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This is a story of 2 couples who experience swapping for the first time. Warning, there is significant build up. If you want action in the first scene you’ll be disappointed. If you like to get to know the characters a bit first, you may enjoy yourself.

This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance the characters may have to real people is a coincidence. All the characters in the story are consenting adults.

The author requests your support by asking that you rate the story and leave feedback and comments.

Lunch Time Stories

I remember sitting pool side and feeling the tropical sun on my skin, I could hear Bob Marley in a distant speaker reassuring me, “that every little thing is going to be all right.” I also heard waves lapping at the nearby shore, and couples laughing.

I was replaying the conversation again. She had asked if I ever thought about it. I had thought to myself, “Fuck yes, I think about it. I think about it almost every day!”… instead, I had cautiously said, “Sure, once in a while.”

We had been snuggling in bed; she was the small spoon, and I could not see her face. She had asked, “Do you ever think about doing it again?”

There it was, the loaded question. Did I? Did she? It was nuts. It was playing with fire.

I had answered, “I don’t know, maybe…. but I am not sure if we should… you?”

I got: “the same I guess… Either way, I think I should call Melissa.”

2 weeks later, I sat pool side and wondered for at least the 20th time, why she had brought Melissa up. Why now? I wondered if we should just let sleeping dogs lie.

Margo’s voice had interrupted my reverie. “Earth to Max.”

When I opened my eyes, there was my lovely wife grinning at me. She looked so cute, with her freckles and dimples. She had her hair pulled into a ponytail under a ball cap; at 38, she could pass for 25. My eyes fell to her bare breasts. They were glowing naked in the noonday sun, smallish but perfectly shaped. She was so at ease sitting naked among all these strange men and women.

She smiled, “where d’you go big guy?”

I returned her smile and lied, “I was just thinking how lucky I am; sitting in paradise, having lunch with two smoking hot naked women. Life is good.”

Margo smacked my arm, “hey I call foul, this is a nude beach not a strip club. Your’re supposed to be communing with nature, not perving on us women. It’s supposed to be all natural and wholesome and shit like that.”

“So shoot me, I am a red-blooded American male. The body is strong, but the will is weak.”

Darren came to my defense. “I’m with you. As a red-blooded Canadian male, the sights around here can be pretty distracting.”

Darren was distracted all right. I had caught him scoping out Margo more than once. In fact, behind his shades, I was pretty sure his eyes were glued to my wife’s boobs even as he spoke.

Margo teased, “well, you would never catch Katie and me checking out naked men. Right, sweetie?”

I looked at Katie as I waited for her to chime in. I have to admit, my eyes found her breasts before traveling north to her face. Even after two days, I was still entranced by her breasts. They were larger than Margo’s, but not by much. What I found fascinating was the fact that her puffy nipples were almost always swollen. I was never sure if she was cold, or in a constant state of arousal. Maybe that was just their natural state.

When my eyes drifted up to Katie’s face, I saw that she was giving me a devilish grin. I was busted again. She looked at Margo and said, “I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it may incriminate me.”

Margo and I had met Darren and Katie a few nights earlier at dinner. We noticed them on the beach the next day. They had kept to themselves at first, but we broke the ice at the swim-up bar. Ice-breaking can be awkward at a nude beach bar, but we managed. In the ensuing days, we became good friends, and they eventually set up “camp with us under a palm tree. It’s funny how being on vacation seems to expedite making friends, spending time on the nude beach especially tends to break down barriers pretty quickly.

Margo and I enjoyed their company immensely, even though we had little in common. They were from Vancouver while we came from Kansas City. Darren was a veterinarian and reminded me of a big teddy bear. He was just a little short and maybe 15 pounds overweight. He was soft in the middle but had a burly chest and a lot of body hair, including a full and well-manicured beard. I, on the other hand, would describe myself as tall {6’2″} and more athletically built. Darren is quick-witted and outgoing, whereas I am fairly subdued in social situations. But we got along and discovered that we shared a passion for golf and jazz. Although we never admitted it, we also shared a keen interest in leering at each other’s wives. We both knew it, but we had reached an unspoken gentleman’s agreement. I love nude beach resorts, everybody looks, but no one admits it. At least I thought no one admitted it.

Margo and Katie were also a study in contrast. Margo is the epitome of the girl next door. She is only 5 foot four and not far north of 100 pounds. Her reddish blonde hair, fair skin dikmen escort and freckles, complimented a redhead’s fun and sassy personality. Katie was a pharmacist. She had long, light brown hair and expressive brown eyes. Like Darren, Margo is outgoing and a natural flirt. Like me, Katie was more subdued until she knew you. She was somehow sweet and friendly yet aloof at the same time. I always had the impression she was thinking much more than she was saying.

Margo has a great body, but her lively personality exudes cute more than sexy. At her best, she has an aura that seems to invite mischief. Lean, tall and athletic-looking; Katie looked built for sex. She had an almost feline quality to her body and movement. The sight of her stretched out on a beach chair simply could not be ignored. When she reclined, her hip bones stuck out and her pubic mound rose like a bare little mountain that drew attention to her sumptuous puffy lower lips. Her pelvis seemed to create a saddle that begged to be mounted. I had spent those beach days compulsively stealing glances between her legs.

I know that sounds creepy, but Katie had a tattoo of a red rose that started on her inside thigh and bent around her groin. It bloomed on that puffy mound just above her pussy. The eye was just drawn to it. I had even caught Margo checking it out a few times.

I didn’t know Katie very well yet, but what I knew of her made the tattoo surprising. She seemed quiet and self-possessed; I couldn’t imagine her lying exposed in an artist’s chair while a stranger inked her most private self. She was hard to read. Subdued, but a little wild. Truthfully, I was kind of crushing on her. At the time it seemed harmless.

While we had become very comfortable with Darren and Katie, the flirting had remained pretty tame. Let’s face it when you are talking to a naked woman, and her husband is sitting right next to you, prudence suggests you pick your words carefully.

That’s why the path that the conversation took was a bit surprising. It was as if the girls had conspired to ratchet up the sexy that afternoon. I didn’t give it much thought then, but I wonder if they had not come to some agreement when the guys were out of earshot. In relationships, women have a way of actively deciding what they want, while we men kind of just blunder along. In any event, things got interesting that afternoon.

Referring to Katie’s previous denial, Darren chuckled, “Katie, you two are just as bad as either Max or me. I have caught you both gawking at some man parts on the beach. We all check each other out, it is only natural. It is hard to ignore naked flesh. Let’s just agree that we are all voyeurs from time to time.”

At that point Margo decided to fuck with him, “So Darren, you admit to your a being a bit of a voyeur. Have you checked me out?”

He grinned sheepishly,

Katie twisted the noose tighter. “Yes, do tell Darren. Have you been checking out Margo?”

Margo pretended confusion. “We are on a nude beach, everything is right there to see… Unless… you haven’t been trying to peek at my vajayjay have you?

Darren shrugged, “A man has to do what a man has to do.”
In mock indignation, Margo protested. “If I knew you were checking me out, I would’ve been more careful about keeping my legs crossed.”

He chuckled and boldly answered, “I think you knew, it’s not like I was all that subtle… it’s too late to worry about it anyway, I’ve got every detail of you locked in my memory.”

Katie admonished him. “Darren, behave!’

Daren looked at me to see if he had gone too far. I laughed, “It’s a nude beach, you see what you see.”

Margo upped the ante, “So I made an impression on you, huh? Maybe I should send a picture home with you to remember me by.” As she said this, she partially turned toward Darren and leaned back in her chair. Although the table blocked my view of her lower body, from her posture and Darren’s his expression, I was pretty sure she had not crossed her legs, and she was giving him an eye full.

It surprised me. Margo could be brash, even a little flirty, but this was over-the-top even for her. My cute little wife was brazenly exposing herself at another man. Even Darren was taken back.

Katie and Margo exchanged a meaningful glance and broke out laughing. Apparently, they had exchanged notes about me and Darren’s not too subtle voyeuristic tendencies. If they were teaching us a lesson, it was an interesting one.

A broad grin broke out on Darren’s face. “Now, there’s a picture I would look at and worship often.”

He then looked at me, “that is if it’s all right with Max.”

The idea of Darren drooling over a naked picture of Margo suddenly had struck me as sort of hot; plus turn about was fair play. I replied, “fine by me, but how about the girls both pose together, and we each get a picture to, how d’you put it, worship.”
I remember getting high fived by Darren like we were two school kids. He said, “Done, we both get naked pictures!”

Katie groaned, “Slow down horn dogs. This is getting a little too kinky.”

I remember feeling suddenly flush. “I am sorry Katie; I did not mean to make you uncomfortable.”

Darren emek escort bent over and kissed Katie on the cheek. “Don’t let her fool you, posing for a nudie picture would not be close to the kinkiest thing she’s ever done.”

I liked where the conversation was going. “Hmmm. I want to hear this…. Maybe you can tell us what it was like getting that tattoo.”

Katie playfully smacked my arm, “I see where you’ve been looking. You are as bad as Darren.”

I am not sure if she was mimicking Margo’s bawdiness, or if teaching Darren a lesson, but to my astonishment she nonchalantly turned in her chair, uncrossed her legs, and used her fingers to stretch the skin where the tattoo sat. She coyly asked, “so, do you like my little rose?”

It surprised me that Margo flashed Darren, but it was at least in keeping with her character. But I had Katie pegged as a bit shy. Maybe she was trying to keep up with Margo, or maybe I just had misjudged her. Either way, I was gob smacked at her blatant invitation to stare at her pussy.

I helplessly peered for a few seconds and finally blurted out, “I like the whole garden.”

Fuck, I still can’t believe I said that. I might just as well have said, “gee, I like your snatch.”

Katie crossed her legs and laughed. “Thanks… funny, you should say that. I call it my secret garden. You should feel privileged. Besides Darren, you are the first man I ever showed it to.”

I so wanted to ask her if I could stop and smell the roses but thought better of it.

Margo saved me. “So is getting the tattoo your wild story.”

“Sorry to disappoint, but the tattoo artist was a woman, and it was all very clinical and professional.”

Darren shook his head. “She can do better than that. Tell them about Mike.”

As the saying goes, if looks could kill Darren would be toast. “no freaking way.”

As only married couples can, they had a rapid conversation with only eyes and posture. There was a tension that sprung up like a summer storm.

To change the mood, I quipped, “if this was truth or dare, you would have to take off some clothing for not sharing.”

I thought it cute as we were all on a nude beach. She seemed to welcome the change of topic.

She laughed, “okay, I guess I will have to show you my boobs.”

With that, she stood up, turned, and leaned forward so that her tits were a few inches from my face and shook them. “I like this game!” I said.

No doubt about it, Katie was flirting, plus it was an effective distraction from Darren’s challenge.

Darren would not let her off the hook that easily. “If you don’t tell the story, I will.”

Katie looked at him defiantly and extended her middle finger. “If you do, I will tell them about Donna.”

Margo came to Katie’s aid. She said, “oh, so Darren has secrets too. Let’s hear it big boy.”

The shoe was on the other foot and Darren looked pensively at Margo. “I would, but the truth is the story kind of makes me sound like a dick, and I’m a little embarrassed.”

Margo’s eyes fixed on Darren. “Now, I have to hear it.”

I pointed out, “Hey, we’ve all been an asshole at least once, and when it comes to sex, we all end up doing some embarrassing stuff at one point or another. The world is full of two kinds of people, those who do outrageous sex stuff, and those who wish they had when they had the chance.”

Margo urged him on, “come on, Darren, give it up. They’ll never be a better time to tell a sex story; you’re among friends, and you probably will never see us again, anyway. Plus, we are all naked, we have litteraly nothing to hide.”

Margo took Darren’s hand in the added with an impish grin, “if you show me yours, I’ll show you mine.”

Darren returned the grin, “ah, you showed me yours a few seconds ago.”

Margo shot back, “Then I guess you owe me. We will all do a naughty confession if you do.”

Darren looked at each of us, “no judgment?”

In unison, we all said, “no judgment.”

Darren shrugged, “when I was in my early 20s, I was a groomsman in one of my buddies wedding. His name was Barry, and he and his fiancée Donna had been dating since secondary school. Anyway, when we were still in school, Donna and I ended up making out at a party. We got interrupted when we heard Barry looking for us. It was no big deal; we were just kids fooling around. So fast forward 3 years, we are all at the church just before their wedding. My girlfriend was one of the bridesmaids, and she came up to me and said that Donna needed me to do her a favor.”

Katie interrupted, “to be clear, I was not the girlfriend in this little adventure.”

Darren nodded, “right, my girlfriend not named Katie, told me that Donna needed me to do her a favor. I asked what it was, and she said she did not know. So, I headed to the back of the church to the prep room. I knocked on the door and heard Donna tell me to come in. I pretty much expected the bridesmaids to be with her, but she was all alone standing there in a white bathrobe. I remember her wedding gown was lying on the chair next to her.”

Darren shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

He continued, “I asked her what she needed. And she stood there for eryaman escort a few seconds, shifting her weight uneasily from 1 foot to the other. She finally asked me if I remembered that night at the party. Nervously, I told her yes, and it was fun. I remember that she looked almost petrified, and I kind of assumed it was because she was about to get married. What came next was a complete shock. She said we had some unfinished business; and that she loved Barry, but always had a bit of a crush on me. She told me she would be married in a little bit and that since Barry was the only man she’d been with this was her last chance for something new.”

Margo interrupted him, “are you fucking kidding me?”

Darren shrugged, “Nope. She dropped her robe and was standing there in just white lace panties. She told me she really wished that we had not been interrupted that night, and that she wanted to get it out of her system before she got married. And so, I ended up fucking my buddy’s bride-to-be in the back of the church, 30 minutes before the wedding.”

Margo snickered, “You dog!”

Katie finished her husband’s story. “And get this, Barry still doesn’t know, and we still see them socially every now and again.”

Darren added, “yeah, it was not my best moment. I still feel a little guilty, but I have to admit I enjoy the memory.”

I asked, “This really happened? It is not some sort of sex fantasy?”

Katie laughed, “Oh ya, it happened. The 3 of us talked about it once.” She added, “I keep a close eye on Donna when they visit.”

Darren, then looked at Katie, “okay, I’ve bared my soul, now it’s your turn baby.”

Katie made a motion with her hands that signaled capitulation. She said, “what the fuck.”

She leaned back in her chair and cocked 1 foot on the edge of my chair. There was that rose again. She began telling her story.

“My first year at grad school, me and my boyfriend went to a keg party at a nearby lake. When we got back to his apartment, we were both a little drunk and pretty horny. His roommate, Michael, was there. Michael and I barely knew each other and had hardly ever spoken. The fact of the matter was he did not make a good impression, and I didn’t like him much. He was just sort of a jerk, and he sure wasn’t much to look at. So anyway, there’s Michael parked in a chair watching some movie that was pretty much soft-core porn. Boyfriend and I plopped down on the couch with a blanket over us and started watching. We were already kind of horny, and the movie sort of added to it. Soon my guy is stroking my leg under the blanket, and before long, his hand was in my pants. We started kissing, and he really started getting me worked up. It felt so naughty fooling around with his roommate sitting right next to us.”

At this, Katie hid her face in her hands and said, “I can’t believe I’m telling you this.”

In exasperation, I said, “don’t stop now; this is getting good.”

She glanced at my turgid member and smiled suggestively, “I can see that.”

The fact that the usually reserved Katie was telling a racy story was hot; that we were both naked was really getting to me.

Katie continued, “while we were making out, I looked over at Michael, expecting him to be at least acting like he was ignoring us. He wasn’t; rather, he was blatantly watching us. I normally would have been embarrassed but for some reason it made me even hotter. When my boyfriend started pulling my blouse up, I should have stopped him and suggested we go to the bedroom. But for reasons I didn’t understand then or now, I wanted Michael to see me naked, so I just went with it. Five minutes later, I am completely naked, the cover is gone, and my boyfriend’s face is between my legs. I looked over at Michael, he had his cock out and was rubbing it. It was so fucking hot, a guy I barely knew was watching me and masturbating. Fuck, he was masturbating over me like I was some chick in a porno. I just lay there naked watching him jack off over me until he stood up and came over. He took my hand and put it on his cock. I started stroking, and then he started pushing my head toward his dick. I knew he wanted me to blow him. And I wanted to, but it felt a little creepy and scared me a little so I put a stop to what was going on. I tapped my boyfriend on the head, and I led him into the bedroom.”

Margo sighed, “Katie, that is sexy but a little bit anti-climactic.”

Darren chuckled, “oh, she’s not done yet.”

Katie added, “this is the embarrassing part. So we get into the bedroom, and I am hornier than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I mean, I had never done anything like that before. The thing is, my boyfriend is so hot and bothered that he immediately jumps on me and goes at it like a wild man for maybe 10 minutes. I had never wanted sex so much in my life, and I was really close to cumming when he goes off. Unfortunately, after he came, the dumb ass just rolled over, and was sound asleep three minutes later. So now I am lying in bed next to a passed out drunk trying to finish myself off. While I was… you know, touching myself, I was thinking about Michael staring at me naked and stroking himself. The next thing I know, I’m walking back into the living room stark naked. Without saying a word, I walked over to Michael and pulled off his shorts. I grabbed his dick and put him in my mouth. When he got hard, I climbed on his lap, and we did each other for the next hour and a half. In that whole time, I don’t believe we ever said a word to each other.”

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