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I stretched, sat up in bed and grinned from ear to ear for the longest time. The answer to one of my challenges had just come to me! I made a mental note to call Lucy and get the number for one of her friends, Matilde. I had a wicked shudder as I complimented myself for thinking of her. I knew immediately Garth and Matilde would be perfect for each other.

Following my inspection (my young charges were taking to these inspections like a duck takes to water!) and a bit if breakfast, I called Lucy, got Matilde’s number and called her immediately. I woke her up with my call, apologized for that and then immediately began laying the groundwork for a blind date with Garth. It didn’t take long to arouse Matilde’s interest. I had gotten to know her during the final two years of high school with my Lucy. They became close friends and she spent a lot of time at my home. Matilde was what most people think of as a troublemaker and a smart alec. As I got to know her better I came to think of her more as an adventurer and a rebel. When someone told her she couldn’t do something, she would normally demand to know why not. I had picked her up more than once along the highway hitchhiking and I’d seen her ride up to see Lucy on the back of a big, rumbling motorcycle behind the biggest, burliest biker you could imagine. She was outspoken and exacting when it came to her name. God help the poor soul who made the mistake of calling her ‘Mattie’ or mispronounced her name. She never failed to pronounce her name slowly, carefully and follow it with the explanation, “It means strong in battle.” Matilde was hispanic, with more of the latin drawl to her voice even than me.

She wasn’t afraid to take risks and that was exactly why I knew she would be a good match for Garth. Garth was a bit shy but I could already see him coming out of his shell a little bit with me. Garth – and his long snake of a cock – were going to be an adventure for any young woman who crossed paths with him. I was certain Matilde was up for the challenge.

A bit on the tall side, Matilde was never going to be called petite, but she turned heads and could always rustle up a date when she wanted. She too was of Hispanic descent but unlike Lucy and I, who could trace our roots back to Cuba, Matilde was a bit darker and displayed more of a Central American heritage. She also had a powerful command of Spanish and could make a longshoreman blush with her cursing.

“So . . . you say this fellow is a Row Boat, like Lucy’s boyfriend and he’s the strong silent type?” she was asking me for the second time. Matilde was still waking up. Her brain was taking a little longer to absorb things.

“Yep – and if you like challenges the way I think you like challenges, he just may be your kind of man!” I told her.

“What kind of challenge?” she asked, suspecting I wasn’t being entirely honest.

I didn’t answer her question at all. How could I? I wasn’t being entirely honest, of course, but I felt there were some things best left unsaid. After all, would you want your best friend’s grandmother to set you up on a blind date and tell you something like, “Lordy, he’s got the biggest, longest cock you’ll ever see?” Offering a testimonial like that begs the question of how I might come to know such a thing. ‘Intimate personal experience’ is definitely not the reason I wanted to give my granddaughter’s best friend. I was counting on her sense of adventure and any air of mystique I could possibly weave about Garth to lure her in. My strategy worked – sort of.

“Okay,” she replied slowly, “But I don’t want to do anything, meet nobody – nothin’ till late next week. I’m taking a really tough Database Design class and I have a big project to complete by next week. The prof is a real hard-ass and I’m still gettin’ some of the real basic stuff figured out.”

Matilde sounded really stressed.

“Ok, ok,” I told her. That might work better anyway. I wasn’t sure Garth was quite ready for a date.

“Why don’t you call me next week, Matilde and we’ll set something up for the weekend,” I told her. “A date with this fellow might be a great way to celebrate finishing your project. He can be a lot of fun.”

“I’m gonna need a date when I get this thing turned in!” she growled, “I’ll be callin’ you, Febe.”

Our conversation ended then. I was relieved. I now had nearly two weeks in which to prepare Garth for his date with Matilde. I panicked when I realized I hadn’t even asked Garth if he wanted a date and then I decided I could persuade Garth to go out with Matilde. I’d seen and experienced the interest he had in buttering my buns, fondling my boobs and his willingness to let me use his face as my own personal seat cushion. Lord knows he had magic in those fingers of his. Still, he hadn’t yet fully accepted that monstrous ‘snake’ of his as the blessing it was truly meant to be. I could work on that. Goodness – I looked forward to working all over that!

The rest of my morning was taken up with emails to instructors and even a telephone Bakırköy Escort call to one of them. I was keeping close tabs on my young charges and as I discovered from one of my emails, Evan and Stan had gotten A’s on their first papers. I hadn’t really considered when I would reward my young charges for their good grades but I knew exactly how I would reward them.

I decided Evan would receive his reward from me first. He had no classes this afternoon and would be one of only three residents present when I made my first appearance in my gorgeous little bikini. We all skated through lunch, with several coming and going hastily on their way to classes or the library or to study. It would be Peter, Evan and Garth present for my ‘unveiling.’

I had promised myself I would not try my naughty little bikini on until it was time to wear it. It took several minutes to get the strings adjusted and tied just right so that I felt comfortable. I stood admiring how I looked in the mirror for several minutes and marveled at just how much more of me would be getting sun now. My make-do sunning outfit, composed of push-up bra and short-shorts had been skimpy but I was certain this bikini would get me arrested if I wore it in public.

I had no plans to get myself in trouble with the law this afternoon but I did know three young men who were about to have their studies shot all to hell. Evan would have an especially hard time studying. I intended to give him the good news about his grade in a particularly disruptive way. I slipped on a pair of high-heeled sandals, snatched up the sun lotion, a beach towel and made my way to the back door. All three were waiting for me.

“Well, what do you think?” I asked them as I struck the most coquettish pose I could muster.

At first, they didn’t utter a word. All three sputtered and sat up straighter in their deck chairs. Garth’s eyes got as big as soup bowls again. Evan blushed and absentmindedly placed his hand in his lap. Peter at least had the presence of mind to try and speak. “Da-a-a-mn!” was all that he could manage, but it told me all I needed to know.

I’ve come to live for this sort of response. I enjoy leaving handsome young men speechless, their eyes open wide and with an uncomfortable swelling in their pants. I sort of took it as evidence I was doing well in my role as Housemother and also that I truly was a GILF. For the next hour I just knew I was going to have an awfully lot of fun.

“Who wants put sun lotion on me?” I asked as I spread a towel on the lounge chair.

When I turned to face them again, three young men with big, eager grins were crowded in front of me.

“Well!” I purred, “I’m going to get lots of protection from the sun today!”

I handed Evan the sun lotion, lay down on my stomach and gave them just the barest of instructions. I was sure they would figure the rest out for themselves.

“Peter and Garth, why don’t you each start with a leg? Evan, why don’t you put some lotion on my back and shoulders,” I called out without even looking back. For good measure, I added, “Be thorough! I don’t want to burn even a fraction of one square centimeter! You all are responsible for protecting my backside.”

Two weeks with these science and math geeks and I was already talking the metric system. I know that last caution was probably unnecessary but I wanted them all to know how important their jobs were.

One minute into the trio’s attention to my details and I knew they were taking their duties very seriously. Evan was taking no chances and had applied a liberal coating of oil to my back and had even taken the extra step of sliding his slippery fingers beneath the cords of my top, drawing a careful path across my back and down my sides to my boobs. I didn’t stop him. In fact, I helped him by extending my arms above my head. The little pink strips intended to conceal my nipples weren’t up to the task and in no time at all Evan had my breasts all slippery and my nipples were all tingly and hard. Funny, but he didn’t seem to show any interest at all in putting lotion on my poor arms after that.

Garth and Peter had been busy little beavers too. Both had worked their way from my toes to my thighs ever so slowly and carefully. They were apparently working together, for they both arrived at my upper thighs at the same time and gently lifted my hips and then spread my legs slightly for greater access to my inner thighs. I’m not given to a lot of foul language – at least in English – but when they both began to draw their hands upward between my legs along my crotch – well, damn! I just about came then and there and cringed in mortification all at the same time! The only thing not exposed to their touch was my poor, helpless little clit. I hadn’t realized exactly how small this bikini really was until this very moment. They were going to great lengths to make certain my pussy was as slippery and electrified as a hot little eel.

“I don’t think you need to go there!” I half-grunted Bakırköy Escort Bayan a few seconds later when I felt Peter working a large gob of lotion in circles upon my rectum. I just knew he was preparing to go knuckle-deep back there and I wasn’t having any of it.

“I don’t think you need to linger there,” I repeated, this time calling out over my shoulder.

Without looking I knew it was Peter knocking at my back door. Garth and his magic fingers were busy performing lovely things at my left side. I recognized his touch. In fact, I might even have permitted Garth a brief, probing adventure back there at my little pucker if he had tried. His sense of touch, his use of those long knowing fingers could probably even have made finger-fucking my asshole a glorious experience.

Peter, I am sure was disappointed, but I wasn’t lying here, my backside bathed in oil, my tits and my pussy abuzz from all the attention they were receiving just for his benefit. Evan was to be rewarded for his first ‘A.’ He was also to serve as the model for all my future rewards – at least, until I determined my young charges were thoroughly, intensely, diligently committed to acquiring knowledge in all its glorious forms.

I rolled over slowly onto my back to face the trio and when I was resting comfortably once more I spoke to them all, “Garth and Peter, thank you. You’ve done a good job. Evan, after you put my breasts back in my bikini, I’d like you to put some lotion on my belly and shoulders, please.”

All three hung there, kneeling and frozen above me as I lay on the lounge chair. Evan got red in the face again. Garth looked dejected and Peter just got this pissed look on his face.

“Now, now, gentlemen,” I began, “Evan here should be congratulated. He got the first ‘A’ of the summer and for all his hard work I intend to give him a b-i-i-g reward. I think he’s earned it – just as I’m sure you two will both earn your rewards soon enough.”

I told them this as Evan was just finishing tucking my left boob safely away once more. I reached up to pat his hand to congratulate him and unintentionally wound up pressing his hand to my breast. He didn’t object. In fact, he began to fondle me again ever so gently as his fraternity brothers looked on.

“You two are going to work hard and get high marks too, aren’t you?” I asked.

“Already doing that!” Garth groaned.

“Ditto!” Peter boomed out.

“And when you get your grades I will give you both the rewards you deserve,” I announced with finality.

I had removed my hand from atop Evan’s but he was still enjoying the feel of my boob.

“Evan, why don’t you and I go inside, dear? Peter and Garth have a lot of studying to do. Peter has a Trig test tomorrow morning that is graded electronically and we all sincerely want him to do really well, don’t we?”

As I sat up, got to my feet and took Evan by the hand, I could see a new look of resolve and determination come into Peter’s expression and I just knew he would prove himself to be a very deserving young man tomorrow. I smiled and gave him a little wink over my shoulder on my way inside with Evan.

“Kiss me, young man,” I commanded once we were in my room with the door shut.

Evan followed my order with gusto and almost made me forget my plans for him. I still secretly believe they give the young men in this university lessons in how to kiss a woman and make her forget what day of the week it is. I parted lips with this young man a minute later a little dazed and wondering if it was Monday or Tuesday.

“Congratulations on getting the first ‘A’ of the summer, Evan” I smiled, “Now it’s time for your reward!”

I slipped both hands into the waistband of his shorts and prepared to give them a tug.

“Would you reward a ‘B’?” he asked.

I paused just before the final tug on his shorts, looked up into his eager eyes and said, “Oh – I only reward ‘A’s – and you can tell all of your fraternity brothers that too.”

His cock was already semi-rigid when it tumbled out into the palm of my hand. I wrapped my fingers around it, squeezed it softly and enjoyed the heft of it. Evan possessed a stout, though not overly long wonder. It would take both my hands to circle his tool. For just a second I imagined how much his tool would stretch my little pussy but did my best to push the thought out of my head. That was not a part of my plan – for now.

I snatched my bottle of oil up off the dresser, squirted a dollop into my palm, spread it out in my palms and stretched my fingers around Evan’s thick peg. In no time at all his manhood glistened with oil and his eyes glazed over with pleasure.

“Febe, when this summer began I never imagined I would have a beautiful woman stroking my cock the way you are. . . . I never dreamed I could ever get an ‘A’ on an English assignment. . . . I-I never expected I would be standing in a gorgeous woman’s bedroom about to blow my splooge all over the place,” Escort Bakırköy he said in an unsteady voice.

From the tremble in his voice and the faint shudders rocking his body, I knew he was close to ‘splooging’ (A new word to me – but I had a very clear idea about its meaning. And I liked the way it sounded! It was so descriptive!). This was much too soon. I wasn’t ready for his splooge yet and I decided to slow things down a bit.

“But are you learning anything, Evan?” I asked. My stroking had almost come to a stop as I gazed up into his adoring eyes.

The young stud’s entire body seemed to roll in one long shiver then. He smiled warmly, contentedly back at me and cooed, “Ye-s-s . . . Oh yes! . . . And I think . . . I think . . . With your help I can become a man.”

That last sentence took me completely by surprise. Evan sounded both sincere and thoughtful. I’d never heard words that were both sincere and thoughtful come from the mouth of a young man with such a stiff cock and with such a limited supply of blood flowing to his brain. I was so touched I almost forgot I was stroking that stout pussy-stretcher of his.

“”Why, Evan! You’re going to make me blush. That’s very touching of you to say,” I told him before resuming a slow stroking motion. Once I had my hands working slowly over his lovely thick erection again I added, “My goal is to help each and every one of you become an honorable, upright man.”

Evan looked down at my hands wrapped around his raging boner and said, “Well, you’ve made me upright.”

“Mmm . . . You’re not as upright as you might expect, young man. I’m not finished yet!” I snapped.

My oily fingers tightened about his shaft at its base and I dipped my head into his lap. It was a warm day and his cock tasted of the scented, edible oil I used as well as his salty perspiration. I took the entire head of it into my mouth in one gulp, hung above his erection and slowly laved the sensitive underside with my tongue.

Evan groaned out long and slow until I lifted my head from his lap, smacked my lips, smiled and added playfully, “I think I can make you even more upright than this!”

“Doubt it!” he gasped out with a big, wheezing release of air.

I slipped one of my hands down to cup his scrotum and softly roll his jewels in my palm. At the same time I began to stroke his cock and devour the head of his cock once again. It proved to be more than my young virgin could bear and he rewarded me with a volcanic eruption of his hot man-lava. I withdrew my mouth after the first burst and let it spew up and out all over his thighs, my hands and the carpet. I just adore the feel of a young man’s balls writhing and jerking in my palm with all that ‘splooge’ (I do love that word!) surging through them.

“Go-o-o-d man!” I bubbled when his volcano finally calmed and stopped spewing his molten man-seed on my fingers. His balls stopped dancing and twitching a moment later and, for just a brief instant, I felt a twinge of disappointment that my reward for Evan had come to an end.

“I . . . feel . . . more . . . like . . . a . . . man . . . now,” he wheezed out slowly.

“Oh, dear,” I began, “Becoming an upright and responsible man requires diligent practice! It doesn’t happen overnight. Are you willing to work hard, Evan? Do you want to become an upright, responsible man?”

Like most young men I had encountered in the past few weeks, his head began to bob up and down and he got a silly grin that smeared his whole face up.

“Well, we have the whole summer to work on it,” I told him, then added, “I think this is very important. What do you think?”

Evan’s head eventually stopped bobbing and he answered, “Oh, yes! Very!”

He seemed to think for a moment and then added, “Thank you, Febe! Thank you!”

“Oh, goodness, dear, the pleasure will be all mine – well, mostly mine.” I told him, and recalled how stiff and thick at the base his cock had been. It made me shudder thinking about what might happen during our next encounter. He wouldn’t remain upright for long, I was sure.

I sent Evan out of my room with a big, satisfied grin on his face and new purpose in his heart. I would like to say that the other five of my charges came to this same understanding so easily and so quickly, but sadly, some skulls can be thicker – much thicker than others.

When I rejoined the trio on the patio three or four minutes after Evan, the atmosphere was subdued. There was a strange tension in the air I could not identify right away.

“Do we all get to become upright and responsible like Evan?” Peter finally asked, cautiously, hopefully a few minutes later just as I had almost gotten comfortable on the deck.

Peter’s stress of those three little words told me all I needed to know. I smiled and considered how to answer. Peter most certainly deserved an honest answer. Of the six of my young charges for the summer, he had already come the farthest. He was clean-shaven, didn’t slouch anymore and, aside from eating a bit too much food at meals, was proving himself to be a model college student. I was really hoping he did well on his test tomorrow morning. Even if he didn’t get an ‘A’ I was tempted to ignore the rules of my plan and give him a great big reward just for his transformation into a model student.

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