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Lewis & The Field of CornIt was another Glorious day, the sun was high we were on summer holidays,Me John L & Lewis had packed a picnic lunch, which consisted of crisps mini Swiss rolls,jam tarts and little bottles of pop,Mom always packed loads so I could share stuff out,John called at mine and we set off out we headed over to the farm gate over the road, we sat on the gate and waited for Lewis,we didn’t wait long & there was Lewis, he smiled at me and raised his eyebrows, he climbed over the gate and said right come on you two we jumped down we walked across to the far side of the field, thenunder a barbwire fence there was a track that ran down to a small tunnel that went under the Train track, we all walked under the tunnel on the far side there was a stream we tracked on and jumped over the stream and walkedup a path that was mostly overgrown we had to be careful we all had shorts on and short sleeves there were tons on nettleseventually we got to a sty which lead onto the railway we didn’t walk far and over another sty and down a bank to an odd lookingcopse of trees which was like an Island the stream ran around it completely, in an eye shape Lewis said I like it here I often come here by myself, its so private here, we got to the far side and Lewis suggested that we stopped for a whilewe sat on a huge fallen tree, Lewis took his top off saying I’m so hot, lets stay here a while and sunbathe no one ever comes here, so we can strip right down we wont be disturbed we all took our tops off, I opened my bag Mom had put a check blanket in for us to have our picnic on we spread it out on the grass and John & Lewisspread out on it I put the bag on the log and knelt down on the blanket, hutch up guys let me on, John & Lewis said there’sloads of room there wasn’t so I said OK should I lay across you guys, so I got myself in the middle and spread out touching both John & Lewis inappropriately neither of them flinched they just giggled, then shuffled over we all lay there in the sunwe hadn’t been there long Lewis stood up and removed his shoes and socks and then dropped his shorts John looked and saidyour not going all the way are you mate? no he said if you two weren’t here I would but no, are you two going to strip off toono one will see us, we can bathe here and if you want we can get in the stream over there there’s an area where the water is easy to get to, we all stripped and lay down, we lay there ages john appeared to be asleep as Lewis tapped me and gesturedthat John was asleep, he kissed me, john stirred and my heart felt like it would burst out of my chest in case he had seen,John lent up and said what you two talking about,nothing I said,John said its half two are we gong to eat some of that picnicYes lets I said we all sat on our knees and I distributed the food,we all ate soon after I said my hands are all stickyI need to wash my hands off in the stream, Lewis said Over here David look I’ll show you we walked over and he said just down this this bank we clambered down he got to the bottom first and offered me his hand, I took his hand and jumped to the bottom he moved in to kiss me again just as he did John appeared from nowhere,hey what you doing Lewis looked at him then me Dave wanted to wash up we could all have some fun here, its deep enough,he took his underwear down he was naked and threw his undies onto the bank, and jumped into the water it was deep it was up to his waist, are you coming in? John climbed down and went into the water with his undies on Lewis said your underwearJohn it will be soaked, it’s OK they will dry, I did the same, we all splashed around it was great fun and so refreshingthe cold water felt good because it was so hot, it was great fun atakum escort splashing each other suddenly Lewis lunged toward John and grabbed hold of his undies and down the came, John was not impressed, he proper got annoyed, Lewis said he was sorry,and John pulled up his undies and said I’m going back to sunbathe and dry off, we said OK we’ll come too, we followed onas me and Lewis got to the far side of the pool to get up the bank Lewis held my arm and pulled me toward him & Kissed me,on the mouth, nothing heavy just a peck, I smiled,we headed back to where John was, he had taken off his undies and put on his shorts,John had lay in the middle of the throw so we lay down either side of him it didn’t take long for us to dry off,I was the first to get my undies back on and lay back down,shortly after Lewis did the same and as he did he said John mateyour undies are dry mate, Lewis lay down John got up and took off his shorts and put on his undies and came to lay back down,about 15 mins had passed I sat up and looked at the other two boys, Both Lewis & John had fallen asleep,As I looked them up and down I noticed Johns shorts pulsing he had a hard cock, I was fascinated, it was proper twitchingand it looked massive bearing in mind we were similar ages and Lewis was a little older,Lewis had a Good size cock but thisto me just seemed massive, Lewis awoke and looked over at me, he sat up and looked at Johns cock too, Mmmmmmm he said and he reached out and touched it it throbbed and twitched, Lewis looked at me again and nodded his head at me whilstlooking at Johns Cock, at that moment John stirred he sat up and adjusted himself and said I was having a hot dream itsgiven me a boner, and just got dressed, and said I’m sorry lads i think I’m going to head off home I’m all hot and botheredLewis said we were going to go over the corn field, are you not coming now, No came the reply,I’m going back, Perhaps I willsee you later yeah, OK we said and off he went, me and Lewis also got dressed but tucked our tee-shirts inside our shortsand headed off, not long after we arrived at the corn field, the corn was as tall as us, so once we entered the field we couldn’t be seen, Lewis said we are completely private over here, there aren’t any planned workers in these fields till next next week, My dad has asked me to check things are all OK, suddenly he started stripping off within minuteshe was bollock naked, Come on he said aren’t you stripping off too, well I guess I said, c’mon its lovely, the breeze is great, I stripped too,c’mon he said I will race you to the other side of the field, I started to gather my clothes,Lewis said leave them there they’re fine, and said we wont be disturbed so they’ll be fine honest so we ran through the fieldand he was right it was great to be naked apart from our pumps, as the ground was very hard,we ran over to the far side of the field, he then emerged out the field and climbed onto the gate, I said they can see from the road, Yeah I know it adds to the excitement he said, and waved his cock at me which by now was rock hard, watch he said, he climbed over the gate and ran to the far side of the road waved his cock around then ran back and said quick as he darted over the gate and ducked down as a car drove past, he laughed and said that was close, Your Turn, No I don’t think so, Chicken he saidyes I am go on it will be fun, I’m going to do it again this time im taking my shoes and socks off too, he did and then climbed the gate and ran to the other side of the road, spinning his cock like a helicopter,are you coming c’mon over I climbed the gate my heart was pounding through my chest, my cock was rock hard now as i ran,I got to the other side of the escort atakum road just as i did he said shit, we saw the flash of a car we both legged it over the road and over the gate, we just made it as the car drove past, we both laughed, as we lay in the grass he then proceeded to layon top of me, and kiss me full on french style I could feel his tongue in my mouth, he pulled away and I said I don’t knowabout that, he said that’s a french kiss all grown ups kiss like that, he explained it to me and told me to try, so I did that’s it he said that’s it,he then kissed me again, you’ve got it, dam your good at this, c’mon he said lets get back to the otherside of the field, we walked through the corn together he put his arm around me as we walked, I found it a little odd and a little awkward, Here I was walking through a field with an older boy Naked with erectionswhat if someone was to see,We stepped out the corn at the place where our clothes were, I said to Lewis things have been moved,No I don’t think so he said No one is allowed over here, not without permission, I’m telling you they have been moved,I was bothered suddenly do you think someone is watching us, what if it’s my parents? my Dad will go mental, Mom wouldn’t comeover here but Dad would, I started to dress quickly, Lewis did too, at that we heard a rustle, ahhh I wondered where you twowere…….It was John he’d come back…….Errrr why are you running around naked? it’s bit strange Lewis said we had played strip snapand we had then played dares, and its a nice day and no one is allowed over here so we didn’t think we’d get disturbed,Oh have I put pay to your little game then he said, Lewis being Quick off the mark said, well unless you wanted to join the game?Whats the plan John said, Lewis said OK John I dare you to strip down to your Undies and climb that tree….pointing at a tree we often climbed and had a platform in the high branches where we sometimes used to hang out & smoke,we could have a crafty cig up there and see if anyone was coming….So John Stripped off to his undies and trainers and socks & climbed the tree, then came back David I dare you to strip bollocknaked and when the next train passes swing your cock like a helicopter Hahahaha….. at that I could hear a train coming I saidOK here’s one now……..I stripped and legged it to the middle of the field and did the dare…….Came back Done…..Haha OK Lewis now your Turn what can we get Lewis to do as a Dare John said looking at me, I shruggeddon’t look at me I’ve no idea, OK Strip to your trainers and you climb the tree, Lewis did the dare and came back, OK JohnYour turn Strip off bollock naked, I dare you, and errrrrmm well……John looked and said and what? is that it strip off,do you think there should be more to the dare, well you sounded like you were going to say strip off and… something elseYeah sorry mate I got distracted, by what John said, Errrr hello he said pointing at Johns Cock which soft was just there,it was for a young lad Big…..Both mine and Lewis’s were reasonable and Grew to something decent but John’s was Big, and we hadn’t seen it unwrapped, till now, and it was in it’s soft state, goodness knows what it could become, Lewishad a plan for that one, as I soon discovered, Oh my cock John said lol yes its pretty bi isn’t it?……OK John tell you what David here has a packet of biscuits lets have a little game of Damp Biscuit, John just said OK sure,I rustled in my bag for the biscuits, i took the packet out, and said OK so we going to do this yeah, I will get the blanket out and we can put the bag from the sandwiches in the middle and put the biscuit on there, at that moment John looked at me & then Lewis…..Errrrr…..OK….I atakum escort bayan have to ask what is Damp Biscuit? we both said in unison…You Don’t Know ???…….OH!!!…..Lewis said OK we put the biscuit in the middle we all get to spunk up on the biscuit the last one to cum on the biscuit gets to eat the biscuit or they pay the forefit…Oh OK he said whats the forfeit Lewis Looked at me and said, you get to kiss one of us on the mouth french style, No way!well its biscuit or Kiss but you might not loose yet, he said well I dont know I will give it a go he said,so I put the biscuit down, Lewis and I started to rub our cocks, John just held his and then kinda pushed it between his legs and sqeezed Lewis said aren’t you going to wank off? John looked and said what do you mean? wank off whats that then, like what we are doing,rub it backwards and forwards, I have never done that he said I put it between my legs and sqeeze, Lewis said what you don’t know how to wank, no he said, I don’t know what you mean, OK look you rub your cock like this yeah, you can spit and rub the tip that’s a nice sensation, John took hold of his cockand did as he’d been instructed Mmmmmm he said as his cock got hard, I can’t believe I’ve never done this before, so how come you put your cock between your legs, he said well I used to get aroused at school on the climbing ropes,I said Me Too….ain’t that strange, I got shown how to wank by my mates last year before we moved,So you’ve done stuff like this before with lads he said to me yes I have but only for a laugh I still like girls,Good Cause I aint no faggot you know, Lewis quickly said NO We’re not Fags either, it’s just a wank with mates is all….OK and lets see who gets to eat the biscuit, so I came quickly and caught most of it in my palm and poured it onto the biscuitLewis and John saw I had come Lewis said between us mate at that John moaned and his spunk flew out from his cockit splattered on my chest, Woooh mate its supposed to go on the biscuit I scooped it off me and onto the biscuit John pouredwhat was on his hand on the biscuit too at that moment Lewis Cummed and he put it on the biscuit,He then picked up the biscuit and put the entire thing in his mouth in one he chewed a little then opened his mouth to showhe had eaten everything, Mmmmmmm that was sweet he said, John looked and said mate that’s just wrong, by this time he wasdressed I had never seen anyone dress so quickly, right I’m off lads it’s been interesting & thanks for the wank info,That’s great lads,see you later and off he went I got dressed & Lewis too, Lewis approached me, that was great fun, he saidI did enjoy that biscuit,it tasted sweet, he moved in as if to kiss me again I held him off, sorry mate no way you’ve just ateall of our spunk, I don’t think I can, he looked disappointed, I moved toward him and kissed him on the lips just a kiss,sorry mate but just the thought of eating all our spunks Y’know, yeah he said I guess but I wouldn’t have thought it wouldbother you, I dunno i said c’mon we better go my Mom is going to be wondering where I am looking at my watch it was almost5 pm we’ve been out all day, we walked back we were almost by the gate and Lewis suddenly grabbed me threw me into the long grasshe forced himself on top of me pinning me to the grass, and kissed me forcibly he stuck his tongue between my lips and kissed me hardand said I really like you you know, I wish we could kiss all the time, I think I……he stopped and stood upwhat I said, whats wrong, nothing c’mon I’m mixed up it’s crazy c’mon lets go, your Mom is gonna be waiting,we climbed over the gate and went our separate ways, will I see you tomorrow? Probably not but I will see you soon,Promise.I kinda felt a little odd as we parted, If that had been now I’d probably say I was a little infatuated with him,But I did see him again and the next time would be very intense, More about Lewis to come………….

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