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I want to thank everyone who has read the story. I also want to thank those who have emailed. It means a lot hearing from you. Please continue reading! There is a lot more to come. I own all rights to this story.

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None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

This story contains some adult language as well as sex, or some hints of sex. I cannot promise that there will be sex in each chapter, but if you find my writing to be offensive or distasteful in any way, you”re visiting the wrong website and need to move on.

Copyright � 2013-2017

Love Me

Chapter 15

Space Of Our Own

Caden walks into the house and puts his keys into the bowl near the door. He knows that Jared and Riley are home but the house is quiet which is rare. He knows that Jared”s car is in the drive and that his keys are in the bowl. It”s clear that they are home but he”s still feeling a bit uncomfortable. Perhaps, it”s the encounter with Ethan that is eating at him. He heads up the stairs to check Riley”s room and their bedroom as well.


Suddenly, he hears Jared and it sounds like he is reading to his brother. Usually, Caden reads with Riley but on the nights that Caden is working late, Jared has been filling in and Riley has accepted it. The words that Jared is reading comes from a fairytale book that Jared”s mom gave him for a present when he was younger. Whenever he needed an escape from day to day life, he would open to a story and read it. It is amazing how you can read something a million times and pull something new from the pages every time. Now, the stories in this book are giving joy to a new person. Caden wonders why Riley is sitting back listening to the story. He”s much too old for this tales.

`Surely, they don”t read this stuff at school.”

As he listens, he realizes that Jared isn”t just reading the story. He”s giving life to it. Caden knows that Jared is great reader, but he never realized how gifted he is when it comes to giving life to characters and words. He listens until Jared is done with the story.


Caden expects Jared to leave the room any second now but that doesn”t happen.


Caden can hear the happiness in his brother”s voice. It makes his heart swell hearing them talking.

“Any time Riley, I love these fairy tales. You know my mom gave me that book?”


Riley cannot believe it.

“Yeah dude, I am totally serious. I was thirteen when she gave it to me.”

The discussion is about to take a turn.

“I”m…I”m sorry Jared.”

Jared is lost. He has no idea why the young man is saying he”s sorry.

“Why are you saying you”re sorry dude?”

“I…I…don”t remember.”

Riley is really frustrated that he cannot remember what he”s trying to tell Jared.

“If this is about the whole driving thing, you can forget it. It”s over with okay.”

Riley looks at Jared with slightly moist eyes.

“No reason to cry Riley, you did nothing wrong.”

If Jared”s reading of the story didn”t touch Caden enough this last exchange has him loving Jared even more. Caden wants to intrude upon the scene but he resists that urge, and heads to the master bedroom. He wonders how his boyfriend and his brother are doing since he quietly listened at the door.


Caden is sitting on the bed on his laptop when Jared walks into the room. Jared takes off his shoes and his socks. Climbing on the bed, he cuddles up next to Caden and gently kisses him on the cheek. Caden breaks away from his reading to give Jared a peck on the lips. They smile at each other and then Caden closes what he was reading and shuts down his laptop. He places on the table next to his bed.

“So, what were you reading?”

Caden gives Jared a sly smile and then winks at him.

“You were reading porn.”

“Jared, you know me better than that.”

Jared wraps his arms around his boyfriend and kisses him again.

“I guess, I owe you a thank you.”

Jared assumes that Caden is talking about his stepping up to help with Riley”s bedtime routine.

“You”re welcome, but I was just doing what I”ve seen you do.”

“No way dude, you went above the call of duty.”

Now, he”s confused.

“How exactly did I go above the call of duty?

Caden can see that Jared has no idea why his boyfriend thinks that he didn”t do anything out of the norm. All he was doing was reading to Riley, the same way that his Mom read to him.

“Whatever you were doing, it was good.”

“I guess, I was just doing what my mom used to do for me. I just wanted to make it special for him.”

“I think you achieved your goal.”

Caden leaned in, gave Jared a peck, and then whispered, “Thank you.” in his lover”s ear.

“So, I take it you were listening?”

“Only for a few minutes, but I was captivated by the way you brought it to life. Your voices for the characters were genius.”

“Nope, it”s just me being me.”

It doesn”t matter what it was because Caden knows that Riley loved it. For his reward, Jared gets cuddle time with his boyfriend. Sometimes, Jared wonders what Riley would be like without the traumatic brain injury holding him back. He also wonders about the times when Riley has moments when he gets frustrated.

“Did you hear him apologizing to me?”

“Yeah, I heard it. I don”t understand it, but I think his brain was giving him issues.”

Jared assumed that Riley was trying to apologize for the disagreement the other day.

“I think he was trying to apologize about the other night, when he asked us about learning to drive.”

“I think you”re right.”

Riley more than likely forgot that he had already apologized to the guys. Jared loves spending time with Riley, but what he really likes it to spend time with both Caden and Riley.

“Do you think he”ll ever be free of his injury?”

Caden doesn”t want to curse his brother by answering the question. He also doesn”t want to put doubt into his mind when what he needs is to be positive.

“I think a day will come when he”ll rise above it to some degree.”

Suddenly, Caden is reminded of something important.

“Hey, Riley has a doctor”s appointment on Tuesday, so he won”t be going to school.”

Jared knows that the appointment is coming up and it”s already in his planner and he has shifted around his writing schedule so that he can attend the appointment with Caden and Riley. Doctor Nichols has been okay with Jared coming with Caden because he provides another level of support for both Caden and Riley. For Jared, it”s about supporting Caden and his brother.

“You know I wouldn”t miss it.”

`That is why I love this guy.”

Caden thinks as he looks at his handsome boyfriend.

“I know.”

In moments like these, it feels as if everything is going all right, and now that they are sharing the same bed, it”s becoming more and more frequent, and Caden and Jared are loving it. They can kick back and relax and just talk about whatever is on their minds.

“So, what are we doing after the appointment?”

Jared asks wanting to know what else Caden had planned for the day. Caden”s responds by letting him know that there is nothing planned. Jared is content to let Tuesday be just a day to sit at home and relax.

“Hey, what are we doing for Riley”s Birthday?”

Caden has just realized that his brother”s birthday is coming up next month and they”ve made no plans. He would love to do a party, maybe even make cupcakes for the club and for the classroom.


Caden asks Jared hoping for a positive response.

“Oh man, he would love it. We should be in the new house by then, and we can have everyone over there. Can I handle the plans?”

Caden is quite happy to being free of handling the party plans. He has no doubt that Jared can handle making all the plans. With his organizational skills, this guy can do almost anything.

“Riley is going to love it.”

Jared says with a smile on his face. Caden changes the subject quickly.

“I am just glad that he likes school. We haven”t had a lot of problems with bullies, but then again Riley has always liked school, so I”m happy that that didn”t change at all.”

All Jared can do is nod his head in agreement. Jared has felt lucky to have Caden in his life even before they started dating, and now he”s even happier because now he has both Caden and Jared in his life, and it feels great. The guys end up falling asleep in each other”s arms.


In the morning there is a mad rush to get out the door. Caden is running a few minutes behind and Riley, thanks to Jared, is doing slightly better than his brother. When they finally get out the door Konya Escort it”s a couple of minutes later than usual. On the way to school Caden smiles at Riley who has been talking about class and the club.

“Riley is everything okay?”

He doesn”t answer his brother”s question right away. It takes a minute for to answer.

“Am…am…I in trouble?”

Sometimes, Riley asks a question that just throws Caden off and this question is one such question. It”s more than likely that Riley”s mind is confused about something that was said or happened that triggered a memory.

“Why would you be in trouble? What on earth did you do?”


“Honestly, I have no idea why you think that you”re in trouble. You are not in trouble, okay?

Caden is trying to drive and at the same time pay attention to what Riley is doing or saying.

“Thanks, thanks Caden.”

“Did you like Jared reading to you?”

Riley smiles at his brother.

“I…liked him reading to me. He made… made it fun. He read tonight?”

`Did he really just ask for me to be replaced for the reading part of our nightly routine?”

“Dude, you don”t want me to read to you tonight?”

“I…I guess.”

Riley seems to be disappointed, but he won”t admit it to Caden, but big brother can hear it in his voice. If it will make Riley happy to have Jared read to him then so be it. He wouldn”t mind sharing some of the nighttime routine with Jared. As they pull up to the school, Riley is ready to jump out of the car and run to the aide that is waiting on him to get out of the car.


After dropping his brother at school, Caden heads into work. Today he is trying to line up bands for a Battle of the Bands that one of the kids suggested as a fundraiser. Through word of mouth advertising, he”s managed to get three bands but, since they are doing an all-day thing, he needs more bands. His day has been jam packed with phone calls, making up a flier advertising the event, faxing out the flier to be printed, and then picking up the copies so that they can be distributed out to various businesses, high schools, and colleges. The fun part of the day is his lunch hour when he gets to sit back and be on the phone with the one guy that means everything to him. Caden and Jared have been talking about how good it feels to be moving in the next couple of days or so, but then the conversation shifts. Jared and Caden talk while Caden eats so there are pauses in their conversation because of him eating.

“Working on the Battle of the Bands fundraiser, it seems like that has been the focus of my work day for the past month. We are trying to tie up loose ends so that the only thing left to do is get more bands and then hit up some advertising.”

“Well if I can help you, let me know okay?”

“You do just by being here to listen.”

“Actually there was something that I wanted to talk to you about, and it came up today in the car with Riley.”


Jared hopes it was not anything bad but as he has learned sometimes Riley just needs to let whatever crazy thought he might have at the time out of his mouth.

“Riley asked if he was in trouble this morning, sort of like what he was doing with you last night.”

Jared was confused last night and he is just as confused now.

“Did he know why, he might be in trouble?”

“No, he didn”t, but I assured him that he was fine. Oh, he also wants to read with you for now on before he goes to sleep. What do you think about that?”

Jared laughs because he does not get what the deal is with his reading.

“I think that you and your brother are making way more out of my reading than it needs to be. I”ll be more than happy to take over the reading for you.”

There is a slight pause as Caden finishes eating a few grapes.

“He just said that you made it fun.”

“Wow, maybe there is something to be said for my reading ability.”

“Cool, well I”ll have to tell my mom that she needs to practice her reading skills before he spends the night.”

“I love you, but I think I had better get going so I can finish my lunch and get more work done.”

“Bye Caden, see you when you get home. Are you cooking tonight or am I?”

“I”ll cook, I stole one of my mom”s recipes, so I”m making taco soup, and I remember it being really good.”

“Sounds good Babe. I love you Caden forever and ever.”

They do love each other so much, and it”s super cool.


It”s nearing the end of the school day and Jared gets into his car and heads over to Riley”s school. As he pulls into the parking lot, he watches as a kid runs out of the school towards another kid. Instantly, he tackles the other kid knocking him down to the sidewalk. A staff member runs over and pulls the aggressor off the kid. Once the fight is clear, Riley is escorted out of the school with the aide straight to the car. The car door is opens and Riley is getting into the vehicle. The teen is quiet for most of the ride home.

“Did you…have a good day?”

“I finished up the article that I was working on, so yeah, it was good. Oh, I spoke with your brother.”

Riley laughs at Jared”s last comment.

“Why are you laughing at me?”

“You…you talk to him…every day.”

“Yeah, I guess that I do.”

“Yeah, you do.”

Course, the statement is correct. Caden and Jared do talk every day, but of course, you would expect them to talk every day. They stop talking. Jared pulls up to the house and they both get out of the car.


Meanwhile at Caden”s work, his boss comes into his office. He sits down near the desk and pauses for just moment before speaking.

“Is everything okay, Sir?”

“Yes, everything is fine. I just wanted to see how the house is coming along.”

His boss sounds like there is some worry in his voice.

“We are moving in just a few days.”

“Cade, are you going to be leaving us?”

“No way, I”m not leaving you guys behind.”

Mr. Pierce”s face brightens when he hears that Caden doesn”t to leave the organization.

“Thank goodness Caden, I was worried that I would have to find someone else to fill in position, and take the chance that they may not fit within our organization. Plus, the kids really do enjoy spending time with you. It always amazes me that despite your position here at the center just how much time you spend with the kids. In case I haven”t said it lately, I really do appreciate everything that you do here.”

Mr. Pierce hates losing good employees, or volunteers for that matter. You can replace an employee or a volunteer, but you can”t replace what makes them special.

“Thanks Mr. Pierce, I just do what comes natural. Lately, I feel like I owe the organization a bit more because of the time off when Riley was in the hospital, and the way that everyone treats him when he comes to work with me. I appreciate everything that you do on my behalf. I mean you took a chance on me when you hired me.”

Mr. Pierce knows that there are employees on his staff who are simply there to earn a paycheck and don”t ever go the extra mile.

“I didn”t mean to interrupt you, but I had this irrational fear that your moving meant a job move as well. Thus reassured I”m going to go back to my office. I have a few new volunteer background checks look over and then I can finally have lunch.”

Caden is grateful for the visit but he does need to get back to his work. It”s crazy all the hoops he has to jump through to bring in money for the center.

“I”ll bring you what I have for the Battle of the Bands as soon as I finish up here.”

“Sounds good Caden. I expect nothing but the best from you.”

Caden works for a few more hours before turning what he”s been working on to his boss, and then it”s time to go home.


Caden gets home, uses the bathroom, washes his hands, and then it”s straight into the kitchen. Jared walks into the kitchen as Caden is busy gathering up all his ingredients, utensils, and whatever else needs to cook the taco soup.

“Can I help in any way?”

Jared asks looking at the cans that Caden has placed on the table.

“Yeah, can you can open up the cans?”

“Sure can.”

Jared grabs the can opener and opens up all the cans for his hubby.

“How was work?”

Jared asks as he”s rinsing off the can opener. Caden likes the fact that Jared will pitch in and help out even on the nights when he isn”t the one cooking dinner, but then again Caden does the same thing when Jared is cooking, so it”s no big deal really.

“Work was good. I guess the boss was worried that since we are moving that I magically quit. I had to reassure him. Hey, did Riley feed the puppy?”

“Yes he did, once before he left for school and then again when he got home.”

“Did you get a lot done today on that article that you were working on gardening?”

Jared kind of dipped his head a little bit, because all he did was call around to different nurseries in the area as Konya Escort Bayan he looked for someone to talk about setting up a garden.

“Well, it was the direction that I wanted to go with the article, so I spent some more time thinking over it till I came up with an idea.”

“Oh, what did you come up with then?”

“I have two ideas, one is how to start a garden from scratch, and the other is how to incorporate wild plants into an existing garden. Which one do you think is more interesting?”

Caden thought for a second and then smiled.

“You know there is a house on the street that Riley and I use to live where the owners incorporated wild plants into their landscaping. Maybe we could drive out there and talk to them.”

“I think that settles it, I am going to do the whole native plants thing. It actually sounds way more interesting than how to start a garden.”

Sometimes, it really helps to bounce ideas off Caden at times. All the cans are open, the can opener has been put away and Jared is ready to move to the next item that Caden needs.

“Anything else Caden?”

“No, I”m good. Thanks for the help.”

Jared takes off and as he does, Caden gives him a tap on the butt. Jared turns and smiles at him. With the kitchen empty now, Caden goes to town on finishing the soup.


Sixteen minutes later, Jared comes out of the office and walks into the kitchen with smile on his face.

“What”s going on Babe?”

Jared looks at a note that Caden had written him a couple nights ago; while he was checking out an author, he had heard about. He”s not someone that he has ever heard about it, but he was willing to give him a go.

“You know that story that you told me about, The Mirror and Nothing More?”

“Oh, did you read it?”

“Yeah, it wasn”t that bad.”

Jared thinks the author has a lot more he could do with the story, and should have spent more time editing the story, but there is a ton of potential in it.

“I could almost feel what Alex was going through. I especially loved the ending when the guys went down to that town in Illinois. It was amazing.”

Caden nodded his head in agreement and then walked into the dining room to get the table set for dinner.

“Can you check on what Riley is doing?”

Jared gets up and heads for Riley”s room. Jared moves through the house until he comes to the room.


Riley sees Jared standing at the door peeking in the room.

“Jared can…can Ryan come…over?”

“I don”t care but maybe you should talk to your brother huh?”

“Can”t you?”

There was a time in his life, when he would have told Riley “No way” but things have changed since then, now he is much softer.

“You know what, if your homework is done, he can come over to the house.”

Riley smiles at the Jared and gets up to grab his cell phone. Leaving the room behind, Jared returns to Caden and tells him what Riley asked. For Caden, Ryan being at the house has become a part of their routine.


When Jared left the room, Riley calls Ryan. Riley no longer gets nervous when he calls his boyfriend. Ryan answers the phone and Riley”s heart begins to beat just a little faster.

“Hey Riley, what”s up?”

“Are you hungry?”

Listening to Riley”s voice, Ryan knows what”s coming next.

“Actually I”m not, sorry, but my parents took us out to eat.”

“Can you come over?”

Ryan can”t come over tonight, and at the moment it would be impossible anyway. His family is stuck in traffic on the interstate.

“I love to Riley but I can”t tonight. We had a family night and right now we are stuck on the highway in bad traffic.”

“Oh…oh okay. I”ll see you…”

Riley stops mid-sentence and looks at the big dry erase boards that Jared installed in his room. The board serves as his calendar for him.

“Riley, are you okay?”

“I”m…fine, but…I won”t see you tomorrow.”

Riley isn”t going to be in school tomorrow and he just realized it.

“Guess, I”ll see you later then, huh?”

Ryan says as he rstares unhappily out the car”s windshield from the back seat.


Neither guy is very happy right now, they both want to see each other but what can you do about it.

“I…got…got to go.”

Riley”s finger brushes against the end call icon, which causes the call to drop prematurely. Instead of calling back, he gets up and heads downstairs. He is a little upset but it will pass.


When Riley gets downstairs, Caden calls everyone to dinner. Riley washes his hands and then he goes to his place at the table.

“Are you hungry?”

Jared asks as Caden begins to serve up the taco soup.

“Does anyone want a dollop of sour cream?”

Riley and Jared raise their hands in response to Caden”s question. Caden spoons the sour cream on top of Riley”s soup and Jared”s soup. Caden then places the bowls down in front of Jared and Riley.

“How was everyone”s day?”

Jared asks even though he knows how Riley”s day went but he also wants to hear how his boyfriend”s day went and Caden deserves to hear how his brother”s day went.

“I…I spent lunch with…with my teacher. I earned it. She…even let…let Ryan join me.”

You could tell it was his excitement that caused him to shutter just a little bit.

“That is awesome dude; I am glad that you guys got to spend lunch together.”

Caden was happy for his brother. He loves to hear about Riley”s good days.

“Anything else happen Riley that might have been awesome?”

Jared asks knowing that the teen has one more thing to tell his brother.

“I…got…a kiss from…from…Ryan.”

Caden smiles at his brother and then gives him a gentle nudge.

“Don”t…tease me.”

“What about you Caden?”

Jared asks to his boyfriend.

“Well, I finished up the Battle of the Band work that I was doing.”

“Cool Babe.”


Riley pats Caden on the back.

“I”m pretty excited about it.”

“I finished up an article that I was working on and then I got some reading done, and then spent time thinking about that garden article.”

Jared said as he looks at Caden, who knew exactly what he had been reading.


Jared turns and looks at Riley.

“I read some stories on the computer.”

The guys wrapped up their conversations about their days. Right after that, Riley looks at Caden. He”s feeling a little confused over the move for some reason.

“Caden…is…is Ethan going to find us?”

It appears that Riley is afraid that Ethan will find them when they move. The way that Riley had been treated by his brother”s ex, it wouldn”t be out of the question for him to be afraid.

“Riley, Ethan isn”t going to find us. I promise, Jared and I won”t let him hurt you okay?”

Riley looks at Jared and then looks at Caden for proof that what Caden said is true.

“We”ll keep you safe from Ethan.”

With that, Riley looks much more relaxed. With supper over, Caden and Jared wash up the dishes.


With the dishes out of the way, it”s time for Riley to get some exercise. Caden, Jared, and Riley load up into the car and drive out to the park. After finding a parking space, everyone gets out of the car and they start walking along the path. Once a day, weather permitting, they walk a mile a together. It”s something that they have done since Riley got the okay to start walking. Of course, they didn”t do the whole mile back then, because it would have been torture. For a while, they did short walks so that Riley could build up his arms while he was in the wheelchair. Today”s walk feels good. It”s warm out, the sun is shining, and he”s with Caden and Jared. By the time, they are done though he”s tired and ready for bed.


After their walk, they came back home, got Riley ready for bed and then both Caden and Jared stay for Riley”s bedtime story. By the end Caden understands Riley”s wish for Jared to read. After hugs and kisses Caden and Jared climbed into bed themselves.

“Are you worried about tomorrow”s doctor appointment?”

Jared asks because he can the see the worry on Caden”s face. Caden doesn”t answer him instead; he quietly snuggles up next to boyfriend.

“Babe don”t worry so much.”

“I”m trying not to Jared but this is Riley that we”re talking about and I can”t help but worry about him.”

Truth be told, Jared worries just as much as Caden does when it comes to Riley. He always has and always will even if Caden and him break up, which he”s sure will never happen.

“Jared have you seen any changes in him since the last visit?”

“I don”t really see anything physically, but I think he”s showing improvements in his mental state.”

Jared is right. Physically, he seems to be holding steady. He”s not backtracking so that is good, but his body is still affected by the brain injury. Caden was hoping that maybe Jared saw something Escort Konya that he didn”t. Jared gives a Caden little peck on the lips. Jared”s kisses have this strange effect on Caden”s body. They feel like a mix of electricity and fire courses through his veins causing his mind to forget about all his troubles for a few minutes. It feels good to have him in bed with him too.


For some reason his brain shifts to Andrew. He feels sorry for Andrew. He could be holding on to hate towards Andrew, but where would that put him. There were a many times up at the hospital that Andrew”s true self was displayed. Those glimpses at Andrew”s heart were enough to let Caden know that he had a good heart despite being mixed up with Ethan. Caden guesses that he was swept up by Ethan”s words and promises only to have them dry up. Ethan is the type of guy who bounces from one guy to the next depending on his desires and once he gets what he wants from them, he”s gone.

“Caden are you in there?”

Jared gently taps Caden”s forehead to get his attention, which causes him to snap out of his thoughts.

“What the heck dude?”

Caden sounds annoyed then again who wouldn”t, but he calms down quickly once he looks into his boyfriend”s eyes.

“Sorry, I was just getting your attention. What had you so deep in thought?”

“I was thinking about Andrew.”

“I”m sorry but who is Andrew?”

“Andrew is the guy that Ethan was seeing at the same time he was seeing me at the end of our relationship.”

Jared doesn”t get it, why would he spend so much time thinking about this guy. He feels compelled to dig deeper.

“So what got you thinking about him?”

Caden looks at Jared. He”s trying to figure out if there is a hint of a jealousy behind his boyfriend”s eyes.

`This is Jared, and he has eyes for me and me only.”

“You ever have times when someone”s name just pops into your head for no reason, that is what happened. I have to admit that I would like to meet him with you of course, and just see why things ended with Ethan. I want his side of the story, besides I know that he”s not with Ethan, no reason we can”t be friends.”

A soft pair of lips touches Jared”s lips and steals a kiss from him.

“You don”t have to worry about me leaving you, because I love you Babe.”

Caden tells Jared between kissing him. The kisses have grown in strength and there might even be some tongue action going on between the guys.

“Wow, so that is the secret to getting the really good kisses from you? I just have to make you think that I”m jealous, huh?”

Caden stares at Jared and laughs.

“Why would I want you jealous? Honestly, it feels like I have to try harder to keep your attention.”

“You don”t have to try. You have my attention all day and all night.”

With that said, Caden”s butt is playfully swatted. Things heat up from there and well, we”re going to let them have some time to themselves.


Riley spent the night dreaming of Ryan. In the morning when he wakes up, he discovers a wet spot on his underwear and on his sheet. Scared that he might have peed during the night, he calls out for the one adult in the house that will take things a tad bit better than his brother.


Hearing the yell, Jared gets up out of bed and runs for the teen”s bedroom. Caden gets up too and rushes to the room. When Jared gets there, he quickly gives Riley a once over to look for signs of illness or injury. He doesn”t see any signs of pain on the teen”s face, so he approaches the bed. When he gets to the bed, he sits down and looks at Riley.

“What”s up guy?”

“I…I…I think, I think…I peed.”

Caden is a bit shocked by what he hears.

“You think you had an accident?”

Jared says as he looks at Riley and then looks at the bed for signs of urine. He looks at Caden and shakes his head.

“I don”t smell any urine, and I think your bed would be a whole lot wetter, so I don”t think that you had an accident.

Riley is confused because he can the wetness on his underwear, and there is also a visible wet spot.

“My…my…underwear is wet.”

When Riley says that, Caden instantly gets an idea of what has happened.

“Did you have a dream last night?”

Riley blushes not wanting to talk about what happened in the dream. Jared wants to laugh, but he knows that the teen wouldn”t take it as a good thing.

“I think you had a wet dream.”

“A wet dream?”

Riley surely heard about wet dreams before his injury but so it must be lost in his mind somewhere.

“We”re going to change all the bed today okay, so you”ll have a clean one to sleep in later okay?”

Caden sits down and explains to his brother what a wet dream is and as he does his brother”s face becomes even redder. Riley feels better now that he knows what happened, and he”s glad that they”re changing the sheets. In fact, as Riley is picking out his clothes for the day, Jared is busy stripping the bed. With the bed made and everything explained to Riley, the guys get the morning moving.


It”s 10 am and the guys are in the exam room at Doctor”s Nichol”s office. The nurse so far has spent the exam gathering the young man”s vitals. She jokes with Riley about being her boyfriend and he takes it all in stride. The room feels warm and, thanks to the nurse and her jokes, Riley,s calm but when Doctor Nichols enters the room everything changes in a heartbeat. Riley looks nervous. The doctor is carrying all of Riley”s charts and reports from the physical therapists. He checks the young man”s heart and lungs, and then he sits down in one of the chairs and looks at the guys.

“I think this is the first time that I”ve sat with all of you that I haven”t had a little bit of good news, but for the first time, I have nothing to report. Things have been a bit slow and that is okay. The good news is that, physically, I don”t see any problems with Riley”s health. Riley any problems with therapy?”

Riley looks even more worried now, but he does shake his head in response to the doctor”s question.

“I had…I had a…wet…dream.”

Doctor Nichols takes the comment in stride.

“Did you tell your brother and Jared about it?”

“Yeah, Yeah, I did.”

The doctor smiles as he looks at Caden and Jared. He sees many parents that he talks too every day, but for whatever reason he looks forward to seeing this family.

“Caden, Jared, do you have anything that you want to bring up?”

They don”t have any questions for the doctor. The doctor looks through the file folder that he”s holding and then looks at them.

“Okay, so I want you to continue therapy and then, I want you to see his neurologist in the next month, but if there is nothing else, you can leave.”

Caden and Jared add the notes to their planners so they remember to make the appointments. Riley is relieved that the visit is over with and they can go home.


They”ve been home for a couple hours when there is a knock at the door. Jared gets up from the couch where he”s been reading and answers the door.

“Hi Mom, come inside.”

“Thanks Sweetie.”

She says as she looks into the living room. Riley is sitting on the floor playing with Smoke.

“Is Riley sick?”

She asks Jared.

“Nope, he had a ten o”clock appointment and we figured that by the time we had lunch that he would be better off just staying at home. We weren”t sure how things were going to go at the doctor”s, so yeah we are just relaxing right now.”

She immediately looks concerned when her son mentions appointments. Because she assumes it has something to do with her grandson.

“Was everything okay?”

She can tell just from his facial expressions that everything is okay.

“Well everything is okay, but there weren”t any real improvements.”

She pats her son”s back and then walks into the living room and sits down near Riley.”

“Riley, how are you?”

“I am…good. How…are…good? I…I…mean how…how are you?”

She notices his slip but ignores it and answers his question.

“I”m good. I just came over to visit. Wow…Smoke is getting big.”

She wants to distract him from thinking about the error.

“Yeah, Smoke is…getting bigger.”

Smoke gets up and licks Lisa”s hand. As Lisa and Riley are visiting, Caden comes out of the office and heads downstairs. When Lisa sees him, she gets up and heads into the dining room where Jared is already sitting. They start talking about the plans for the move, and how they want to execute the whole plan. For Jared”s mom”s role, they are planning for her to keep Riley for the day rather than have him sitting around. She even agreed to take Smoke for the day. Course, she is just excited to be around her grandson. She knows that maybe, she should not get attached in case Caden and Jared break up at any time. Maybe, if she is lucky the breakup, if it happens, will go good and she can keep Riley in her life.


Hey, Chuck here, if you liked this story (or even if you didn”t), feel free to email me at: Hnstskr4@aol. I will do my best to answer all emails in a timely manner.

Thanks for reading.

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