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Janet gave one more tug, and the cork slid from the bottle of Pino Grigio with an audible “pop”. The sound made Joyce and Ellen turn to look. Janet worked the cork off the corkscrew, and poured herself a small sip. Satisfied that it was ok, she filled glasses for her friends Joyce and Ellen that were sitting around the small poolside table out of the sun.

As she filled her own glass to drink, she said, “It’s nice that George finally installed that temperature controlled wine storage room in the basement several years ago. Since then, we’ve never had another bottle go bad.”

The three ladies who lived in this high-end southern California neighborhood had been friends for about 6 years. Ever since they met at a local health club, they discovered that they had many similarities and common interests. It was those interests had brought them even closer as they shared some very special aspects of their lives. In private, they loved to jokingly call themselves the “Trashy Trio” because their demeanor and behavior in private surely did not fit their elite lady-like public façade. They always mused and joked about what their friends, family, and associates would think if they really knew about the secret lives enjoyed by these “pillars of the community.”

Raising her glass to clink with the others, Janet said, “Here’s to a successful job interview this morning and to our continued beneficial relationship with our trusted service company for the coming year.”

As they touched glasses, Joyce asked, “So what do you know about this new guy? Have you been told much about him?”

“All I know,” Janet said, “is what Paul himself told me about him. Paul handpicked him and thinks he will be perfect for us. Paul says that he’s vetted him completely, and you both know we can definitely trust Paul.”

The three ladies quietly sipped their wine and allowed themselves to sit in silence as they became hypnotized by little jewels of light glistening of Janet’s backyard pool. Janet’s pool, as well as those in their own yards, was essentially the reason for their meeting this morning. The three ladies enjoyed the rather spoiled lifestyle afforded by their successful husbands. All were all in their 40’s, and even though their well-toned bodies were showing slight flaws, they were all in better than average shape. It was fortunate that their wealthy husbands afforded them the financial security necessary to enjoy free time at the gym, hair salon, nail salon, and massage spa. They could have called themselves the “Salon Sisters” just as easily as the “Trashy Trio”, but that wouldn’t have told the whole truth. They indeed enjoyed the life of pampered high-maintenance wives of well-off husbands who all were basically two decades their senior. They all had essentially been trophy wives to mid-life crisis husbands about 15-20 years earlier, but were now in mid-life themselves. It really didn’t matter because they knew that they still looked hot on the arms of their ever-more gray and ever-more paunchy husbands at whatever event was being sponsored by this or that organization to benefit this or that charity. When their pictures at the various galas appeared in the newspaper, they always looked young and sexy next to their sagging, soft husbands.

Their gathering at Janet’s today was partly to discuss the their special leisure live future given that Paul, the nice young man who had been servicing their pools and doing other handyman services around their houses for the past three years was being promoted to area manager. His new position would require him to spend nearly all of his time behind a desk in an office, and not as a frontline field-service man. The reason for today’s gathering was to evaluate the potential of Paul’s replacement. This “job interview” for the new guy was very important to the ladies because Paul had become an important part of their lives. In addition to servicing their pools, and appliances, and addressing other common home issues, Paul had also serviced them. One of the advantages of the leisure-wife lifestyle is that you could be at home with a lot of free time to help supervise the efforts of service people like Paul; particularly Paul. It didn’t matter that the official reason for his time at their homes was to tend to their pool or their kitchen appliances. As far as the ladies were concerned, Paul’s real reason for being there was to tend to the needs of their bodies. Indeed their bodies were often more desirous of sexual delight and pleasure than their aging, business-busy husbands would, or could accommodate. Ellen’s husband had already become dependent on his Viagra on the rare occasion he decided to pay attention to her. Joyce and Janet could see the day coming when their husbands would also be slaves to such pharmaceutical assistance. On the other hand, Paul, who was only about 9 years older than Janet’s son in college, certainly had no need for “boners in a bottle”. If anything, he needed something to help keep him soft dikmen escort bayan when it was time to send him home in the late afternoon with enough time to clean up and change the sheets before their husbands got home.

The nice thing about Paul was not just that he was still young and possessed the hormones that kept him in performance mode for hours, but also that he wasn’t just some dumb lump of muscle that served simply as life support for an erection. Paul was not some phony pretty boy with a perfect physique. True, he was handsome with the athletic muscular body of a guy still in his 20’s, but he was also smart and witty. He graduated fairly high in his class from a relatively well known university in the area. He was well-read and very intelligent. His problem in life was that, rather than majoring in engineering, or science, or business, or something that would have made him immediately employable, he had been a psych major. What did that get him unless he wanted to teach, or could afford grad school, or med school? Psych majors were only a hair above English majors or philosophy majors as far as grabbing a good starting job. Without at least one advanced degree, he would have to settle for what he could get. Fortunately for Paul, he had learned a lot of construction and repair skills from his father. He was creative, and very good with his hands; in more ways than one. The pool maintenance and handyman gig was something that barely gave him enough money to live, but the generous “tips” from the “Trashy Trio” had helped him pay off his car and his student loan. He was worth it. He had become more than just a strong and virile fuck. He was a trustworthy friend and confidant to all three ladies.

Like a lot of young men in southern California in “menial jobs”, Paul had hopes of breaking into films or TV. He had scored some bit parts and walk-ons in two movies and several TV shows, but it was not very likely that he was going to achieve the elusive dream in films. He didn’t have the head-turning looks of a “Brad Pitt” or “George Clooney” that might have made him a slam-dunk heartthrob. He also had a way to go to demonstrate real talent that could make him a character actor with a regular working schedule. No, the best break he was getting at this point in his life was being promoted to area manager of the maintenance company for which he worked. This was actually no small accomplishment for a man as young as he was. Unfortunately for the “Trashy Trio”, that promotion would put him behind the dreaded desk, in the boring office, and sadly away from their beds. On the upside, Paul fully understood the situation. He assured his dear lady friends that he would not leave them high and dry, so to speak. He had handpicked a replacement which he guaranteed would provide service as good as they had become accustomed to with him. Paul himself had interviewed the young man named Ken and was sending him over for the ladies to conduct their own very special “interview”. Ken had no idea what was in store for him, or what sort of paces he would put through to prove his worth. Would it be an interview or an initiation? Would it be a talk or a test?

Ellen stood and walked toward the open patio doors leading to the house. “When is this guy supposed to get here,” she said downing her glass and reaching for the bottle to pour herself another.

“Just relax,” Janet assured her, “he’ll be here.”

No sooner were the words out of her mouth than the doorbell rang. All of the women looked at each other and smiled. Joyce and Ellen followed Janet into the house, and took seats on the sofa in the day room overlooking the patio. Janet continued to the front door. As usual Monday, was a day off for Janet’s housekeeper. Monday had also been her regular day with Paul, and having Maria around would obviously not have been a good idea. On a few occasions when Janet couldn’t be free of Maria, she and Paul would go to Paul’s apartment. Paul’s place was pretty basic bachelor quarters, but it was better than a hotel. There were too many eyes at hotels, and you never knew if friends or associates may be there having lunch.

Janet opened the door and standing on the portico was a very nice looking, clean-cut man that appeared to be in his mid-to-late 20’s. He wore a polo shirt that fit well enough to reveal an ample chest and nicely muscled arms. Janet could tell that his were the kind of muscles a man got from real work and not by pumping iron in a gym with a bunch of other narcissists. He was a tad taller than Paul, and he had dark hair and hazel eyes as opposed to Paul’s sandy hair and blue eyes.

“Good morning,” Janet said smiling. “You must be Ken.”

“Yes, and I’m guessing that you’re Mrs …” the young man was cut off in mid response.

“Please, just call me Janet,” she responded with a laugh while holding the door open. “Let’s keep this friendly, and we’ll save the formality for when the neighbors, my emek escort bayan housekeeper, or my husband are around.”

“Sounds fine to me,” Ken said following Janet through the foyer and into the sunlit room where Joyce and Ellen sat on the sofa. Ken could not help noticing how the sunlight from the patio doors shined through Janet’s thin, light cotton ankle length sun dress. The silhouette was of a very well maintained body. He could see that her legs were very shapely and the silhouette went from floor to where they met at what he knew would be a succulent pussy. He could hardly wait to see what was under that dress.

“Ladies,” Janet said as she and Ken entered the room, “let me introduce Ken, our new potential service provider, and dare I say, special friend. Ken, this is Joyce and Ellen, your other hopeful customers. First names will suffice for now. I’m sure other information is available on the service contracts on file. It is certainly of no real importance to us right now. As with me, I think Joyce and Ellen assume that our relationship will be on a, shall we say, very personal first name basis.”

Ken still couldn’t help maintaining a bit of formality. Not sure exactly how to greet the other ladies, he simply walked to the sofa and held out his hand to take each of theirs in turn as they remained seated. The ladies smiled a little at the formality of a handshake given what they all knew essentially what would be happening a little later. Paul had been correct when he told him not to be concerned that these women were nearly 20 years his senior. They were indeed extremely attractive with bodies that were well maintained at expensive spas and gyms. He would have thought them to be in their early 30’s if he had seen them on the street.

Ken made sure to acknowledge their attractiveness by saying, “Paul told me that you ladies were all beautiful, but he didn’t do you justice. You could all be movie stars.”

The women laughed out loud. “Oh my dear Ken,” Joyce said smiling, “flattery is not in any way necessary, but it is certainly appreciated. I must say that you are yourself a fine specimen of manhood. I can’t speak for the others, but I’m already drooling in any way you care to interpret that.”

Janet spoke, “Ken, have a seat. Please let me get you a glass of wine.”

Ken sat in a large chair opposite Joyce and Ellen on the sofa. He was feeling a bit more at ease after actually meeting these women. His eyes went to Joyce’s and Ellen’s. Both had the confidence to hold his gaze for a beat longer than necessary which he found to be very sexy. Their eye contact indicated a sensual awareness that implied that they were in no way inhibited. Janet handed him a glass of wine and sat in a chair to Ken’s right.

Ellen spoke up. “I assume that Paul fully briefed you about our expectations regarding this job. I’m sure Paul explained the very special arrangement we all had for the past several years. You should know that we very much appreciated Paul, as he did us. He was a real friend and at least in my case, seemed to really understand me, my feelings, and my needs on any given day. He had a knack for that. As a result, I think we showed him our appreciation in many, shall we say interesting ways, including some financial benefits that made life a little easier for him.”

Ken smiled. “Paul and I had a very long and detailed talk. He was quite up-front about the mutual benefits of doing a good job for you ladies in every way imaginable. I hope I can fill the void left by his leaving to take a promotion.”

The ladies all laughed out loud at Ken’s “fill the void” comment, even though he didn’t intentionally mean it as a double entendre. He realized how it sounded as soon as the words left his mouth, and he laughed out loud with the women surrounding him.

Joyce spoke. “Paul said that he would ask you to see a doctor for a full medical screening. He also explained that you would understand that if you accept our arrangement, you would be willing to severely limit or eliminate any form of dating in the singles scene. We cannot afford any sort of infections that would cause a disaster in our marriages. The three of us don’t like using condoms for various reasons which I’m sure will become obvious to you. If you do decide that you want to date someone, you will be required to use condoms at all times with her. Even so, we would expect you to get medically screened every several weeks or suspend relations with us if you wish to continue dating around. We recognize that you are a young man and have significant needs, but we also feel that between the three of us, we will more than satisfy any and all variety of physical needs you have. In fact, you may find that we can actually be rather demanding from that standpoint. All of us seem to have a need for sexual activity that is beyond what our husbands can accommodate.

Ken smiled and responded. “I do understand that fully. Let eryaman escort bayan me say again, Paul was pretty explicit in how his relationship went with you. I also brought the report from the doctor indicating that I’m 100% free of any sort of STD.”

Ken was reaching into his back pocket for the report when Janet spoke up. “That won’t be necessary. I’ve already seen the doctor’s report. The doctor is a friend and former play partner of mine. We aren’t sexual any more, but we’re still platonic friends. He will keep us informed if you suddenly decide you don’t show up for a screening or have any issues that could cause concern. It’s not that we don’t trust you Ken, but it’s important, very important, for us that we deal completely honestly with each other. That’s very important if we’re going to have the same sort of relationship that we had with Paul. We had absolute trust in Paul, and he in us.”

“Believe me,” Ken spoke up looking her right in the eyes and then to the other ladies, “I fully understand. You won’t have any issues of any sort with me. I’m in this for our mutual benefit 100 percent. Safety and discretion are of paramount importance. I do get it.”

“That’s good to know,” Ellen said, “because today is going to help us understand how much you do trust us. In most cases, we know you’re going to want to be the guy in charge when it comes to our mutual physical enjoyment, and that’s good. It’s what we like. But it’s also important that you understand what it’s like to not be in charge all the time, and to show us that you trust us and truly understand our position. Paul was good about that. He is definitely a male animal, a man’s man. However, he also understood how important it is to let a woman take the lead when she wants. He knew how to be comfortable and respectful with that. In order for someone to be responsible, it’s important to show that he can sometimes allow someone else to be the responsible one. You may not understand exactly what I’m saying right now, but you will.”

Ken wasn’t exactly sure what she was implying, but had an idea forming in his head. He contemplated her words and tried to understand. Was she trying to talk about being the top or bottom in any given set of activity? That’s something he definitely understood.

Ken responded, “I understand that you invited me here to get to know me, and for me to show you that I’m going to be someone that you can trust and will provide what you need. As I ready said, Paul and I have had several long talks. I’m the kind of guy that knows how to give as well as take if that makes any sense. I’m pretty flexible.”

“OK then,” Janet said taking a sip from her glass. “I think it’s time that we get on with our little job interview. To start with, Ken, I’d say it’s time for you to get those clothes off and let us assess some of your qualifications as it were.”

Joyce and Ellen said laughing, “Here, here; enough with the preliminary discussion. Let’s review qualifications.”

Ken didn’t hesitate or question Janet’s request. Before standing, he removed his shoes and socks. He took off his polo shirt to reveal a smoothly muscular tan torso. It was the body of a swimmer, and not of a barbell jockey. He was slim, lean, and strong, but not bulging with artificial looking steroid-pumped muscle. The ladies each smiled with approval. None of them liked the overworked weight room look.

Ken stood confidently, undid his belt, dropped his pants, and stepped out of his boxer briefs as the three ladies looked on. He had enough experience going to several clothing optional beaches with a previous girlfriend to have little if any shyness about standing naked in front of these three lovely ladies. The way their eyes ran up and down his body coupled with thoughts of what was surly to follow in the next hour or two was already having a desired effect on one particular part of his body. There was no hiding, his hairy chest nor reason to hide, the rock hard erection jutting from the curly dark pubic hair at the base of his belly. Ken was never one to believe in the shaved metro-sexual look. Though his manhood was certainly not of some porn star proportions, his cock was at least an inch larger than average in length and of more than ample girth. None of his former girlfriends ever had anything but complements about the proportions of his man meat or his ability to use it.

Ellen secretly wished she were alone with Ken and not part of this planned “interview”. She fought hard to resist her natural submissive urge. She just wanted to crawl to him on her knees and take his beautiful cock into her mouth, beg him to use her. She wanted to lie back with her legs wide open, feet high in the air, and just enjoy being ravaged like a mare in season by this beautiful stallion. But she had to go along, at least for the time being.

OH YEAH,” Ellen chuckled. “No time wasted here. That’s not like the Ken Doll I had way back when. He had nothing like THAT when I took his pants off. God, I love youth. He’s up and ready before his pants hit the floor. It would take me 10 minutes of licking and sucking to get Harry even halfway to where that sweet rod is.”

“Hell,” Joyce added. “It would take Frank that much mouth and tongue action plus a little blue pill to get there.”

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