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Life of a village girl who moves to city-6deletedHe touched his lips on mine once again. He held my hand and started taking off my watch on wrist. He put the watch aside. Slowly, he made my hair fall free. He slowly started removing my ear rings. His face kept touching me all over while removing them. His body is hairy and ugly with wrinkles. He held my waist with his hand and pulled me forward towards him.“Hmmmm……haarika……….” And he squeezed it. I breathed heavily as I didn’t know what to do. He put a kiss on my cheek and whispered in my ear “You smell so fresh and good……….” And he kept his hands on both sides of my waist and felt my body. He moved his hands towards my back and started touching my entire back on my blouse to feel it. I felt like running away from there.He continued “Your body feels so amazing Haarika……….what a nice figure you have……I want to feel you…….” And he kissed me on my cheek again but this time he made my cheek little wet with his kiss. I kept a face of disgust. He moved little away and said “I want to feel your nice lips………” and ran his finger on my lips. “Hmmmm…….so soft and tender…………”. He got up and held my hand. I raised me a bit and said “Let us go to the bed……..” while smiling. I tried to resist but controlled because he might do even more things if I say something. I obeyed what he said. He simply held my hand and started taking me into bedroom. He closed the bedroom as we got inside. He bolted the door and looked at me intensely which made me so uncomfortable. He pushed me gently on to the bed and I fell on bed. He slowly got on top of me and brought his face close to mine. He adjusted my hair with his hand and said “You have beautiful eyes Haarika……..”He continued “It will hurt………if you don’t cooperate……..”I got scared and felt very nervous. He sensed it and said “You are feeling very tense…….I know……as it is your first time……..” and smiled at me. He kissed me lips for few seconds for few seconds and said “but……you will get used to it and you will only soon ask me for more…….”He got little away and he held my saree on the shoulder to pull it away from my body. I held the saree tightly resisting him. He turned me away and now I am lying on my front on the bed. I couldn’t see him anymore. He started removing strings on my blouse at the back. I tried to resist but I couldn’t as he position himself tight on me. I tried to resist with my hands but he overpowered me as strings are easy to get loose. Now the blouse at the back is off and I only have bra strap on my back. He kept his palm on my naked back and felt the body and said “What a sexy back……hmmmm…..feels amazing………..” and he planted few kisses on my back. I resisted hard but it was of no use. He unhooked my bra at the back too. Now, nothing is on my back. He kept feeling my back with his hand and kept kissing me hardly. He moved the blouse and bra straps to the sides of my body. In couple of seconds, he turned me on the bed again. Now, I am lying on my back. I kept my hands crossed tightly on my blouse and bra on my front. I feared I might lose my blouse and bra to him. He stared intensely at me and said “Haarika…..remove those hands……..I moved my head side to side and resisted tightly. He smiled and said “Come on………remove your hands or else…..I will…….”I held my hands tight to my blouse and bra. I gripped the blouse on my shoulder with my fingers tightly.As he approached towards me, his phone started ringing outside. He held my hands with his but he got disturbed by the phone ringing and said “Wait a minute……..” and he went to attend the call. I felt relaxed. I immediately got up and fixed my bra. I fixed the hook at the back. I started tying the strings at the back of my blouse. Meanwhile, Varma uncle returned. “Oh Haarika……no……..”He has come close to me and lifted me a little by pulling my hand. He hugged me and he removed the bra hook and a string of my blouse at the back with his hands. He ended the hug and I fell on bed again. I held my hands tightly on my chest gripping the blouse and bra. He held my hands with his hands to forcefully remove my hands and take off my blouse and bra. He slowly brushed my cheeks with his hands and said “Haarika……..”. I moved my cheek away from his hand. He gripped my blouse tightly over my shoulder with his fingers to pull it away. I moved little away from him on bed. He held my naked waist tightly on both sides with his hands and slowly started pulling my saree near my waist. He started unhooking the saree below my navel. I tried to fight by moving my legs to block his hands. He tightly held the saree with his both hands and pulled it with force. As he pulled, I moved towards him. He was able to remove majority of the saree at the bottom as my hands were gripping the blouse. Just in few seconds, my whole saree was removed. I am only in my underwear, blouse and bra. He started smiling lustfully and started pulling my underwear. I resisted with my hands. His hands moved towards my blouse. Again, I had to protect blouse with my hands. He gripped my blouse tight and forcefully pulled it with force. I could hear the sound of tearing of the blouse. He was able to remove part of the blouse which got torn. He threw that piece away. I kept my hands tightly to cover my breasts. He forcefully gripped my arms and started to separate my arms to my side. He gripped my arm tight and slowly opened my arms towards each side. He overpowered me. I couldn’t do anything. He leaned little and used his teeth to remove the torn piece of blouse covering my breasts over the bra. Now, I am only in my bra and underwear. I immediately got up on bed and tried to move away from him. He immediately got out of bed and searched for something. We were on opposite sides of the bed. He moved closer to me and opened a draw. I tried escaping by taking my clothes which he hid in the cupboard. I was too late. He had scissors in his hands. He also brought his phone. He started approaching towards me as I opened the cupboard and started taking my clothes. He said “If you don’t cooperate, this will hurt you……..”He tossed the scissors over the bed and started taking pictures with his camera. I covered my chest area and pleaded “please……stop……..please stop……..”He started smiling. He kept his phone aside on a table and took scissors gaziemir escort into his hands. He approached towards me and I closed my eyes tightly as he got close to me. He leaned towards me “I need to teach you a nice lesson……………otherwise……you don’t calm down………”I got extremely scared. He held my hand and started taking me outside the room. I got nervous and didn’t know what to do.He kept a finger near my bra and stretched the strap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and stayed still. He slowly cut the strap of the bra. He cut the strap of the bra on my other shoulder as well. The back portion of the bra fell on the ground while my hands held the bra and covered my breasts. Now, my back got fully naked. Nothing except underwear. He started rubbing my back with his palms. I felt uncomfortable and moved little away from his palm. He kept his scissors aside.He held my hands with his hands and started pulling my hands away from my bra. He overpowered me and pulled the hands away from my breasts. The piece of bra which was left fell on the ground as he removed my arms forcefully. Slowly my breasts got revealed to him. “Ahhhh…….wow…….what a lovely fresh pair……..looking so nice…… mangoes……..”I have nothing to cover now except my vagina region. He removed his hands. I immediately covered my breasts by crossing my hands. He took his phone and sat on the edge of the bed. He asked me to sit beside him. I resisted. He took one photo of me and said “I will send this……to………..let me guess………..”.I said “uncle…….please……..don’t……..”He signaled me to sit beside him. I sat beside him while crossing my arms over my breasts. He smiled and said “Look how beautiful you are with any clothes……..such a lovely skin and what a shape……….” And he started rubbing my back with his hands. He kept touching my waist with his hand and squeezed it. He switched on the selfie camera and pointed it towards us. He moved close to me and clicked a photo. He moved even closer and his cheek touched mine. He naked body without shirt touching me all over my shoulders and forearms disgusted me. He took some more pictures on his camera. He took another selfie my kissing me on my cheek and I kept a face of disgust. He looked at the picture and said “Haarika, smile at the picture……..why are you looking like that at the camera…..?? It is us in the picture…….”He took another picture while kissing my cheek and oozed lot of fluid on to my cheek while doing so. I forcefully maintained a neutral look on my face. He was happy with the picture.He turned my face forcefully towards him. I turned around a bit while sitting. He opened his mouth and brought his tongue out. He closed again and said “Haarika……bring your tongue out…….I want to take a picture of us kissing…….”.I gripped my lips tight. He proceeded anyway and touched my lips with his and clicked a picture. He said “Until you do what I say, I will keep kissing you continuously with my lips……..”. His lips touched mine like 3-4 times after which I decided to follow what he said. I slowly brought my tongue out while facing him. He also brought his tongue out. Our both tongues touched each other. I closed my eyes as it happened and I heard the sound of picture taken. After that, I opened my eyes. He saw the picture and was happy. He showed me the picture and said “Look how sexy you are…………….look how sexy we both look in this picture………you kissing me……….like that…….”He kept touching my forearms and my waist as I crossed my hands covering my chest. I felt quite uncomfortable. He planted a kiss on my shoulder from my side and said “Haarika………hmmmmmm……….feels so sexy………”There is sound of doorbell. He stopped. He saw me and said “wait here………ok??”He took his phone along with him out of the room. I quickly tried to get near the door and lock it fast. As soon as he left the room, I quickly rushed and locked the door behind. Immediately, he got near the door and he started opening it. There was doorbell again. He went to attend the door. I took the opportunity and waited few seconds.As he opened the main door after the bell. I opened the room door and screamed hard so that someone near the main door could hear me and help me. Luckily there is a post man who saw me screaming helplessly. He got shocked on seeing me and ran away from place. Meanwhile Varma uncle turned towards me in anger and started coming towards me. I immediately locked the door again. I got fully scared.I ran towards the clothes and quickly wore my top as my bra got cut by him earlier. I took the scissors into my hand. Meanwhile the room door got bashed by Varma Uncle and he quickly rushed towards me. I kept scissors as defense and he got little scared. I kept moving the scissors in directions so that he wouldn’t pull it away from me. He took his phone and started threatening that he would send my pictures to all. I slowly got near the room door and got outside. He tried to blackmail me. I pushed the scissors into his direction very quickly with my hand and Varma uncle moved back. As he moved away, he dropped his phone on the ground. I moved the scissors forward again quickly. He got scared and stepped back again. I stepped on the phone and with my leg, I pulled it towards my direction quickly. The phone slid down the floor and crossed me. I quickly closed the room door with force. I dropped the scissors and held the door handle tight. Varma uncle forcedly tried to open the door and get out of the room. Luckily, there is key to the door. I quickly turned the key with force. The door got locked. He started banging the door screaming angrily to open the door. I quickly collected his phone on the floor and ran outside of the house with my top. As it was salwar and kameez, my top covered my body enough until my knees and I had my underwear. I closed the main door of the house and I quickly got out and tried to run away downstairs. I tried to operate his phone but the phone was locked. I don’t know how to unlock it. Meanwhile, as I tried to get downstairs. I heard some noise and peeked through the stairs who is coming. I saw one woman police constable and postman quickly climbing the stairs. I panicked and I threw the phone to the ground with force and the phone got broken into pieces. I took the phone and again smashed it to gaziemir escort bayan the ground quickly. Meanwhile both of them got upstairs. I was in tears and the police constable immediately has come near me and held me with her arms asking me “what happened dear? Why are you crying? Who is hurting you?” Meanwhile, Varma uncle opened the door with force and got out. I couldn’t see him properly due to tears in my eyes. I immediately hid behind the police woman with fear. I wiped off tears to see what is happening. Varma uncle was shocked on seeing these two people and immediately got inside and tried to lock the door but door lock was broken just now, so he immediately got out and started climbing towards the terrace of the building. Immediately, postman and police woman went to catch him. I went inside the house to collect my clothes. I quickly got into the room and started wearing my clothes. I also collected my phone and rushed outside the house to see what is happening. I climbed to the terrace to see what’s happening. Police woman and postman both standing near the steps. Varma uncle stood near the other edge of the building. He looks as if he is about to jump from the building. I got extremely scared seeing all these things. Meanwhile, police woman took her phone and turned around and whispered to call extra police for help. Varma uncle moved towards the edge further to signal that he is going to jump. Police and postman tried to tell him not to jump. He saw them and smiled. The police pleaded him not to move. Postman immediately went forward towards Varma uncle and tried to catch him by his legs. He was about to jump from the building but somehow he seemed to felt scared and didn’t. Lady Constable also moved ahead and caught him by his hands. Both of them caught him tight and started dragging him towards me. Meanwhile constable called police for help. We all went downstairs. I started getting nervous about the whole situation. I don’t know what will happen next. Will they call me also to police station? How will my uncle and aunt react? What if my parents come to know all of this?Once we went downstairs, they took Varma uncle inside the house. We all sat down and she started threatening him “What did you do to her?? Look at that innocent girl suffering because of you……don’t you have any shame??” He replied “Why?? I like her……..I desired her……..she also likes me…….”She slapped him on his cheek and said “You need to be taught a lesson” and he started smiling at me. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Police constable looked at me and said “Please call your parents immediately….. we will register a case against him and he will be jailed for years…….until he dies…..he needs to be punished……let him die in jail”I started crying and told her “Please madam… career and life will be spoilt if people know any of this…….People will not even come forward to marry me if someone knows this kind of thing happened……..”She said “so you are going to be silent on this?? You have a person like this to roam around freely in society??”I was just crying. Varma uncle started laughing and said “see?? Nobody has any problem here except you……madam……..”She slapped him again. He started smiling again and said “you can’t do anything more than that…….”Police constable got extremely angry at his words and slapped him again hard. I could see her handprint on his cheek after this slap. Varma uncle got angry and looked at her and said “Officer, this is very wrong…….you cannot assault me like this without having any charges against me………”Police constable started laughing and she said “Oh now, you understood what pain is like??”Varma uncle said “I will not leave any of you………..and …” and varma uncle looked at me and said “your photos…….your photos will be there on every device in few days……everyone will see our pictures…………”I started crying and said “No uncle please……..I beg you………..please……don’t spoil my life………”Both postman and police constable looked at me and asked me about photos. I was still crying hard and couldn’t speak. She insisted me to tell what he is talking about.I explained things to her with shaky and low voice as I was crying. She got very angry on Varma uncle and looked at him and said “How could you??……..You are a big scoundrel……….I will make sure you go behind the bars forever……..”Varma uncle started smiling and said “we will see…….”Meanwhile police constable got a phone call and she asked someone on the phone to come upstairs. Some police people have come and they put handcuffs to him. Some other senior police woman officer has come along with police constable. Both have come inside the room and closed the door. The senior police woman told me “Nobody is here…….tell me exactly what happened??”I told her it will take some time. She said she will keep it a secret and would help me. I took promise from her that she would not reveal what happened to me to anyone else as it would spoil my name in society if anyone ever knows what happened. She agreed. She went outside for a minute and returned. She closed the door again and said “ok…..tell me what happened”I told her everything what happened. How I forgot what happened the other night. I told her about the photos and everything I remember about the night. She listened to the whole story and said that she knows a doctor who can help me with my situation. I asked “doctor??”She said “She dealt with cases with women…….****s, abuse, assaults etc. She can help you to recollect what happened. She is a counsellor…..”I cried and said “madam…..please don’t drag this issue further…….don’t make it big……nobody can know about this…….”She said “Haarika, we can’t arrest this man without you lodging a complaint on him……..if we don’t file any complaint……he will be a free man…”I looked at her and said “madam, I want him away from me……..”She continued “for that to happen, you must file a complaint against him………”She tried to convince me for another few times and finally she said “ok Haarika, enough is enough. You are not mature enough about this whole situation. We will hold him under custody for now……..we will manage it……I will inform the situation to your parents………it is for your own good……..they will take a better decision”Meanwhile the postman opened the door escort gaziemir and asked police constable woman to come. They look like husband and wife. She just got up and moved forward. Constable turned back and asked me “Haarika, How did he come to know of this situation??” pointing towards postman. I said “He rung the door bell and Varma uncle opened the door…..I cried for help……”Senior police woman looked at him and asked “Wait……why did you ring the doorbell??”He said “There was a courier to this address. I came for delivery…….”She asked “what courier??”He opened his bag and showed it. Constable woman took the cover and said “what could be inside this??”Postman took the cover into his hand and read the contents on the envelope and said “Probably he ordered something online…..”Senior police woman said “Give me couple of minutes…….time……”She sent postman outside and closed the door and asked me what I was doing while the doorbell rang. I cried because I didn’t want to utter any words. She asked me to stop crying and asked me exactly what was happening when the doorbell rang. I told senior officer what was happening during that time. How he was clicking photos and blackmailing me. She asked me why I didn’t shout when the doorbell rang. I explained to her that he was blackmailing me and that’s why. She asked me “Something is not right about this……So why would this man risk opening the door when he knows you might shout and seek help??”I said “Madam, I did not shout before because I was under blackmail. He thought I wouldn’t shout when he opened the door but I was forced to shout because he was about to **** me…….”She replied “So you said you did not shout when the doorbell rang……that’s why he answered the door right??”I nodded my head. She continued “but still……..he risked everything to attend that door……..what if it was not postman and someone else?? It could be anyone at the door”She said “something is not at all right about this whole situation………”She opened the door of bedroom and asked postman to handover the envelope to her. She took the envelope and said “I think he was expecting this envelope well in advance…….it must have something important inside…….”Constable woman said “what if we ask him what’s inside ?? madam”She took the envelope outside the room. We all went outside the room. Varma uncle and two police men were still sitting in the sofa. Varma uncle hands were cuffed. Senior police woman showed the envelope cover to Varma uncle and asked “what’s inside this??”Varma uncle said “Are you blind??”She got angry and started opening the envelope. Varma uncle immediately got up and tried to snatch the envelope away. The two policeman held him tightly. He said in loud voice “Don’t open that box………No…..No….”She immediately moved away and started opening the package to check what is inside. I got little tense. What could it possibly have??She went near kitchen and searched for a knife to cut open the box. Meanwhile Varma uncle was tightly held so that he wouldn’t have chance to move. She slowly opened the package and took few things out. There are some books inside. She checked the books and they seem like horror novels. She opened those books and flipped through pages as if she is trying to find something inside the books. She looked confused. She went near Varma uncle and said “I think you have links to dangerous people…..all of this is looking suspicious….may be we should call our higher ups to handle this case”Next few minutes, she made few calls to her higher ups. She informed that it is emergency situation. Someone senior seem to be on line with her. Someone over phone is giving her instructions. She went near Varma uncle and asked him “Where is your phone??”He started laughing. I got scared. I broke his phone down outside. Why is she asking for his phone??She went near him and held his collar. While smiling, he said “It is broken into pieces and beyond usable…..”She asked “Tell me the code……..otherwise we are going to drag you into jail and you will be in a big mess”I could not understand what she is talking about. Varma uncle replied “If you hurt me in anyway, your life will be in danger…”She slapped him hard on the face and held his hair tight and said “Look mister……..tell us the code…….or else I do not even know what will happen to you”He said “what code??”Everyone felt helpless. Varma uncle said “Whatever you do is of no use officer……”She replied “shut up”He continued “I am not guilty of anything……officer…….you are supporting wrong person here”She got irritated and said “Don’t you have any shame??”He smiled and said “Why?? I didn’t do anything wrong…..why should I feel anything at all??”She didn’t know what to do. He continued “Well, you have to feel shame for supporting d**g addicts” while looking at me and smiling. I got scared.She got angry and said in loud angry to tone “You d**gged her?? How can you??” and slapped him hard on his face. He was smiling. I started sweating because I felt very anxious after he smiled at me. He d**gged me??He adjusted his face and looked at me and said “Sweety, don’t you remember the ecstasy?? I think lot of that is still tingling in you…..”The senior officer immediately took me inside the room and asked me what exactly happened. I started crying and told her the same thing as before. I also told her about my dream and how Varma uncle tried to harm me. I told her how I don’t remember about the photos he took earlier. She told me that I might be d**gged and even ****d. She told me that I was under d**gs influence and that’s why I don’t remember anything properly. I started crying loud with tears. I couldn’t stop my emotions. I told her not to tell any of this to my parents or uncle. I told her this incident will spoil my career and life. She left me alone in the room and told me she will be back. The police team has informed everything to my uncle and aunt. They also sent me for counselling. Uncle and aunt felt very guilty and felt that they destroyed my life. I also felt angry on them. Aunt and uncle promised me that they would not reveal anything to my parents. If my parents know any of this, they will ask me to go back to village and get me married. I didn’t want that to happen. To shift my mood and recover from the trauma, I shifted to college hostel as recommended by the counsellor. I started a new life and beginning. Varma uncle turned out to be d**g user, criminal and had done many heinous crimes. He was sent to jail. It took me a year to recover from the trauma but all those incidents still reside deep inside me which I will never forget in my life.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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