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My phone woke me up. I really needed to start turning the sound off when I went to sleep – or maybe set it in flight mode. Sure, I spent as much time on my iPhone as the next 18-year-old, but once I’d actually gone to sleep, I really preferred not waking up until I had to. I picked it up and squinted at the sharp light from the screen. It was from my sister. Why was I not surprised… The message just said:

“Cum pick me up, plz?”

This was getting really annoying. As soon as I’d gotten my license, sis started asking me to drive her around. Picking her up at the mall, driving her to clubs, to friends, to parties… At first, I liked it. Like most eighteen-year-olds, I loved driving. Any excuse to drive, I’d take it. As soon as I had that little card in my wallet, saying I was a certified driver, it was all I wanted to do. Our parents didn’t mind that I used the family car either; as they saw it, it was safer to have me drive her around than for her to get in a cab or hitch a ride with strangers. So yeah, I had basically been her private chauffeur for a year.

It was starting to get a bit old, though. Driving her around when I didn’t have anything better to do? Sure. Picking her up as part of my own expeditions around town? No problem. Being woken up in the middle of the night to pick her up after she’d gone out partying? Yeah, this was getting out of hand.

I had kinda hoped that she’d leave the house when she started college, so I could take her room and have the place to myself with my parents, but then… she moved downstairs instead. We had an apartment in our basement that we rented out, but when it became vacant just as sis was planning to leave, she quickly laid her claim to it.

Mom had been over the moon, having earlier cried her eyes out that “her little girl” was moving out into the big world. When the suggestion came up that she could live downstairs, there was no stopping that from happening. Dad insisted she pay rent, like a grown-up, and I guess that did teach her a bit of independence… on the other hand, they paid her tuition… And, of course, she didn’t drive either.

I looked at the time. It was 2 a.m. Shit… Yeah, it was Saturday, so I didn’t have school tomorrow, but… shiiit.

“I’m asleep.” I just replied and hoped the problem would go away. Of course, it didn’t. The phone kept pinging and vibrating.

“Nah, ur not. Cum git me plz…”

“It’s late! I’m in bed!”

“Cmon lil bro ur so great at drivin. I gotta get home.”

“Get a cab or sumthin.”

“No money.”

Of course she had gone clubbing without money. That blonde bombshell was hot enough to get guys to buy drinks for her. We sent several more messages back and forth, and it was becoming clear that she wasn’t going to let me get back to sleep any time soon. I still wasn’t really feeling like leaving my warm, comfortable bed, though, just to pick up her drunk college girl ass…

A couple of weeks ago, she’d even gotten me to stay up late so that she could call me when she wanted to come home. Then she didn’t. She just left me waiting, keeping me on standby, not even bothering to tell me that she didn’t need me to collect her. I didn’t get to bed ’till four o’clock in the morning that time. This time, I hadn’t waited up. I’d gone to bed. And she should respect that.

Another message pinged in.

“Hayley and Kiki wanna see u too.”

Of course she was out with her best friends. And she didn’t mention them by accident. Those girls were so hot that any teenage boy would have given his left arm just to be around them. She was probably counting on that to lure me out there. I knew they weren’t really into a dweeb like me, though.

A few minutes went by and the flood of messages seemed to stop. For a minute, I was hoping they’d found someone else to give them a ride home. I was still in my bed, enjoying the warmth of it under the covers and beginning to feel that nice, drowsy feeling you get when you’ve just woken up but are beginning to fall asleep again…

But no. Another message. Bright light from the screen, a loud noise and more vibrations. There was no going back to sleep, was there… I picked up the phone again and started to resign myself to my fate. The latest message woke me up pretty fast, though.

“Cum get me and I’ll suck u off.”

My heart beat faster. Say what now? She’d do what? The furthest I’d gotten with any girl was second base, and here was my own sister saying she’d… what? I shook my head as the initial shock wore off. She didn’t mean that. Had to be autocorrect or something. She didn’t send any more messages to correct herself, though… Maybe she hadn’t noticed?

“A bj for a ride, riiight.” I eventually replied.

I waited for her to say it was a joke, or continue trying to persuade me with something else. It didn’t happen. Instead, she just went:

“Your choice, bb…”

I sat up. Still in disbelief, I started getting dressed. As I left my room as quietly as I could so as not to wake up mom and dad, I fired off another zonguldak escort message:

“Ok omw. Where are u?”

“Down on 7th.”

I then said I’d be there in about half an hour, put on my jacket and went downstairs. I moved quietly and closed the doors carefully so as not to wake mom and dad. Then I went through the basement into the garage and clicked the automatic door opener.

The family car was a Lexus, a really nice car to drive – one might even say luxurious. Or as dad used to say: Lexusurious. Dad jokes, amirite? Once he’d done that joke once, he never stopped. And he laughed his ears off every time. I didn’t mind too much, though, as long as I got to drive it. I had been asking for a car of my own, but it didn’t seem likely that they’d buy me one as long as I lived at home. Mom especially preferred that I take this one, which was rated as one of the safest vehicles on the planet.

As I drove downtown, my sister’s offer kept spinning in my head, seeming increasingly unlikely. Of course she wasn’t actually going to suck me off. Even though I’d heard that she could be a a bit easy when she got drunk, she wasn’t going to do that with her brother. There was no way.

It was probably best that I went to pick her up, though. For one thing, mom would kill me if something were to happen to my sister after I refused to drive her home. Secondly… yeah, of course I didn’t really want anything bad to happen to her. She could be annoying, especially when doing shit like this, but she was still my big sis. Couldn’t just leave them out there. Hot young college girls, drunk and wild, dancing at a night club in skimpy dresses? Anything could happen. They could get into a fight… stumble and fall dead drunk in a ditch somewhere… or worse.

Now that I was awake and in the car, I didn’t really mind that much either. Once I was out of the bed, it lost some of its allure. And even though sis wasn’t actually going to follow through on her offer, I might be able to use it for something later. Maybe a bit of blackmail, getting a favor from her in return for deleting that message history? Yeah, that sounded doable. Serves her right, I thought, for not making arrangements earlier and just expecting me to be her personal chauffeur on short notice in the middle of the night.

I pulled over near the club and texted her again, saying I was there. It took them a while to come out – they had probably gotten more drinks instead of watching the time or getting ready to leave. Oh, yeah… she’d owe me big time for this.

Eventually, I could see her come stumbling out along with her two friends. I drove up to the curb and unlocked the doors just as they were getting in. All three of them practically fell into the back seats, laughing and talking in that slurred way you do when you’re really drunk but don’t really think you are.

“Hi, Hayley. Kiki.” I greeted the two girls.

“Heeeeey… yooou…”

They laughed and leaned back in their seats. As I thought. They didn’t even remember my name. Could be the booze, though – they took several minutes just getting their seat belts fastened.

When the girls were finally ready to go, I set off. I drove as carefully and smoothly as I could; no sudden moves that would induce car sickness. Dad really wouldn’t be happy if somebody were to vomit in the back of his Lexusurious. A few minutes later, though, it went quiet back there. Apparently, the girls had fallen asleep. I took them up to the college campus – there was a drop-off zone really close the dorm. As we arrived, the girls came to.

“Thank you sooo much for the ride, babe…” Kiki suddenly said and leaned all the way forward, putting her arms around the car seat and clumsily kissing my ear.

I felt my whole face redden. I’d remember that for a while. Kiki was stupid hot. As she and Hayley left the car and started walking on unsteady legs towards their rooms, I was just wishing I could go with them. And that they’d invite me in and do all sorts of dirty college girl stuff to me.

Having seen them get safely inside their building (because that was, of course, the only reason I stayed to watch them walk up there in their revealing party dresses), I started driving home. We passed a cop car on the way and for a second, I worried that he was going to pull us over, but the journey turned out to be uneventful. I pulled into the garage, closed the gate behind us and got out.

“Come on, sis, we’re home.” I said, opening the rear door for her.

She had fallen asleep again. For a second, I considered leaving her to sleep where she sat, but again concluded that the risk of getting vomit all over the carpets wasn’t worth it. I nudged her awake and started helping her out.

I reached in and embraced her, practically lifting her out of the car.

“Mmmh… m’okay… I’m… walk…”

“Doesn’t look like it, sis. C’mere. I’ll help you.”

“Nah m’fine…”

Just as she said this, she stumbled and ended up bent over dad’s work bench. zonguldak escort bayan For a second, it looked like she thought about sleeping there, half standing. I also noticed that her dress was really short. I swallowed as I could actually see part of her butt cheeks when she bent over like that.

“Come on… let’s go.” I eventually repeated, tearing my eyes off my sister’s rear end and helping her through the door between the garage and the house.

I tried to keep it quiet. The time must be getting near to 4 a.m. Man, she’d owe me big time for this. Okay, so I planned to spend most of my Sunday playing PS4, not exactly doing important work for mankind or anything, but still…

Holding her up, I led her down the stairs – taking a shortcut into the basement. Being made for renting out, the apartment had its own entrance outside, but there was also a connecting door inside. I’d just need her key to unlock it; since it was supposed to be an independent apartment, she was the only one who had a key.

“Where’s your key, sis…? Hm? C’mon, stay awake…”

“Mmmff… I’m not drunk, lemme alone…”

I started fumbling around on her person, almost like doing a frisk search. My hands may have accidentally stroked her over the hips for a few seconds longer than was really necessary. She had a really nice figure, my big sis. Round hips, a slim waist and a firm stomach – the result of years of cheerleading activities. Not to mention her round, plump breasts…

Her dress had a single pocket, but the key wasn’t there, so I took a look in her purse. Should have looked there first, I guess. Sure enough, there it was. I pulled it out and unlocked the door, nudging her inside and trying to help her get her shoes off.

“Heh… I’m having… heels. Get it?” she mumbled, still slurring her speech.


“Oh, c’mon! High heels! I’m high! Get it? Haha!”

She was back on the weed too? Great. I’d better get her to bed. Quietly. If dad found out about that, he’d go ballistic.

“Okay, sis… that’s nice… Now, come on, let’s get you to bed.”


All of a sudden, she keeled over and dropped to the floor. Annoyed, I sighed and bent over to pick her back up, but then I realized she had done it on purpose. Putting her hand on my stomach, she shoved me up against the wall and started pulling at my jeans.

“Hey, sis… come on, get up now… gotta get you to bed.”

“Naaah it’s fiiine… I’ll just do it here…”

With a surprisingly strong tug, she pulled my pants all the way down.

“Woah! Hey, come on, don’t…”

“Sssshhh shushushush… issss’okay… c’mere lemme see that…”

She started yanking my briefs down as well, and pulled so hard and so recklessly at them that they got torn when I tried to stop her. Completely taken off guard, I was now exposed … my package hanging out directly in front of my sister’s face. As soon as it was out, without a moment’s hesitation, she slurped the whole thing into her mouth.

I put my hands on her, trying half-heartedly to push her away. In my defense, she’s pretty strong. And aggressive. She had gone straight for me, pushing me up against the wall and grabbing my privates before I could stop her. Also in my defense: I was so shocked that I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even register what was going on at first, and by the time my brain had caught up, it was too late.

I will agree, though, that once the initial surprise had subsided, it wasn’t that I couldn’t physically stop her anymore. I just couldn’t. I mean, come on. An 18 year old virgin getting his dick sucked by a hot college girl? How was I supposed to be able to stop that? Once she leaned in and took my cock in her mouth, I was defeated. Starting out flaccid, it hardened in seconds as my sister’s mouth slurped and sucked at it.

Once I was hard, she started bobbing her head back and forth, sucking me off like she’d been doing this kind of thing her whole life. This was so hot. My heart started pounding as she pushed me harder against the wall, aggressively sucking the cock in front of her. All that porn I had watched over the years… this looked exactly like that. Except that it wasn’t a porn star giving me my first ever blowjob, it was my amazingly hot sister.

Her hands stroked up and down my shaft while she expertly fucked me with her mouth. Loud slurping noises filled the room and I tried to keep quiet, nervously thinking about our parents sleeping upstairs. They probably couldn’t hear us, I thought, or at least not wake from the noises we mere making here… But then they may have woken up when the car arrived… or when we stumbled down the stairs to the door…

The thought that we might be caught made me nervous, but it also made the moment even more exciting. My vision started to go blurry. I started losing the ability to think straight. Sis was milking my cock, drawing my juices from my balls with her expert treatment.

“Fuuuck, sis…” I moaned.

She just escort zonguldak kept going, speeding up her head movements and jerking me off even faster, encouraged by my reactions.

“Mmmff… mmfffhhh…”

She was making me cum. It probably hadn’t even been two minutes since she started, and it was already happening. I moaned louder and louder, unable to help myself and no longer thinking about whether somebody could hear us.

“Waaah! Aaa…hhh… Sis… whatthef… huuuuuhhh…”

“Mh… mh…” she moaned back up at me, seemingly eager to take me to the finish line.

“Ah… it’s … I’m gonna…”

“Mmmmyah!” she exclaimed and opened her mouth wide, closing her eyes and jerking my cock furiously.

I started seeing stars as the cum shot out of me. I managed to keep my eyes partly open, taking in the amazing sight of my sister getting her face covered with my juices. This really was like a porn film.

Some of it went over the top of her head and landed in her hair. Some of it was splattered across her forehead, cheeks and chin. Some went right in her wide open mouth. Once the first few streams had finished shooting out of me, sis leaned in and took my whole cock in her mouth, deepthroating me so aggressively that I could feel her nose pushing into me.

I was getting dizzy. My legs were shaking. Swaying from side to side and shifting my weight from one foot to the other, being pushed back against the wall was the only thing that prevented me from falling to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I could hear noises below me as my sister finished her task, sucking my throbbing member until the juices stopped coming.

“Mh… mmmhh… sssllrrrrpp…”

As she finished, she took her hands off me and sucked each of her fingers, licking her hand clean.

“Mmm… mmm…” she kept moaning, smacking her lips and licking up every drop.

I looked down at her. She looked amazing. That wavy blonde hair, her gorgeous face, her full lips… not to mention that at this angle, I could peek down her cleavage and admire her wonderfully round breasts.

“Wow… fuck… wow, sis… oh my God, you’re so hot…”

She smiled. I didn’t know if it was because of what I said or something else, but at this point, I didn’t care.

Having finished her task and delivered on her end of the bargain, she tried to stand up. She was still so drunk, though, that she didn’t have an easy time of it. I bent down and helped her up. Because my pants were still around my feet, I nearly tripped in the process. Stepping out of them so that they wouldn’t trip me up, I was left naked from the waist down.

She turned and started making her way further into the apartment, bumping into the walls and giggling as she went. Seeing how unsteady she was, I quickly decided to walk behind her, keeping my hands on her waist to stop her from falling over. She nearly did, several times. Eventually, though, I managed to steer her into her bedroom. I nudged her towards her queen sized bed, hoping she’d get in it, fall asleep and forget everything that had happened tonight.

“Here, sis… here’s your bed…”

“Yeeeeaah! Beeed!” she cheered, a bit too loudly for my taste.

She stumbled towards it with her hands in the air, as if she was still on the dance floor. Then, all of a sudden, she reached down and grabbed her dress, pulling it over her head and throwing it casually on the floor.

Underneath, she had on a really sexy set of underwear; a matching set of light pink panties and a bra that perfectly cupped her medium sized breasts. She spun around, still ‘dancing’, moving towards the bed in her still intoxicated state. I wondered how much she’d had to drink tonight. And how much weed. She didn’t really smell of it, but she was definitely high on something.

At this point, I expected her to get into bed, then I could tuck her in and make my exit as quickly and quietly as possible. Instead, she took hold of my arm and pulled me after her.

“Fuuuck…” she mumbled.

“Yeah, yeah…” I replied, dismissively.

I didn’t really catch her meaning at first – it just sounded like she said a swear word. Then she turned and grabbed my other arm too, walking backwards and pulling me towards the bed.

“Wanna … fuuuck…”

I swallowed heavily as it dawned on me what she meant. Before anything could happen, though, she collapsed backwards and landed on the bed. This time, she was just lying there. Eyes closed. Looking like an angel. In her underwear. With cum all over her face. So a slutty angel, I guess.

That blowjob, she had pretty much taken that. Taken the initiative and sucked me off. This time, she was passive, just lying there…. But she still looked so hot that I couldn’t resist. Lying on her back, one leg straight down and the other bent up to the side, I could see right in between her legs. Her panties were in the way… but if I could remove them, I’d see everything…

My heart was pounding. I leaned over and put my fingers inside the waist bands and gently pulled them down. Her legs were moving around, letting me take off her panties to see everything she had. The sight made my cock twitch. Her pink slit was so inviting. I had seen a girl’s pussy before, in porn films and such, but this was different. It was so close I could smell it. It was right in front of me.

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