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Big Tits

Amber awoke slowly at first, her eyes closed as she tried to snuggle closer to Spencer. Her eyes flicked open when she realized something was wrong. It took her a few seconds to get her bearings. She was laying in her own bed. Wait! Not on the couch? It was at that point she realized she had asked Spencer to let her fall asleep in his arms, but in her exhaustion, hadn’t really thought it through what would happen afterward. He had either carried her up to her bed or she was so out of it that she’d walked up and retained no memory. That last thought, in light of recent events, sent a small chill down her spine. However, a few more moments of introspection yielded no grogginess beyond what anyone felt when first waking up. Her memories of the night before were all intact.

She sat up on her elbows and looked around, everything a bit blurry without her glasses. Her grandmother’s quilt that was normally folded across the back of the rocking chair was spread across her as she lay on the top of her comforter. She half expected Spencer to be next to her, but he was not in the room and there was no sign that he had been in the bed. There was a hint of regret at that realization. Perhaps he’s in the bathroom? She listened, but couldn’t hear any activity from the hallway.

As she pulled her legs out from under the blanket and sat up, she found her glasses neatly folded on the nightstand. She was still dressed in her clothes from the previous evening, now wrinkled to the point they would send a 1950’s housewife into a dead faint. Her watch said 5:22 AM.

She stepped out into the hallway and turned to the bathroom. The door was wide open and the room empty. After taking care of business, she stopped to wash her hands and give her teeth a quick brush. A Post-It note was stuck to the handle:

Sorry — even my evil genius superpowers have their limits and this one defied me.

Huh? She had to think about it for a bit. Then she thought about how he had obviously carried her up to her room to put her to bed. Maybe he meant that he couldn’t brush my teeth while I was asleep?

A thought crossed her mind. He was a gentleman when I pretty much passed out at the pool house. He said he slept out on the couch. Maybe he’s downstairs? She decided to make a quick detour back into her room to strip out of her wrinkled clothes. Eyeing her options, she put on a pair of flannel pajama bottoms and a tank top, enjoying the feel of the soft fabric against her skin. These will be much more comfortable to cuddle in, she thought with a small smile. As she left the closet and was putting her hair up in a ponytail, she happened to glance at her clock on the nightstand. A Post-It note was stuck to the top. Huh. Must have missed that earlier. She stepped over and pulled it off.

Check the desk.

Curious, Amber looked over at the small desk against the wall. A piece of notebook paper was neatly folded into thirds with a fanciful capital “A” on the front. She unfolded it to see a note inside:

Amber – It’s a little after 1:00 am. I really enjoyed this evening. It was wonderful spending time with you and trying to “untangle that cardigan”. I hope you feel we made as much progress as I do. I dozed off holding you on the couch but when I woke up, I had that awkward dilemma of whether I should stay or go. We hadn’t really discussed it. If I stayed, would I be overextending my welcome? If I left, does it seem like I’m ditching you? I decided that overstaying was the greater risk, but want you to know that I really didn’t want to leave. Watching you sleep in my arms felt really nice.

I figured you would sleep better in your own bed, but had to poke around a couple of doors before I found it. Sorry about that; I wasn’t trying to snoop. I thought you might wake up, but you really were tired.

Call me later?

– S

Amber smiled to herself. So he’s not downstairs after all. She contemplated going back to bed, but despite her initial grogginess, found herself oddly alert. Maybe all that sleep did me some good? She decided to go downstairs and take care of the dessert bowls. As she approached the coffee table, she noticed that the blanket from last night’s snuggle was neatly folded and back in its place. The bowls were gone too. She made her way into the kitchen and found them washed and sitting in the dish rack. Another note was stuck to one of them.

Didn’t want to make too much noise putting these away. I’m not a ninja.

As she put the bowls away, Amber felt somewhat giddy. What a change twenty-four hours could make. She was much more clear-headed and found his actions and notes very sweet.

Just some more proof that he really is a gentleman and you really fucked up yesterday, whispered the darkness of her inner guilt.

Amber cringed gaziantep escort at herself. No! No, we said we were going to put that behind us. The voice sullenly receded.

To help start her morning, she turned to the coffee pot. The pot was already set to go and a mug was at its side, another note laying atop it.

Hopefully, this helps perk you up.

Amber couldn’t stop grinning.


An hour later found Amber sitting in the easy chair reading a book. Given the time and how late Spencer had stayed, she didn’t want to text him too early. Did he even have to work today? She wasn’t sure. She decided to text Katelyn instead. She was often up early, either exercising or getting ready for work.

AL: Good morning! Feeling much better. Spencer came over to my place and we had a good talk.

A few moments later, her phone quacked a reply.

KM: Hey! Was just finishing my workout. Glad to hear it! Now for the details. How was he? Did you do it on the couch? Bed? How many times?

AL: God your mind is so trashy. 😛 It was great. We had dinner, some really important conversation, and ended up snuggling on the couch. Foot rubs, some kissing (wonderful), and I fell asleep. Woke up this morning in my bed (fully clothed) to little notes throughout the house.

KM: Asleep? Clothed? I think we need to have a conversation. 😉 Notes? I think there’s a story there. Hold on…

A couple of minutes went by and Amber’s phone rang. It was Katelyn. She sounded a bit hollow. “Sorry, I have to change real quick so I can start getting ready for work. You’re on speakerphone. Fill me in!”

Amber proceeded to fill her in about the previous day, Ms. Carlucci’s talk, Elise answering the door, her talk with Spencer on the rock wall, meeting Elise officially, and then their evening together.

“Damn! That’s one hell of a day. Loved the little notes; that sounds really sweet. And despite all my teasing, don’t feel bad about falling asleep. You needed it! I’m happy things seem to be clearing up for you.” There was a pause and then, “Crap, I’ve gotta go. We can meet up later unless you have other plans. Text me. Byeeee.”

Amber wished her a good day and hung up. She wanted to text Spencer, but it was still early. She decided to do a workout, wash up, and then take care of some things around the house. By the time she was done, it seemed like a more reasonable time. She picked up her phone and texted Spencer.

AL: Hey! Someone was busy last night…

She waited a moment, but the read receipt remained at ‘delivered’ and no flashing ellipsis indicated a pending reply. Figuring he was busy or still asleep, she dove back into her book. A couple of chapters later, the phone rang. It was Spencer calling.

“Hey, good morning!” He sounded chipper. “I was just thinking about you. How are you feeling? It wasn’t too weird waking up in your bed, was it?”

“Nah. Once I got my bearings, I was okay. So I see you had some fun last night.” She stressed the word with a smile in her voice.

He chuckled. “Yeah, I really enjoyed everything about the evening. Dinner was great and I really enjoyed talking with you. Can’t say I minded the foot rubs and kissing afterward either.”

“I was referring to the notes, but yes, the other was fun too.”

“Oh, that! Well, I just put you into bed and wanted to write a note, and then… well, I just kept going. Did you get enough sleep?”

“Yeah, thanks. Did you? You must have arrived home late. You going to be okay today?”

“I should be fine. Just took a shower to wake myself up a bit.

“Hey, I was wondering… would you want to hang out a bit today? I have to work some, but it’s pretty light duty. Thought it might be nice if you were here and we could chat a bit. Then afterward, um, maybe you could stay for dinner? I was thinking of a BBQ down at the pool house. You know, like a…,” he hesitated a moment before continuing, “like a date.”

Amber grinned. “A date? Yes, that sounds wonderful! Do I need to bring anything? And what time should I head over?”

“Oh, awesome! Let’s see, I have some stuff to wrap up this morning, and then I can figure out what we need for dinner. Oh, wait, I’ll have to go shopping… Shoot! I didn’t think about that. Well, what if…” Amber could hear him typing in the background and muttering to himself. “I could switch that around… yeah. Okay,” he said returning his focus to her, “so I’m pretty sure one of my clients will let me come in today instead. If you don’t mind going with me, we can grab some groceries afterward. As for bringing anything, your charm, wit, and beauty are enough. Dress casual, please. So, plan to be here around 12:30?”

“Sure thing. I’d be happy to help. gaziantep escort bayan Looking forward to it.”

He sounded relieved. “Great. Hey, I have to go—there’s a call coming in from a client. See ya later.”

Amber put the phone down and contemplated how things had shifted over the past two days. She’d had emotional swings from some of the lowest to now some of the highest, much more so than normal. She’d always considered herself to be a level-headed person, not one prone to flights of fancy or emotional upheaval. Sure, there was the devastation of her mother dying as well as… other things. But the past couple of days were definitely outside the norm for her. She was hoping that last night’s rest might get her reset onto her even-keeled self.

Amber deliberately focused on the positive aspects of the day. It was a technique her counselor had advised back after her mother had died. And while she didn’t do it every day, the past couple of days had put her a bit sideways and it felt like a good opportunity to help get things in perspective.

1. I’m rested and won’t be so mixed up all day.

2. Kat is an awesome best friend.

3. I’ll get to spend the afternoon and evening with Spencer doing something more than chatting…okay, flirting, at the office.

4. He said he’d just been thinking about me…

Another thought disrupted her list like a scratched record. Wait, didn’t he also say he just got out of the shower? Was he thinking about me in the shower? Was he…? Amber realized it may have just been a coincidence or could have been completely innocuous, but the jump of her heart and the twinge between her legs seemed to indicate that, on some level, she also hoped it may have been something just a bit more salacious.


The dashboard clock read 12:32 as Amber pulled up into the driveway. Elise’s car was parked at a haphazard angle in front of the garage. Amber got out of her car and headed to the door, pushing the bell when she got there. A moment later, Elise opened it. “Amber! Come in. Spencer is busy on a call and asked me to apologize that he will be unavailable for a while.” She stepped back out of the way.

Sheesh, she even makes wearing jeans and a t-shirt look amazing. Amber passed by her, catching a subtle whiff of perfume in the air. “Thanks.” She followed Elise as she moved on into the living room. “So how was your party last night?”

Elise casually lounged on the couch, one foot up on the coffee table, as Amber sat in a nearby armchair. “Oh, it was fun. I was able to catch up with many friends. And, of course, Nicolette looked absolutely delicious.” She gave Amber a wicked grin. “And she was.”

Amber just stared with her cheeks reddening, her mouth slightly open, not quite sure what to say. “Uhh… oh… so Nicolette is your…?”

Elise broke out in a lilting laugh and sitting up, she reached over and patted Amber’s arm. “Oh, I am sorry, but the look on your face is priceless. Please forgive me—sometimes I just have such a devilish streak in me. And I have heard so much about you that I forget you don’t really know me.”

Amber breathed a sigh of relief. “Sorry. I mean… you just caught me by surprise, not that I’m offended or anything.” Heard so much about me?

Elise grinned. “It is okay. Really. Sometimes I just cannot help myself.” She winked. “Yes, Nicolette is my girlfriend.”

“Ah, okay. By the way, I liked your dress. The whole… ensemble looked fantastic. It kind of looked a little steam… er, Victorian or something.”

“Thank you. I do think it came together quite well, if I do say so myself. It was a steampunk-themed party. You are familiar with the term; I heard you start to say it.”

“Oh yeah. I mean, I’ve never been to a party like that or anything, but I’m familiar with the genre. I guess I’m kind of a nerdy sort. I didn’t know if you knew what it meant and didn’t want to make an assumption or offend you or something.”

“Oh, so you assumed that a model would not know what steampunk is or might be offended by something nerdy?” Elise raised her eyebrow and tilted her head slightly, but her smile indicated she was just teasing good-naturedly and not at all offended. “Haven’t you met my brother? I am more well versed in geekdom than you may realize.” Elise suddenly stood up. “Come, I have not yet had lunch. Please join me.”

Amber smiled back. “Touché. Guess I fell into that.” She stood up as well to follow Elise and a thought struck her. “Hey, a moment ago you said you’d heard a lot about me. What did you mean by that?”

Elise pulled a bag of trail mix out of the pantry and poured some into a small bowl. She offered it to Amber who accepted. “My brother has talked about you quite a bit.” She poured another bowl out for herself and escort gaziantep leaned back against the counter crossing her legs. She began mimicking Spencer’s voice, losing her accent when she quoted him. “‘Oh, there is this girl at one of the offices…’ and, ‘Hey, did I tell you about that girl, Amber, l met last week…’ or, ‘Remember that girl, Amber, I told you about? She’s a lot of fun.'” Amber’s heart began beating faster.

“I would say you…,” here Elise paused for a second with a sly smile, “… are on his mind quite a bit.” She flashed her eyebrows and her smile widened to a grin.

“What’s on my mind?” Spencer walked in from the other room. As he walked by his sister, he reached into her bowl, grabbed an M&M, and tossed it into the air, catching it in his mouth. He looked back and forth between the two girls. “Hey, Amber!”

“Hey.” She gave him a smile and a small wave with her hand before glancing over at Elise. “We were, um, just getting to know each other a bit.”

Elise uncrossed her legs and grabbed the bowl and a water bottle on the counter before heading out of the kitchen. “I was just telling her how you are utterly obsessed with her.” With that, she winked at Amber and walked out.

“Obsess… what?” Spencer sputtered, a slightly wild look in his eye as he looked from the hall back to Amber. “I AM NOT OBSESSED!” he yelled after his departing sister. A laugh floated back and he turned to Amber. “Seriously, I’m not obsessed.”

Amber smiled at him again and laughed. “It’s okay. I’m getting the feeling that your sister sometimes likes to be a bit of a troublemaker. And, anyway, I think it’s cool to hear you’ve been talking to her about me. It makes me feel good.”

“Yeah? Well good. I mean, it’s just brother/sister stuff, but she’s always telling me I should date more, and then, well, when we started hitting it off, I thought it worth sharing with her. I’LL GET HER BACK FOR THAT THOUGH!” He shook his fist dramatically towards the empty hallway. Turning back to Amber, he took the bag of mix and poured himself some. “So anyway, sorry about the delay. Had something come up.” He then switched to his super-villain voice and asked, “So, are you ready to help me perpetuate my evil plans?”

Amber grinned. “World domination, here we come!”


“I just asked if you wanted to hang out. I wasn’t expecting you to lug equipment around.” Spencer was standing at the back of the Forrester unfolding a collapsible hand truck and placing several boxes and pieces of equipment on it.

“I said I’d be happy to help, so load me up.” Amber held out her hands. “Just like you with the dishes, I’m not going to just stand by while you do all the work. Not a ditzy bimbo, remember?”

Spencer shrugged. “True point. All right, grab that wall mount and my tool kit there.” He eyed the equipment one last time. “I think I’ve got the rest.”

They made their way up to the front of the building and Spencer held the door for Amber. She glanced at the sign as they entered—Marvis Analytics. She was familiar with them as a large analytical research facility. It was one of the places she’d kept an eye on for potential job openings after graduation.

Amber stood by while Spencer spoke with the receptionist. The prim woman picked up her phone and informed someone they were there. A few minutes later, an older man wearing a lab coat with a lanyard around his neck came out of a nearby door to greet them.

“Hello, Spencer,” his rich, English voice boomed as he shook the younger man’s hand. “It was fortuitous that you called this morning. We normally aren’t in on Sunday, but with all the preparations for the new equipment, we have a few people here today. Getting the equipment was a long shot, so we were pleasantly surprised when the bid came through. Unfortunately, we were given little lead time. It arrives this week and we’d like to have everything in place beforehand. Now we’ll have an extra day.”

“Yeah, no problem, Dr. Ford. It actually worked out really well for me to move it around since I brought some help.” As they began walking to the door, he introduced the pair. “Amber, this is Dr. Ford.”

Ford swiped his passcard across a security panel adjacent to the door and an internal mechanism clicked. He then reached out to shake her hand as he held open the door. “Nice to meet you, Amber.” He glanced down at her t-shirt. “Ahh, caffeine, the drug of choice for scientists everywhere.”

They made their way down some additional hallways, turning left and then right. Amber glanced in some windows as they went past and saw lab benches and other equipment, but few people. She immediately felt at home. As they entered an elevator, she asked, “Dr. Ford, what kind of research do you do here?”

He glanced over at her. “Well, we have several departments. Our biochemistry department is the largest and is currently working on a couple of medical research projects. Sorry, but I can’t give any details about that due to non-disclosure agreements. I work in the chemistry section—we’re running analytical samples for some research clients using some technical instrumentation.”

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