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After our week at the nudist colony, Lorraine and I got together for an occasional romp in bed. Mostly she would come to my house for this since I lived alone, but we managed a couple of times at her house when I was there and Andrew was at work.

Once when I was there, Lorraine seemed a bit nervous to me – I knew her too well to let it go, so I asked.

“OK, What’s up Lo?”

“Andrew knows.”

“Knows what – about us?!”


“How did he find out?” I asked.

“I told him.”

“You told him?! Why? What…Lorraine, what were you thinking?”

“I wasn’t – it was a mistake.”

“A mistake? Did you just blurt it out over breakfast or something?” I asked, beginning to feel angry.

“No, it was an accident during an intimate moment.”

“Oh boy! OK, tell me what happened,” I replied, trying to keep a check on my emotions.

“Well, were in bed and in a sixty-nine position – I really love that position as you well know – I practically had his cock down my throat, and he started licking me the way you do, sometimes, and I just said, ‘Oh, yeah, just like Maggie does it!'”

“Lorraine, you didn’t!” I exclaimed.

“Yes – as soon as I said it, I froze, and so did he. He said, ‘Maggie? You’ve done this with Maggie?’ and so I had to explain about us, the whole thing – the nudist camp, spending time at your place, how we sometimes fuck when he’s at work, the whole thing.”

“How – um, how did he take it?” I asked.

“Frankly, he got so turned on! He fucked me like he hadn’t fucked me since I don’t know when.”

“He what?”

“Yes, I mean, I guess he already knows that we love each other. Actually, he said he suspected that there might be something going on. When I pressed him about it, he confessed that he actually fantasized about it!”

“Wait, what?”

“Yeah, I guess a lot of guys get off on girl-girl stuff – it’s a popular porn topic. Anyway, he was SO hard when we talked about it, and we went back to our sixty-nine and I tell you when he came it was like a fire hose!”

“OK, Lo, I don’t know that I need that much detail!” I said to her.

In the back of my mind, though, I did realize how much I missed Tom’s hard cock. Lo and I had a couple of dildos that we’d use, but it was never like a real cock. I loved how that cock would feel pressed inside me, stretching me. The feel of his body pressed against mine while his cock was filling me. I loved the feeling of warm stickiness of him cumming inside me, and the feeling of his cock softening inside me, and even as it would slip out of my folds once it was too soft to stay, and that messy, sloppy feel of his cum oozing out onto the towel or the sheets, smelling of musk.

“Hey, Maggie!” I heard in the midst of my thoughts, “are you still there?”

“Sorry, just, off in thought for a second. So what do we do now?”

“I know this is going to sound weird, so don’t answer right away, just promise me that you’ll think it over.”

“Think what over, Lo, what are you talking about?”

“Maggie, I love you, you know that. We are more than sisters – soul mates, sisters, lovers. And Andrew loves you, too.”

“Yes, Lo, what are you getting at?” I pressed her.

“Maggie, just think about it – join us, sometime.”

“Join you – like in bed? Like a threesome? Like in sex, together?!?”

“Just think it over, OK? I know that your immediate response will be ‘no way!’, but let it sink in, and just consider it. We both love you so much, and it might just be something to take it even further.”

“You want me in bed with your husband?” I asked, “won’t that ruin things for us, for you, for you and him?”

“Maggie, this slip of the tongue happened over a month ago, and I’ve thought about it since then. I tried to bury it. Andrew and I have talked about it – especially when we were not in bed so it wasn’t just hormones talking. We are not in a ‘swingers’ lifestyle, or an ‘open marriage’, this is only about us – Andrew, me, and you. No one else. We don’t know what it will mean, but we love you. Being intimate has brought you and me closer, it’s obviously brought Andrew and me closer, so, well, so think it over. No answers right away, OK?”

My mind was completely blown open, I did not know what to think. Was I betraying Tom? Would I be creating a rift between Lo and Andrew? What if our kids found out? She was right, my knee jerk reaction was, “No way!”, but I needed time to think.

I went out for a long walk, and when I returned, Andrew was home from work, and he and Lorraine were sitting on their patio.

“Hey, Maggie,” she called to me, “we are going to have supper out here – it’s a really nice evening, so Andrew is going to grill some salmon steaks, what do you think?”

“Mmm, sounds good to me! Let me take a quick shower, though, OK? I’m feeling a bit sweaty.”

“No, problem,” Andrew replied, “I’ll fire up the grill once I hear the water go off, everything will be ready when you are.”

I showered and changed and when I walked out Lo had the table set and the fish escort vip were just coming off the grill – seared on the outside, and nice red interiors. Throughout dinner I couldn’t keep my mind from picturing us all naked together, and feeling a hard cock inside me again, and I couldn’t decide if I was feeling guilty, excited, disgusted, curious, or all of them mixed up together.

After we finished, I insisted that I do the dishes, and Lorraine came into the kitchen to help.

“Are you OK?” she asked.

“Am I OK? No, I’m a bundle of nerves, I don’t know what to think, I keep picturing you and Andrew and me, and I’ve never done a threesome before, and I fear losing you two if I say no, and I fear losing you two if I say yes, and I just don’t know what to do! Why did you have to tell him, and why did you have to tell me? I just think I need to go home and be alone for a bit. I know I was going to stay the week, but now I am just so confused.”

“Honey, listen to me! You will not ever lose the two of us! If you don’t want to do anything with us, then that’s OK. Andrew and I have talked and he’s OK with things how they are. He’s not losing me to you, and you’re not losing me, or us. I’ll admit that, like most men, he thinks with his prick sometimes, but the offer is genuine, and only that, an offer. What you do with it is up to you and will not create jealousies. As I said before, this is not about an open marriage or swinging – this is us and you. If you need to go home and think about it, then that’s what you need to do, but if you want to stay here and think about, then you do that. We both love you and we want to include you with whatever you want.”

She walked up to me and hugged me.

“I love you, Maggie, I hope you know that. I love Andrew, and he loves me. And he loves you, too. Take your time.”

I buried my head in her shoulder and cried – tears of relief, confusion, and happiness. I did know that I was loved in this house, and I did not want to go back to my empty house. I probably cried for a good ten minutes on her shoulder. I heard Andrew come in, and Lo asked him for some tissues, then shooed him away.

When I’d finally cried it out, and blew my nose, I looked her in the eyes – I saw the care and love there, and I kissed her, right there in the open in the kitchen. Kissed her on the mouth, not like “just a friend” but like a lover.

“I love you both, you know that?” I said. “I still need time to think about it, but if it’s OK, I’d like to stay, not go back to my house right now.”

“Of course you may stay!” came the reply, “You were going to be here for the week – or stay as long as you’d like, you know that we consider this to be your home, too.”

I walked into the living room where Andrew had turned on a ballgame.

“Are you OK?” he asked me.

“Confused and comfortable,” came my answer, “Thank you both for all you have done for me, for the kids, for everything!”

He got up from the couch and gave me a hug.

“You know that you are all a part of our family, right?” he asked.

“I do. And I love you both, well, you all for being there for us.”

I left it at that, and went to my room. I tried to read, but too many thoughts were running in my head, not the least of which was a sense of Andrew’s hug and the feeling of a penis pressed against me, and kissing Lo on the mouth right there in the kitchen.

I slept fitfully that night. My dreams were of threesomes and being left out, and of leaving someone else out, whether it was Andrew or Lorraine, and also of Tom watching, then of Molly and Alex watching, then of Lorraine and Andrew’s kids watching.

The next day I was talking with Molly and told her that I was staying with Lo and Andrew.

“Mom,” she said, “I don’t know why you don’t just sell the house and move in with them. I think you’d be so happy just being with them.”

I know it was my own perception, but the way she said “happy just being with them” struck me oddly.

“I can’t do that! I know I stay with them a bunch, but it’s their house, and I don’t need to complicate their lives like that!”

“Listen, Aunt Lorraine has already told me that she thinks you should do just that! You’ve been staying in their guest suite, it would just be yours. Talk to her about it, I bet she’d be thrilled having you there all the time.”

After our call ended I got thinking about it all even more. The next day I got a call from our son, Alex, and he, too, tried to convince me.

Once we were off the phone, I went to talk to Lorraine.

“So, Lo,” I said, “you’ve been talking to my kids, I see.”

“That obvious?” she asked grinning.

“Yes, two kids, two days in a row, kind of obvious.”

“Darn that Alex!” she said, “I told him to give it some time!”

I laughed, “Well you should have known better with him!”

“I suppose you’re right,” she replied. “Listen, Maggie, this does not have anything to do with the other offer. Andrew and I have talked about this several times. You are family, and we want you escort rus to stay with us.”

I thought for a bit. “Let’s talk about it all later, OK?”

“Sure, sweetheart, anything you’d like,” she replied. She reached her arms out to me and I took the hug – at least, I thought it was for a hug. She pulled me in and gave me a deep kiss, her hands drifting down over my backside.

“You know we love you, right?”

“Yes, I do!”

I went out for another walk – two questions looming large. I love Lorraine and the intimacy that we shared, but what was I thinking getting involved that way. Part of me knew that it would not remain hidden, so I knew that I was to blame, too. I love Andrew and everything his whole family has meant to me. But, if we all get intimate, what does that do to that friendship that sense of family? What happens if someone feels the need to stop? What happens if Lo gets jealous, or Andrew, or me, for crying out loud? And if I really just move in, then what?

After a long walk, I was no closer to an answer to any of that. I went out to the liquor store and bought a bottle of Andrew and Lorraine’s favorite wine, and headed back to their place. As dinner time approached, I opened the bottle to let it breathe and put it on the table with wine glasses.

“Oh, big announcement?” Lorraine asked, seeing the bottle.

“No, I just want a long talk with the two of you,” I answered.

“Uh, oh – care to open up?” she asked.

“Please, I only want to do this once, and I want you both there – it needs to be all of us involved.”

I put her off until dinner. We sat and Andrew poured wine of each of us.

“So,” I began, “we all need to talk – I need to say a few things first, and then we all need to talk and share ideas, agreed?”

They each said, “yes,” and I started in.

“First and foremost, I love you both and I cannot imagine life without you – what you have meant to me and my family I could not even begin to put a value on. Things have happened – things between Lo and me that I did not predict, but have brought us closer, and I should have known that it would not remain a secret, nor should it have, and to both of you I say that I am profoundly sorry for any issues that it may have caused or may cause.”

They both tried to jump in at this point, but I cut them off.

“No, no, please, I need to continue, and I know that you two have talked, but it does not change the fact that I should have known that it would come out into the open, and if my actions somehow drove a wedge between you two, I don’t know how I’d have lived with it. So that brings me to the two offers that I have in front of me – that we have in front of us.

“The intimacy – I mean friendship intimacy – between Lo and I has only grown deeper since our physical intimacy has blossomed. I love you more now than I thought was possible, and I’ve loved you as the sister I never had for decades, my dear. And the thought that I can have even some of that with Andrew, and thus with the two of you, is a most intriguing and tempting offer. There were others before Tom, but none after him until Lo and I, so there is apprehension there, but the bigger apprehension is in trying to anticipate what this might do to our friendships. What can happen if something else happens? What happens if one of us wants it to stop? What happens if I somehow become that wedge? What happens if our kids find out about all of this?

“And, to the second offer, the one to simply move in, I don’t think I can just do that. This is your home, and as welcome as I feel, it is your home. You pay the mortgage and the taxes and all of that. I cannot simply live here. And what happens if the first scenario causes a rift – then what do I do?

“So, it all seems so risky to me. The upsides are tempting, but the downside seems devastating and I don’t think I could live with it.”

I sat there, after my little monologue and neither of them spoke. I nervously sipped my wine. Andrew cleared his throat and spoke first.

“So, first of all, there is no need to apologize to us. We are both very solidly satisfied in our marriage, and with our love for one another, and our love for you – and your kids. I’m closer to you than my own sister and her family. I agree that we need to do our best to understand things between us all before we move forward with any new physical intimacy between us. If that added dimension were to cause some kind of rift, then it would be devastating for all of us, so yes, we need to set up some kind of understanding before we rush into things. Lorraine and I have talked about the situation with you two, and I am feeling a bit jealous, I admit, but I can’t decide who I am jealous of, you for being with Lo, or Lo for being with you! Now, I think, and propose, that if any of the three of us is uncomfortable or unhappy with things we all agree to halt and hash it out, and if we cannot, then we end the intimate connection. As to whether you two can continue, I will tell you that I am OK with it – a bit jealous, escort elit as stated, but I am OK with it. Lo has assured me that I am not being replaced, and I love you both and want you to be happy.”

“Now, as to you living here full time, we stand by our offer. It is ready for you any time you’d like. If you feel like you are free-loading, then we can work something out, like you waiting on us hand and foot as rent!”

Lorraine laughed out loud. I already knew he wasn’t serious about that part, but it helped hearing her laugh.

“Sweetheart,” Lorraine continued, “I agree with everything Andrew said. The invitation, and I think, the intimacy are intended to bring you in closer to us. I love you like a sister, and then some, and I believe that adding Andrew to our intimacy, like adding you to Andrew’s and mine, will just add to the connections that we already have. At the same time, I can understand why you would find it weird – hopefully only at first. Our first encounter just seemed to bloom, and this feels a lot more formal, but I think it will be good for us – all three of us!”

I looked at the two of them. I somehow expected Andrew to be nothing more than a randy, horny goat, but I did not see lust in his eyes, only caring. I knew that’s what I’d find in Lorraine’s eyes, but the two of them just melted my apprehensions and my heart.

“I love you – both of you!” I said, a bit haltingly, “I can see through your eyes that this is not just a ‘sex’ thing – there is more to it, and I can tell. I am interested, but still apprehensive. I don’t know that I can just say ‘yeah, let’s go get naked!’, but, yes, let’s try to figure this out, somehow. I don’t think I’m going to just sell my house, but heck, I’ve been here for more time since Tom’s passing than I have at my house, so maybe we see how things go before I jump into that?”

The two of them looked at each other and then moved in and hugged me together. Lo kissed me full on the lips, and then whispered in my ear, “I’ll try to keep it slow for you, but I’m going to push it, you know?”

We were still in a group hug when I felt a hand on my ass. I could tell it was Lo – I was familiar with her grope. I put my head on Andrew’s chest and felt the safety of the two of them, and really took in the scent of a man hugging me again. I was not sure what to expect, but everything was in the open between us and I allowed myself to enjoy it.

“Andrew, is it OK if Lo and I talk alone?” I asked.

“Sure, Maggie,” he replied and he kissed me on the forehead – something he had done before, but he cupped my face in his hands as he did so, something he had not done before.

After he left, she immediately kissed me and grabbed my ass with both hands.

I pulled away, not in anger, but with some authority.

“I don’t know how to proceed, Lo,” I said to her.

She brushed my hair back from my face and looked me in the eye.

“Remember our first time together?” she asked.

“Of course, I do, I will never forget it!”

“OK, remember how we let one thing just lead to another? We will do that again, only we will add Andrew. Listen, I can ask him to be ‘in charge’ or I can ask him to let it all happen – he will be good with that, at least up until he starts to get to close to cumming, then there’s no calling him back, but he can allow himself to be passive if that’s what you want.”

“Lo, first of all, I can’t believe we are having this discussion about your husband, and you are all calm about it! I cannot imagine if the roles were reversed – I’d never wanted to share Tom with anyone else!”

“And I never imagined wanting to share Andrew, but then I never really thought that you and I would be rolling around in the sheets together, either. I never imagined you without Tom, but here we are. You’ve already said that the physical intimacy has brought us closer, and now I do want to share Andrew with you. Not with anyone else, just you. I love you both more than anything else except maybe our children. It’ll be special – because you are special and Andrew is special and we all have a special relationship, and this will only deepen it!”

I looked at her and felt that she was right. “OK, how do we proceed? Do we all just strip down and go at it? What about protection? I don’t think I could get pregnant, but I don’t want to take any chances?”

“OK, OK, slow down!” she replied, “I guess we do have some things to work out still, don’t we? So, Andrew and I have been exclusive for our entire time together, so there are no disease worries. He had a vasectomy after Jenny was born, and obviously we have had no pregnancies since then, so then it’s what you are comfortable with with regard to protection – we’ll follow your lead on that. As to ‘just strip down and go at it’ – well, I’d hoped for something more gradual and romantic than just a teen-aged hump party!”

“Well, I didn’t know he’d had the ‘snip-snip’ – Tom did that, too, so we’d been going free from birth control since Molly. And I wasn’t serious about just stripping down, but I am nervous about how to proceed.”

“I’ll tell you what, it’s a little cliched, but how about wine and the hot tub as a way to loosen up a bit. Then we see where it goes. Everyone in suits to start things off?”

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