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Man! I feel like a woman!It all started when I went to college. I met a woman in a class during myfreshman year. Her name was Karen — a communications major. Karen and Istarted dating and things rapidly progressed. By my junior year, we sharedan apartment together.She was always a little on the kinky side. She liked things like a littleminor bondage — being restrained while making love and the like. I was anaive k** from the Midwest; however, I was open minded and wanted to pleaseher — so I picked up on these skills and rapidly adapted. On more thanone occasion she even had shared with me that she wondered what it would belike to be with a woman.On Halloween, we used to go to this Kareoke bar that offered $500 dollarsprize for a best costume. It was a well known local event. When you are apoor k** from the Midwest — $500 is a very large sum of money. I used todress up and try to win. I went my first year as Elvira, the buxom movietime hostess. I came in second and won $100. Karen and I would gotogether. She enjoyed dressing me up and making me look good.The following year she helped me dress as Cher in her video — `If I CouldTurn Back Time’. She did wonders — I looked great. The look was very real– complete with a tattoo on my ass that she drew on with a marker. I hadall sorts of guys hitting on me and several even grabbed my ass. We didn’thave to buy a single drink that night. She was all giggly about it –thinking it was incredible that I looked so passable. I lip sank the Chersong and took first place. She was thrilled. When we got home, we werebarely in the door before she was all over me. I went with it pretendingto be a woman. I have never seen her so responsive. Her hands wereeverywhere especially on my breasts. When she went to the bathroom, I raninto the bedroom and slipped into one of her sexy little teddies. When shecame back and saw me she was thrilled. She led me to bed and I dideverything that I could think of that a woman would do to please anotherwoman — going down on her, using my hands and mouth all over her. She hadmany orgasms that night. I hid my erection until the very end of our lovemaking session. I enjoyed the evening as did she.>From that point forward she started to occasionally want to dress me as awoman. I would typically decline, but once in a while I would oblige herespecially if I had a few drinks in me. I was somewhat concerned that sheseemed to be into it that much. However, I was interested in pleasing herand I didn’t mind that much. Besides, I have to admit, the feeling ofsatin panties against my penis, the smoothness of my hose covered legs, thelook of my face when made up like a woman was arousing to me.For the following year’s Halloween party, she dressed me as Monica Lewinski– little black dress and all. I have to admit she did another masterfuljob. She even gave me a blow job and put some of my cum on the dress.Guys once again were all over me. Most asking if I would blow them –“Hey, wanna step into my oval office?”She thought this was great. We didn’t win — there were other peopledressed as Monica Lewinski and we took second place. Once again, we wenthome and I made love to her dressed as a woman. I would buy her lingerieas gifts occasionally. I had gone to Victoria’s Secrets for no specialreason some months earlier and purchased a black lace corset with matchingpanties and nylons. When we got home and I saw it laid out — I have toadmit — I was starting to enjoy being dressed as a woman. When I came outof the bedroom dressed in that with a short little black silk robe I hadpurchase a year or so prior the look on her face was one of — I don’t know– absolute lust. I have never seen her like that with me when I wasdressed as myself.I pleased her as I had never done in the past. Part way through thesession she produced a strap on dildo and asked me to just take the act alittle further and oblige her by wearing it. I did so. I have never seenher so responsive. She bucked and screamed as I had never seen her in thepast. Again, we both had a wonderful time that night.After that point, she started to want me to dress even more. I wasreluctant. She asked me”Didn’t you enjoy it Halloween night?”I really did enjoy it. I wanted to desperately to please her and I wouldagree to dressing perhaps once a every week or two. On occasion, we wouldgo out in public. Shopping, trying on outfits in women’s stores, sometimesdinner, sometimes a movie, etc… The first few times I was petrified.This was not like Halloween. She reassured me that I was a better looking`woman’ than most of the real women out in public.She would buy me things to wear that she could wear also. She hadimpeccable taste and always made me look great. I was even gettingsomewhat skilled at dressing myself. I have to admit I did get aroused byseeing myself dressed, going out in public and passing as a woman. Shewould rub my swollen cock keeping me erect almost the whole night long andwhen we go home I would make love to her dressed as a woman. She alwaysenjoyed these nights out as did I. I started wondering who enjoyed it more– me or her.On of the best times we had was Christmas shopping. We took an overnighttrip. We left Saturday with me dressed. I didn’t get into my normalclothing `til we returned late on Sunday night. The whole weekend beingdressed was wonderful. Breakfast in the hotel lounge. Shopping. Tryingon outfits. Walking through the malls. Shopping for lingerie together.Dinner out. Out clubbing. Guys buying us drinks. Making love to her as awoman. It was all truly wonderful.She had classmates that were lesbians — one in particular — Mary that wasa little on the outspoken side. Mary never passed an opportunity to malebash. She didn’t like me — one, because I was a man and two, because shefelt that I forced Karen into the sexual activities that we took part intogether (bondage, oral sex, etc) — male oppressing the female and allthat. If only she really new who was doing things to please who in Karenand my relationship. Karen never told her of my dressing as a woman forher, or at least I never thought she did.On more than one occasion we had somewhat heated discussions about sex,women pleasing male partners and about how women are made to feel. Duringone of these discussions Mary got very loud and angry perhaps due to thedrinks we had, perhaps not. The conversation was about women giving menblow jobs. I was of the opinion that wanting to please your partner was agood thing as long as both people were adults and not hurting anyone else.Mary was very adamant that it was degrading to women and wouldn’t have anyof it. Karen started to side with Mary. I was surprised. Karen wasalways quite the good little cock sucker and she seemed to enjoy it. Marysaid”Maybe all men should swallow a little cum to see what it is like”To which Karen quickly added”Yeah! Perhaps you should see what it is like to give a blow job and toswallow!”.Well, I quickly calmed the conversation realizing that it was too heatedand this was not good for Karen and my relationship.>From that point forward Karen seemed less interested in performing blowjobs and least of all swallowing. I didn’t force the issue. She wouldoccasionally ask”Would you like to see what it is like to swallow some cum?”She wanted to blow me and take my cum into her mouth and then feed it backto me. She actually tried to do it with once without my knowing and I gotupset with her. This caused a very large riff in our relationship and forseveral days we didn’t talk to each other.Later in an effort to make up, I tried to appease her one night. I decidedto surprise her. I came home and got dressed using all my acquired skillsto make me look as best as I could. I put on a black strapless bra,breastforms, black high cut lace and satin panties, sheer to waist blackhose and a slinky black dress that she had purchased for a wedding we hadgone to. Black, shiny, spaghetti straps, very high slit up the side –very elegant and sexy. I put on her fake diamond earrings, necklace andspikey heels. I have to admit that I did a very good job. This was almostas good as Karen would do. I prepared for a romantic dinner and had itwaiting when she got home.When Karen came home, the door opened she entered with Mary and anotherwoman I had never seen before. I was floored. Mary’s jaw dropped open.Karen quickly introduced me as `Jamie’, a girl friend of hers from out oftown. My real name is James, but I was used to some, Karen included,calling me Jamie. I saw her make a subtle motion to Mary not to let on.Mary came over and shook my hand pretending not to know who I was. Igreeted the other woman as well.We sat around had a couple of drinks and chatted. Mary asked”So Jamie, why are you all dressed up?”and gave me a sly smile knowing that she was putting me on the spot. Karenquickly answered –“She is in town and having a friend over for dinner.”and shot Mary a dirty look. Mary wouldn’t let it go. Mary asked”Friend for dinner, hmmm… What is he like? Must be special to dresslike that? Is he handsome? When is he getting here? Maybe we could stayand meet him?”and gave me a sly smile and a knowing look. Karen said”Yes, she does have to get going and I have to get changed. So you’ll haveto excuse us.”Karen gave Mary another dirty look and as they were leaving said somethingto Mary.The door closed and she turned, came gave me a huge hug and a long deep wetkiss. She lit the candles, killed the lights and threw me on the coach. Ifelt as though she was r****g me. I let her have her way. I wanted toplease her. Later, after dinner, I agreed to let her wear the strap ondildo while I went down on her as a woman. I proceeded to perform a blowjob on her as though I were a woman and she a man. She coached me throughit and was very gentle — not forcing it down my throat when I started togag. She seemed to enjoy it immensely. Later we laid in each others armsfor a long time and talked. She assured me that she told Mary to keep heryap shut or she would kick her ass. She basically told me that what Marywas saying is accurate and that she thinks that every man should know whatwoman are made to feel like. In a very loving tone she said”Maybe some day you will know what it feels like to be a woman”.She asked if I wanted to see what it was like to swallow cum and I told herno. She let it go.After that things seemed okay for a while in our relationship, buteventually she wanted me to dress pretty much full time at home, layingthings out for me all the time. I told her that this had to stopprogressing along this path and she got upset with me. We had a blow outargument where we both said things we regretted. Needless to say, this wasthe end of our relationship. I moved out several days later.Both her and I were very deeply hurt. I missed her. I missed our lovemaking, both not dressed and dressed. She and I would run into each otheron campus and be very cordial to one another. I saw her with Mary quite abit and often wondered if she was now a lesbian. I truly just wanted herto be happy. Mary never said anything about the seeing me dressed as awoman.I received a call from Karen at the beginning of the following October -our senior year. She told me that she wanted to get together and talk. Wemet at a local coffee place and talked.It was great to talk to her. I always enjoyed my conversations and timespent with her. We caught up on everything and truly enjoyed the moment.As it turned out — she wasn’t seeing anyone nor was I. I was gettingready to go when she said to me”Are you going to enter the Halloween contest this year???”I told her that I was, but I hadn’t given it much thought what to go asbecause I had just been too busy. Perhaps Elvira again I told her. Sheshook her head no and mentioned that she had a great idea for a costume forme and that she thought that I would love it. She went on to mentionedthat the prize for first place had been upped to $1000 this year. Thatcertainly got my attention. Not sharing rent with someone was much harderfinancially.She said that if I won we could split the prize. She told me that shecouldn’t guarantee that I would win, but she did think that this would beone of the best costumes that she could think of. I asked her what it was.She didn’t answer and just added that she thought it would `put the Chercostume to shame’. She peaked my interest. She reassured me that she hadno interest in getting back together with me — however, she would like itif I spent the night at hers that night — for old times sake. To whichshe added –“Who knows, maybe there will be a blow job or two in it for you”and smiled. This got my attention even more — I loved to get blow jobsfrom her.I asked her again what the costume was and she wouldn’t tell me — she justkept on saying that”I would love it”.I asked her to tell me if I would be dressed as a woman. She saidabsolutely. She leaned over at that point and said”You really will love this.”At this point I agreed it was a deal. She said great. She got ready toleave and mentioned she had a few things to get to prepare for it, but shehad most everything already. I left wondering what it could be and wasintrigued by the idea — and arousedHalloween was a few days off when she called and asked if I could come overabout one in the afternoon the day of the contest to get ready. I thoughtthat this sounded like a lot of time to get ready and she agreed and toldme that I had to have my nails done so we needed the time. I agreed. Ienjoyed spending time with her anyway.Halloween came and I went to Karen’s around 12:30 — I was certainly eagerto see what this costume was. I got there and her friend Mary was justleaving. She shot me a dirty look and said”Well, the both of you enjoy tonight”and then she looked back at Karen with what looked like a sly smile andthen at me and just smiled. That was the most civil I ever recalled herbeing.I apologized to Karen for chasing Mary off. Karen closed the door and saidshe was just leaving anyway. Right away she ushered me into her bedroom.She told me that we had to hurry because my `appointment’ was for 2:30. Isaid”Appointment???”.She explained it was to get my nails done. I told her that I wasn’t goingto do it. She said”Look — trust me. I know what I am doing. You want to win the thousanddollars don’t you?”in a very reassuring tone. I looked at her for a moment — and I said”Okay”.I asked”What is this costume anyway?”.She told me just a bit longer and I would know. She looked at me and saidin an excited tone”You are going to love it!”Now I was aroused. I enjoyed dressing as a woman. She came up to merubbed my crotch and said”And there will likely be many blow jobs during the night for you”.I had a raging erection now. Still she didn’t tell me what the costumewas.She ordered me to strip. She led me into the bathroom where she proceed tosmear hair removal cream all over me from my neck down. She applied somespecial cream to my face. I told her that I had shaved earlier and that itwasn’t necessary. She said”One thousand dollars!”and again — I agreed. After a short while she had me get into the showerand clean up. I came out hairless with the exception of my head. Babysmooth from face to toe.She brought out some breastforms that we used when I dressed for her whenwe were together and applied them with some adhesive adjusting them verycarefully for position. She gave me a matching white strapless satin braand matching high cut panty and told me to put them on. It had been awhile since I had done this and I was starting to remember the feelings ofarousal. After this she gave me some sheer nude panty hose to put on. Nextcame a white camisole and half slip. She sat me at her dressing table as Ihad done so many times before. Looking down and seeing my beautiful longhosed legs protruding from the lace trim of the slip made my erection evenworse. She made me up very conservatively — kind of a soft demure look.I was wondering what the costume was going to be like. She told me thatthis was not how I would look this evening and that it was just for goingout in public. She fitted me with a shoulder length auburn wig to completethe look. She handed me a white silk blouse and slim black skirt and I putthem on familiarly. I slipped into a pair of black heels I had worn somany times in the past and she put a small pair of pearl earrings on me anda matching necklace.I was getting very aroused now. I was starting to fondly remember what itwas like to dress. You could see a bulge clearly in my crotch because ofthe tight fit of the skirt. She saw this and said”The first of many blow jobs in your day”.She dropped to her knees without hesitation, raised my skirt and pulleddown my panty hose and panties and proceeded to give me a blow job. Allthe time I saw a profile view of this in the full length mirror on thecloset doors. A gorgeous leggy woman with another woman with her face inher crotch. The long lovely legs, the look of the lace of the slip againstthe legs, the curves of the body, the red lips — this image was all toomuch for me to handle for long. I came in what seemed like a minute and Icame hard. My knees buckled. I stumbled and practically fell. She gotup, licking her lips, smiling and said”I guess you liked that?”I was breathless.I had to sit down at the dressing table. She came over she spritzed mewith some Tommy Girl. She grabbed her jacket and bag. She handed me apurse to put my cigarettes, wallet, keys, cell phone in along with ajacket. We headed out. I was still a little light headed from the blowjob. I made it down to the apartment parking lot. I heard her tell methat we should take my car. I looked back and saw her videoing me. Ifound my keys in my purse and quickly got in the car. She got in and Iasked her what was with the video.”I thought you might like to see yourself.”I have to admit, the thought did have me interested. In all of ouroccasions dressing me, we rarely took pictures and never video. She hadexperience with video equipment from her communications course work for herdegree.We headed out to the nail salon. When we arrived we went to the front deskand were told we would have to wait a minute or two. Shortly thereafter wewere taken right in. I turned a few heads which made me nervous, but whenI saw myself in the mirrors on the wall I knew they were just looking at abeautiful leggy woman not a man dressed as a woman. I sat down and thegirl introduced herself and got started. She asked some simple questionsto which Karen answered them all including the color of polish to use. Iwould see Karen video it occasionally. The girl asked if it was forHalloween — to which I answered yes. I would occasionally say somethingand practice my `woman’s’ voice. By the end of the appointment, I wasbecoming comfortable with talking in small sentences. I received a fullset of beautiful nails with deep red polish expertly applied. They reallyadded to the look. On the way out, the cashier apparently told Karen”Your friend is very pretty. Is she a model?”Karen told her”Yes. How did you know?”Karen was loving this as I was. I was feeling much more at ease that I wasvery passable as a woman.We left the salon and instead of returning to the car in the parking lotKaren took my hand and lead me in the opposite direction. We walked downthe sidewalk past all the little shops. I could see my reflection in thestorefront windows. We were just two woman walking down the street. Welooked like two women out window shopping. We walked for a few blockspassing people on the street. Most didn’t give us a second look, except anoccasional man that would check me and Karen out. I actually saw one manfrom his reflection in the store window checking me out after he passed melooking at my ass I believe. Karen would occasionally stop while I walkedahead a bit. The sound of the heels on the sidewalk, the guy checking meout were enough to keep me aroused. The cool feeling of the air on mybeautiful hosed legs was wonderful. I was enjoying this outing very much.I had forgotten what it was like.Karen stopped in front of a storefront doorway and looked at me and said”Surprise!”.I looked up to see that it was a bridal shop. She opened the door and said”You ready?”I immediately became nervous. We entered and were immediately greeted bythe sales woman. Karen introduced us. The woman asked Karen for her sizeto which she replied”Oh, I am sorry. Not me — my friend Jamie. She is a perfect eight”.I immediately got another raging hard on. Oh my god, I was going to try ona wedding gown?!?! I never shared this with Karen, but I always secretlywondered what it would be like to wear a wedding dress to see what it feltlike. Some women look absolutely spectacularly beautiful in a weddinggown.The anticipation of how I would look was incredible. I was fumbling withthe excitement of what it would be like.We were escorted to some racks where the sales woman made somerecommendations after asking some questions — long or short sleeves,modern or traditional, length of the train. Karen and I picked out notone, but several. I loved them all. I was in heaven. We took the dressesand went into the dressing room telling the saleswoman that we needed nohelp. She said”Just ask it you need anything”and headed back to the front of the store. Once in the dressing room, Ihad to strip to my bra, hose and panties. I had been in many dressingrooms before, but this dressing room was different – very large and openwith mirrors everywhere. The stalls were large and open as well. Karenquickly helped me into the crinoline slip to hide my erection. Sheproduced a pair of white heels from her bag. Karen had apparently plannedfor this little excursion.Then the first dress. It was an elegant simple white dress with a tightfitted bodice. I looked in the mirror and could not believe my eyes.There before me in the mirror was a beautiful looking woman in a weddingdress. Karen asked –“Well? You like it?”I absolutely loved it! I raised the skirt to see my legs. Oh my god! Theimage was awesome! After a short while of swishing around — posing thisway and that. She helped me out of that and into the next dress. Myerection was rock hard now.The next dress came — a more traditional off the shoulder long sleeve witha cathedral train, beading all over the bodice and lace. It was veryornate. It took a while to get me into it. Karen wouldn’t let me lookuntil she got a veil on me. The only thing I could do was look down to seemy breasts, arms and the front of the skirt poofed out in front of me. Theanticipation of seeing myself was incredible. When she did allowed me tolook and I turned and looked.When I finally looked, my jaw dropped. I was just stunningly beautiful. Ilooked like one of those spectacularly gorgeous brides! I moved toward themirror to see myself more closely. As I move, the gorgeous bride in themirror moved too. The sound and the feel as I moved — I almost came rightthen and there in my panties. I put my hands on my waist and ran my handsover the bodice — the painted nails, the breasts, narrow waist of thebeaded bodice, full skirt, the long train. The look was fabulous. Ilooked back to Karen and she had her video camera going again and wasbeaming from ear to ear. I explained that I thought I might cum if I gotmuch türkçe bahis more aroused. She shut the camera off. Came over and asked to see melegs. Oh my god the image was indescribable! She immediately dropped toher knees, lifted the crinoline slip, pulled down my hose and panties andstarted to blow me right there. The whole thing – the image — thebeautiful bride, tight bodice displaying my feminine curves with all thebeading and lace, the beautiful face framed by the veil, the painted nailsholding up the skirt with the long legs peeking out from under the lace ofthe hem of the dress, the rustling sound of the gown and slip, the feel ofthe slip against my legs, doing this in public — I literally came in justseconds this time.The next dress wasn’t as nice. It was kind of anticlimactic too. Karen atthis point seemed bored or something. So I got changed into my streetclothes and we made our exit and excuses. The sales woman handed me acard. We left and headed back to the car. I thanked Karen and told herabout my secret desire which she fulfilled. She just smiled and said”I told you to trust me.”I felt so wonderful and satiated.Next we went to the mall. We went to the food court where we grabbed abite to eat. We talked a bit. I asked her what prompted her to plan allthis. She just smiled and said”A thousand bucks and maybe you spending the night for old times sake”.We strolled around the mall just like old times — I was on a high. Thesound of the heels clicking was through the mall was awesome. We tried onsome outfits, shoes, sniffed perfumes, went to the ladies room. It wasgood to see her smile and enjoy my company, even though it was while I wasdressed as woman.Before we left the mall. She said we just had to get one thing – some hosefor my costume. We went to Victoria’s Secrets and the hosiery displays sheproceeded to pick out some off black lace top stockings and a lace andsatin black thong. She smiled at me and just said”You are going to absolutely love tonight!”I just knew that she was going to be right. Again, I was getting arousedand could hardly wait any longer. While she was looking for hose, I wentto a rack and was looking at a slinky looking sparkly mini dress marked forclearance. She saw this and asked if I wanted to try it on. I didn’treply. She took it from the rack and handed it to me just smiling.Here I was trying on clothes in Victoria’s Secrets! When I came out of thedressing room, I looked in the mirrors immediately. There were other womanabout, but I was to interested in seeing myself to worry about if they sawsomething that made them think I was a man dressed as woman. I was hotlooking, I loved the dress. Karen appeared and told me”Your legs are one of your best assets and that dress really shows themoff, Jamie.”There was a sales woman near by working on a display — she agreed withKaren and mentioned that she saw a customer’s boyfriend checking out my`assets’ while I was looking at myself in the mirror. She looked at herwatch and said”Oh geez, we better get going!”It was now like 6:30. I got changed out of the dress. When I came out,the sales woman handed me the hose and panties Karen had picked out andtold me that Karen told her to tell me to check out. While I waited inline, I looked at some sales displays — I actually purchase some satinpanties for myself because of the outing and remembering what it was liketo wear panties. We made a hasty exit and got back to her apartment.Again, she was videoing me going up the stairs and to the door of herapartment. While I waited for her at the door one of her neighbors cameout. She introduced me as a friend. He noted the bag and said”Ah, Victoria’s Secrets”and smiled at me. He asked us what our plans were for the evening and Ireplied. She and I said goodbye and entered the apartment. I couldn’tbelieve how comfortable I was feeling passing as a woman — the voice, thelook, everything.She had me strip immediately and told me to take off the wig and to go washmy face. I did as I was told. I was getting aroused again because of thelong awaited anticipation of the secret costume. When I re-entered theroom, she had the mirror on dressing table turned so I could not see myface as she worked. She said that she wanted it to be total a surprise.She told me to get into the black strapless bra, thong and stockings thatwere laid out for me and to put on the short black silk robe laid out aswell. She asked”What didn’t you like my choice for underwear?”and held up the additional satin panties that I had bought at Victoria’sSecrets. I was embarrassed. I explained that they were for me. Shesmiled and said”That’s okay. If you want something to go with it, just ask.”I sat down at the dressing table and she did her magic. It seemed like agood half hour or so. She produced and brunette wig already done up into abun and secured it with some sort of tape to my scalp. She finished.She stood back to admire her work for a second and then gave me permissionto look. First I adjusted the dressing table mirror to see my face. Ohwow!!!! Was that really me??? I had to see what I looked like in the fulllength mirror. As I stood and took a look at the results. My mouthdropped open. When I saw the woman in the mirror whose mouth dropped openat the same time and whose every movement mirrored mine – I knew this wasnot someone else — it was me! I have never looked this — well — hot.Yes, I was a hot looking woman! The sultry look, the pert breasts, thebeautiful nails, the long legs topped with the lace tops of the stockingsprotruding from under the short little robe. I could not believe my eyes!I had this sultry, seductive almost slutty look. Dark makeup around theeyes and lots of it. Deep red lips. Blush that gave me a high cheek bonelook. The woman, or rather I, looked somewhat familiar, but couldn’tfigure out where I had seen this woman. While I stood there admiringmyself, she told me to spritz some more perfume on and to put on theearrings that were on the dressing table. I did as she asked. Theearrings were simple black elegant and sparkly.I turned to see my image in the full length mirror again. Oh my god! Ilooked so hot. I ran my hands up over the stockings and adjusted the lacetops. The image was heavenly and I felt very excited. She was busygetting her outfit together (a Hooters girl) when she told me to open thecloset and to retrieve the box in the bottom. I did so, putting it on thebed and opened it eagerly. There was top hat with a tiny veil, long satingloves with a kind of fringe, a choaker again with a beaded fringe, a shortslinky stretch satin mini dress with a tube top, a black corset andabove-the-knee black leather boots with about 4 inch heels. I was veryeager to get dressed now. I simply couldn’t wait any longer.She was almost done getting herself ready and asked –“Well, what do you think of your costume???”I was speechless and to thrilled to finally be getting into my outfit forthe night. She came over and started to help me get dressed. I wanted todo it myself. I started to put on the corset when she stopped me and toldme to put the dress on first saying”Trust me”I did as she asked and slipped into the dress. I managed to get the corseton but needed help lacing. She had me grab the door jamb as she cinchedthe corset. She really had it tight. She told me to catch my breath andbreath out as deeply as I could. She cinched it tighter yet. I could onlybreath in short shallow breaths. The whole process took about five minutes,but when she was done. Wow! I had a bosom! I had breast bursting out ofthe top of the corset! Cleavage even! She was absolutely right. I wasloving this!Putting on the leather boots took a bit. I could barely bend over and hadsome trouble getting my foot into the bottom past the ankle of the boot. Idid eventually manage though. I had a slight bit of trouble standing onthem at first due to the size of the heels, but quickly got used to it.Short sure steps. Next the choaker which she had to help with. Thengloves — I thought that it was odd that I had gloves — why the nailsthen. Finally the top hat to complete the look. OH MY GOD!!!!She was absolutely right. I did love it! There looking back at me in themirror was Shania Twain! She made me up like Shania Twain from her video`Man! I feel like a woman!’If we were going to a Shania Twain look alike contest — I had no doubt wewould win — I remember thinking that Shania Twain herself might even looseto me in a contest. Perhaps that was an exaggeration, but I did lookawesome. She did a masterful job, I really looked like Shania Twain. Itold her she did an awesome job. Tall, leggy, sultry. I was lookingtotally hot!I practically starting cumming right then when I looked in the mirror.What a hot looking honey she had transformed me into. I just stared at theimage in the mirror. I couldn’t get enough of looking at myself. Iturned, walked, looked this way and that. Oh, I was in heaven! She cameover, gentle brushed the erection in my groin when she again dropped to herknees an proceeded to give me another blow job. Again, the profile imageof me with the slutty sultry look, the exposed lace from thigh high hose,the waspy waist with the breasts bursting from the top of the corset, itwas all too much to handle for long. This time she barely got my cock intoher mouth when I exploded. I grabbed her head and pumped everything I haddown her throat.She got up smiling and said”One of many..”to which I completed”Blow jobs in my night”She just smiled from ear to ear –“Yep, that’s the plan, Stan!”She seemed to be enjoying this way too much, but I was on an indescribablehigh and couldn’t see straight if I had to.She put on a video tape of the Shania Twain music video in her living roomVCR as she finished getting ready. I poured some drinks and had acigarette while I studied the video. I could easily do this. We were goingto win $1000!!! I kept looking in the living room mirror — practicing thevideo and just admiring my look. I was really loving this. I was so happythat she talked me into this.It was now 8:30 and the night was getting on. She told me to sit at thedressing table and recoat my lip stain that she had used. I did and loadedup the purse again — wallet (oops needed to stop at the ATM for somecash), keys, cell phone, cigarettes to which she added — blush, eye liner,mascara, lip stain, perfume.I asked her about her video camera, `cause I definitely wanted to see this.She said not to worry that she wouldn’t disappoint me and that I would get”More than I would ever wanted”.She handed me a short little waist coat and my purse. She grabbed her bagand out the door we went. As she locked her apartment door — her neighborcame out when he heard the voices. He looked at Karen, smiled, told hershe looked hot. Then he looked at me, he was starring. First his eyeswent to my chest and cleavage. Then he looked me up and down. He waschecking me out! All he said was”Wow! You look very, VERY hot Jamie!”He apologized to Karen that he was slighting her for me. Wished us luckand fun and we headed out.That was too cool. Passing as a woman and a guy thinking that I was `hot’.I was loving this already. As I walked down the hall, I stopped andglanced back and indeed, she had her video camera going. I looked down andsaw these long sexy legs making their way down the stairs. They weremine!!! I was loving everything about this. Tonight was going to begreat!She wanted to take her car this time. I agreed. As I climbed into the carmy skirt hiked up, the look of the legs with the lace top stockings peekingout from under the skirt was indescribable. We hit the bank so I could goto the ATM. Walking into the glass booth I saw my reflection in the glass– I was getting another hardon again. Coming out of the bank. A coupleof men coming up the walk toward me — hooting, whistling, cat calling as Ipassed them,”Hey, baby I’ll make you feel like a woman”.I was on an indescribable high. I got back to the car and Karen wasabsolutely enjoying it all too — she was proud of her work — justbeaming. She went down on me right there in front of the bank. Her headin my crotch, right here in front of the bank, seeing the long legs withthe lace top nylons exposed — I came in seconds again. I could neverrecall ever having been able to cum so many times in such a short periodever before.We got to the bar and couldn’t park anywhere near the place. Downtown wasreally crowded. The closest we could park was about three blocks away in aparking garage. We passed all sorts of people along the way — some incostume, most not. Almost everyone did a double take when they saw us.The walk to the bar went past a whole series of small restaurants and barson the street. I could see my image in the windows as we walked past.Men’s heads were turning. One of the restaurants had tables in the frontwindow. When I walked past, one man gawked so badly his girlfriend or wifesaid something to him and she appeared to kick him under their table. Toofunny! The entire walk to the bar. More whistles, cat calls and guyshitting on me. This was really great! This was the most I enjoyed beingdressed yet. I couldn’t tell you whether I enjoyed dressing in the onewedding gown more or this. I was thrilled that I had gotten to do both.Karen hung back and videoed me walking down the street with all of the mengiving me looks and hitting on me. I got to the entrance to the bar andwaited her. We entered together. Heads were turning. People pointing andcommenting. We were creating quite a commotion. The person running thekareoke saw me and threw a light on me and said”Ladies and gentlemen — Miss Shania Twain!”The place erupted with applause, whistling, etc.. I made my way throughthe crowd to the bar. All the way, more guys hitting on me, womencommenting how great I looked, etc.. I finally made it to the bar to getKaren and I drinks when the bartender told me that two guys on the otherside of the bar wanted to buy us drinks. I wasn’t into it, but Karenlooked at them and seem like she wanted to meet them so I accepted.We went over and joined them. We talked for a while. After a drink ortwo, the guy on my side of the table kept on putting his hand on my thigh.The other guy kept on grabbing Karen. She seemed annoyed so we thankedthem and said goodbye. They gave us their numbers and I told them”We will call.”As we left them Karen said to me –“You lying little tramp!”and we chuckled together.During the night, we sang along with the songs, drank (always drinkswaiting for us at the bar from guys) and talked to people. I was getting alot of attention as was Karen. When I finally had to go to the bathroom, Iwent to Karen and asked her”What do I do? The bathroom is really crowded.”The place was packed and it wasn’t like in the mall. She told me –“Just like all us girls — we go together.”She led me to the ladies room. We waited in line a while — something Ipity women for. We finally entered the ladies room. Certainly muchcleaner than the men’s room. There were two woman just leaving. I had towait in line a short while for the stall to open up. All the time I waswaiting there, I was able to see my image in the mirror past the womenadjusting and primping themselves at the sinks. Finally, a stall wasavailible. I entered the stall the woman had just vacated, lifted myskirt, pulled down my panties and did what I came there to do. While I wasin the stall, I heard some girls come in and they were talking about whothey felt had the best costume. All but one thought”The girl dressed like Shania Twain”I heard another voice say”The one dressed like Shania was just using sex to win. It is supposed tobe best costume — not sluttiest outfit. All of the guys are like droolingover her, even Timmy – that bitch!”I finished. Pulled on my panties, adjusted my stockings and skirt and leftthe stall. When I came out — the conversation went silent. Karen was juststanding there with a knowing smile and shot me a sly look. I went to themirror and looked at my hair, touched up my lip stain, adjusted my breastsslightly and turned to the girl that apparently called me a bitch and said”Honey, I am not interested in your boyfriend. I am just here to win athousand bucks.”I turned and walked out. Karen immediately came up to me, kissed me on thecheek and said”Welcome to the more catty side of women. Promise me, though — No catfights tonight.”We both laughed. Gosh, I was having fun with her.As the night progressed — I got up and I sang `Man! I feel like a woman!’and I got a standing ovation. More drinks. Hugs from guys. Yes, again –some guy tried to grab my ass. I guess I was finding out what it was liketo feel like a woman. Karen was videoing things.Needless to say — I, or rather, we won the $1000 first prize. On the wayout, Karen mentioned she had met someone who told her about an after hoursand invited us. I was feeling no pain and neither was Karen. She said shewould like to go just for an hour or so. Karen had been so wonderful allday. So I agreed. We got back to the car and she helped me touch up mymakeup.We got there, it turned out to be a fraternity at another school. I wassomewhat uneasy about this, but I could fake it for an hour or so forKaren. Especially after everything I had been through today. When weentered, it was your typical after hours. People, music, drinks, potsmoking. Many of the guys were looking at us as we came in. No sooner didwe get in the door and Karen whispered in my ear”Your bulge again”.She escorted me upstairs and walked down a hallway that headed toward abathroom into a vacant bedroom. We entered and she closed the door behindus.I asked”What are you doing? Here?”She told me to trust her as she sat me on the bed and rubbed my crotch. Ithad been hours since my last blow job and I was eager. She produced ablindfold from her bag, put it on me, whispering”Have I disappointed you yet? Trust me”as she tied it. Once blindfolded, she rubbed my crotch again. Next thing– I heard an unusual noise and she did something to my ankles. I felt hertake me wrists and guide them down between my legs. All of the sudden Iheard this clicking sound and felt something on my wrists. I could onlysit up partly. My wrist were secured some how. Next she started to giveme a deep French kiss, she stopped momentarily. As I groped for her tongueand lips with mine, I received something in my mouth and I felt her pullsomething tight behind my head. I thought — What the heck??? I felt hergo between my legs, go under my skirt and pull down my panties and startedto blow me yet again. Again I came quickly. However, without the visuals– it wasn’t as exciting.I could feel her replace my panties adjusting my cock. She pulled backdown and adjusted my skirt. I think she got up and did something in theroom for a minute. I could hear occasional noises and I started to wonderwhat was going on. Why wasn’t she undoing the restraints? Did she pass outor something? Did she have that much to drink??? I tried to talk, butcould only produce muffled groaning sounds with whatever was in my mouth.Finally she came back and removed the blindfold. I looked and discovered Iwas directly across from a bureau with a mirror. What the??. What wasthis?? There I was ankles handcuffed together with a bar separating themand my wrists hand cuffed to that by a chain. I recognized this — we usedthis gear a year or so ago during one of her bondage sessions. In my mouthwas a big red ball secured by a strap around my head. I shot her aquizzical look.She then took more things from her bag. What the hell was going on??? Whyisn’t she undoing this stuff??? Out came red ribbon or sash like a beautyqueen in a pageant would wear. She held it up so I could see — it read`Happy Birthday’ in large glittery letters. I immediately thought — who’sbirthday? My birthday was in the spring and hers was in January. Again Igave her a puzzled look. She fastened the sash around me and said nothingas she carefully adjusted it. I struggled with the cuffs to no avail. Shelooked at me and told me that I might as well not even try as it was verysecure. Besides, if I made too much noise people would come look what wasgoing on. She looked at me and said”Perhaps tonight you learned a little what it is like to feel like a woman.Well, Jamie, now you are really going to get a good taste (-giggle-) ofwhat it is like to feel like a woman.”I started to feel very vulnerable and frightened. She wasn’t sounding likethis was some kinky game of hers. Next, she pulled out what looked like agreeting card from her bag, opened it and started to read.”Happy Birthday Nick! I know I haven’t been in touch with you lately, butI wouldn’t forget your birthday. I had a friend hire a hooker for yourbirthday present. She is paid for an hour. She will blow you and as manyof your friends as you can fit into an hour. She takes a while to warm up,but she can swallow as much as you can feed her. Again, Happy Birthday –Jake”I was getting scared now. She knelt down looked me straight in the eyes andsaid”Jamie – uh, I mean Shania (-giggle-). I promised you many blow jobs inyour night. This is totally true. What I didn’t tell you was that youwould be giving the majority of the blow jobs!”Terror rushed over me. I started to struggle and tried to yell. It wasfruitless.She told me that she recommended that I do a good job or they might thinksomething is up. If they were to reach under my skirt they would discovermy little `secret’ and might not take to kindly to some `gay’ guy dupingthem like this and would probably beat the crap out of me. She told me tothink back on what I learned during my little dildo sucking lesson and to`Practice, practice, practice’.She bent over and whispered in my ear”Shania dear (-giggle-), Man! Are you gonna feel like a woman!”and she started to laugh loudly. With that she tucked the card into mybosom and exited leaving the door wide open.Oh my god! What had she done? This couldn’t be happening. Looking in themirror just brought me back to reality. Seeing as the bathroom was at theend of the hallway it would only be a matter of minutes before Nick’sbirthday present was found. I was about to become a fraternity house boytoy unless I did something quick.I franticly studied the shackles. They were locked and very secure — thiswas not some cheap piece of crap — these were real handcuffs and verysolid. The chain to my wrist was some how wrapped around the leg of thebed. Maybe if I got that free I could do something. I tried. I stood andlifted the bed. When I did the chain to the wrists lifted as well. Damn!Try it again! More carefully. I looked and struggled in vain. Nothing –It wasn’t even close to coming off the leg of the bed. Even if it did.What then?Oh my god, I could hear voices coming now! The voices stopped. I lookedand struggled again. Where was the damn key!?!? I heard one of the voicesagain! Closer still! NOOOO!A tall skinny guy walked past the open doorway, did a double take and for abrief second I thought he would walk right by and then he stopped came backand stepped into the doorway.”Hello there Shania honey! I saw you come in. Looks like you madeyourself right at home. Happy Birthday, huh?”He took the card that was tucked into the top of my dress, studied it for asecond then he yelled down youwin giriş the hallway”Hey guys come take a look at this! Hey, someone get Nick!”My heart sunk. I was about to learn to be a woman.In the matter of seconds, the doorway filled and then they started flowinginto the room. There were at least a good dozen that I counted. Then Iheard someone say”Hey, here comes Nick!”He entered with Karen’s friend Mary at his side. I thought — was she inon it too? She took one look at me and just started smirking. Shedefinitely recognized me. It looked as though she was trying to keep fromlaughing and she looked away. I could tell she wanted badly to laugh, butshe contained herself. Oh please, let this be a bad joke that Mary endsright here!The tall skinny guy gave Nick card and explained how he discovered me.Nick opened the card and read. A smile grew across his face.”Hey guys! Listen!”and he proceeded to read it out load for everyone. At the end he announced–“Blow jobs for everyone!”My heart sank. Panic swept over me.The group of guys cheered, hooted and hollered. Nick made some commentlike”Jake is one hell of a brother, man!”Mary suggested”Hey, why don’t you wake up all the guys. Might as well get Jake hismoneys worth.”She looked at me and smiled. Oh great! There weren’t enough herealready!!!! She made a comment like”Well, I don’t need to hang around for this. Happy Birthday Nick”and pecked him on his cheek. She headed toward the door, stopped and said”Hey, why don’t you give her a real `Trick or Treat’ and pop her up theass!What is she going to do? Tell the Dean? Well, you boys enjoy your NIGHTFULL OF BLOW JOBS.”Hearing that let me know she was DEFINITELY in on it — those were theexact words Karen had used. She said good night and started to leave. Onher way out she looked back, made a blow job motion pretending she waspumping a cock into her mouth and bulging her cheek with her tongue,stopped and blew me a kiss, winked and smiled — walking away shaking herhead and chuckling. No one saw anything though. They were all gawking atme. Drooling! Eager to have the sultry slutty looking hooker dressed likeShania Twain blow them.They started to converse amongst themselves what to do and how to do it.Everyone agreed Nick should be first. He came over examined the ball in mymouth and removed just the ball leaving behind something that held my mouthwide open. I felt terror rushing over me. Oh my god — I am going to beforced to suck a guys dick. I shook my head and tried to say something.Nick pulled back and looked at me puzzled for a second. He dropped hispants and underwear and there I was — face to face with a partially erectman’s penis. He told someone to hand him the card he placed on the bureau.He produced a key from it that apparently had been taped to it. Oh pleaseLord — let him just turn me loose and let me leave. He leaned down andsaid”I’m gonna undo your hands here. If you do a good job, we might loosenmore of them.”With that he undid my hands from the chain that tied them to the barbetween my feet. My hands were still cuffed together as were my feet, butI could use my hands at least.He came toward me again. This time I put up my hands to push him away. Ashe push toward my mouth with his cock, I reach out and accidentally gentlygrabbed his cock — it was fully erect now. He didn’t hesitate. He cameright at me and started to guided it into my mouth. No! Please No!I have never sucked another mans dick before. He pushed forward andentered my open mouth. I could feel the warm head of it in my mouth. Hegroaned slightly. He pushed harder. His cock slid into my mouth furtherstill. The warmth and velvet skin as it slide over my tongue was strangely– I don’t know – pleasant. He pushed forward as his cock slid furtherdown my throat. He stopped and pulled out till the head was all thatremained in my mouth. He groaned. Back in a again.”Oooh, baby your mouth feels great.”I heard the voices of the others”Yeah!” “That’s it” “Take it all”Out again. I looked up. He stopped and reached behind my head and removedthe ring that held my mouth open.”Can’t suck too well like that can you???”Before I knew it he was in my mouth again.I didn’t know what to do. He commented that I didn’t seem to `interestedin my work’. I thought that I better do something — I better startpleasing him. I grabbed his sac and started to fondle his balls.”Ooooh!”When he pulled out I grabbed his cock and held it as the head was in mymouth. I started to lick the head with my tongue like I had learned in thedildo sucking session with Karen.”Oh baby!”He rapidly slid it in, then out again.”Oh yeah!”In and out. The pace got faster. I started to focus on the head lickingall around it and sucking. The motion of his hips combined with my suckingand they seemed to synchronize with one another. It was as though I wasbobbing up and down on his dick! I began putting a little motion into it.I WAS bobbing up and down on it!!! I was like some porn star in a skinflick!! He gently grabbed the back of my head and kept pumping into mymouth.I felt him begin to tense and heard him moan deeply. I felt his cocktwitch and I realized that he was going to cum. Panic flooded into myhead. I was going to receive a mouthful of cum if I didn’t do somethingquickly. I stopped sucking and began to try to push him from my mouth.His grip held me tightly and after a few deep thrusts he started cumming inmy mouth. In a fraction of a second, his cum filled my mouth. Warm,slippery, sticky, salty cum. He kept pumping. I couldn’t keep up with it.He kept pumping as his cock twitched again. I didn’t know what to do. Ibobbed and sucked. It started to leak from my mouth. I swallowed andswallowed hard as he pumped. Then the slurping, sucking noises from mymouth. His pace slowed. The taste of his cum filled every corner of mymouth. Salty, slightly bitter and warm. I have never tasted anything likethis. His pumping slowed as did his twitching of his cock. I gentlylicked him clean. He retreated. The guys were all going”Yeah!”, “Oh man!”, “Oooh, she is warming up!”Oh my god, I just sucked a cock!!!! AND I SWALLOWED HIS CUM!!!! I was toomortified with the whole thing. All sorts of thoughts rushed through myhead. My mouth felt kinda funny — never tasted anything like that –kinda salty and metallic almost. It didn’t taste as bad as I thought itmight, but I had enough. I wanted this to end. I wanted to wake up and forthis to be a bad dream. I looked up and they were all eager to be next. Iheard someone say”That took like five minutes. There are like fifteen of us, we betterspeed this up.”Oh my god — I thought — FIFTEEN! Someone jumped to the front and puttheir dick in my face. I looked up to see the skinny guy. I reached outwith my hands, mouth open. As he pushed forward my tongue greeted the baseof the tip of his cock as he slid into my mouth. He took like two secondsbefore he was fully erect and grabbed the back of my head and started tofuck my face. I wasn’t doing much work. He was literally fucking myface!! I applied some sucking and greeted the underside of his dick in mymouth with my tongue every time he entered. The slurping, slorking,sucking sounds again. I looked up at him and he down at me. Moments laterhe blew his load. I sucked and swallowed so hard and yet it wasn’t enoughit. It started to dribble from the corner of my mouth. I heard someonesay”This is taking to long. She won’t be able to get to all of us.”Too bad I thought.”Undo her hands so she can work on someone else cock while she sucks one”.I was on another planet. It was too much for me to handle. Being called`she’ — a prostitute no less, sucking not one cock, but now two.Swallowing their cum.Next thing my hands were undone and my gloves pulled off. I worked thenext guy with my mouth and one hand while the next in line placed my handon his cock and started to stroke it. I looked up and the audience wascaptivated and aroused. I occasionally could catch a glimpse of myself inthe mirror when the view wasn’t obstructed by the person skull fucking me.The red lips, sultry slutty looking eyes, my bosom, red painted nails. Iwas watching what looked like Shania Twain giving a blow job to one whilestroking another. I was terrorized with what was going on, but at the sametime captivated with the image.There was one strange looking k** standing there stroking his own cock.Right then the one in my mouth started to cum. Then I heard the one I wasstroking say”Oh, I’m going to cum”He stepped forward and tried to get into my mouth, but I was late removingthe first from my mouth and he blew his first two jets on my face before Ifinally got him into my mouth to receive the remainder of his cum. Mymouth and throat were totally flooded with the two men’s cum.The strange looking k** came up and blew his load on my chin and breasts.When I finished with the one in my mouth, I reached down, wiped it up witha swipe of my fingers and licked them as they watched. They seemed to loveit. I similarly cleaned the cum from my cheek and chin lapped it upwithout hesitation.”Oh baby! You love swallowing cum don’t you?”someone said.One after another, I sucked, stroked and swallowed. One guy the otherscalled `Big Hank’ – he was a big guy, a football player type. When heopened his pants and I saw that — I couldn’t believe it. It looked to beabout nine inches long and as thick as a beer bottle. I remember thinkingto myself, I CAN’T DO THAT! Initially, I had trouble just getting it in mymouth. I just sucked the head. He started pushing and I did manage to getit about half way down. He held my head and moved me to his needs fuckingmy mouth slowly then fast all the time getting deeper. I was making asound like someone plunging a toilet now. Finally when he started to cum,he just buried his cock down my throat. I could feel his jets of cumhitting the back of my throat. I almost gagged but relaxed my throat andjust tried to swallow. As I swallowed, I realized I was actually using mythroat muscles to stroke his cock! I was becoming an accomplished littleblow job artist. I looked up to see him looking down at me and felt asthough he was feeding me his cum. He pulled out as I caught my breath.The next guy had ordered me hold all his cum in my mouth, I didn’t swallow,I just sucked it and gathered it into my mouth. I had trouble keeping itall in my mouth and it dribbled from the corners of my mouth. He pulledout, told me to open my mouth and show it to him. He rubbed his dickaround my mouth smearing his cum all over and shooting one last jet in mynose. All of the guys giggled at this. He told me to swallow it and cleanhim. I did. I was a whore.This went on seemingly forever. I lost count. The thought of my releasehad left my mind. My mind was elsewhere. I was strictly concerned with`doing a good job’ in hopes of gaining my freedom and so that they wouldn’tthink that anything was up. I found myself studying what seemed to turnthem on the most. And I `practiced, practiced, practiced’.We were thankfully nearing the end when Nick came back and told everyone toleave. I don’t know what the final count must have been — maybe fifteenlike someone had said. He closed the door and gave me a towel to clean upa little. He asked me my name and I told him in as feminine a voice as Icould manage with my throat having been fucked and painted with cum. I washoping that he was going to set me free and that the hour was up.”Well, one more time Jamie and you are done”.I nodded in consent. I started slowly and gently looking at him. I waseven talking”Oh baby, Ooooo yeah”as I kissed and caressed and stroked his cock. I had been working him forseveral minutes. He was very erect now and I could feel and taste hisprecum. I had gotten pretty good at getting them to cum pretty quickly andI felt that I would be swallowing his load in several minutes when all ofthe sudden he pulled out. He helped me up from to my feet, unfastened thebar between my feet from the bed post. With that he threw me down on thebed rolling me on my stomach.”Jamie, time for a little Trick or Treat like Mary said”NO! Damn that bitch Mary. She had to say something and give them thisidea! I pleaded”No. Please.”I struggled, but I couldn’t do much with the bar in place fastening my feettogether. I struggled more. He told me to relax. He pulled up my skirtand I felt the cool air hit my exposed ass.Quickly he had his fingers in my ass working them. I have neverexperienced someone’s fingers up my ass before. After a short time, itstarted to feel good somehow. Oh my, I thought, he’s done this before. Istarted to enjoy the sensation even though it was somewhat uncomfortable,but also — it felt good too. Then he pull out his fingers and started toenter me with his cock. The reality of being about to fucked in the assset in again. Again, I said”Please. No.”as I tried to squirm away. He just said”Oh yes”as he forced himself on me. I was being ****d. I tried to get away.Where was I going to go??? I could have fought him tooth and nail, butsomehow I just wanted it all to end. I submitted to him. Then he startedto enter me — he used something to lubricate my entrance. Then he enteredme, at first I thought that I would get ripped in two. The pain wasincredible. Then the pain subsided only to be replaced with a strangesense of fullness — it started to feel good. He started very slowly.Shallow and slow. Then with each penetration he would go deeper still. Istarted enjoy each penetration. I found myself starting to work with him.Pushing back as he entered me. I began moaning, groaning and saying”Oooo! Yes! Yeah! Deeper Nick!”as he and I pushed together. I wanted him deeper in me than he was. Icouldn’t get him deep enough into me. If he rammed it straight through meso it came out of my mouth, I might have felt he was deep enough. Nomatter how hard I pushed — I could get enough of him deep enough into me.I must have looked and sounded like some sort of bitch in heat. I wasloving it. It felt exquisite. He grabbed my waist and was now banging meat a fever pitch — I could sense he wanted to cum badly. I could hear theslapping sound the skin of our bodies made as we pounded together. Ireached around with one hand trying to pull him deeper into me. No matterwhat, I couldn’t get him deep enough inside of me. It was as thought therewas a spot just beyond his penetration that I needed to get him to hit. Hepumped furiously and I pushed as hard as I could back. Oh did it feelexquisite!”Ooooo! OoooOOO!”I groaned. He gave me one of several final jabs to get as deep as he couldwhen all of the sudden he let out a cry”Aaaahh! Ooooh! YEAH!”Then I felt his cum paint my insides. Oh, I have never felt such a feelingbefore. I let out a high pitched scream”Aaaaah!”and I pumped up and down on his rod as I felt his hot jets of cum paint andfill my insides. I was in heaven. I didn’t want it to end. I pumpedfuriously knowing that it might end soon. He tried to pulled out. I heldhim as best I could and pumped and squirmed on his cock. I really did notwant him to leave me. Finally, he pushed me off of his cock forcefully. Hesaid”You trying to kill me?”and collapsed on the bed. I crawled over to him, took his cock into mymouth and gave it a tongue bath. Within minutes he started to get erectagain. So I kept slowly working it within a minute he was fully erect andstarted pumping his dick in my face. I sucked `til he came again. It tookhim a while this time. He whimpered and flinched as I sucked and lickedclean his cock swallowing everything and loving it. I gently sucked him dryuntil he went flaccid in my mouth.I just lay there for a moment with my head on his stomach when I realizedthat I was trying to get my freedom and what I had just done. I hadtotally forgotten! I had become some sort of cum guzzling little cocksucking whore! I was totally into it!! I pushed the thought from my headand just laid there with Nick and his warm seed deep inside me. I couldstill feel its warmth.After a moment he stirred and said”Well, bitch, as Jake said, you are quite the little cocksucker. Can I getyour number? Maybe you would like to do a party sometime? How much do youcharge?”He reminded me that he thought of me as some one paid to suck cock. I feltdegraded. I just asked if my hour was up and he told me yes — we actuallywent a little long with that last blow job that I gave him. He uncuffed myankles and handed me a clean towel as I cleaned up and straighten my skirt,got my gloves, jacket and things. I grabbed my purse. Gave him a peck onthe cheek and wished him Happy Birthday. As I came down the stairs, I sawmost of the men whose dicks I had sucked sitting in the living room. Therewere women there to, they were whispering to each other — probablyexplaining”She is a whore who just blew all the guys”.A roar went up from the guys, the gave me a standing ovation chanting”Shania! Shania! Shania!”I hurried through the front door and made as hasty an exit as I could,almost stumbling as I ran down the front stairs. I practically ran downthe side walk and down the street.I felt so degraded. So treated like a sexual play thing. I almost beganto cry. Man! I feel like a woman!I started to head down the street when I stopped and I realized that I hadno way home. Karen! I went back and looked for Karen’s car. Nothing! Ilooked in my purse and all I found was the makeup and note. I found alight and read”By now you have had your night full of blow jobs 😉 and you are startingto realize that you need to get home — no money, cell phone or car. GoodLuck. Perhaps you can trade a blow job for a ride? Love, Karen”I started to walk. It must have been about 4 AM now. I lived on the otherside of town at least a good twenty or so miles away. I started to wonderwhy Karen was doing this. Because we broke up? Because I didn’t want toget into sucking cock while we were together? Because she wanted me toknow what it was like to feel like a woman??? Because Mary talked her intoit??? I was getting upset and it wasn’t helping.I thought back to what I had just been through and I started to getsomewhat aroused. What is this? Maybe I am gay? No. Put that thoughtout of your head I told myself. But I kept thinking about Nick fucking myass and how it felt. Mmmmm.. Now, I could feel the seed Nick had leftbehind was starting to leak out my ass as I walked. I had to use arestroom. A short walk later, there was an all night convenience store.Thank god. My feet were killing me from walking in the heels and Nick’scum was oozing from my ass. I was becoming quite uncomfortable now. Iwent in and asked to use the restroom. The guy directed me to the back.As I walked toward the back, I saw him watch me in those mirrors that theyuse to deter shoplifting. I used the restroom, got cleaned up. It took afew minutes — Nick’s semen had become quite the mess. Now I know whatwomen feel like after sex. I felt really filthy. I started to freshen mymake up to make me feel less filthy and to take my mind off of things, moreperfume, straighten out my outfit. Surprisingly, I did feel better.I was looking in the mirror when I started thinking about what it had feltlike to suck a mans cock and to have one fuck me up the ass. I was gettingaroused again. I don’t know exactly what I found arousing. The image ofmyself in the mirror was definitely a big part of it. However, somethingabout having pleased a man as a woman was a major part of the arousal.Being a woman in both my appearance and actions, having excited the manwith those tools, the power and control that allowed me to exercise overthe man and then – pleasing a man. The fact that I made them want me sobadly that I could bring them to an orgasm. Some, like Nick, not once, nottwice, but three times! I did find this part of it a large part of thearousal. Looking in the mirror I thought to myself — I did know what itfelt like to be a woman.I went back out and asked the attendant his name. He told me his name was`Roger’.I told him my predicament of no ride and no money. He told me that hewould give me a ride when he got off at seven, but he couldn’t leave untilthen. I asked him if he could give me some money. He looked at me like`are you k**ding?’ He said”Well, maybe we can work out an exchange of money for services?”I said “Huh?”He said — “I’ll give you twenty bucks to perform a service”My mind thought back to Karen’s note and I thought to myself `I alreadyswallowed what seemed like a quart of cum. What is the harm in a littlemore?’ I told him thirty bucks. He agreed and literally ran to the door,locking it putting up a sign that said”Back in five minutes”I saw a clock — it was now about 4:30 AM. I had to get going it would begetting light soon.As we walked to the backroom, I said to him –“Five minutes huh?”He just smiled. I walked ahead of him and felt his eyes on me — I swungmy hips and paid particular attention to my walk trying to make it asfeminine as I could. When we got to the backroom, he closed the doorbehind us. I took off my jacket and hat setting them aside. I slowlyremoved the gloves as though I was doing a strip tease or something. Ijust looked at him. I approached him slowly and rubbed his crotch andlooked into his eyes. He certainly was ready. I dropped to my knees infront of him as though I was worshipping him. As I looked down I saw thelace tops of my stockings. I was getting off on this. I looked up at him,as I undid his belt and zipper and slyly smiled. I asked him if he likedhow I looked. He told me he”God, yes!”.His breathing was labored and short. I could see the effect I was havingon him. I talked to him as I reached into his pants.”Do you like my nails?”I asked as I began to rub his cock through his underwear. He was veryaroused now.”Do you like my lipstick? How about my perfume?”as I started breath on his shaft through his shorts. He just nodded yes toeverything — he was totally entranced. He was just totally ready to fuckme. He was totally erect now — rock hard.This is what kind of power women have over men?? I liked the feel ofpower and control.I gently pulled down his shorts exposing his fully erect cock. I greeted itand began to kiss and lick the side of his shaft. I took it into my mouthand ever so slowly and gently started to suck it. I felt it respond to thetouch of my mouth. I removed it and slowly stroked his cock up and downwith my hand as I looked up at him with a lusty look saying”Mmmm. Yum.”With that I took the head of his dick into my mouth gently sucking andworking it with my tongue, looking up at him the entire time. I groaned amuffled”Mmmmm”I twisted and rotated my head as I licked and sucked the head. Then Islowly bobbed up and down, first sliding my tongue down this side, thennext on the other, slow then fast and back to slow again. I pause when Ideep throated him and twisted my head from one side to the other as Islowly pulled back sucking gently. I stopped with the head again andworked it as he moaned”Oh my. Mmmm. Yeah.”I removed him from my mouth, looking up at him as I lick the underside ofthe head.”Oh yes”I said as I stroked him and took him back into my mouth.I worked him deep throating, bobbing, stroking, slurping, working the headlike a tootsie pop — all the tools I had practiced earlier. When I sensedhe was ready to blow. I pull youwin güvenilir mi back and just massaged his sac. I wasteasing him!? I went back to work after a minute of teasing. It didn’ttake long until he erupted. All night long I had quite a diversity ofcocks explode in my mouth. But his, he just kept cumming and cumming. Iam sure that it wasn’t, but it seemed like it must have been thirty or soblasts before he stopped. My, did he unloaded a lot of cum! It tasteddifferent then the others — it went down smoother — sweeter I guess. Iwas enjoying it! No, that can’t be. Just get that thought out of yourhead I told myself. I just kept sucking him until he forced me off of him.Well, when I got up from my knees he thanked me. He said”That was the best blow job I have ever gotten. Thirty bucks was abargain!”With that he handed me the thirty bucks. I felt — I don’t know — pleasedinside — I was happy that a man felt my blow job was worth thirty bucks!!Ah, money. With this I could get a soda to drink, cigarettes and a taxiride home. After I got dressed, I purchased some smokes and a soda. Rogereven called me a taxi. I went outside while I waited for the cab and had afew smokes. While I paced back and forth, Roger talked to me. He couldn’tkeep his eyes off of me. He was talking small talk. Where I was from, wasI a student, could we get together again, etc.. He really wanted to fuckme and I was loving it.I practiced my `walk’ and stance to be as much of a woman as I could. As Ipaced, I thought about having some fun. I dropped my matches and bent downto pick them up. I made sure my ass was aimed right at his face, kept mylegs together bent my knees a little and picked up the matches. As alooked back over my shoulder — there he was staring — he didn’t even tryto pretend he wasn’t looking. I reached behind me to pull my skirt backdown as I stood back up. Yes! It had hiked way up when I bent over — waypast the tops of my stockings. This made me happy. I turned looked at himand said”See anything you like???”He just smiled and blushed a little like he had been caught in the act.Roger tried to get a phone number and asked if would like to go out sometime. He gave me his number and soon the taxi came. It was now about 5:15AM and would be light soon.As I climbed into the back of the cab, I saw the driver eyeing my legs asmy skirt lifted. As I closed the door to the cab, I looked back to Rogerand, decided to have some more fun — I blew him a kiss and waved goodbyeholding up the piece of paper with his number.The taxi meter seemed to go up much quicker than I remembered from my lasttaxi ride. The driver kept looking back in the mirror at me. He startedsome small talk. What I was doing dressed so hot, What a very pretty girllike me was doing alone, why out so late, why I wasn’t with a guy, etc. Idecided to have some fun with him too. I was enjoying things very muchnow.I turned on the light in the back of the cab. I then took off my glovesand went to my purse and retrieved my compact and lip stain. I didn’t needa touch up, but I thought I would give him a show. I looked in my makeupmirror pretending that I didn’t notice him starring at me. I then took myfingers and examined my lips. I pretended to have some trouble steadyingmy hand to apply my lip stain so I slid my knee up so my skirt hiked upexposing my lace top stockings. He was getting quite the show now. Icould see him craning his neck to see in the rear view mirror. Asseductively as I could manage, I applied the stain to my lips — pursing mylips, rubbing my lips together, etc. His mind wasn’t on his driving now.I noticed he had some trouble staying in the lane of the road more thanonce. I finished and slid back into the seat when I looked straight at himin the mirror and said –“Did you enjoy the show?”He looked at me a replied”Yes, very much.”With that I took my index finger, inserted it into my mouth, licking itwith my tongue, closed my lips around it and slowly, seductively drew itout sucking it. With that I slide back into the back seat, shut off thelight and straightened my skirt. I felt so powerful right then and there.I also was very aroused too.By the time we got to Karen’s apartment, the meter already read $20 and Iwasn’t even home yet. I only had about $24 after the soda and cigarettes.I hurried in and got to her apartment door — it was locked. There was abag just outside the door with a note on it labeled `Jamie’. I opened thenote and read.”Dear Shania, Only a little further now. Having fun yet??? –Love, Karen”In the bag I found my keys, but no wallet or money. I rifled through thebag a little, it was full of all of the things that I had purchased forKaren over the years — nightgowns, lingerie, clothes, etc… Nothing elsethough. No wallet, cell phone, not even my clothes — nothing. I lookedin the parking lot and my car wasn’t there! Damn! Back to the taxi.Now the meter was up to, $24 dollars already. That was about all I had.Okay, I could give him some money that I had at home. A little whilelater, he finally got me home — we were at $35 now. I went in a threw offthe jacket and hat. I ripped the place apart — nothing. I could havesworn I had some bills there. I always threw whatever I had in my pocketsin a tray on my dresser. I search franticly in the house.Nothing.I walked back to the curb where the taxi sat waiting. I noticed my car inthe parking lot. I went to the car and looked everywhere — nothing.Karen must have used my keys and taken the money from my apartment, car,etc. I went back to the cab. Now the meter was reading $39. I explainedto the driver and asked if I could give him a check? He pointed to a signthat read `NO CHECKS, NO …’ He paused for a moment and said that”Perhaps you could pay me some other way. What else do you do other than ashow?”and smirked at me. Not Again!? Is this night ever going to end? I wantedso badly to get in and go to bed. At this point, I thought, what is onemore blow job? I was getting used to it and deciding to blow him was adecision that came very easy now. I didn’t hesitate or think twice aboutit.I told him”Let me in and maybe something will cum up.”He opened the front door for me eagerly and I climbed into the front seat.He immediately unzipped his pants. I reached into his open fly andmassaged his swollen member. I pulled out his cock and started to strokeit. He started groping my breasts and tried to kiss me. Later I wouldrecall thinking to myself that it was strange, I really didn’t want to kisshim, but I didn’t think anything about blowing him and swallowing his cum.He pushed my head down in his lap as I took his dick into my mouth. Hishands were everywhere. He went from my breasts, to my waist, to my ass, tomy legs – he started to reach up the inside of my thighs and heading towardmy `little secret’. I pushed his hands away and started to really give iteverything that I had to take his mind off of exploring anything other thanmy mouth. I lollipopped his head. I deep throated. I slurped and suckedhis shaft. He kept groping me. I worked for what seemed an eternity andstruggled to keep his hands from my `secret’. Pushing his hands away withmine. I needed to end this. I started to bob up and down on his cockfuriously making all of the slurping, sucking noises I could make. I haddiscovered that most men seemed to really enjoy this. He started to groanand his hands seem to slow down their exploration. I deep throated him andslowly twisted my head from side to side. A short while later, he blew hisload.And blow did he ever. I had the head of his dick in my mouth when I feltthe shaft jerk and spasm as he started to cum. With one jet, he filled mymouth! My mouth didn’t accommodate all of his first jet, as I felt some goshooting past my lips. I needed to swallow harder. I reacted as quickly asI could, but it wasn’t fast enough. I felt it splash inside my mouth withsuch force that some hit the back of my throat! More leaked free past mylips. I kept bobbing and swallowing. Again! And again! He came strongonly a handful of times, but it was a lot of cum very quickly and Icouldn’t keep it all in. Then he started to subside — I sucked him dryand polished him clean. A heard noise. As I picked up my head from hislap, I noticed there were flashing lights inside the cab. I turned tolook.Oh no! It was the police! And there was an officer approaching the cab.I quickly turned around. He started to zip his fly while I sat up turningback forward in a panic. My first thought was to run. Run?! Where to???How?? The officer came up to the car while the cab driver was still tryingto get his pants buttoned and belt buckled.”What is going on here?””Nothing!” the driver replied in a hastened nervous tone.”This woman and I here were just talking Officer””Where do you live miss?” the officer asked.”Right here”I replied as I pointed to the apartment house. I had trouble talkingclearly with my throat freshly painted with the drivers huge load of cum.I still felt the slippery slimey cum in my mouth and on my lips as I spoke.I was almost blowing bubbles with his cum.He asked me for identification which I didn’t know where mine was still. Iexplained to the officer that my ID was in my apartment somewhere, but Ihad misplaced earlier in the evening and hadn’t yet had time to find it.”Get out of the car please — both of you”As I opened the door to get out — I noticed my skirt was way up now pastthe lace top of my stockings. Jeeze! How much worse was this going tolook??? He asked the driver for some ID. Oh my god! When was this nightgoing to end? I am going to jail, I thought.Now there were lights coming on in my apartment house and it was light outnow. People looking out and blinds and curtains moving. There I wasstanding on the curb, for the whole world to see in broad daylight. Asecond later, Mrs. Atwell the landlord from downstairs appeared in theapartment house doorway dressed in her robe. Oh god no! She approachedthe officer and asked what was going on. The officer asked Mrs. Atwell ifI lived here as I had told him. She looked at me and studied me for asecond. I realized she didn’t recognize me as was about to tell theofficer that she didn’t know me. I had to do something or I was probablygoing to jail when I just blurted out”Hi Mrs. A”in my ordinary voice. She paused for a second, looked me up and down andwhen all of a sudden a smile came across her face. She laughed and said”James!? Oh my god! I did not recognize you.”She chuckled out loud.”I thought you were woman? Yes officer, he lives here, upstairs, one of mybetter tenants, rent always on time,…”The officer cut her off and replied”He?”She said”Yes — you know Halloween last night and all”.The cab driver looked as though his eyes were going to jump out of hissockets. He handed the driver back his ID and said something to him. Thedriver looked back at me as he opened the door to his cab, shook his head,giving me a dirt look, rapidly got in his cab and left. The officer toldMrs. Atwell to go back inside. She headed back to the apartment building.The officer approached me as I stood on the curb arms folded in my bestwomanly pose. I don’t know why I was doing this — he knew I was a `he’now. He said that he suspected something else was going on when he came upon us in the cab. He took out his notepad and took my name and address.He told me that I could go, but warned me the next time that I would end upin jail for at least lewd public behavior and perhaps even worse. He askedme if I understood. I tried to make like it wasn’t what it seemed. Hestopped me and again warned me that next time I would go to jail and askedme again if I understood. I nodded and said I understood. He told me Iwas free to go.As I started to turn to go, the officer nodded to me, pointed to the cornerof his mouth and said”You have something here on your lips”He walked away shaking his head. As I headed back to the apartment — Ireached to my mouth and — Oh God! — there was the drivers cum around mymouth and lips. Busted! I felt so humiliated — well — like some cumswallowing slut of a prostitute just caught in the act OR maybe a gay guyout dressed as a woman out to fool men so I could suck their cocks. Ithought for a minute, that is exactly what I had become that night. As Iwalked up the walk, I thought and breathed a sigh of relief — I was home– thank god — just a minute more and I will be safely inside. I wipedthe drivers cum from my face and licked my lips. What if that officer hadarrived thirty seconds sooner? The vision of me bobbing up and down on thedrivers cock with the officer looking on flashed through my head. Oh mygod! I thanked my lucky stars and walked up the stairs to the apartmentbuilding.I went in with Mrs. A and she just couldn’t get over how good I looked -going on and on and making a fuss. I acknowledged her as quickly as Icould and made my excuses and left. When I looked as I headed up thestairs in my apartment building almost everyone was looking now. I quicklyscurried upstairs to my apartment embarrassed now.When I got inside my apartment, I opened the bag I retrieve at Karen’sapartment again. Inside I found not only all sorts of lingerie that I hadpurchase for Karen over the years together, but sex toys, wigs, perfume,jewelery, everything. Tucked away at the bottom inside the panties I hadpurchased earlier the prior afternoon was another note.”Jamie,I always secretly wanted you to know what it feels like to be a woman.Now, if everything went well, you do. You should have a taste (ha ha) ofit.Perhaps we can do this again some time.Love,KarenP.S. Do you like to suck cock now??? How about swallowing??? “This whole thing was a set up from top to bottom.Man! I feel like a woman!I looked in the mirror in my bedroom and looked at Shania. I put on one ofthe sexy night gowns she had put in the bag. I let down the hair that hadbeen in a bun all night. I stood and admired myself in the mirror. Ilooked even hotter than before. I adjusted my pose so I could see the lacefrom the stockings peeking out the slit up the side of the night gown.When I went to bed and I found my money, wallet, cell phone under thepillow on my bed. I masturbated wildly thinking of the events of thenight. I thought to Nick and the sensation of him fucking me up the assand I came very hard. I caught all my cum in my hand and feed it tomyself. Karen had gotten her wish. I fell a sleep.When I awoke later, again I wanted badly to masturbate. This time I usedthe strap on dildo. I secured it to a chair and lubricated it with some KYjelly. I slowly lowered myself onto it. Oh the feeling was bringing backmemories. I slid up and down on it as I looked at my image in a mirror andmasturbated. It didn’t take long before I came. Again, I gobbled up mycum. I could get enough of it. I fell asleep again. I hadn’t slept thatdeeply in a long time.Several weeks later I got a package in the mail. It was from Karen. Inthere right on top were some still shots she must have printed from hervideo camera — me getting dressed at her apartment, me leaving herapartment dressed, me getting my nails done, me window shopping downtown,me trying on wedding dresses — standing there veil, long train with asmile from ear to ear, me dressed like Shania Twain, me talking to guys atthe bar, oh god no — me in the fraternity house bound and gagged, mesucking men’s cocks, one – me with my mouth open, full of semen, lookingup, smearing a cock on my lips covered with semen, me getting a dick buriedup my ass, me apparently through a window on my knees blowing the all nightmarket clerk, me blowing the taxi cab driver. Oh my god. She had plannedthe whole thing and chose spots to video everything from. This was worsethan I ever would have imagined it could be.Yet, it got worse.I found a note, the minidress from Victoria’s Secrets and a DVD. I washesitant to play it but did. As it started I read the note. The note wasexplaining the setup. I looked up as the DVD started — It had titles.`Jamie Becomes a Woman’ It started out showing me getting dressed as awoman that afternoon at Karen’s. Karen had cleverly shot and edited it sothat there was no shot of her at all. None! No trace! It looked like Iwas a crossdresser getting dressed for a night out. She edited outanything that made it look like I didn’t know what I was doing — it reallylooked like I was very practiced at it. I could not believe it. There Iwas getting my nails done. Window shopping alone downtown. Oh god, tryingon wedding dresses and posing — checking out myself in the mirror — I didlook like one of those simply gorgeous brides. The image of me as a bridebrought back wonderful feelings. I was getting aroused watching this.Shopping in the mall, trying on the minidress at Victoria’s Secrets,standing in the line, looking at and buying some panties and hose. Thenback to the apartment. Me standing there in my bra and panties putting onthe stockings. Me admiring myself in the mirror. Me getting dressed asShania Twain, me walking around the apartment like that having a cigaretteand a drink. Watching the video, practicing and mouthing the words. Mewalking across the apartment parking lot heading to the car. Me at the ATMwith the guys hitting on me. Me walking down the street. Talking to guys.Me having drinks with those guys in the booth — just me, not Karen. Allthe night she would sneak shots of me without any glimpse of her to make itlook like I was some crossdressing gay guy. I was apparently so divertedwith the excitement of me dressing like a woman — I simply hadn’t noticedher videoing all this. Next, me signing `Man! I feel like a woman!’Gulp. NO! Me in the fraternity house — video — edited down. You couldtell I sucked a lot of cock that night and swallowed a lot of cum. Sheexpertly edited it so all you saw were the scenes where I didn’t look likesome sort of novice. I looked like I had done this forever and enjoyed itthoroughly. I was really getting turned on watching myself blowing guysright and left. I had a raging erection now. Then me with Nick. Metalking to him as I started to blow him — `Oh baby. Oooh Yeah.’ Nickfucking me up the ass. Oh my god. I was groaning and moaning like somebitch in heat –“Oooo! Yes! Yeah! Deeper Nick!”Watching it, it really looked as though I was a woman that needed a goodfucking, getting fucked up the ass and loving every inch of Nick as heburied himself in me to the hilt. The look of me, the lace from thestockings, my face, my earrings swinging back and forth wildly as hepounded himself into me, me clutching the bedding as he pounded away. Megrabbing Nick and pulling him into me as he came. Nick screaming. Mesquealing with pleasure and squirming on his cock not letting him leave me.Me cleaning Nick and blowing him yet again! I was so into it! I couldn’tbelieve my eyes! Me walking into the convenience store. Me blowing theclerk and looking like I was loving it, looking up at him and talking tohim. I looked like I was an expert cock sucker now. My bobbing up anddown, slow then fast, pausing as I deep throated him, twisting and turningmy head from side to side. Me milking him dry as he exploded in my mouth.Him pushing me off of him — it looked as though I didn’t want his cock toleave my mouth. The clerk handing me money, oh no. Then the cab driverscene complete with the police arriving, bodies flying apart in the frontseat. The final scene was me walking up the walk to my apartment hipsswaying.Next, came a `music video’ me dressing as Shania Twain, signing and suckingand getting fucked all to the music of”Man! I feel like a woman!”.It was like some X-rated video. Me bobbing up and down on cocks to thetempo of the song. Nick pounding me up the ass in time to the music. Itended with the shots of the guys blowing their loads on my face and chest– then — it end with a slow motion shot of me with my mouth open full ofcum, smearing the cock around my mouth looking up at the guy. I was somekind of cum guzzling whore — but a guy dressed like a woman too.Then Karen appeared.She explained that all of this was a long thought out plan. She reallywanted to make me feel like a woman and that Mary helped her. I could keepall of the things she had packed in the bag and wear them `til my heart wascontent. She said that I certainly seemed to enjoy wearing them more thanshe did. Perhaps I would like to wear them on a date with Nick or theconvenience store clerk. She chuckled.She also told me that she thought that I made an amazingly hot lookingwoman. She commented that she was even surprised herself. She also wenton to say all she had intended to do was to get a little revenge. She hadno idea that I was such a good little cocksucking slut. She never dreamedin a million years that I would respond like I did. She was amazed that Igot into it so well — especially when Nick fucked me up the ass. She saidthat she would never forget this — especially, since she had all of thefootage to remind her when she wanted. She speculated that perhaps I haddone it before. However, she thought that I would make a lovely bride someday. And maybe my mother would think the same when she watches the DVD shesent her.My heart sank. Oh my god. Please tell me you are joking. It still wasn’tover!Yes, she said mom will love to plan that wedding. She asked me to promiseher that she would be invited. She said she would even love to help mepick out the gown — not white of course — she laughed out loud. Maybeshe could be the Maid of Honor. She went on to say I did seem to enjoyNick a great deal maybe there was something more there than just sex. Marywas in the background making moaning, groaning noises and saying”Oooo! Yes! Yeah! Deeper! Oooo Oooooh Nick!”,finally squeeling in a high pitched voice like I had done”Aaaaah!”and laughing hysterically. She said that since I did such a good job and Iseemed to like that dress at Victoria’s Secret — she bought it for me andsaid that it really did show off my legs. In the package was also my halfof the prize from the Halloween contest.Then her and Mary got up, started to dance and sang `Man! I feel like awoman!’ They both fell on the couch holding their sides, rolling aroundand laughing hysterically. I felt so used.Then at the end there were credits! And in very small print. A web site.No!! Please no!Needless to say. Yes, there was a website — It was titled — `Jamie, BeCums a Woman’. High res stills, streaming video, sound clips, captions -the whole nine yards — it was all there for the whole world to see. Thetheme was I was some sort of cock sucking crossdresser looking to see howmany dicks I could suck in one night. There at the bottom of the first page– a site hit counter. OH MY GOD! 23,456! No 23457, 23458… It justkept going up as I looked on. I felt so violated. I cringed with eachincrement of the counter. My heart sank. I felt humiliated and violated.Since then, thankfully, the web site has been taken down, but there is notelling who could have seen it, downloaded it, republished it on anotherweb site or whatever. The last time I looked before it was taken down –the counter was over 40000. Those pictures, videos, etc could be anywherein the world! The person sitting next to me in anyone of my classes couldbe going home and masturbate looking at the images of me that he downloadedwishing he was the one blowing his load in my mouth or up my ass. I trulyfelt degraded, but at the same time excited.Since that fateful night, Jamie has gone out with Roger. However, that isanother story. ;-)Man! I feel like a woman!The end.

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