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All characters depicted in sexual actions are over 18.


12 days, I’ve been in this hell hole for 12 days now. I was bedridden with only a tv mounted so high on a wall I could barely see it. I never took my home tv for granted, I loved it. It was a 60″ screen and I sat close to it so I could take in all the detail. I also subscribed to all the internet services available so I could always find something to watch. This little 12″ tv on the other side of the room I now found myself in was terrible. The hospital bed I was in had a built in remote to it, which I couldn’t operate because both of my hands were in casts. I also had a leg in a cast and placed in suspension. I didn’t know that was a real thing. It was something you’d see in cheesy comedy movies when someone had gotten hilariously injured. My injuries didn’t seem comical to me. I had wrecked my motorcycle 12 days ago flying down the interstate when I hydroplaned. I got the motorcycle for my 22nd birthday, and now only a few months later I was stuck in here. They told me I was lucky to be alive. They told me I may be able to walk again someday, with a cane and after at least a year of physical therapy. Maybe.

12 days was a long time to shit in a bucket. 12 days was a long time to be stuck in a bed alone. 12 days was a long time to almost be able to see what was on that little tv. And 12 days was the longest I’d gone without getting off since I first started masturbating at 13. I was naturally horny usually, I almost never went a day without masturbating at least once. This was at least seven kinds of torture. My mind was running again, thinking about the hell I was in, and the hell that awaited me in the coming years. I wasn’t the type to cry, but I felt that if I didn’t distract myself my mind would consume me to that inevitable point. The nursing staff had rigged a call button for me by what I would now refer to as my good foot for the rest of my life. The tv station I was watching had shifted to infomercials sometime ago, I hadn’t noticed until now. I rang the buzzer.

One of the nurses came in, pleasantly. That was one good thing about this hospital, the nurses all seemed kind and never impatient. I really appreciated that right now, they were my only social interaction. My parents had come in the first few days of my accident. Then my dad had a business meeting out of the country and my mother always went with him, she didn’t trust him at all. That started after some event in Japan that I still have no details to, though I can imagine it amounted to an affair.

“What do you need honey? How’s your bedpan?” The nurse asked reaching to check.

“No that’s not it, it’s still clean.” Actually it was full of piss, but I found that embarrassing so I only had them change it when I took a dump, which I held out on as long as possible.

“Really? I’m gonna up your fluids, we need to get that hose of yours going.” She made a note of it on my chart, I didn’t correct her. When she finished writing I spoke again.

“Actually I was wondering if you’d change the tv channel for me. I can’t believe anyone would willingly watch something like this.” The infomercial was for some small blender that didn’t look like it could hold more than a cocktail. She laughed.

“I know right? Sure thing sweetie, what channel?” I hadn’t had cable since I was a teenager and everything was different now, although I was becoming reacclimatized to scheduled programming and commercials. It was crazy to me the way we used to live before streaming services.

“I guess the comedy channel again.” She walked up next to the bed and reached beside me to where the remote was mounted. I could smell her perfume, it was pleasant. Anything sensual was both welcome and despised as I could do nothing to appease myself. Her hand brushed against my hip as the remote was very close to it. She was attractive. Maybe 40 but she still looked amazing, most of the nurses here did. She had dark blonde hair with lighter highlights streaked throughout, or maybe the other way around, I wasn’t sure. As she flipped through the channels manually she simultaneously prodded my upper thigh with every button press. I don’t think it was intentional. Thankfully that wasn’t a place where I was injured being on my good side. In fact, the simple touch felt good. Her hands were soft, delicate. It was about 50 channels to go through the way she was going, she could have gone down and started back at the top but I was kinda glad she didn’t.

“I can’t believe there’s so many channels on cable now, we used to only have 12 when I was growing up.” I smiled at her as she continued the progression. The jostling motion she made against me was shaking my member a little bit, every new flicker of the tv marked a time my penis would rock along my thigh. Having gone so long without orgasm this thrilled me way more than it should have, I started getting a little chub. Having my leg strung up like it was would serve to hide that though, so I embraced it thankfully. Bozkurt Escort When she finally reached the comedy channel she looked as though she just finished a brief workout.

“Whew! Alright sweetie, if there’s anything else you need just let us know okay? I know it must be hard being stuck in this bed.” She had no idea.

As she walked away I checked out her ass. I loved these nurse uniforms, they were thin and tight around all the right places, and she had a nice round caboose. I watched her cute butt jiggle as she reached the door. She caught my gaze as she exited and smiled with a quiet embarrassed laugh. I hope she didn’t mind me looking. I looked up at the tv to see it was one of those coming of age movies that would have a lot of high school and college kids hooking up throughout the movie. I wondered for a moment what kind of hookups, if any, awaited me in the coming years. I had heard that some women go for handicapped men as it let their maternal instinct flourish, I pondered if that was true. My penis had not subsided and felt hot against my leg, it was bittersweet as it was good to know it still worked fine, but once again tormenting that I could not grant myself release. I looked longingly at the women on the little screen, squinting my eyes to better see the cleavage and curves.

Impulsively I started rocking my hips, grinding myself against my leg. I became hopeful as my erection and the stroking intensified, I got a little carried away though and felt pains in my bad leg as I tried to go a little faster, forcing my pace to slow. That brought me to my senses a little bit and I weighed the pros and cons of this situation. I could get off, if I kept a slow pace and didn’t hurt myself, though I figured the pain would be worth it. The real downside would be that I had no way of cleaning myself and it would be noticed the next time I got a sponge bath or my bed pan changed, or maybe sooner if there was a large wet spot on my lap. I didn’t really want the nurse to have to deal with that, but the thought of my last sponge bath filled my mind.

The nurse that had performed it was about my age. She was professional about it, unfortunately. I honestly did become erect then too. She was a redhead, my weakness. I staved it off while she washed my face and good leg, but when she opened my gown to get to my torso and groin I couldn’t keep it down. I told her I was sorry and so embarrassed which I was, though also a little proud of my size. She said it was okay, and that it actually usually happened. She cleaned it anyway but it was brief, just what was necessary. I fantasized about it going further now though.

“Unh, what a nice cock. I’ve never seen one so biiig.” I realized that was cheesy, and more than likely untrue with the way she looked, but hey, this is my fantasy.

My sexualized version of the redhead now had her hair down and was straddling my good leg as she sudsed up my shaft.

“Do you like the way I clean it for you?”

“Yes” I said aloud, to the empty room. I was rocking again, absentmindedly deciding to go ahead and allow my ejaculation.

The imaginary redhead was stroking faster now. “I want you to blow that hot load aaaaall oooover me.”

“Oh… yeah…” I was getting close, my leg was covered in slick precum. I had to twist slightly to keep my penis against it. It was very uncomfortable but wouldn’t last much longer. Just then I felt my foot hit the little nurse buzzer again.

“Shit shit shit!” I rolled a little too far back the other way and felt a sharp shooting pain in my bad leg, much worse than before. The same dirty blonde nurse that had changed the channel for me came in smiling, then frowned when she looked at my face.

“Hey, are you okay? Got some pain?” She looked at my heart rate monitor which had a quickened pace and rushed over to me.

“Where is it? Your arm?” She asked and looked me over.

“No, no” I grimaced.

“Oh your leg,” she uncovered me and looked at my leg, then immediately stared at my still throbbing and dripping erection. Her face went numb with surprise, she didn’t pull her stare for some time, then she blinked and looked at my face.

“Are you.. what are you..” She couldn’t find the words. I just looked down.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to buzz you, it’s just my leg.” I motioned to my good foot, she began dragging her gaze to it and stopped again on my erection.

“Your… other leg… your other leg hurts?”

I sighed, “No, I was umm. Trying to… you know… and then I-I just hit the buzzer by mistake. I didn’t mean for you to see this, I’m so sorry.”

“I see.” That she did. She couldn’t seem to take her eyes off it. Then she seemed to look past it.

“So you have been urinating.” She was looking at my full bedpan.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry again, I just don’t want you guys to have to deal with it so often.”

She was trying to pull herself together now.

“We um, Escort Bozkurt we don’t mind helping out our patients. I mean, it’s not like you can really do anything about it, and we know that.” Her eyes shifted from my penis to the bedpan. Then she stepped over and reached in between my legs to grab the pan. As she grabbed it her arm brushed against my penis, leaving precum residue on her. She noticed and stared at it for a second, then carried the pan to the bathroom. I heard her dump it, then the sink run. “I guess we can change that chart back, you’ve been urinating just fine it looks like.”

She returned and replaced the bed pan, once again grazing my stiff cock with her arm. I winced at her touch and it pulsed against her, jetting out a sizable amount of precum. In stead of jerking away, she slowly placed the bedpan in place, twisting it in while her arm was still on my penis. I moaned a little, though I tried not to. She looked up at me with a strange look. She didn’t seem displeased, in fact I think she was amused. She finished placing it and stood back up.

“You look like you’re in quite a predicament.” She was looking at both of my casted arms, and my still rock hard penis.

“Hasn’t Monica been, you know.. helping you out?”

“Um, Monica?” I asked

“The new girl, we put her here because we actually figured she might… help with this. The girl that’s been bathing you.”

“What? Really? No. I mean, yes, she’s been bathing me.”

“But she hasn’t been, like, releasing you?”

“N-no, never.”

“Well, we had hoped she would actually. We know you’re young, and that you’d be in the cast for some time. You haven’t gotten off at all since you’ve been laid up?”

I sighed heavily, even more embarrassed and still laying with my penis exposed.

“No, I haven’t. It’s been a long 12 days.” She pulled a chair over and sat beside me.

“She’s probably just not trying to get fired. I’ll have a talk with her.”

What the hell was this place.

“Oh, okay.”

“In the meantime…” she looked again at my penis. Just her insinuations and her gaze pumped another dose of precum out of me.

“I suppose I could help you, seeing as how you could really do some damage to yourself trying to get off on your own now.”

I had no words, I stared blankly at her, I think I drooled a little bit out of my mouth this time.

She looked into my eyes. “Would you like that?”

I coughed, nodding.

She placed her hand on my stomach, smiling.

She rubbed her hand here, then drug her nails lightly on my belly. The tension pulled at my cock making it move. I laid back and closed my eyes. A small and worthwhile torture, not going directly for the penis. The human touch itself felt like it was pure ecstasy pouring into me. My belly quivered for a few seconds, then subdued and seemed to melt. After a few moments I looked back up into her waiting eyes. She kept one hand still on my stomach then took the other and traced her way to my penis. She lightly ringed her fingers around it and then grabbed it firmly. Then she squeezed, pushing blood and yes, more precum to the top. It made my penis more full and red.

“Doesn’t look like we’ll need any lube.” She said smiling. I had never secreted this much, but I also hadn’t gone this long without cumming before. She began moving her hand slightly, keeping a tight grip. She gently pulled up on my penis in a slow rhythm. She was nursing the blood to my head, it flourished with color.

“God I haven’t seen a young cock in such a long time.” She seemed nearly as mesmerized as I was. She finally released after my penis reached a full state I hadn’t seen in myself before. Then she took her palm and rubbed on the head, gathering my natural lube into her hand. Open handed, she began lathering my penis with it.

“You said it’s been a full 12 days since you’ve gotten off at all?” She was so calm, confident.

“Yes..” I somehow managed to exhale.

“That can be unhealthy you know, I imagine the pain isn’t letting you sleep enough for a night emission.”

I nodded. It had been rather difficult to sleep well. I really only napped here and there.

“Well, I’m going to get you off a couple times, I want to make sure you’re good and drained. This can actually help with reducing your pain level, and give you better sleep.”

In the midst of this terrible misadventure, somehow I was having the most amazing night of my life.

Now that my penis was well coated in its own juices, she firmly gripped between the middle and base, then started a twisting motion.

“I think you’ll enjoy this, at least I’m led to believe I’m pretty good at a hand job.”

I think she liked watching my repeated moments of trying to form words before giving up into a moan. She smiled more devilishly and kept her gaze on my face as she continued. She twisted and pulled at my cock, bringing it down toward my legs as she rose to the Bozkort Escort Bayan head, and then back toward my stomach as she declined. The precum was thick and allowed for easy and fluid movement. She took her other hand and placed it under my balls. She lifted them feeling the weight. She silently worded wow to me, they were very engorged. Then she encompassed them and tugged slightly with the same rhythm.

“Oh my god.” I breathed. This was a technique I would have to replicate whenever I got the use of both of my hands back. I glanced from her eyes which were still on mine down to the movements she was enacting upon me. Then I let my gaze wander to her nurse outfit and lovely physical form. Though she didn’t have any cleavage with the uniform, I could still see that her breasts were quite large. This and her beautiful arms were all I could gather from my position, along with her long elegant neck and pretty face. Though she was about 40 she looked vibrantly youthful, definitely higher shelf milf material. Her facial expressions marked someone who was both comical and intelligent, not to mention simply seductive. While I looked her over she seemed to be reading my every thought, like she knew she had my total approval. Sensing the finished thought, she pulled a little harder for a couple strokes, then she let go of me.

I blinked with disappointment and she mouthed, “shhhh”. Then she stood up and took off her standard nurse top. God the bounce of tits falling out of clothing had to be my favorite sight. She had a thin cut black and white bra and her breasts were massive, it was a wonder I couldn’t see the nipples with all that mound flowing over the top. She tossed the shirt onto the floor and sat back down. I looked up to her smiling eyes for a brief moment before gazing back at the lovely new sights before me. She lifted them from underneath a few times bouncing them for me. She smiled.

“Since you’re in no shape to handle them I’ll do it for you.”

The rippling waves of her boobs was a delight. They looked amazingly soft. I yearned to grab my cock as I watched. More like 11 kinds of torture at least now.

She brought herself closer to my face, then lowered her breasts onto my cheeks. She grabbed her hands and mushed them all over me. While burying my nose into the thin strip of her bra, she let her boobs rub my face, covering my eyes, brushing my ears and my temple. It was like some kind of heavenly massage. She then brought them down to my mouth.

“Go ahead, you can kiss them, lick them, whatever you like.” There was no restraining myself. I did both, then I even threw in some nibbling. She giggled, not seeming to mind. Suddenly her bra was removed and she drug it away against my face, now exposing her nipples to me. They were a light pink color, once again very youthful. They were about the size of quarters, which I loved. One nestled against a closed eye, while the other one was brought to my tongue to inspect. I closed my lips over it and swirled my tongue in deep ecstasy. The color of our mutual aura seemed to blur and morph from yellow to a light blue. I felt total and complete relaxation as I prodded my tongue against her now erect nipple in my warm mouth. She moaned with pleasure and I heard this sound within her as well as spilling from her mouth. She then pulled away her breast with a ‘pop’ then brought the other in for the same treatment. She was holding it as it was brought toward my face. In the brief movement our eyes met again, she seemed as entranced in the act as I was. I rested my nose against her bosom as I lapped at this twin nipple. Her scent was light, it smelled like a lotion but there was not a similar taste to accompany it. The taste was purely human and delightful. I breathed in the scent deeply as I continued sucking and licking at the nipple and soft inner breast.

Suddenly I felt the fingers of her free hand trace my abdomen and trail back to my penis. She gripped it and began a quick and even pace making short movements from just below my frenulum to the point of a couple of her fingers passing the top of my head. After many pulses she loosened the grip and allowed her fingers to trace different areas of my head and frenulum as she continued stroking me. I licked her nipple and prodded my nose against her at a similar pace.

“Unhhh, fuck.” She moaned. “You like this? Sucking on my tits while I stroke you?” I muffed an affirmation into her breast. “I bet you do. I like this young mouth and this stiff cock.” She pulled her nipple out for a moment while continuing to grab my cock. She pulled back a little and shimmied her shoulders slapping her breasts against my face. I held my tongue out lapping for them with every recursion. While she kept this going she moved her hand so that her palm was gripping the bottom of my penis head and her fingers were wrapped around the front while her thumb was seated farther down my shaft. She then twisted and squeezed more and more as precum oozed into her hand and over my dick. Then she pumped faster and faster.

“I want you to cum for me now, are you ready?” There was no holding this back anymore. She stopped shimming her breasts and brought the center of her cleavage to my face, she coiled her arm around them like a snake and then bounced them against my face.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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