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The next day, on returning from work, Hugh sadly informed me that the intercom was, as the agent had told us, extremely expensive, and that we could not afford it at the moment, especially after the expense of my computer. I was quite devastated, for although I could communicate with Hugh through messages, it was not the same, and over the next few days I found that my isolation was becoming greater and greater.

On the other hand, as Hugh did not like to eat alone and, under the present circumstances, being with me was like being alone, one evening he invited our lodger Parker to dinner. It was a really nice dinner. Parker turned out to be a very nice guy and a great conversationalist. He wasn’t particularly attractive, but his smile was captivating, and he seemed to always be cheerful. We had a really good time, although, unsurprisingly, I felt rather left out of the conversation of the two giants, although they were both quite attentive to me at all times, solicitously, for which I thanked them heartily.

The logical consequence of this is that Parker became a regular at our table, I could tell that he and Hugh really connected well. I was happy for my husband, but soon the two of them took it beyond the table. They started doing some activities together, like going running on the weekends, or going out for drinks after dinner. And one night at dinner, to my dismay, I noticed unmistakably that Parker was flirting with my husband. But wasn’t this guy straight? It was clear he wasn’t, at least not exclusively. I also noticed that Hugh was flattered by his interest and that he let himself be loved.

Over the next few days their relationship grew closer and closer, while the demon of jealousy appeared potent in my heart. In addition, I began to notice subtle changes in my husband’s behavior. Gradually some of our favorite rituals became distant in time until they disappeared. There was no more masturbation together. Hugh stopped washing me between his hands, he would simply turn on the tap, give me some soap and invite me to wash myself. And his huge affectionate kisses all over my body became a matter of protocol, without warmth.

Every day I felt more isolated and, above all, more ignored by my husband, whose affectionate devotion was now directed at Parker. My patience reached its limit the day they both sat down to watch TV and Hugh offered Parker one of my foot massages. Parker gladly accepted and, again unable to say anything about it, I found Beylikdüzü Escort myself on the floor in front of the giant feet. They could not hear me, however, I made unmistakable signs to Hugh that I did not wish to do that. He understood me perfectly, but his reaction was not what I expected. He frowned and said to me in an authoritative voice:

-Come on, little mouse, don’t make me look bad! -And making a gesture that clearly meant: “Do what you have to do or face the consequences”, he pushed me towards the huge sweaty foot of our tenant. Feeling completely disposable (and that’s what I was, I couldn’t say I hadn’t been warned), I set about the task at hand.

Until now I had kept quiet, as I didn’t want to come across as the typical pathetic jealous husband, but, as I say, that was the last straw for me and the next day I wrote a message to Hugh. In it I told him that we had already spent some time in that situation, that I didn’t feel well and that I didn’t want to continue with it, so I asked him to go back to the government center and terminate the contract. I did not get the expected result either. Hugh wrote back immediately, surprised at my message, as he thought we were both very happy, and with warm words of encouragement, he urged me to wait a little longer, that we would soon get rid of the mortgage and be able to get back to our normal lives without financial problems.

The mortgage thing might be true, but I clearly realized that the reality was that Hugh was enjoying his new situation of sexual promiscuity, of making all the decisions at home and being completely free for everything (even to initiate an idyll with our tenant), and he was not willing to give it up easily. I was very saddened by his response – where was that “we are a team”?

However, I wasn’t going to give up so easily. I needed to get back to my normal size to fight for my husband! I knew I was losing him. So, I insisted on another message. This time Hugh took much longer to reply, and, to my desolation, he replied, much more coldly than the first time, that he thought I was being very selfish, and cruelly reminded me that the decision was his alone and that he had no intention of changing our situation at the moment. Moreover, in an unmistakably threatening manner, he suggested that I should not keep bothering him, since, if I continued to do so, he would be forced to teach me what my place in our relationship was, which I did not seem Beylikdüzü Escort Bayan to have it clear.

Hugh’s message was like a tremendous slap of reality in my soul. Until then, despite my awareness of my smallness and isolation, my husband had always managed to keep me feeling important and valued. However, those cruel words of his put me exactly in my real place: my opinion no longer counted at all, I was nobody, I was nothing, just a miserable insect in a world of giants. That broke my heart and I cried for a long time when I received his answer. I dared say no more. And I still had more crying to do that day. After dinner, Hugh and Parker went to Parker’s room and finally gave free rein to their passion. They tried not to let me know about it – nice of them, after all – but two giant bodies having unbridled sex is too loud for tiny ears like mine. Hugh, however, later went back to sleep in our room, where I waited morally shattered on the bedside table inside the cage, but I guess he felt too guilty and, without saying anything to me or even looking at me, he just lay down and turned off the light.

You can imagine how I felt that night. What I could not have expected at all, however, was what happened the following evening….

I was at the table in the living room, in the cage, surfing the Internet on my little computer, trying to forget about my situation for a while, when I heard the door of the apartment open. I was startled. It was too early for Hugh to come home from work. In a moment I saw that it was Parker. His huge figure entered the living room and walked toward the table. When he arrived I felt instinctively afraid. His huge crotch filled my field of vision as he opened the cage, saying to me in a jocular tone :

-Come on, “little mouse” -he said it with a lot of joking-. Come out!

I slowly stepped out of the cage, looking up into his face, quite frightened. He, from his enormous height, smiled mockingly and said to me:

-Hugh told me that you are quite intelligent. Then you must have realized that he and I are in love, that we are planning a life together, and that there is only one obstacle, albeit a rather small one -he said again with a twist-. That obstacle is… YOU!

I began to be really afraid as I sensed his tremendous hostility. He continued:

-He told me you’ve been bothering him and whining. How do you communicate with him? With this, isn’t it? -He reached out two Escort Beylikdüzü of his colossal fingers and grabbed my computer. In an absurd and useless gesture I tried to stop him from taking it, only provoking the giant’s laughter-. Well, it seems to me that you are not going to bother him anymore, at least with this!

He then placed the tiny computer on the table and, to my horror, clenching his huge fist, he hit it again and again with force. Each blow shook the whole table, and in one of them I fell to the floor, dragged by the force of the vibration. He kept smashing it until it was completely shattered. Then he gave it a swipe and sent it flying. I didn’t see what became of the poor thing. He looked at me intently and said:

-Did you see? I could do exactly the same thing to you. I’d love to get you out of the way cleanly. Although I would do it in a better way, let’s see… how could I do it? I would enjoy very much to start by tearing off one of your arms -with his two huge fingers he grabbed one of my arms and pressed gently-… Then the other one… then one leg… the other one… and at the end I would tear off your head or crush it as if it were a grape.

I felt such terror that I thought I would faint. How could I have been so wrong about this boy? He seemed so charming…and he was a real monster!

-Or I could eat you, would you rather be eaten whole or chewed up? -He took me in his hand and directed me towards the immense cave that his mouth was for me. I felt his warm breath all over my body and imagined myself being crushed between his huge teeth-. After digesting you, you would turn to shit, which is what you are. Or maybe… I could shove you straight up my ass and squeeze until you suffocated -he pulled me close to his gigantic ass. I was so terrified I could hardly see, my vision was totally blurred. However, he suddenly put me back on the table and concluded:

-But I’m not going to do it, no matter how much I want to. I can’t risk Hugh liking you more than I think he does and not forgiving me. Besides… -he grinned fiendishly- I plan to have him kill you himself, to put you to a humiliating death like the filthy vermin you are. I want your miserable life to end at the hands of your own husband….

And, with a final gesture of contempt for me, he left the room. I sat down and began to cry inconsolably. What had I done to this boy who had seemed so nice to me at first? How could I arouse such visceral hatred in people out of jealousy? Could he be so sadistic? And, above all, would he actually get my husband to kill me?

Dying of fear and sorrow, I could think of only one thing: I had to talk to Hugh! I had to get him out of the clutches of that monster before it was too late!

To be continued…

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