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Big Tits

It was Susan’s first full day at college. She decided she may as well check-out the student coffee-shop and common room. She she saw her neighbor Nicole across the room, sitting amongst a group of girls.

Nicole saw her at the same time and beckoned her over. As she arrived at Nicole’s group, Nicole welcomed her, ‘Hi Suzi, meet everyone: this is Jeanette; Sally; Jean; and, sorry I’ve forgot your name’, ‘Melonie’, answered the redhead in question, shyly. ‘Everyone, this is Suzi, my next door neighbour in Cromwell Hall.’, continued Nicole, finishing the introduction. There were a chorus of ‘Hi’es’ and ‘Hellos’ from around the table as Susan joined them. Susan tried hard to keep names with faces, but failed immediately. Susan learnt that they were all on Nicole’s course, and that they had just met. She quickly felt at home with this group, swapping details about home-towns, courses, and grades etc..

It turned out that Melonie was also on the second floor of Cromwell hall, and that she’d moved in Saturday morning. Melonie was very beautiful; no other word could describe her. Her red hair was long and wavy, and was stylishly cut; her face was very pretty, even her freckles were just right for her. Her breasts were a nice size, although not quite as big as Nicole’s; and her legs looked good as well, as far as Susan could tell from where she was sitting. Susan was only slightly surprised to find herself evaluating another girl’s body. All day she’d been noticing how sexy other members of her own sex were; she found herself wondering what they looked like under their clothes. As a consequence she’d felt a low sexual buzz all day.

Nicole leaned over and whispered so only Susan could hear, ‘Melonie’s rather cute isn’t she?.’ Susan could feel a blush start to rise, which she manfully tried to fight down. Had she been so obvious in her appraisal of Melonie? Susan felt mortified that Nicole had read her thoughts so easily. Susan’s embarrassment went unnoticed by the others because just at that moment Sally and Jeanette announced that they had to go as they were going into town for some shopping. They all left then, Susan, Nicole, and Melonie heading back to their rooms in Cromwell hall.

***** +++++ *****

After Melonie had said goodbye, and entered her own room, Nicole invited herself into Susan’s room. ‘Well, what do you think, she’s adorable isn’t she?’, Nicole asked as soon as the door was shut. Susan wasn’t sure if she was ready to admit openly her attraction towards other girls, but she found herself being swept along by Nicole’s comments. ‘Oh, did you see the way her tits strained against her blouse?, you could see the outline of her nipples. Also, did you notice her tongue?, I would love to have that tongue flick my clit, wouldn’t you?’, enthused Nicole.

Susan soon found that her silence, and lack of objections, had implicated her in sharing Nicole’s appreciation of Melonie. Also the topic of conversion was getting both girls excited. Nicole could see from the flush on Susan’s face that she was getting very turned on by her words. Nicole came up behind Susan, and started to massage her shoulders, she felt Susan tense instinctively, and then relax. ‘Can you imagine what she must look like naked?’, whispered Nicole in her ear, her hands slipping down Susan’s front; brushing over her breasts beneath her clothes. Susan felt her nipples spring to attention, and she only managed a grunted ‘Unn … Yes’, as exquisite sensations rippled through her body. ‘Wouldn’t you like to kiss those cherry lips, and squeeze those full breasts?’, probed Nicole, her own hands working magic in Susan as they squeezed her breasts. Susan was rapidly losing all sense of which way was up, her clitoris was throbbing as though it would never stop; juices were flowing out into her panties which were getting sopping wet; her nipples were erect and tingling from being squashed, and from chaffing on her bra as Nicole played with her.

With a groan, Susan twisted in Nicole’s arms and placed a hot steamy kiss on Nicole’s mouth. Susan held Nicole’s head between her hands as her lips moved on Nicole’s; their tongues met with a electric shock of sexual excitement, and Nicole’s plundered Susan’s mouth. Her hands meanwhile were not idle; she clutched and kneaded Susan’s bottom through her skirt. Susan was so carried away by how hot Nicole was making her, that she had little time to reflect that this was the first time she’d kissed another girl on the mouth, and how good it felt. When they stopped, they were both flushed with excitement, and out of breath. ‘Quickly, lets undress’, panted Susan urgently, driven into blatantly taking the lead by a strength of passion that was new to her.

Nicole stepped back, and stood still, as Susan hurriedly undid her cardigan. She couldn’t prevent a moan from escaping as Susan’s hands brushed her nipples in passing. She found herself panting slightly as Susan fumbled to undo the buttons of her blouse. Susan felt really emboldened casino siteleri by her friend’s sudden passiveness; nevertheless she could feel her knees trembling, and her hands shook as they removed Nicole’s blouse, and reached behind her for her bra clasp. This brought them closer together, into another steamy kiss. When Susan pulled back from the kiss, Nicole’s bra came away, leaving her large breasts quivering freely. Susan was struck again by her friend’s beauty.

Nicole used the pause in Susan’s undressing to start to undress Susan. ‘Here Suzi, let me free you from that’, she said, pulling her blouse out from the waistband of her skirt. Susan moaned as Nicole’s heated hands brushed her naked stomach. Nicole’s fingers deftly unbuttoned the blouse, pausing only to make arousing forays over Susan’s nipples. Susan moaned with each caress; ‘Oh, Ohh, Ohhh’, her nipples hardening and thrusting out as though to prolong each caress. Nicole slipped the blouse off Susan’s shoulders; it slid down her arms, pinning them to her sides. Rather than freeing Susan, Nicole lent forward and closed her mouth over the nipple on Susan’s left breast. Susan could feel a delicious weakness spread throughout her body; and she shivered with excitement as Nicole’s tongue lathed her nipple through the bra. It was wet now and the material had become transparent with Nicole’s saliva. As Nicole turned her attention to Susan’s right nipple, Susan couldn’t repress a moan that was louder than she knew was wise, given it was lunch time, and there were other girls in the neighbouring rooms.

Nicole could tell that Susan’s legs wouldn’t be able to hold her for much longer, burning up with passion as she was, so she lowered Susan to the chair behind her. A little nip with her teeth, brought a new moan from Susan. Nicole impatiently pulled the cups of Susan’s bra aside, so that her breasts bounced free; their strawberry tips hard and glistening from her licking. Susan was so far gone that she didn’t even notice the momentary discomfort that such a manoeuvre brought. While Nicole resumed her licking she worked her hands up Susan’s legs; caressing slowly, rucking Susan’s skirt up in the process. Susan could feel her skin quivering under Nicole’s firm hands, and she couldn’t help parting her thighs to encourage Nicole to caress the inside of her thighs. She also couldn’t help lifting her bottom off the chair as Nicole’s hands slid under her bottom to clutch her panties. Nicole smiled at Susan’s eager compliance. Then she yanked Susan’s panties down with a speed and a force which emphasised the passion of the moment. Nicole’s mastery only intensified Susan’s lust.

Nicole stood there in Susan’s room, naked from the waist up, looking down at her friend. Susan was lying back in her college room chair; her breasts protruding from her bra; her arms pinned to her sides by her half discarded blouse; her skirt rucked up around her middle; her legs splayed lewdly, exposing her glistening pussy with its beautiful covering of blond pubic hair. She was panting; her breasts were heaving; her head was thrown back; and her eyes were closed. Susan was obviously “in heat”.

Nicole speedily popped open the buttons on her own jeans, and removed them with her panties in one motion. She then knelt between Susan’s legs, and placed a steamy kiss on her inner thigh. Susan moaned, ‘Unnnn.’ Nicole slowly moved her kisses up her friend’s thigh, nibbling and licking as she went. ‘Is it good Suzi?, do you like it?’, she paused to ask, teasingly, enjoying Susan’s struggle to keep her urgent ‘Yesss!!!’, to an appropriate volume. Susan’s groan was definitely too loud when Nicole’s mouth avoided her crotch and continued to kiss her down the other leg. Susan tried to reach Nicole’s head to guide her back where she wanted her, but her blouse kept her from just quite reaching, bringing a heart felt ‘Owwwh!’; a gasp of real frustration, noted Nicole. She continued to play Susan like an instrument as she let her tongue slowly snake back up her leg. She could taste Susan’s juices as she neared her crotch a second time; Susan was overflowing in her arousal. Nicole allowed her tongue just a few brief licks of Susan’s puffy labia, before moving past. Susan’s head was rolling from side to side, she was looking very flushed as she tried to buck her hips up towards Nicole tongue. Nicole returned to Susan’s pussy, after only a brief excursion down her leg. Her tongue pushing its way into Susan’s vagina with a stiff urgency. Susan arched uncontrollably, and then managed to arch again as Nicole’s hand reached up an pinched a nipple an instant later. The pain was really pleasure; the tingling feeling afterwards was incredible.

Nicole licked at Susan’s clitoris; her friend was whimpering continually, ‘Awh, Ah, Ahh, Unn, Yes!!, Yes!!, Yesss!!!, Oh, Ohh, OHH!!.’ Susan was bucking and rolling in her chair; all that existed were the sensations that Nicole were eliciting within her. Nicole could tell her friend’s canlı casino orgasm was approaching from the little twitches of her leg muscles. She decided not to torment Susan this time, so she continued licking with a steady rhythm, and then sucked hard just before the end. Susan exploded, ‘AhhhhhhHHHHHHHH!!!!!, oh! Oh!! OH!! OHHHHHH!!!, Wow!, oh wow!!, Ohhhnn!.’ Nicole kept on sucking and strumming with her tongue as Susan climaxed, and before Susan was aware of it, a new wave of pleasure wracked her body, ‘AAAAHHHHEEEEOOWWW’, she almost screamed. Susan’s body sagged back into the chair, she was spent. Well and truly!

***** +++++ *****

Susan was brought back to reality by a gentle knocking on her door. She looked quickly at Nicole, who was stark naked, while she was in a state of dishabille. Whatever could she do? A sudden surge of adrenalin brought her to her feet, ‘Quick!’, she whispered to Nicole, ‘Hide out of sight!.’

‘Coming’ she added in a louder voice for the visitor at her door. ‘You sure were!’, whispered Nicole mischievously as she moved to where Susan had motioned her. Susan slipped out of her creased blouse and half off bra, she pulled her skirt down, and slipped on a T-shirt, and then opened the door. Susan was embarrassed to see the quizzical face of Melonie.

‘Hi’, Susan said, trying to sound normal. ‘Hi’, repeated Melonie nervously, ‘I was just wondering if you were, unn, alright?.’ Susan tried desperately to think of a story that could explain the noises that Melonie must have heard; her mind was a blank! ‘Oh yea, I’m fine, I was just … , I was just, umm, watching a video! When Harry met Sally!!, Have you seen it?’ Susan knew she was starting to babble, but couldn’t stop herself. ‘Oh, yes, last year’, Melonie replied, her expression revealing enlightenment. ‘So you’ve got your own video recorder then?’, she continued. ‘Yes, it was an eighteenth birthday present, just before I came here’, elaborated Susan, hardly believing that her story was being accepted. ‘You must come around some time and we’ll catch a good video together’, offered Susan. ‘Sure, well, maybe. I’m not sure yet what the work will be like on my course’, explained Melonie, rather pleased that Susan was making such overtures of friendship towards her. Just then Melonie caught a glimpse past Susan into her room, she coloured slightly, and excused herself as quickly as possible.

Susan couldn’t understand Melonie’s behaviour until she turned back into the room, and saw two lots of clothes tangled on the floor in view of the door. Two pairs of panties, two bras, one pair of jeans, and one blouse that was obviously Nicole’s, a very distinctive print. She also caught a glimpse of herself: her skirt creased, her hair looking tousled, and her face still had the flushed look of sexual arousal. Susan groaned when she realised what Melonie must have thought.

Nicole was finding the whole situation highly amusing. ‘When Harry met Sally!, That was brilliant Suzi, you’re a genius! Hey, Cheer up, what’s wrong?’, she queried when she saw Susan’s face. ‘I think she guessed!’, Susan stated, with gloom. ‘So what?’, demanded Nicole with bright unconcern. ‘I bet it only makes her horny to think of me licking you out.’ Susan coloured at the thought that anyone else would know that she enjoyed lesbian activities, but admitted that the idea that Melonie might even now be getting aroused at the idea of Nicole and her together was an exciting one. ‘I know’, continued Nicole excitedly, ‘let’s give her just long enough to start masturbating, and then lets go and knock on her door.’

‘Susan liked the idea. It was beginning to make her hot again thinking of sweet little Melonie masturbating. Nicole borrowed one of Susan’s dressing gowns, and popped back to her own room to ‘change.’ Susan met her outside her door seconds later; Nicole was now dressed in her own short, sexy, dressing gown. Together they went down the corridor and stood outside of Melonie’s room. Checking that no-one else was around, Nicole placed her ear to Melonie’s door. Susan did the same, and together they heard the faintest of moans that could have been Melonie in the throes of sexual excitement. Nicole motioned Susan away from the door, and then knocked loudly.

They heard some scrambling, and then a very red faced Melonie came to the door. She was bare foot, the buttons on her blouse were not buttoned straight, the darkness and prominence of her nipples indicated that she was no longer wearing a bra, and that they were aroused, and she was breathing quite hard. Susan could feel her clitoris throb at the sight. Nicole smiled, and said, as she stepped forward, ‘Hi Melonie, mind if we come in?.’ Melonie mumbled something about ‘Of course not’, as she retreated before them.

Susan’s eye took in how Melonie had tried to make the standard college room her own; but she particularly noticed the creased bedding where Melonie had obviously just been lying, and the bedside cabinet kaçak casino draw that wouldn’t close because of something pushed in clumsily. Melonie followed her gaze, and blushed furiously when she saw where she was looking. ‘What’s this?’, asked Nicole, going over to the draw and lifting up the offending object. Susan’s eyes widened when she saw what it was, and Melonie cast her eyes down to the floor in shame. For there in Nicole’s hand was an eight inch vibrator, and not only that, but it was still glistening with Melonie’s love juices.

‘My, oh my, we have been a naughty girl haven’t we?’, asked Nicole, looking at Melonie who was obviously wishing the ground would swallow her up. Susan came up beside Melonie, and touched her arm, ‘It’s alright you know; I can understand how you got turned on by the idea of Nicole and me.’ Susan ran her hands up and down Melonie’s arm, as she continued, ‘We all masturbate. I do so almost every day, and I know Nicole does as well. I’ve never used a vibrator though, what does it feel like?.’ Susan’s words were starting to ease Melonie’s anguish, although she was still mortified to have been caught red handed. Susan’s words continued soothingly, as her fingers stayed so that they were brushing the outside of Melonie’s left breast. Nicole joined in caressing her other arm. Melonie was obviously getting turned on by the situation; her breath was coming in shallower gasps; clearly they’d interrupted her while she was at a high stage of sexual excitement. Nicole ran the fingers of one hand through Melonie’s beautiful hair; while the other slipped down and took one of Melonie’s hands in her own. This hand she lifted up, and guided into her dressing gown and onto one breast. Nicole and Melonie gasped at the same time. Nicole’s gown drifted open, revealing her beautiful charms to Susan and Melonie. Susan by now was boldly caressing Melonie’s breasts through her blouse. The nipples were even more prominent, and Susan could feel her own pussy getting wet. Melonie had started to pant and groan quietly, ‘Ohh, Ohhhnnn.’

‘Come on Suzi, let’s get her on the bed’, urged Nicole, slipping out of her gown. Between them they guided a now compliant Melonie over to her bed. Susan kissed Melonie hard on the mouth; it was a kiss burning with lust and passion, and Melonie returned it with vigour. A naked Nicole stood back. She picked up the vibrator, held it to her nose and sniffed Melonie’s fragrance. Melonie blushed prettily at this lewd display. Nicole went on to place the vibrator in her mouth, and suck it clean of Melonie’s juices. Melonie was transfixed by this, and was unable to prevent parting her lovely white thighs in response, which caused her short skirt to ride up. She had no panties on, and was obviously wet. Susan meanwhile was unbuttoning Melonie’s badly buttoned blouse, freeing her big breasts, and taking her nipples into her mouth and tonguing them. Melonie closed her eyes, in danger of being overwhelmed with all the sensations coursing through her.

She didn’t open them again until she heard the soft familiar purring sound of her vibrator being turned on, just before Nicole applied it to her inner thighs. The quivering sensation quickly caused her to open her legs wider, exposing herself to a new friends. ‘Ohhhhhhhhh’, she couldn’t avoid moaning. Susan meanwhile had speedily unbuttoned her skirt, and had tugged off her T-shirt, joining Nicole in being naked. Only Melonie was wearing anything, and that was only her skirt, bunched at her waist. As Nicole continued to run the vibrator up and down Melonie’s legs, bringing it closer and closer to her aching clitoris, Melonie whimpered unashamedly.

Susan decided to leave Melonie, and go and sit on the floor between Nicole’s legs. She was pleased to note Nicole’s shudder as she ran her hands up her legs and clutched her bottom. Susan pulled on Nicole’s bottom, and brought her sopping pussy into contact with her face. Susan flicked out a tongue and caught Nicole right on her clitoris. ‘Owhhhh’, groaned Nicole, her legs almost giving away. The sensations that Susan was giving her caused her to allow the vibrator to pulsate over Melonie’s pussy before she’d driven her insane with her teasing, as she had intended to do. The vibrator was causing Melonie to buck in a most un-shy way. There was a growing chorus of pants and groans from all three of them.

Nicole was struggling to retain her control, so that she could drive Melonie wild. Yet Suzi’s tongue was unbelievable; ‘Ohh, Ohhh, Owwwh!!’, she gasped. Jerkingly she moved the large white vibrator backwards and forwards over Melonie’s pussy; pulsing over her clitoris one second, edging between her passion swallow labia the next. Melonie had shed any remaining embarrassment or shyness, all that mattered was her growing pleasure; all that mattered was to find release from this happy torture! Susan was enjoying herself too: she loved the power she felt over Nicole; she loved the whimpers that she was eliciting from her. She inhaled Nicole’s aroused aroma deeply, she licked and licked, probing her tongue into Nicole’s vagina one second, strumming light then hard against Nicole’s clitoris the next. She loved her face being smeared with Nicole’s love juices.

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