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Fucking Hot

Lunch Part 2

Joe E Hartley

August 2022


I feel that I’m taking a risk here since part 1 did not receive an abundance of comments asking for more and the overall rating just barely made it into the Hot range with limited votes, but it is a story that I think speaks to seniors, so I’ll take the risk and see where it goes.

This story is also a bit kinkier than my normal work.

This story deals with seniors, those over 65, having sex, if that is not your thing then this story is not for you.


Bill had never experienced an orgasm as strong as what this mistress just gave him. He never thought himself as submissive. All his life he bought into the idea that men were the takers of pleasure, no matter how forceful, never the receivers of pleasure from a dominate female. Men were always the dominate ones, or so he’d been taught.

Throughout his life, he always assumed the dominate role. He never just relaxed and allowed the pleasure to engulf him, until yesterday with Susan talking on the role of Mistress. He’d always thought that would make him less of a man and the real men always took control and dominated women. John Wayne was his hero.

The more he thought about the events of yesterday, the more he questioned the attitudes he had lived with all of his life. He enjoyed yesterday a lot, but didn’t understand why. He experienced pain–most normal people do not enjoy pain.

He considered how free he felt giving up control for the first time. He also reflected back on the sensations he felt of the flogger caressing his butt and later, his balls. Susan had not struck him hard and what he felt was not exactly pain. He became instantly aroused when he saw her dressed as a mistress right out of a porn movie. The sting of the flogger added to that arousal.

He felt his arousal building again as he remembered the tails of the flogger being dragged across his balls; the tails were so soft and caused his penis to stand tall. The flogger tails continued their march up his cock. He remembered almost coming, due to that sensation, and when she repeated that move, he was past his limit.

After Susan returned home, she knew she and Bill would have to have an in-depth talk about the role the flogger would take in their future sexual encounters. He seemed shocked that he enjoyed the flogger, and could not explain what he liked and didn’t. She knew that if they continued using this toy, it would be through slow experimentation and they would need a safe word, not to mention a detailed plan of what they planned to do followed by a talk about what they each felt about it after.

The more she thought about that, the more work it seemed to be. If sex was to be enjoyable, it could not be clinical. A safe word was a must and talking about wants and desires was also necessary, just not right before they got naked.

Susan enjoyed dressing up as a mistress and being in control, but for her, it was just a game. She also had enjoyed being spanked in her past and knew she’d like it again.

She decided to ask google as she often did when she had a question in search of an answer. She found several reasons why a man might enjoy being spanked and discovered a new term, “cock and ball torture”. She found little on this other than the need to go slow and to be very careful. A safe word was mandatory. She found nothing on the reasons why some men might enjoy this, but she did find that some powerful men enjoyed relinquishing their control in the bedroom.

Susan felt she needed to talk with Bill before they played dress-up again. She left her Mistress costume at home as she headed out to catch the bus and meet Bill for lunch.

Bill had already claimed the table he normally used, by the window when Susan arrived.

“Hi, Bill,” she announced approaching his table. “Can I join you?” She was uncertain if he’d want to talk with her. He might have become embarrassed about what happened yesterday. It was hard to predict what his male ego might direct.

“Sure,” he said, but the smile she expected wasn’t present.

“I can sit somewhere else, if you prefer,” she offered.

“No, sit here please. I’m sorry, but I have a lot on my mind and I haven’t sorted it all out yet,” he explained.

Susan set down her ticket and went to fill her plate. She came back and commented, “I assume this has to do with our time yesterday.”

“Yeah. That was something very new to me and I’m not sure how I feel about almanbahis it. Something about it just feels wrong,” he shared in a somewhat hushed tone.

Susan listened with an understanding ear. “I can understand that, you are a very strong and capable man. I’m sure that was like nothing you ever even thought of before. I’m certain that it violated everything both of us have been taught all our lives about the roles for men and women. Personally, I have concluded that the rules I’ve been taught to restrict myself, no longer apply after I retired. I am now free to do whatever I damn well please and the hell with anyone who tries to tell me different.”

As Susan continues to explain her reasoning, she saw that Bill listened with intensity and his eyes indicated that he never thought of it that way before. He was powerful enough to also say the hell with anyone who wanted to dictate to him.

“That does not mean, that I want to go out and tell everyone what I’m doing in private. I mean, it’s none of anyone’s business what I do with a partner in the bedroom,” she added.

“That makes sense. I don’t want others to tell me what I can and cannot do either. I’ve had a life full of that and now I can do what I want,” he shared with some enthusiasm.

“I liked what we did yesterday. Did you too?” she asked.

“Actually, I did, but didn’t want to admit it. I don’t see your bag; did you bring your outfit today?” He asked.

” I didn’t. I think we need to talk about how far we are willing to go with this new idea first.,” she answered.

“Let’s finish up here and talk about it more at my place,” he offered.

They changed the subject and talked about a variety of topics as they finished their meal, but both wanted some privacy where they could talk more about their desires, preferably in bed and naked.

They finished their meals and headed out to Bill’s home, each anticipating the ideas their new “devil may care” attitude might uncover.

Bill escorted Susan into his home and went to pour them each a glass of wine. They sat on the couch and talked about how sensitive a man’s balls are and what type of stimulation Bill thought he could handle. Before long Susan’s hand began to caress and gently squeeze the budge in Bill’s pants. She knew she was in contact mostly with his cock and that was fine, but they had been talking about his balls. She adjusted her hand lower between his legs until she found the jewels she sought and gave them a gentle squeeze.

“Wanna take your pants off, so I can explore the techniques you’re talking about?” She asked.

Bill did as Susan directed, and sat back down totally nude with his cock ready for action.

“Before we go too far, today is going to be us figuring out what we can do with your balls. We need to know what you like and what you don’t,” Susan explained.

She reached over and started to scratch the underside of Bill’s balls and watched his reaction. She watched as his face relaxed with his eyes closed and his gentle breathing indicated a blissful state. She saw that he spread his legs and she positioned herself between them.

Bills cock stood straight up giving her easy access to his balls. She licked the underside where she had been scratching and heard moans of pleasure. She took his balls into her mouth one at a time and using only her lips gently pulled them away from his body.

She then licked the underside again but this time continued onto the front and up his cock to the very tip.

She repeated this maneuver a few more times, before she remembered something she read last night. She positioned her hand to form a scissors and closed her two fingers around the skin of his ball sac forcing his balls away from his body. She then licked back up his cock and took his tip into her mouth. She pumped his organ slowly at first then with increased speed until she felt him quiver as if he were having an orgasm, but he did not ejaculate. This was a technique she’d read that allows a man to have multiple orgasms.

Once he recovered, she asked, “Did you like that?”

“Yes, what did you do? He responded.

“Hang on. I’m not done yet,” she released his balls and gave him another blowjob, this time filling her mouth with his seed.

“That was the most amazing orgasm I’ve ever had,” Bill exclaimed.

“Great, I think that’s enough for today. I just wanted to find out where the limits were before we started to play again and I did find out not to almanbahis giriş pull on your balls too hard. Sorry about that. How about if tomorrow I bring the flogger and we experiment with that? I can use it on you then you can use it on me,” she offered.

“Sound good. I did like trying out these new things with you. Where did you learn to hold on to my balls as you sucked me?” he asked.

“I did a bit of research on google last night and they make a ring just for that function, it’s called a cock ring or a scrotum ring. The ads said it drives a man wild, and based on what I saw today, I think I agree,” she answered.

“I agree too,” he replied.

They chatted for a while longer before Susan left looking forward to their lesson tomorrow.

She smiled on the bus ride back to her retirement center reminiscing about the afternoon playing with Bill’s balls. She had more fun than she had expected. She’d planned on just testing his limits, but she found that she really enjoyed the taste of him and his reactions to her tongue and mouth. Tomorrow would be more intense and she had to introduce him to a safe word.

After she got back home, she again turned on her computer and set about searching google for the term she learned yesterday–cock and ball torture. This was BDSM, something she never thought she’d be interested in.

Her google search revealed far more than she expected and most of what she found was extreme. She would insist on toning it down, a lot. She would not be stomping on Bill’s balls in her high heeled shoes, nor would she be hitting him as hard as some of these videos indicated. She knew from past experience how forceful she liked the flogger on her ass and was certain that Bills balls would be far more sensitive than her ass. A repetitive light smack was more enjoyable that one or two hard smacks. It allowed the sensation to build slowly.

So many of the sites she visited were more about bondage than stimulation of the male member. This was far too intense for her, but she did learn of a few positions that might be interesting.

The next day, Susan put her flogger in her travel bag, but left her outfit at home. Today would be more of what they did yesterday, just testing the limits. Play time would come later.

Like before, she met him at the buffet, and this time he seemed more excited to see her,

“I see today you brought your bag,” he commented.

“I didn’t bring everything. We still have to test our limits, and after that, we’ll see,” she responded with an air of a dominatrix, that she thought he might like.

“I’m looking forward to it,” he responded with some amount of eagerness.

They chatted about various things as they finished their lunch, then, like yesterday, headed over to Bill’s home.

Once inside the door, Bill went to pour them each a glass of wine, then asked, “Are you going to get naked today too?”

“I had planned on it, but you first,” she answered.

She took the accepted wine and took her flogger from her bag. She watched as Bill’s eyes lit up.

“You liked this before, didn’t you?” she asked.

“I did, but was ashamed that I did. Our talk yesterday helped me to get past that shame. I want to do it again,” he answered, as he started to remove his clothes.

“Good, because I do too. I did some research over the last few days on how to use this flogger on you and the very first thing we need is a safe word,” she instructed.

“I’ve heard of those, but do we really need one?” he questioned.

“Yes. A safe word will stop everything immediately. It is used when things get a bit out of hand. It is not to be used to ask for a change of position, but it is used when there is pain not agreed on beforehand. It needs to be a word that cannot be confused with anything sexual. I came up with a word that I think we can both use–Watermelon,” she offered.

“That sounds fine,” he replied.

“I figured that today will be a lot like yesterday, just seeing what we like and how far we can go with each other. I see that you’re eager to start,” she commented noting the state of Bill’s naked erection.

She reached out to cradle his balls as she learned yesterday, he enjoyed. After a few minutes of her playing with his balls she directed him to lean on the coffee table as he had the first day, she used the flogger on him.

Today he was ready when the flogger struck. She used the flogger on his bare checks several times increasing the almanbahis giriş force slightly. She then hesitated and he turned his head to look back at her, hoping she was not done yet.

She positioned herself beside him and directed him to spread his legs. The flogger struck directly between his checks but with less force than before. The sting he experienced was not expected, but he did want another. Another kiss of the flogger followed, and another, and another. The tempo increased and each blow hit the same spot over and over again.

Susan stopped and inspected her handiwork, “Did you like that?” she questioned as she again cupped his balls. “Want more?”

“Oh god, yes. More please,” he begged.

She adjusted her position and prepared for what her research indicated. She swung the flogger very lightly watching as the tails curved around his butt to kiss his balls.

Bill jumped from the contact and Susan backed away, “Was that too much?” she asked.

“No, it was unexpected, but I think I liked it,” he answered.

“Want me to do it again? Remember the safe word is Watermelon; say that I’ll put down the flogger immediately,” she assured him.

“Do it again,” he asked.

Susan struck him again, a bit lighter this time and hesitated.

“Again,” he said.

She did as he directed and after each blow, he asked for another. After a dozen blows, she stopped.

“I think that’s enough for now,” she said as she positioned herself on her knees behind him.

She licked his reddened balls and listened to the sounds of pleasure coming from him. She continued to lick his balls as she reached for his cock. She gently stroked him, and after just a few minutes helped him up.

“You want to use the flogger on me now?” she asked.

“That would only be fair, but will you use it on me again after?” he responded.

“You really do like it don’t you? Let’s go into the bedroom and I’ll inform you about what I like, then I’ll do you again, this time face up like I did the first time. I want to watch your cock respond,” she agreed.

Susan stripped and got onto Bill’s bed on her hands and knees. Bill had almost no experience with a flogger, so she directed him and told him to not use too much force and that she would tell him if she wanted it harder.

Bill’s aim was not as accurate at Susan’s had been, but within a dozen soft strikes he could have the tails fall between her checks as she wanted. She had him increase the force a bit and after he became consistent with that level of force, she asked him to increase the tempo.

He got the hang of it and sooner than expected Susan was writhing about on the bed.

She calmed down surprised that Bill’s novice efforts brought her to such an intense orgasm. She now owed him one equally as powerful.

They traded positions with Bill now lying face up on the bed. He spread his legs and Susan eyed his erect cock. She licked her lips debating of she wanted him to cum in her mouth, or in her pussy.

She dragged the flogger across his chest and stomach allowing it to dance along his skin. She moved the dancing tails onto his cock and balls. She watched as he wriggled under the soft tickle of the flogger’s tails. She positioned her flogger deep between his legs and drew it up slowly across his balls and then his cock. She saw him lurch forward demanding more. She repeated this move several times, but each time she allowed just a bit more force to place the flogger tails between his spread legs. She was not directly striking his balls, but aiming for his butt.

With each new strike he lifted his hips to meet the flogger. She reduced the force and adjusted her aim to strike his balls and still he lifted up his hips, but this time he left his hips raised waiting for her to strike his balls again. She swung the flogger striking his balls and he started to quiver.

That was her sign, she dropped the flogger and engulfed his cock into her mouth. She gently pulled his balls away from his body and felt him tense as men do during orgasm. She released his balls and continued to pump him with her mouth. He exploded in her mouth and pushed her head down on his cock.

It took Bill several minutes to recover and when he did, Susan announced. “I think we each know each other’s limits now, so tomorrow you get to service your Mistress.”


Thank you for reading my work. Remember that I, like most writers on this site, receive no compensation for our work. The only reward I get is the votes and comments I get from you, the reader.

If you choose to contact me through e-mail, make sure to check your junk folder, because I always respond.

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