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Linda in Life part1It was Happy Hour and the customers were just beginning to filterin from their daily routines to sit down and have a cold one andwatch a little psuedo pornographic “art”, go-go and strip dancing,ala Linda style. The Happy Hour shift started with B.J. doing herthing in her usual wanton and sexy way in the bright orangish redbikini top and bottom…….whirling around the poles on theraised stage, pole clasped firmly between her slim, white legswith a high on the pole start and a slow twirling slide to thefloor of the platform.”Damn”, Linda thought to herself. “That bitch has got to begettin’ it off with that pole….I’d go nuts with that thingstuffed up against my pussy twirling round like that and slidingdown that god damn pole.” “Phew!” “It’s no wonder they call herB.J.!” “That’s probably all she can do after a night of THAT!”The song ended on the juke box and another started. Lindaremembered that that was number three for B.J. and that she hadto start pumping her dance songs into the box pretty soon ’causeshe was up next with her set of three. She walked over to theJuke Box slowly in her see-through wrap, scanning the customersto see who she’d focus her attentions on this time up. “Boy, shethought, these guys look dead!” “This is goin’ to be a damn toughshift!.” “Almost as bad as her hookin’ days in Harrisburg at the’Club’ before Johnny came along and knocked her up and thenslipped her out of the place.”As Linda stood at the machine she thought back about Harrisburgand Chris, the Club Boss, and his bitch, Hilda, who kept the girlsin line. And, when they didn’t stay in line, set em up for asession with Chris in the special, frightening room in the basement.”God”, she thought, “I’ll never forget the first time I fuckedup and that bitch dragged me down there….NEVER!”She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, thinking back tothat terrible night when that big drunken son of bitch from theShell Refinery over in Belpre had snuck up behind her at the bar andabout twisted her tits off. When she stopped screaming at him andthought she had him calmed down some, he rammed his hand into hercrotch and shoved his index finger up her ass as his thumb went upher pussy, panties and all, and started to literally lift her upoff the stool that way. Thinking quickly, she had grabbed a beerbottle and smashed the big dumb bastard over the head, screamingher head off the whole time. Goddamn that had hurt as he tried toclose his index finger and thumb together while they were drivendeep in her ass and up her cunt with her pants wrapped around them.When the beer bottle hit him, he dropped like a rock.The next thing she knew, Hilda was all over her ass, twisting herarm behind her back and slapping the shit out of her face.Hilda shoved her arm up behind her back to her goddamn neck,bent her over almost double at the waist and marched her out theback door toward the stairs leading up to the “party rooms” anddown to the basement. “Oh God, If I’d known what was in that blackvinyl covered room in the basement with the mirrored ceiling andabout all that ‘equipment’ sitting in the room, I’d have let theson of a bitch shove his fuckin fist up my ass, never mind alittle old finger and some black panties”, Linda thought.The memories flowed back with increasing detail, igniting fear inher brain and making her break out in a cold sweat (and startingthe juices flowing in her pussy, much to her dismay). She stoodup against the wall and let her mind race back to that night.Hilda, instead of hustling her upstairs to chew her ass out andslap her around, wheeled her past the stairs leading to the partyrooms upstairs and hustled her down the stairs and into a roomshe had never seen before, across from the foot of the stairs, and had only heard fearful rumors about from the rest of the whores inthe place. They didn’t talk about it much and didn’t care to, orso it seemed. She’d always wondered why. That night she foundout…in spades!Hilda stripped her house coat off her and ripped her top andpanties off almost in one motion with Linda still practicallydoubled over standing on her feet and her arm shoved up behindher back, almost to the top of her head, now.”You goddamn dumb whore!” screamed Hilda, “How many fucking timesdo I have to tell you I handle the assholes and you don’t ever,ever hit em with anything unless they ask you to, UPSTAIRS!…. andthen only after they’ve paid double for the “B&D and S&M Scene” trick!””I’m tired of this shit from you, Linda!” “When I get through with youdown here you are goddamn sure goin’ to remember that, you littleDelaware whore…..and when Chris, “The Rammer”, finishes with you, after I get tired, you won’t do shit unless you ask me or him first; bet onit, bitch!”About then Linda suddenly realized it was damn warm in that room.And dim. It seemed like it was a hundred and twenty degrees. Asshe looked around from her upside down position she saw ringboltsin a cloth vinyl padded floor of pure white mats with buttonsholding the mat down in that upholstered look. But as her eyeswandered back and forth she saw a lot more. There were two bigrings, one inside the other, one on a pivot up into the ceilingand down into the floor and the other on pivots or shafts throughthe first one extending out sideways either way midway betweenthe floor and the ceiling. She couldn’t see well with her goddamnhair hanging down all over, but she saw that the inside ring hadlittle D-Rings welded to it all the way around it’s circumferenceabout a foot or so apart (D-Rings were something she learnedabout later and would never ever forget!). The two gimbaled rings (like the frames of those spinning gyroscopes they use in airplanes, boat compasses and the like) were HUGE; they canlı bahis were at least, if not more than, eight foot in diameter, very sturdy, just standing there one insidethe other in stark stainless steel majesty like some abstract ormodern art painting.As her clothes were shredded from her she spotted another objectoff in the corner sitting on the pure white matted floor. Itlooked like a chair of some kind except that it had an outlinelike a human body and leather straps dangling down from iteverywhere Linda looked. The straps were riveted or bolted to thesides of the human figure outline of the chair so that they ranbetween heavy stainless steel rods that defined the out line ofthe human figure and they ran on the under and back sides of the “chair” withthe buckle ends and plain, holed straps to insert in the buckles dangled downoff the rivets or bolts on the front of the back and legs of the “chair”and the top of the “seat” and “arms”.”What the shit is this place”, she’d thought as she stared at theominous “chair” in front of her. “What the hell are they going to do with me?” Linda didn’t have to wait for long to get her answer!Hilda quickly walked her, bent over double, to the “Chair” andslammed her into the seat with her arm still crammed up to the topof her head. Hilda slammed Linda’s “free” arm down on the leather strapsrunning across in between the two stainless steel arm rods andquickly buckled one of the many straps over her forearm andanother over her upper arm. She jumped to the other side of thegleaming stainless steel chair and did the same trick with herother arm. It was then that Linda looked up and saw the mirroredceiling and black walls – BLACK VINYL PADDED WALLS! And backbehind the gimbaled huge stainless steel rings standing out instark reality, she could vaguely see things hanging on the vinyl wall.LOT’S OF THEM.She couldn’t see em well, but they looked like straps and balls and hoods and whips and all sorts of kinky shit.About that time, she remembered, Hilda slammed her lower leg into oneof the “Chair’s” legs in front and buckled it in tight. Sherepeated the process with the other leg and then continued up tothe seat where she buckled her thighs in tight with 4″ wideleather straps attached to the chair so that her thighs sat onthe bottom riveted part of the strap and they came up throughher thighs, right in front of her pubic hair covered crotch, and only fractions of an inch away from it. When Hilda had buckled thethigh straps, her legs were an integral part of the steel rodsand leather straps that encased part of her legs. The stainlesssteel rods on the insides of her legs ended right in front of herpussy while the outside ones went up her outside upper leg(s) past herhip(s) and on up her sides behind her upper arms and on up overher head and joined together there. Next came a huge, wide strap (it must have been 8 or 10 inches wide, at least) which was pulled across her flatstomach and navel and buckled so tight it almost took her breathaway (and, of course, it ran across her lower back behind her, also).Then came the straps across the upper and lower part of herchest above her pert little tits, which by now were sweat coveredwith her nipples sticking out like peaks on a mountain, and just about as hard as the mountain’s rocks.She was about to say something to Hilda, she remembered now, whenHilda slammed another leather strap across her mouth; but thisone was different. It had a ring in the middle of it and as Hildapulled the hard stainless steel ring and strap arrangement acrossin front of her mouth as if to buckle it on the other side, Hildapunched the center of the wide tummy belt so hard Linda’s mouthflew open. In one swift motion Hilda pulled the strap/ring combinationdeep into Linda’s mouth so that the ring was completely behind herteeth, held there by the straps cutting painfully and deeply into eitherside of her mouth and jamming her mouth wide open with the ringjust inside holding it that way. Linda remembered she started toscream and protest and Hilda simply walked to the other end ofthe room and got a ball with a leather strap through it, came back, wrappedthe strap around behind her head over the stainless steel rodsthat bracketed either side of her head, spun the ball around soit was in her mouth, walked behind and buckled it down tight.Linda remembered vividly the ball being jammed into her mouth soit sat in the stainless steel ring that held her mouth open wide.Christ, she was scared! She begged, she mumbled, she cried, butnot a word came out; and meanwhile, Hilda had gone ahead andwrapped a wide strap over her neck and buckled it and one across herforehead and buckled it, TIGHT! It was then that Linda realized she wasbeing strapped into some goddamn kind of steel body frame chairwith the stainless steel rods running along the outside edges ofher body, legs, arms, and head, complete. Hilda went backover her arms and legs and torso and connected MORE straps sothat Linda had a leather strap over just about every six to eightinches of her body and was about a quarter to a third coveredwith tightly buckled down straps from head to foot. When Hilda was done, she stood back and looked at her handiwork.Hilda strolled slowly over to the far wall and came back withweird looking glove like things, four of them with two bucklesand laces about where the wrist would be and a huge three inchstrap sewn to the top or back of the hand portion and a bucklesewn to the palm. She jammed them on Linda’s hands and buckledeach of the two small straps after lacing up each “glove”, (actuallya mitten). The process was repeated with Linda’s feet, using form fitting,soft leather boots made the same way, like the mittens; soft bootsor something, bahis siteleri Linda remembered. Then Hilda pulled the big straps on the gloves and boots forwardand ran them over the stainless steel that looped around in front of Linda’s feet and hands, from one steel rod on one side to the other rodon the other side. Hilda pulled each of the four straps tight andbuckled them into the sewn buckles on Linda’s Palms and thebottom of her feet so that her hands and feet were stretched outstraight from her arms and her feet were pointed like a ballet dancer.Then and only then did Hilda stop and relax. She looked down atLinda with pure hate and absolute lust in her eyes and said:”Welcome to Hilda’s ‘SLAVE PALACE’, Linda,…you bitch!””You are sitting in my masterpiece that I developed when I got tired of you whores trying to kick the hell out of me when I was working you overand which I also developed because it makes you totally helplessand completely at my mercy.” “But you ain’t seen nothin yet my pretty!'”This little ‘chair’ you’re sittin in is much more than a chair”!And with that said, Hilda tipped the “chair” forward so that Linda washanging from it, her stomach horizontal, looking at the floor,her head horizontal, on her knees. She manuevered the elbow partof what Linda had earlier thought were just armrests for her arms,on each side, so that Linda’s arms straightened out instead ofbeing bent as they were when she was strapped into this thing and and so her stretched hands and finger tips pointed straight downat the floor and the hoops at the ends of the the hands touchedthe pure white vinyl cushioned floor. Hilda walked around behindand in a short while Linda’s legs spread out so her knees wereabout two foot apart. Linda remembered she had heard something lock orsnap as her knees were spread and locked in that position. Thenext thing that happened to her was her head being raised up andback as the frame along her neck was unlocked and pivoted so thather head was pulled back and locked in position. Now she was onher hands and knees with her head raised up looking forwardtoward the dimly illumniated wall full of strange looking devices…that “kinky” stuff.Linda stood by the Juke box shivering, thinking about being starkass naked in that black room with it’s mirrored ceiling and whitevinyl matted floor, tied immobile – tied hell!……strapped intoa goddamn human shaped frame that held her like an “Iron Lady” ofold but with one big difference. Her whole fuckin’ body had beenexposed and her tits hung down between the chest straps. But thething that brought back memories of terror and fear and, at thesame time, made her juices flow down her vaginal walls, as itstill did………….NOW!…………………., was the wayher pussy and asshole were sticking out as she was immobilizedwith her arms and hands straight down, on her knees, lowerlegs and the tops of her feet pulled back to the frame so her toes were pointed backwards along the matted floor.As she shivered and her juices flowed, leaning up against the wallin the little Go-Go Lounge years later, she remembered vividlywhat Hilda had done next.”Well, honey, you’re mine now until I give you over to the “Rammer”and then you’ll find out why the bad girls named him that.” “Hisname’s really Chris, but the ‘Rammer’ he definitely earned, asyou will soon find out!” But you won’t ever again call him bythat name or any other but MASTER, nor will you call me by anyother name but MISTRESS, in front of either of us.” “What youcall us when we aren’t around is your business, but after tonightand tomorrow and tomorrow night and for as long as it takes,we’re MISTRESS and MASTER to you or you stay in that fuckingtraining frame and in this room FOREVER, Bitch!” “Understand?”Linda remembered she couldn’t answer Hilda, …MISTRESS!…because she couldn’t move a muscle and she was gagged with that bigring in her mouth and the ball in the ring. She remembered thatshe blinked at Mistress several times and Mistress nodded everso slightly, and then slid her hand up under Linda’s hangingpert, pointed, small breasts and carressed them and ran her fingertips over the nipples, making Linda shudder and the eroticfeelings begin to flow from her breasts down to her pussy whichwas already starting to get very very wet, both from sweat andfrom her vaginal juices.Mistress Hilda continued to carress her tits, Linda recalled, and asshe did she started telling Linda that this was the last nightthey’d ever look that way again. That made no sense to her until MistressHilda explained that HER Mistress and Master were going to “fix” her so shecould be strung up by her nipples in the future, ANY TIME THEYWISHED IT. Linda stood against the wall next to the Juke Box andrubbed her arm over her breasts, feeling the little gold rings underher bikini top where they ducked into and out of her nipples. “Thatwas years ago”, she thought, “and I still have them there!” “Godthey feel good”, she thought, “but they didn’t THEN.” “I wasscared shitless, sweating like the whore that I was, after a twentystud gang bang, down in that hot basement room, dripping sexual juicesthrough my sweat.”Linda’s mind floated back to that night, again, and with her armrubbing over her golden ringed nipples, she once more drifted back to arecollection of what Mistress Hilda had done next. Hilda went to the wall and came back with two dildos about as big as Linda had ever seenbefore, (she’d seen much bigger since!), and, with an almostgentleness, Mistress Hilda pushed one dildo into Linda’s drippingcunt, removed it and inserted it in Linda’s upturned, doggy fashion,ass and shoved the other dildo slowly up into her now flowing pussy, (not really flowing because pussies don’t flow,…Cocks güvenilir bahis do, pussies don’t…, but really well lubricated!). Linda felt Mistress turn something on and her Pussy and Ass came alive as the twin vibrators started to work at low speed.It felt good, she remembered; the twin, artificial, vibratingmale organs had been stuffed in her nether holes to the hilt, barely sticking out; she had felt that,…….really well!She watched attentively as Hilda walked by her to the wall on theother side of the gimbaled rings and took down a small whip ofsome kind with wicked looking, short leather strands hanging from it.Mistress Hilda walked up to her and held the whip by it’s handle so thestrands hung down in front of Linda’s eyes. “Ever seen a ‘Pussy Whip’Linda…..”Slave Linda”…..?”, Mistress Hilda asked. The answer was eyeblinking again. It was the best she could do. Mistress Hilda smiled andwalked around behind Linda. The next thing Linda heard ….Slave Linda….was a whirring sound followed by the tips of the “Pussy Whip”striking her pussy, her asshole, her asscheeks and her underbellyand thighs as it whipped around in it’s vicious circle.As Linda stood up against the wall next to the music machine, hereyears later, she remembered how Mistress had continued to whip herpussy and asshole with that thing as the two artificial cocksbuzzed away in her vagina and ass canal and the smell of sweat,pre-orgasm juices and pure raw leather and steel permeated her nostrils. She remembered that she started to sweat even more and the water dripped off her as the whip swished round and round, catching the folds over her clit as it went up toward her underbelly. And she remembered how, despiteeverything she could do to prevent it, which physically was nextto nothing, she had slowly built to the biggest, pain wrackedorgasm she’d ever had as the frame she was bound to vibrated withher attempted contorsions from the orgasm’s crest. The whip neverstopped, though, and in a few minutes she was back up again, onlythis time it hurt like hell as she built up to it. The second orgasm’speak gave brief exploding and intense pleasure followed by severepain and cramps all over her lower body and up into her insides, themselves. And each time the orgasm subsided, Mistress reacheddown and turned up the speed another notch on one of the vibrators. Standing here now, she couldn’t remember how many times that had happened, but she remembered the pleasure and the infernal painthat always came with it. It went on for what seemed like hoursand she couldn’t do a thing to stop it. Pussy whip, notch up onthe vibrator(s), orgasm, pleasure, blinding pain, then start overagain and again and again.As Linda stood there next to the Juke box, she thought about howafter that long, long session with Mistress and Master, she hadnever again been able to have a “normal” orgasm in normal fuckingunless someone pulled hard on her nipple rings or whipped herpussy while she was trying to get off…..except for one otherway…when she had a big hard loving cock in her mouth, kneelingon her knees with the guy standing in front of her with her hairwrapped in his fingers and him pumping her mouth back and forthon his cock. That got to her, too. But after that night andthe days and nights that followed, pleasure and pain were to beforever wed for her and never to be seperated. “Linda! You going to stand there day dreaming all day or are yougoing to play your fuckin’ songs, bitch?”It was B.J. and the music had stopped and the stage inside theU-Shaped bar was empty. “Oh Shit,” Linda thought. “Let’s get ouract together, woman…..NOW!” She plugged the quarters in themachine, punched in her “numbers” and started back behind the leg ofthe bar’s “U” between it and the back wall and mounted the stairsto the stage. As she turned toward the mirrored back wall behindthe stage, which ran all across the wall, from it’s floor to it’s ceiling , she was again reminded of those goddamn hellish, (butnever to be forgotten, and perhaps, even appreciated, if not lovedand feared at the same time), days in Harrisburg, West Virginiaand her very first Mistress and very first Master, and those firstlong nights and days in their “care” as they brought her to a lifetimeunderstanding of her formerly hidden sexually submissive underpinnings and deep seated sexual cravings to be dominated by the right “MASTER”, (and, sometimes, but not often,….MISTRESS!) “That fuckin’ Johnny ‘saved me from myself and them’, the son of a bitch,” she thought. “But he nevertook the rings out of me, did he?”, she mused. Nobody ever would, for very long; not even Linda….pretty, sexually submissive and subservient,…….Slave Linda….for she had grown to love them as a part of her sexy, if somewhat “different” body and mentality.”I wonder if I’m going to find the right man tonight?” shethought. And by “right” she knew exactly what she meant….A MASTER….who understood….Slave Linda and her REAL NEEDS AND DESIRES…some guy who could be tender and loving and yet could put herthrough her “paces” and make her AGAIN feel what she had feltthat night and the nights and days that followed in Harrisburg.She looked in the mirror on the wall as she started to gyrate herass and move her little tits back and forth, and out of thecorner of her eyes, she could see a tall, heavy set dude with a beardand mustache looking back at her in the mirror. She turned herhead away and went thorough her routine all the way to the end ofthe song and then stood there looking in the mirror at”him”….was he a Master? Did he understand? He had kind eyes buthe looked big, mean and forceful…….”We shall see, my kindeyed big brute of a friend”…..she loved big men and beardsbecause her first Master in that basement room in Harrisburghad been both huge and bearded……..”we shall see….when I get throughthese next two songs, what you are indeed made of andwhy”….”you may be the guy I’ve been looking for

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