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“It’s so hot.” Laura grumbled, turning over another patch of dirt as she weeded her parent’s flowerbed.

“Someone must have forgotten to give you the memo that Florida is hot in August.” Sarah, Her mom replied. They had been out working together for most of the day, and had both suffered under the same heat. There was nothing for it though, as yard work was part of her parent’s conditions for living at home after graduating college. “It beats hurricane season, and I think the heat makes excellent motivation for job searching.”

Laura grumbled at that, but elected not to make a fight of it. It’s not like her mom had a lot of experience with hunting for work anyway. She was a slender five foot eleven with black hair and dark brown eyes. With an ample bust and no qualms about showing off her body, she had snagged a husband right out of college and laid back to enjoy the stay-at-home life. That was, until a Laura came along and Sarah became a full-time mom.

Laura herself sometimes dreamed of following in her mom’s footsteps, but wanted more out of life since she had graduated a year ago. She had inherited Sarah’s physique with her father’s chestnut hair and almond eyes. She knew she looked good, but apparently that had intimidated anyone she was ever interested in, so she was woefully inexperienced when it came to boys. She didn’t mind though; That only meant more time for pursuing her exciting new career! …Right after she figured out what that career would be.

She was stirred from her contemplative labor as she heard the purring of an engine coming down their quiet, suburban street. Laura watched as the neighbor’s son, David, pulled into his driveway on his new motorcycle. This was no ordinary motorcycle, it was the new Midas Model 2, which had only been released last year. It came equipped with gadgets for everything and was the coolest ride on the roads right now. She had thought the bikes were all electric, but she figured that was wrong given the powerful engine she was hearing.

As David cut the engine and took off his helmet, Sarah walked over to his yard to greet him.

“Wow, David! That’s quite the ride you’ve got there. It doesn’t look like anything I’ve ever seen before.”

“Thanks!” he replied. “I just managed to save up enough to buy it. It took every penny I own, but driving it is worth every cent. Look! It comes with everything — I can change the color using this screen here, and over here I can…”

As David listed all the amazing features that came with his new bike, Laura walked up to the two of them, staring slack jawed at the vehicle. It looked sleek, and as David showed off, panels began sliding, revealing more goodies hidden within.

“Laura?” David repeated.

“Hmm?” she replied, snapping back to reality.

“Do you want to go for a ride on it?” David offered.

They had always been friends, having been the same age and grown up next to each other. The offer still shocked her, as she’d dikmen escort bayan never even dreamed of getting to ride one of the new Midas’. Her car was a broken down old thing that she was determined to drive until it was destroyed for good.

“Ye-yes please!” She finally managed to stammer out.

“Great,” he replied, “I’ll go grab you another helmet and we’ll drive through town together.”

Even the visor was filled with tech. Laura had a small video feed of David’s view, an overlay that showed real-time directions, and the helmets had connect speakers so they could speak easily over the roar of the wind. With the visor down she didn’t even hear the engine at all.

“This is so cool, I can’t believe the helmets are soundproof!” Laura exclaimed.

“Actually, the bike is just very quiet.” David explained. “It’s electric. I can turn the sound of the engine on and off whenever I want. I can even make the bike vibrate as if there was a combustion engine in it. The helmets can be made soundproof too, but you have to select that option first.”

David flipped a switch and everything changed. The bike thrummed to life underneath Laura, sending pleasant vibration through her. She suddenly noticed how casually her upper body pressed against his and tensed in surprise. She started to blush, which of course only made her focus on the sensations more. She was thankful for the slight ridge in the seats that acted as a slight barrier between their hips. That is, until they hit a pothole which pushed her forward, so the bike’s vibrations were directly on her clit. The sudden evolution of sensations was too much for her, and she could feel herself begin to get wet. The whole ordeal made her give out a small yelp.

“You okay back there?” David said through the headphones. “I didn’t see that one coming!”

“I’m fine! I just got caught by surprise is all.” She fought back the need to let out a moan as they continued down the road. Holy shit this bike could purr in the best way. She could already feel a small wet patch where her panties had soaked through to the shorts. She debated scooting back to release the pressure, but it just felt too damn good. Besides, as long as she could keep it discreet, what was wrong with having a little fun?

“So how far can you go on this thing?” Laura asked, looking to send David on a tangent.

“Oh, about 500 miles – more than enough for anywhere I’d want to go in one trip. In fact, the battery…” As David started to explain about the bike, Laura found it harder and harder to concentrate. She felt like she was vibrating more now than when they started. She could feel it all the way up her body, leaving a pleasant tingling sensation in her nipples that made her want to tug them. Her clit screamed for more attention than just the gentle purr, but she controlled herself for now. She could feel herself building to an orgasm at an agonizingly slow pace and didn’t know what was elvankent escort bayan worse – her rampant desire to cum on the back of this electric bike, or the exhilaration she felt that the man inches in front of her had no idea.

“…So really I can go anywhere I want with it” David finished. Laura was too lost in herself to notice, so she was completely surprised when he asked her if she was enjoying it so far.

“Hmm? Oh! It’s gr-great! I just… can we go on the highway to see how it really handles?”

“Sure! I love highway driving with this. It practically drives itself.”

As they made their way to the highway, David seemed content to drive in silence, which was all the better for Laura. The slow buildup of her arousal was driving her crazy. This bike was teasing her like she’d never felt before, driving her insane. She could feel herself getting wetter and had given up on the pipe dream of having dry shorts by the end of this. Now she was just hoping David wouldn’t notice any wet spots.

Finally they reached the on-ramp, and as they accelerated, so too did the vibrations. It went from playful teasing to full on vibrator mode, and she had to direct most of her effort into not giving herself away.

“I’m just going to do a small loop and then we’ll head back. How are you doing so far?” David asked.

“Hmm? I… Good. Really good.” Her words came in quick, breathy starts. “It’s – HMPH!” She bit down on her lip hard. Becoming the focus of the conversation had distracted her, and rather than detracting from what she was feeling, it brought her to the edge. She squeezed her eyes closed as she felt the pressure building until finally, the dam broke.

It was like a flood pushing through her mind, overwhelming every part of her. Her pussy began clenching and unclenching, even as her hips began to spasm in small back and forth motions, desperately trying to stimulate her clit further. As the unrelenting vibrations ceased to let up, her spasming grew more and more violent. Finally, A small squeak escaped her lips as her orgasm pulsed through her.

“Uh, Laura, you sure you’re okay back there?” David asked with some concern.

She was still riding the high of her orgasm, but David had brought her back to reality.

“Yup!” was all the answer she could muster without betraying herself to him, and she figured it would have to be enough.

The next orgasm followed right on top of the first one. It was all she could do not to scream, and she thanked god that she was wearing a helmet. After all, what would other drivers make of a woman spasming on the back of a motorcycle as she lost herself to bliss? No, she had to control herself!

She was becoming hyper-sensitive, but they were leaving the highway now. The return to the low thrum of back-roads driving was almost worse. Rather than continuous orgasms, she was held on the brink as her body craved sexual release. For the next emek escort bayan ten minutes, she was tortured, on the verge of cumming but not quite able to. She could barely think and barely registered it when they turned into their neighborhood. As the bike started pulling up to David’s driveway, she made a concerted effort to quell her shaking before he noticed it wasn’t all just the bike.

When they parked and stopped the engine, Laura almost collapsed to the ground. Throwing one leg over the side, she stayed there for a moment, resting with her hands on her knees. Finally, she controlled herself enough to take the helmet off and hand it back to David.

“Wow”, she stammered. “That’s one hell of a ride.”

“I’m glad you like it!” David replied. “I’m always happy to have a chance to give it a spin. You sure you’re doing okay? It seemed like you were terrified for a bit there. You kept grabbing me, and you seem a little short of breath.”

“I’ve just never ridden a motorcycle before! First time for everything is always a little scary, right?”

“Well, I’m glad you had fun.” Jake said. “I love riding it, so if you ever want to take it out for a spin with me, just let me know!”

“Thanks so much! That was the highlight of my week, so I’d love to help you use it more.” Laura replied. Luckily, her voice didn’t betray her.

“Cool. Well, I’ll see you around.” He said, turning.

“Wait! You didn’t turn it off.” Laura said, confused.

The bike sat there between them, humming expectantly, ready to be driven off.

“Oh, it doesn’t use keys, and it turns off automatically after not being used.” Jake explained

“Oh. Okay, well bye!” Was all Laura managed to stammer out, before awkwardly turning and going her own way. “I hope he doesn’t notice the way my legs wobble”, was all she could think while walking home.

Once home, she went straight to her room, stripped off her shorts and panties, and pulled out her favorite vibrator. That fucking bike had made her insanely horny and she wouldn’t be able to function until she got it out of her system. She didn’t even need to use lube, her pussy was already a veritable waterfall of her cum. She started pounding herself with all 7 inches of the vibrator on its highest setting. In minutes, she was convulsing around it, covering her head with a pillow as she screamed her passion out.

It wasn’t enough! She wanted to feel her whole body tingling with the power of that bike. She started pounding harder, panting in desire. She pulled a second, smaller vibrator out and passed it over her nipples. Each protruded from her perky breasts, a physical display of her desires. That helped some, but she needed more. She started pulling and twisting on her nipples, all without letting up the relentless pounding she was giving herself.

Finally, it was enough. Her body spasmed, just like on the bike. She pushed one vibrator in to the hilt and focused the other on the hood of her clit, letting the conflicting vibrations carry her elation to new heights. Wave upon wave of orgasm came crashing over her as her mind went blank with ecstasy.

Twenty minutes later and she was lying on her bed spent, naked, and wondering what the hell happened.

“I need that bike.” She whispered to herself.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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