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Subject: Little White Pills chapter 40 Thanks all for hanging while I got this one polished up and out the door–real life has been crazier than I’d expected, and then this one got to be a lot longer than I expected. Hope you find it worth the wait. Be sure to show your enthusiasm with the folks at Nifty: you can donate to them at fty/donate.html . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 40: “Steam” The locker room buzzed with excitement: the team had just shut out the Jaybirds in the weekend’s double header, giving them a lock on a trip to the regionals. It meant their next week was a by, and so this Saturday “is gonna be scythe!” Darryl shouted “Time for some celebration pussy!” The infielder exchanged a double high-five with Paul de Vries, enthusiastically enough for the tall outfielder’s towel to drop off. “Someone’s got himself prepped,” drawled their team captain. “You finally cleaned up that jungle bush of yours de Vries. Maybe you’ll finally get some now.” The tall outfielder’s face turned red, betraying his casual tone. “Whatever Mack. That chick I bagged last weekend wasn’t complaining.” “She suck your balls?” the shaggy-haired blond asked. De Vries had made the mistake early in the season of going on about how much he liked a nut bath and how hard it was to get someone to do it, and the whole team had ridden him mercilessly ever since. Mack and the other self-styled Pussy Posse crew members–Darryl Khaled and Jake Pony–regularly offered him tips or shared their own stories to bust his chops. Paul’s tightened lips told the captain all he needed to know, and he laughed as he stood up to head into the showers. “I keep tellin’ ya man, chicks don’t like to floss.” He cupped de Vries’s nuts as he walked past. “Nice and smooth now, you’ll get someone on those–you’ll see,” he winked. If he noticed Paul’s long face turning redder he didn’t comment on it as he sauntered off, or on the blush that appeared under Darryl’s five o’clock shadow. Andy noticed though; catching Tyler’s eye he cocked his eyebrow at the two of them with a smirk that the catcher answered with a suppressed smile of his own. Coach Jeremy had been pretty tight-lipped about what exactly had gone down with the blackmail crew, but they had a pretty good idea. The last couple of weeks had been more than entertaining as the two of them and Andy had watched the trio trying to act normal. Mostly they did, but then there were little moments like this: Paul had fluffed up a little from Mackovic’s quick grab, and Darryl had definitely noticed, but now they were trying to pretend like nothing was going on: just two guys randomly getting shit out of their lockers…hilarious. “I’m gonna grab some steam, try and loosen up my arm a little. You comin’ Tyler?” Andy asked casually. “Yeah, lemme just hit the shower quick first.” The catcher ambled off. “‘Kay, see ya in there.” As Andy sidled behind de Vries he slid two fingers casually along the outfielder’s ass crack. “Razor missed a spot,” he quipped, withdrawing his hand as fast as he’d put it in and meeting Paul’s shocked face with a cocky grin. “Leave some pussy for us boys,” he said and walked off without looking back. He chatted with a few of the other guys on the way to the sauna, but kept it short: he had some steam to blow off and he didn’t want to wait longer than he had to. Tyler moved quickly himself, and for the same reason. Between the Friday night game and the double header that day, not to mention his end-of-semester crunch, he’d been too tired and distracted even to jerk off. He might’ve tried something with Brian, but his roommate had flipped back to guilt-ridden hermit mode after the last time they’d fucked, and Tyler hadn’t seen him since the beginning of the week. He wished the blond jock would get over himself so Tyler could have some dick on call like the twins’ arrangement, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen anytime soon. He shouldn’t be complaining though: between Andy and Ollie, Kevin, Eric, and of course Coach Jeremy he had more than enough opportunities to get off even when Brian’s Mormon angst sent him packing for a few days. And things had gotten even better last week when the sauna repairs were done. It’d never been too popular: it was pretty rank and always smelled like mildew, with dim lighting that made you wonder what you were really stepping in. With the warm spring weather there’d been a even less interest than usual, so when it got shut down for remodeling no one cared much. But Andy had poked his head in the other day when he and Eric were looking for a place to fuck, and it turned out that the remodel was actually pretty badass: it was clean and bright now, with new cedar benches and paneling that looked like a legit spa. At least if you didn’t consider the beat-up weight room outside it. It turned out that their little group (“the Fucktastic Five” Ollie had joked) were the only ones who seemed to have noticed. Guys usually didn’t linger long in the locker room after they’d cleaned up, especially with the end of the school year bearing down, and so they had the room to themselves. The wood benches were a little uncomfortable, but the room setup made for a lot of positioning options, and Tyler had taken advantage of most of them already. He could feel his dick thickening at the prospect of trying a few more. Luckily it’d just started, because Mack was still in the shower area. “‘Sup Tyler?” he asked casually as he soaped up one pit. If their team captain noticed Tyler was swinging a little heavy he didn’t act like it. “Hey,” the catcher nodded back. “How you doin’ Mack?” He stepped into the neighboring stall and turned on the faucet. Still some hot water left, thank God. “Good man, good. Great game tonight–you were on fire.” “Thanks, you too–that was a great catch in the eighth.” Tyler forced his gaze to stay pointed up as his team captain soaped up his lightly-furred pecs. The shower stalls were about four feet high: low enough that you could chat while you showered, but tall enough that they were sort of private. The problem was the “sort of:” if you wanted to check another guy out you could _almost do it, but it’d probably be pretty obvious. With all the meat on parade Tyler was continually tempted, but didn’t dare push it. Although it’d gotten easier lately: he couldn’t remember who started it, but there’d been a rash of guys jumping up for a blatant look, shouting “boner check!” as they did. Stupid jock fun, but Tyler wasn’t going to complain. Especially when there’d been more than one semi found–enough that it was a running joke now. “Thanks. Swear to God though, I thought for a second I’d just tipped it with my glove. Worked out though huh?” Mack began soaping lower and Tyler had to force himself to turn away and begin soaping before he just started staring. The team captain seemed to be pretty average in the dick department–the usual cut package–but he had a helluva bod. Not super-jacked or anything, but a really solid build all around. Combined with his square face and blunt features and that shaggy blond hair, and he could be a farmer plucked from the field. A fucking sexy farmer. Tyler felt himself stiffening as his imagination started playing out some scenarios. It didn’t help that Mack had a furrier body than the other guys he was fooling around with, except for Coach. Well, Ollie did, but he really just liked to get fucked, and Tyler liked the feel of a hairier guy’s body against his when he was getting pounded. Which was why he hooked up with Coach as often as he could: that daddy vibe was definitely…yeah. Fuck! And now he was seriously boning up. He quickly turned the water to cold as he scrubbed up–he needed to get to the steam room and get some relief. Mack hadn’t noticed his distraction apparently: he’d moved on to shampooing his scalp and his eyes were closed as the soap ran down his chest. The cold water was having an effect down below, but Tyler couldn’t resist the chance to sneak a peak. The white foam followed Mack’s treasure trail down into his cropped light brown bush, some of it tracing a path along his shaft where it looked for all the world like fluffy cum dripping off the tip of his dick. Which looked a bit bigger than usual… Tyler swallowed, struggling to step back before– “Boner check?” Mack asked with a lazy grin. Fuck, he’d finished rinsing his hair fast. “Hell yeah,” Tyler shot back, “checkin’ to see if you’re ready for some fun tonight.” Not a bad recovery. “Always man, always. Got a 16-week winning streak; not gonna let that end.” He gripped the edge of the partition and jumped up, checking Tyler out. “See man, I’m not the only one. Look at that thing: you’re worse off than I am. You need to get over breaking up with your girl and get that taken care of. Come on out with me and Pony tonight bro, we’ll get you laid.” “Who we getting laid?” a deep voice asked. It was Pony himself, towel over his shoulder. “This guy,” Mack cocked his head at Tyler, who’d begun rinsing off as an excuse to retreat under the cold water. “His pipes are all backed up.” “Oh yeah?” Jake took a look over the partition as he entered the stall on Tyler’s other side. “Yeah, you definitely need to take care of that thing. We’ll hook you up man.” He turned on the water and started sudsing up. Tyler couldn’t imagine a worse way to spend the night: it’d be pure torture. Where Mack looked like a sexy hayseed, Jake was someone you could picture in a business suit: taller and leaner, like a clean-shaven and less-hairy version of Kevin. His features were finer, with a superhero-level chin Kevin lacked, and his cut dick wasn’t as big (at least soft, but Tyler doubted he was enough of a grower to catch up with the first baseman’s beast), but it was mighty fine. Tyler had seen the two of them in action more than once picking up girls, and they were a force of nature when they were on the hunt. They were good-looking enough to pull based on their bods, but Mack had polished his “gee whiz” act down to an art, while Jake just oozed smooth sex appeal. Being in the shower between them was tough enough; if he had to spend the night with them he’d be running to the bathroom every 10 minutes to jerk off. And trying to dodge whatever sorority girls they’d be sending his way. Crap. “Hey, thanks guys, that’s cool. But the twins said they’ve got a sure thing lined up for me; I was just gonna meet up with them in the steam room for a few and work out some details, get it set up, y’know?” Jake looked doubtful as he began soaping his ass. “No worries man, but y’know the twins haven’t exactly been landing a lot of tail this semester. You sure they know what they’re doing here? You don’t wanna spend Saturday night with your dick in your hand.” “Nah, they swear this one’s a sure thing. Some friend of Ollie’s who’s looking to have some fun.” Tyler finished drying off, eager to escape before he had to make up a whole backstory. “Hey, you said you’re hitting the sauna–how is that thing? It was pretty gross before,” Mack asked as he toweled off. “Oh yeah, it’s way better now. I’ve used it a couple times when my knee acts up, and Andy said it helps after he pitches. Loosens you up good.” “No shit. My shoulder’s a little tight too–I think I’ll check it out. Jake, you wanna do a little sauna action before we head?” “Yeah, why not? I’ll catch you guys up in a minute.” “Great, see ya Pony.” Tyler kept his face relaxed, but mentally kicked himself as the two of them walked through the deserted locker room. He could only hope he wasn’t going to walk into the sauna mid-fuckfest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mack’s mind was elsewhere as he followed Tyler to the steam room, debating where he and Jake should go later that night. The Penguin was kind of basic, and the girls there were either with boyfriends or just getting hammered. That made them easy pickings later in the night, but you might not end up with anyone very hot. Maybe Dundee’s?…the pub vibe made it easier to chat someone up, and his “gosh, me?” game worked well there. Or they could do Charlie’s–there weren’t as many girls there, but since they expected all the guys to be gay it was easy to move in before they realized they were getting hit on. And they tended to be a party crowd, which meant you could get a girl who liked to do some freaky shit. Come to think of it, Charlie’s was where he and Pony had picked up that chick a couple weeks ago. She was far and away the hottest one there, and when she’d suggested they both come home with her they were too drunk to worry about sharing her. He and Jake hadn’t done anything with each other of course, but he had to admit he’d gotten a bit of a thrill spit roasting a chick with his best bud. It’d been hot as fuck tag teaming her, and by the end of the night they’d all gotten off multiple times. He definitely wouldn’t mind a repeat of that if they could find her again–he thought Jake might’ve gotten her number. She’d said something about wanting to get DP’ed too…at least he thought so–they’d been pretty hammered. Chubbing up at the prospect of a night of no-holds-barred smashing he cheerfully prepared to hang with Tyler for a little while. The catcher was a good guy, but he was hot enough to get some tail if he wanted it, and it might be better if he wasn’t there to cramp Mack and Jake’s style. Assuming they could find that chick again, anyway. “Hey guys, look who graced us with a visit,” Tyler announced loudly as he opened the sauna door. Mack nearly ran into him as he stopped for a second at the threshold, but then the catcher got moving again and the big blond stepped into the room. “Cap’n!” “Mack!” “What’s up?” greeted him as he stepped in. The room was more crowded than he’d expected: aside from Tyler and the twins Kevin was in there and even Eric–he didn’t realize the backup catcher hung out with those guys. “Hey guys,” he waved. “Man, this place is way nicer–looks like a club house.” He sniffed. “Even smells better. Can’t believe the school found the money to fix this up so pimp.” “No kidding,” Kevin said, “no more of that nasty mold shit.” “Yeah, that was rank,” Mack agreed. It did still have a guys’ locker room aroma though. Not nasty or anything, but you could tell a bunch of dudes were in there sweating. He breathed in deep–it made him think of pre-game excitement and post-game celebrations, and all the crazy shit they did together as a team. He fuckin’ loved it. “Have a seat dude,” Ollie said amiably, patting the upper bench next to him. He and Andy were in the corner opposite the door, flanking the hot rocks on the upper bench. Tyler had already plunked down on the lower bench across from the door, between Kevin and Andy, but with Eric and Ollie scooting apart there was room for him to fit comfortably between them on their side of the room. “Yeah, that’s the stuff,” he said as Ollie hit the button to release a fresh burst of steam. It wasn’t crazy hot in there, but he could already feel his muscles unwinding; he was glad he’d taken Tyler up on his offer. He leaned back and let his eyes slide shut, relaxing into the heat. “So Tyler says you’re gonna get him laid tonight,” he said lazily. He opened his eyes at the choking sound coming Eric on the lower bench. “What?” He nudged the catcher’s thigh with his right foot. “He said you guys had some chick lined up who was down to fuck. Were you jerking him around or what?” This time it was Andy’s coughing fit that got his attention. Mack cocked an eyebrow at him; something shady was going on. Especially knowing the twins were involved. “Well?” “Fuck, swallowed wrong,” Andy gasped, “sorry. No man, don’t worry, we’ll make sure he gets his dick wet.” “Uh huh. You’re gonna stick him with some uggo aren’t you? He’s not that desperate, are you Tyler? I mean, look at him: chicks’ll be all over that body.” He nodded approvingly. The catcher really was damn good-looking: buff bod, nice smooth chest with just a dusting of hair in the middle. The only reason Mack could think for him not hooking up was that he was still hung up on his ex. Well, get him a fresh set of titties to play with and he’d forget all about her. “Nah man, she’s hot. Long dark hair, tight ass, loves riding dick.” “Tits?” “Solid. Not big, but solid.” “You okay with small tits, Tyler?” Mack asked. “Not a problem,” Tyler said lazily, “long as she likes to fuck.” “Oh she loooves getting fucked man, I promise,” Andy said. “Yeah? You bang her too?” Mack asked. He wasn’t going to cock-block a team mate, but if she was just kicking it with a bunch of randos there no reason not to get in line. “Yeah I did.” Andy shot a sly look at Ollie. So they’d both hooked up with her. Mack wondered if they’d done her at the same time. It’d been hotter than he’d thought watching Jake in action; he could only imagine this chick going to down on Ollie’s massive schlong. Not that Andy had anything to be ashamed of, any more than Mack did. But Ollie was definitely bigger if what he’d seen in the locker room was any indication. “So what, are the three of you gonna jump her bones?” he asked. He glimpsed Kevin suppressing a quick grin, and shook his head with a short snort of his own. “What’s so funny?” he asked; obviously he was missing out on some sort of in joke. Kevin waved one hand at him. “Nah man, it’s nothing. Just these guys playing ‘who’s the biggest stud monkey’ over here when we all know you’re our resident man ho.” He grinned to show he wasn’t trying to give Mack any shit, and the big blond relaxed. “Nothing wrong with a little sluttin’ around, right?” he asked. “Besides, you guys do okay, right Kev?” The black-bearded relief pitcher nodded and grinned. “You know it man.” He groped his crotch through the towel. “Always busy.” They whole room laughed. Mack couldn’t help noticing though that where Kevin had pressed the towel down it now outlined a sizable mound. Shit, he’d forgotten what a horse cock that guy had too. On a couple of occasions the pitcher had definitely been a little bulked up as he was changing, and they way it’d swung heavy as he’d walked around had been pretty eye-catching. Damn, between him and Ollie Mack was starting to feel a little overmatched. He snuck a quick peek to his left and yeah, now that he looked for it it wasn’t hard to spot something under the Italian guy’s towel. It made him feel a little flustered, all this meat hanging out there, but also kind of curious. Like: how big did those guys actually get? And what about Andy and Eric? They seemed pretty average soft, but what if they were growers and not showers? Andy shifted around and put one heel up on the bench as he leaned his head back and relaxed into the heat, and now Mack could almost see right up his towel if he wanted to compare the two of them directly. The shadows made it hard to be sure, but he thought he could just catch a glimpse of the tall pitcher’s tip. It must’ve been some sort of competitive thing, because suddenly he could feel his own unit starting to lengthen. Where was Jake? Mack wasn’t going to bolt outright, but he really didn’t think the guys would appreciate him throwing a rod in front of them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ollie watched Mack shifting around uncomfortably as the conversation hit a lull. He hadn’t missed the big blond sneaking a peek at Andy’s junk. Just like his roommate to stir things up like that–he’d been the one to start using the sauna as a sex closet after all. But Ollie wasn’t going to complain: Mackovic might be a little smug about his weekly conquests, but he had the looks to back it up. If that whole pheromone thing Tyler was talking about was right, well, Ollie wasn’t going to pass up a chance to fool around with one of their resident cocksmen. Besides, with all the girls he’d bagged he’d probably throw a fantastic fuck–Ollie could feel his hole itching a little at the thought of Mack giving it a workout. He hit the steam button again and stretched, then leaned forward to talk down to their backup catcher; the position conveniently moving him closer to their team captain. “How ’bout you Eric, any plans for the weekend?” The stocky catcher twitched–he’d been off in his own world apparently. From the way his right hand was resting on his lap it looked like he’d been thinking about the night’s plans for the sauna. “Yeah, I was gonna hit this party down on Buffalo Street. Some guys from my Econ class got a keg.” He turned his torso to look up at the two teammates occupying the top bench. “You guys can come if you want.” Ollie noticed his gaze flicking to Mack’s towel; he was sure the big blond hadn’t planned it, but from where he was sitting Eric had the same teasing almost-view that Andy had given Mack, maybe a little better even. And getting better: it looked like Mack might be boning up a little. Ollie’s own shaft began thickening in response: between his anticipation of the night’s fun, the sight of a bunch of half-naked jocks, and the general smell of cock floating around, keeping his dick down was pretty much a losing battle. “Any chicks?” Mack asked, “Or is it gonna be a sausage fest?” “Nah, there’ll be women there,” Eric said, “it’s not an engineering class man.” He turned sideways in his seat, which could’ve been just to keep talking–but it also gave him a much better angle to see what was going on with Mack. Ollie grinned internally: Eric was so damn quiet most of the time you forgot that he had this whole other side. Especially when it came to sex. He overplayed his hand though, and didn’t wait for Ollie to offer a distraction before his gaze dropped back to Mack’s lap. Mack chuckled as he caught on to the catcher’s game. “Eyes are up here bro,” he laughed. Eric didn’t even hesitate though–the sly bastard must’ve planned it out Ollie realized–and with a shout of “boner check!” he yanked Mack’s towel open. It was a perfect diversion, because the big blond was indeed partway there, his pink shaft at half mast above his cropped light brown bush. There was a pause as everyone took it in. Not Mack’s situation: pretty much everyone on the team had gotten caught with some sort of wood the last few weeks. But Eric’s gleeful shout was so out of character that they all needed a couple of seconds to take it in. Mack turned pink, then gave a startled laugh. “Busted man,” he said. “I was thinking about my options for tonight.” He tousled Eric’s thick brown hair and shook his head with a grin. “You douche.” “Boner check!” This time it was Tyler, exposing Kevin’s crotch. Before anyone could comment on his own swollen state he’d reached over and pulled Andy’s towel loose with similar results. There was a pause and then Mack had freed Ollie’s beast. He’d been coming up fast already anyway, and was three quarters of the way there when Mack tugged the towel away; his shaft hit Mack’s hand as it withdrew. “Shit, is everyone boned up in here?” Mack breathed. His eyes were locked on Ollie’s crotch as he said it, and the short stop could see him struggle to pull his gaze away. “Guess so,” Tyler said and opened up his towel. His dick wasn’t fully hard, but it had no trouble standing up from his dark brown bush. “Me too,” Eric offered, and Ollie watched Mack’s square features lock onto the jock’s body as he stood up in front of them and dropped his towel. His balls were big and full, and his fat circumcised head was pointed right at their leader. Mack’s eyes glazed over slightly at the sight, and Ollie saw his dick stiffen as fast as anyone’s ever had. Things were definitely about to get interesting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mack didn’t know what’d come over him, but he was even more turned on than he’d been in that threeway. He’d felt a low-grade horniness all day, and he’d definitely been mentally clamping down on his thoughts after the game so he didn’t pop a boner, but he’d planned to do what he always did and just hold off until he found some female companionship to drain him dry. That wasn’t going to work this time–his dick was done waiting. And all the other guys were in the same boat too. He remembered his sophomore year in high school, when he’d still been shy and hadn’t gotten a girlfriend yet, but was nonstop horny. He was at his first real party and had gotten drunk pretty fast, but while the liquid courage had helped him talk to some of the girls the crowd was mostly juniors and seniors and none of them had wanted to talk to a hammered 16 year old. He’d wandered aimlessly around the party house, vaguely thinking of jerking off in a bathroom somewhere real quick to relieve his blue balls, when one of the school’s two gay guys found him and offered a blow job. Mack’s dick had shoved his drunken brain out of the way and took over his mouth, and the next thing he knew he was in an upstairs bathroom with his pants around his ankles and Billy Standish’s mouth around his cock, getting his first hummer. He’d lasted all of about 30 seconds, after which Billy had wiped his chin, thanked him for the fun, and headed back into the party, leaving Mack feeling confused but satisfied. Billy had blown him a few more times after that until Mack got a girlfriend a couple months later and discovered pussy, and that was the end of that. But now here was Eric standing in front of him, with a look on his face like Billy used to get, and a stiffy that said he might be willing to help a buddy out. Mack clenched his dick to make it pop up faster, and Eric didn’t even try to hide his interest. “Damn, I guess we’re all pretty fucking horny tonight. I know I could use some relief.” He flexed his dick again; it was fully hard now and bounced nicely against his abs. Mack leaned back and spread his legs a little, and Eric flexed right back at him, then again when he stretched his arms out on the top bench. His left hand bumped against Ollie’s thigh, but neither one of them broke contact; it felt right, somehow. Eric didn’t say a word, just neatly folded his towel and set it on the floor between Mack’s feet, then knelt on top of it. “Like this?” he asked, and holding the big blond’s gaze he traced the tip of his tongue up the length of Mack’s shaft. Mack shivered as a wave of goosebumps raced over his body. “Yeah,” he croaked; he could already feel his balls pulling up, and Eric had barely touched him. “He gives great head Mack, you’re gonna love it,” Ollie Çeşme Escort said. Mack only half-heard him though: Eric was making a second pass with excruciating slowness in a way that made his toes curl. “Uhuhh…” he agreed shakily. When Eric’s tongue reached his piss slit there was already a droplet of precum there to meet it, and he watched transfixed as Eric touched his lips to it, delicately swabbing the opening with the tip of his tongue. “Oh shit,” he breathed, “shit.” A load groan from across the sauna made him look up. Even fifteen minutes ago he would’ve been shocked at the sight, but now he wasn’t surprised at all to see Tyler on his hands and knees, head bobbing up and down in Kevin’s lap. Mack could just glimpse his pink hole in the furry cleft of his ass, and his smooth nuts swinging beneath it; the sight was unexpectedly arousing. Andy was jacking off slowly, watching them with a grin on his face that he shared with Mack. As Eric buried his face between Mack’s thighs Andy procured a small bottle from behind him and squirted the clear contents onto two fingers, then slid them into Tyler’s puckered opening. Mack couldn’t’ve said whether he moaned at the sight, or at the sensation of Eric’s tongue on his nuts, but he’d started shaking he was so turned on. He was deep in a fuck fog, rational thoughts fading, so when Ollie guided his hand over a few inches he didn’t hesitate to wrap it around the short stop’s fat shaft. The uncircumcised skin felt strange under his grip, but also warm and familiar. He tore his gaze from the happening across the room despite the eager whimpers Tyler was making, and turned his head to study the cock he was holding. Ollie was definitely pretty damn big, and also a leaker. Mack stared in fascination as each stroke brought a fresh trickle of liquid to the surface, then groaned as Eric’s lips left his balls to wrap around his glans. Ollie’s dark eyes met his, and the dark-haired jock grinned. “Feels good huh?” “Yeah,” Mack said tightly, “real good.” His dick was sinking into Eric’s mouth with maddening slowness, and he began pumping Ollie’s shaft faster as though that would get the catcher to speed up. Ollie’s head was glazed with fluid now, enough that Mack could catch his scent. He took a deep breath, intoxicated, and Ollie grinned. “Here, lemme give you a good whiff dude,” Ollie said. He stood up, momentarily breaking contact, and pivoted so he was standing on the lower bench with his cock right in front of Mack’s face. His fat, leaking, massive cock. Mack buried his face in the black fur surrounding it and breathed in deep. “Uhhhhh….” he sighed, “fuck yeah….” He breathed in again, filling his lungs with Ollie’s scent–how had he never done this before? He felt almost dizzy as he gripped Ollie’s furry ass cheeks and pulled his crotch in tight. It was a no-brainer then to open his mouth and lick the fresh sweat off the infielder’s shaved nut sack. His saliva glands exploded at the taste, and he grunted hungrily as the flavor filled his mouth. “Aw fuck man, your mouth feels so good,” Ollie groaned, “so fuckin’ good.” “Mmhmm,” Mack agreed enthusiastically as he continued the tongue bath. He couldn’t see what was going on across the room with Ollie right in front of him, but Tyler’s hungry call of “oh fuck yeah” told him the other three were really getting into it; the thought made him even hornier. Without hesitating he ran his tongue up Ollie’s shaft until he reached the mother lode of sweet precum at the tip. It tasted even better than it smelled, and the two of them moaned in unison as he wrapped his lips around the head and began swabbing the juice out from under Ollie’s ‘skin. His balls tingled from the extra stimulation, and Eric’s satisfied grunts joined theirs as the catcher suctioned up Mack’s leaking juice. As Ollie’s hands gripped his skull and urged him on, Mack knew he wasn’t going to last too long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler was whimpering continuously as he rode Kevin’s fat shaft; he’d been trying to go slow to enjoy the ride, but he knew he wasn’t going to last too long. He’d thought it’d be Andy to fill his hole first, but apparently the pitcher had opted for Kevin’s mouth instead. Tyler had been tempted to join him, but it’d been a while since he’d had the first baseman’s fat shaft stretching him open, and he realized he’d missed it. So he’d happily greased the pole up and then backed into it; it’d taken him surprisingly little time to adjust to the extra girth. Then again, his hole hadn’t exactly been taking it slow the last few weeks. At first he’d been happy to just sit on Kevin’s lap and lean back into his hairy chest. From time to time Andy would pull his dick out all the way and give Tyler a chance to suckle for a bit, which was a nice complement to the motion in his ass. But as he opened up and the pleasurable rubbing against his magic spot continued his hunger grew for more. He leaned forward and began grinding more aggressively; this was definitely what he was in the mood for. “Oh fuck yeah,” he groaned, “fuckin’ fat cock Kev…” A set of answering moans from his right made him check out his teammates’ goings-on. It looked like Mack had drunk the Kool Aid all right: his face was buried in Ollie’s crotch, and he was moaning as he pumped his hips into Eric’s mouth. Tyler licked his lips at the sight of the catcher sliding a finger back between his muscular glutes. Maybe it was just habit because of the way they’d hooked up the first time, but more often than not if he and Eric were kicking it it was the stockier jock who ended up getting fucked. Yeah, he’d definitely have to put Eric’s ass on the menu for later tonight. Not yet though: Kevin’s fatty felt way too good to stop now. Tyler’s dick was bouncing wildly as he rode the infielder, and every time he stopped to grind hard into Kevin’s crotch a fresh trickle of precum leaked out. More than a trickle really: as he started bouncing hard again he saw a droplet break loose, a clear strand connecting it to his piss slit for a moment before it broke free. The room reeked of male sweat and sex now, and he closed his eyes to concentrate on that and the sensation of getting solidly railed. He was really getting into it, the familiar pleasure in his ass spreading through his groin, when the door in front of him burst open. “Dude, you won’t believe it, it was that chick from last…da fuck?!!” Tyler’s eyes flew open to see Jake standing stunned in front of him, mouth open as he took in the orgy in progress. Andy recovered fastest. “Close the fucking door Pony–you’re letting all the heat out!!” he shouted, and the handsome jock obeyed instinctively, too shocked to resist. “M–mack?” he asked hesitantly. A guttural grunt came from the general direction of Ollie’s crotch. “You gotta fuckin’ try this shit Jake. Fuck this is hot!” Wet slurping noises indicated Mack was following his own advice, followed by an enthusiastic “yeah, suck it!” from Ollie. “Oh my God, you guys are all…” His voice trailed off as the scene in front of him sank in. He was breathing heavily from the adrenaline, and his dark eyes were saucers. Tyler knew that look: it was the one Brian got when part of him was thinking about wanting to fuck, but his conscious brain was shutting down; it was a coin toss at that point whether he’d bolt or give his roommate some dick. The catcher acted instinctively: if Pony saw them freaking out he’d flee, but if not… “Just having a little celebration,” he said, “doin’ what feels good bro.” He began riding Kevin’s pole again, but slower. “And it feels really good. Mmmm….” He pinched his nipples and picked up his speed slightly. “Really fuckin’ good…” He knew he’d won his gamble when Jake’s eyes dropped to his crotch and locked on, tracking the pendulum bounce of his dick. “Thought you…thought you had a girlfriend Ty,” Jake mumbled. A bulge had already started forming under his towel. Coach’s theory about pheromones might be right after all, Tyler thought: Jake was boning up in record time. “He did, but then he found something better,” Andy put in, “right Tyler?” “Fuck yeah,” Tyler sighed, “I never used to drip like this when I was with my girl. Check it out–look at all that pre.” He gripped the base of his shaft with two fingers and moved it around, showing his teammate the glistening underside. “All the way down to my nuts.” He pulled up until Kevin’s head was all that was still inside him, then sank back down with a short groan. The fresh drop of liquid emerging from his piss slit spoke for itself. “Your dick is so wet,” Pony breathed. He took a small step forward like a man in a trance, his towel fully tented now. Andy hopped off the top shelf to stand beside Jake; he put one hand on his shoulder and leaned in conspiratorially. “Yeah, I know right? Look at his balls man: like fuckin’ oranges. You’re gonna shoot one helluva load Tyler, amirite?” “Huge,” Tyler agreed, and increased his speed. Jake had inched closer and Tyler had no trouble tugging his towel loose. The third baseman had a solid cock: cut and maybe 7″ Tyler thought, with a nice-sized head and two low hangers. “You wanna see, Jake?” The dark-haired infielder nodded numbly. “Go ahead Pony, take a look.” Andy pressed down on the other man’s shoulder, and Jake dropped to his knees without resistance. “Damn he wasn’t kidding about your dick being wet,” Andy said admiringly, “I think I can smell that juice up here. You catchin’ that Jake?” “Yeah,” he croaked, “fuck. Yeah.” Wrapping his left hand around his dick he leaned in closer as though Tyler had a magnet in his crotch. When the catcher pushed his shaft down the glistening head came within a couple of inches of his mouth. The slightest pressure from Andy’s hand was enough to push him forward, and once his lips made contact they didn’t stop until half of Tyler’s shaft had slid into his mouth. The catcher groaned as Jake began blowing him–he definitely wasn’t going to last long now. He was able to quickly return Andy’s thumbs-up before the sensations in his cock and ass took over. Falling back against Kevin’s hairy pecs he let the first baseman pump away while Jake’s suction brought him closer and closer to the edge. This team is lit, he thought happily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . “That’s it Mack,” Ollie murmured, “fuckin’ A. Mmmhh…” Jake’s arrival had nearly thrown a wrench in their little gang bang, but it looked like the handsome stud had decided to try a little D after all. For a minute it looked like Andy was going to introduce the third baseman to the joys of a dick up his ass as well as down his throat, but Jake was already pretty much wedged up against the door–there wasn’t a lot of room there. Eric’s meaty ass was hanging out in the middle of the room ready to get plowed though, and the twins shared a grin as Andy assumed a familiar stance, lining up to do the catcher doggy style. Eric made a mumbled “mmmmmph” of approval as Andy slid in, and then Ollie lost track as Mack’s hungry mouth distracted him again. His head rolled back and he closed his eyes as he concentrated on the wet suction bringing him closer and closer to blowing his load. “Suck it…” he said hoarsely, “fuckin’ suck it.” Mack started playing with his balls and he could feel them tightening up in response. “Shit,” he panted, “getting close…aaaah yeah, just like that…” Mack’s index finger had slid farther back to rub his taint, and the stimulation was pushing him over the edge, fast. He tangled his fingers in the second baseman’s sweaty blond hair and began face fucking him in earnest, unable to hold back despite the occasional choking noises coming from the team captain’s throat. He looked down to see Mack staring up at him, a hungry look in his eyes despite (or because of?) the drool running down his chin; it was hot as fuck. “Take my cock Mack,” he grunted. “Take. My fucking. Cock.” “Finger his hole Mack,” Andy chimed in between his own grunts, “he fuckin’ loves that shit. Unhh…” Wet slapping noises told Ollie his friend was railing Eric good and hard, and probably close to getting his own nut. Andy knew what he was talking about of course, and when Mack’s middle finger start probing his chute it was game over. With a “YES!” that was echoed by Kevin across the room he erupted into Mack’s hungry mouth. “Take my fuckin’ load Mackovic!!” he cried out, and what felt like a gallon of cum began draining out of his balls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mack struggled to keep up with the fire hydrant that was unleashing in his mouth, but the sheer quantity combined with the girth of Ollie’s schlong made it a lot tougher than he’d expected. But also…damn was it hot. Way more than he’d expected–he could see now why Billy was always so eager to go down on him back in high school. He’d always gotten amped off the energy in practice or the gym when everybody was working out hard and pushing themselves: it was a rush to know you were with your teammates, busting your balls together for something greater than just you. This was like that, but times 1,000. Spotting your bud on the bench press, your face in his, getting him to squeeze out one more rep, was nothing like the rush of taking him into your mouth, breathing in his scent as his asshole spasmed around your finger and he filled your mouth with his fresh spunk. Ollie’s hands gripped his skull, guiding him and urging him on, to fit one more inch of cock in his mouth, and Mack growled between swallows as he pushed himself to meet the challenge. He didn’t know what happened exactly–maybe it was the extra lubrication from all the cum–but suddenly Ollie’s head was sliding down his throat. He barely had time to take a breath before it was filling him completely, warm jets coating his esophagus as Ollie’s pubes tickled his nose. He pushed his finger as far as it would go up Ollie’s chute, and was rewarded with a deep groan and another dose of spunk. Goosebumps ran over his body from excitement and he shivered as he twisted his head from side to side, milking Ollie’s shaft. Ollie shuddered and loosened his grip, his orgasm finally over. Mack realized that he really needed to catch his breath, and reluctantly raised his head and sat back. He paused halfway to give Ollie a thorough cleaning, pulling back his cock sock to collect all the juice hidden in it and making the short stop twitch. He grinned in satisfaction as he gripped the warm shaft and squeezed one last pearl out, then locked eyes with Ollie’s as he licked it off. Ollie’s smile matched his, and he ruffled Mack’s sweaty hair. “Fuckin’ tight dude,” he said, “thanks.” He pivoted around to sit back on the upper bench where he’d been before and looked at Andy. “You ’bout done? Mack needs to get his.” Mack had been so lost in his oral activity he hadn’t registered when Eric had started slacking off, but the stocky catcher had definitely gotten distracted. Andy was power-fucking him good, long and deep, one hand tangled in his thick brown hair to pull his head back. Eric’s eyes were squeezed shut and his hands clutched Mack’s thighs as he focused all his attention on the pleasure in his ass. “Fuck me,” he whimpered, “fuck me.” Mack wasn’t sure if it was Andy or Eric he was more turned on watching, but the sight was enough for him to grab his dick and start stroking. “That’s it man,” Ollie urged, rubbing his neck, “rub one out. He fuckin’ loves facials.” Eric’s eyes opened, lust-filled slits. “Do it,” he panted, “do it. Harder!” He began bucking back into Andy’s thrusts, fucking himself on the pitcher’s shaft. Mack didn’t need any encouragement: he grabbed his junk and started tugging, the sweat and spit enough lube to make it work. “Take it man,” he muttered, “take that cock.” As if to emphasize his point Tyler chose that moment to let out a loud groan that said he was coming, hard. Mack could only glimpse a bit of the frantic thrusting going on behind Andy’s torso, but it looked like all three of his teammates across the room were in the process of blowing their loads. The thought of his best bud Jake down on his knees, taking Tyler’s load like Mack had just done with Ollie, turned him on even more. He could feel his nuts pulling up as he stroked frantically, leaning back into Ollie’s grip as his hips pumped at Eric’s eager face. The catcher’s mouth hung open, a series of “uh uh uh uh uh”s coming from it in time with Andy’s pounding. They were both red-faced and drenched in sweat, the masculine aroma coming off them in waves as they neared their climax; it was the hottest fucking Mack had ever witnessed. The pitcher was the first to crack. With a loud “ahfuck!” he released Eric’s hair and switched his grip to the catcher’s crotch; two seconds later they both had their O faces on display. The sight pushed Mack over the edge, or maybe it was the needy groans Eric was making as he bucked in Andy’s grip. He had just enough time to aim his cock down before he blew and started laying tracks in Eric’s hair and on his face. He got three good shots in before he decided to target the jock’s mouth. That got him a hungry moan that sounded a lot like the ones he’d just been making, and when he pushed his head against Eric’s full lips the shorter man swallowed it instantly. Mack gasped and bucked from the extra stimulation hitting his sensitive nerves, gripping Eric’s skull to pull him deeper into his crotch. His scalp was a sweaty, cummy mess, which made shooting the rest of his load that much hotter. “Take it,” he groaned as he released the rest of his jizz into the warm suction. “Oh fuck, take it all bro,” he whimpered. The sight of his cock pumping between Eric’s shiny lips just added to the experience; he’d never look at his teammate again without feeling a rush of closeness and sex. When Ollie leaned down to kiss him it felt like the most natural thing in the world to return it, freeing one hand as he did to caress the fat shaft that’d started his adventure. He rumbled happily deep in his throat as he reveled in the feel of the two warm sweaty teammates’ bodies in and on and surrounding him; it was enough to coax one last pearl from his cock for Eric to consume. “Fuckin’ A” he breathed finally when they pulled apart, “that was lit as fuck.” He looked around the room to see the original five grinning at him, their faces flushed with the same after-sex glow he was feeling. Jake looked a little less certain, or maybe just a bit stunned by what he’d fallen into, but the white goo leaking out the corner of his mouth and coating his right hand said he’d enjoyed himself all the same. Looking at him, Mack was a little surprised he himself wasn’t freaking out some. But he’d always loved the crap out of being on a team, loved the camaraderie, loved the guys on it–even the occasional asshole. This was just an extension of that really–why the hell not enjoy this with the guys along with everything else? “Looks like someone enjoyed himself,” Andy commented as he slid out of Eric’s ass with a wet pop. “I knew we made you team captain for a reason.” “Shit,” Mack breathed, “you guys been doing this all season?!” “Most of it,” Tyler shrugged. “Some of us, anyway.” “And some of you still haven’t learned you’re heavy as shit,” Kevin griped good-naturedly. “You gonna get your fat ass offa my lap now Ty?” He slapped one smooth cheek. “You weren’t complaining a minute ago,” the catcher shot back. “I was busy coming a minute ago. C’mon man, this bench is gonna make my hamstrings cramp if you don’t get up.” He swatted Tyler’s ass again for emphasis. “You’ll come back,” the brown-haired man quipped as he slid off of Kevin’s pole. “I always do,” Kevin replied with a lazy grin. “C’mon, let’s get outta here guys–I’m gonna melt,” Eric said as he stood up. “Yeah, you’re already dripping,” Ollie joked, “from both ends.” The other guys laughed and Mack and Jake joined in, his buddy a bit hesitantly. His eyes did flick down towards Eric’s crotch for a second though. “Hey, I’m not the only one,” the catcher said, moving to the door. “Wipe your chin Pony–time to hit the showers again.” Jake did, shaking his head at the sight of the glob now smeared on the back of his hand. Instead of just wiping it off though he licked it clean. There was a surprised pause, and then chants of “Pony! Pony! Pony!” from the other guys that made him blush. Mack couldn’t quite believe his friend had done it either, but it looked like he’d enjoyed giving head as much as Mack had himself. Something to think about, he thought as they filed out the door. Definitely something to think about. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler felt good and loose walking back to the showers, and not just in his satisfied asshole: watching his dick slide between Jake’s cherry lips had been almost as hot as the feel of Kevin’s monster plowing him from behind. Maybe more: it was a rush watching the handsome pussy hound’s expression shift from shock to interest to full-on cock lust. He hadn’t been sure Pony would do it at first, despite how fast Mack had taken to munching on Ollie’s meat, but once he’d gotten Tyler’s dick in his mouth he’d sure gotten into it. It’d been a pretty good blowjob too: lots of tongue action around the head the way Tyler liked, and those hot little whimpers every time he got a fresh drop of pre on his tongue. Tyler’s dick wasn’t quite ready to start firming up yet from those thoughts, but he’d definitely be ready for another round soon. Whatever was in that stuff Coach had given them had sure done wonders for his sex drive–it was too bad it was almost all used up. For a minute he worried briefly about what would happen when they ran out, but he pushed the thought out of his mind: Eric and Mack were walking in front of them, and the sight of their tight asses was all the distraction he needed. He wondered if Mack would let him take his cherry, or if he’d end up balls-deep in his fellow catcher again. Win-win either way. The guys shot the shit on the way to the showers like nothing had happened–if someone had walked in they would’ve just assumed some of the team had just had a normal sauna session. Assuming they didn’t notice the traces of cum here and there. But once they got there it was pretty clear the night wasn’t over yet. As usual Andy was the one who started things. There were eight stalls, four on each side of the aisle, but when Jake entered the first one and turned on the water the pitcher just stepped in behind him without saying a word. Jake opened his mouth to say something but the tall blond had already squirted soap into his hand, and when he began applying it to the infielder’s junk he just twitched silently instead. “Thought you could use some help cleaning up,” the pitcher said with a grin; from his arm motion it was clear what form the help was taking. Jake stood there, hands at his sides and looking down in fascination as Andy worked him over, as though it was his first hand job. Mack had already been heading into the next stall, but Ollie beat Tyler to the bunch and slid in behind him as Andy made his move on Pony. There was a pause as the five of them watched Andy get the dark-haired stud hard. Ollie broke it by reaching around the mesmerized Mack’s torso and turning on the water. “Let’s get you soaped up too,” he said, and in short order his soapy hands were all over the team captain’s crotch as he pressed into him from behind. “Guess we should get cleaned up too, huh?” Tyler asked the other two with a grin as he stepped into the third space. “Who’s with me?” They’d learned that although you could fit three to a stall there was almost no room to do anything once you were there–technically you could fuck, but someone always bumped the faucet and everyone either got scalded or a boner-killing dose of ice water. “You go ahead man,” Kevin said to Eric, “I wanna watch.” “Perv,” Tyler laughed as he turned on the water. “You sayin’ you’re not gonna watch me get hard?” the pitcher asked. “I didn’t say that,” Tyler replied. A look over the divider revealed that although Kevin wasn’t at all hard, he wasn’t all that soft either. Tyler admired the site of the water running through Kev’s black pubes and down his shaft before streaming from the bulbous head like he was taking a massive clear piss. It never ceased to amaze him that he could fit that thing up his ass so easily. His thoughts were interrupted by the feel of a soapy finger sliding into him, and he turned around so he could return the favor. Eric sighed and leaned into his chest as Tyler pushed two fingers up his ass. “Yeah, just like that,” he sighed, “stretch my hole open….” When Tyler spread them apart to do just that he groaned and bit down on a nipple–they’d learned a lot about each others’ turn-ons in the last few weeks under Coach’s training, and Tyler didn’t hold back his own moan of appreciation. “Another?” he asked. “Uh huh,” Eric nodded and moved to his other pec, “…cock in there…” he mumbled. Tyler pivoted them around so Eric’s back was to Kevin, then pushed two more fingers against the catcher’s opening. It was pretty tight, but he knew from experience the stocky guy could handle it. “You want Kevin’s fatty in there?” The relief pitcher had begun jacking off while he watched them; from the hungry look on his face it was pretty clear he was game. “Mmhmm,” Eric pushed back, rubbing their hard ons together as he ground onto Tyler’s digits. “Doggy style, man.” “Let’s hit the weight room, huh bud?” Kevin asked. “Fuck yeah,” Eric said enthusiastically. He looked up. “You comin’ Ty?” Tyler looked over his shoulder to see what his options were. Back in the first stall he caught a glimpse of Jake up against the wall with his arms pinned over his head and Andy’s tongue down his throat. Whatever hesitation he’d had about going down on Tyler had clearly disappeared. Closer to him Mack was leaning back into Ollie, his lips parted and eyes half shut as the short stop slowly jacked him off. When he murmured a weak “oh fuck” and started grinding back into Ollie Tyler knew what he wanted to do. He slid his fingers out of Eric’s ass. “You guys go ahead,” he said. Kevin shot him a knowing nod and a wink: he’d had a view of the other stalls the whole time and no doubt had figured out what was on Tyler’s mind. “C’mon Eric, let’s go do some stretching exercises,” he said. “Hell yeah,” the catcher agreed Çeşme Escort Bayan shakily, “let’s go.” He didn’t say another word–the speed at which he followed Kevin into the locker room said as much about his state of mind as his hard-on leading the way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ollie noted the two guys taking off, but was more focused on the soapy body rubbing up against him. Mack’s beefy frame was flexing under his touch like a cat in heat–that load of Ollie’s he’d swallowed seemed to have really flipped a switch in the big guy, and he was hard as a rock in Ollie’s hand. Tyler was eyeing his meat hungrily as Ollie jacked him, and licked his lips when the short stop angled the hard on to point directly at him. “Pretty nice, huh?” “Yeah it is,” the catcher agreed, eyes locked on the show. “Don’t forget I’ve got a great ass too,” Mack put in hoarsely, sliding said ass against Ollie’s fatty for emphasis. Holy shit, Ollie thought, is our stud of a team captain saying he wants to get fucked?! Not that Ollie could blame him–he was 100% into a dick in his ass himself, no question what he liked there–but he hadn’t expected the corn-fed blond to take to it so fast. Assuming Ollie had read him right. “That is pretty fuckin’ fine bro,” Ollie said. He kept on hand wrapped around Mack’s joint, but his left slid over the lightly-furred glute, the pinky slipping into the hairier cleft. “That’s a lotta squats.” Lower now, his hand cupping the base of the blond’s ass cheek. “You’re tight as fuck,” he said, probing. But he wasn’t too tight: Ollie’s pinky found the wrinkled skin he’d been looking for, and when it slid across it the opening fluttered in time with the spasm in Mack’s cock. If it’d been Andy standing there the finger would’ve gone in, but instead the sensation made Ollie’s own backside quiver in sympathy. Mack had given a top-notch blow job for a newbie–for a pro even–but Ollie had an itch that needed scratching now, and a hummer wasn’t going to do the trick. “Lemme see,” Tyler said, licking his lips. Mack turned around and looked over his shoulder. “Pretty good huh?” “Fuckin’ fine,” Tyler agreed, nodding. Ollie felt a hand on his shoulder. “You want in bro?” Andy asked, pointing down. The stall was pretty crowded for two tall guys, but Jake had managed to get down on his knees and had buried his face in the pitcher’s crotch. “Yeah, for sure,” he agreed. Between Andy and Jake he could definitely get the dicking he was looking for, and he knew from experience that Tyler would make Mack happy. Very happy. He turned back to Tyler. “I’m gonna hang here for a little longer. Why don’t you do your own inspection of Mack’s ass?” he suggested. He gave Mack’s cheeks a light swat and pulled them apart for Tyler to get a better glimpse. “Yeah, I can do that,” the catcher said hungrily; he knew what Ollie was into and that he wasn’t cock blocking his teammate. “C’mon Mack, why don’t you show me what you’ve got?” He turned off his water and grabbed his towel; Mack was already stepping out with a big grin in his face. “Weight room brah?” he asked the shorter man as he grabbed his towel. “Good guess,” Tyler said, and with that the two of them headed off, dicks bouncing. Ollie turned off his water as Andy did the same, and they shared an excited look of anticipation. Ollie pointed at the top of Jake’s head with a questioning look and Andy waggled his fingers: not bad. “C’mon Pony,” the pitcher said, pulling the infielder’s mouth off his dick, “let’s find a little more room to party.” “You guys do this stuff a lot?” Jake asked as they all hurriedly toweled off. “All the time man,” Ollie said. “Daily,” Andy added. “Or more.” They headed into the locker room, Ollie leading the way. “The ol’ salume needs some attention on the reg,” he said over his shoulder. Pony shook his head, disbelief on his lean face. “I’m not giving up pussy man, but I gotta say: if I’d known I could be getting some every day without dealing with Tinder bullshit…” Ollie turned around. “Why don’t we show you what you’ve been missing man?” He wrapped his hand around Jake’s cut shaft and felt it pulse at his touch. “Yeah, let’s have some fun,” Andy agreed. He took Jake by the shoulders and turned him around, then pushed him down. The handsome infielder started to sink to his knees, but the pitcher pushed him back so he was sitting on the bench instead. “Lay back bro.” Jake’s look of uncertainty turned to anticipation as he settled back, legs spread off the bench’s end and his erection standing straight up. “That’s the stuff,” Ollie breathed. Fuck was that a sight, he thought as he settled to his knees. He couldn’t wait to explore every inch of the lean body in front of him. He grabbed his towel for some padding–experience with this scenario had taught him he’d need it–and without wasting any more time took Jake’s cock in his mouth. “Aww shit yeah Ollie,” the jock sighed, “that is fuckin’ tight.” His head sank back onto the bench as he wrapped one big hand in Ollie’s thick black hair; the other began rolling his nearest nipple. “Yeah…” Ollie slid his left hand up to work on the other nip while Andy joined him, nose deep in Jake’s damp bush and licking the base of the jock’s shaft, leaving the head for Ollie. He increased his suction, eager to taste some juice, and within a minute or two got his wish. By that point Jake had begun squirming nonstop, his hands roaming everywhere over his body and what he could reach of the twins’. When Andy’s tongue moved down to his ball sack the third baseman’s deep voice cracked and his sighs turned into a series of high-pitched whimpers as he bit his lower lip. Ollie let out a muffled sigh of his own as Jake fed him a fresh dollop of his juice, then another as Andy’s tongue dipped lower. “Aahuhhh…” Jake whined in encouragement. If he thought Andy’s work on his taint felt good, Ollie thought, just wait. The thought made his asshole twitch, and he paused his blow job long enough to coat his index finger with spit. It slid past his ring without resistance and he added his sighs to Jake’s as he fingered himself. He really needed to get fucked, and bad. Tasty as Jake’s cock was, Ollie wasn’t looking to have another load go down his throat. Andy pushed Jake’s thighs up, preparing to dive in. “Help me out here bro,” he said between licks. Ollie was going to have to change positions if Andy got the access he wanted. He felt a brief flash of annoyance–he’d wanted to keep sucking on Jake a bit longer–but then he realized he could turn it to his advantage. Standing up, he straddled Jake’s torso while facing his roommate and gripped the the third baseman’s hairy calves. From here it was easy to lift them up and spread them–not that Jake was fighting it–and give Andy full access. “Awesome,” Andy said, and gripping a lightly-furred cheek in each hand he spread Jake open and began attacking his rosebud. Jake yelped when Andy’s tongue made contact with the tender skin at the edge of his hole, and his hands gripped Ollie’s thighs hard enough to dent the skin. Ollie responded by spreading the infielder’s legs wider, and that was when Andy really went to town. “Oh Jesus fuck oh God Andy…uuunnhh fuck! Holy fuck! AaahGod!” Jake babbled, his voice cracking as he writhed on the bench; if Ollie hadn’t been holding his legs he’d probably have fallen off. Ollie knew how he felt: Andy ate him out regularly before they fucked, and he’d gotten damn good at it over the semester. His own hole itched just watching Andy’s tongue probe Pony’s virgin(?) ring. It was clear that even if Jake had gotten his salad tossed before, Andy was taking it to a new level. “UNHH!!” Jake whined, and before Ollie could react Jake was pulling him back and down until the shortstop had a tongue of his own to enjoy. “Fuck yeah Pony!” he groaned, “eat my fuckin’ ass dude! Yeah!!” He pushed down, only half-caring if Jake was getting smothered: the tall jock hadn’t bothered with any teasing but just pushed his tongue as far in as he could go, which was exactly what Ollie needed. Moving back had also pushed Pony’s legs even farther over his head, which opened his own hole up for Andy even more–both of them were enjoying the setup and weren’t quiet about it. Ollie’s dick had begun dripping back in the shower, but when Jake got his tongue up in him it starting leaking in earnest, and soon a line of clear goo connected his piss hole to his teammate’s lightly-furred pecs, just above the wet spot where Jake’s glans came close to his abs. If he could’ve Ollie would’ve started jacking off right then and there at the sight, but he was pretty sure that if he let go of one of Jake’s legs they’d all end up on the hard floor in seconds flat. So he settled for grinding on the infielder’s face, even as Jake squirmed every which way himself in an attempt to keep his asshole connected to Andy’s tongue. Ollie’s legs were shaking by the time he got a break, and his hole felt hungry enough to take Kevin’s monster in one go without hesitation. So when Andy clambered to his feet and asked “Who’s ready to get fucked?” Ollie didn’t hesitate. “More than,” he said, standing up and pivoting to stand at Jake’s side. The tall jock’s entire torso was flushed and spit glistened on his face where Ollie had spread it around; he looked as horny as anyone Ollie had ever seen. “That’s a helluva a tongue you’ve got, Pony.” Jake wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I’m not the only one. Jesus Andy, that was intense as fuck.” “Maybe you should try something bigger then,” the pitcher said, squeezing a healthy drop of precum out. For a minute Ollie thought Jake was going to do it: he definitely was considering the idea. But: “Ehhhh, I don’t think so man. That thing’s a lot bigger than your tongue.” Andy opened his mouth to argue, but Ollie knew there was no point pushing it–when the guy was ready, he’d let them know. It wasn’t like he’d let Andy fuck him the first time they’d hooked up–or even the tenth time. More importantly, time spent arguing about whether Andy should go on a Pony ride was time when Ollie did NOT have a dick up his ass, and unlike Jake he was definitely ready for something bigger than a tongue. “Let it go Andy,” he said, “plenty more chances another time.” He turned around and rooted around in a nearby locker; not by coincidence they’d ended up near Andy’s. Mitt, underwear, tee shirt…there it was. He pulled out the half-empty bottle of lube and squirted a healthy dollop onto his right palm. The other two could sort their shit out later; thanks in large part to Jake’s tongue he was waaaay too horned up to wait any longer. A quick swipe of the infielder’s rod to grease it up and then he was straddling his hips; Jake’s head was halfway in before he broke out of he bemused trance and fully registered what Ollie was up to. “Jesus Ollie,” Jake gasped, “you’re fuckin’ thirsty. God daaaamn…” he groaned as Ollie slid onto him. “Dick feels so good man,” Ollie said thickly. “Fuckin’ needed this bad…” He took himself in hand, then started jacking himself as soon as his Jake’s pubes tickled his balls. “Fuck, your cock,” he moaned as he started grinding, “fuckin’ awesome.” “Told ya’ man–you should try it sometime,” Andy said with a satisfied grin. “This is pretty lit already man,” Jake panted. He began thrusting up into Ollie’s ass, the motion forcing a groan from the short stop. “‘S better,” Ollie gasped. He’d gotten his angle right and now Jake was raking his spot with every thrust. He let go of his dick before he blasted off too soon and settled for playing with his nipples. “Fuck yeah!” The electric pleasure from them to his ass to his cock was driving him nuts in the best possible way and he started bouncing up and down faster, grateful for all the sumo squats that’d toughened up his thighs and ass. “Aaahhh….” His eyes slid shut as he let the sensations wash over him. “Ride it Ollie,” he heard his roommate urge, “that’s fuckin’ hot.” There was a sound of shuffling feet that Ollie barely noticed, then: “C’mon Pony, take it.” Ollie cracked his eyes open to confirm that the new gulping sound he heard was that of Jake swallowing Andy’s shaft. He couldn’t see how well the third baseman was handling it because Andy’s back was to him as he pumped away at the jock’s mouth, but from the way the pitcher’s ass was flexing Jake was doing just fine–he must’ve learned pretty well from what Tyler had liked. “Aw yeah…that’s the shit bro,” Andy panted, “suck it just like that. Uh huh…suck on the head like–uh!–yeah, like that….” He started panting and his hips moved faster. Ollie had a sudden vision of Jake’s lips and beard glistening with his roommate’s jizz while he shot all over Pony’s chest–the thought was hot as hell. Without slowing his slide up and down the infielder’s shaft he goosed Andy, two lubed fingers sliding up the pitcher’s chute with minimal resistance. Andy might not get fucked too much, but that didn’t mean he didn’t like some ass play. “Huuunh!!” Andy’s entire body stiffened and his asshole spasmed; from the frantic gulping noises Jake was making it was obvious Ollie’s finger had pushed the blond pitcher over the edge. “Uh! Uh! Uh! Uhhhh…” Hearing him come was as hot as ever and Ollie trembled on the brink of busting his nut hands-free; he watched through a haze as a cloudy glob freed itself from his piss slit and ran under his foreskin. If Andy had been facing the other way he would’ve joined Pony slobbing on his knob, happily burying his face in his buddy’s crotch. Andy pulled out soon after coming like he always did and lifted his leg back over Jake’s torso so he was standing at his side. Unless Ollie had really missed something the infielder hadn’t blown his load yet, but he still looked as well-fucked as anyone Ollie had ever seen: his face was red and sweaty, and his eyes were as glazed as his swollen lips. When Andy squeezed one last drop of jizz out and smeared it on Jake’s chin the dark-haired jock lifted his head eagerly to try and catch it, then tongued his beard when that failed. Ollie couldn’t take it any more–this was like living one of his hottest wet dreams (at least, one of the new ones he’d started having the last few months). He’d found the right angle to grind his magic spot against Jake’s cock while his ring clamped down on the base. “Fuck!!” His mouth fell open as he stroked energetically, his slick hand a blur. “AWFUCK!” Two tugs on his dick and he erupted, laying white tracks across Jake’s torso. “FUCK!” Jake echoed him, ramming into Ollie’s hole as his features contorted into an O face. “AW FUCK!!” His fingers dug into Ollie’s hairy thighs as he bucked into the warm hole milking him dry; the impact pounded the next two jets out of Ollie hard enough for them to reach his face. It looked like Ollie’s load was going to join Tyler’s and Andy’s in the pussy hound’s stomach. Ollie’s head fell back and he groaned in ecstasy as Jake flooded his ass. He didn’t know why Andy barely let anyone fuck him (just Coach, actually), but as far as Ollie was concerned there was nothing like the feel of a stud’s thick cock murdering his hole. And now he had one of their team’s top cocksmen giving it to him. “Fuuuck yeah Jake,” he sighed, “fuck yeah….” Wet squelching sounds filled the room as Jake’s dick stirred his load around and Ollie’s hand continued stroking his dripping shaft. “Shit,” Jake panted, “that was fucking lit.” Ollie wondered if his teammate had even noticed when he’d swallowed the jizz on his tongue, or licked his lips afterwards. Fucking hot, he thought. “Yeah it was,” Ollie agreed, “we can do that anytime.” “We sure can,” Andy agreed, “thanks for the relief dude.” He gave his semisoft dick a slow tug, squeezing one last tiny white droplet out. Jake didn’t move to do anything about it, but his eyes definitely tracked it; Ollie watched his face change as he bounced between straight stud and cum slut mode. He shrugged internally: either Jake would be down to clown again or he wouldn’t. Either way Ollie had gotten a great lay out of it–his nuts felt well and truly drained. With some reluctance he stood up, letting Jake slide out of him with a wet pop. He wouldn’t’ve minded spending a little more time with the stud inside of him, but damn if his thighs weren’t starting to light up from holding the semi-squat position, so that was that. “Think I’m gonna go clean up,” he said, looking down at his cum-matted pubes. “You guys coming?” “Always,” Andy said with his classic shit-eating grin. “C’mon Pony–you’re fuckin’ mess.” He held out a hand and pulled the third baseman up to a seated position. This time Andy also noticed the way his glance lingered on the pitcher’s still-swollen shaft. “I could use a little cleanup myself.” His dick was already right in front of the infielder’s face anyway; when he lifted his meat up a little to show off the gooey tip Jake only had to lean forward a few inches to swab it clean. Yep, thought Ollie, he’ll be back all right. Guys might do some crazy shit while their dicks were hard (he definitely had, and not just the stuff with Andy and the rest of them), but if you were licking your buddy’s dick clean afterwards? With a look like that on your face? Yeah, Jake was in their club for sure. Ollie’s asshole twitched reflexively at the new possibilities that opened up. Jake kept it up for a good half minute–definitely longer than he needed to just lick up the juice coating Andy’s shaft–before letting Andy slide out of his mouth. It was too soon for the pitcher to get hard again–even with the magic deodorant they needed a little time to recover–but there was no question the tall blond had enjoyed the attention. “Nice,” he said quietly. Jake shook his head as though he was trying to clear it. “Uh yeah,” he said, his deep voice slightly shaky. “Well, anyway, guess we should hit the showers.” “Yeah we should,” Ollie agreed. This time he was the one to offer the dark-haired jock a hand up. When Jake stood his position straddling the bench left him practically touching Ollie; this close the shortstop could clearly see the streaks of cum in his beard, and smell the mix of jizz and sweat pouring off him. He fought the urge to ram his tongue down Jake’s throat–save it for another time, he thought. From the look that flickered in Jake’s dark eyes it might not be that long. Instead he backed away. “Let’s do it” he said, and led the way back to the showers. They used separate stalls this time: Jake didn’t follow him into his, and Andy took the hint to give the newbie some space. After a couple minutes the unspoken tension eased, and the three of them chilled out and started shooting the shit like it’d just been another regular practice (which it kind of had been, at least for most of them, Ollie realized). By the time they heard the voices of the other guys coming back in for their own round two cleanup the vibe was almost back to normal, with just the faintest spark of sex visible if you knew what to watch for. Good enough, Ollie thought, more than good enough. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mack led the way down the hall from the locker area to the weight room, Tyler close behind him. Well actually his dick led the way, pointing straight ahead and as hard as it’d ever been; he was already leaking. He’d always liked sex–loved it really–and he was down for a bit of kink (one night with a blindfold and some whipped cream came to mind), so this new thing with his buddies was pretty cool. But it’d definitely pushed his buttons more than he’d expected. Especially watching Eric get fucked. Part of it was the heat of the moment for sure, with Ollie’s load fresh in his mouth, but he’d never seen a guy as hot and horny as the stocky catcher had gotten with Andy’s dick up his ass. He’d never given much thought to why gay dudes liked what they liked, even when Billy had blown him back in high school, but seeing close-mouthed Eric turn into a full-on sex pig from Andy’s attentions had gotten him thinking. And then Ollie had started grinding on his backside in the shower and it sparked something in him, making him more than a little curious to know what it was Eric liked so much. Ollie’s finger had given him a sense of it, enough that he was ready to try something at least. The thought of Ollie taking his cherry was honestly pretty scary–his fuck stick felt huge rubbing against Mack’s ass crack–but Tyler’s equipment looked a lot more manageable. Mack wasn’t sure at first if Tyler would want to fuck him–he’d really seemed at home riding Kevin’s pole–but he’d made it pretty freaking clear in the shower he was willing to do the deed, and Mack was happy to at least give it a try. Part of him couldn’t believe he was about to do this, but the warm taste of Ollie’s spunk still lingered in his mouth and it was those sensations that were in charge. He heard the noises before he opened the door, so he wasn’t exactly shocked when he saw Eric and Kevin already going at it at one end of the warmup mats. Eric was down on his hands and knees, with his mouth open in ecstasy as Kevin ate his ass. “Yuuuunnhhh!” he groaned, right as they walked in, “uh huh!” He yelped as Kevin pried his cheeks farther apart and really dove in, grinding his bearded face deep into the catcher’s crack. “Fuuuck!” he wailed, “oh fuck yeah!” Kevin growled something in response; Mack couldn’t make out the words but his enthusiasm was obvious. “Hot huh,” Tyler said behind him. “Yeah it is,” Mack agreed. He hadn’t realized how much he’d started leaking already until he wrapped his hand around his dick and gave it a tug. The twinge from the wet friction on his hypersensitive head made him twitch. “Wanna try?” Tyler asked. Mack could feel his breath on his shoulder. “Uh huh,” he nodded, biting his lower lip. Eric’s hands were clenched into fists and his head had dropped onto the mat; he was mewling nonstop as he thrust his ass back into Kevin’s face. When had watching another guy get off gotten so hot, Mack wondered dimly. Because no question, it was revving his engine up good. That, and the warm masculine smell and feel of Tyler’s body barely touching his. “Well get on down there man,” Tyler urged, “see if you like it.” Mack didn’t need the pressure of Tyler’s warm hand on his shoulder to urge him on: he hadn’t felt a thrill of sexual adventure like this in a while. Well okay, the threeway with Pony the other night had been pretty cool, but this was definitely next level. “Be gentle,” he grinned over his shoulder as he hunkered down on the mat. “You sure?” Tyler shot back. The smirk on his face as he settled in behind Mack suggested he knew something the team captain didn’t. That, and the hungry moans coming from Eric in front of him. Mack felt his cock twitch in anticipation, and knew he was leaking big time. He didn’t have to wait: Tyler’s hands were on his ass as soon as he was down. “Spread your legs some more man,” the catcher murmured, and the big blond quickly complied. He could feel the cool air on his damp pucker and wet cock, and felt a brief wave of chills wash over him. The chills turned into goosebumps when Tyler’s warm breath hit his balls. Mack had assumed he’d just go right to eating his ass, but instead all he got was the lightest touch of a tongue tip, tracing the little ridge on his sack up to his taint before lightly circling the very edge of his hole where the hairy skin gave way to smooth flesh. Around twice then back down to his nuts, which were already pulling up. The next pass was just as slow and teasing, and Mack found himself spreading his knees even further in the hope that Tyler would take advantage of the easier access he was given. His tongue did dip ever so slightly farther into Mack’s pucker, but nothing like the middle. Instead he blew softly and steadily on the wet flesh; the needy gasp was out of Mack’s mouth before he realized what he was doing. “You fuckin’ tease,” he grunted. “You said be gentle,” Tyler replied, before wetting his hole again and resuming his blowing. “Oh for fuck’s sake Ty,” Mack gasped once Tyler paused and he could focus on talking again, “you’re killing me man. Get in there already.” “That how you eat pussy Mack? Just jam your tongue up in there?” This time the catcher’s tongue was definitely closer to the bullseye; Mack felt his ring fluttering involuntarily. “No…but if she’s begging for it I give her what she wants.” Mack didn’t care that he was pushing his ass back into Tyler’s face–this teasing shit was driving him nuts. “You beggin’ me to eat your pussy?” Tyler teased. The tip of his tongue touched Mack’s pucker, making it quiver. “Oh fuuuuck yes, right there!” Eric’s pleading might’ve been coincidence, but it definitely echoed what Mack was thinking. “Call it whatever man, just get that fuckin’ tongue in there,” he spat out; his whole body was starting to shake. Eric was squirming on the ground in front of him, red-faced and sweaty, and Mack knew he’d be in a similar state soon. “Sure thing Mack,” Tyler said. He didn’t dive in like he’d promised though: instead he grabbed Mack’s shaft and pulled it back until the flat of his tongue could swab the dripping piss slit. Mack yipped at the sensation then groaned as the wet muscle slid along the base, Tyler’s nose bumping his balls as he moved up. The catcher stopped to give his nuts a long, slow tongue bath before pulling the tight sack into his warm mouth. Mack’s arms gave out and he matched Eric’s posture: face plastered against the mat as waves of pleasure radiated from his nads. “Aaahuuuhh….” He squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on what Tyler was doing; it was the most natural thing to start rocking his hips again. He stopped with a jerk when the brown-haired jock’s lips went from sucking to blowing, his scrotum pulling up tight from the sudden coolness, but his grinding started right back up when the tongue bath resumed along his taint. “Oh God…do it bro,” he whined weakly. Suddenly he felt Eric grip his right hand, and opened his eyes to see the backup catcher shoot him a glazed look of shared lust. “Eat my fuckin’ hole Kev,” he said thickly. “Eat my fuckin’ hole Tyler,” Mack echoed. The catcher was so close, already pressing against the edge of his pucker… “C’mon….” He wasn’t above some begging at this point. Eric gave a little nod before Kevin did Escort Çeşme something that made his eyes roll up briefly. And then Tyler was pushing in at last and his own vision dimmed. “Oh fuuuuuuck that feels… uhhhgoooood… aahhhh…don’t–deeper, yeah, fuck yeah, oh fuuuuck….” This was a whole world of sensations he’d never imagined. The rough-but-slick friction on the inside of his pucker–he had no idea how sensitive he was back there. And Tyler knew what he was doing–he must’ve been a champion muff diver before he switched teams. Mack opened his eyes briefly to see Eric watching him, the same look of lust on his face as when Mack had jacked off in front of him. Out fo the corner of his eye he saw that Kevin had stood up and was grabbing some lube, his cock bouncing thick and red as he pulled the bottle out from where it’d been stashed behind some equipment. It dawned on him that the weight room must be getting used as a fuck den as often as the steam room, but now the thought didn’t shock him: it was a turn-on. He was definitely good and fuck drunk at that point, because when Eric leaned in to start making out with him Mack didn’t even hesitate to start swapping spit; the fact that it was another guy whose tongue was in his mouth barely registered. It was a sloppy makeout session, not least because Tyler was wiggling his tongue around in there and Mack couldn’t stop himself from pushing back onto it. Not to mention his near-constant moaning made coordinating their tongue battle tricky. But fuck was it hot, no question. They were interrupted by Kevin’s swat on Eric’s ass. “Ready to get fucked bro?” he asked. “Fuck yeah,” Eric said enthusiastically, “do me doggy.” “Works for me,” the pitcher said, dropping to his knees. His cock glistened with lube, jutting massively from its nest of black pubes; Mack couldn’t believe it was going to somehow fit in Eric’s hole. He watched fascinated as the black-haired jock positioned himself and began pushing; even Tyler had taken a break to check it out. Eric’s head dropped briefly and Mack heard him take a deep breath, then grunt. “Say when,” Kevin said, putting one hand on the catcher’s shoulder. Eric took a couple deep breaths then nodded; his head came back up. “‘Kay.” He kept breathing, his breath hitching once briefly before resuming. Finally he let out a long sigh when Kevin finally bottomed out. “Oh yeah,” he whispered. “You good?” Kevin asked. Eric raised his head and nodded twice, eyes shut as he bit his lower lip. “Real good,” he said. Kevin began backing out and Eric sucked in his breath, then let it out with a soft whimper as the pitcher reversed direction. “Is that hot or what?” Tyler asked, face close to Mack’s ear. One hand slid into the blond jock’s cleft, the index finger resting where his tongue had just been. “It’s something,” Mack breathed. Just like in the steam room, he couldn’t take his eyes off Eric’s face and the expression of pleasure growing there. He’d never thought of his teammate as anything but straight, but here he was taking a cock–a massive one–like a champ, and loving it. Really loving it: he’d started pushing back to fuck himself on the monster inside him. Watching it up close like this was definitely hotter than any porno he’d ever looked at. “Wanna try it?” The finger pushed, and when it didn’t meet any real resistance it kept sliding in to the second knuckle. Tyler’s tongue traced a line up Mack’s trap to the back of his neck, making him shiver. “Feels real good man.” “Yesss,” Eric hissed. He opened his eyes and looked at Mack. “Feels so fuckin’ good…do it.” He looked over his shoulder. “Fuck me good Kev.” “Awesome,” Tyler said, leaning forward and swiping the lube bottle. “Here, get on top of me,” he said as he squirted some liquid into his palm. “It’s easier the first time.” Mack twitched from the feel of cool goo as Tyler’s finger went back up his chute, but it warmed up almost instantly and then the rubbing started to feel pretty good. Yeah, he thought, this could work. Tyler’s tongue had felt pretty fucking sick, and that finger was damn nice too. And he and Eric had both taken Kevin’s monster and lived–he could handle something a little more…regular. Probably. He hoped so. In addition to being horny as hell he was also starting to feel a little competitive about it. A weird thing to get all alpha about, but there it was. Tyler withdrew his finger and wasted no time slicking up his pole, then flopped onto his back with his head near Eric’s. When Mack straddled the catcher he realized that he was face to face with Eric again, and they’d be watching each other get off. The short jock only spared him a quick glance though: Kevin had picked up his pace and it was obviously getting to him. “Fuck me Kev–” he arched his back and pushed into the pitcher’s thrusts–“fuck me good!” Mack shivered at the sight as he settled onto Tyler’s crotch, balls resting in his brown pubes. Tyler’s cock was slick and warm in his ass crack, and his own was rock hard. He started rocking a bit, letting himself get used to the contact. He hadn’t realized quite how much Tyler’s head flared out, but now that it was rubbing against him it was a little intimidating. He still wanted to try it, but… “Hey guys.” The voice was easygoing and not at all surprised, but Mack’s head still whipped around, his jaw dropping in shock as he realized– “Hey Coach,” Kevin puffed. “Was wondering if you were gonna show.” “Got hung up,” Jeremy said, pulling off his tee shirt and gym shorts; he wasn’t wearing any underwear. He tugged on his dick as he walked towards them, already growing hard. Mack swallowed at the sight. His initial urge to dive off Tyler and hide had faded fast when it sank in that their coach not only was cool with their little fuck fest, but was going to join them. Their buff, hard-bodied coach. “Hey Mack, glad to see you decided to join in and have some fun.” He came to a halt in front of the team captain, straddling Tyler and yanking his crank as though it was the most normal thing in the world. Two more tugs and Coach was hard–was he leaking already? “You wanna have some more?” he asked, wiggling his rod by the base. Mack could smell his cock, and it made him think instantly of Ollie and how fine it’d been feeling the short stop’s massive piece slide down his throat. He’d always gotten a little thrill when Jeremy patted him on the shoulder or the ass, or even stood close to him to explain something, but he’d put it down to getting some extra attention from their head coach. But now he realized what the real thrill was; he just hadn’t recognized what he’d wanted. Without another word he leaned forward and took Jeremy’s shaved balls in his mouth. The smell of fresh sweat filled his mouth and nose and he groaned, a part of the team now in a way he never could’ve dreamed of or hoped for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler watched Mack dive into Coach’s crotch with satisfaction and maybe a bit of jealousy. He was glad the big blond hadn’t bolted when Jeremy had showed, but he’d been the first one Coach had fucked–hell, he’d basically seduced the guy–and even though he was mostly over it he still sometimes felt a little territorial when one of the guys started playing with “his” dick. Not that he and Coach could ever be a thing of course: Jeremy had made it clear that that’d kill his career in a heartbeat if word ever got out. So it was stupid to feel that way, especially when it was one of his teammates. A built teammate whose ass was grinding against his aching dick, he reminded himself. Yeah, taking Mack’s cherry would more than make up for watching someone else take Coach’s load. Coach couldn’t see his face from where he was standing, but he must’ve read Tyler’s mind. “Hey Mack,” he said, and gently pushed the second baseman’s face out of his crotch. “You know what’d be hot?” “Suckin’ your dick?” Mack asked breathlessly. His face and torso were as flushed as his plump dick, which twitched when Tyler swabbed some of the precum off the tip; he didn’t take his eyes off Jeremy’s though. He does taste great, Tyler thought; lucky Eric. “Oh yeah, you’ll get that bud. But think how hot it’d be if you were riding Tyler’s cock at the same time.” He brushed his thumb across Mack’s lower lip. “Think you’d like that?” Mack nodded, lips parted. “Uh huh.” He licked his lips and swallowed nervously. “But I, uh, haven’t ever, you know…” It probably wasn’t an accident that Eric picked that moment to get loud. The sounds of their bodies slapping together had been getting steadily louder as Kevin really put it to his teammate, and Eric could really be vocal when he was getting into it. Lotta suppressed shit in there, Tyler figured. But it made him hot as fuck in the sack, so: win. Like now. “Harder! Fuck, harder! God, your fuckin’ cock–rail me you fucker!” Tyler twisted his head around to check out the action. His teammate was dripping with sweat as he bucked and writhed under Kevin’s assault. He wasn’t touching himself, so he was either looking to ride it as long as his ass could hold out, or going for a hands-free cum. Tyler knew from experience that if that log started hitting your prostate right hands-free was definitely an option. “Take it!” Kevin grunted, digging his hands into Eric’s hips. “Take it like a fucking man!” He was panting too as he put it to Eric good, nearly knocking the smaller man flat. The other three had paused to watch the show, Tyler absent-mindedly playing with Mack as the blond leaned to one side to look around Coach’s torso. “Here Mack,” the older man said, “this’ll make watching more fun.” He turned to give the big blond a better view, then pressed his glans to his lips. Mack took it in without hesitation. “Oh God, I’m so close!” Eric wailed, “Right there! OH GOD YES FUCK YES RIGHT THERE FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK AAAAAHHHH!!!!” Eric’s hand sprang to his crotch, but the first jet had already hit the mat (and nearly Tyler) by the time he started pumping. “OH! FUCK! OH! God!! Aaaahhhh!…. Fuuuuuck….” His orgasm was winding down, but Kevin wasn’t quite there yet. “Yeah! Gonna–unh!!” Kevin’s eyes squeezed shut as he unloaded into Eric’s ass, wet slapping noises alternating with his grunts as he came. “Ohhfuuuu…” Kevin sighed as he finished grinding into Eric’s meaty ass; Tyler couldn’t see his face, but he could imagine his bearded features grimacing in pleasure. “Ahhhh…” the pitcher sighed finally, “that was awesome. Dat ass dude–man!” Tyler heard him give the catcher a friendly swat on one cheek. Mack had taken it all in with wide eyes, gaze locked on the other two as he suckled on Jeremy’s cock head. Consciously or not, he’d started rocking his hips as Eric got louder, and by the time Kevin had busted he was grinding his crack steadily against Tyler’s shaft. Jeremy had noticed too; once the show was over he pivoted back to stand directly in front of the team captain again. Tyler’s respect for the big blond went up a notch when Mack took advantage of the new position to swallow his coach down to the base, making the older man gasp. “Uhh! That’s fantastic Mack…mmm…you’re doing great.” Kevin chuckled as he slid out of Eric. “You shoulda seen him, Coach: he was taking Ollie all the way earlier.” “Oh yeah?” Coach sounded impressed. “You deep throated Ollie, Mack?” The blond jock grunted an affirmative, but didn’t stop bobbing up and down. “Oh that’s hot,” Jeremy said hoarsely; Tyler wasn’t sure which blow job he was referring to, but watching this one from below definitely was great. “You like that cock, huh Mack?” Another grunt and nod. Jeremy clasped Mack’s head in both hands, gently forcing him to slide off. “Fuckin’ great Coach,” he panted. He wrapped one hand around Jeremy’s 7-incher and resumed tonguing the head. “You ready to see if your ass is as good as your mouth?” “Sure Coach, I think so.” “Nnnhh…yeah, you’ll do fine. Lift up.” Mack complied, raising up off his heels. Tyler immediately positioned his head behind his warm ball sack, ready to fuck at last, but the second baseman hesitated. “You get lubed up?” Jeremy asked. “Mmhmm.” Mack was already back to slobbing on his coach’s knob, but Jeremy had wrapped his own hand around the shaft, blocking him from everything but the very tip. “Tyler, remember how we got you ready for Kevin?” Coach sounded a little unsteady–Mack was really working him over. “Yeah, I sure do Coach,” Tyler said with a grin, remembering. That’d been a challenge, but definitely one of his favorite workouts ever. “Let’s do that. Mack, how’s that dick taste?” “So good Coach,” Mack panted, “really good.” “You want more?” “Fuck yeah I do.” “Good man. Get your hole lined up over Tyler’s cock.” Mack squirmed around a bit while Tyler held the base of his shaft, until the blond’s pucker pucker was kissing the catcher’s helmet. “He’s there Coach,” Tyler said. “Good. Mack, listen to me.” Jeremy tangled his free hand in the team captain’s hair, tilting his face up slightly. “I want you to slide down onto Tyler’s cock. Take your time, just relax, and if you want to stop for a sec that’s fine. But the deeper he goes, the deeper I’ll go, got it?” Tyler saw Mack nod. “Yeah, sure thing Coach.” He sounded a little nervous, but also hungry–the same as Tyler had felt when he’d been in that position, getting ready to let Kevin open him up. Just like Tyler, he only hesitated a moment before he began to gingerly lower himself. “Uhhyeah, that’s it Mack,” Tyler urged, “right on target man.” It was just the tip going in, and Tyler could tell that enthusiasm was only going to get Mack so far: it was going to be a tight fit. Coach backed his hand off slightly, and Mack took advantage of it to start vigorously swabbing the piss slit and bit of glans he could reach; the older man sucked in his breath from the stimulation. “You taste that precum Mack?” The blond nodded but didn’t slow down. “That’s coz you’re getting me all worked up. Get a little deeper and I’ll have even more for you, ‘kay?” Mack nodded and pressed lower so that Tyler’s tip was most of the way in, then gave an uncomfortable grunt and paused. “That hurt a little?” Mack nodded. “A little,” he agreed. “My head’s mostly in Coach,” Tyler said, beginning to pant a little himself. This was torture: like the world’s slowest jackoff session. He fought off the urge to just ram up and bury himself deep in their captain’s ass but he remembered how Kevin had held it together for him. He settled for gripping Mack’s taut quads and trying not to squirm too much “Just relax and breath Mack, you’re doing great. Push out a bit,” Coach urged. “Okay,” Mack sighed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, abandoning his knob job for the time being. Tyler felt himself move incrementally deeper before Mack grunted slightly and stopped again. “Almost there Mack,” he urged. “That’s good Mack, real good,” Coach said, “God, you look amazing champ.” He squeezed his dick, pushing out a pearl of precum that he smeared over Mack’s full lips. The blond licked them clean automatically, then reached for his own unit. Oh no you don’t, thought Tyler, no way are you going to blow and go before I finish breeding your ass. He grabbed Mack’s wrists and pushed the jock’s hands away. “Not yet,” he panted, “keep going. Fuck your ass feels good already.” He sensed movement around him, and then saw Eric take up position standing behind their captain. “You got this Mack,” he urged into the blond’s ear. “First time he fucked me it was a little tough–that fat head of his–but believe me man, when he gets in there you’re gonna love that cock of his.” He began massaging Mack’s traps. “Just relax Cap, it’ll be great.” “Show us what you got Mack,” Kevin agreed. He’d taken up position at Mack’s right side. “Show us how to ride his dick like a man.” One palm slid over Mack’s lightly-furred chest, caressing his pec. “You boys are so hot,” Coach panted, and began stroking his dick. Mack’s eyes were squeezed shut and he was breathing heavily but he resumed his descent, his ring grudgingly giving way a millimeter at a time. “Fuck that thing is big,” he gasped. “Do it, man.” “Do it, bro!” “Almost there!” The three players urged him on, while their coach just panted as he tugged on his meat. Tyler could feel that he was almost through Mack’s impossibly tight ring; he’d begun sweating with the effort of controlling himself. Fuck, Eric hadn’t been this tight! “Gaaaahhuhhhnn!…” Mack’s jaw clenched as he bore down, face and shoulders flushed as his ring quivered, and then Tyler popped through and Mack’s ass was swallowing him up. “Ohhh shit!” they gasped in unison, and then “holy shit” from the captain as his balls settled into Tyler’s pubes. “Oh my God,” he said weakly. “That’s it, that’s it,” Kevin said approvingly and pinched one nipple. “Awesome man,” Eric added. Tyler caught a glimpse of his dick already hardening up again. How he managed that after getting railed good and hard twice already that night was beyond Tyler: he could get it up three or even four times a day now if he was really horned up and had the opportunity, but he needed a longer rest than a few minutes. Maybe it had something to do with the stocky catcher taking loads from all four of the original “deodorant” users so close together, but whatever it was Tyler had to admit he was impressed. Eric was still pretty buttoned-up when he had his clothes on, but once they came off he was one hell of a sex pig. Tyler’s wandering thoughts cut off when Mack started gingerly rocking back and forth, testing out what happened when he started moving around on his teammate’s shaft. He could feel his body sliding on the sweat-slick mat as Mack’s motion started pushing them both around. Finally! His dick was definitely eager for more of this stimulation. “That’s it Mack,” he encouraged. The blond looked down on him with his broad face, his gaze still a bit uncertain, and then: “Oh!” His eyes widened as his joy button met up with Tyler’s shaft. “Oh! Oh shit!” Tyler grinned up at him. “You like that?” “Oh shit yeah…” Mac bit his lower lip and began to raise and lower his hips as he ground, quickly figuring out the best angle. “Oh my God,” he groaned, “that feels fucking amazing.” His eyes slid shut and his mouth fell open, and a drop of precum suddenly appeared at his piss slit. “Ohhohohohhh fffffuuuuck…” Whatever he might’ve said next was muffled by Coach’s cock, which was barely in the blond’s mouth before he was diving on it hungrily. He began bobbing up and down in time with his ass rising and sinking on Tyler’s cock–the whole sight was hot as hell, not to mention how it was making Tyler’s dick feel. “Ride my cock Mack,” he muttered, and began thrusting up to meet the second baseman’s movements. “Fuck yeah, like that,” he groaned as the wet slapping noises began. “Mmmmph!” It sounded like Mack agreed. He pulled his hands free from Tyler’s grip, but instead of beating off he wrapped them around Coach’s glutes, pulling them forward until he buried his nose in Jeremy’s brown bush. “Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!” While still muffled, his moans were definitely rising in pitch. Not as fast as Jeremy’s though. His left fingers were pinching one nipple while his other tangled in Mack’s dirty blond hair, holding his team captain in place as he began skull fucking him in earnest. “Oh shit Mack! That feels so good! You’re doing great bud–ahhhh yeah, suck it just like that! Just like that unnnhh!…” “Suck his cock Mack,” Eric urged, “swallow his fuckin’ load!” He was beating off furiously now as he watched the scene in front of him. “Take it,” Kevin rumbled, “take those cocks man.” His own voice sounded thick with lust, but he chose to get down on his hands and knees to Tyler’s left before he started jacking off. Tyler gripped him by the hair before the pitcher could wrap his lips around Mack’s head. “Not yet,” he panted. “Uhnnn…” he could feel his balls starting to pull up as the slick friction of Mack’s guts pushed him relentlessly closer to the edge. He thrust up hard to meet Mack’s next down stroke, and they both groaned. Theirs were echoed by a louder one from their coach. With a choked cry he pulled most of the way out of Mack’s mouth and began stroking his shaft furiously. Seconds later his hips thrust in the unmistakable motion of a guy blowing his load. Mack caught some of it, but he was too busy riding Tyler to keep the head in his mouth, and by the time Jeremy slowed down he had a trail of cum glistening on his chin and running down his neck. “Fuck!” Eric cried out, and then his load was joining Coach’s. Mack was too distracted to catch much of it though, so most of it ended on his left cheek and his chest, with a few warm spatters landing on Tyler. The smell of fresh cum filled the air, joining Eric’s first load. “Yes, yes, yes,” Mack chanted, “nyuh huh!” His ass clenched around Tyler, milking him for all he was worth. The catcher roared as his contractions began, and his eyes rolled back into his head as he filled his teammate’s ass with spunk. “Oh shit I can feel you coming!” Mack gasped in amazement, “holy shit! Breed my fuckin’ hole Tyler–fuckin’ baste it OH JESUS!” Tyler had lost his grip on Kevin’s hair when his orgasm hit, and the pitcher had taken that as permission to go down on their captain. Mack’s hands replaced Tyler’s on Kevin’s head as he began fucking himself on the catcher’s cock, pushing it deep into his hole before sliding off and into Kevin’s warm mouth. If he was aware of the cum and sweat coating his body he didn’t show it: his clenched expression said he only had one thought in his mind, and that was getting his rocks off ASAP. It didn’t take long: Tyler was still feeling the lingering glow of his own orgasm when Mack’s asshole started spasming and Kevin’s sucking noises took on a wet slurping character. “Fuck! Me!” Mack panted as he rammed his exploding shaft down Kevin’s throat. “Awwww fuck!” Some of his cum leaked out, and now it was Kevin who had a white streak on his chin and beard. Finally Mack shivered and slowed to a halt; all of them were panting to one degree or another. “Fuck was that hot,” Eric said. He wiped his hand off on Mack’s shoulders and pecs, smearing him with cum so that his whole upper body glistened with a mix of jizz and sweat. From the expression on his face Tyler couldn’t tell if was admiring the load he’d shot, or wishing he’d been at the center of their bukake scene. Maybe both. “Sure was,” Kevin agreed. He sat back and wiped his chin with the back of his hand, studying it with a half grin. “Helluva load Cap’n.” He licked it up appreciatively while Mack looked on, taking it all in. His face just looked mildly fascinated, but Tyler felt his asshole clench, and the big blond’s hips rocked unmistakably as Kevin cleaned up his hand. Tyler grabbed the still-hard shaft and gave it a slow tug, and Mack bit back a low whimper as the catcher urged a final pearl of juice out of him–but his eyes stayed on the pitcher. “Kevin, why don’t you let Mack see what he tastes like,” Jeremy suggested. “He’s tried everyone else.” “Good idea.” Kevin leaned in and slid his tongue into the still-stunned second baseman’s mouth. It might’ve been his first time sucking face with a guy but he quickly got into it, giving Tyler a very nice view as the two of them frenched for a couple minutes. Inevitably Mack started getting soft, even with the extra stimulation, and Tyler was too. Plus, his teammate was not exactly a small guy, and his hips were starting to feel the pressure. “Time to get up Mack,” he grunted. “Yeah, sure,” the now ex-virgin replied, and slid off of Tyler with a wet pop so he could stand. The four of them stood there for a second with various grins on their faces, Mack’s a little uncertain. “Well, uh, thanks,” he said. “You liked it huh?” Jeremy asked knowingly. Mack nodded, eyebrows raised in wide-eyed approval. “Us too. You were awesome Mack. Welcome to the special team’s practice.” He pulled Mack in for a sticky hug. “Can’t wait to have you come by my office after practice,” he murmured in one ear; Tyler could see Mack’s eyes widen slightly. “Or during practice,” Tyler added, nibbling on the free ear. “Anytime you want,” Eric put in, and licked the back of Mack’s neck. “Anything you want to try man.” Mack’s mouth fell open slightly as the stocky catcher slid a digit into his sloppy hole. “Lemme know when you’re ready for something bigger,” Kevin rumbled, kissing Mack’s shoulder. “Or you could show me what you’ve got too.” “Ho my God guys,” Mack laughed shakily, “one at a time, ‘kay?” “Just one?” Tyler snickered as they pulled apart. Mack shook his head. “And I thought Jake and I were the horn dogs.” Coach looked around at the other three. “Jake’s here too?” Tyler nodded, smiling at the memory of Pony’s lips wrapped around his shaft. “Yep, last seen heading to the locker room with the twins.” “After giving Tyler one hell of a hummer,” Kevin added. Jeremy raised his eyebrows. “Sounds like we should check in on them on the way to the showers.” The five of them shared grins. “After you, guys.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When they finally did leave it was getting close to midnight. Mack and Pony walked out together, both processing what they’d just done. Mack wasn’t sure what it meant, if it meant anything, but it sure as hell had been a fun after-practice session. He thought he’d be more sore after letting Tyler pop his cherry, and he was a little bit, but the warm glow that’d been spreading through his ass made up for it; if anything it’d got him thinking about the next time. “You still wanna go out?” Jake asked, breaking into his thoughts. “Yeah, for sure. It’s not even midnight man.” Mack paused. “You still wanna call that chick?” Jake’s handsome face looked thoughtful for a second. “Yeah, sure…I could go for some pussy.” “Think you can still get it up?” Mack taunted. Jake snorted. “Fuck you ‘can you still get it up?'” He grabbed his junk through his shorts. “Always man. How ’bout you? Got anything left?” Suddenly he reached over and cupped Mack’s junk, making the blond jump. “Fuck you, you know I do you ass,” he laughed, even as Jake gave him a squeeze before letting go. “I guess we’ll see,” Jake said with a grin, and hauled out his phone. “Guess we will,” Mack shot back as his buddy started texting. He couldn’t help but notice the way Jake’s blue basketball shorts clung to his ass, or that there didn’t seem to be any underwear on beneath them. Could be that their evening was going to be even more fun than they’d planned….

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