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Amy turned on her phone screen and quickly opened the e-mail application. She held her hand inside of her locker and silently read a message from her brother, “I hope you don’t have too much homework tonight, because I have a special evening planned for you, my love. I’ll see your beautiful face at 2:30. I love you.”

A smile curled at the corners of her lips as Luke caused butterflies to flutter around in her stomach.

She saw Kristy stepping over out of the corner of her eye. She clicked the screen off, and then fished her physics book out of her locker.

“Are you ready to go physics and hear Mister Phillips’ boring voice for an hour?” the freckled redhead asked with a chuckle.

Amy tossed her head back and laughed. “Oh god yes! There is no other way I would like to end my day.” Her voice was filled with sarcasm.

She put her phone in her backpack, and then closed up her locker.

The pair began walking across the tile floor, side by side, dodging other uniformed students in the hallway. Amy tucked her book between her arm and chest. Both girls’ plaid skirts fluttered just above their knees.

“Too bad Mister McGaha can’t teach every class you have, huh?” Amy playfully chided her and elbowed her ribs.

Kristy’s cheeks turned pink. “Well, yeah. I can only dream.”

Amy giggled and shook her head, causing her chestnut ponytail to sway. “I think we need to upgrade him from crush to fantasy man.”

Kristy looked down at the floor as they walked. Her cheeks were getting hotter by the millisecond. She bit her lip and stayed quiet.

Amy saw her expression and gasped, “I knew it!”

Kristy’s mouth dropped open and she looked over at her best friend. “I didn’t say anything!” she protested.

Amy looked over into her wide brown eyes. She smiled. “I just know by the look on your face. It’s fine, it’s not like I’m going to tell anyone. What is it about him, anyway?”

Her friend’s face turned fifty different shades of red as she thought about their English teacher.

Amy looked over again and raised a brow. “Well?”

Kristy giggled at herself. “Besides the fact that he’s gorgeous and insanely intelligent, he could read the instructions on a shampoo bottle and make me swoon.”

Amy grinned and shrugged. “I guess he does have a good voice. Do you fantasize about him saying dirty things in your ear?”

Kristy blushed furiously and covered her hot cheeks with her hands. “Amy, you’re embarrassing me.”

The young women shook their heads at each other before going down the stairs. Amy filed in behind her friend and her breasts bounced against her book with each step. She jumped off the last stair, and then promptly returned to her friend’s side. Amy grinned wickedly as they continued walking to class.

“So,” Kristy drew out the word in an attempt to change the subject, “what are you doing tonight?”

“I think Luke and I are going to go out dinner. I’m not totally sure though,” Amy replied.

Kristy looked over at her. “Just you and Luke?”

Amy nodded slowly.

“You’ve been spending every waking moment you weren’t here with him. You even canceled your piano lessons for the month. Don’t you think that’s a lot of time to be spending with him?”

Amy’s gut turned. She hated keeping this from her, and even more so, lying to her tore her up inside. But, she had no other choice.

“Well, he’s only here for this month.” She spoke slowly, carefully picking her words. “He was gone for so long and who knows when he’ll be back again. I want to spend as much time with him as I can. I thought you understood that?”

“I do,” Kristy said with a sigh. “But, you’re even leaving me here all alone for spring break.”

Amy reached over and put her arm around her best friend’s shoulder, bringing them closer as they turned for the hall that the science labs were in. “You won’t be alone, Madison will be here with you. At least, you won’t have me telling you I have to study when you call to go out.”

Kristy put her head on Amy’s shoulder. “I guess I’m just jealous. I miss my best friend.”

“I’m right here,” Amy said with a grimace. “I promise, when he leaves, everything will be back to normal. I’ll even make it up to you.”

Kristy smiled softly, and then lifted her head from Amy’s shoulder. She looked into her blue eyes. “You better make it up to me.”

Amy winked. “You know I keep my promises. But, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jealous or feel lonely.”

“It’s okay. I’ve just gotten used to having you all to myself over the years.”

The pair stopped outside of the classroom.

Amy looked down to her shorter friend and into her eyes. “You’re my best friend. I would never ignore you or push you into the background on purpose. I’m sorry I’ve spent so much time with Luke. I just missed him so much.”

Kristy nodded. “I know you did. I’m sorry I mentioned feeling this way. Now I feel bad.”

“Don’t feel bad. Please. I understand. And, as I said, I promise to make it up to you.” Amy Eğitim Escort opened her arms.

The friends shared a hug for a few moments before breaking apart.

They went into the large stark white classroom with lab tables behind the desks. Amy squinted her eyes as she readjusted to the harsh lighting.

Amy went to her seat in the middle of the room. She flattened her skirt against her bum before sliding into the desk. She pushed her black, rectangular framed glasses up on her nose. Kristy took a seat to her right.

The friends smiled to each other before pulling spiral notebooks and pens from their bags.

The rest of the students filed in the room over the next minute. Amy filled her time by doodling in the margin of her notebook. She drew several little hearts around the holes in the paper.

The white haired teacher took his place in the front of the classroom and began his lecture on electromagnetism. Mister Phillips was the eldest teacher in the school and way beyond the age to retire. He stayed because he loved his profession. His love for the subject matter and desire to always learn more kept most of his students interested. Even if he droned on in the most monotone voice imaginable.

A handful of students had their heads propped up by their fists, fighting sleep already. The rest sat up and paid attention, ready to take notes on either their laptops or notebooks. The student on the other side of Amy blinked repeatedly, forcing himself to focus as class began.

Amy straightened her posture and pulled the back of her navy blue sweater vest down. She crossed her legs and began taking notes with the rest of the class.

As the minutes wore on, her thoughts trailed elsewhere.

She recalled the conversation at breakfast with her parents and Luke about their trip to Montreal. They weren’t fond of her going to another country alone at first. But, they seemed to realize that her going with her brother, versus a random boy that they barely knew, wasn’t that bad of an idea.

With a little convincing on Amy’s part, they agreed. Phil and Kathryn also knew how much Amy had missed Luke. Also, after all of her hard work with school through the years, she deserved some fun. By the end of the conversation, her parents had even agreed to pay for the hotel room. Of course, the room would have two beds. Two beds could have its advantages.

Amy closed her eyes for a moment. Her teacher’s voice was background noise to her memories of the previous evening with Ethan. She squirmed in her seat and her panties collected her juices that leaked from her pussy. She thought about the overload of sensations that she received from two men working on her at once. She had never experienced anything close to that.

Her nipples started to swell as she remembered the look in Ethan’s eyes as her brother was fucking her. He was glazed over with lust and desire seeing incest happen before him. Amy wondered about the thoughts that were going through his mind during it. She would have to ask him someday.

She opened her eyes again before she grew too warm between her thighs. She quickly caught up on her notes and forced herself to pay attention.

That was until the next memory train ran through her mind. She had woken up in the middle of the night. Luke’s arms were around her and hers around him. She was wearing nothing but panties and didn’t recall anything after putting her head on his shoulder in the car. When she woke up, she felt so loved and cared for knowing that he must have carried her to bed and undressed her. She had never had that done for her. She smiled, feeling the same warm feelings that she had at three a.m.

After she had returned from the bathroom, she slid back into bed and Luke woke up as she nestled back into him. She asked him if he had brought her up to bed and he told her he did. She smiled so wide, told him thank you and that she loved him, kissed all over her face, and then fell back asleep in his embrace.

She didn’t know how much more her love for him could grow, but it managed to every day. Her heart was so full and constantly warm.

Amy looked down and realized she had been writing, “Luke and Amy,” “L+A” with a heart around it, and “I love Luke,” all down the margin of her notebook with purple ink. She smiled, but quickly turned to a blank page. She returned her attention to physics and twirled her ponytail in her fingers.

She was able to keep her focus until the last few minutes of class. Then, she began thinking about where Luke was planning on taking her that evening. She was thankful that she had a calculus test tomorrow, which she was already prepared for. Calculus homework took up the majority of her homework time. She decided that it would be worthless to guess what he had planned. He was always excellent with surprises and she would never guess it anyway.

Then, she mentally pictured her closet while she decided what to wear tonight. She had bought a dress not too long ago that she never Eğitim Escort Bayan had the opportunity to wear. She thought it may be a bit too fancy for tonight, but she didn’t care. She knew that Luke would love it. Though, the dress was a bit low cut and her parents had never seen it. She made a mental note to put her coat on before they could see.

Finally, the bell rang for the end of the school day.

Amy closed up her notebook, and then put it into backpack with her pen. Kristy did the same next to her. The pair rose up, threw their bags over their shoulders, and then made their way to the door. They waited until the large mass of students, who tried to all fit through the door at once, had passed through.

The friends walked side by side to their lockers. They shared friendly banter about Amy’s cousin’s upcoming wedding this weekend on the way.

When they turned into the hall their lockers were, Amy saw a girl picking up various items that had fallen out of her backpack. Pens, pencils, loose papers, and other items were scattered all over the floor. Kristy had stopped in the restroom and Amy went over to help her.

“Oh thank you!” the girl exclaimed as Amy squatted down on the floor.

“No problem,” Amy replied as she helped her gather papers. “This has happened to me before, it’s so annoying.”

“Stuff like this happens to me more often than I would like to admit,” the girl laughed. “My name is Anne, which means grace. I think my parents got that just a little wrong. I’m the clumsiest person you will ever meet.”

Amy had collected a handful of pens, and then handed them to her. “Well, I’m Amy,” she said with a smile. “It means, beloved. But, even I’m clumsy. I have a major fear of tripping across the stage at graduation.”

Anne smiled. “I have no doubt that will happen to me. I trip or bump into things, seriously, at least five times a day. I wouldn’t worry too much if I were you.”

Amy helped her clean up the rest of the materials on the floor as Kristy came back from the restroom. Kristy picked up a stray pencil that had rolled across the hallway. Anne thanked both of them for their help, and then disappeared down the hall.

The friends went a few steps to their lockers. Amy opened up her backpack and put the books she needed for homework inside. She zipped it up, and then the young women went downstairs.

They both stopped to put their jackets on before stepping up to the doors. They went outside, and then shared a friendly hug.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Have fun at dinner,” Kristy said.

“I will.” Amy smiled softly.

Then, the friends parted ways. Kristy headed to the parking lot and Amy went to the side street.

Her feet moved fast and pattered against the sidewalk. Her skirt danced against her thighs as she began walking even faster. She gave a wide smile after turning a corner and seeing her brother leaning against her green Honda Accord.

Luke grinned and his heart sped up. He was ready to get the evening of surprises for her underway. In the meantime, he admired her elated expression and her large breasts swaying, even behind four layers of clothing. He opened his arms so she could jump into them.

Amy hugged him as tight as she could, crushing her chest against his. He kissed the top of her head and breathed in her womanly scent. Holding her in his arms made his being fill with warmth. It was a warmth that could only be brought on by from someone you loved as deeply as he did her.

She pulled away before holding onto him too long. Her blues eyes glittered as she smiled. Luke smiled, seeing her absolute love and devotion.

“How was school?” he asked.

“It was fine,” she retorted. “Well, that is until I got your last e-mail. Physics was agony. I swear the clock started moving backwards.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to drag out your day. But I’m sure it’ll be worth it.”

Amy stretched up onto the balls of her feet and dropped and a soft kiss on his cheek. “I am sure it will.”

“Oh, now that gives me a lot to live up to,” Luke teased, and then chewed his lip nervously.

She tapped his cheek as she spoke, “You never let me down, big brother.”

Her brother pulled a blindfold out of his pocket. He held it up to make sure she was okay with wearing it. She smiled and nodded avidly. Luke gently placed it over her eyes and the elastic over her head. He took her hand.

He stepped over and she followed him. He opened the passenger side door, placed her in front of it, and then took off the blindfold.

Amy’s face lit up as she saw and immediately picked up a bouquet of pink and white tulips off of her seat. She squealed giddily, “Luke! Tulips! My favorite!” She beamed and wrapped her arms around him again, one hand still holding the flowers.

He rubbed her back and planted kisses all over her cheek. He spoke once she had pulled away, “I take it you like them?” He grinned, showing his pearly whites.

She jumped up and down in place, beaming Escort Eğitim as she smelled the flowers. Her smile radiated. “I love them! And, I love you so much!”

“I love you too, Amy.” He kissed her lips gently. “Now, I think it’s time to get going, so we can get the evening underway as soon as possible,” he said with a wink.

She squealed with glee, and then slid into the car. She dropped her bag on the floorboard before buckling up. She held the flowers and kept her noise buried in them as Luke came around the other side. He buckled up, started the car, and then took her hand.

Classic rock music filled the car, softly coming in through the speakers. Amy continued breathing in the scent of the tulips and smiling after every breath until they were back on the main road back home.

She rested her head on the headrest, with her face turned to him. She held the tulips to her chest so she could still smell them. “You’re not going to tell me what we are doing tonight, are you?”

Luke shook his head. “Nope. If I did, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?” He glanced over at her and smirked.

“No it wouldn’t. And I like surprises. You gave me the best one of my life last Thursday.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

“The best surprise of your life was me coming to visit?” He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb.

“Are you crazy? Yes!” Amy squeezed his hand. “I was so insanely happy, don’t you remember?”

“Oh I remember,” Luke replied fondly. He remembered seeing her jump up and down in jubilation and not being able to contain her glee as she bounced on his lap while they hugged and talked on the sofa.

“And every day since then has gotten better.” She lifted their locked hands and kissed his knuckles. “There aren’t words to describe how happy you make me, and how happy I am that you came home.”

He rolled to a stop at a light. He extended a finger from their intertwined hands and nudged her jaw towards his. “Coming home to see you was the best decision I have ever made.”

“I completely agree,” she said just before their lips met.

The siblings’ eyes closed and their tongues slithered into the other’s mouth. Their muscles danced together, massaging the others’ and twirling together. Amy suckled his bottom lip before pulling away. She settled back against the headrest.

Luke gently accelerated, but hit the brake again as someone who seemed unaware that in Chicago there are cars parked on nearly every street, cut him off. He slowed down to let the other car in front of him, and then sped back up.

“Did you tell Mom we were going out tonight?” Amy asked, and then got another fill of the tulips’ scent.

“Yes,” he responded. “I didn’t tell her exactly what we were doing,” his tone was gently humorous, “in case she spoiled the surprise for you.” They shared a knowing smile, and then he continued, “But, it’s covered, don’t worry about it.”

He had told his mother that he was taking Amy out for an extremely belated birthday dinner. Before he moved, he took Amy out to dinner every year while he was in high-school and his first year of college.

“Would wearing a pretty dress be too much for tonight?” Amy stretched out her fingers and rubbed them along his upturned palm that rested on the console.

“Absolutely not. And even if it was, you could wear anything that you wanted.” He received kisses on his ear as he continued, “I love your pretty dresses.”

“I’m glad. I love looking pretty for you,” she whispered in his ear, and then nibbled his earlobe.

He grinned. “You always look beautiful. No matter what you’re wearing.”

“You’re too sweet to me.”

Luke drove them the rest of the way home. Amy kissed his lips at every stop light until they reached their neighborhood. She wondered for a moment what she would say about the flowers when her mother saw them. She quickly came up with an explanation that had nothing to do with Luke.

When the siblings arrived home, Penny greeted them at the door. They both took turns giving doggie love to the yellow lab, razzling her and getting cheek kisses.

“Hey mom,” they called in unison.

“Hey guys,” Kathryn shouted back.

Luke took a seat on the sofa and flipped on the television. Amy headed into the kitchen.

After letting Penny out, she looked in the cabinets for a vase. Her mother had quite a collection. Amy stretched up and pulled out a transparent pink vase. She filled it with water, and then placed the flowers in one by one, making a beautiful, colorful arrangement.

When she was finished, she went upstairs. She figured that she should tell her mom about them now, as any girl would, instead of waiting for her to see them.

Amy stepped into her mom’s office with a huge smile on her face. “Hey Mom, look what I got.”

Kathryn spun around in her chair and smiled upon seeing the flower arrangement in her daughter’s hands. “Who gave you those?” Her voice was cheerful.

“A boy at school,” Amy said casually. “I got them in yearbook.” She smelled them again and sighed happily. “They were sitting on the table and all the note said was that it was from a secret admirer.”

“A secret admirer? Any idea who that would be?” her mother asked with a grin. “Maybe, it’s someone that’s planning to ask you to prom.”

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