out to the car. I took the brake off and put it in neutral, letting gravity take it down to the street and waiting until I was away from the house before starting the ignition.

The gas station was my destination, and after picking up a six pack of Sam Adams, I drove back home, pulling off around the corner and shutting the car down before cracking open a cold one. As I sipped and waited, I thought back to my younger days, back before I got married.


His name wasn’t Kenny, it was Alan, and he was built a lot like Kenny. I was about my daughter’s age and had dated girls like everybody else in the neighborhood, but I enjoyed checking out other guys in the showers at the gym.

The well hung guys were what I really liked best, because I got to look at a relatively little one everyday. The big cocks always fascinated me; the way they swung around with their owners proudly showing them off, unlike guys like me who kept their modest endowments to themselves, excited me a great deal.

Alan was a guy who worked out at the Y, a clean cut guy in his 30’s or so, and I guess that he must have noticed me staring at his cock in the locker room because one day he invited me to his house and before I knew it we were naked in his bed.

I wanted to jerk him off, and he let me for a while, but then suggested that he wanted something better. My only sexual contact with any girls had been manual at that point in my life, so when he suggested I blow him I didn’t have a clue. After all, these were the pre-Internet days, so while I had heard about blow jobs, I had no idea what they Çapa Escort Bayan were, so when he asked I did it. I blew him.

I held that long 8″ shaft upright, puckered my lips, and blew on it. After a minute Alan figured out what I was doing and stopped me, explaining what he wanted. When I obviously still didn’t get it he was kind enough to show me by using my dick and his mouth.

I lasted about 20 seconds before cumming but I got the general idea, and after a couple of seconds of hesitation with my mouth hovering above the head of his dick I closed my eyes and put his in my mouth.

While I was pretty bad at first, after a few more visits to his place I started to get the hang of it and was actually getting good when Alan decided that I was ready for something else.

I wasn’t, but Alan wasn’t taking no for an answer. He overpowered me and it really hurt, but while that experience may have soured me on Alan, it did nothing to cool my enthusiasm for big cocks, so I forgot about girls for the next year or so.

I lost interest in guys one afternoon when my father came up to me as I came home from school, and I still remember how he calmly grabbed me by the shirt and lifted me in the air while slamming me against the wall of the garage after catching me sucking off a neighbor.

“No son of mine is going to be a cock-sucking faggot!” he declared, emphasizing the point by sinking his knee into my crotch so hard that I lost my lunch.

Apparently the old man had gotten wind of my activities and decided that I needed some therapy to cure my problem and that was his idea of how to straighten me out. Since I was in line to inherit our family business, I decided to change my ways. He even set me up with a daughter of a business associate of his, and we ended up getting married. Sort of an arranged marriage, and in fact I do love Barbara. It’s just that sometimes I get that old urge.

Usually I resist it, but I have slipped on occasion, and seeing Kenny’s beautiful cock brought back a lot of desires, which is why I was out in the car last night drinking a beer and stalking my own house.

From my vantage point I saw Kenny leave our house and walk in my direction. I was parked across the street and as he walked down the sidewalk I resisted the urge to roll down the window and call out to him, instead letting him stroll by on his way home. That could have – and should have – been it. All I had to do was drive home and go to bed.

I didn’t.



“Mr. B.?” Kenny replied as he looked over at the car that had pulled up beside him.

“Give you a lift?” I asked, and was pleasantly surprised when he took me up on the offer.

“Care for a drink?”

“Uh – I can’t get into any bars because I’m only 19.”

“How about this then?” I suggested, pulling a bottle of Sam out of the bag, and when he eagerly accepted I made the next of my series of mistakes in driving to a deserted lot near the park instead of taking Kenny home.

The talk was mostly sports, but in the end it came around to another topic, as I knew it would.

“Uh, I gotta tell you something,” I said while opening up another beer,” I began. “Tonight, or is it last night now – it’s past midnight – I woke up and saw you and Katie. You know? On the couch?”

“Oh yeah?” Kenny said, not showing any emotion one way or another.

“Yeah. I mean. I’m not mad or anything,” I added. “Hell, I was young once too, believe it or not, so it was cool.”

“That’s good. I mean, it isn’t like she’s giving up the pussy or anything,” Kenny said, and while I cringed a little as he referring to Katie like that, I swallowed at continued.

“I guess that’s good too,” I responded. “She must be like her mother in that way.”

“Mrs. B. doesn’t put out?” Kenny said. “Too bad. She’s cute.”

“I should have you pay a visit to her,” I joked. “Maybe she would like a change of pace.”

“I’d do her,” Kenny said without blinking. “I’ve done older.”

“That right?” I asked.

“Sure. Why not?”

“I guess you’re right, although I don’t know if Ruth could handle anything like you,” I heard myself saying. “I’m nowhere near as well endowed as you are.”

“They all get used to it,” Kenny said confidently. “Except Katie. I think she’s scared of it.”

“I don’t doubt it,” I responded, remembering the way she had jerked him off like it was going to bite her.

“Getting kinda boring, you know, just getting jerked off. She won’t even go down on me after I get hard because she won’t let me cum in her mouth. I like her and all, but I think if I don’t get into her pants soon I’m gonna move on. You don’t mind me talking like this, do you Mr. B?”

“No,” I said as the car got warm all of a sudden. “I don’t blame you I suppose. Maybe you should get somebody on the side.”

“Like your wife?” Kenny said and laughed when I shook my head no. “Believe it or not, last year I was doing a girl, and then started doing her mother when she wasn’t Escort Çapa around.”

“Wow. No, I mean when I was going with Katie’s mother I had someone I would visit whenever I got horny and she wouldn’t – you know.”

“Cool,” Kenny said. “Did your wife ever find out about the other girl?”

“Actually,” I said before taking a deep breath and jumping off the verbal cliff. “It wasn’t a girl.”


“Yeah,” I said, shrugging my shoulders as I yearned to take that back. “I mean, it wasn’t anything serious. Please don’t ever say anything to anybody.”

“Not me,” Kenny said.

“Glad I didn’t offend you or anything,” I sighed.

“That can’t be done,” Kenny said. “And as long as we’re telling all, I’ve had my cock in a few men’s mouths too.”

“Oh?” I replied as I tried to swallow while staring straight ahead to the fogging windshield.

“Why not?” Kenny said, and I refused to look in his direction when I saw him rise up for the seat and heard the rustling of fabric. “I’ve got a sixth sense or something, because I can usually tell when another man wants some of this.”

I heard a clicking that sounded like the passenger seat being adjusted, and when I glanced over I saw that what I both feared and wanted was happening. Kenny had pulled down his shorts and underwear and was semi-reclining fully exposed with his cock in his hand.

“You want it, don’t you Mr. B?” Kenny said, and from his expression in the semi-darkness he knew the answer to that.

I think I shook my head no at first, but then I was moving awkwardly out from behind the steering wheel and leaning over the middle console while taking his dick in my hand.

Kenny’s cock felt like jello in my hand as I pulled on it and watched it stretch out like an accordion before taking the warm tube in my mouth. The taste of my daughter’s lip gloss and his old semen were present as I swallowed his limp cock like an animal.

Even though he had cum an hour ago, I had him erect in a couple of minutes, and now my mouth was moving up and down his slender muscled shaft, taking in as much of what had to be at least 9 inches of manhood while using my hands on the rest.

Unlike Katie, I wasn’t going to pull off until Kenny came, so I was going to protest when Kenny pulled me off after about five minutes of the best head I could give.

“Kinda cramped in here,” Kenny said, and even though the position was painful for me it was worth it, but Kenny was already getting out of the car, which was like a steam-bath with moisture dripping down the insides of the windows.

Kenny was standing out in the parking lot, and even though it was out in the open and there was a light nearby, there were no houses. Not that it mattered to me, because I was lost in the moment.

Standing next to the car with his shorts down around his ankles, Kenny stood there brazenly with his hands on his bony hips, with his long slender cock swaying obscenely in front of him, calling me, and when I got there Kenny helped me get down on my knees in the gravel.

“Yeah!” Kenny sighed as he held my head in his hands while I sucked his prong. “You like the big cocks, don’t you Mr. B?”

“You do, don’t you? Am I big enough for you” Kenny asked as he pulled my mouth off of it, and only after I admitted my weakness did he guide me back to his spear.

My lips slid down as far as they could, making more than half of his manhood glisten with my saliva as his pubes grazed my nose, and then Kenny was lifting his cock and having me service his balls.

I sucked on his golf ball-sized nuts once at a time, popping the eggs in and out in between licking his over-sized wrinkled pouch, before he let me go back to his balls.

My jaws ached but I wanted him to last all night if he could, and either because he had just cum, or perhaps because he had great self-control, he held off for a long time. How long?

Long enough so the gravel felt embedded in my knees through the sweat pants and my back screamed in pain, but I was in a trance, sucking that cock like it deserved to be serviced.

I didn’t even complain when Kenny’s hands tightened on my scalp and he began thrusting into my face while my head bobbed forward. He was skull fucking me now, his balls crashing against my chin so loud it sounded like I was being slapped, and then he was groaning like an animal while he came.

I swallowed as fast as I could, struggling to keep up as he kept ejaculating rapid-fire like his penis was a machine gun, and after he stopped cumming I continued to try to siphon him dry until he finally ended up pulling me off his spent tube.

“Damn, you give awesome head Mr. B,” Kenny was saying as he pulled his shorts pack up, his dick slapping up and out of sight, and he was kind enough to help me to my feet when it didn’t look like I could make it.

“Don’t want to go home like that,” Kenny said as he pointed to the side of my mouth, where some of his seed had escaped, and then he was gone, telling me that he could cut through the park and be home in a minute.

Now I stood alone, with my jaws, knees and back reminding me that I wasn’t 19 but in my early 50’s. One part of me felt 19 though, and when I looked down at the tent my erection was making in the front of my sweats, I didn’t hesitate.

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