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A quiet young man sat in Cabin Three Fourteen of Railway 909 – a famous passenger train that traveled throughout the large war torn country of Espada. After Pazuzu’s Meteor had catastrophically smashed into the Earth in 2015, many people took that opportunity to rekindle the flames of war and hate. People rioted and rebelled. Governments collapsed. Senseless and mindless violence occurred over the face of the earth for many years, until people had grown tired of fighting. But by then it was too late.

Much of the earth’s population had been killed, and society was damaged past reparation. Filled with sadness and despair, the remaining citizens entered a state of depression. The eternal cloud of smog and flames from the meteor did not help their state of mind become any better, only pushing them down even further.

Years passed and a few brave men stood up to their war cursed society and took control of the lands, turning them into new countries. These countries, that had risen from the ashes of former continents, now ruled the devastated Earth as the leading powers : Espada, Lugar Muerto, and Kusagani.

Now, in year 2099, Railway 909 hummed along the ravaged surface of Espada. Plains of burnt grass and distant mountains were pretty much the only thing to look at, aside from the other passengers in the train. The young man sat alone in his open cabin. He pushed his platinum blonde locks of hair out of his grey eyes and stared at his youthful face in the window reflection and smirked. This was the face that got him out of the trouble he caused back in Los Egoistas – Espada’s capital city . No one would believe such an innocent face could do such things.

He ran his slim fingers through his shoulder length hair. The prettier he looked, the more confident he was. He rubbed his thumb on his smooth silk skin and smiled to himself.

This young twenty two year old man’s name was Ren, and he was on his way out of Los Egoistas to his grandmother’s home in the poor Espada countryside. That is, until mysterious aerial bombers from nowhere flew over the train and dropped destruction on it.

There was a loud explosion and soon flames engulfed the entire front of the train. Instantly, hundreds of people died. Ren, who was close enough to feel the impact, tried to get up and run out with the other screaming passengers, but the suitcases above fell from their racks and slammed into him. He blacked out.


The small young man awoke later on a long sofa in a dimly lit room. He groggily looked around with a massive headache. It looked like a private library, with shelves of books covering the walls of the room and a few long tables in the middle. At the end of the room, on the wall where there were no shelves, stood two tall majestic doors. They were creaked open a bit, letting in a slit of light.

Ren quietly snuck over and tried to peek through. In the other room were many men and women dressed in fancy suits. Ren knew who they were: Espada government officials.

‘What am I doing here?’ he thought to himself as he eyed the meeting. He tried to step back, only to stumble into a chair and fall over.

The noise was audible outside the room, and all the officials knew Ren was awake. They burst into his room and flicked on the switch, quickly flooding the darkness with light.

“Good. You’re awake,” one woman said. Her tone was sharp and quick to the point. “Get up.”

Ren rubbed his shoulder and hopped up to his feet. “What am I doing here?” he demanded angrily.

“Quite feisty for a criminal, aren’t you?” a man said. “Come here. Have a seat.”

‘Criminal?’ Ren repeated in his head. “What do you mean criminal?!”

“Your innocent face might work on some people, but it won’t impress us,” the woman said coldly. “And feigning ignorance definitely isn’t the way to go.”

Ren gritted his teeth and blew his hair out of his face. “I’m not faking anything. How am I a criminal?”

“You’re a terrorist bomber,” the woman explained. “You killed every single passenger on Railway 909. Except yourself, obviously. And until we get your motives out of you, you’re staying put.”

“T-terrorist bomber?!” Ren repeated in disbelief. ‘What the hell is this lady talking about?!’ he thought to himself. “I didn’t bomb anyone! Or anything! Railway 909 … I was just taking it to my grandma’s house!”

“Of course you’d have an excuse,” the man said. “Have a seat, son. We’ll do your interrogation right here. Cut the lights.”

As soon as the lights shut off, Ren felt himself get pushed down into the chair behind him. He felt his wrists get strapped to the handles. He was helpless.

“Why? Why did you do it?” Lights blinded Ren. He squinted nervously.

“I-I didn’t do it!” he protested. “I don’t know where you’re getting your information from, but it’s wrong! I didn’t do it!”

“It’s as clear as can be,” the woman insisted. “Railway 909 was reported to be utterly destroyed, and yet on further investigation, you were the only one found alive. Unconscious, but alive.”

“That’s just a coincidence!” Ren cried out. “An Büyükçekmece Escort unlucky one at that! I didn’t do it!”

“Until you choose to cooperate with us, we have no choice but to send you to Los Desesperados,” the woman said, blatantly ignoring Ren’s pleas.

Ren’s eyes widened in fear. Los Desesperados was a large prison for all the criminals of every country. It was the only prison established because it was only necessary to have one in the entire world. Los Desesperados’s brutal reputation deterred anyone else from committing crimes.

Unless, of course, you were falsely accused.

Within hours, Ren found himself led away from Los Egoistas’ government hall to an old creaky boat that sailed through the world’s rough waters. It seemed like an eternity before the boat reached a large dark island in the middle of the foggy waters.

Ren shuddered as he stepped off the boat onto the cold stone of the mysterious island, followed by a few more fellow inmates. He took this moment to study his potential prison companions. There were three of them: a short stocky man, a tall athletic young man, and an old shaky man. The cold air whipped around them as he wiped the nervous sweat off his face. He was scared. Utterly scared. He had heard of Los Desesperados’s ruthless stories back in Espada.

The air was thick with fog and mist, but when he squinted, Ren could see the dark outline of a tall, menacing building. In the distant, he could hear metal doors clanking and the bloodcurdling screams of a few inmates.

“Come along, worthless rats,” the tall prison escort said. His tone was harsh and deadly. “Follow the torches.”

Ren followed the barely lit stone path. The flames of the torches flickered in the wind, creating dancing shadows all across the darkness. The path was bumpy and full of cracks. Ren tripped countless times as he walked glumly.

It wasn’t long before he found himself standing before a long set of stairs. He looked up. The seemingly endless stairs led up into a dark hallway.

“Up there is Los Desesperados,” the escort said. “Start climbing, you worthless rats!”

Ren gulped and picked up his lifeless feet. Up and up he went, and soon he felt like he was simply walking up and down the stairs.

‘Damn!’ he thought. ‘I have never seen any stairs this high!’

“Almost there, rats! Keep climbing!” The escort’s booming voice jolted Ren back to reality.

After a many more arduous steps, Ren found temporary relief as he reached the top of the stairs. Taking a quick moment to catch his breath, he looked down into the blackness. There was a small light at the end of it.

“March!” the escort commanded.

Into the darkness, Ren and his fellow inmates went. He felt a hand push him into the white light, blinding him as he rubbed his eyes.

They were now in a small, metal room filled with caged windows. On the other side, Ren could see prison staffers typing furiously away at computers. Some stood and laughed by the coffee machines and snack vendors.

“Line up!” the escorted ordered. “The Director will be here soon so don-.”

Then, as if on cue, the heavy metal door slid open, revealing a tall, slim man. His spiky brown hair was slicked back and held into place by his glasses resting atop of his head. He wore a white lab coat, and twirled his way into the room merrily, humming to himself.

“Hello, hello!” he said cheerfully. “My name is Taji Chalcedon, your savior and the humble Director of Los Desesperados!” His voice was peppy and bright, just like his shiny brown eyes.

Ren looked at him in silence. ‘This guy is weird.’

“I understand all four of you are here because of the big bad world outside Los Desesperados,” Taji continued. “Don’t worry, my children! Los Desesperados will fix your mistakes in no time.”

Ren wanted to ask him a question but before he could open his mouth, Taji whirled joyously out of the room singing loudly off-key. “Wait! I have a-!”

“Silence!” the escort shouted firmly.

The metal door slid open loudly again and young short scary woman walked into the room, followed by her assistant pushing a rolling table. Her black and white uniform seemed different from the other guards, as her golden shoulder pads seemed to signify a higher status. Her long black hair cascaded down from her tilted cap. Oddly, for a prison staff member, she was gorgeous, attracting attention from the male inmates. Ren, however, didn’t care. He was more interested in the male guards.

“My name is Sakina Uriya, the Warden of Los Desesperados,” the scary woman informed in a cold tone. “You will all report to me any troubles or concerns you have, although I guarantee you it will not make any difference in your stay here.”

She eyed the tall athletic inmate standing in the center. “You look like you have a question. Speak now.”

The man stammered over his words. “Y-you’re very beautiful. H-how do you protect yourself from all these men?”

Sakina smirked and swiftly pulled out a pistol concealed in her uniform. “Like Escort Büyükçekmece this.” Before anyone could utter another word, Sakina shot him dead-center in his forehead. The ringing echoed ominously throughout the room.

The man fell back sliding to the floor, dead, as his blood pooled around him.

Ren and the other inmates stood completely still, stunned and shocked. ‘Th-this woman is insane!’ he thought to himself. He felt shivers go down his spine.

She motioned towards her assistant, who rolled the table forward. On the table were several burlap sacks.

“You will all receive an inmate bag,” Sakina informed harshly, putting her gun away as her assistant passed them out. “Open them.”

Ren slowly opened his bag and found the standard inmate uniform and few personal hygiene items.

“Every month, you will get a new one, replenishing your supplies,” she continued. “Should you run out before then, oh well.” She shrugged and gestured down the hall. “Come, you rats. I’ll show you your rooms now.”

She marched off down into the corridors, her heels clicking and echoing throughout the hall. As the group walked into the inmate cell sections, cheers and wolf whistles from the male inmates quickly surrounded them.

Sakina ignored them as she paced down further. She stopped in front of a few empty cells.

“There are no roommates in Los Desesperados. You will all be riding solo from here on out,” she said. “You there! Blondie!” She pointed a long shiny fingernail at Ren. “Get in there.”

Ren quickly rushed in without any complaints. He did not want to be her pistol’s next victim. One by one, Sakina led the inmates into their cells.

“Have fun, you rats,” she mocked tauntingly as she left the cells.

Ren looked glumly into his cell. It was small and cramped, only equipped with a lumpy cot, a toilet, a sink, and a chair. For some strange reason, there were curtains hung over the cell door, like it were a window. Overall, the cell wasn’t bad; at least they kept it clean.

It was quiet for a few minutes until the inmate across the hallway decided to speak up. He was tall and lanky, with scruffy brown hair. His blue eyes had a sneaky glint in them as he constantly paced them back and forth. Ren thought he was kind of handsome in his own way.

“Hey there,” he called out in a soft voice. “Name’s Enzo. You?”

“R-Ren,” Ren stammered. He still wasn’t used to this place.

“Nice name, kid. What you in for?” Enzo asked.

Ren’s face fell. “Falsely accused,” he answered quietly.

“Oh damn,” Enzo comforted. “What’s your charge?”

“Terrorist bombing,” Ren said, tearing up.

Enzo opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a loud ringing bell. Each cell door suddenly slid open, creaking and echoing. Shouts and cheers soon followed as the men walked out of their cells.

“Wh-what’s going on?” Ren asked, scared.

Enzo chuckled as he walked over. “It’s lunch time. Hurry, Ren.”

The cafeteria was just as confusing and mind boggling as the rest of the prison. The room was large, almost twice the size of a fancy ballroom filled with rows and rows of tables. The chattering of the men mixed with the clattering of metal spoons on cold plates.

Ren trudged in silently, hoping not to get noticed. ‘Doubt it,’ he thought to himself. ‘Stupid blonde hair. I’m gonna get raped. Not that I mind.’

“Hey!” Enzo called out suddenly from nowhere. He sat down in front of Ren with a tray full of surprisingly appetizing food. “I had a feeling you wouldn’t get anything to eat, so here! You can have my casserole.”

Ren reached for it and thanked Enzo’s kindness. Enzo noticed Ren’s bare wrists.

“Hey, where’s your Vault?” Enzo asked as he stuffed his mouth.

“My Vault?” Ren asked. “What’s that?”

“I take it you didn’t look in your burlap bag you got earlier, did you?” Enzo deduced. “Your Vault is a metal bracelet you keep on your wrist. It has a barcode on it that can be scanned almost anywhere in Los Desesperados. That’s where you keep all your Prison Points.”

Ren was completely lost. “Prison Points? Scanner?! Good god this place is complicated.”

Enzo laughed. “You’ll get used to it. Prison Points is the currency us inmates use here. You can use it to buy lunch, stuff for your cell, or sometimes even a better cell!”

Ren’s eyes widened. “Really?! That’s cool! How do you get Prison Points?”

Enzo swallowed his sandwich in one gulp. “Everyone gets two points per day. You can earn more points by doing odd jobs around the place. Have you noticed how our cells are pretty clean? That’s because inmates clean them for points.”

Ren nodded. “I did notice that.” He sighed sadly. “This place is like its own world. It’s really confusing.”

“I suppose I should explain further,” Enzo said, nodding. “I’ve been in here for quite some time actually. Basically, Los Desesperados is a big prison split up into three different divisions: A-Block, B-Block, and C-Block, and there are three different people in charge of Büyükçekmece Escort Bayan this whole place, Taji, the Director, Hajiro, the Gatekeeper, and Sakina,” Enzo shuddered in fear as he said her name. “She’s the Warden and she runs the B-Block. That’s us.”

“Sakina,” Ren repeated softly. “She shot a guy without a second thought! She’s crazy!”

“Yeah,” Enzo said, nodding his head. “She’s a twenty six year old monster! Ruthless. That’s how she keeps this place under control. She’s probably the only woman on this god forsaken island, so naturally she’d have to be brutal and cruel.”

“What about Taji?” Ren asked. “I get the feeling there’s something shady about that guy.”

“Taji scares some of us,” Enzo confessed. “Not in the same way as Sakina though. But he’s a little … loopy in the head. He’s the Director, and he’s in charge of everything here – mostly public relations. Kind of dangerous, don’t you think?”

“Yeah,” Ren agreed. “What if he does something bad to all of us?”

“He won’t,” Enzo said, finishing his lunch. “Hajiro won’t let him do anything too rash.”

“The Gatekeeper?” Ren asked. “What does he do?”

Enzo smiled slyly. “Oh, I have a feeling you’re going to love him. He’s in charge of the A-Block and C-Block. He’s the only person ranked higher than Sakina, besides Taji. He’s a total stud too.”

Ren blushed, which was very obvious against his silky skin. “A s-stud?”

“Yeah!” Enzo said. “He has to be. To keep all these rough and wild inmates in check? I’m talking built body and cold heart.”

Ren smiled. “Maybe he might make my stay here less horrid.”

Enzo laughed. “True. But there’s always Sakina.”

Images of her mercilessly shooting the man flooded Ren’s mind. He shuddered at the haunting memories. “I … am scared of her.”

“Join the club,” Enzo said. “I don’t think there is a soul in this place that isn’t afraid of her.” He swallowed the rest of his lunch. “Are you done? We can go take a tour or something.”

Ren nodded. “Sure. It’d be better than staying in here. I feel a whole bunch of men watching me.”

“It’s because you’re pretty,” Enzo said, tossing his trash away. He led Ren out the door into the courtyard. “There are no female inmates in B-Block.”

Ren smiled. “Am I going to get raped?” he asked.

Enzo stared at him hard. “How tight are you?” he asked suddenly.


That night, Ren slept with Enzo in his cell. The bed rocked and creaked as Enzo thrust deep in and out of Ren’s tight hole.

Ren moaned and grabbed onto Enzo’s shoulders for support as he plowed him. “Oh! Ah! You … you’re so … deep!”

Enzo smiled and slowed the pace down as he felt himself close to cumming. “I’m gonna cum, Ren! Don’t worry, I’m wearing a condom.”

Ren, panting heavily, struggled to get up. “Okay,” he said softly. “Do it!” He didn’t care if Enzo was or wasn’t clean. He wasn’t getting out of Los Desesperados anytime soon, so it didn’t matter if he got any diseases or not. Although he did feel a bit relieved when Enzo reassured him.

Enzo grunted and shot ropes of cum into the condom inside Ren’s eager body. Ren felt Enzo’s cock pulse and twitch with each shot. Both men sighed in lust and embraced each other in a passionate kiss then fell asleep. Oddly, the entire room seemed to be rocking gently, swaying back and forth.

The next morning, Ren woke up to find Enzo’s sweaty body still on top of him. He smiled and caressed his handsome face with smooth fingers. He tried to move and felt Enzo’s still hard cock inside him.

‘Morning wood,’ Ren thought. ‘Gotta love it.’ He carefully pulled Enzo’s throbbing tool out with a pop and slid out from under him. He picked up a nearby towel and wiped his body clean of the sweat, cum, and saliva from last night.

He leaned against the wall and sighed. Ren, as far as he could remember, had been sexually assaulted by various men since a young age. His father’s friends, strange men, anyone. Over time he grew to like and crave it. He was insatiable.

He slipped his uniform back on and woke Enzo up. “Rise and shine!”

Enzo groaned as he stretched and looked at his stiffness. He peeled the condom off. “Gracious. I slept with that thing?”

Ren laughed and tossed him his uniform. “You don’t want to be seen by the guards naked, do you?”

Enzo shook his head and quickly got dressed. “It’s almost time for the morning bell anyways. We’ll head to the showers first before breakfast.”

As soon as he finished saying that, the bell rang out loudly, echoing all throughout the division. Each cell door slid open, like it had done during the lunch bell yesterday.

The inmates sporadically walked out of their cells towards the shower room. A few men sang loudly on the way.

“Well, we should get going too,” Enzo said, picking up his towel. “Come on, Ren.”

Ren followed Enzo into the ridiculously clean white showers of Los Desesperados. He figured somebody got paid a bunch of Prison Points for the cleaning.

He hurried into a shower and adjusted his temperature preference. Over the relaxing humming of the water cascading down, he could hear the other inmates laugh and crack jokes. He reached for the soap as a big shadow approached him from behind. He turned around to find a big, rough looking man standing behind him. His sky blue eyes looked down at Ren as if he were a buffet.

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